Minimal dependencies burden

Rust programs are compiled into a single binary without unwanted dependencies. It needs libc or another dynamic library if you want to use OpenSSL or similar irreplaceable dependencies, but all Rust crates are compiled statically into your code.

You may think that the compiled binaries are quite large to be used as microservices. The word microservice, however, refers to the narrow logic scope, rather than the size. Even so, statically linked programs remain tiny for modern computers.

What benefits does this give you? You will avoid having to worry about dependencies. Each Rust microservice uses its own set of dependencies compiled into a single binary. You can even keep microservices with obsolete features and dependencies besides new microservices. In addition, Rust, in contrast with the Go programming language, has strict rules for dependencies. This means that the project resists breaking, even if someone forces an update of the repository with the dependency you need.

How does Rust compare to Java? Java has microframeworks for building microservices, but you have to carry all dependencies with them. You can put these in a fat Java ARchive (JAR), which is a kind of compiled code distribution in Java, but you still need Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Don't forget, too, that Java will load every dependency with a class loader. Also, Java bytecode is interpreted and it takes quite a while for the Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation to finish to accelerate the code. With Rust, bootstrapping dependencies don't take a long time because they are attached to the code during compilation and your code will work with the highest speed from the start since it was already compiled into native code.

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