Capacity and size

As well as the type that is traveling through the channel, there is another property that the channel has: its capacity. This represents the number of items a channel can hold before any new attempt to send an item is made, resulting in a blocking operation. The capacity of the channel is decided at its creation and its default value is 0:

// channel with implicit zero capacity
var a = make(chan int)

// channel with explicit zero capacity
var a = make(chan int, 0)

// channel with explicit capacity
var a = make(chan int, 10)

The capacity of the channel cannot be changed after its creation and can be read at any time using the built-in cap function:

func main() {
var (
a = make(chan int, 0)
b = make(chan int, 5)

fmt.Println("a is", cap(a))
fmt.Println("b is", cap(b))

The full example is available at

The len function, when used on a channel, tells us the number of elements that are held by the channel:

func main() {
var (
a = make(chan int, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
a <- i
fmt.Println("a is", len(a), "/", cap(a))

The full example is available at

From the previous example, we can see how the channel capacity remains as 5 and the length grows with each element.

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