
Ability in Tech Summit, 104

Ableism, 100, 106

Abolition movement, 52

Aboriginal Australians, 49

Accessibility, 111, 167–168, 172, 212

Accommodation, 111, 172

Accomplice stage, 195, 196, 198

Accomplishments, diminishing, 96

Accountability, 172, 175–176, 206–207

Achievements, recognizing, 137

Acknowledgment, 48, 135, 137, 177

Action, taking, 3, 5, 174–175, 197, 213–215

Action plan for change, 182–183, 192, 193

Action steps, meeting, 173

Active inclusion, 136–137

Activist stage, 64, 195, 196, 198

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), 13–15, 56

Advocacy, 119–131, 190

for allyship, 207–208

championing others, 125–130

defined, 119

and effects of exclusion, 120–125

to heal trauma, 64

impact of, 200

for improving DEI, 209

network effect in, 128–129

normalizing, 140

Advocacy programs, 129

Advocate stage, 195–198

Affiliation bias, 126, 129

Affinity groups, 129

Africa, 50–51, 227n18

African American English Vernacular, 122, 238n8

Age stereotypes, 121

Agendas, meeting, 172

Alignment, 176, 184

Allen, Danny, 138

Alliance, defined, 3


in abolition movement, 52

activities of, 3–6, 30–31, 125–126

effect of, xxi, xxii, 29–31

feelings of, 39–40, 165, 199–200

good, 29, 30

identifying, 2

importance of workplace, 18–19

increasing number of, 130, 196–199

motivations of, 19–21

with underrepresented identities, 201–203

Ally stage, 195–197


accountability for, 175–176

canceling and shaming in, 204–207

defined, 2–3

focusing on solutions in, 215–216

forms of, 6–18

to heal trauma, 64

journey of, ix–xii, xxvi, 195–216

in leadership, 159–180

learning about, 215

making mistakes in, 203–204

mutual, 201–203

in non-leadership positions, 209–210

normalizing, 130

performative, 213–214

in remote workplaces, 211–213

at resistant companies, 209

sharing importance of, 207–208

small acts of, 15–17

stages of, 195–199

for teams, 174–175

Amazon, 37

Ambiguity effect, 77

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 13–15, 56

Amygdala hijack, xx–xxi

Anchoring bias, 76

Angelou, Maya, 71

Arbery, Ahmaud, 43

Aronson, Joshua, 121

Articulate, calling someone, 94, 101, 156

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI), xiii, 219n9

Asian people, xiii, 31, 59, 67, 219n9

Atlanta Braves, 115

Attention, 105, 134, 148

Attribution, 143, 148

Attribution bias, 75

Auger-Domínguez, Daisy, 121

Authenticity, 204

Authority bias, 77

Automation bias, 77

Ava DuVernay test, 66

Avoidance, 104–105, 107

Awareness, 42–44, 70, 78, 208

Back-handed compliments, 101

Bandwagon effect, 234n3

Baran, Michael, 145

BASL (Black American Sign Language), 238n8

Bechdel, Alison, 66

Bechdel test, 66

Behavior change, 21, 81–83, 146, 205

Beldoch, Michael, 161

Belonging, 225n28

allies to increase, 29, 31

physical spaces that foster, 187

as stage of inclusion, 35, 36

team norms that foster, 171–174

Berlin, Hertha, 10

B&G Foods, 116

Bhasin, Ritu, 165

Bias oversight, 77

Biases, 42, 71–89

about systemic inequity, 58

correcting our own, 72–84

and empathy, 84–89

in hiring, 27–28

and impostor syndrome, 123–124

internalization of, 67–68

in recording of history, 44–46

self-regulation and, 79–81

team norms to reduce, 175–177

technology to correct for, 82–83

unconscious bias training, 81–82

workplace, 73–77

Bisexual identity, 219n6

Black American Sign Language (BASL), 238n8

Black English Vernacular, 238n8

Black Lives Matter movement, 140, 213–214

Black people:

allyship outcomes for, 31

code switching by, 122

covering of identity by, 122

cultural marginalization of, 66, 67

historical oppression of, 50–53

intergenerational trauma for, 61

systemic inequity for, 57–60

underrepresentation for, 37–38

use of term, 217–218n3

workplace inequality for, 25–26

Boards of directors, 183–184

Body language, 103–104, 107, 110, 212

Boggs, Elizabeth, 15, 19

Boseman, Chadwick, 7

Boyer, Nate, 9–10

Brands, 115–116, 184

Brave Heart, Maria Yellow Horse, 61

Brian, William, 43

Brown, Brené, 164, 234n3

Brown, Clarissa, 23

Brown, Jennifer, 169

Brown v. Board of Education, 53

Bryant-Davis, Thelma, 124

Bullying, xxiv

Burnout, 125

Bush, George H. W., 14

Business case for DEI initiatives, 28, 36

Cachola, Janna, 119

Caesar (formerly enslaved man), 51

Calise, Victor, 104

Calling in, 148, 205–206

Call-out culture, 204

Canada, 48–49, 231n59

Cancel culture, 204–207

Cape Coast Castle, 50

Career growth, 127–129, 135–138, 173

Carlos, John, 7–9

Catalyst, 124, 164, 169

Champion, being a, 125–130

Change agents, 175

Change Catalyst, xiii, xxiv, 29–30, 32, 34, 81, 85, 125–126, 189, 205, 217n1, 222n26, 225n30, 26, 182

Chasko, Andrea Vu, 206

Chastain, Jessica, 6–7

Chauvin, Derek, 43–44

Check-ins, 212–213

The Chicks (band), 116

Children, 64, 191

Clance, Pauline, 123

Clarification, asking for, 149

Clarity, 172, 212

Closed body language, 103–104

Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 57

Code switching, 122

Codes of conduct, 139

Coelho, Anthony, 14, 15

Cognitive empathy, 84

Cognizance, 163

Colgate-Palmolive, 116

Collaboration, 163, 179–180, 213

Collins, Petra, 65

Colonial trauma response, 231n58

Colonialism, 46–51

Columbus, Christopher, 47

Commitment, 35, 162–163, 171–174

Compassionate empathy, 85–89, 154

Compensation plans, 184 (See also Pay equity)

Conagra, 116

Confidence, 30–31, 126, 170

Confirmation bias, 74

Constructive criticism, 136

Consumer power, 63–64

Contributions, recognizing, 171

Cook, James, 49

Coqual, 225n28

Courage, 30–31, 126, 163–166

Covering, of identity, 121–122

Covert culture change, xxiii–xxiv

COVID-19 pandemic, xiii, 26, 43–44, 60, 201, 211

Credit, taking, 98

Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 33

Criticism, constructive, 136

Cultural appropriation, 108, 114–116

Cultural fit, xix

Cultural holidays, 135

Cultural intelligence (CI), 162, 163

Cultural marginalization, 42, 65–68, 97

Cultural relativism, 163


call-out, 204

cancel, 204–207

covert change in, xxii–xxiv

organizational, 28, 35–36, 78–79, 139, 213

team, 169–170

Curiosity, 163

Daly, Marion, 25

Damore, James, 82

Darden-Wilkerson, Brenda, 38

Dart, Justin, Jr., 14

Dart, Yoshiko, 15, 19

Deadnaming, 97

Decision-making processes, 176–178

Defensiveness, 152–154

DeGruy, Joy, 61

DEI work (see Diversity, equity, and inclusion work)

Deloitte, 122, 162–163

Denier stage, 195, 196, 207–208

Denigration, cultural, 108

Differences, appreciating, 86

Difficult feelings, 39–40, 165, 199–200

Diné people, 60, 201

Direct interventions, 141–153

after occurrence, 152–154

collective action in, 151–152

defined, 138–139

fear about, 141–142

methods, 143–147

scripts for, 148–151

Disabilities, people with:

allyship for, 13–15

avoidance of, 104–105

cultural marginalization of, 66

historical oppression of, 55–56

systemic inequity for, 58–59

workplace inequality for, 25, 31

Disability language, 100, 218n4

Disarming microaggressions, 146

Discrimination, 54, 57, 58–60

and allyship, 31

career impact of, 123–125

healing from, 202

health impacts of, 93

internalization of, 123–124

legal protection from, 13–15, 24

workplace, 56

Distancing, 125


defined, 32–33

leadership, 12–13, 25–26, 37, 183–184

team, 27–28, 32, 140, 179

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work, 23–40

accountability for, 175–176

by allies, 29–31

benefits of, 1–2, 28, 36

companies not focused on, 209

convincing others to embrace, 207–208

in covert culture change, xxiii–xxiv

cultures that value, 139

deprioritization of, 112

difficult feelings during, 39–40

in hiring, 27–28

and impact of historical oppression, 24–26

pilot programs for, 179

and privilege/power, 38–39

publicizing, in industry, 190

system and process design for, 188–189

team collaboration on, 179–180

terminology related to, 32–39

volunteering to support, 130

workplace initiatives on, 26–28

Dixie Beer, 116

Dominating conversations, 94, 143

Douyon, Nancy, 185

Dryer’s Grand Ice Cream, 116

Du Bois, W. E. B., 50

Duran, Eduardo, 61

Duyvis, Corinne, 66

Dweck, Carol, 162

Ebonics, 238n8

Echoing ideas, 143, 148

Education, 28, 146

Edwards, Keith E., 78

EI (emotional intelligence), 161–162

Einstein, Albert, 123

Ekman, Paul, 84–85, 102–103, 109, 110

Emancipation Proclamation, 227n24

Emotional empathy, 85

Emotional intelligence (EI), 161–162

Emotional tax, 124–125

Empathetic listening, 110


in allyship, 2, 3, 5

and bias, 78

compassionate, 154

demonstrating, 84–89

elements of, 85–87

in leadership, 160–166

and public shaming, 205

as team norm, 174–175

Empathy gap, 77

Employee resource groups (ERGs), xxiii, 36, 129

Empowerment, 175

Enby people (see Nonbinary people)

Engagement, 35, 85, 124, 171–174

Enslavement, 47, 50–52

Entertainment, 65–68

Environmental microaggressions, 110–113, 140, 144

Equal Pay Act, 54

Equal Rights Amendment, 53–54


(See also Diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI] work)

in daily work, 167–168

defined, 36–37

pay, 6–7, 37, 54, 184

ERGs (employee resource groups), xxiii, 36, 129

Eskimo, use of term, 236n20

Essence, 124

Events, inclusive, 187–190

Ewenin, Danielle, 62

Exclusion, xx–xxi, 105, 120–125

Exoticization, 99

Experienced regret, 77

Experiences, dismissing others’, 97

Expertise, acknowledging, 137

Explaining for others, 98

Exploitation, 108

Facial Action Coding System, 102

Facial expressions, 102–103, 107, 110, 212

Failing up, 125

Fatigue, from emotional tax, 125

Fear, 141–142

Feedback, 135–136, 205–206

Feelings, difficult, 39–40, 165, 199–200

Ferrera, America, 202

FIFA, 11

Film industry, xix–xx, 65–66, 185–186

Financial support, 191

First Nations people, 48–49

Fixed mindset, 162

Floyd, George Perry, Jr., xiii, 11, 12, 43–44, 115, 213–214

Ford, Antonia, 206

Foreignness, 94

Formal feedback, 135–136

Frazier, Darnella, 43

Friday, Joe, 115

Friedlaender, Christina, 93

Friendships, 64, 69

#Gamergate, 66

Garner, Eric, 43

Gaslighting, 87–89, 154

Gender bias, 65, 67

Gender binary system, 80–81, 97

Gender equality, 53–54

Gender fluid, 217n2

Gender nonconforming (GNC), 217n2

Gender stereotypes, 121

Geronimus, Arline, 59

Glass ceiling, xvii–xxvi

GNC (gender nonconforming), 217n2

Goals, shared, 171, 176

Goffman, Erving, 121

Goleman, Daniel, 84–85, 102, 162

Gooden, Adia, 123

Google, 82, 169–170, 185, 225n30

The Great Dying, 47

Grief, 39–40

Ground rules, 172, 176

Groupthink, 75

Growth mindset, 162

Guilt, 39, 40, 164–165

Habits, breaking, 102

Halo effect, 74

Harassment, xxiv, 61, 66

Harjo, Joy, 46

Harkin, Tom, 15

Harlins, Latasha, 140–141


intentional, 144–145

unintentional, 71, 114, 144, 153

Harvard University, 9

Hawking, Stephen, 55

Health care disparities, 59–60

Hiring, 27–28, 32, 83, 96, 179, 183

History, 44–45, 68

Holidays, 135

Homophobia, 228n35

Human resources, reporting microaggressions to, 146

Humanizing others, 78, 177

Hussaini, Muna, 67

Ideation processes, 176–178


covering of, 121–122

language related to, 32–33, 102, 135

making jokes about, 98

negating others’, 95

Identity bias, 73

Identity-first language, 218n4

Imes, Suzanne, 123

Immigrants, 31

Impostor syndrome, 123–124


(See also Diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI] work)

active, 136–137

in daily work, 167–168

defined, 34–36

direct interventions to promote, 143

in ideation and decision making, 176–178

for people with disabilities, 56

stages of, 34–35, 169

team culture of, 169–170

Inclusion 2.0 event, 60

Inclusive leadership, 162–164, 169, 182–183

“Indian Guides and Indian Princesses” program, 114–115

Indigenous people(s), 231n59

appropriating culture of, 114–115

historical oppression of, 46–49

intergenerational trauma for, 61

marginalization of, 66

systemic inequity for, 57–58

use of term, 218n6

workplace inequality for, 31

Individual change, 166–168

Industry-wide change, 189–190


impact of, 57–64

systemic, 41, 57–64, 97, 182

In-group/out-group bias, 74

Insight, 85

Inspiration porn, 99

Intelligence, assumptions about, 94

Intent, separating impact and, 149, 153

Intentional harm, 144–145

Intergenerational health gap, 59–60

Intergenerational trauma, 60–64

Intergenerational wealth gap, 24, 58–59

Intergenerational healing, 64

Interrupting, 94, 148

Intersectionality, xii, 33–34, 53, 165

Intervening (See Microinterventions)

Introverts, 173, 177

Invisibilization, 105

Islamophobia, 228n37

Jana, Tiffany, 145

Jim Crow laws, 52

Job satisfaction, 36

Johnson, Kate, 160

Jokes, identity-based, 98

Journalism, 67

Juneteenth, 52

Jury duty, 64, 191

Just-world bias, 76

Kaepernick, Colin, 9–13, 19, 214

Kansas City Chiefs, 115

Keltner, Harold, 115

Kemp, Evan, 14

Kennedy, Edward, 15

Know Your Rights Camp, 13

Kouznetsova, Svetlana, 206

Land O’Lakes, 116


disability, 100, 218n4

disparaging others’, 96

identity-related, 32–33, 102, 135

mirroring, 135

mixed, 122

Latin America, 49

Latinx people:

allyship outcomes for, 31

covering of identity by, 122

cultural marginalization of, 66, 67

systemic inequity for, 58–60

underrepresentation for, 37–38

use of term, 218n5

Leaders and leadership:

(See also Leading change)

allyship in non-leadership positions, 209–210

diversity in, 12–13, 25–26, 37, 183–184

empathy and allyship for, 160–166

and environmental microaggressions, 111

inclusive, 162–164, 169, 182–183

industry, 189–190

supporting new, 127

Leading change, 159–180

in individual work, 166–168

at resistant companies, 209

in teams, 169–180

without overpowering others, 214–215

Learner stage, 195–197

Learning, 41–70

about DEI, 140

about historical oppression, 46–56

about impact of oppression and inequity, 57–64

about marginalization, 65–68

in allyship, 2–3, 215

and biases in history, 44–46

during COVID-19 pandemic, 43–44

methods of unlearning, relearning, and, 68–69

as microaffirmation, 134–135

reflecting on, 69–70

sharing, 63

to show empathy, 160–161

Lee, Lionel, 207

Legislation, 63

LGBTQIA+ people:

covering of identity by, 122

discrimination-related stress for, 59

historical oppression of, 54–55

marginalization of, 66

use of term, 218n7

workplace inequality for, 24–25, 31

Life milestones, acknowledging, 135

Listening, empathetic, 110

Liu, KR, 134

Loan Trần, Ngọc, 206

Mahaffey, Dione, 122

Mak, Madelena, 166

Mandatory training, 82

Manford, Jeanne, 55

Marginalization, 42, 65–68, 97

Mars (company), 116

Mascots, 115–116

McMichael, Gregory, 43

McMichael, Travis, 43

Meetings, 172–173, 189–190

MENA (Middle East North Africa) region, 31, 219n9

Mental health, 125, 173–174

Mentoring, 126–129, 209

Messaging, DEI values in, 184

#MeToo movement, 88, 140

Mexico, x

Microaffirmations, 134–138, 154, 212

Microaggressions, xxi–xxii, 91–117, 175

affirmations to counter, 134–138

cultural appropriation, 114–116

defense of, 153–154

defined, 91–92

emotional tax on, 124–125

environmental, 110–113

gaslighting about, 87–88

impact of, 92–93, 114

and intersectionality, 34

interventions to counter, 138–155

nonverbal, 102–110

recognizing and treating impact of, 154–155

in remote workplace, 211–213

responding to, 144–154

standing up against, 133–157, 191

targets of, who do not want allies, 210–211

treating impact of, 147, 154–155, 186

verbal, 93–102

Microassaults, 92

Microinsults, 92

Microinterventions, 138–155

after occurrence, 152–154

collective action in, 151–152

company policies that address, 139–140

direct, 138–139, 141–153

fear about, 141–142

recognizing/treating impact of microaggressions with, 154–155

resistance to, 153–154

systemic, 138–141, 182

targets who prefer not to have, 210–211

Microinvalidations, 92

Microtraumas, 93

Middle East North Africa (MENA) region, 31

Middle Passage, 51

Miller, Sienna, 7

Mingus, Mia, 62

Mirroring, 135

Misgendering, 97

Mistakes, 5–6, 93, 166, 170, 203–206

Mixed languages, 122

Montenegro, Roberto, 93

Motivations, of allies, 19–21

Muslim people, 67, 228n35

Mutual accountability, 172

Mutual allyship, 201–203

Names and naming, 95, 146

National Council on Disability, 13

National Football League (NFL), 10, 214, 242n2

National Indigenous Australians Agency, 226n9

Native Land Digital, 226n9

Navajo Nation, 60, 201

Negativity bias, 75

Nestlé, 116

Network effect, 128–129

Networking, 68–69, 127–128, 183

New Imperialism, 227n19

NFL (see National Football League)

Niroga Institute, 202

Nkom, Alice, 133

Nonbinary (enby) people, 31, 54–55, 80–81, 217n2

Nonverbal feedback, 136

Nonverbal microaggressions, 102–110, 144

Norman, Peter, 7–9

Note taking, 172–173

Numbing, 125

Obama, Barack, 151–152, 204

Objectification, 99, 185–186

Observer stage, 195–197, 208

Ohanian, Alexis, Sr., 12–13, 222n26

Olguin, Irma, Jr., 125

Olympic Games (1968), 7–9

Online events, 188

Opportunity gaps and barriers, xii, 13, 24, 53, 70, 128, 155


historical, 24–26, 41, 46–56

impact of, 24–26, 57–64

intergenerational, 57–64

Organizational culture, 28, 35–36, 78–79, 139, 213

Othering, 120

Out-group, 74, 161

Outing others, 98

Outsider art, xi

Overcommunication, 212

Overpowering others, 214–215

Overrepresented identities, people with, 37–38, 80

Owens, Major Robert Odell, 14–15, 19

#Ownvoices, 67

Packnett Cunningham, Brittany, 214

Pandora, 225n30

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), 55

Park, Laura, 140–141

Parrino, Sandra Swift, 13–15, 19

Participation, ensuring, 136–137

Partnerships, 129, 175, 190

Pause, taking a, 145–146

Pay equity, 6–7, 37, 54, 184

Pease, Allan, 103, 110

Pease, Barbara, 103, 110

Performative allyship, 213–214

Personal competence, 161

Person-first language, 218n4

PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), 55

Physical health, 59–60, 125, 173–174

Physical space, 113, 187–188

Pinkett Smith, Jada, 7

Platform, sharing your, 127, 137–138

Police brutality, 9–12, 23, 43–44, 48, 61

Ponder, Corey, 214

Positive feedback, 136

Power, 38–39, 63–64, 104

Power positioning, 104

Prejudiced sayings, 99

Presentations, feedback in, 136

Price, Jonathan, 23

Privilege, 38–39, 140–141, 165, 220n3

Problem solving, 177–178, 215–216

Productivity, emotional tax and, 124

Products, inclusive, 184–185

Project Aristotle, 169–170

Protecting targets of microaggressions, 151

Protests, 63, 191

Psychological safety, 29, 31, 35, 36, 144–145, 170–171

Public shaming, 204–207

Publishing industry, 66–67

Purpose, meeting, 172

Quaker Oats, 116

Quakers, 52

Racial injustice, 7–12

Racial segregation, 52–53

Racial stereotype, 121

Racism, x–xi, 24, 99, 106

Ramaytush Ohlone people, 47–48

Rapinoe, Megan, 10–12, 19

Recognizing others, 7, 137, 152, 171, 177

Recruitment, 183 (See also Hiring)

Reddit, 12–13, 222n26

Redirection, 151

Redlining, 52

Reflection, on learning, 69–70

Reid, Eric, 10

Relationship building, 134

Relearning, 68–69

Religious holidays, 135

Remote workplaces, 211–213

Reporting microaggressions, 145, 146, 185–186

Representation, 37–38, 44–45

Resilience, 64

Respect, 171

Responsibility, for allyship, 18–19

Riddle, Emily, 87

Risk taking, 142, 170, 177, 198

Roanhorse, Vanessa, 201

Rooney, Dan, 242n2

Rooney Rule, 183, 242n2

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 121

Rules, 150, 172, 176

Safety, psychological, 29, 31, 35, 36, 144–145, 170–171

St. Vincent’s Medical Center, 55

Scheduling videoconferences, 212

School segregation, 53

Selection bias, 77

Self-awareness, 109, 163, 165–166

Self-expression, 170

Self-licensing, 76

Self-regulation, 79–81, 163

Self-serving bias, 77

Self-understanding, 161

Seminole people, 52

Services, inclusive, 184–185

Sexism, xi–xii, 106

Sexual harassment, xix–xx, 185–186

Shame, 39, 40, 146, 164–165, 199, 204–207

Shared goals, 171, 176

Sharing, of processes, 150, 166–167

Shields, Carol, xxv

Siebel, Michael, 13

Simon, Kevin, 189

Skill, acknowledging, 137

Slavery, 50–52

Smith, Megan, xx

Smith, Tommie, 7–9

Social comparison bias, 77

Social competence, 161–162

Social impact, 186–187

Societal change, 190–191

Sociocultural code switching, 122

Soon Ja Du, 140–141

Sotomayor, Sonia, 123

Spanierman, Lisa Beth, 145

Speakers, inviting, 137

Spencer, Octavia, 6–7

Sponsorship, 127–129

Standard American English, 122

Status quo bias, 76

Steele, Claude, 121

Stereotype threat, 121

Stereotypes and stereotyping, 73, 97, 150

Storytelling, 184

Stress, discrimination-related, 59–60

Sue, Derald Wing, 91, 92, 110, 145

Supplier diversity, 186–187

Support, 136–137, 154–155, 173–174, 185–186, 191

Sustainability, 186–187

Sutton, Wayne, xii–xiii, xvi, xxiv, 141, 187, 210

Syeed, Najeeba, 84

Systemic inequities, 41, 57–64, 97, 182

Systemic interventions, 138–141, 182

Taíno people, 47, 226n5

Takei, George, 54

Taylor, Breonna, 43

Team norms, 169–180

accountability, 175–176

active allyship, 174–175

to build inclusive culture, 169–170

collaboration on DEI work, 179–180

engagement, commitment, and belonging, 171–174

ideation and decision making, 176–178

psychological safety, 170–171

Team systems, improving, 179

Teams, diverse, 27–28, 32, 140, 179

Tech Inclusion Conference, xii–xiii, 199

Tech industry, xxv, 26, 37, 129, 184–185, 219n4

Technology, 1, 82–83, 113

TED talk, xxv

Third gender, 217n2

Thomas, Michael, 60, 202, 203

Thurman, Marcus, 11

Time-saving bias, 77

Tokenism, 120

Tone, in chats, 211

Torres Strait Islanders, 49

Touching others, 106

Training, 1, 36, 81–83, 140, 143, 162, 175

Transformational change, 181–193

across society, 190–191

action plan for, 192–193

in industry, 189–190

in workplace, 182–189

Transgender people, 24–25, 54–55, 60

Transparency, 185–186, 204

Trauma, 60–64, 202–203

colonial, 231n58

gaslighting and, 88

healing from, 62–64, 202–203

historical, 61, 231n58

intergenerational, 60–62

imicrotraumas, 93

Trust, 126, 155, 171, 204, 211

Turnover, 125

Twitter, 205

Two-spirit, 217n2

Tyus, Wyomia, 9

Unconscious bias training (UBT), 81–82

Underground Railroad, 52

Underrepresented identities, people with, 37–38

as activists, 198

as allies, 2, 201–203

decision-making biases impacting, 80

inclusive hiring for, 183

learning from, 69

marginalization of, 65–68

who prefer not to have allies intervene, 210–211

Unfairness, 149

Unintentional harm, 71, 114, 144, 153

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), x

United Nations Global Development Goals, 54

United States, Indigenous people in, 47–48

University of Washington, x, 102

Unlearning, 68–69

Upstanders, 191, 242n7

US Department of Arts and Culture, 226n9

US Soccer Federation, 10, 11

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), x

Values, xxiii–xxiv, 150, 184

Van der Kolk, Bessel, 61

Verbal microaggressions, 93–102, 143

Veterans, workplace inequality for, 25, 31

Video game industry, 66

Videoconferencing, 212

Vision, 171

Visual storytelling, 106

Voices of others, amplifying, 137–138

Volunteering, 130, 179–180, 209

Voting, 53–54, 191

Washington football team, 116

Wealth gap, 24, 58–59

Weathering, 59

Weicker, Lowell P., Jr., 14

Welcoming, 35

White people:

covering of identity by, 122

feelings about allyship of, 199–200

privilege for, 39

use of term, 217n1

Wikipedia Foundation, 45–46

Wilke, Harold, 14

Williams, Rachel, 182

Winfrey, Oprah, 159

Wiseman, Theresa, 85, 87


allyship among, 6–7

allyship outcomes for, 31

collective action by, 151–152

covering of identity by, 122

cultural marginalization of, 65–66

feedback for, 135

gaslighting of, 88

historical oppression of, 53–54

in history, 44, 46

impostor syndrome for, 123–124

in leadership, xviii–xix, xxi

sponsorship opportunities for, 129

underrepresentation of, 37

wealth gap for, 58

workplace inequality for, 26

Worldview, history and, 45

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 114–115

Yousafzai, Malala, 53

Yu, Tiffany, 100

Zappala, Maureen, 120

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