Chapter 9
In Situ Processing
Hank Childs
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Kwan-Liu Ma, Hongfeng Yu
University of California, Davis and Sandia National Laboratories
Brad Whitlock, Jeremy Meredith, Jean Favre
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and
Swiss Center for Scientific Computing
Scott Klasky, Norbert Podhorszki
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Karsten Schwan, Matthew Wolf
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Manish Parashar
Rutgers University
Fan Zhang
Rutgers University
9.1 Introduction ...................................................... 172
9.2 Tailored Co-Processing at High Concurrency ................... 174
9.3 Co-Processing With General Visualization Tools Via Adaptors 175
9.3.1 Adaptor Design .......................................... 178
9.3.2 High Level Implementation Issues ....................... 178
9.3.3 In Practice ............................................... 179
9.3.4 Co-Processing Performance .............................. 180
9.4 Concurrent Processing ........................................... 183
9.4.1 Service Oriented Architecture for Data Management in
HPC ..................................................... 183
9.4.2 The ADaptable I/O System, ADIOS .................... 184
9.4.3 Data Staging for In Situ Processing .................... 185
9.4.4 Exploratory Visualization with VisIt and Paraview
Using ADIOS ............................................ 186
172 High Performance Visualization
9.5 In Situ Analytics Using Hybrid Staging ......................... 187
9.6 Data Exploration and In Situ Processing ....................... 189
9.6.1 In Situ Visualization by Proxy .......................... 190
9.6.2 In Situ Data Triage ..................................... 191
9.7 Conclusion ........................................................ 193
References .......................................................... 194
Traditionally, visualization is done via post-processing: a simulation produces
data, writes that data to disk, and then, later, a separate visualization program
reads the data from disk and operates on it. In situ processing refers to a
different approach: the data is processed while it is being produced by the
simulation, allowing visualization to occur without involving disk storage. As
recent supercomputing trends have simulations producing data at a much
faster rate than I/O bandwidth, in situ processing will likely play a bigger
and bigger role in visualizing data sets on the world’s largest machines.
The push towards commonplace in situ processing has a benefit besides
saving on I/O costs. Already, scientists must limit how much data they store
for later processing, potentially limiting their discoveries and the value of
their simulations. In situ processing, however, enables the processing of this
unexplored data.
This chapter describes the different approaches for in situ processing and
discusses their benefits and limitations.
9.1 Introduction
The terms used for in situ processing have not been used consistently
throughout the community. In this book, in situ processing refers to a
spectrum of processing techniques. The commonality between these tech-
niques is that they enable visualization and analysis techniques without the
significant—and increasing expensive—cost of I/O. On one end of the in situ
spectrum, referred to in this book as co-processing, visualization routines are
part of the simulation code, with direct access to the simulation’s memory. On
the other end of the in situ spectrum, referred to in this book as “concurrent
processing,” the visualization program runs separately on distinct resources,
with data transferred from the simulation to the visualization program via the
network. Hybrid methods combine these approaches: data is processed and re-
duced using direct access to the simulation’s memory (i.e., co-processing) and
then sent to a dedicated visualization resource for further processing (i.e.,
concurrent processing). Table 9.1 summarizes these methods.
For approaches that process data via direct access to the simulation’s mem-
ory (i.e., co-processing and hybrid approaches), another important considera-
tion is whether to use custom, tailored code, written for a specific simulation,
or whether to leverage existing, richly featured visualization software. Tai-
In Situ Processing 173
Technique Co-processing Concurrent Hybrid
Tightly coupled Loosely coupled
Aliases Synchronous Asynchronous None
Vis runs on Data is reduced
Vis routines have dedicated, via co-
Description direct access concurrent processing
to memory of resources and and sent to
simulation code access data a concurrent
via network resource.
constraints. Data movement Complex. Also
Negative Large impact costs. Requires shares negatives
Aspects on simulation separate of other
(crashes, resources. approaches.
TABLE 9.1: Summary of in situ processing techniques
lored code is most likely to be well-optimized for performance and memory
requirements, for example by using a simulation’s data structures without
copying them into another form. However, tailored code is often not portable
or re-usable, making it tied to a specific simulation code. Utilizing existing,
richly featured visualization software is more likely to work well with many
simulations. But, typically, the price of this generality may be increased due
to the usage of resources, such as memory, network bandwidth, or CPU time.
This chapter discusses case studies for three in situ processing scenarios:
a tailored, co-processing approach at high levels of concurrency, de-
scribed in 9.2;
a co-processing approach via an adaptor layer to a richly featured visu-
alization tool, described in 9.3; and
a concurrent approach in the context of the ADIOS system, described
in 9.4.
Hybrid processing is an emerging idea, with little published work; its concepts
and recent results are discussed in 9.5. Finally, 9.6 discusses how to use in
situ processing when the visualizations and analyses to be performed are not
known a priori.
174 High Performance Visualization
9.2 Tailored Co-Processing at High Concurrency
Tailored co-processing is the most natural approach when implementing
an in situ solution from scratch and focusing on integration with just one
simulation code. The techniques and data structures are implemented with a
specific target in mind, resulting in high efficiency in performance and memory
overhead, since the simulation’s data does not need to be copied. Not surpris-
ingly, many of the largest scale examples of in situ processing, to date, have
been done using tailored co-processing. Co-processing has been practiced by
some researchers in the past with the objective to either monitor or steer sim-
ulations [10, 21, 17, 20]. Later results focused on speeding up the simulation
by reducing I/O costs [32, 37].
Co-processing has many advantages:
Accessing the data is very efficient, as the data is already in the primary
memory. In contrast, post-processing accesses data via the file system
and concurrent processing accesses data via the network.
Visualization routines can access more data than is typically possible.
Simulation codes limit the number of time slices they output for post-
processing, since I/O is so expensive. But, with co-processing, the visu-
alization routines can be applied to every time slice, and at a low cost.
This prevents discoveries from being missed because the data could never
be explored.
The integrity of the data does need to be compromised. Some simulations
produce so much data that the data must be reduced somehow, for
example by subsampling; this is not necessary when co-processing.
Co-processing also has some disadvantages:
Any resources, such as memory or network bandwidth, consumed by
visualization routines will reduce what is available to the simulation.
Further, existing visualization algorithms are usually not optimized to
use the domain decomposition and data structures designed for the sim-
ulation code. To be used in situ, the algorithms may have to be refor-
mulated so as not to duplicate data and incur excessive interprocessor
communication for the visualization calculations.
The visualization calculations should only take a small fraction of the
overall simulation time. If they take longer, the visualization routines
can impact the ability of the simulation to advance if they can not fin-
ish quickly enough. Although sophisticated visualization methods offer
visually compelling results, they are often not acceptable for in situ vi-
If the visualization routines crash or corrupt memory, then the simula-
tion will be affected—possibly crashing itself.
In Situ Processing 175
The visualization routines must run at the same level of concurrency (in
terms of numbers of nodes) as the simulation itself, which may require
rethinking some visualization algorithm design and implementation.
In short, it is both challenging and beneficial to design scalable parallel
in situ visualization algorithms. The resulting visualization should be cost-
effective and highlight the best features of interest in the modeled phenomena
without constantly acquiring global information about the spatial and tem-
poral domains of the data. A good design must take into account the domain
knowledge about the modeled phenomena and the simulation model. As such,
a co-processing visualization solution should be developed as a collective effort
between the visualization specialists and simulation scientists. Other design
considerations for co-processing in situ visualization are discussed by Ma [18].
Finally, the recent results of Yu et al. [38] are briefly summarized here,to
understand a real-world, tailored co-processing approach. They achieved
highly scalable in situ visualization of a turbulent combustion simulation [6] on
a Cray XT5 supercomputer, using up to 15,260 cores. Figure 9.1 shows a set of
timing test results. This work was novel outside of its extreme scale, because it
introduced an integrated solution for visualizing both volume data and particle
data, allowing the scientists to examine complex particle-turbulence interac-
tion, like the type shown in Figure 9.2. The mixed types of data required con-
siderable coordination for data occurring along the boundaries [38] and highly
streamlined routines, like the 2-3 swap compositing algorithm (see 5.3.1). Fi-
nally, their efforts had benefits beyond performance. Before employing in situ
visualization, the combustion scientists subsampled the data to reduce both
data movement and computational requirements for post-processing visualiza-
tion. This work allowed them to operate on the original full-resolution data.
9.3 Co-Processing With General Visualization Tools Via
As with tailored code, co-processing with a general visualization system
incorporates visualization and analysis routines into the simulation code, al-
lowing direct access to the simulation’s data and compute resources. Whereas
co-processing with tailored code integrates tightly-coupled visualization rou-
tines adapted to the simulation’s own data structures, co-processing using gen-
eral routines from fully featured visualization systems uses an adaptor layer
to access simulation data. The adaptor layer is simply a set of routines that
the simulation developer provides to expose a simulation’s data structures in
a manner that is compatible with the visualization system’s code.
The complexity of adaptors can vary greatly. If the data structures of the
simulation and the visualization system differ, then the adaptor’s job is to
copy and reorganize data. For example, a simulation may contain particle
data, with spatial coordinates and other attributes for each particle. If the
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