Building with CI

If you enter into the first building task that appears, you will see the building is in progress:

As you can see, the first step is finished successfully and the cargo build command is in progress. When it is complete, the status of this building task will be changed to success. It works!

Also, projects by default create a trigger to run the build process when you push new changes to the repository:

I pushed one extra commit to a repository and the building process started. As you can see in the preceding screenshot, an estimated time for building has appeared. According to the previous build, it's estimated at 15 minutes, but actually it takes only 40 seconds, because agents keep a building cache.

As an experiment, you can add more steps that test and check the code with clippy, and also add steps to upload the binary to servers.

You can also configure Jenkins to work in a similar way, but it takes a little more time to configure.

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