286 High Performance Visualization
munication can take place without any operating system or MPI overhead like
message buffering and so forth. A second common trait concerns the use of
ghost zones. With a data decomposition consisting of smaller and more data
partitions, there is more surface area compared to a decomposition that re-
sults in fewer and larger data partitions. Less surface area means there is less
information—ghost zones—that needs to be communicated during the course
of processing. The MPI-only configuration results in more and smaller data
partitions compared to the MPI-hybrid configurations.
In the future, all trends suggest computational platforms comprised of an
increasing number of cores per chip (see Chap. 15). One unknown is whether or
not those future architectures will continue to support a shared memory that is
visible to all cores. The present hybrid-parallel implementations perform well
because all threads have access to a single shared memory on a CPU chip. If
future architectures eliminate this shared memory, future research will need to
explore alternative algorithmic formulations and implementations that both
exploit available architectural traits as well as achieve low memory footprint
utilization and reduced communication when compared to traditional, MPI-
only designs and implementations.
Hybrid Parallelism 287
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