
PowerPivot for Self-Service BI

After reading the last two chapters you now understand how to create a valid PowerPivot data model. This data set will allow you to slice and dice your data in many different ways and can be used as-is with many tools such as Excel pivot tables and, of course, Power View.

Indeed, there is little to prevent you now from starting to use the data model that you have created in pivot tables or, better still, to deliver stunning Power View visualizations. However, while we are on the subject of finalizing the data model, there are a handful of tweaks that you may want to apply to the tables in the data set. These modifications are not always necessary, and in many cases might not be required at all. Yet there could be an equal number of times when you will need to spend a couple of minutes preparing the data so that any output (and specifically Power View reports) can deliver what you expect immediately and flawlessly.

The kind of tweaks that we are looking at include these:

  • Setting a default field set (a predefined subset of columns that can be used by default in tables and charts)
  • Setting default table behavior to prevent aggregation
  • Defining the default aggregation for a column
  • Indicating that a table has a unique identifier, and which field this is
  • Indicating that a column contains images
  • Indicating that the text in a column is a URL pointing to an image (and so, in effect, it represents an image)
  • Indicating to output tools such as Power View that the data in a column is a URL
  • Preparing hierarchies
  • Setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Hiding certain columns form the end user
  • Indicating that the data in a field is a specific geographical type so that Power Map or Power View can use the data to display maps correctly
  • Optimizing the file size

None of the techniques that you will see in this chapter are particularly complicated. Few of them take any time at all to apply. Yet, used effectively, they can enhance the output that you present to your audience.

If you want to follow the examples in this chapter, use the sample file PowerPivotSampleDataset.xlsx. This file is available on the Apress web site and contains the data set prepared according to the instructions given in the previous two chapters. You can install this file as described in Appendix A.

Default Field Set

Some data tables will contain hundreds of fields (or columns, if you prefer); others will contain only a few. Many will contain a subset of columns that you will want to use frequently in Power View visualizations. PowerPivot allows you to define a default field set for each table that “remembers” the frequently used columns so that you can use them all at once in a table or chart, without having to add them individually and potentially laboriously. This subset is called the default field set, and it will also be the list of columns that is returned by the Power BI Q&A (natural language query) functionality, which you will learn more about in Chapter 15.

What is more, a default field set is easy to apply in Power View, because all you have to do is click on the table in the Power View Field List. Power View will immediately create a table using only the columns in the default field set, in the order in which you defined them when you created the field set. Once this is done, nothing is stopping you from removing any unwanted columns from the table; this is often faster than adding columns individually. Here, then, is how you create a default field set.

  1. Ensure that the Advanced ribbon is displayed. This is described in Chapter 9.
  2. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define a default field set. I will take SalesData as an example.
  3. Click on the Default Field Set button in the Advanced ribbon. The Default Field Set dialog will be displayed.
  4. Add the fields you foresee as being useful as a core group in Power View. I suggest the fields Make, Marque, CarAgeBucket, and SalePrice. To add fields, just double click on a field name in the left-hand pane.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the Excel/Power Pivot file.

You will not see any immediate change in Power View. However, the next time that you click on the SalesData table in the Power View Field List, a table containing the fields Make, Marque, CarAgeBucket, and SalePrice will be created, in this order.

image Note   You cannot create a table in Power View using the default field set by dragging the table name on to the Power View canvas.

If you prefer, rather than double-clicking in step (4) above, you can select a field name in the left-hand pane and click the Add button in the Default Field Set dialog. In addition, to remove a selected field, all you have to do is click on a field name in the right-hand pane and click the Remove button in the Default Field Set dialog. If you want to change the order of the fields that make up the Default Field Set, then all you have to do is click on the field name in the right-hand pane and click the Move Up or Move Down buttons. An existing default field set can be modified at any time by following the steps given earlier.

Table Behavior

Sometimes the data in a table may be accurate and complete, but it will not display exactly as you hoped it would. For example, you may want to sort on a column but find that it needs custom sort criteria so that another column actually provides the sort order. Alternatively, you may want to prevent grouping on certain columns—so that PowerPivot does not presume that all your clients named John Smith are the same person, for instance. These and other options are possible and easy to apply so that your final output projects the effect you require in a clear and transparent way. Together these options are known as modifying the table behavior and are applied where necessary to individual tables.

Sort Column

An initial aspect of table behavior that you could find yourself wanting to apply frequently is defining a sort column. Take, for instance, the CarAgeBucket column in the SalesData table in the sample PowerPivotSampleDataset.xlsx data file. If you sort this column directly, the unique values <5 and >30 will appear at the top of the sorted data. Clearly this is not what you want to see, because a viewer would count on the “greater than the fixed upper limit” range to be at the bottom of the ascending sort, not at the top. This kind of logical anomaly can be solved by using another column to provide the sort order. Fortunately this was foreseen in the previous chapter when we created not only the CarAgeBucket column but also the CarAgeBucketSort column. So here is how you apply the CarAgeBucketSort column to sort the CarAgeBucket column correctly.

  1. Click on the tab name of the table in which you wish to set a custom sort for a column. Let’s take as an example the SalesData table in the sample data. This table presents a slight problem when sorting on the CarAgeBucket column, because the values in this column do not sort coherently.
  2. Click anywhere inside the CarAgeBucket column, and click the Sort By Column button in the Home tab. The Sort By Column dialog is displayed.
  3. In the By popup on the right, select the CarAgeBucketSort column. The dialog will look like Figure 11-1.


    Figure 11-1. Applying a Sort By column to another column

  4. Click OK.

Now if you sort the data using the CarAgeBucket column as the sort key, the data will actually be sorted using the data in the CarAgeBucketSort column.

image Note   Columns such as CarAgeBucketSort and MileageRangeSort are ideal candidates to be hidden from the user, as they are not really directly useful so they can be considered more a part of the data set infrastructure. Hiding columns is explained later in this chapter.

If you are preparing the PowerPivot data set for use in the Power View chapters of this book, you will need to add Sort By Columns for the fields in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1. Columns in the Data Set Requiring Sort By Columns



Sort By Column







Date Table



Date Table



Date Table



Row Identifier

The remaining aspects of table behavior that you can change to enhance output all require that the table contain a unique identifier for each row of data. If your data comes from a relational database, then it probably already has what is known as a unique primary key. This is the case for the Countries and Clients tables, so these are the ones that we will use to show the remaining table behavior options.

Before applying any other table properties, we need to tell PowerPivot which column contains the unique key. This is called setting the row identifier.

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to set the table behavior. I will take Countries as an example. If you are in diagram view, click on the table.
  2. In the Advanced tab, click Table Behavior. The Table Behavior dialog will appear.
  3. In the Row Identifier popup, select CountryID. This will cause the three remaining options to become active (and consequently no longer grayed out). The dialog will look like in Figure 11-2.


    Figure 11-2. Setting a row identifier for a table in PowerPivot

  4. Click OK.

Once you have successfully set the row identifier, you can proceed to set other table behavior options, as you will see in the next few paragraphs.

image Note   If the column that you chose as the row identifier does not contain unique data, then you will get an error message and will not be able to set table behavior. This is something that will have to be dealt with in the source data itself.

Keep Unique Rows

One table behavior option that can be extremely useful is the ability to prevent PowerPivot (and consequently Power View) from aggregating data for a column. As an example, imagine that you have two clients with the same name. They could be subsidiaries in different states or countries. Anyway, you do not want Power View to display a single total when you analyze data by client. If you tell PowerPivot to keep unique rows for the column that contains the client names, then you can achieve this aim.

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to stop data aggregating—this will be the Clients table. If you are in diagram view, then click on the table.
  2. Define the row identifier for the table (ClientID in this example) as described previously. Do not close the Table Behavior dialog. If you have previously done this, then in the Advanced tab, click Table Behavior.
  3. In the Keep Unique Rows section of the dialog, check ClientName.
  4. Click OK.

Now when you use the ClientName field in Power View, each client will appear separately, even if more than one client has the same name.

Default Label

Power View treats all text fields as labels. Such egalitarianism may be laudable in many circumstances, but it can diminish certain visual effects when you are using tiles, for instance. So one option is to set a default label field. Put simply, any default label field will be given prominence in certain Power View visualizations.

Let’s take Countries as an example here, because it contains two fields that might be used in visualizations. However, let us presume that we need the CountryName field (the renamed CountryName_EN field) to stand out when visualizations are created. Here is how you can set a field to be a default label.

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define the column containing the default image (Countries). If you are in diagram view, then click on the table.
  2. In the Advanced tab, click Table Behavior.
  3. Ensure that the Row Identifier has been set as CountryID.
  4. From the Default Label popup select CountryName.
  5. Click OK.

Now, when you create cards in Power View, you get the sort of difference that you can see in Figure 11-3.


Figure 11-3. Cards in Power View when the default field label is used

Set a Default Aggregation (Summarize By)

In PowerPivot itself, and in client tools such as Power View, you will inevitably be aggregating numeric data. Normally, this means summing up the data in a table or matrix. In some cases, however, you may find that you want a different aggregation to be applied when you are analyzing your data. Now, you can certainly override any default aggregations when creating Power View visualizations, as we saw in Chapter 2. But it can get very wearing to override the default time and time again in dozens of visualizations in possibly hundreds of reports. So to avoid this waste of energy, define the default aggregation for any field in a PowerPivot data set.

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define the default aggregation. If you are in diagram view, then click on the table.
  2. Click on the column or field whose default aggregation you wish to alter.
  3. In the Advanced tab, click Summarize By. A popup list of potential aggregations will appear. This is shown in Figure 11-4.


    Figure 11-4. Defining a default aggregation

  4. Click on the aggregation you wish to apply as the default.

From now on, the selected aggregation will be applied whenever you use this metric in a Power View table, matrix, or chart. This does not mean that you are stuck forever with the default aggregation that you set, just that it will be used by default until you apply another in a specific visualization.

image Note   Setting a default aggregation can just well mean indicating that no aggregation must be applied. This is ­essentially required when a column contains a numeric value that has no meaning if it is summarized. One example is a column containing years; another is a column of IDs. In these cases, you should choose Do Not Summarize as the ­aggregation.

Preparing Images for Power View

PowerPivot will not display images, but it can reference or contain images so that Power View can use them to impress your audience. You can make PowerPivot return images to Power View in two ways. Both require a column of data containing either of the following:

  • The image as binary data in the source table in a relational database
  • A URL to files on an accessible network

Both require a small amount of preparation. Indeed, the two methods are very slightly different depending on how the image is stored. Yet the result is well worth the small amount of effort required to deliver some impressive results, as I am sure you will agree.

Before walking through the techniques for specifying to PowerPivot that fields contain either images or references to images, I think that it is best to explain what the source data must be.

  • Binary data in a database has to be a file stored as binary data. In SQL Server, for instance, this is data of VARBINARY type. Loading such files into a database could require technical database knowledge and is outside the scope of this book. For further details on this, please consult my book SQL Server 2012 Data Integration Recipes (Apress 2012).
  • Image URLs must be a text reference containing the complete path reference to the binary file that contains the image.

In any case, these are requirements that must be dealt with at the level of the data. Remember that you cannot alter the data itself in PowerPivot.

Binary Images

I will once again take the Countries table as an example here, as it contains binary images that were previously loaded into the database table—and that consequently have been imported into PowerPivot. To tell PowerPivot that a field actually contains an image:

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define the column containing the image (Countries). If you are in diagram view, click on the table.
  2. Click on the column that you know contains the binary data for the image (CountryFlag, in this example).
  3. Switch to the Advanced tab (unless it is already active).
  4. In the Datacategory popup at the right of the ribbon, select Image.

That is all you have to do. From now on, Power View will recognize this field as an image and display the image in visualizations.

Image URLs

In some cases you may have data that does not contain the image but refers to it, either in a network share or on the web. In these cases your source data will (must) have a column that contains the complete path to the image file, including the file name. However, you will need to tell PowerPivot that the text that is imported is not just a label but contains the path to an image. Here is how this can be done for an image on disk:

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define the column containing the image (Countries). If you are in diagram view, then click on the table.
  2. Click on the column that you know contains the UNC path to the binary data for the image (CountryFlagURL, in this example).
  3. Switch to the Advanced tab (unless it is already active).
  4. In the Datacategory popup at the right of the ribbon, select Image URL.

Default Image

As you know, Power View treats all labels as equal; it does the same with images. However, you can choose to decide that some images are more equal than others, and consequently, you give them preeminence when they are displayed. To do this:

  1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define the column containing the default image (Countries). If you are in diagram view, click on the table.
  2. In the Advanced tab click Table Behavior.
  3. Check that a row identifier is defined—here it should be CountryID.
  4. From the Default Image popup, select CountryFlag or CountryFlagURL.
  5. Click OK.

PowerPivot now knows that this image is the default image it should use in output and visualizations.

Preparing Hyperlinks for Power View

Another visualization technique that can impress your audience is to include hyperlinks in Power View reports. Once again, all that this requires is a little preparation.

1. Click on the tab for the table for which you want to define the column containing the hyperlink (Clients). If you are in diagram view, click on the table.

2. Click on the column that you know contains the binary data for the image (ClientWebSite in this example).

3. Switch to the Advanced tab (unless it is already active).

4. In the Datacategory popup at the right of the ribbon, select Web URL.

If you use this field in Power View, it will not just display the URL—it becomes a hyperlink.

image Note   You could find that PowerPivot actually recognizes most URLs for what they are and sets them as Web URL (suggested) in the Datacategory popup.

Creating Hierarchies

Hierarchies can be an extremely powerful complement to your data set. Although they are rarely strictly necessary, they can make your data set both easier to understand and easier to use.

A hierarchy is a set of columns in a table that guide the user through a predefined path from the highest level to the lowest level. As this is probably best understood with an example, consider how you might describe cars when you are analyzing sales. You probably want to start with the make of car, and then the model. Let's create a hierarchy based on these two elements.

  1. Switch to the diagram view in PowerPivot.
  2. Right-click on the table title (SalesData, in this example) and select Create Hierarchy. A new hierarchy is created under the last field in the table.
  3. Right-click on the new hierarchy (which will currently be called Hierarchyn where n is a number) and select Rename.
  4. Enter a suitable name (CarDetails, in this example) and press Enter. You will see the new name replace the default name.
  5. Drag the first field that you want to add to the hierarchy under the name of the hierarchy. I will use Make. This will become the first level of the hierarchy.
  6. Drag the second field that you want to add to the hierarchy under the first level of the hierarchy. I will use Marque (the vehicle model). This hierarchy will look like Figure 11-5.


    Figure 11-5. A hierarchy in PowerPivot

  7. Save the Excel/PowerPivot file.

Using a hierarchy (in Power View, for instance) is easy. All you have to do is drag the hierarchy onto the Power View canvas; when you do a table containing all the fields that you defined in the hierarchy will be created in the order in which you created them. So a single click can convert this table into a matrix with a predefined progression through the data, or into a drill-through chart. If you want to use only one of the fields from a hierarchy, then (in Power View again) you just expand the hierarchy and drag the field that you want onto the Power View canvas.

image Tip   Once you are used to creating hierarchies in PowerPivot you might like to accelerate the process slightly using the following technique. Start by right-clicking on the first field that you want to appear in a new hierarchy before you select Create Hierarchy. A new hierarchy will then be created using this field. You can then rename the hierarchy and add other fields as described previously.

You can create a hierarchy of many levels in PowerPivot. However, as this technique is primarily to help and guide the user, I would advise that you not overdo it. You can also rename any level in a hierarchy just as you rename a field. PowerPivot will always place the original field name in brackets after the hierarchy name so that you can see which field was the source.

Modifying Hierarchies

Hierarchies are as easy to modify as they are to create. You can add or remove levels, change the order of levels in a hierarchy, or remove the hierarchy entirely.

Adding a Level to a Hierarchy

To add a level to a hierarchy all you have to do is

  1. Click on the name of the field that you want to add to the hierarchy.
  2. Drag the new level onto the hierarchy either between existing levels or above or below the top or bottom existing levels.

When you drag a field onto an existing hierarchy, the cursor becomes a thick black line that indicates where the added level will be placed. This is shown in Figure 11-6.


Figure 11-6. Adding a level to a hierarchy in PowerPivot

Removing a Level from a Hierarchy

To remove a level from a hierarchy all you have to do is

  1. Right-click on the level that you wish to remove inside the hierarchy at the bottom of the table.
  2. Select Remove From Hierarchy.
  3. Confirm your choice by clicking Remove From Hierarchy in the confirmation dialog that appears.

image Note   Removing a level from a hierarchy has no effect on the data field, which remains in the field list.

Altering the Levels in a Hierarchy

You do not have to re-create an entire hierarchy to modify the levels that you previously created. Suppose that you wish to change the order of the elements in a hierarchy.

  1. Right-click on the level that you wish to reorder inside the hierarchy at the bottom of the table.
  2. Select Move Up or Move Down.

If you prefer to use the mouse, then you can simply drag a level in a hierarchy up and down to reorder the hierarchy. The cursor will become a thick black line to indicate where the level will be moved to.

Deleting a Hierarchy

To delete a hierarchy

  1. Right-click on the level that you wish to delete inside the hierarchy at the bottom of the table.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Confirm your choice by clicking Remove From Model in the Confirmation dialog.

You can, of course, use the Delete key to remove a previously selected level in a hierarchy, provided that you confirm your action.

image Note   Deleting a hierarchy has no effect on the data fields on which it was based, which remain in the Field List.

Hiding the Original Field

If you are using a field in a hierarchy, you probably do not want to see the field name twice in Power View—once as a field and once again in the hierarchy. PowerPivot has a quick trick to help out here:

  1. Right-click on the hierarchy level whose original field you want to hide.
  2. Select Hide Source Column Name.

The field will remain in the hierarchy and in the table, but it will no longer appear in Power View as a separate field.

Hiding Hierarchies from the Diagram View

You may not always want your hierarchies to be visible in the diagram view. In this case you can choose to hide—or display—hierarchies like this:

  1. In the Display Options bar above the diagram uncheck the Hierarchies check box.

All hierarchies will be hidden in all tables in the data model. To make the hierarchies reappear, simply ensure that the Hierarchies check box is ticked.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

PowerPivot is designed to handle very large amounts of data. Power View is built to allow you to view the salient points in the data. Nonetheless, it can get hard to track and remember many key numbers in a large data set where you have tens, if not hundreds, of important figures to follow.

This is where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) step in. KPIs, are visual indicators of essential metrics in your data. You set the KPI to indicate whether your sales are on target, for instance. Or you can set a KPI (as we will do now) to keep an eye on gross margins. Then you will display the KPI as a very visual alert in Power View, as you saw in Chapter 2, Figure 2-30.

Creating a KPI

So what we will do here is create a KPI using the AvgGrossMargin calculated field from the sample data. We will then tell PowerPivot that we are aiming for a gross margin of £15,000.00, and that we will accept a range of £11,000.00 to £16,000.00 as acceptable. Anything below £11,000.00 is unacceptable and will trigger a visual warning; anything over £16,000.00 will be flagged as good news.

  1. Switch to data view (unless you are already in this view).
  2. Select the SalesData tab.
  3. Click on the calculated field AvgGrossMargin in the calculation area at the bottom of the datasheet. If it is not there, refer to the “Calculated Fields” section of Chapter 10 to learn how to create it.
  4. Click the Create KPI button in the Home tab. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog will appear. The AvgGrossMargin field will be set at the top of the dialog as the KPI base field (value).
  5. Click the Absolute Value radio button.
  6. Enter a value of 15000 in the Absolute Value field (it probably shows 100 at the moment).
  7. Click anywhere in the middle of the dialog. The Status Thresholds (the funnel indicators separating the red, yellow, and green bands) will change.
  8. Drag the upper status threshold to the right of the target until the value is 16000. Alternatively, you can enter the figure in the yellow box above the upper threshold.
  9. Drag the lower status threshold to the right until the value is 11000. Alternatively, you can enter the figure in the yellow box above the lower threshold.
  10. Select the fifth icon style from the left (a red cross, a yellow exclamation point, and a green tick mark). The dialog should look like Figure 11-7.


    Figure 11-7. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog

  11. Click OK.

The KPI has been created, and a small icon with three colors appears to the right of the calculated field that you used as the basis for the KPI. You can now use the Status, Value, and Goal fields in Power View table and matrix visualizations.

image Note   KPIs require that the input data be from a calculated field. You cannot just use a column of data for this.

KPI Options

When building this first KPI we bypassed some variations on a theme that you may find interesting. It follows that there are a couple of techniques that you could be tempted to apply when developing your own KPIs.

First, there is the question of the number of status thresholds, and consequently, the number of status icons that you can use. The choice is fairly simple:

  • Three status icons (using two status thresholds)
  • Five status icons (using four status thresholds)

Once you have decided whether to use three or five icons, you can choose how the base field relates to the target:

  • Three icons going from red to green, or green to red. Red to green implies that a lower number is poor, and a higher number is better. Green to red implies the reverse, and that the higher the number, the worse the result. If you have chosen one of the single-color KPI images, then the bar that indicates the thresholds will show a progressive shading instead of colors.
  • Five icons using red at the extremes or red at the center. Red at the extremes indicates that the further from the center the result is, the worse things are. Red at the center implies the opposite. Once again, if you have chosen one of the single-color KPI images, then the bar that indicates the thresholds will show a progressive shading instead of colors.

You make these four choices by clicking on one of the four status threshold icons in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog. Figure 11-8 shows the status threshold pane of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog for a five icon choice. As you can see, you can then adjust the four thresholds that define the five ranges that will be represented by the appropriate icon.


Figure 11-8. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) options

The icon selections are described in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2. KPI Options






Simple colored circles



Colored flags

Indicators in a circle


Symbols in a colored circle

Traffic Light


Uses a traffic light style



Colored symbols



Colored shapes



Stars of a single color that fill up to indicate the status



Progressively increasing bars of a single color



Progressively filled-in squares of a single color



Progressively filled-in pies of a single color

KPI Descriptions

Creating KPIs is easy, as you have just seen. Remembering the details later can be harder, however. Because of this, PowerPivot lets you add comments to each KPI you create. You can add comments while you are creating a KPI or at a later date, of course. Here, however, I will show you how to add comments to an existing KPI.

  1. Right-click on the calculated field that you used as the KPI base field.
  2. Select Edit KPI Settings. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog will appear.
  3. Click on Descriptions at the bottom of the dialog. The dialog will display the Descriptions page.
  4. Enter any comments that you feel useful in describing what your KPI was designed to do. This is shown in Figure 11-9.


    Figure 11-9. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog Descriptions pane

  5. Click OK to complete the modification.

To return to the main (status) pane of this dialog, all you have to do is click on KPI Status at the top of the dialog.

image Note   The KPI description will be used as a tooltip in Power View.

Calculated KPI Targets

On some occasions you could have a variable rather than a fixed target for a KPI that you are creating. Creating one of these is a virtually identical process to the one that you followed previously in the “Creating a KPI” section, but here are a few minor differences:

  • In step 5, earlier in the chapter, click Calculated Field rather than the Absolute Value radio button.
  • In step 6, select a calculated field. The data model contains a field named AverageSalePricePreviousYear, and I suggest using this field.
  • In steps 8 and 9, set percentage rather than absolute values. You can either enter the values or drag the threshold indicators left and right to do this.

Once you have done completed these steps, the KPI dialog should look like Figure 11-10, where I have also changed the icon style.


Figure 11-10. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) options for calculated KPI targets

Modifying a KPI

Of course, you may need to tweak a KPI once you have created it. This is why it is so important to be aware of the KPI icon that can appear to the right of calculated fields. This icon is shown in Figure 11-11.


Figure 11-11. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) icon for a calculated field

To modify a KPI, all you have to do is

  1. Right-click on the calculated field that you used as the KPI base field.
  2. Select Edit KPI Settings. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dialog will appear.
  3. Make any adjustments you need to the KPI elements and confirm with OK.

Deleting a KPI

IF a KPI has become redundant, you can delete it:

  1. Right-click on the calculated field that you used as the KPI base field.
  2. Select Delete KPI.

image Note   The KPI will be deleted without any confirmation or warning. Deleting a KPI will not affect the calculated field(s) it was based on.


It is easy, with a little practice, to develop quite complex PowerPivot data models that contain dozens of tables and hundreds of columns. This is fabulous for defining a “single version of the truth”—the Eldorado of business intelligence. The downside is that the sheer complexity and breadth of a large model can become difficult for end users to navigate.

So the PowerPivot team came up with a solution. The answer is to create and use perspectives. A perspective is a subset of the tables and columns that are particularly relevant to a group of users. Once a set of perspectives has been created, users can switch from one to another and thus only see the data that is relevant to a specific type of analysis.

Creating a Perspective

Here is how you can create a perspective:

  1. In the Advanced tab, click the Create And Manage button. The Perspectives dialog appears.
  2. Click New Perspective. A column appears containing a check box for every table and field in the data set.
  3. Replace the current new column name (NewPerspective) with something more appropriate. I will name it ExecutiveGroup.
  4. Expand all the tables that contain fields you want to retain, and check the boxes for those fields. In this example I will choose
    1. CountryName from the Countries table
    2. Make, Marque, and SalePrice from the SalesData table
    3. Colour from the Colours table
    4. ClientName from the Clients table.

    The Perspectives dialog will look like Figure 11-12.


    Figure 11-12. The Perspectives dialog

  5. Confirm with OK.

Applying a Perspective

Nothing has happened when you created a perspective—yet. So now it is time to use the perspective that you just created.

  1. In the Advanced tab, click the popup labeled Select:. You will see all the available perspectives, including the standard, default perspective, as shown in Figure 11-13.


    Figure 11-13. Applying a perspective

  2. Select the perspective that you just created (ExecutiveGroup).

Any tables that were not selected as part of the perspective will temporarily be hidden, and any columns in the visible tables that you did not select will also be hidden from view. So you, or your users, can perform any required analyses on a simpler data model. Of course, you can return to the initial, default perspective at any time by selecting it from the list of available perspectives.

image Note   Power View can currently only use the default perspective.

Data Categories

A few pages ago we indicated to PowerPivot that certain fields were to be treated as images. Well, these are not the only hints that you can give to PowerPivot concerning the data a field contains. You can choose to apply to your data to several data categories, and this can only help Power View or Power Map (more on that in Chapter 13) display the sort of results that you really want.

Because we have already seen how to apply data categories in the context of images, I will not repeat the process, but will explain, in Table 11-3, what the remaining data categories are and when you should use them.

Table 11-3. Data Category Options

Data Category





Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



A custom category



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



Tells Power View that the column contents are a date


Image Reference

Tells Power View that the column contents are to be displayed as an image

Image URL

Image Reference

Tells Power View that the column contents are to be displayed as an image



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



A custom category



Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps

Postal Code


Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



A custom category

State or Province


Indicates to Power View maps and Power Map that this field can be used by Bing maps



Tells Power View that data in this field is a hyperlink and that it can be clicked to open the URL

Hiding Columns from Client Tools

If you have spent a few minutes preparing your data set so that it is ready to be used in Power View (or many other visualization tools), then you could be looking at many, many columns of data. Some of these columns might be necessary for the data visualization to work effectively, but you and your users might not need to see them in Power View. Such columns have become part of the infrastructure of the data but are not required in the tables and charts that you will be creating.

So, if you want to remove extraneous clutter from your data set and hide columns that (and this list is not exhaustive)

  • Are only used to sort other columns by
  • Appear in hierarchies, and so are redundant if they appear in the field list as well
  • Contain intermediate calculations (as you saw in Chapter 10)
then you can simply hide these columns from Power View and the end user. To do this:
  1. Right-click on any column that you want to hide from the user.
  2. Select Hide From Client Tools in the context menu.

The selected column will be grayed out in the table, and it remains in the data set. It will not, however, be visible in Power View or the PowerPivot table Field List.

image Tip   You can Ctrl-click to select multiple fields, even from several tables, before right-clicking and choosing to hide the fields from client tools.

If you are using this chapter to prepare the PowerPivot data model that is used as the basis for all the Power View examples in the previous chapters, then you will need to hide a certain number of columns from Power View. These columns are given in Table 11-4. Be aware, though, that you will need to create some of these columns in the data model before you can hide them from the user. This is explained in the previous chapter.

Table 11-4. Columns to Hide to Prepare the Data Model



























Preparing Data for Natural Language Querying

When you delve into Chapter 15 you will see, amongst other things, how you can query the data in a PowerPivot data model using natural language querying – that is without needing to learn a computer language to return data. However as humans (and not computers) we tend to use many words to describe the same thing, or even to use idiosyncratic vocabulary when defining data models.

PowerPivot lets you add synonyms for the names of objects (that is essentially columns and tables) to a data model. This helps the natural language querying engine interpret requests with greater accuracy. If you want to extend the data model with synonyms

  1. Click the Synonyms button in the Advanced tab. Power Pivot switches to Diagram View and displays the Synonyms pane on the right.
  2. Click on a table or field name in the Synonyms pane.
  3. Enter a comma-separated list of synonyms for the table or field name.

Some synonyms are in bold. These are autogenerated by PowerPivot, and cannot be modified.

image Note   Synonyms are only available in Office 365 Professional Plus or the Click-to-Run version of Office 2013 Professional Plus. Also you must be signed in to Office 365 with an organizational account.

Optimizing File Size

Although it is not something which springs to mind when initially creating a PowerPivot data model, file size can be important. It is altogether too easy to create huge data models in PowerPivot, if only because the existing Excel worksheet limits are no longer a constraint. In practice, though, you are probably better off trying to create the most compact data model that you can.

There are several reasons for this:

  • A large data model – despite compression – will take up more memory, more space on disk and be slower to load and save.
  • A data model which contains lots of tables, duplicate data or unneeded columns will be hard to understand for end users.

To end this chapter, here are a few techniques and ideas to help you create lean and efficient data models in Power Pivot. This list is not exhaustive, by any means, but it should point you in the right direction.

  • Avoid unneeded tables – If a table contains a subset of data in an existing table, use the main table only.
  • Avoid unneeded columns – If a column will likely never be used, remove it. If a column is a duplicate of data in another column, but formatted or shaped differently, try and choose only the most useful variant of the data.
  • Avoid unwanted data – Do not import redundant data in the first place, and tweak your connections to source data to exclude unwanted data to avoid re-importing it by mistake when updating.
  • Structure the dataset cleverly – Try to create calculated fields rather than calculated columns, if you can.
  • Avoid unneeded data – Use filters when importing data to exclude unnecessary records.
  • Use short data strings – Break long, complex columns of data into smaller columns. This allows for better in-memory compression, as more elements are identical in a column, which helps the compression algorithm to work more efficiently.
  • Apply appropriate data types – Try and use the most suitable data type for each column. For instance, use a date type when you don’t need data and time – it takes up less space.
  • Use reference tables – do not duplicate the same data inside a table when you can use a lookup table, and save lots of space.

On a more general note, you can also reduce the size of Excel worksheets by removing

  • Unused worksheets
  • Images and Clip art
  • Formatting
  • Backgrounds

File size optimization is a never-ending cycle of trial and error. However, if you are aware of the basic techniques that can be used, then you should be able to build more efficient data models from the ground up.


So that is all there is to preparing a data set for top of the range Power View reports. As long as you have set any relevant table behavior options to define default field sets and columns containing images, for instance and applied Sort By columns and data categories, then your data should appear correctly and with greater panache. To finish, add a few Key Performance Indicators, ensure that any columns that are not really required by users are hidden, and make sure all useful hierarchies are set up; if you do all this, your audience will be really impressed. If as well you have prepared the data for natural language querying and have structured it so that there is no data redundancy, then you have really done a good job.

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