Bias-variance trade-off

Before we talk about the bias-variance trade-off, it only makes sense that we would first make sure you are familiar with the individual terms themselves.

When we talk about bias-variance trade-off, bias refers to an error from incorrect assumptions in the learning algorithm. High bias causes what is known as under-fitting, a phenomenon which causes the algorithm to miss relevant feature-output layer relationships in the data.

Variance, on the other hand, is a sensitivity error to small fluctuations in the training set. High variance can cause your algorithm to model random noise rather than the actual intended outputs, a phenomenon known as over-fitting.

There is a trade-off between bias and variance that every machine learning developer needs to understand. It has a direct correlation to under and over fitting of your data. We say that a learning algorithm has a high variance for an input if it predicts a different output result when used on a different training set, and that of course is not good.

A machine learning algorithm with low bias must be flexible enough so that it can fit the data well. If the algorithm is designed too flexible, each training and test dataset will fit differently, resulting in high variance.

Your algorithm must be flexible enough to adjust this trade-off either by inherent algorithmic knowledge or a parameter which can be user adjusted.

The following figure shows a simple model with high bias (to the left), and a more complex model with high variance (to the right).

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