
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (negation) operator, Comparison and logical operators
!= (inequality) operator, Comparison and logical operators
# (hash mark)
for CSS id, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does
for id selector, ID-entifying elements
$ (dollar sign)
and array names, Expand your storage options with arrays
for jQuery function shortcut, How does that work?, jQuery in translation, Your jQuery Toolbox
for PHP variables, A few PHP rules...
for variable storing elements, There’s that dollar sign again...
$(this) selector, Give me $(this) one, Your jQuery Toolbox, To remove all events
$.contains() method, Jump for Joy needs even more help
$_GET[ ] associative array, What to do with the data
$_POST object, Handle POST data on the server
$_POST variable, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
$_POST[ ] associative array, What to do with the data
&& (and) operator, Comparison and logical operators
( ) (parentheses), for click method, A click event up close
*= operator, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
+ (plus), for concatenation, Mix things up with concatenation
+= operator, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
-= operator, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
. (dot) operator (see also. (period))
. (period)
to separate selector from method, Set up your HTML and CSS files
to start CSS class, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Classing up your elements
/= operator, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
; (semicolon)
to end jQuery statement, jQuery in translation, Set up your HTML and CSS files
to end PHP line, What time is it?, A few PHP rules...
<= (less than or equal to) operator, Comparison and logical operators
<?php and ?> tags, Connect to a database with PHP, A few PHP rules..., Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
= (equals sign), for setting variable value, Creating some storage space, Function expression, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
== (equality operator), Use conditional logic to make decisions, Comparison and logical operators
and if statement, Decision making time...again!
=== (exact equality operator), Comparison and logical operators
=> operator, in PHP, A few (more) PHP rules...
> (greater than) operator, Comparison and logical operators
>= (greater than or equal to) operator, Comparison and logical operators
[ ] (square brackets)
for array, Set up the page
for array item index, Accessing arrays
in PHP function, What time is it?
{ } (curly braces)
for code block, Set up your HTML and CSS files, A click event up close
for function block, The nuts and bolts of a function
for loops, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
|| (or) operator, Comparison and logical operators
“ ” (quotation marks)
for selectors, jQuery selectors at your service
for text or HTML value, Mix things up with concatenation


a element. (see anchor element (HTML))
absolute movement of elements, Absolute vs. relative element movement
absolute positioning of elements, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
Accordion widget, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
of forms, Collect data from a web page
repeating, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
active state, for anchor element, Your first jQuery gig
addClass() method, Add a hover event, Add a hover event, That’s it...right?
addition operator (+=), Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
advanced easing, #7. jQuery UI effects
after() method, Insert HTML content into the DOM
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), jQuery and Ajax: Please Pass the Data, Getting dynamic, Your jQuery/Ajax Toolbox, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
components, Understanding Ajax
for loading information, Turning off scheduled events on your page
time for using, XML doesn’t DO anything
ajax() method (jQuery), Getting dynamic, GETting data with the ajax method
getXMLRacers function call, Parsing XML data
parameters, GETting data with the ajax method
testing, GETting data with the ajax method
timeout setting in, Self-referencing functions
alert function, A click event up close, Add the click method to your page, ID-entifying elements
for checking discount variable, Mix things up with concatenation
for click event, Behind the scenes of an event listener
Amazon CloudFront, #2. jQuery CDNs
anchor element (HTML)
nested image, Your first jQuery gig
states, Your first jQuery gig
and (&&) operator, Comparison and logical operators
animate element, position property and, A little more structure and style
animate() method, Make the interface click, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations, Your jQuery Toolbox
adding to script, Add the animate functions to your script
do-it-yourself effects with, DIY effects with animate
limitations, What can and can’t be animated
style changes over time, animate changes style over time
syntax, Text effects
with relative movement, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
color, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations, #7. jQuery UI effects
method chains for combining, Combine effects with method chains
of elements, How does jQuery animate elements?
option for turning off, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
plug-ins for, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
queues for, #5. Advanced animation: queues
anonymous functions, The nuts and bolts of a function, The anonymous function
Apache web server, Create a PHP development environment
installing on Windows, Start with the web server
APIs (application programming interfaces), jQuery and APIs: Objects, Objects Everywhere, Where’s Waldo Sasquatch?, Your jQuery API Toolbox
Google Maps., Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
(see also Google Maps)
sample code, The Google Maps API
object use by, APIs use objects
append() method, Insert your message with append, Your jQuery Toolbox, Looking for the needle in a haystack
appendTo() method, Looking for the needle in a haystack
Apple’s Safari, Triggering events
layout engine, Make the interface click
apps, building without Flash, DoodleStuff needs a web app
arguments, Passing a variable to a function, Jump for Joy needs even more help
arithmetic operators, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
arrays, Going through the motions elements, Expand your storage options with arrays, A meaty array, Your jQuery Toolbox, Objects offer even smarter storage, Your jQuery/JavaScript Toolbox
accessing, Accessing arrays
adding and updating items, Add and update items in arrays
blackjack data in, Set up the page
creating, Format the output using PHP
each() method for loop through, The each method loops through arrays
finding elements in, That’s it...right?
JavaScript for emptying, Clearing things up with jQuery...
PHP rules for, A few (more) PHP rules...
setting length to zero, Clearing things up with jQuery...
storing elements in, There’s that dollar sign again..., Store elements in an array
variable existence in, Looking for the needle in a haystack
writing contents of, A few (more) PHP rules...
array_push() function (PHP), Format the output using PHP
ASC keyword (SQL), Use select to read data from a database
assignment operator, = (equals sign) as, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
associative arrays, What to do with the data, A few (more) PHP rules...
combining into single array, Format the output using PHP
converting to JSON-encoded string, Access data in the JSON object
asynchronous browsers, XML doesn’t DO anything
Autocomplete widget, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI, One last little thing...


background color, changing, jQuery in translation
background-color property (CSS), Build the refreshSwatch function
before() method, Insert HTML content into the DOM
.bind() method, Going through the motions elements
binding events to element, Binding an event, Triggering events
Bit to Byte Race project
getXMLRacers function, Parsing XML data
repeated calls, Self-referencing functions
testing, Parsing XML data
initial appearance, Looking at last year’s page
requirements, Bring the Bit to Byte race into this century, Webville MegaCorp’s Marketing Department doesn’t know XML
startAJAXcalls() function, Self-referencing functions
testing, GETting data with the ajax method, Access data in the JSON object
blackjack application, Spicing up the Head First Lounge
adding excitement, Add some extra excitement
array for card deck, Add and update items in arrays
arrays for organizing data, Set up the page
code, Looking for the needle in a haystack
end() function, Add some extra excitement
function for event listeners, Comparison and logical operators
hand object, Looking for the needle in a haystack
HTML and CSS code, Looking for the needle in a haystack
page setup, Set up the page
reset feature for new game, Comparison and logical operators
rules, Spicing up the Head First Lounge, Looking for the needle in a haystack
Blind effect, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
block-level element, ID-entifying elements
blur() method, Get control of timed effects with the window object
body element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page
break command, for loops, Looking for the needle in a haystack
browser cache, Your project structure
browser layout engine, Make the interface click
browser wars, Triggering events
Ajax for passing data to, Understanding Ajax
and PHP, Use PHP to access the data
and window object, Get control of timed effects with the window object
asynchronous, XML doesn’t DO anything
events, Triggering events
listeners, Making your page eventful
JavaScript interpreter in, Enter jQuery (and JavaScript)!
onblur and onfocus to respond to events, Respond to browser events with onblur and onfocus
testing page in multiple, That’s it?
viewport, Look into the browser
web page display, Look into the browser
button elements, jQuery in translation, Making your page eventful
button widget, Styling up your buttons, Your jQuery Toolbox
for interactive menu, Button things up
actions, What’s next?
styling, Styling up your buttons
buttonset() method (jQuery UI), Styling up your buttons


calendar, for form data entry, Pimp your HTML form
case sensitivity
of function names, The anonymous function
of variable names, Insert your message with append
of XML tags, XML errors break the page
CDNs (content delivery networks), #2. jQuery CDNs
chaining methods, Chain methods to climb farther
checkForCode function, You’re almost there...
testing, You’re almost there...
child of child element, selecting, Dig down with descendant selectors
child selector, Dig down with descendant selectors
children() method, Swinging through the DOM tree, Traversal methods climb the DOM, Chain methods to climb farther
filter methods and, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 2)
Chrome Developer, Dig down with descendant selectors
class selector, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Style, meet script, Classing up your elements
combining with descendant selectors, Dig down with descendant selectors
class transitions, #7. jQuery UI effects
and selectors, Wire up your web page
for interactive menu, Class up your elements
in CSS, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Classing up your elements, You’re almost there...
maximum, Insert your message with append
name restrictions, Insert your message with append
to specify div element for action, Get more specific
clearInputs() function, Send the data to the server
clearInterval() method, Get control of timed effects with the window object, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Scheduling events on a page
clearOverlays() function, Multicreature checklist
clearTimeout() method, Get control of timed effects with the window object, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Scheduling events on a page
click event, A click event up close, Making your page eventful
adding to page, Add the click method to your page
for Monster Mashup, Make the interface click
handler function in, Function expression
limiting number, Make the interface click
limiting user to one, The money man has a point...
testing, To remove all events
click event listener
adding to getAllSightings() function, Points on a map are markers
for sending form data, Send the data to the server
click-related functions, combining, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
clickable div element, Set up your HTML and CSS files
clickable tabs, plug-in to convert ul element to, Looking at last year’s page
clickMe div element, style for, Set up your HTML and CSS files
client-side scripting, jQuery in translation
client-side validation, #6. Form validation
clip property (CSS), Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
closest method, Chain methods to climb farther
closures, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
code block, { } (curly braces) for, Set up your HTML and CSS files, A click event up close
animation, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations, #7. jQuery UI effects
jQuery to change background, jQuery in translation
color mixer
refreshSwatch function, Your sliders need to do the same
slider for, Computers mix color using red, green, and blue, One last little thing...
columns in SQL database, Anatomy of an insert statement
comments, Add the click method to your page
in CSS, Configuring a plug-in
comparing values, Comparison and logical operators
comparison operators, Comparison and logical operators
in PHP, A few (more) PHP rules...
concatenation, Mix things up with concatenation
testing, Dig down with descendant selectors
conditional logic, Functions can return a value, too, Use conditional logic to make decisions, Your jQuery Toolbox, Decision making time...again!, Move relative to the current position
for runners list, Access data in the JSON object
for turning off scheduled events, Turning off scheduled events on your page
operators for decision process, Comparison and logical operators
PHP rules for, A few (more) PHP rules...
contains method, Use conditional logic to make decisions
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), #2. jQuery CDNs
convenience methods
for Ajax in jQuery, Turning off scheduled events on your page
for binding events, Binding an event
counter, for array processing, The each method loops through arrays
create database statement (SQL), Create your database to store runner info
CREATE TABLE statement (SQL), Create your database to store runner info
CREATE USER statement (SQL), Create your database to store runner info
Cryptid Sightings form. (see sightings form)
CSS (cascading style sheets), need the power of script
background-color property, Build the refreshSwatch function
file example for page tabs, Configuring a plug-in
in jQuery UI, Your sliders need to do the same
jQuery UI themes and, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
limitations, HTML and CSS are fine, but...
link to jQuery UI file, Build a date picker into the sightings form
methods to change, Methods can change the CSS
properties, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, How does jQuery animate elements?
vs. DOM notation, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
CSS class, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Classing up your elements, You’re almost there...
CSS id, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does
CSS selectors, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does
in jQuery function, How does that work?
vs. jQuery selector, Style, meet script, ID-entifying elements
curly braces ({ })
for code block, Set up your HTML and CSS files, A click event up close
for function block, The nuts and bolts of a function
for loops, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
current position
movement relative to, Move relative to the current position
setting, You already know the current position...
current property, animate() impact and, From where to where exactly?
custom functions, Making things function-al
optimizing, Your jQuery Toolbox
reset, Scenario 2: target < current


data, Mix things up with concatenation
adding to Google Maps, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
Ajax for passing in structured format, Understanding Ajax
arrays for storing, Expand your storage options with arrays
collecting from web page, Collect data from a web page
formatting before sending to server, Format the data before you send it
getting from server, Handling JSON Data: Client, Meet Server
MySQL database for storing, Store your data in a MySQL database
objects for storing, Objects offer even smarter storage
PHP to access, Use PHP to access the data, Get data with PHP
sanitization and validation in PHP, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
sending to server, Send the data to the server
data structures, Objects offer even smarter storage
database query, Format the output using PHP
database servers, Store your data in a MySQL database
database., Store your data in a MySQL database
(see also MySQL database)
connecting with PHP, Connect to a database with PHP
inserting data with PHP, What to do with the data
Date object (JavaScript), Configuring a plug-in
date() function (PHP), What time is it?
datepicker, Your jQuery Toolbox
customizing with options, Widgets have customizable options
for form, Build a date picker into the sightings form
testing, Customize the datepicker with options
datepicker() method, jQuery UI behind the scenes
db_connection() function (PHP), Get data with PHP, Format the output using PHP, Format the output using PHP
deal() function, Looking for the needle in a haystack
debugging jQuery code, #4. Debugging your jQuery code
decimal numbers, for slider widget, The jQuery script for a slider widget
declaration for XML, The X factor
declaring function, The nuts and bolts of a function, Named functions as event handlers
vs. named function expression, The anonymous function
declaring variables, Creating some storage space, Make the interface click
in loop, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
delay() method, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Scheduling events on a page
dequeue() method, #5. Advanced animation: queues
descendant selectors, Dig down with descendant selectors
detach() method
testing for interactive menu, Store elements in an array
vs. remove(), What’s next?
jQuery version for, vs. production version, jQuery in translation
plug-in from, Pimp your HTML form
Developer Default setup type for MySQL install, Pick a destination folder
development environment setup, Download jQuery, Set Up a Development Environment: Get Ready for the Big Times
MySQL database
checking for install, Do you have MySQL? Which version?
installing on Mac OS X, Enabling PHP on Mac OS X
installing on Windows, PHP installation steps...concluded
PHP, Create a PHP development environment
install, Apache installation...concluded
web server, Start with the web server
die command (PHP), Connect to a database with PHP
discount code
custom function to check for, Use conditional logic to make decisions
testing, You’re almost there...
discount variable
testing concatenation, Dig down with descendant selectors
testing display, Insert your message with append, Put $ (this) to work
display property (CSS), How does jQuery animate elements?
of img element, Your first jQuery gig
Distance API, Multicreature checklist
div element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page, Dig in with divs, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning, A little more structure and style
action for specific, Get more specific
click event for, A click event up close
clickable, Set up your HTML and CSS files, Add the click method to your page, Make the interface click
clickable tabs to display, Looking at last year’s page
for Google map, APIs use objects
for images, Dig in with divs
for radio button group, Styling up your buttons
for tab content, Configuring a plug-in
left property, Absolute vs. relative element movement
divide operator (/=), Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
do...while loops, Perform an action over (and over, and over...), Looking for the needle in a haystack, Looking for the needle in a haystack
syntax, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
document loading, events for, Triggering events
document object, Scenario 2: target < current
Document Object Model (DOM), Look into the browser, The hidden structure of a web page
and selected elements, Variables can store elements, too
creating elements and adding events, Binding an event
inserting HTML content into, Insert HTML content into the DOM
jQuery and, jQuery makes the DOM less scary, jQuery in translation
manipulating, Your jQuery Toolbox
traversal, Swinging through the DOM tree, Your jQuery Toolbox
vs. CSS notation, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
web menu structure, Go vegetarian
document property of window object, Get control of timed effects with the window object
document structure, HTML and, need the power of script
dollar sign ($)
and array names, Expand your storage options with arrays
for jQuery function shortcut, How does that work?, jQuery selectors at your service, jQuery in translation, Your jQuery Toolbox
for PHP variables, A few PHP rules...
for variable storing elements, There’s that dollar sign again...
DOM inspectors, Dig down with descendant selectors
DOM. (see Document Object Model (DOM))
domain, for Apache install, Start with the web server
dot (.) notation
for getting properties, Objects offer even smarter storage
for JSON object, JSON to the rescue!
dot (.) operator, Interacting with objects
(see also period (.))
IIS (Internet Information Server), Start with the web server
jQuery UI, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
MySQL installer, Download your installer
for Mac, Download your installer
script blocking parallel, ID-entifying elements
Draggable widgets, Your sliders need to do the same
drop-down list in HTML form, Collect data from a web page
Droppable interaction, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
Droppable widget, Your sliders need to do the same
Dump plug-in, #4. Debugging your jQuery code
dynamic web pages
PHP to create, Getting more from your server
updates, Getting dynamic


each() method, Going through the motions elements, Going through the motions elements, Jump for Joy needs even more help, The each method loops through arrays
and find() method, Parsing XML data
and this keyword, That’s it...right?
looping through array elements with, Access data in the JSON object
Earth API, Multicreature checklist
easing functions, #7. jQuery UI effects
echo command (PHP), What time is it?, Handle POST data on the server, A few (more) PHP rules..., Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
effects in jQuery UI, #7. jQuery UI effects
effects plug-ins, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
element selector, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Style, meet script
absolute vs. relative movement, Absolute vs. relative element movement
adding event listeners to, Behind the scenes of an event listener
animating, How does jQuery animate elements?
binding events to, Binding an event, Triggering events
block-level, ID-entifying elements
emptying content, Chain methods to climb farther
id selector to match single, ID-entifying elements
index for list items, Use conditional logic to make decisions
length property to check for existence, Multicreature checklist
loop through group of, Going through the motions elements
order of adding or removing, Dig down with descendant selectors
positioning, absolute or relative, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
relationships, and DOM traversal, Traversal methods climb the DOM
relative movement of, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
removing from page, Good riddance with remove
replaceWith() method for changing, Change out elements with replaceWith
selecting all on page, Insert your message with append
in array, Store elements in an array, A meaty array
in variables, Variables can store elements, too
wrapping inside another element, That’s it...right?
Elevation API, Multicreature checklist
else clause (PHP), A few (more) PHP rules...
else if clause (PHP), A few (more) PHP rules...
else if statement, Decision making time...again!
else statement, Use conditional logic to make decisions, Decision making time...again!
empty method, Chain methods to climb farther, Clearing things up with jQuery...
empty() function (PHP), Data sanitization and validation in PHP
emptying array, JavaScript for, Clearing things up with jQuery...
end parameter, of slice method, That’s it...right?
end() function, for blackjack, Add some extra excitement
eq() method, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 1)
equality operator (==), Use conditional logic to make decisions, Comparison and logical operators
and if statement, Decision making time...again!
equals sign (=), as assignment operator, Creating some storage space, Function expression, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
in XML, and broken page, XML errors break the page
server return of, Self-referencing functions
event handlers
for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
named functions as, Named functions as event handlers
event listeners, Making your page eventful, Triggering events, To remove all events
behind the scene, Behind the scenes of an event listener
function for, Comparison and logical operators
events, Making your page eventful, Your jQuery Toolbox
binding to elements, Binding an event, Triggering events
categories of, Triggering events
development history, Triggering events
functions in, Triggering events
removing, Removing an event
scheduling, Scheduling events on a page
triggering, Triggering events, Going through the motions elements
turning off scheduled, Turning off scheduled events on your page
exact equality operator (===), Comparison and logical operators
Explode effect, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
eXtensible Markup Language. (see XML (eXtensible Markup Language))


fade effects, Sliding is all about height, Your jQuery Toolbox
fade methods, May the fade be with you, Your jQuery Toolbox
fadeIn() method
in method chain, Combine effects with method chains, Striking back with a timed function
parameters for, Sliding is all about height
fadeOut() method, Fade effects animate the CSS opacity property
in method chain, Combine effects with method chains, Striking back with a timed function
fadeTo() method, Fade effects animate the CSS opacity property
fail function, Format the output using PHP, Use the same PHP file for multiple purposes
fields in HTML, hidden, Collect data from a web page, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
file, for jQuery code, Going through the motions elements
filter methods, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 1), Your jQuery Toolbox
filter() method, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 2)
find() method, That’s it...right?, Parsing XML data, Access data in the JSON object
Firebug for Firefox, Dig down with descendant selectors
Net tab, GETting data with the ajax method
Firefox (Mozilla), Triggering events, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
first() method, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 1)
Flash, building app without, DoodleStuff needs a web app
floor() method, Dig down with descendant selectors
change, and running functions, We’ve created a monster...function
window with, Get control of timed effects with the window object
focus() method, Get control of timed effects with the window object
folders, for jQuery library, Going through the motions elements
font properties, What can and can’t be animated
footer of web page, What time is it?
for loop, Perform an action over (and over, and over...), Looking for the needle in a haystack
in PHP, A few PHP rules...
syntax, Perform an action over (and over, and over...) loop, Looking for the needle in a haystack
foreach loop (PHP), A few PHP rules...
form element (HTML), Collect data from a web page
HTTP GET or POST methods, What to do with the data
input buttons in, Styling up your buttons
selecting input elements on, One last little thing...
form events, Triggering events
formatting data
before sending to server, Format the data before you send it
PHP for, Format the output using PHP
forms, Collect data from a web page
Autocomplete suggestions for field, One last little thing...
distrusting data in, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
planning, Pimp your HTML form
validation, One last little thing..., #6. Form validation
FROM keyword (SQL), Use select to read data from a database
function callback, slide event attached to, Control numerical entries with a slider
function expression, The nuts and bolts of a function, Named functions as event handlers
function keyword, The nuts and bolts of a function, Combine effects with method chains, Create reusable objects with object constructors, Set up the page
within another function, and variable access, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
functions, Making your page eventful, Making things function-al, Your jQuery Toolbox, Chain methods to climb farther
anonymous, The nuts and bolts of a function, The anonymous function
call to itself, Combine effects with method chains
code line length, Parsing XML data
combining click-related, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
creating, The nuts and bolts of a function
optimizing, Your jQuery Toolbox
reset, Scenario 2: target < current
declaring, The nuts and bolts of a function, Named functions as event handlers
vs. named function expression, The anonymous function
for click event, A click event up close
in events, Triggering events
inside each() method, The each method loops through arrays
named, as event handlers, Named functions as event handlers
passing variables to, Passing a variable to a function
repeated calls, Self-referencing functions
return value for, Functions can return a value, too, Jump for Joy needs even more help
running, focus change and, We’ve created a monster...function
self-referencing, Self-referencing functions
syntax, The nuts and bolts of a function
timed, for repeated action, Combine effects with method chains
variable for return value, Looking for the needle in a haystack
fx queue, #5. Advanced animation: queues


Gecko layout engine, Make the interface click
Geocoding API, Multicreature checklist
GET data, from ajax() method, GETting data with the ajax method
GET method
for Ajax, Turning off scheduled events on your page
for HTTP, to send data to server, What to do with the data
getAllSightings() function, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP, Multicreature checklist
adding click event listener, Points on a map are markers
getAllTypes() function, Multicreature checklist
getDBRacers() function, Format the output using PHP, Format the output using PHP
to read JSON object, Access data in the JSON object
getJSON() method, Turning off scheduled events on your page, jQuery + JSON = Awesome, Format the output using PHP, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
getRandom() function, You’re almost there..., Perform an action over (and over, and over...), Looking for the needle in a haystack, You already know the current position..., ...and the getRandom function too, Move relative to the current position
creating, Functions can return a value, too
getScript() method for Ajax, Turning off scheduled events on your page
getSightingsByType() function, Multicreature checklist, Listening for map events
getSingleSighting() function, Points on a map are markers
“getters”, You already know the current position...
getTime() function, Looking at last year’s page
calling, Configuring a plug-in
getTimeAjax() function, What time is it?
getXMLRacers function, Parsing XML data
repeated calls, Self-referencing functions
testing, Parsing XML data
global scope, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
goLightning() function, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
Google Ajax API CDN, #2. jQuery CDNs
Google Chrome, Triggering events, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
and jQuery, Chain methods to climb farther
Developer tools, GETting data with the ajax method
layout engine, Make the interface click
Google Directions API, Multicreature checklist
Google Earth plug-in, Multicreature checklist
Google Maps
adding data to, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
documentation, Include Google maps in your page, Listening for map events
event listeners, Listening for map events
including in web page, Include Google maps in your page
overlays, Multicreature checklist
points as markers, Points on a map are markers
sample code, The Google Maps API
Terms of Service, Multicreature checklist
testing, Include Google maps in your page
graphics. (see images)
greater than operator (>), Comparison and logical operators
greater than or equal to operator (>=), Comparison and logical operators
grouping button widgets, Styling up your buttons


handler functions, Triggering events
hash mark (#)
for CSS id, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does
for id selector, ID-entifying elements
head element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page
height property (CSS), Sliding is all about height, Your jQuery Toolbox
hidden HTML field, Collect data from a web page, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
hidden value for overflow property, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
hide effect, slowing down, Striking back with a timed function
hide() method, How does jQuery animate elements?
hiding span element, conditional logic for, Use conditional logic to make decisions
highlighting, hovering and, Methods can change the CSS
history property of window object, Get control of timed effects with the window object
hit() function, Looking for the needle in a haystack
hover event, adding, Add a hover event
hover state, for anchor element, Your first jQuery gig
hovering, and highlighting, Methods can change the CSS
html element, The hidden structure of a web page
HTML string, in jQuery function, How does that work?
HTML., Look into the browser
(see also Document Object Model (DOM))
and document structure, need the power of script
for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
inserting content into DOM, Insert HTML content into the DOM
limitations, HTML and CSS are fine, but...
mixing with data, Mix things up with concatenation
PHP and, A few PHP rules...
separating jQuery code from, Your project structure
tags inside variables, Mix things up with concatenation
XML and, The X factor
htmlspecialchars() function (PHP), Data sanitization and validation in PHP


id selector, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Style, meet script, ID-entifying elements
combining with decendant selectors, Dig down with descendant selectors
and selectors, Wire up your web page
in CSS, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does
to specify div element for action, Get more specific
idTabs plug-in, Looking at last year’s page
if statement, Use conditional logic to make decisions, Decision making time...again!
== (equality operator) and, Decision making time...again!
ternary operator as alternative, Comparison and logical operators
if statement (PHP), A few (more) PHP rules...
IIS (Internet Information Server), Create a PHP development environment
downloading, Start with the web server
basing display on game result, Add some extra excitement
div element for, Dig in with divs
invisible, A little more structure and style
properties for building path to, Looking for the needle in a haystack
img element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page
display property, Your first jQuery gig
in anchor element, Your first jQuery gig
nesting, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
sliding into view, Set up your HTML and CSS files
inArray() method, Perform an action over (and over, and over...), Looking for the needle in a haystack
index of element, Use conditional logic to make decisions, Jump for Joy needs even more help
and eq() method, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 1)
in array, Expand your storage options with arrays, The each method loops through arrays, Accessing arrays
in loop, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
index variable, for each function, That’s it...right?
inequality operator (!=), Comparison and logical operators
infinite loops, We’ve created a monster...function
info.php script, Do you have a web server?
initialization of loop, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
initialize() function, Include Google maps in your page
input elements (HTML), Collect data from a web page
datepicker for, Build a date picker into the sightings form
selecting on form, One last little thing...
insert statement (SQL), Anatomy of an insert statement
data into database, PHP for, What to do with the data
HTML content into DOM, Insert HTML content into the DOM
Apache on Windows, Start with the web server
MySQL database server
on Mac OS X, Enabling PHP on Mac OS X
on Windows, PHP installation steps...concluded
PHP, Apache installation...concluded
instances of object, Create reusable objects with object constructors
creating, Interacting with objects
interaction plug-ins, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI, Your sliders need to do the same
interactive menu, The Webville Eatery wants an interactive menu
buttons, Button things up
actions, What’s next?
restoring entries, Chain methods to climb farther, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 2)
testing, What’s next?
“Restore Menu” button, Insert HTML content into the DOM
interactivity, You want web page power
example, Your first jQuery gig
Internet Explorer (Microsoft), Triggering events, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
layout engine, Make the interface click
invisibility, CSS for, Your first jQuery gig, A little more structure and style
iteration, Going through the motions elements
(see also loops)


JavaScript, Enter jQuery (and JavaScript)!
and Ajax, Understanding Ajax
emptying array, Clearing things up with jQuery...
for datepicker, Build a date picker into the sightings form
including files, Configuring a plug-in
and animation process, How does jQuery animate elements?, animate changes style over time
and DOM, Sliding is all about height
jQuery and, jQuery makes the DOM less scary, jQuery in translation
JSON and, Format the output using PHP
keywords, and variable names, Insert your message with append
objects, Your jQuery/JavaScript Toolbox
variables, Creating some storage space
vs. PHP, Format the output using PHP
window object, Scenario 2: target < current, Your jQuery Toolbox
for timed effects control, Get control of timed effects with the window object
jQuery, need the power of script, Enter jQuery (and JavaScript)!
; (semicolon) to end statement, jQuery in translation, Set up your HTML and CSS files
and DOM, jQuery makes the DOM less scary
and JSON, jQuery + JSON = Awesome, Format the output using PHP
debugging code, #4. Debugging your jQuery code
for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
hosted copies on CDNs, #2. jQuery CDNs
methods, #1. Every single thing in the jQuery library
production vs. developer versions, jQuery in translation
selectors, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, jQuery selectors at your service, Your jQuery Toolbox, #2. jQuery CDNs
vs. CSS selector, Style, meet script, ID-entifying elements
separating code from HTML, Going through the motions elements, Your project structure
translation, jQuery in translation
vs. JavaScript, jQuery in translation
web resources on, Triggering events
jQuery CDN, #2. jQuery CDNs
jQuery function
$ (dollar sign) for shortcut, How does that work?, jQuery selectors at your service, jQuery in translation, Your jQuery Toolbox
contents, How does that work?
jQuery library
folder for, Going through the motions elements
including, Dig in with divs
jQuery namespace, noConflict() method, #3. The jQuery namespace: noConflict method
jQuery plug-ins, creating, #8. Creating your own jQuery plug-ins
jQuery UI, jQuery UI: Extreme Form Makeover, Your jQuery Toolbox
behind the scenes, jQuery UI behind the scenes
CSS in, Your sliders need to do the same
download page, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
effects, #7. jQuery UI effects
package contents, What’s inside the jQuery UI package
plug-ins, Pimp your HTML form, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
button widget, Styling up your buttons
customizable options for widgets, Widgets have customizable options
slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
testing effects, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
themes, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
creating, Your sliders need to do the same
jQuery wrapper, How does that work? website, Triggering events
.js extension, Your project structure
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Set up the page, Handling JSON Data: Client, Meet Server, JSON to the rescue!, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
jQuery and, jQuery + JSON = Awesome, Format the output using PHP
with SQL and PHP, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
json_encode() function (PHP), Format the output using PHP, Format the output using PHP, Access data in the JSON object, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP


key/value pairs
for HTTP GET, What to do with the data
in PHP, A few (more) PHP rules...
keyboard events, Triggering events
keywords in JavaScript, and variable names, Insert your message with append
KML (Keyhole Markup Language), XML doesn’t DO anything


markup, The X factor
server-side, jQuery in translation, Getting more from your server
last() method, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 1)
latitude, slider for, The jQuery script for a slider widget
LatLng object (Google), APIs use objects, Include Google maps in your page
defining, Points on a map are markers
left property, of div element, Absolute vs. relative element movement
length of array, setting to zero, Clearing things up with jQuery...
length property
of array, Set up the page
to check for element existence, Multicreature checklist
Lerdorf, Rasmus, Format the output using PHP
less than or equal to (<=) operator, Comparison and logical operators
li element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page
assigning class to, Class up your elements
replacing in unordered list, How can replaceWith help?
folder for, Going through the motions elements
including, Dig in with divs
PHP, Connect to a database with PHP
lightning effect, Make the lightning effect
adding functions to script, Add the lightning functions to your script
image fade effect, Sliding is all about height
testing, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
troubleshooting, A storm is brewing
link to jQuery UI CSS file, Build a date picker into the sightings form
of elements, index of, Use conditional logic to make decisions
unordered, Go vegetarian
.live() method, Going through the motions elements
loading information, using Ajax for, Turning off scheduled events on your page
local files, for web pages, vs. web server, Use PHP to access the data
local scope, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
localhost, Get data with PHP, Do you have a web server?
logical operators, Comparison and logical operators
longitude, slider for, The jQuery script for a slider widget
loops, Perform an action over (and over, and over...), Your jQuery/JavaScript Toolbox
declaring variables in, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
each() method for, The each method loops through arrays
and array elements, Access data in the JSON object
in PHP, A few PHP rules...
infinite, We’ve created a monster...function
syntax, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
to change multiple elements, jQuery makes the DOM less scary, Going through the motions elements
types, Looking for the needle in a haystack


Mac OS X
default web server, Create a PHP development environment
determining MySQL install status, Do you have MySQL? Which version?
enabling PHP, Enabling PHP on Mac OS X
installing MySQL on, Enabling PHP on Mac OS X
many-to-one substitution, replaceWith doesn’t work for every situation
map events, listening for, Listening for map events
map object
creating instance, Include Google maps in your page
properties and methods, APIs use objects
mapOpts property, Include Google maps in your page
MapQuest, Include Google maps in your page
map_canvas element, Include Google maps in your page
Marker object (Google), Points on a map are markers
markup languages, The X factor
max option for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
menus. (see interactive menu)
append() to insert, Insert your message with append
concatenation when creating, Mix things up with concatenation
displaying for user, Meanwhile, back to our list
removing, Good riddance with remove
chaining, Chain methods to climb farther
for combining effects, Combine effects with method chains
for CSS changes, Methods can change the CSS
of objects, Build your own objects
static, Jump for Joy needs even more help
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile, Pick a destination folder
Microsoft CDN, #2. jQuery CDNs
Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Server), Create a PHP development environment
downloading, Start with the web server
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Triggering events, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
layout engine, Make the interface click
Microsoft, maps, Include Google maps in your page
milliseconds setting, for fade effect, Sliding is all about height
min option for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
mobile device, maps on, Multicreature checklist
Monster Mashup
click event, Make the interface click
do-it-yourself effects, DIY effects with animate
layout and positioning, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
lightning effect, Make the lightning effect
testing, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
troubleshooting, A storm is brewing
project blueprint, Do the Monster Mashup
randomize feature request, Feature request for Monster Mashup
testing, ...and the getRandom function too
testing, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions, Scenario 2: target < current
motion effects
relative to current position, Move relative to the current position
with animate() method, DIY effects with animate
mouse events, Triggering events
mouseenter event, Add a hover event
mouseleave event, Add a hover event
moveMe function, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
moving through DOM, Swinging through the DOM tree
Mozilla Firefox, Triggering events, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
multiply operator (*=), Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
MySQL, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
MySQL Community Server, PHP installation steps...concluded
MySQL database
for storing data, Store your data in a MySQL database
managing, Connect to a database with PHP
MySQL database server, Create a PHP development environment
checking for install, Do you have MySQL? Which version?
downloading installer, Download your installer
destination folder for, Pick a destination folder
on Mac OS X, Enabling PHP on Mac OS X
on Windows, PHP installation steps...concluded
troubleshooting guide, PHP installation steps...concluded
MySQL functions (PHP), PHP installation
MySQL query browser, PHP installation steps...concluded
MySQL Workbench, Create your database to store runner info, Create your database to store runner info, Pick a destination folder
opening, Pick a destination folder
select statement to (see resultset)
mysql_connect function (PHP), Connect to a database with PHP


object constructors, Create reusable objects with object constructors
objects, Triggering events, Objects offer even smarter storage
API use of, APIs use objects
building, Build your own objects
reusable, Create reusable objects with object constructors
interacting with, Interacting with objects
one-time vs. reusable, Set up the page
onblur event handler of window object (JavaScript), Get control of timed effects with the window object, Get control of timed effects with the window object, Respond to browser events with onblur and onfocus, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
testing, Respond to browser events with onblur and onfocus
one-to-many substitution, replaceWith doesn’t work for every situation
one-to-one substitution, Bring the burger back
onfocus event handler of window object (JavaScript), Get control of timed effects with the window object, Get control of timed effects with the window object, Respond to browser events with onblur and onfocus, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
testing, Respond to browser events with onblur and onfocus
OOXML (Office Open XML), XML doesn’t DO anything
opacity of HTML elements, May the fade be with you
opacity property (CSS), Fade effects animate the CSS opacity property, Your jQuery Toolbox
OpenLayers, mapping API, Include Google maps in your page
optimizing custom functions, Your jQuery Toolbox
option element (HTML), for drop-down list, Collect data from a web page
or (||) operator, Comparison and logical operators
order by keyword (SQL), Use select to read data from a database
orientation option for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
overflow property, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
overlays in Google Maps, Multicreature checklist


p (paragraph) element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page, jQuery in translation
changing HTML inside, jQuery makes the DOM less scary
click event for, A click event up close
package installer, for MySQL for Mac, Run the package installer
page load time, speeding up, ID-entifying elements
parallel downloads, script blocking, ID-entifying elements
parameters, Passing a variable to a function, Jump for Joy needs even more help, Add the lightning functions to your script
parent selector, Dig down with descendant selectors
parent() method, Swinging through the DOM tree, Traversal methods climb the DOM, Chain methods to climb farther, Chain methods to climb farther
in method chain, Chain methods to climb farther
parentheses, for click method, A click event up close
parents() method, Chain methods to climb farther
filter methods and, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 2)
passing variables to function, Passing a variable to a function
Penners, Robert, #7. jQuery UI effects
period (.)
to separate selector from method, Set up your HTML and CSS files
to start CSS class, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, Classing up your elements
PHP (PHP: Hypertext Processor), Getting more from your server, Your jQuery/Ajax Toolbox, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
data sanitization and validation, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
development setup, Create a PHP development environment
enabling on Mac OS X, Enabling PHP on Mac OS X
for connecting to database, Connect to a database with PHP
for inserting data into database, What to do with the data
formatting output, Format the output using PHP
installation, Apache installation...concluded
checking for, Do you have a web server?
library selection, Connect to a database with PHP
JSON with SQL and, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
libraries, Connect to a database with PHP
MySQL functions, PHP installation
rules, A few PHP rules...
to access data, Use PHP to access the data, Get data with PHP
vs. JavaScript, Format the output using PHP
PHPMyAdmin, Connect to a database with PHP
picframe div element, Set up your HTML and CSS files
pictures. (see images)
Places API, Multicreature checklist
planning, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
plug-ins, XML doesn’t DO anything, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
configuring, Looking at last year’s page
creating, #8. Creating your own jQuery plug-ins
debugging, #4. Debugging your jQuery code
plus sign (+), for concatenation, Mix things up with concatenation
pop-up window, for alert statement, A click event up close
position of elements
absolute or relative, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
setting current, You already know the current position...
position property (CSS), Make the interface click
of animate element, A little more structure and style
POST data
ajax() method for, GETting data with the ajax method
on web server, Handle POST data on the server
POST method, Send the data to the server
for HTTP, to send data to server, What to do with the data
in Ajax, Turning off scheduled events on your page
preg_match function (PHP), Data sanitization and validation in PHP
prev() method, Swinging through the DOM tree, Traversal methods climb the DOM
print command (PHP), A few (more) PHP rules...
print_r() command, A few (more) PHP rules...
production version of jQuery, vs. developer version, jQuery in translation
Progressbar widget, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI
determining requirements, What are the project requirements?
planning, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
structure, Your project structure
animate() method to change, Text effects
assigning value, Set up the page
for building path to image, Looking for the needle in a haystack
of objects, Objects offer even smarter storage, Build your own objects
accessing, Interacting with objects
Puff effect, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI


querying, jQuery selectors at your service
queues for animation, #5. Advanced animation: queues
quotation marks (“ ”)
for selectors, jQuery selectors at your service
for text or HTML value, Mix things up with concatenation


radio buttons, div element for group, Styling up your buttons
random animation in Monster Mashup, Let’s get (more) random
random number
testing concatenation into discount variable, Dig down with descendant selectors
variable to hold, Mix things up with concatenation
random number generator function, Use conditional logic to make decisions
random() method, Dig down with descendant selectors
randomize() function, ...and the getRandom function too, Scenario 2: target < current, Scenario 2: target < current
RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems), Store your data in a MySQL database
ready() method, Make the interface click, #3. The jQuery namespace: noConflict method
referencing variables, Mix things up with concatenation
refreshSwatch() function (JavaScript), for color mixer, Your sliders need to do the same
regular expression matching function, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
relationships of elements, and DOM traversal, Traversal methods climb the DOM
relative movement of elements, Absolute vs. relative element movement, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
to current position, Move relative to the current position
relative positioning of elements, Monster Mashup needs layout and positioning
reloading, changing web pages without, need the power of script
remove() method, Your jQuery Toolbox, Going through the motions elements
for message, Good riddance with remove
in method chain, Chain methods to climb farther
order of calls and, Dig down with descendant selectors, Dig down with descendant selectors
troubleshooting, Dig down with descendant selectors
vs. detach(), What’s next?
removeClass method, Add a hover event
removing events, Removing an event
repeated actions, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
timed function for, Combine effects with method chains
repeated function calls, Self-referencing functions
replaceWith() method, Change out elements with replaceWith, Bring the burger back
limitations, replaceWith doesn’t work for every situation
replacing li elements in unordered list, How can replaceWith help?
reset() function, Scenario 2: target < current
Resig, John, jQuery in translation
Resizable widget, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI, Your sliders need to do the same
restoring interactive menu entries, Chain methods to climb farther, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 2)
resultset for SELECT statement, Use select to read data from a database, Use select to read data from a database
return keyword, Functions can return a value, too
return value of function, Jump for Joy needs even more help
variable for, Looking for the needle in a haystack
reusable objects
building, Create reusable objects with object constructors, Set up the page
vs. one-time, Set up the page
root node in XML, The X factor
RSS (RDF Site Summary), XML doesn’t DO anything
RSS (Real Simple Syndication), XML doesn’t DO anything
running functions, focus change and, We’ve created a monster...function


Safari (Apple), Triggering events
layout engine, Make the interface click
same-origin policy, and Ajax calls, GETting data with the ajax method
sanitizing data in PHP, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
scalable object, Resizable widget for, Your sliders need to do the same
scale effects, with animate() method, DIY effects with animate
scheduled events
creating, Scheduling events on a page
turning off, Turning off scheduled events on your page
scope, global vs. local, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
screen display, PHP for writing to, A few (more) PHP rules...
script element (HTML), need the power of script, Add the click method to your page
for Google Maps API code, Include Google maps in your page
for jQuery UI, Build a date picker into the sightings form
for link to script file, Going through the motions elements
location of, ID-entifying elements
adding animate() functions, Add the animate functions to your script
adding lightning effect functions to, Add the lightning functions to your script
and web page changes, Enter jQuery (and JavaScript)!
folder for, Going through the motions elements
<select> tag (HTML), Collect data from a web page
select statement (SQL), Use select to read data from a database
where clause, Get data with PHP
Selectables widgets, Your sliders need to do the same
all elements on page, Insert your message with append
elements using traversal methods, Traversal methods climb the DOM
filter methods to narrow, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 1)
input elements on HTML form, One last little thing...
selector engine for jQuery, jQuery makes the DOM less scary
selectors, Your jQuery Toolbox, Your jQuery Toolbox, Class up your elements, Chain methods to climb farther
$ (this), Give me $(this) one
. (period) to separate from method, Set up your HTML and CSS files
CSS vs. jQuery, ID-entifying elements
descendant, Dig down with descendant selectors
for datepicker, jQuery UI behind the scenes
in jQuery, jQuery selects elements the same way CSS does, #2. jQuery CDNs
self-executing functions, The anonymous function
self-referencing functions, Self-referencing functions
semicolon (;)
to end jQuery statement, jQuery in translation, Set up your HTML and CSS files
to end PHP line, What time is it?, A few PHP rules...
serialize() method, Format the data before you send it
serializeArray() method, Format the data before you send it, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
server-side languages, jQuery in translation, Getting more from your server
servers., Do you have a web server?
(see also web server)
CDNs and, #2. jQuery CDNs
database, Store your data in a MySQL database
error returned from, Self-referencing functions
formatting data before sending to, Format the data before you send it
sending data to, Collect data from a web page, Send the data to the server
setInterval() method (JavaScript), Get control of timed effects with the window object, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Your jQuery Toolbox, Scheduling events on a page
browser variations, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
setTimeout() method (JavaScript), Striking back with a timed function, Add the lightning functions to your script, We’ve created a monster...function, Get control of timed effects with the window object, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Your jQuery Toolbox, Scheduling events on a page, Self-referencing functions
browser processing of, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
show() method, How does jQuery animate elements?
showFrequency() method, What time is it?
siblings method, Chain methods to climb farther
sightings form, needs a makeover
code, Customize the datepicker with options
datepicker for, Build a date picker into the sightings form
getSightingsByType() function, Multicreature checklist
Google map, Where’s Waldo Sasquatch?
multicreature checklist, Multicreature checklist
project checklist, What’s inside the jQuery UI package
testing, Grouping button widgets, Build the refreshSwatch function, Points on a map are markers, Multicreature checklist
slice() method, Use filter methods to narrow your selections (Part 2), That’s it...right?
slide effects, Your jQuery Toolbox
and element height, Sliding is all about height
slideDown() method, Set up your HTML and CSS files, Sliding is all about height
slider widget, Your jQuery Toolbox
for color mixing, Computers mix color using red, green, and blue
for controlling numerical entries, Control numerical entries with a slider
for longitude and latitude, The jQuery script for a slider widget
negative numbers and decimal numbers, The jQuery script for a slider widget
planning, Pimp your HTML form
testing increments, The jQuery script for a slider widget
slideToggle() method, Set up your HTML and CSS files, That’s it?, Sliding is all about height
slideUp() method, Sliding is all about height
for image, Set up your HTML and CSS files, Wire up your web page
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), XML doesn’t DO anything
Sortable widgets, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI, Your sliders need to do the same
span element (HTML), What time is it?
conditional logic to hide, Use conditional logic to make decisions
speed of fadeIn, May the fade be with you
SQL (Structured Query Language), Store your data in a MySQL database, Your jQuery/Ajax/PHP/MySQL Toolbox
(see also MySQL)
for database, table and users setup, Create your database to store runner info
insert statement, Anatomy of an insert statement
JSON with PHP and, Getting JSON data with SQL and PHP
SELECT to read data from, Use select to read data from a database
testing connection, Connect to a database with PHP
square brackets ([ ])
for array, Set up the page
for array item index, Accessing arrays
in PHP function, What time is it?
standards for browsers, Triggering events
start parameter, of slice method, That’s it...right?
startAJAXcalls() function, Self-referencing functions, Turning off scheduled events on your page, Format the output using PHP, Format the output using PHP
Static Maps API, Multicreature checklist
static methods, Jump for Joy needs even more help
static web pages, HTML and CSS are fine, but...
step option for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
stop method, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
stopLightning() function, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
storage space, creating, Creating some storage space
storing elements in array, Store elements in an array
structure of project, Your project structure
styles, Your first jQuery gig
class or ID and, Insert your message with append
submit() listener, Send the data to the server
one-to-many or many-to-one, replaceWith doesn’t work for every situation
one-to-one, Bring the burger back
subtraction operator (-=), Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
success function, Format the output using PHP
sumCardTotal method, Comparison and logical operators
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), XML doesn’t DO anything
switch method, Comparison and logical operators


tables in MySQL databases, Store your data in a MySQL database
tags in XML, The X factor
Task Manager, Services tab, Do you have MySQL? Which version?
templates for jQuery, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
terminator, Chain methods to climb farther
ternary operator, Comparison and logical operators
test condition in loop, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
Bit to Byte race project, GETting data with the ajax method
click event, Add the click method to your page, To remove all events
datepicker, Customize the datepicker with options
detach() method for interactive menu, Store elements in an array
discount variable display, Insert your message with append, Put $ (this) to work
getXMLRacers function, Parsing XML data
Google Maps API, Include Google maps in your page
interactive menu, What’s next?
lightning effect, Write the stopLightning and goLightning functions
Monster Mashup, Scenario 2: target < current
onfocus and onblur event handlers, Respond to browser events with onblur and onfocus
random number concatenated into discount variable, Dig down with descendant selectors
sightings form, Grouping button widgets, Build the refreshSwatch function
slider widget increments, The jQuery script for a slider widget
SQL database connection, Connect to a database with PHP
web page in multiple browsers, That’s it?
text box in HTML form, Collect data from a web page
text effects, What can and can’t be animated
themes in jQuery UI, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI, What’s inside the jQuery UI package
creating, Your sliders need to do the same
this keyword, Give me $(this) one, The each method loops through arrays, Add the animate functions to your script
each() method and, That’s it...right?
origin of use, Dig down with descendant selectors
plug-ins and, #8. Creating your own jQuery plug-ins
time zone, for PHP date function, What time is it?
timed effects, window object to control, Get control of timed effects with the window object
timed functions, Your jQuery Toolbox
for repeated action, Combine effects with method chains
interval, We’ve created a monster...function
setting in ajax() call, Self-referencing functions
Timeout() method, Combine effects with method chains
timer for animation, animate changes style over time
timer methods, Timer methods tell your functions when to run, Scheduling events on a page
of window object, Get control of timed effects with the window object
title element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page
toggle() method, How does jQuery animate elements?, Striking back with a timed function
transparency of HTML elements, May the fade be with you
traversing DOM, Swinging through the DOM tree, Your jQuery Toolbox
Trident layout engine, Make the interface click
.trigger() method, Going through the motions elements
triggering events, Triggering events, Going through the motions elements
troubleshooting lightning effect, A storm is brewing
turning off animation, option for, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations


ul element (HTML), The hidden structure of a web page
plug-in to convert to clickable tabs, Looking at last year’s page
UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram, Build your own objects, Set up the page
unbind command, Removing an event
“Undefined Index” error, Accessing arrays
“undefined” value, function return of, Jump for Joy needs even more help
unnamed functions, The nuts and bolts of a function
unordered list, Go vegetarian
(see also ul element (HTML))
assigning class to items, Class up your elements
method chain to traverse, Chain methods to climb farther
replacing li elements in, How can replaceWith help?
user interface., Collect data from a web page
(see also forms; jQuery UI)
slider widget for controlling numerical entries, Control numerical entries with a slider
user requirements, determining, What are the project requirements?
utility function, You already know the current position...


val() method, Control numerical entries with a slider
data in PHP, Data sanitization and validation in PHP
forms, One last little thing..., #6. Form validation
for object property, Objects offer even smarter storage
option for slider widget, Control numerical entries with a slider
var keyword, Creating some storage space, Function expression, Build your own objects
VariableDebugger plug-in, #4. Debugging your jQuery code
variables, Creating some storage space, Chain methods to climb farther
assigning value to, Move stuff relatively with operator combinations
counter for array processing, The each method loops through arrays
declaring, Make the interface click
in loop, Perform an action over (and over, and over...)
for clearInterval() method, Timer methods tell your functions when to run
for return value of function, Looking for the needle in a haystack
for storing elements, Variables can store elements, too
function keyword within another function and, #9. Advanced JavaScript: closures
in anonymous functions, The anonymous function
in array, Set up the page, Looking for the needle in a haystack
in functions, Function expression
in PHP, A few PHP rules...
name restrictions, Insert your message with append
passing to function, Passing a variable to a function
referencing, Mix things up with concatenation
vs. arrays, Objects offer even smarter storage
viewport of browser, Look into the browser
visibility of img element, Your first jQuery gig
visual effects, example, Your first jQuery gig
visual properties of elements, How does jQuery animate elements?


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), jQuery in translation
web page power, You want web page power
web pages
adding message to, Insert your message with append
broken from XML errors, XML errors break the page
browser display, Look into the browser
browser request for, HTML and CSS are fine, but...
changing without reloading, need the power of script
collecting data from, Collect data from a web page
delivery by web server, vs. local files, Use PHP to access the data
dynamic updates, Getting dynamic
dynamic, PHP to create, Getting more from your server
footer, What time is it?
hidden structure, The hidden structure of a web page
including Google Maps, Include Google maps in your page
PHP to write to, What time is it?
scheduling events, Scheduling events on a page
turning off, Turning off scheduled events on your page
scripts to change, Enter jQuery (and JavaScript)!
static, HTML and CSS are fine, but...
adding, Collect data from a web page
CSS file example, Configuring a plug-in
testing in multiple browsers, That’s it?
updating new data only, OLD web, meet the NEW web
web resources on jQuery, Triggering events
web server
determining existence of, Do you have a web server?
for PHP scripts, Use PHP to access the data
for web pages, vs. local files, Use PHP to access the data
local computer as, Create a PHP development environment
POST data on, Handle POST data on the server
setup, Start with the web server
Webkit browser layout engine, Make the interface click
where clause in SQL SELECt statement, Get data with PHP
while loop, Looking for the needle in a haystack, Format the output using PHP
in PHP, A few PHP rules...
widget plug-ins, Save coding headaches (and time) with jQuery UI, Your jQuery Toolbox
customizable options, Widgets have customizable options
for interactions, Your sliders need to do the same
window object (JavaScript), Scenario 2: target < current, Your jQuery Toolbox
for timed effects control, Get control of timed effects with the window object
window, lost focus, and running functions, We’ve created a monster...function
Windows Azure, #2. jQuery CDNs
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), jQuery in translation


XHTML, XML doesn’t DO anything
XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Understanding Ajax, The X factor, Your jQuery/Ajax Toolbox
declaration, The X factor
errors and broken pages, XML errors break the page
file listing, GETting data with the ajax method
parsing data, Parsing XML data
server for file storage, GETting data with the ajax method
vs. JSON, JSON to the rescue!
XMLHttpRequest object, Self-referencing functions


zero, setting array length to, Clearing things up with jQuery...
zero-indexed arrays, Accessing arrays
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