Breaking a monolithic service into pieces

Let's look an example of an e-commerce monolith server that provides the following features:

  • User registration
  • Product catalog
  • Shopping cart
  • Payment integration
  • E-mail notifications
  • Statistics collecting

Old-fashioned servers developed years ago would include all of these features together. Even if you split it into separate application modules, they would still work on the same server. You can see an example structure of a monolithic service here:

In reality, the real server contains more modules than this, but we have separated them into logical groups based on the tasks they perform. This is a good starting point to breaking your monolith into multiple, loosely coupled microservices. In this example, we can break it further into the pieces represented in the following diagram:

As you can see, we use a balancer to route requests to microservices. You can actually connect to microservices directly from the frontend application.

Shown in the preceding diagram is the potential communication that occurs between services. For simple cases, you can use direct connections. If the interaction is more complex, you can use message queues. However, you should avoid using a shared state such as a central database and interacting through records, because this can cause a bottleneck for the whole application. We will discuss how to scale microservices in Chapter 12Scalable Microservices Architecture. For now, we will explore REST API, which will be partially implemented in a few examples throughout this book. We will also discuss why Rust is a great choice for implementing microservices.

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