
We need basic types from the actix crate and import some types from the syslog crate:

use actix::{Actor, Context, Handler, Message};
use syslog::{Facility, Formatter3164, Logger, LoggerBackend};

We don't need to study the syslog crate in detail, but let's discuss basic some types.

You can also use use actix::prelude::*; to import all most-used types from the actix crate.

Logger is a main struct that allows writing methods to add records to syslog. It includes logging the methods order by level from highest to lowest: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug. The LoggerBackend enum specifies the type of a connection to a logger. It can be a socket or UNIX socket. The Facility enum specifies the type of application which writes logs. Formatter3164 specifies the format of logging.

There are two Syslog protocols described in two RFCs: 3164 and 5424. That's why formatters have such strange names.

Now we can implement the logging actor.

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