Advance Praise for Hello! Flex 4

“Everything I know about Flex I learned from Peter. Absolutely true statement. And here’s the cool part: I can’t think of a better way to learn may not be lucky enough to sit beside him as you learn Flex, but this book is the next best thing. It is Peter’s voice you’re hearing as you read through the book: hyper-caffeinated, fast-talking, smart, and (extremely!) knowledgeable and opinionated about what makes good Flex code.”

Scott Patten, Cofounder Ruboss Technology Corp.

“I wish I’d had this book when I started developing in Flex. Manages to cover nicely some in-depth topics while still remaining a great introductory text.”

Joe Hoover, Web Developer Tech Lead at RMG Connect

“If you were using time as an excuse, that excuse is now’ll be making cool apps in no time...The fastest read on Flex I’ve seen to date.”

Tariq Ahmed, Author of Flex 4 in Action

“This book provides an outstanding overview of the latest version of Flex. You’ll learn how to build Flex projects for the real world from start to finish.”

Sean Moore, Lead Flex Developer Kannopy, Inc.


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