This chapter provides information about how to fix some common issues with IBM Cloud Private. It shows you how to collect log information and open a request with the IBM Support team.
This chapter has the following sections:
8.1 Common errors during the IBM Cloud Private installation
This section gives you some tips on how to troubleshoot IBM Cloud Private installation problems.
8.1.1 Customizing the config.yaml file
While installing IBM Cloud Private, you need to customize the config.yaml file located at /<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml.
The list of required parameters to be configured on a config.yaml file is available at see step #3 “Customize your cluster”.
The first parameter that you need to configure in the config.yaml file is the admin user and password. The admin password policy has been changed in IBM Cloud Private version 3.1.2 and now requires, by default, at least 32 characters. If the password does not match the requirements, the installation log will show an error as shown in Example 8-1.
Example 8-1 Password problem
TASK [Checking if setting password or not] *************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: 'The password is not set. You must specify a password that meets the following criteria: ''^([a-zA-Z0-9-]{32,})$'''
NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************
To fix the previous issue, go to /<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml and define a password that matches the standard that has at least 32 alphanumeric characters.
If you want to change the policy, you can use the regular expression that best fits your company policy as described at the following link:
If your server has more than one Ethernet adapter and you are installing the IBM Cloud Private Enterprise Edition, you also need to configure the following parameters:
cluster_lb_address: <external address>
proxy_lb_address: <external address>
The external address is the IP address of the adapter from which the incoming traffic will be coming to the server.
For the full options of the cluster.yaml file configuration, see the following URL:
8.1.2 Customizing the /cluster/hosts file
The hosts file in the cluster directory is used to define the cluster architecture and configures how the workers, masters, and management servers are distributed.
When configuring persistence storage, you need to group them in the hosts file. See the full specification of the hosts file configuration at the following link:
If the hosts file configuration is not done, the error described in Example 8-2 will be displayed.
Example 8-2 The hosts file configuration error
fatal: [...]: UNREACHABLE! => changed=false
msg: |-
Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ...: Name does not resolve
unreachable: true
Tip: When planning for the installation of IBM Cloud Private, it is highly advised that you define all of the functions that you want your server to run, because some of the customizations on the hosts file require IBM Cloud Private to be uninstalled and installed again.
If you plan to use storage for persistent data, you might need to add the host group in the hosts file for that particular type of storage. Read the documentation about the storage system you are using and make sure that the prerequisites are met before running the IBM Cloud Private installation. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Managing persistence in IBM Cloud Private” on page 115.
8.1.3 SSH key error
During the installation preparation, it is required to generate and exchange the SSH key between the nodes. In addition, you need to copy the SSH key to the IBM Cloud Private cluster installation folder (/<installation_directory>/cluster). If this step is not performed, you will receive the error message in Example 8-3 during the installation.
Example 8-3 SSH key error
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => changed=false
msg: |-
Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Load key "/installer/cluster/ssh_key": invalid format
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
unreachable: true
To correct the error, copy the ~/.ssh/id_rsa to /<installation_directory>/cluster/ssh_key
This procedure is described in “Step 2: Set up the installation environment item 9” at the following link:
8.1.4 Missing the IBM Cloud Private binary files in the installation folder
To have the IBM Cloud Private installed you need to copy the binary files to the /<installation_directory>/cluster/images folder.
If this step is not performed, the error shown in Example 8-4 is displayed during the installation.
Example 8-4 Missing binary files error
TASK [icp-registry-image : Aborting installation process] **********************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: Unable to find offline package under images directory
This procedure is described in step 2: Set up the installation environment item 10 at the following link:
8.1.5 Missing the minimum system requirements
Missing the minimum system requirements could cause random errors during the installation. If the installation completes, it might present an error during a new Helm chart deployment, or when trying to access an existing chart or running a function in your IBM Cloud Private environment.
To avoid these kinds of errors, it is required that the system matches at least the minimum system requirements. You can see the system requirements at this link:
Also, it is suggested that you need to evaluate the sizing of the cluster before the installation. See this link for information about how to size your cluster:
8.1.6 Perform the system cleanup when the installation fails
If the installation fails, you need to uninstall IBM Cloud Private with the uninstall command before trying a new installation.
Run the uninstall command:
sudo docker run --net=host -t -e LICENSE=accept -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ee uninstall
After running the uninstaller, you need to run the commands described in Example 8-5 to make sure that the system is clean and ready for a new installation.
Example 8-5 Making sure the system is ready for a new installation
sudo systemctl stop kubelet docker
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -qa)
if sudo mount | grep /var/lib/kubelet/pods; then sudo umount $(sudo mount | grep /var/lib/kubelet/pods | awk '{print $3}'); fi
sudo rm -rf /opt/cni /opt/ibm/cfc /opt/kubernetes
sudo rm -rf /etc/cfc /etc/cni /etc/docker/certs.d
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/etcd/* /var/lib/etcd-wal/*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/kubelet/* /var/lib/icp/* /var/lib/calico
echo done
sudo rm -rf {{ .icpInstallDir }}/cluster/cfc-certs {{ .icpInstallDir }}/cluster/cfc-components {{ .icpInstallDir }}/cluster/cfc-keys {{ .icpInstallDir }}/cluster/.addon {{ .icpInstallDir }}/cluster/.misc ; echo done
After completing the previous steps, perform the installation again.
8.2 Network configuration errors
This section describes how to troubleshoot the IBM Cloud Private networking components, such as Calico and IPsec.
8.2.1 Calico troubleshooting
Calico network issues might show up during or after an IBM Cloud Private installation. During the installation, the installer runs checks to ensure seamless pod-to-pod connectivity in the cluster. However, if there are issues, the following information might help to identify the possible causes and resolve the issues.
Problems during the installation
To avoid Calico network issues during the installation, ensure that the following settings are correctly configured.
The calico_ipip_enabled parameter must be set to true if all the nodes in the cluster do not belong to the same subnet. This parameter must be set to true if the nodes are deployed in a cloud environment such as OpenStack, where source and destination checks prevent the IP traffic from unknown IP ranges, even if all the nodes belong to the same subnet. This configuration enables encapsulation of pod to pod traffic over the underlying network infrastructure.
The calico_ip_autodetection_method parameter must be set, so that Calico uses the correct interface on the node. If there are multiple interfaces, aliases, logical interfaces, bridge interfaces, or any other type of interfaces on the nodes, use either the following settings to ensure that the auto-detect mechanism chooses the correct interface.
calico_ip_autodetection_method: can-reach= (This is the default setting.)
calico_ip_autodetection_method: interface=
The calico_tunnel_mtu parameter must be set based on the MTU of the interface that is configured to be used by Calico.
If the calico_ipip_enabled parameter is set to true, 20 bytes are used for IP-IP tunnel header. It is required to set the calico_tunnel_mtu parameter to be at least 20 bytes less than the actual MTU of the interface.
If IPsec is enabled, 40 bytes are needed for the IPsec packet header. Because when you enable IPsec, calico_ipip_enabled to true is set, you also need the 20 bytes for the IP-IP tunnel header. Therefore, you must set the calico_tunnel_mtu parameter to be at least 60 bytes less than the actual MTU of the interface.
The network CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), existing host network, and the service cluster IP range must not be in conflict with each other.
Problems after the installation of IBM Cloud Private
After the cluster is installed, it could present IP connectivity issues across the pods. Service name resolution issues are a symptom of pods not being able to reach the DNS service. These problems are not always related to Calico networks.
In these situations, gather the following information from the cluster for support:
1. Get the node list:
kubectl get nodes -o wide
2. Get the logs:
Collect logs from the calico-node-* pod running on the node which is experiencing the mesh problem. Example 8-6 shows how to get the logs from calico-node-* running on node
Example 8-6 Getting the logs
# kubectl get pods -o wide | grep calico-node
calico-node-amd64-2cbjh 2/2 Running 0 7h
calico-node-amd64-48lf9 2/2 Running 0 7h
calico-node-amd64-75667 2/2 Running 0 7h
3. Retrieve the logs from the calico-node container in the pod:
# kubectl logs calico-node-amd64-48lf9 -c calico-node-amd64
4. Get the routing table and interface details to complete this. Run the commands on master node(s) + nodes on which pods are experiencing the connectivity issues.
route -n
ifconfig -a
5. Get Calico node list running the command on the master node:
calicoctl get nodes
6. Get all the pods and endpoints on Calico mesh by running the command on the IBM Cloud Private master node:
calicoctl get workload endpoints
7. Get calico node status and diagnostics. Run the commands on the IBM Cloud Private master node and the nodes on which pods are experiencing connectivity problem:
calicoctl node status
calicoctl node diags
8. Provide config.yaml and host files from boot node.
Configuring calicoctl
Perform the following steps:
1. Log in to the node. Find the calico-ctl docker image and copy the calicoctl to node as shown in Example 8-7.
Example 8-7 Copy the calicoctl to node
# docker images | grep "icp-inception"
ibmcom-amd64/icp-inception 3.1.0-ee c816bd4546f9 2 days ago 746MB
# docker run -v /usr/local/bin:/data -t --rm -e LICENSE=accept ibmcom-amd64/icp-inception:3.1.0-ee cp /usr/local/bin/calicoctl /data
# ls /usr/local/bin/calicoctl
2. Configure calicoctl to authenticate to the etcd cluster. Copy the etcd cert, key, and ca files to a node from boot node’s cluster directory:
 – cert file: cluster/cfc-certs/etcd/client.pem
 – key file: cluster/cfc-certs/etcd/client-key.pem
 – ca file: cluster/cfc-certs/etcd/ca.pem
3. Create a calicoctl.cfg file at /etc/calico/calicoctl.cfg, with the following contents, as shown in Example 8-8.
Example 8-8 The calicoctl.cfg file
kind: CalicoAPIConfig
datastoreType: "etcdv3"
etcdEndpoints: "https://<master node IP>:4001"
etcdKeyFile: <File path of client-key.pem>
etcdCertFile: <File path of client.pem>
etcdCACertFile: <file path of ca.pem>
4. Change the value between <... > by the actual name.
8.2.2 IPsec troubleshooting
To configure IPSec on IBM Cloud Private, every node in the cluster you must have least two network interfaces. The first one is a management interface. The second interface provides secure networking for the pods. Specify the IP address of the management interface in cluster/hosts and the other interface name (data plane interface) in the Calico and IPsec configurations in cluster/config.yaml.
Calico networks must be enabled in IP-in-IP mode. Calico tunnel MTU must be set correctly.
The IPsec package used for encryption must be installed on all the nodes in the cluster. The IPsec package used for RHEL is libreswan. On Ubuntu and SLES, it is strongswan.
Note: All nodes in the cluster must run the same operating system.
When performing the configuration to use IPSec, ensure that the following Calico configurations are provided in the config.yaml file (Example 8-9).
Example 8-9 The config.yaml file
network_type: calico
calico_ipip_enabled: true
calico_tunnel_mtu: 1390
calico_ip_autodetection_method: interface=eth0
In Example 8-9 on page 279, the following components have these attributes:
calico_ipip_enabled must be true. IPIP tunnelling must be enabled for IPsec.
calico_tunnel_mtu must be at least 60 bytes less than the interface MTU. If the eth0 interface mtu is 1450 bytes, the calico_tunnel_mtu must be set to at most 1390 bytes.
calico_ip_autodetection_method must be configured to choose the data plane interface.
Then, verify the IPsec configuration in config.yaml, as shown in Example 8-10.
Example 8-10 Check the IPsec configuration
enable: true
interface: eth0
subnets: []
exclude_ips: [,,]
cipher_suite: aes128gcm16!
interface must be the same interface that was set in the calico_ip_autodetection_method parameter.
subnets are the address ranges. The packets destined for such subnet ranges are encrypted. The IP address of the data plane interface must fall in one of the provided subnet ranges.
exclude_ips are the IP addresses that are excluded from the IPsec subnet. Traffic to these IP addresses is not encrypted.
cipher_suite: aes128gcm16! is the list of Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) encryption/authentication algorithms to be used. The default cipher suite that is used is aes128gcm16!. Ensure that this module is available and loaded in the operating system on all the hosts. It is also possible to change it to another cipher suite.
Post installation
For the RHEL installation, perform the following steps:
1. Check the libreswan configuration:
cat /etc/ipsec.conf
cat /etc/ipsec.d/ipsec-libreswan.conf
2. Check the status of the ipsec process:
ipsec status
3. If the ipsec status does not display the established connections, check /var/log/messages for errors related to IPsec. Enable the libreswan logging by enabling plutodebug in the /etc/ipsec.conf file, as shown in Example 8-11.
Example 8-11 Enable libreswan logging
# /etc/ipsec.conf - libreswan IPsec configuration file
config setup
plutodebug = all # <<<<<<<<<<<<
For the Ubuntu/SLES installations, perform the following steps:
1. Check the strongswan configuration:
cat /etc/ipsec.conf
2. Check the status of the ipsec process:
ipsec status
service strongswan status
3. If the ipsec status does not display the established connections, check /var/log/syslog for errors related to IPsec.
4. Enable strongswan logging by enabling charondebug in the /etc/ipsec.conf file, as shown in Example 8-12.
Example 8-12 Enable strongswan logging
# /etc/ipsec.conf - libreswan IPsec configuration file
config setup
charondebug="ike 2, knl 2, cfg 2" # <<<<<<<<<<<<
If the problem persists, you can open a support ticket as described in 8.5, “Opening a support case” on page 287.
8.3 Common errors when installing a Helm chart
In this section we will describe some of the common errors when installing a Helm chart.
8.3.1 When accessing an application getting the 504 error
When you try to access an application and get a 504 error or the message that the page cannot be displayed, as seen in Figure 8-1, the best approach is to check the pod description and pod logs (if the pod was already running and stopped).
Figure 8-1 Gateway timeout
To access the pod description, you can check the pod status and pod information:
kubectl describe pods <pod> -n <namespace>
See the sample output in Example 8-13.
Example 8-13 Pod description
Name: mydatapower-ibm-datapower-dev-d95f656dd-rjk5x
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
PriorityClassName: <none>
Node: <none>
Labels: app=mydatapower-ibm-datapower-dev
Annotations: ibm-privileged-psp
productID: IBMDataPowerGatewayVirtualEdition_2018.
productName: IBM DataPower Gateway Virtual Edition for Developers
productVersion: 2018. dpStatusMIB /snmp 63512 true
Status: Pending
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/mydatapower-ibm-datapower-dev-d95f656dd
Image: ibmcom/datapower:2018.
Port: 8443/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
exec / --log-format json-icp
cpu: 8
memory: 64Gi
cpu: 4
memory: 8Gi
Liveness: http-get http://:service/ delay=120s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
Readiness: http-get http://:service/ delay=120s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
/drouter/config from mydatapower-ibm-datapower-dev-config-volume (rw)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-j82nq (ro)
Type Status
PodScheduled False
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: mydatapower-ibm-datapower-dev-config
Optional: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-j82nq
Optional: false
QoS Class: Burstable
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: for 300s for 300s
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 52s (x2 over 52s) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu, 1 Insufficient memory.
In Example 8-13 on page 282, it is possible that the pod was not able to run due to insufficient CPU or memory. This would cause the error. To fix this issue, make sure that the server (worker) has sufficient memory and CPU to run the pod.
8.3.2 No CPU available
When looking at the pod description sometimes the message that there is not enough CPU to run the pod is displayed.
To fix the issue, add more CPU and restart the docker and Kubernetes to get the pod running.
To determine the amount of CPU being used, run the following command:
kubectl describe node <node>
The output of the command will be like that shown in Example 8-14.
Example 8-14 Check the amount of CPU being used
Roles: etcd,management,master,proxy,worker
Annotations: 0 true
CreationTimestamp: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:58:20 -0800
Taints: <none>
Unschedulable: false
Type Status LastHeartbeatTime LastTransitionTime Reason Message
---- ------ ----------------- ------------------ ------ -------
OutOfDisk False Mon, 25 Feb 2019 14:49:08 -0800 Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:58:20 -0800 KubeletHasSufficientDisk kubelet has sufficient disk space available
MemoryPressure False Mon, 25 Feb 2019 14:49:08 -0800 Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:58:20 -0800 KubeletHasSufficientMemory kubelet has sufficient memory available
DiskPressure False Mon, 25 Feb 2019 14:49:08 -0800 Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:58:20 -0800 KubeletHasNoDiskPressure kubelet has no disk pressure
PIDPressure False Mon, 25 Feb 2019 14:49:08 -0800 Wed, 20 Feb 2019 14:58:20 -0800 KubeletHasSufficientPID kubelet has sufficient PID available
Ready True Mon, 25 Feb 2019 14:49:08 -0800 Wed, 20 Feb 2019 15:49:34 -0800 KubeletReady kubelet is posting ready status
cpu: 8
ephemeral-storage: 244194820Ki
hugepages-1Gi: 0
hugepages-2Mi: 0
memory: 16265924Ki
pods: 80
cpu: 7600m
ephemeral-storage: 241995268Ki
hugepages-1Gi: 0
hugepages-2Mi: 0
memory: 15114948Ki
pods: 80
System Info:
Machine ID: cbb00030e5204543a0474ffff17ec26f
System UUID: 79E65241-2145-4307-995A-B3A5C6401F48
Boot ID: c8e1b505-e5cf-4da4-ab04-63eb5ad2d360
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64
OS Image: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.6 (Maipo)
Operating System: linux
Architecture: amd64
Container Runtime Version: docker://18.3.1
Kubelet Version: v1.12.4+icp-ee
Kube-Proxy Version: v1.12.4+icp-ee
Non-terminated Pods: (58 in total)
Namespace Name CPU Requests CPU Limits Memory Requests Memory Limits
--------- ---- ------------ ---------- --------------- -------------
cert-manager ibm-cert-manager-cert-manager-7dbc9c8db6-5d84q 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
kube-system audit-logging-fluentd-ds-dzswg 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
kube-system auth-apikeys-sc4k8 200m (2%) 1 (13%) 300Mi (2%) 1Gi (6%)
kube-system auth-idp-j457s 300m (3%) 3200m (42%) 768Mi (5%) 3584Mi (24%)
kube-system auth-pap-thf7x kube-system unified-router-n5v2f 20m (0%) 0 (0%) 64Mi (0%) 0 (0%)
kube-system web-terminal-6488cfff5d-mgzgw 10m (0%) 100m (1%) 64Mi (0%) 512Mi (3%)
Allocated resources:
(Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
Resource Requests Limits
-------- -------- ------
cpu 6049m (79%) 10506m (138%)
memory 19087040Ki (126%) 23525056Ki (155%)
Events: <none>
To solve this issue, you need to add more CPUs to the instance or remove some of the unused pods.
Attention: Be careful if removing a pod on a kube-system, because this action could impact the whole system.
After adding more CPUs, check the node description again.
8.3.3 The required port is in use
When deploying a Helm chart, you might see the message shown in Example 8-15 on the pod description.
Example 8-15 Required port is in use
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedScheduling 32s (x2 over 32s) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't have free ports for the requested pod ports.
In this case, you can check the full list of ports that have conflicts with the following command:
kubectl describe pods <pod>
To fix the problem, remove the deployment and change the port that is being used so that there are no conflicts.
8.3.4 Deployment fails due to a missing permission
When deploying a pod with a missing permission, the error message described in Figure 8-2 is displayed.
Figure 8-2 Pod security missing
To fix the problem, you need to grant the pod security to the namespace. Run the command:
kubectl -n appsales create rolebinding ibm-anyuid-clusterrole-rolebinding --clusterrole=ibm-anyuid-clusterrole --group=system:serviceaccounts:appsales
After the command completion, try to deploy the pod again.
See the following URL on this troubleshooting:
8.4 Common errors when running applications
The following sections describe some of the common errors when running applications on IBM Cloud Private, and their solutions.
8.4.1 Getting the 504 or 500 errors when trying to access the application
After deploying a pod or during the execution of the pod, you might get the error message 504 or 500 when trying to access the application from a browser as shown in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3 Connection time out error
There are some common cases where this error is displayed, such as the pod entering in CrashLoopBack or not starting. Those errors discussed in the next sections.
Pod in CrashLoopBack
When a pod enters in a CrashLoopBack, it means that the pod is trying to start, crashes, and then tries to restart again. At the server console, run the kubectl get pods --all-namespaces command to observe the output, as shown in Example 8-16.
Example 8-16 The kubectl get pods --all-namespaces command
kubernetes get pods --all-namespaces
my-server-demo myapp-web-55-84kkm 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 3774 9h
in Example 8-16, you can see that the pod has been restarted 3774 times in the last 9 hours. Usually this error happens when the pod is starting and failing in a loop.
To try to understand where the error is, you can run the following commands:
kubectl logs <pod>
kubectl describe <pod>
With the output of both commands you can determine where the error is and how to solve it.
Pod not starting
When there is an issue with starting the pod, you can run the kubectl get pods -n <namespace> command. If you see the status of the pod as ErrImagePull or ImagePullBackOff, this means that there is a problem with the deployment. Possible problems include pointing to an image that does not exist, having an incorrect image tag, or not giving Kubernetes permission to run the image.
The details about the error are observed when running the description of the pod (the kubectl describe <pod> command).
8.5 Opening a support case
When you try the troubleshooting methods that are discussed in this chapter and they do not fix the issue, you can open a request to IBM support team. You need to be an IBM Customer with a valid product ID and license for this.
Note: if you are using the IBM Cloud Private Community Edition it is possible to get support through the Slack channel and community forum or ask the Watson Chatbot. See the following addresses:
IBM Watson Chatbot is at
Follow the directions at for opening a support ticket and sending the related data to IBM Support:
When opening the ticket, it is suggested that you include the following information:
Title: High level description of the issue
Product version 
Platform (architecture): Specify whether it is a PowerPC®, x86, or other
Operating system (OS)
Virtualization platform: Where it is installed (VMWARE, Azure, other)
High availability (HA) environment or not
Problem area 
Detailed error description 
Business impact: Is this a PoC, development environment, or production cluster?
Collect the following general troubleshooting data, along with any other data for your problem area:
hosts file (located at /<installation_directory>/cluster): This provides IBM the server topology details 
config.yaml file (located at /<installation_directory>/cluster): This provides details about customization, including the load balancer details. 
Run the following command and attach the output to the case:
sudo docker run --net=host -t -e LICENSE=accept -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-<architecture>:<version> healthcheck -v
Tip: You can find the cheat sheet in “Cheat sheet for production environment” on page 361 useful when troubleshooting the IBM Cloud Private problems.
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