

Every book is a labor of love, but it also is hard work. A book about genealogy certainly involves complicated research, analysis and descriptions of materials, and discussions of successful research methodologies. The author also must rely on other people in order to bring the book to fruition. I would be remiss if I didn’t extend my sincere thanks to the generous people who helped me on many levels.

This is my fifth book for McGraw-Hill. The publication team could not have been more helpful, supportive, and professional in every way. I first want to thank Roger Stewart, editorial director at McGraw-Hill Professional, for his friendly counsel throughout the writing and production process. His intelligence and wit have helped to inspire me. Amanda Russell is the editorial coordinator who has juggled the details and cheerfully answered so many of my questions.

Janet Walden is the editorial supervisor who efficiently reviewed and coordinated the editing of my manuscript. She certainly helped smooth the final product.

Drew Smith has been the technical editor for all four additions of this book. His meticulous attention to the technical details has been wonderful. He has helped ensure that the URLs included are correct and current. Furthermore, I have to thank him for his help with the chapter on DNA for genealogy. He is an expert, and I keep learning more from him every day.

I want to thank Bill McManus, the copy editor who has worked on the second, third, and fourth editions of this book. That continuity, his great editorial skills, and the very logical questions he has posed throughout the process have resulted in a more highly polished book.

I also want to thank the following people for sharing documents, photographs, and images for use in the book: Susan Jones, Peter Frank, Lourdes Sanchez Merrow, Karen Roth, Drew Smith, and Jeff Smith. Their contributions are great complementary materials for the book. Thanks to Ed Zapletal at Moorshead Magazines, Ltd., for allowing me to include the material I had written about the Genealogical Proof Standard in the book. Thanks to Diane Haddad at Family Tree Magazine for allowing the use of their great genealogy forms.

I would like to thank Drew, Karen, Penny, Peter, and Carey for their moral support through the writing process. And finally, a big thanks to my many, many genealogy friends around the world who so generously share their knowledge, experience, and warm support.

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