6 High Performance Visualization
1.5 Conclusion
This book describes the state of the art at the intersection of scientific
visualization, large data, and trends in high performance computing. It will
prepare the reader to apply its concepts and perform additional research in
this space.
[1] Richard Mount (ed.). The Office of Science Data-Management Chal-
lenge. Report from the DOE Office of Science Data-Management Work-
shops. Technical Report SLAC-R-782, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,
March–May 2004.
[2] Charles Hansen and Christopher Johnson. Visualization Handbook.Aca-
demic Press, Orlando, FL, USA, 2004.
[3] B. H. McCormick, T. A. DeFanti, and M. D. Brown (eds.). Visualization
in Scientific Computing. Computer Graphics, 21(6), November 1987.
[4] Gordon E. Moore. Cramming More Components Onto Integrated Circuits.
Electronics, 38(8), April 1965.
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