Factor analysis

Factor analysis is used to reduce the number of variables that are used to describe data and determine the relationships between them. During the analysis, variables that correlate with each other are combined into one factor. As a result, the dispersion between components is redistributed, and the structure of factors becomes more understandable. After combining the variables, the correlation of components within each factor becomes higher than their correlation with components from other factors. It is assumed that known variables depend on a smaller number of unknown variables and that we have a random error that can be expressed as follows:

Here,  is the load and  is the factor.

The concept of factor load is essential. It is used to describe the role of the factor (variable) when we wish to form a specific vector from a new basis. The essence of factor analysis is the procedure of rotating factors, that is, redistributing the dispersion according to a specific method. The purpose of rotations is to define a simple structure of factor loadings. Rotation can be orthogonal and oblique. In the first form of rotation, each successive factor is determined to maximize the variability that remains from the previous factors. Therefore, the factors are independent and uncorrelated with each other. The second type is a transformation in which factors correlate with each other. There are about 13 methods of rotation that are used in both forms. The factors that have a similar effect on the elements of the new basis are combined into one group. Then, from each group, it is recommended to leave one representative. Some algorithms, instead of choosing a representative, calculate a new factor with some heuristics that becomes central to the group.

Dimensionality reduction occurs while transitioning to a system of factors that are representatives of groups, and the other factors are discarded. There are several commonly used criteria for determining the number of factors. Some of these criteria can be used together to complement each other. An example of a criterion that's used to determine the number of factors is the Kaiser criterion or the eigenvalue criterion: only factors with eigenvalues equal to or greater than one are selected. This means that if a factor does not select a variance equivalent to at least one variance of one variable, then it is omitted. The general factor analysis algorithm follows these steps:

  1. Calculates the correlation matrix.
  2. Selects the number of factors for inclusion, for example, with the Kaiser criterion.
  3. Extracts the initial set of factors. There are several different extraction methods, including maximum likelihood, principal component analysis, and principal axis extraction.
  4. Rotates the factors to a final solution that is equal to the one that was obtained in the initial extraction but that has the most straightforward interpretation.
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