List of Tables
5.1 Theoretical lower bounds for compositing algorithms. .... 81
6.1 Parallel IC performancebenchmarks.............. 110
8.1 Biorthogonal wavelet filter coefficients for the CDF 5/3 (top)
and9/7(bottom)wavelets................... 163
9.1 Summary of in situ processing techniques .......... 173
9.2 Performance results for co-processing in situ processing with
anadaptor-basedapproach. .................. 182
9.3 Timing results for in situ visualizationbyproxy....... 191
10.1 Taxonomyofstreaming. .................... 202
12.1 Comparison of memory usage at MPI Initialization for P
volumerenderingimplementations. ............ 269
13.1 Characteristics of supercomputers used in a trillion cell per-
formancestudy.......................... 295
13.2 Performance for visualizing trillion cell data set while varying
oversupercomputingenvironment. .............. 296
13.3 Performance for visualizing trillion cell data sets while varying
I/Opattern............................ 298
13.4 Performance for visualizing trillion cell data sets while varying
datagenerationpattern. .................... 298
13.5 Performance results for an isosurfacing weak scalability study. 300
13.6 Performance results for a volume rendering weak scalability
study. .............................. 302
13.7 Table comparing volume rendering performance at extreme
scale with and without an algorithmic option designed to min-
imizedatamovement. ..................... 303
13.8 Table demonstrating the impact of all-to-one communication
atextremescale. ........................ 304
14.1 Percentvariationinruntimeacrossblocksizes........ 320
xxii High Performance Visualization
15.1 Expected exascale architecture parameters compared to cur-
renthardware........................... 333
16.1 VisItsveprimaryuserinterfaceconcepts. ......... 363
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