
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 74


accountability, 51

Adobe, Mobilize phase case study, 79


design principles with goals of performance management, 91–95, 105–107. See also Sketch phase.

on principles of design, 173–190

assessing your current state, 82–84


bicycle analogy for performance management goals, 65–66

Boeing, 3–6

books and publications

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 74

Fast Company, 203

Get Rid of Performance Reviews, 38

Out of Crisis, 28

The Secret of a Winning Culture, 43

Switch, 154, 156

brainstorming, 98–99

Brandeis, Louis, 32

Buckingham, Marcus, 17–18

Build phase

capturing performance data, 146

design first, technology second, 145

driving organizational performance, 144

equitable rewards, 144

IT master plan, 145

managing dependencies, 142, 144–147

pilot testing tools, 146

talent management integration, 142–144

technology strategy, selecting, 144–147

Toolbox, 198–200

visualizing your solution, 142

build plan, creating, 147–148

buy-in checkpoints. See support and buy-in checkpoints.


career ownership, 35

case studies

Adobe, Mobilize phase, 79

global organizations, 121–123

hourly workers, 135–136

leading the leaders, 71–74

Mobilize phase, 79

nonprofits, 114–115, redesigning PM practices, 109–115, redesigning PM practices, 130–135, redesigning PM practices, 116–123, redesigning PM practices, 123–129

CEB (Corporate Executive Board) survey, 7, 61

change champions, 161–162

change fatigue, 160

change plan, creating, 198–200

change saturation, 160

Childress, John R., 43

collaboration, motivator for performance, 50

collaborative culture, erosive effects of preference reviews, 25–26

common objections to change, 167–171

configuration checklist, 101, 191–193

configuration template, 104

Configure phase

basic questions, 103

brainstorming, 98–99

case studies, 111–113, 117–123

categories of options, 98–100

configuration checklist, 101

configuration template, 104

configuring PM practices, 102–105

confirming design choices, 102

formal mentoring, 103–104

informal mentoring, 103–104

selecting PM practices, 100–101

sketchpad, 107

support and buy-in checkpoint, 101, 105, 108

testing your configuration, 105–107

worksheet, 107

Configure phase, Toolbox

configuration checklist, 191–193

sketchpad for configuration, 193–197

worksheet for configuration, 193–197

configuring PM practices, 102–105

confirming design choices, 102

core business process, examining, 44

Corporate Executive Board (CEB) survey, 7, 61

cost of traditional performance management, 155

courage, definition, 172

Covey, Stephen R., 74

crowdsourcing design principles, 45, 95, 187–190

Culbert, Samuel, 16, 38

cultural change, driving, 203–204

cultural diversity, dimensions of

IDV (individualism), 121

LTO (long-term orientation), 122

MAS (masculinity), 122

PDI (power distance), 121

UAI (uncertainty avoidance), 122

culture, dimension of business, 86

custom design principles

creating, 88–95

Sketch phase, 88–95, 173–179

Toolbox for, 91, 173–179

customizing a PM Reboot, 9


Deming, W. Edwards, 28

dependencies, managing, 142, 144–147

design first, technology second, 145

design principles

aligning with goals of performance management, 91–95, 105–107. See also Sketch phase.

basic questions, 90–91

case studies, 110–114, 116123, 124–127, 130–135

crowdsourcing, 45, 95, 187–190

custom, creating, 88–95. See also Toolbox.

driving organizational performance, 90

for nonprofits, 114–115

overall, 90

people development, 90

reward equity, 90

sketchpad, 92–95

support and buy-in checkpoint, 91, 95

worksheet, 92–95

design team, forming, 76–80

developing people

design principles, 90

goal of, 59–60

Lily Pad Career Development Model, 35

driving organizational performance

Build phase, 90, 144

design principles, 90

goal of, 62–64


elephant and rider analogy, 154

emphasizing the negative, 17–19

employee empowerment, 159

employee recognition survey (Globoforce 2013), 43

employee satisfaction, involvement in design decisions, 60

empowerment, fundamental shift to, 46–49

equitable, definition, 60

equitable rewards. See also money; motivators for performance.

across cultures, 122–123

Build phase, 144

design principles, 90

equity without rankings, 62, 169–170

goal of performance management, 60–62

goals of, 60–62

HIPO (hi-potential) programs, 144

Executive Conference Board study (2010), 60

extrinsic motivators for performance, 28, 61


fairness. See equitable rewards.

Fast Company, 203

fatal flaws

correcting. See fundamental shifts.

emphasizing the negative, 17–19

erosion of a collaborative culture, 25–26

focus on the individual, 19–20

impediments to feedback, 14–16

limited honest dialogue, 14–16

pay for performance, 27–28

theories without evidence, 12–13

unfair ratings and judgments, 21–23

unreliable basis for talent decisions, 23–24

fear of

incompetence, 164

increased workload, 164

loss, 163


emphasizing the negative, 17–19

encouraging, 44

impediments in performance reviews, 14–16

management role in improving, 44

as a motivator, 18, 24

Fierce, 34

fine performance plans, 166

formal mentoring, 103–104

fundamental shifts

a chosen few to a diverse input, 42–46

individual metrics to shared commitments, 49–51

management-driven to employee-powered, 33–36

need to know to transparency, 30–32

one size fits all to customized, 39–42

past performance to future capability, 37–39

pay for performance to pay for capabilities, 54–55

policing to empowering, 46–49


Gallup Q12 employee engagement survey, 63

Get Rid of Performance Reviews, 38

global organizations, case study, 121–123

goals of performance management

aligning design principles with, 91–95, 105–107

bicycle analogy, 65–66

develop people, 59–60

drive organizational performance, 62–64

reward equitably, 60–62

in the Sketch phase, 91–95

summary, 58


Heath, Chip, 154, 156

Heath, Dan, 154, 156

HIPO (hi-potential) programs, 144

Hofstede, Geert, 121–123

hourly workers, case study, 135–136

HR (human resources), strategic value of, 155


IDV (individualism), 121

Implement phase

build plan, creating, 147–148

overseeing the build-out, 147–149

planning the rollout, 147–149

rollout strategy, reassessing and evolving, 148

supporting content, creating, 148

sustainability model, defining, 149

timeline, reassessing and evolving, 148

Toolbox, 198–200

improving performance management. See fundamental shifts.

informal mentoring, 103–104

IT master plan, 145


key dimensions of business, 85–87

know your starting place, 81–84

Kohn, Alfie, 28

Kotter, John, 156


last competitive frontier, 202

Lazy B, 3–6

leadership. See also management.

management role in improving feedback, 44

reflection in corporate culture, 43–44

leading the change, 152–153

leading the leaders, case study, 71–74

Lily Pad Career Development Model, 35

Linkedin, PM Reboot group, 204

LTO (long-term orientation), 122


major impacts, identifying, 158–159

making the case for change, 153–156


role in improving feedback, 44

shift from policing to empowering, 46–49. See also leadership.

manager expectations, 158–159

managing dependencies, 142, 144–147

MAS (masculinity), 122

mentoring, formal and informal, 103–104

Mobilize phase

basic questions, 77

case studies, 71–74, 79

forming a design team, 76–80

including the right people, 76–80

leading the leaders, 71–74

pilot testing, 75

planning your journey, 74–76

revising plans, 75–76

support and buy-in checkpoint, 76, 80


alternative moti–vators, 54–55

motivator for performance, 27–28

Montag-Schmaltz, Beth, 157

motivators for performance. See also equitable rewards.

alternatives to money, 54–55

collaboration, 50

extrinsic motivators, 28, 61

feedback, 18, 24

involvement in job decisions, 36

money, 27–28

non-cash, 54–55

pay for performance, 27–28


naysayers to change, 165–171

non-cash motivators for performance, 54–55


online tools. See Toolbox.

Out of Crisis, 28

overseeing the build-out, 147–149


Parr, Shawn, 203

pay for performance

motivator for performance, 27–28

shifting to pay for capabilities, 54–55, 62

PDI (power distance), 121, redesigning PM practices case study, 109–115

people, dimension of business, 86

people development

design principles, 90

goal of, 59–60

as last competitive frontier, 202

Lily Pad Career Development Model, 35

talent management integration, 142–144

people processes, examining, 44


accountability, 51

change management guru, 157

Lily Pad Career Development Model, 35

non-cash rewards, 55

postcard to the Tribe, 44

PeopleFirm Buck$, 55

PeopleFirm Talent Strategy Accelerator, 83–84

performance, reproducing, 20

performance data, capturing, 146

performance management

barriers to rebooting, 8. See also PM Reboot.

common problems with. See fatal flaws.

cost of traditional, 155

driving cultural change, 203–204

goals. See goals of performance management.

improving. See fundamental shifts.

Performance Management Survey, 7

performance previews, 38

phases of redesign, summary. See also specific phases.

pilot testing

Build phase, 146

Mobilize phase, 75

tools, 146

Pink, Daniel, 36

planning your design change

build plan, creating, 147–148

identifying major impacts, 158–159

IT master plan, 145

making the case for change, 153–156

manager expectations, 158–159

Mobilize phase, 74–76

revising plans, 75–76

risk assessment, 159–160

role changes, 158

rollout, 147–149

skill gaps, 159

sustainability, 157–161

uncertainty, 163

PM Reboot, 9

PM Reboot group on Linkedin, 204

polls. See surveys and polls.

postcard to the Tribe, 44

power distance (PDI), 121



achieving equity without, 62, 169–170

basic unfairness of, 21–23

flaws in performance reviews, 21–23

reboot, 9

redesign phases, summary of, 68. See also specific phases.

reliability of current appraisal systems, study of, 61

resistance to change, 162–165, redesigning PM practices case study, 130–135

revising plans, 75–76

rewards, equitable. See equitable rewards.

rider and elephant analogy, 154

risk assessment, 159–160

role changes, 158

rollout strategy, reassessing and evolving, 148


satisfaction with performance reviews, survey of, 7

Scott, Susan, 34

The Secret of a Winning Culture, 43

Senn, Larry E., 43, redesigning PM practices case study, 116–123

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 74

Shadow of the Leader, 43

Sketch phase

aligning with common goals, 91–95

assessing your current state, 82–84

create custom design principles, 88–95

key dimensions of business, 85–87

know your starting place, 81–84

support and buy-in checkpoint, 84, 88–91, 95

understand your destination, 84–88

Sketch phase, Toolbox

aligning on principles of design, 173–190

crowdsourcing design principles, 187–190

custom design principles, 173–179

sketchpad for design principles, 184–186

worksheet for design principles, 180–183


for configuration, 193–197

Configure phase, 107

for design principles, 92–95, 184–186

skill gaps, 159

STEM talent, competing for, 127–129

strategic value of HR, 155

strategy, dimension of business, 85

structure, dimension of business, 86

studies. See also surveys and polls.

Corporate Executive Board (2013), 61

employee satisfaction and involvement in design decisions, 60

Executive Conference Board (2010), 60

reliability of current appraisal systems, 61

reproducing performance, 20

What’s Working (Mercer 2013), 36

sunlight as disinfectant, 32

support and buy-in checkpoints

Configure phase, 101, 105, 108

design principles, 91, 95

Mobilize phase, 76, 80

Sketch phase, 84, 88–91, 95

supporting content, creating, 148

surveys and polls. See also studies.

CEB (Corporate Executive Board), 7

effects of performance reviews, 7

employee recognition (Globoforce 2013), 43

Gallup Q12 employee engagement survey, 63

Performance Management Survey, 7

satisfaction with performance reviews, 7


change champions, 161–162

change fatigue, 160

change saturation, 160

common objections, 167–171

cost of traditional performance management, 155

employee empowerment, 159

fear of incompetence, 164

fear of increased workload, 164

fear of loss, 163

fine performance plans, 166

have courage, 171–172

identifying major impacts, 158–159

leading the change, 152–153

making the case for change, 153–156

manager expectations, 158–159

naysayers, 165–171

planning the change, 157–161

resistance, 162–165

risk assessment, 159–160

role changes, 158

skill gaps, 159

strategic value of HR, 155

uncertainty, 163

sustainability model, defining, 149

Switch, 154, 156


talent, competing for, 127–129

talent decisions, basing on performance reviews, 23–24

talent management integration, 142–144

talent reviews, 45–46

teamwork, basic requirements for, 51, redesigning PM practices case study, 123–129

technology strategy, selecting, 144–147


pilot testing, 75, 146

your configuration, 105–107

theories without evidence, 12–13

timeline, reassessing and evolving, 148


for Build phase, 198–200

change plan, creating, 198–200

configuration checklist, 101

configuration template, 104

creating a change plan, 181

crowdsourcing design principles, 95

custom design principles, 91

icon, xvi

for Implement phase, 198–200

sketchpad for design principles, 92–94, 107

worksheet for design principles, 92–94, 107

Toolbox, for Configure phase

configuration checklist, 191–193

sketchpad for configuration, 193–197

worksheet for configuration, 193–197

Toolbox, for Sketch phase

aligning on pri 83

tools, pilot testing, 146


encouraging, 44

making a fundamental shift to, 30–32

trust factor in PM Reboot, 9


UAI (uncertainty avoidance), 122

uncertainty in the face of change, 163

understand your destination, 84–88


visualizing your solution, 142

Vorhauser, Sylvia, 7


What’s Working (Mercer 2013), 36

work, dimension of business, 87


for configuration, 193–197

Configure phase, 107

for design principles, 92–95, 180–183

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