xviii High Performance Visualization
15.1 Workflow blending in situ and post-processing elements for
processing combustion and fusion simulations. ........ 340
15.2 Aspectrumofscienticdatamodelelements. ........ 342
16.1 Diagram of VisIt programs and their communication. . . . . 361
16.2 Images from VisIt scalability experiments .......... 365
16.3 Recent covers of the SciDAC Review Journal created using
VisIt................................ 367
17.1 An example rendering of a cubic volume by eightprocesses. . 376
17.2 ImageinterlacinginIceT. ................... 377
17.3 An IceT-assisted rendering of an isosurface from a Richtmyer–
Meshkovsimulation. ...................... 380
17.4 Results from a simulation of objects in a crosswind fire. . . 380
17.5 An example of using IceT to simultaneously render both sur-
facesandtransparentvolumesonamultitiledisplay. .... 380
18.1 ParaView being used in the analysis of flow patterns associ-
atedwithmagneticuxropes.................. 385
18.2 A Python script demonstrating the ParaView scripting inter-
faceusedtosetupavisualizationpipeline........... 391
18.3 An application from the Computational Model Builder
(CMB) suite based on ParaView’s client–server framework be-
ing used to develop a suitable mesh of Chesapeake Bay for a
surfacewatersimulation..................... 392
18.4 The ParaView Co-processing Library generalizes to many sim-
ulations by using adaptors that map simulation data struc-
tures to data structures it can process natively. ....... 392
18.5 A prototype web application based on ParaViewWeb for inter-
active analysis of 3D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation results
forspacescientists. ....................... 394
18.6 The fragmentation pattern of a high-speed aluminum ball hit-
tinganaluminumbrick. .................... 395
18.7 ParaView’s fragment extraction can be used to validate that
the fragments in a simulated explosion (left) match collected
debris (center) and observed damage (right) from experi-
ments. .............................. 395
18.8 A visualization of magnetic reconnection from the VPIC
projectatLosAlamosNationalLaboratory. ......... 396
18.9 Finding and tracking of flux ropes in global hybrid simulations
oftheEarthsmagnetosphereusingParaView ........ 398
19.1 ThearchitectureoftheViSUSsoftwareframework...... 403
19.2 The first five levels of resolution of 2D and 3D Lebesgue’s
space-filling curve. ....................... 404
19.3 ParallelI/Ostrategies...................... 405
List of Figures xix
19.4 The LightStream data flow used for analysis and visualization
ofa3Dcombustionsimulation(Uintahcode)......... 406
19.5 A ViSUS application running on both an iPhone and a Pow-
erwall. .............................. 407
19.6 The ViSUS software framework visualizing and processing
medicalimagery. ........................ 408
19.7 RemoteclimatevisualizationwithViSUS. .......... 409
19.8 ViSUS being used for large panorama image processing. . . 410
19.9 Remotevisualizationandmonitoringofsimulations. .... 411
20.1 Exploration of the current field of a 1536
MHD simulation. 421
20.2 Volume rendering of an isolated ROI showing the magnitude
of the current field from a 1536
simulation. ......... 422
20.3 Direct volume rendering of reduced MHD enstrophy data. . 423
20.4 Pathlines from the time-varying velocity field of a simulation. 424
20.5 Pathline integration of five randomly seeded pathlines using
reducedstormsimulationdata. ................ 425
21.1 ThebasicEnsightclientservercongurations......... 431
21.2 EnSight parallel rendering for CAVE and planar tiled displays. 431
21.3 EnSight rendering with parallel compositing. ......... 432
21.4 The EnSight 10 GUI includes dynamically generated silhou-
ette edges for selections and targets, hardware accelerated ob-
jectpickingandcontextsensitivemenus............ 436
21.5 SupernovasimulationdatavisualizedwithEnsight...... 438
21.6 Ensightvisualizationofairowsimulationresults. ..... 439
21.7 Ensight visualization of inertial confinement fusion simulation
results............................... 441
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