
Other methods allow users to sign in to a microservice with the provided credentials. Look at the following signin function that processes requests that are sent to the /signin path:

fn signin((req, params): (HttpRequest<State>, Form<UserForm>))
-> FutureResponse<HttpResponse>
let fut = post_request("", params.into_inner())
.map(move |id: UserId| {
.header(header::LOCATION, "/comments.html")

The function has two parameters: HttpRequest and Form. The first we need to get access to a shared State object. The second we need to extract the UserForm struct from the request body. We can also use the post_request function here, but expect it to return a UserId value in its response. The UserId struct is declared as follows:

pub struct UserId {
id: String,

Since HttpRequest implements the RequestIdentity trait and we plugged in  IdentityService to App, we can call the remember method with a user's ID to associate the current session with a user.

After this, we create a response with the 302 status code, as we did in the previous handler, and redirect users to  the /comments.html page. But we have to build an HttpResponse instance from HttpRequest to keep the changes of the remember function call.

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