Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page



Editor Biographies



Chapter 1: The Fundamental Basis of HDR: Comparametric Equations



1.1 Introduction to High Dynamic Range Imaging

1.2 Historical Motivation for HDR Imaging

1.3 Theory of HDR Imaging

1.4 Comparametric Image Processing: Comparing Differently Exposed Images of the Same Subject Matter

1.5 Practical Implementations

1.6 Tone Mapping in HDR Systems

1.7 Analytical Solution of Comparametric Equations

1.8 Compositing as Bayesian Joint Estimation

1.9 Efficient Implementation of HDR Reconstruction via CCRF Compression

Part I: Content Acquisition and Production

Chapter 2: Unified Reconstruction of Raw HDR Video Data


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Optical Design for HDR Video Capture

2.3 Image Formation Model

2.4 HDR Reconstruction

2.5 Example Applications

2.6 Conclusion

Chapter 3: Stack-Based Algorithms for HDR Capture and Reconstruction



3.1 Introduction

3.2 Metering for HDR Imaging

3.3 From LDR to HDR

3.4 Handling Artifacts From Motion During HDR Reconstruction

3.5 Conclusion

Chapter 4: Multiview HDR Video Sequence Generation


4.1 Introduction

4.2 HDR and Stereo HDR Video Acquisition

4.3 Free-Path Single Camera

4.4 Multiscopic HDR Video

4.5 Conclusions

Chapter 5: HDR, Cinematography, and Stereoscopy



5.1 Introduction

5.2 Experiments With the HDR Technique

5.3 Postproduction

5.4 HDR: Enhanced Artistic Palette Available for Directors of Photography and Directors

Part II: Processing

Chapter 6: Video Tone Mapping


6.1 Temporal Artifacts

6.2 Video TMOs

6.3 Temporal Artifacts Caused by Video TMOs

6.4 Recent Video TMOs

6.5 Summary

Chapter 7: Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators for HDR Video


7.1 Introduction

7.2 Subjective Quality Assessment Method

7.3 Survey of TMO Evaluation Studies

7.4 Evaluation Studies for Video TMOs

7.5 Video TMO Evaluation Study I

7.6 Video TMO Evaluation Study II

7.7 Summary

Chapter 8: Using Simulated Visual Illusions and Perceptual Anomalies to Convey Dynamic Range


8.1 Introduction

8.2 Three-Dimensional Unsharp Masking

8.3 Temporal Glare

8.4 Afterimages

8.5 Conclusion

Chapter 9: Color Management in HDR Imaging


9.1 Introduction

9.2 Background

9.3 Color Spaces for HDR and Color Workflows

9.4 Color Correction

9.5 Recovery of Clipped and Overexposed Regions

9.6 Color Appearance Modeling for HDR

9.7 Conclusions

Part III: Representation and Coding

Chapter 10: High Dynamic Range Video Compression


10.1 Introduction

10.2 HDR Image Storage Formats and Compression

10.3 HDR Video Compression

10.4 Summary

Chapter 11: High Dynamic Range and Wide Color Gamut Video Standardization — Status and Perspectives


11.1 Introduction

11.2 HDR and WCG Video Workflows and Related Standardization Activities

11.3 HDR and WCG in Already Existing Standards

11.4 Other Technical Solutions

11.5 Conclusion

Chapter 12: High Dynamic Range Imaging with JPEG XT


12.1 The JPEG XT Standard

12.2 Problem Definition

12.3 The History of JPEG XT

12.4 Coding Technology

12.5 Hardware Implementation

12.6 Coding Performance

12.7 Conclusions

Part IV: Display

Chapter 13: HDR Display Characterization and Modeling


13.1 Introduction

13.2 HDR Image Display With LED Backlight

13.3 Optimizing Local Dimming of LED Backlight for Image Display

13.4 LED-Backlit 3D Video Displays

13.5 Modeling and Evaluation of Display Quality

13.6 Concluding Remarks

Chapter 14: Dual Modulation for LED-Backlit HDR Displays


14.1 Introduction

14.2 Dual Modulation for Backlight Dimming

14.3 Proposed Method for Dual Modulation

14.4 Assessing the Performance of a Dual Modulation Algorithm

14.5 Some Practical Lessons for HDR Content Rendering

14.6 Concluding Remarks and Perspectives

Part V: Perception and Quality of Experience

Chapter 15: Perceptual Design for High Dynamic Range Systems


15.1 Introduction

15.2 Luminance and Contrast Perception of the HVS

15.3 Quantization and Tone Curve Reproduction

15.4 Perception of Reflectances, Diffuse White, and Highlights

15.5 Adding Color — Color Gamuts and Color Volumes

15.6 Summary

Chapter 16: Quality of Experience and HDR: Concepts and How to Measure It


16.1 Introduction

16.2 Dimensions in HDR QoE

16.3 Measuring HDR QoE: A Few Considerations

16.4 Impact of Tone Mapping Operators on QoE Dimensions

16.5 Case Study: Quality Assessment of Dynamic Range Expansion of Video Sequences

16.6 Concluding Remarks and Perspectives

Chapter 17: HDR Image and Video Quality Prediction


17.1 Introduction

17.2 Approaches for Assessing HDR Fidelity

17.3 From Spatial Frequency Errors to Global Quality Measure of HDR Content: Improvement of the HVS-Based Model

17.4 Adapted LDR Metrics for Measuring HDR Image Quality in the Context of Compression

17.5 Tone Mapping and Dynamic Range-Independent Metrics

17.6 Extensions to Video

17.7 Concluding Remarks

Part VI: Applications

Chapter 18: HDR Imaging in Automotive Applications



18.1 History and Motivation for High Dynamic Range Sensors and Cameras

18.2 Requirements for Automotive Camera Sensors

18.3 HDR Implementations

18.4 HDR Video-Based Driver Assistance Applications

Chapter 19: An Application of HDR in Medical Imaging



19.1 Introduction

19.2 Requirements of HDR Visualization in the Medical Field

19.3 Evaluation of Medical HDR Displays

19.4 The Dual-Layer Approach

19.5 Conclusions

Chapter 20: High Dynamic Range Digital Imaging of Spacecraft



20.1 Introduction

20.2 Background

20.3 Film Baseline

20.4 HDR Imaging of Spacecraft Field Experiments

20.5 Calibrated Measurement of Imager Dynamic Range

20.6 HDR Workflow and Display Device Luminance

20.7 Conclusions

Chapter 21: The Dynamic Range of Driving Simulation


21.1 Introduction

21.2 No Need for HDR Video in Driving Simulations?

21.3 Visual Factors Which Impact Driving Behavior

21.4 HDR Rendering

21.5 Photometric Control of CG Images in Driving Simulations

21.6 Conclusion

Chapter 22: HDR Image Watermarking


22.1 A Brief Introduction to Digital Watermarking

22.2 Digital Watermarking for HDR Images

22.3 Concluding Remarks


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