Parallel Integral Curves 111
ulation checkpoints are not saved frequently enough for accurate time-varying
flow visualization.
Besides the need to visualize large data sizes, the ability to trace a large
number of particles is also a valuable asset. While hundreds of thousands or
millions of particles may be too many for human viewing, a very dense field
of streamlines or pathlines may be necessary for accurate follow-on analysis.
The accuracy of techniques such as identifying Lagrangian coherent structures
and querying geometric features of field lines relies on a dense field of particle
6.4 Conclusion
IC methods are a foundational technique that have proven to be a valuable
tool in the analysis and understanding of complex flow with scientific simula-
tions. These techniques provide a powerful framework for a variety of specific
analyses, including streamlines, pathlines, streak lines, stream surfaces, as well
as advanced Lagrangian techniques, such as Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents
(FTLE), and Lagrangian Cohrent Structures.
Due to the complexities of IC calculation in a parallel, distributed mem-
ory setting, as outlined in 6.2, it is clear that there is no optimal algorithm
suitable for all types of vector fields, seeding scenarios, and data set sizes. The
complexities of parallel IC computations are likely to stress the entire system,
including compute, memory, communication, and I/O. This chapter outlined
several different algorithms that showed a good scalability on large computing
resources, on very large data sets, that were built on the standard algorithms
for parallelization across both seeds and data. These include the dynamic
workload monitoring of both particles and data blocks and the rebalancing of
work among the available processors, efficient data structures, and techniques
for maximizing the efficiency of communication between processors.
112 High Performance Visualization
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