Setting up a Content Manager OnDemand instance
This chapter provides guidelines for implementing Content Manager OnDemand as a single instance.
In this chapter, we cover the following topics:
Implementing a Content Manager OnDemand instance on a multiplatform UNIX environment
2.1 Introduction
A Content Manager OnDemand instance is a logical server environment. The base system components are a library server and one or more object servers. Optional components include one or more archive managers and one or more Full Text servers.
2.2 Architecture and platform
Before you begin your installation and configuration, it is important to understand the general architecture of the Content Manager OnDemand server to help you determine the type of configuration that meets your business requirements. As illustrated in Figure 2-1, from an architectural perspective, the base Content Manager OnDemand server consists of two components: a library server and one or more object servers. The library server contains the database system tables and the application group data tables. The object server contains the stored reports and documents.
Figure 2-1 Architectural view of Content Manager OnDemand
Data is loaded and retrieved from the Content Manager OnDemand server through a network connection (TCP/IP). The advantages of this design are listed:
The instance components can be physically distributed across the network.
System users (client systems) can be anywhere on the network. By using the Internet, the clients can be anywhere in the world.
The “load process” can run either on the library server, the object server, or on any other system (containing the appropriate software) that is attached by network to both the library and object server.
This design also allows the library server and object servers to be placed on the same system (or logical partition (LPAR)) or on two (or more) systems (LPARs).
Even though the various components can be distributed across the network, the Content Manager OnDemand Instance appears as a “single system” to both the administrator and the users.
2.2.1 Configuration consideration
The basic Content Manager OnDemand configuration is to install the library server and object server on the same machine. This design is the default and most common configuration. However, under certain conditions, it might be beneficial to distribute the library server, the object server, and the load process to different systems.
Consider the following information to help you decide whether to run one or more of the load processes on one or more separate systems:
Reducing system resource (processor or memory) consumption competition on the library and object server system.
Reducing the network traffic time by running the load process on the system on which the load data is created.
Better performance for a certain index or load process to run on another system.
More convenient to operate and manage the data because the data is in a smaller set.
The considerations for separate object servers are listed:
Distributing the workload among multiple systems.
Distributing the data storage among multiple systems.
Storing the data closer to where it will be accessed from. For example, your main operations (library server and object server) are in the US but many of your users are in China and France. You can install an object server in France to keep French data and another object server in China to store Chinese data. The original object server can remain in the US where the US data is kept.
The considerations for distributed library server, object servers, and load processes are listed:
Using different operating systems. For example, the library server might be on a z/OS system while an object server can be on an AIX system and another object server can be on a Linux system.
All of the system components must be at the same release level of Content Manager OnDemand, for example, Content Manager OnDemand 9.5.
2.2.2 Library server and object server functions
Functionality is distributed between the library server and object servers in the following manner:
Library server:
 – Manages access to the administration definitions
 – Provides data integrity
 – Maintains data archive index information, configuration, and user account information
 – Controls access to data archives on object servers
 – Directs query, retrieve, and print requests from the clients
 – Routes store, retrieve, and delete requests from the clients
 – Manages the (optional) Report Distribution System
 – Manages the “interface” to the (optional) Full Text Index system
 – Performs user authentication through internal security or external security System Authorization Facility (SAF) calls
 – Performs logging
Object server:
 – Provides the repository for Content Manager OnDemand data archives
 – Stores archive storage policy information
 – Manages the retention of Content Manager OnDemand data archives
 – Controls the transition of Content Manager OnDemand archives
 – Manages the expiration of Content Manager OnDemand archives
2.2.3 Choosing a platform
A Content Manager OnDemand server can run on many different operating systems and hardware environments. It can be set up to run on a workstation and can scale up to an
IBM z™ Systems complex. The following factors need to be part of the decision to implement Content Manager OnDemand on one platform versus another platform:
Existing hardware platforms
Future hardware requirements (standardization, consolidation, and others)
Existing personnel and skill set
Current workload (number of users, quantity of data, and others)
Future workload requirements (number of users, quantity of data, and others)
Interfacing with other systems (software and data)
Vendor’s ability to support the environment (hardware, software, and users over any geographic extent)
Default installation directory paths: The default installation directory path names changed for Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Server. The default installation paths for Content Manager OnDemand 9.5 are listed:
/opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5 for AIX and Sun (HP is no longer a supported platform in V9.5.)
/opt/ibm/ondemand/V9.5 for Linux and Linux on IBM z Systems™
C:Program FilesIBMOnDemandV9.5 for Microsoft Windows
/usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0 for z/OS
/QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand for IBM i
You can install Content Manager OnDemand to the default path or specify a different path. Because this book describes all Content Manager OnDemand platforms, you see various interchangeable references to these paths. Ensure that you check your own installation for the path name that is implemented and interpret the paths that are identified in the manual.
Starting with version 9.5, the installation can be performed by a non-root user on AIX. When installed as a non-root user, the installation path is fixed under the home directory of the user:
$HOME.$HOME/IBM/ondemand/V9.5 for AIX and Sun
$HOME/ibm/ondemand/V9.5 for Linux and Linux on IBM z Systems
2.3 Implementing a Content Manager OnDemand instance on a multiplatform UNIX environment
In this section, we describe how to set up a single instance in a Content Manager OnDemand for a multiplatform UNIX environment. Always refer to the product documentation of your release for the specific steps to follow.
2.3.1 Defining a single instance
By default, the initial instance on any library server is named archive. Creating a single instance can be summarized by the following steps:
Creating a user
New installations (instances) of Content Manager OnDemand can be configured to run under a user other than the root user. If you plan to run an instance under a user other than root, complete the following steps:
1. Create the user for the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner that is a member of the database owners group.
2. Give the user administrator authority to the database.
3. Set permissions for the cache storage file systems.
4. Set permissions for the Content Manager OnDemand configuration and script files.
5. Give the instance owner permission to write to the system console.
6. Specify the instance owner in the ARS.INI file.
If you plan to run a distributed library and object server system, with one or more object servers on different workstations or nodes than the library server, you must also configure Content Manager OnDemand on the object servers.
To configure Content Manager OnDemand on the object servers, complete the following steps:
1. Create a group and user for the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner.
2. Give ownership of the cache storage file systems that are listed in the ARS.CACHE file to the group and user for the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner.
3. Give permission to read the following files to the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner:
4. Give permission to write to the console to the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner.
Creating a DB2 instance
When you create a DB2 instance, you must install DB2 on the server. Complete the following steps:
1. Install IBM DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Edition.
2. Select Typical as the installation type to install all of the DB2 components that are required to support Content Manager OnDemand.
3. Create the DB2 instance for Content Manager OnDemand when you install DB2. Use the following values:
 – Instance Owner: archive.
 – Group Name: gname. The group must have SYSADM authority.
 – Home Directory: /home/archive.
 – Auto start DB2 instance at boot time: no.
 – Create a sample database for DB2 instance: no.
Installing IBM Global Security Kit
When you install the IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit), you can complete the task by using one of the following methods:
installp command
Before you perform the installation, complete the following steps:
1. Content Manager OnDemand is 64-bit application. Validate whether the Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit (ODWEK) installation is 32 bit or 64 bit.
2. Extract the correct GSKit media based on the version that is needed:
 – For the 32-bit version, run the following commands:
zcat gskcrypt32- | tar -xvf -
zcat gskssl32- | tar -xvf -
 – For the 64-bit version, run the following commands:
zcat gskcrypt64- | tar -xvf -
zcat gskssl64- | tar -xvf -
Setting up Secure Sockets Layer
Setting up Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is optional. If you decide to use SSL, complete the following steps:
1. Create the key database and store it in the config subdirectory of the Content Manager OnDemand server installation directory:
To create the key database, run a command that is similar to the following command:
gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -db "ondemand.kdb" -pw "myKeyDBpasswd" -stash -populate
2. Create a digital certificate.
3. Configure the Content Manager OnDemand for AIX server. Add the following lines to the ARS.INI file:
SSL_KEYRING_LABEL=IBM Content Manager OnDemand
4. Restart the Content Manager OnDemand server.
Storing user IDs and passwords in a stash file
You can store user IDs and passwords in stash files (encrypted files). By storing passwords in a stash file, you can improve security because you do not need to specify the password on the command line, where the password might be visible to others.
To store the user IDs and passwords in a stash file, complete the following steps:
1. Create a stash file by running the arsstash command. The command prompts you for the password. For a description of the syntax of the arsstash command and an example of the command, see “Syntax of the ARSSTASH command” in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms - Installation and Configuration Guide, SC18-9232.
2. Save the stash file in a directory with limited access to that file. You can set this access by using file permissions.
When you configure the Content Manager OnDemand instance, you modify the ARS.INI file to include the SRVR_OD_STASH parameter and specify the directory that you specified in step 2:
Installing and configuring Tivoli Storage Manager
Before you begin, familiarize yourself with configuring and managing server storage, as described in theTivoli Storage Manager for AIX Administrator’s Guide, GC32-0768. In addition, the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX Administrator’s Reference, SC32-0123, provides information about all of the commands that are used in this section. This book is your primary reference when you work with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. If you encounter problems while you configure Tivoli Storage Manager or if the examples in this section do not provide the information that you need to define your server storage devices, policies, and operations, see these Tivoli Storage Manager publications.
To set up Tivoli Storage Manager for Content Manager OnDemand on an AIX workstation, complete the following steps:
1. Define the Tivoli Storage Manager server options.
2. Define the Tivoli Storage Manager client system options.
3. Define the Tivoli Storage Manager client options.
4. Register the Tivoli Storage Manager licenses.
5. Register the Tivoli Storage Manager administrators.
6. Define other Tivoli Storage Manager server options.
7. Start, halt, and restart the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
8. Increase the Tivoli Storage Manager database and recovery log sizes.
9. Define a storage library.
10. Define the policy domains.
11. Register the client nodes.
12. Prepare the storage pool volumes.
13. Optional: Configure Tivoli Storage Manager to maintain DB2 archived log files and backup image files.
14. Define a backup device for the Tivoli Storage Manager database.
15. Back up the Tivoli Storage Manager database and critical files.
Configuring the instance
Four configuration files must be updated or created. The files are installed with Content Manager OnDemand at installation time. For the AIX platform, the files are in the /opt/IBM/ondemand/<version>/config directory. The configuration files are listed:
The ARS.INI file contains a section for each instance; each section begins with a header. It is created at installation time, and by default, is configured with information for the archive instance.
Figure 2-2 on page 23 shows a sample ARS.INI file. In this scenario, OnDemand95 is the header line definition.
SSL_KEYRING_LABEL=IBM Content Manager OnDemand
Figure 2-2 ARS.INI file sample
When you add an instance to an ARS.INI file, each instance must have a unique name. When you have more than one instance, you must identify the instance name when you are running Content Manager OnDemand programs (such as the ARSLOAD, ARSDB, and ARSSOCKD programs).
Figure 2-3 shows an example of an additional instance in the ARS.INI file.
SSL_KEYRING_LABEL=IBM Content Manager OnDemand
Figure 2-3 Additional instance
Note: You must ensure that the ARS.INI file is consistent across all servers that are part of the Content Manager OnDemand system. If you update the ARS.INI file on the library server, you must update the ARS.INI files on the object server or servers if they are not on the same machines.
When an instance is started, Content Manager OnDemand reads the ARS.INI file to determine the location of the server configuration file. Each instance must have its own ARS.CFG file that is determined by the SRVR_OD_CFG parameter in ARS.INI.
When you configure the parameters, the default values are sufficient for most installations. However, you might need to adjust and tune the values to meet the requirements of your environment.
To update the ARS.CFG file, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to the server as the root user.
2. Change to the /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/config directory.
3. Make a backup copy of the file that is provided by IBM.
4. Edit the ARS.CFG file.
Note for distributed library and object servers: Several parameters in the ARS.CFG file are not used on object servers. For example, an object server does not use the license parameters, server print parameters, and database parameters. For more information, see the following sections.
For distributed library and object servers:
1. Configure one copy of the ARS.CFG file on each workstation that is part of the Content Manager OnDemand system.
2. Set the ARS_SRVR parameter to the TCP/IP host name alias, fully qualified host name, or IP address of the library server.
3. Set the ARS_LOCAL_SRVR parameter to the TCP/IP host name alias, fully qualified host name, or IP address of the object server.
4. Save the file.
5. Set file permissions on the file to control access. Allow the Content Manager OnDemand instance to have read or write permissions.
Figure 2-4 on page 25 and Figure 2-5 on page 26 show sample ARS.CFG file content, which is split into two parts for easier reference.
# NOTE: See documentation for configuring these parameters.
# OnDemand Parameters #
# Number of client licenses (Library Server Only)
# - This should be set to however many licenses are purchased
# Language that is used to create the database (Library Server Only)
# - This should be set during installation and should never be changed
# The number of Database SubServers to handle connections
# to the database
# Database Parameters #
# Database for OnDemand to use (Library Server Only)
# Used for arstblsp command and reloading migrated tables (Library Server Only)
# 0 (import) 1 (load w/Tivoli Storage Manager - DB2 only) 2 (load w/DISK - DB2 only, using ARS_TMP)
Figure 2-4 ARS.CFG sample (part 1)
# DB2 Parameters (Library Server Only) #
# These parameters are used only during database creation
# DB2/Tivoli Storage Manager Parameters
# Storage Manager Parameters (Library/Object Server) #
# Storage Manager for OnDemand to use
# Tivoli Storage Manager Parameters (Object Server Only) #
Figure 2-5 ARS.CFG sample (part 2)
Content Manager OnDemand supports cache storage for the temporary storage and high-speed retrieval of reports that are stored on the system. Each Content Manager OnDemand instance can have its own cache storage to allow a complete differentiation between the instances. The ARS.CACHE file identifies the file systems on the object server that can be used by Content Manager OnDemand for the cache storage.
Alternatively, the Content Manager OnDemand instance can share cache storage because Content Manager OnDemand separates the cache directories by first placing the instance name at the cache directory that is defined. For the archive instance, however, the cache directory is directly below the defined file system name. For the rest of the instance, the cache directories are separated by the instance name. The SRVR_SM_CFG parameter in the ARS.INI file identifies the cache file systems that are used by the instance. This file can contain one or more file systems.
Important: The first line in the ARS.CACHE file identifies the base cache storage file system where Content Manager OnDemand stores the control information. After you define this value, you cannot add or remove it from Content Manager OnDemand or change it in any way.
The cache file system must be owned by the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner. The permissions on these file systems are important. On AIX servers, the cache file system must be owned by the root user and the system group. On Linux, HP-UX, and Sun Solaris, these file systems must be owned by the root user and the root group. You must ensure that no other permissions are set. On AIX, the file system permissions need to be similar to the following example:
drwx------ 3 root system 512 Sep 22 13:08 /arscache/cache1
The ARS.DBFS file location is identified in the ARS.INI file. It is read when the instance is started. The ARS.DBFS file contains the file names in which Content Manager OnDemand can store table spaces, and it determines the type of table space that Content Manager OnDemand can create. Storing application group index data in a table space is optional, but recommended. We also recommend that these file systems contain only Content Manager OnDemand data and that each instance on the server has its own file systems on which to store data. In general, the more table space file systems that you define, the better the system performance is. When you use more than one table space file system, each table space file system needs the same allocated disk space.
When you use DB2 as the database, Content Manager OnDemand supports the use of storage management subsystem (SMS) and automatic table space. See the DB2 documentation for the use of automatic table spaces. The use of the SMS table space allows the operating system to increase the size of the table space, as required, during a load process.
When you create an instance that uses table space, you must create an ARS.DBFS file. We created the ars.dbfs file in our scenario. Each line in this file must contain the name of the file system and the type of table space to be stored. The naming convention of these files is shown:
/filesystem SMS
The name of the file system must identify the table spaces that can be created in the file system. For example, the following line identifies the SMS table space file system:
/arsdb/db1/SMS SMS
These file systems must be owned by the database instance owner and the group. In our scenario, the file system is owned by db2iadm1 and belongs to the sysadm1 group. See the following example for the correct permissions:
drwxrws--- 4 archive db2iadm1 512 May 17 12:58 /arsdb/db1/SMS
We include the SMS in the file system name to indicate the type of data that is stored.
Creating a Content Manager OnDemand database
After the database instance is created, and all of the Content Manager OnDemand directories are set up with the appropriate permissions, it is time to create the Content Manager OnDemand database. Verify that the group to which the database instance owner (ondtest) belongs has write access to the database directory names that are specified in the ARS.CFG file.
The arsdb command performs the following actions:
Updates the database configuration.
Verifies the directories for the primary and the archived log files.
Creates a link to the database user exit program.
Creates a backup of the database.
Builds the Content Manager OnDemand system tables and indexes.
Binds the database to Content Manager OnDemand.
Sign on to the user account that you assigned as the owner of the Content Manager OnDemand instance (in the ARS.INI file). Run arsdb with the following options:
/opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/bin/arsdb -I ondmd950 -cv
In our scenario, -I ondmd950 is the Content Manager OnDemand instance.
After this command completes, you can log in to DB2 and connect to the new instance. List all of the tables by running the following command:
db2 list tables for all
Initializing the system log and system load facility
After you create the database, you can initialize the system log by running the following command:
/opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/bin/arssyscr -I ondmd950 -l
-I ondmd950 is the new Content Manager OnDemand instance.
Content Manager OnDemand can track loading activity with the system load logging facility. Content Manager OnDemand stores these load messages in the system load log. You can initialize the system load log by running the following command:
/opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/bin/arssyscr -I ondmd950 -a
Again, -I ondmd950 is the new Content Manager OnDemand instance.
The arssyscr program creates the application groups, applications, and folders that are required by the system logging facility.
Note: The arsdb and arssyscr commands are in /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/bin for AIX, HP-UX, and Sun Solaris, and in /opt/ibm/ondemand/V9.5/bin for Linux.
2.3.2 Starting and connecting to the new instance
After the instance is created, you can start the new instance and connect to it.
Starting and stopping arssockd
To start the instance manually, run the following command and include the instance name after the arssockd command:
/opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/bin/arssockd -I ondmd950 -Sv
Run the ps command to verify that the instance is started:
ps -ef | grep ars
If more than one instance is running, you see more than one arssockd process in the display. The instance other than the default instance archive has a -instancename after arssockd for identification:
OnDemand95 65864128 1 0 Jun 11 - 0:00 arssockd-ondmd950:
Ensure that when you stop the instance, you stop the correct instance. You might stop the instance by running kill on the process identifier (PID) of the accepting process or by running the following command:
arssockd -I ondmd950 -T
Connecting to an instance
To connect to an instance, the client must log on to the correct library server. Add a server in the administrative or user client by identifying the name of the library server and the port number to use. The port number that you specify must be the same port number that you specified in the ARS.INI file.
Running commands
In general, the -h or -I parameters are used to determine the name of the Content Manager OnDemand instance to process. You must specify the parameter and the instance name if any of the following items are true:
The name of the default instance is not ARCHIVE.
You are running more than one instance on the same system and you want to process an instance other than the default instance.
You are running the program on a system other than the system where the library server is running.
The programs locate the specified instance name in the ARS.INI file to determine the TCP/IP address, host name alias, or fully qualified host name of the system on which the library server is running and other information about the instance. The ARSADM, ARSADMIN, ARSDOC, and ARSLOAD programs support the -h parameter. The ARSDB, ARSLOAD, ARSMAINT, and ARSTBLSP programs support the -I parameter.
For the ARSLOAD program, if both the -h and -I parameters are specified, the value of the last parameter that is specified is used, for example:
arsload -g applicationgroup -u userid -p password -I ondmd950
arsmaint -cmsv -I ondmd950
2.4 Implementing a Content Manager OnDemand instance on IBM i
Always refer to the product documentation of your release for the specific steps to follow. A Content Manager OnDemand instance is a logical server environment with its own library that contains a unique set of database files. An instance is defined in the ARS.INI file by naming the instance, which identifies the name of the library that is used by the instance. All of the database files that belong to an instance are created in only one Coded Character Set ID (CCSID).
You can run multiple instances on the same server, with each instance configured differently:
For separate test and production environments
For databases that use different CCSIDs
In addition, each Content Manager OnDemand for i instance must run in a single CCSID.
When you work with more than one instance, you must identify the instance name when you run Content Manager OnDemand commands, such as ADDRPTOND and STRMONOND. You can specify the instance name as a command parameter each time that you run a command. Or, you can set up a data area on your system that identifies the default instance name and then specify only the instance name as a command parameter when you must specify a name other than the default.
Each instance has different security from other instances on the same machine. You define users and groups to each instance and set application group and folder permissions for users in each instance. Each instance has its own system log.
2.4.1 Configuring the instance
To create your Content Manager OnDemand instances, complete the following steps:
1. Your user profile must have its locale set to the locale of the instance that you want to create.
Because the locale is set in the user profile, you might need to change your user profile, sign off, and sign on again before you create the instance. Use the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command to change your user profile, if necessary. Also, ensure that other language-related parameters in your user profile are set correctly. (The Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command does not show the current locale setting; it shows *SAME. Run the Display User Profile (DSPUSRPRF) command to check the locale setting.)
The Locale Job Attributes (SETJOBATR) parameter in your user profile is used to determine the values that are obtained from the locale. For Content Manager OnDemand, at a minimum, you must use SETJOBATR(*CCSID). For example, if you are in the US and are using the English language, you enter the following Change User Profile command (all as one command):
If you are in Spain and are using the Spanish language with euro support, you enter the following command (all as one command):
For more information about locales, see Chapter 13, “Defining a locale”, in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Planning and Installation Guide, SC19-2790.
2. Choose a name for the instance or use the default instance name of QUSROND.
The instance name must be a valid library name for IBM i. The instance name must start with an alphabetic character or @ followed by any of these characters: 0 - 9, A - Z, @, #, or underscore (_). Ensure that no library, user profile, or authorization list by that name exists. The instance name must not start with the letter Q (except for QUSROND), and must not be named CONFIG, GUI, or WWW. This instance name is referred to as [instance] in the rest of these instructions.
3. Create the instance by using the Create Instance for Content Manager OnDemand (CRTINSTOND) command.
At a minimum, you must specify the name of the instance (which then uses system values and defaults for the additional parameters, such as *DFT for the PORT parameter, which uses port 1445). You can specify additional parameters to customize the instance to meet your requirements.
For example, you can specify a three-character language identifier (by using the LANGID parameter), which must match one of the language identifiers that are listed in Chapter 13, “Defining a locale”, in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand i - Planning and Installation Guide, SC19-2790. If you specify the LOCALE parameter, the one that you specify must be included in the list of valid locales that are listed in Chapter 13, “Defining a locale”, in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand i - Planning and Installation Guide, SC19-2790.
If the instance is in a user auxiliary storage pool (ASP), the user ASP number (2 - 32) must be specified for the ASP parameter and *ASP must be specified for the ASPDEV parameter. If the instance is in an independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP), *ASPDEV must be specified for the ASP parameter and the IASP name (such as IASP2) must be specified for the ASPDEV parameter.
For example, the Create instance for Content Manager OnDemand command CRTINSTOND INSTANCE(ONDTEST) LANGID(ENU) LOCALE('/QSYS.LIB/EN_US.LOCALE') creates an instance that is called ONDTEST with a server language of US English that uses TCP/IP port 1445.
The CRTINSTOND command performs the following actions:
 – Creates the /CONFIG directory under /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand and the default and model files under /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand (if they do not exist).
 – Appends the model ARS.INI file (in /QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/config) to the actual ARS.INI file (in /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand/config) and uses the name of the instance wherever it finds [instance] in the model file.
 – Creates the instance directory /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand/[instance]. If the instance is in an Independent ASP, the instance directory path is preceded by the Independent ASP name. For example, if the Independent ASP name is IASP, the instance directory is created in /IASP/QIBM/UserData/OnDemand.
 – Creates the ARS.CFG, ARS.CACHE, and ARS.DBFS files in /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand/[instance] and uses the name of the instance wherever it finds [instance] and the language identifier wherever it finds [language] in the model file. (The model files for these three files are in /QIBM/ProdData/OnDemand/config.) If the instance is in an Independent ASP, the instance directory path is preceded by the Independent ASP name. For example, if the Independent ASP name is IASP, the ARS.CFG, ARS.CACHE, and ARS.DBFS files are created in /IASP/QIBM/UserData/OnDemand/[instance].
 – Creates the library and database tables for the instance. If the instance is in an IASP, you must set the ASP Group before you can work with files in that library. Run the Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP) command to set the ASP Group.
 – Creates the directories that are needed for the instance as specified in the ARS.CFG and ARS.CACHE files.
 – Creates a user profile with the same name as the instance, and adds that user to the instance as a Content Manager OnDemand system administrator.
 – Adds the user QONDADM to the instance as a Content Manager OnDemand system administrator.
 – Creates an authorization list with the same name as the instance.
 – If the instance is in an Independent ASP, a record is added to the file QARLCASP in library QUSRRDARS.
2.4.2 Changing an instance configuration
To change an instance configuration, you must change the configuration parameters in the ARS.INI and ARS.CFG files.
Configuration parameters in the ARS.INI file
You might need to change several of the configuration parameters from the values that you specified when you ran the CRTINSTOND command before you use this instance for the first time. If so, you must edit the ARS.INI file in the /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand/config directory by running the following command:
You can change the values that are listed below. The instance definition starts with the line [@SRV@_[instance]], where [instance] is the name of the instance. For example, the instance ONDTEST starts with the line [@SRV@_ONDTEST].
The following lines might need to be reviewed:
PORT=0: The port to which the server listens to receive requests from a Content Manager OnDemand client. The value of 0 means to use the default port of 1445. Only one server can be listening to a particular port at a specific time. To run multiple instances concurrently, you must specify an unused port on your system. You can run the Work with TCP/IP Network Sts (WRKTCPSTS) OPTION(*CNN) command to see the ports that are in use on your system.
SRVR_FLAGS_SECURITY_EXIT=1: This line specifies that you want to use IBM i user IDs and passwords as the Content Manager OnDemand user IDs and passwords. This method is the default value, which makes it simpler for your users because they do not have to maintain multiple passwords. If your Content Manager OnDemand users do not need to have IBM i user IDs, specify a value of 0 for this parameter. When you specify 0, your Content Manager OnDemand passwords have no relationship to IBM i passwords.
However, if a Content Manager OnDemand user ID and an IBM i user profile match, certain Content Manager OnDemand commands and APIs use the IBM i user profile as the Content Manager OnDemand user ID, even if you chose not to relate the two user IDs. This situation can permit IBM i users to perform Content Manager OnDemand functions that you did not intend for them to perform. Therefore, a Content Manager OnDemand user ID must not match an IBM i user profile name unless the two IDs are used by the same individual.
If you change the SRVR_FLAGS_SECURITY_EXIT value, review the Content Manager OnDemand System Parameters values (defined by the Content Manager OnDemand Administrator Client) for the instance that you changed. For more information, see “OnDemand userid relationship to IBM i user profiles” in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Administration Guide, SC19-2792.
HOST=LOCALHOST: If you are enabling IPv6 on your IBM i system and need certain Content Manager OnDemand instances to use IPv4 addressing and others to use IPv6 addressing, you might need to change HOST=LOCALHOST to HOST=IPV6-LOCALHOST within the ARS.INI stanza for each instance that you want to use IPv6 addresses. You might want certain instances to run with IPv6 and others with IPv4. This mixed environment is fully supported. Also, during the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, Content Manager OnDemand clients that use IPv4 addresses can connect to the server simultaneously with clients that use IPv6 addresses.
Configuration parameters in the ARS.CFG file
You might need to change several of the ARS.CFG configuration parameters from the default values before you use this instance. To do so, edit the ARS.CFG file in the /QIBM/UserData/OnDemand/instancename directory (where instancename is the name of the instance that you want to review). For example, you might use the following Edit File command:
If the instance is created in an IASP that is named IASP2, use the following command:
You can change these values:
ARS_LANGUAGE=ENU: Specifies the language in which this instance runs. The 'ENU' value indicates the usage of the English language. Valid languages are listed in the “Locales” section in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Administration Guide, SC19-2792.
ARS_MSGS_LANGUAGE=ENU: Specifies the language that is used for server messages. The 'ENU' value indicates the usage of the English language. Valid languages are listed in the “Locales” section in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Administration Guide, SC19-2792.
ARS_AUTOSTART_INSTANCE=1: Specifies whether to automatically start the server for this instance when you use the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command. Set this value to 1 to automatically start this instance’s server; set this value to 0 if you do not want to automatically start this instance’s server. For more information about controlling the servers that start automatically, see the “Starting and stopping servers” section in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Planning and Installation Guide, SC19-2790.
Do not modify any of the other values in these instance definition files without first consulting with Content Manager OnDemand Support.
You must end and restart the instance server after you make any changes.
2.4.3 Starting and stopping servers
You must start a server for an instance before clients can connect to it.
Starting the servers
Servers are started by running STRTCPSVR *ONDMD. The INSTANCE parameter of the STRTCPSVR *ONDMD command supports the special values of *DFT, *ALL, and *AUTOSTART, and the specification of the name of an instance. (An instance is set to autostart if the ars.cfg file for that instance contains ARS_AUTOSTART_INSTANCE=1.) The default value for the INSTANCE parameter is *DFT. You can also create a data area that is named STRTCPSVR to further control the behavior of the STRTCPSVR command. For more information about the data area, see the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Administration Guide, SC19-2792.
Without the STRTCPSVR data area, the values of *DFT and *AUTOSTART work identically. All instances that are set to autostart are started. Use the special value *ALL to start all of the instances that are configured on the system. You can also specify the name of a single instance to start, for example:
With the data area, the value of *DFT starts only the instance that is named in the data area. The data area must be named STRTCPSVR and in library QUSRRDARS. The data area must be of the type character with a length of 10. To create the data area, run the following command (all as one command):
QUSROND is the name of the instance to start.
The special values *ALL and *AUTOSTART work the same with the data area as without the data area.
To determine the instances that are started when STRTCPSVR SERVER(*ONDMD) INSTANCE(*AUTOSTART) is run, you can look for the ARS_AUTOSTART_INSTANCE=1 in the ARS.CFG file. However, an easier way is available so that you do not need to check the ARS.CFG file for every instance.
Run grep in Qshell to search the contents of all of the ARS.CFG files for the string ARS_AUTOSTART_INSTANCE=1, for example:
grep -n 'ARS_AUTOSTART_INSTANCE=1' /qibm/userdata/ondemand/*/ars.cfg
From the last four detail lines, which are the output of the grep command, you can determine that instances ONDDEMO, ONDDEU, ONDENU, and QUSROND are started when the STRTCPSVR SERVER(*ONDMD) INSTANCE(*AUTOSTART) command is run.
Table 2-1 on page 35 summarizes the behavior of the STRTCPSVR command with and without the STRTCPSVR data area.
Table 2-1 Behavior of the STRTCPSVR command with or without the STRCPSVR data
Running STRTCPSVR start
Named instance
Without the data area
All instances set
to autostart
All instances that are configured on the system
All instances set to autostart
The named instance
With the data area
Only the instance that is named in the data area
All instances that are configured on the system
All instances set to autostart
The named instance
Stopping the servers
Servers are stopped by running ENDTCPSVR *ONDMD. The instance parameter of the STRTCPSVR *ONDMD command supports the special values of *DFT and *ALL, and the specification of the name of an instance. The default value for the INSTANCE parameter is *DFT. You also can create a data area that is named STRTCPSVR to further control the behavior of the ENDTCPSVR command. Create the data area as described in “Starting the servers” on page 34. For more information about the data area, see the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i - Common Server Administration Guide, SC19-2792. Even though the data area is named STRTCPSVR, it controls both the STRTCPSVR and ENDTCPSVR commands by design so that *DFT starts and ends the same instance.
Without the STRTCPSVR data area, the values of *DFT and *ALL work identically. All instances that are active are ended. You can also specify the name of a single instance to end, for example:
With the data area, the value of *DFT ends only the instance that is named in the data area. The data area must be named STRTCPSVR and in library QUSRRDARS.
Table 2-2 summarizes the behavior of the ENDCPSVR command with and without the data area.
Table 2-2 Behavior of the ENDCPSVR command with or without the data area
Running ENDCPSVR ends
Named instance
Without the data area
All active instances
All active instances
The named instance
With the data area
Only the instance that is named in the data area
All active instances
The named instance
Server work management
Server jobs are started by using a job description with the name of the instance, which must be in the instance library. If a job description with that name is not found in the instance library, job description QOND400 in library QRDARS is used (and can be changed if necessary).
The job description controls the following attributes of the server job:
For example, if you want to change the job queue that instance TEST uses, you create a job description that is called TEST in the TEST library that specifies the job queue that you want to use.
To change the run priority of the server jobs, you must add a routing entry to the subsystem. The server job is always submitted with routing data QRLMSERVER.
To change the run priority of all server jobs for all instances to 40, add the following routing entry to subsystem QSYSWRK. (You must choose a sequence number (SEQNBR) that is not already in use.)
After you make this change, you must stop and restart all of your servers.
Automatically starting instances
To enable an instance to start automatically each time that the system restarts, you must add one of the commands that are described in 2.4.3, “Starting and stopping servers” on page 33 to your QSTRUP program. You can also add the commands to a job scheduler.
2.5 Implementing a Content Manager OnDemand instance on z/OS
Instances on z/OS do not differ greatly from instances on Multiplatforms. The concept is the same. In this section, we explain how to set up a new instance and provide background information about the UNIX System Services implementation. Always refer to the product documentation of your release for the specific steps to follow.
Before you set up your z/OS instance of Content Manager OnDemand, understand the different types of configurations and the components that make up the Content Manager OnDemand instance. A source for determining this information is the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for z/OS - Introduction and Planning Guide, SC19-365.
Instances are logical implementations for the separation of administration functions, users, and data on the same server. Instances have the same physical access to the program libraries, but they have different databases with a separate system log and separate file systems. Instances are typically used to separate different customers on one z/OS server to separate the test and production environments, or to use different code pages on different databases.
A Content Manager OnDemand instance on a z/OS server is a separately started task (ARSSOCKx) that uses different databases, users, and application groups. Every user on the instance must be defined for the instance. Every instance has its own security if internal security is used. If an external security exit is used, it is common over all of the instances.
Figure 2-6 on page 37 shows an overview of the single instance on z/OS.
Figure 2-6 Single instance overview on z/OS
2.5.1 Installation overview
The path for the Content Manager OnDemand system is /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0 (on z/OS) and /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5 (on UNIX). From the ars directory, several directories contain the Content Manager OnDemand files and executable files, such as programs and procedures. The directories are created during the installation when you run the ARSMKDIR REXX routine from the installation library, ARS.V9R5M0.SARINST. The /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0 directory contains the subdirectories that are listed in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3 Subdirectories of /usr/lpp/ars
All executable files, such as arsdb for creating the database
All configuration datasets, such as ARS.INI
All subdirectories for globalization
All configuration files for Structured APIs
All sample files for updating
All subdirectories for ODWEK
Important: All path parameters and commands are case-sensitive.
Sometimes when you choose a directory, such as /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/bin, you see a different path when you run pwd because a symbolic link is set. A symbolic link is a file that contains the path name for another file or directory. Only the original path name is the real name. An external link is a type of symbolic link; it links to an object outside of the hierarchical file system (HFS). Typically, it contains the name of an IBM MVS™ dataset.
2.5.2 Creating an instance on z/OS
In this section, we explain how to create an instance on the z/OS system. To do so, complete the following steps:
1. Copy the control files.
2. Verify the ARS.INI file.
3. Verify the ARS.CFG file.
4. Modify the ARS.CACHE file.
5. Verify the CLI.INI file.
6. Modify the ARSSOCKD procedure.
7. Modify the ARSLOAD procedure.
You can mount the Content Manager OnDemand installation directory at any mount point other than /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0. You can run at different service levels with this flexibility. For example, a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) might be used to install into SERVICE/usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0. SERVICE/usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0 might be copied into /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/maint for testing. When testing is complete, /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/maint might be copied into /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0 for production.
Copying the control files
To copy the control files, complete the following steps:
1. Create a directory (/etc/ars) for maintaining the updated configuration files.
2. Create a symbolic link from the installed directory /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/config to the /etc/ars directory, for example, ln -s /etc/ars /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/config.
3. Set the appropriate access mode of 755.
The ARS.INI file contains a section for each instance; each section begins with a header. It is created at installation time and, by default, it is configured with information for the archive instance. In this scenario, ARC95037 is the header line definition.
Figure 2-7 shows the content of a sample ARS.INI file.
Figure 2-7 ARS.INI file sample
When an instance is started, Content Manager OnDemand reads the ARS.INI file to determine where the server configuration file is. Each instance must have its own ARS.CFG file that is determined by the SRVR_OD_CFG parameter in ARS.INI.
For a distributed library server or object server, you must configure a copy of the ARS.CFG file on each distributed server.
When you configure the parameters, the default values are sufficient for most installations. However, you might need to adjust and tune them to meet the requirements of your environment.
Figure 2-8 shows the content of a sample ARS.CFG file.
ARS_LDAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=TRUE /* Allow anonymous bind connections */
ARS_LDAP_BASE_DN=foo /* Specifies ’foo’ as base distinguished name */
ARS_LDAP_BIND_ATTRIBUTE=bar /* Specifies ’bar’ as bound attribute */
ARS_LDAP_BIND_MESSAGES_FILE=’$ONDEMAND/LDAP/msg_string.txt’ /* Specifies location of LDAP message string file */
ARS_LDAP_MAPPED_ATTRIBUTE=foonly /* Specifies attribute ’foonly’ returned to
OnDemand as user ID */
ARS_LDAP_PORT=389 /* Specifies port on which LDAP listens */
ARS_LDAP_SERVER= /* Specifies IP address of LDAP server */
Figure 2-8 ARS.CFG file sample
The ARS.CACHE file identifies the file systems on the server that can be used by Content Manager OnDemand for the cache storage. The file system is in the HFS or z/OS file system (zFS) storage.
Figure 2-9 shows an example of an ARS.CACHE file that specifies two cache storage file systems.
Figure 2-9 ARS.CACHE file sample
Important: The first line in the ARS.CACHE file identifies the base cache storage file system where Content Manager OnDemand stores the control information. After you define this value, you cannot add or remove it from Content Manager OnDemand or change it in any way.
The SRVR_SM_CFG parameter in the ARS.INI file identifies the cache file systems that are used by the instance. This file can contain one or more file systems.
Configuring LDAP (optional)
Optionally, you can configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to control the logon access to Content Manager OnDemand. LDAP is needed for multiplatform implementation and IBM i.
After you configure LDAP, you can then configure Content Manager OnDemand to access the LDAP server by modifying the following configuration files:
For more information, see Chapter 11, “Configure LDAP”, of the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for z/OS Configuration Guide, SC19-3363.
Verifying CLI.INI
The CLI.INI file contains the information that relates to the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connection that the ARSSOCKD program uses to connect to DB2. This information is referenced by the DSNAOINI DD statement in the PROC job control language (JCL) or as an HFS file.
Figure 2-10 displays an example of the CLI.INI.
Figure 2-10 CLI.INI file sample
The following information refers to Figure 2-10:
MVSDEFAULTSSID=DSNA: Identifies, to ODBC, the DB2 subsystem name or group attachment name in a data sharing group.
PLANNAME=DSNACLI: If the plan for ODBC is not the default plan DSNACLI, you must specify the plan with PLANNAME=plan.
Modifying the ARSSOCKD procedure
The ARSSOCKD started task is used to start the server. You must customize the procedure for your environment and copy it in the PROCLIB concatenation. A copy of the procedure is provided in the SARSINST library.
Modifying the ARSLOAD procedure
The ARSLOAD procedure is used to start the ARSLOAD started task that monitors the spool and loads into Content Manager OnDemand.
A sample ARSLOAD procedure is provided in the SARSINST library.
Creating the database for the new instance
The new instance uses its own set of tables. A new database must be created for this new instance. Perform this task by modifying the ARSDB2 member in the SARSINST library, which is used for the initial installation. Several modifications of this job are necessary:
Change the SQLID to another user, who must have sysadm authority.
Optional: Change the Create Storage Group Statement if you want a new storage group for the instance.
Change the Create Database Statement.
Run the job.
Creating the table space
The new instance uses its own tables, so table space is needed. You can accomplish this task by modifying the ARSTSPAC member in the SARSINST library, which is used for the initial installation. Make the following modifications:
Change the SQLID to the same user that creates the database in ARSDB2.
Change the IN parameter of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement to the database name that you previously created in ARSDB2.
Change the USING parameter to the STOGROUP name that you previously used in ARSDB2.
Set the appropriate values for the primary and secondary allocation.
Run the job.
Creating tables for the new instance
After all of the DB2 objects are created and the configuration files are updated, the database for the instance (the system tables) must be created. Use the arsdb program to create the database for the instance.
Important: You must identify the instance name when you run the Content Manager OnDemand programs, such as the arsdb, arsload, and arssockd programs, and when you run the database commands.
To create the tables, complete the following steps:
1. Go into OMVS to set up the ODBC environment.
2. Switch to the superuser (SU).
3. Set the environment variables to access DB2 on z/OS by running the following command:
export DSNAOINI=“/etc/ars/cli.ini”
The minimum parameters are the DB2 SSID and the interface (DSNCLI).
4. Run SET from the OMVS command line.
5. Move to the Content Manager OnDemand executable directory by running the following command:
cd /usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/bin
6. Run the ARSDB program. This program name is case-sensitive.
arsdb -I ARC95037 -c
7. The ARSDB program generates a series of messages. It acknowledges the successful creation of the tables when all of the tables are created without any error; otherwise, it creates error messages.
You might see a message that is similar to the following example:
arsdb: “Unable to determine the database engine”
This message might look like a DB2 error, but the ARSDB program cannot read the configuration file. Check the log for any IBM RACF® messages that are writing to or opening the file system.
Many installations run several DB2 systems on the z/OS logical partition (LPAR). Sometimes, this approach can lead to errors if the link list contains only the DSNLOAD and DSNEXIT library from a different DB2 subsystem. You can add your requested DB2 library by running the export command:
This command sets the environment.
Tip: If you exit the shell, the setting is gone. You can add the export command to your OMVS login profile. Check your variables by running SET.
Initializing the system log, system load, and system migration
After you create the Content Manager OnDemand system tables, the system log must be initialized with the ARSSYSCR program for this new instance. To do so, complete the following steps:
1. Move to the Content Manager OnDemand executable directory by running the following command:
cd /opt/IBM/ondemand/V9.5/bin
2. Run the ARSSYSCR program for this instance and use the -I parameter:
arssyscr - I ARC95037 -l
Here, ARC95037 is the name of the instance.
Content Manager OnDemand supports the ability to track loading activity with the system load logging facility. Content Manager OnDemand stores these load messages in the system load log. You can initialize the system load log by completing the following steps:
1. Move to the Content Manager OnDemand executable directory by running the following command:
2. Run the ARSSYSCR program for this instance and use the -I parameter:
arssyscr - I ARC95037 -a
Again, -I ARC95037 is the new Content Manager OnDemand instance.
The system migration facility is required if you plan to migrate application group index data from the database to the archive. You initialize the system migration facility by completing the following steps:
1. Move to the Content Manager OnDemand executable directory by running the following command:
2. Run the ARSSYSCR program for this instance and use the -I parameter:
arssyscr - I ARC95037 -m
Again, - I ARC95037 is the new Content Manager OnDemand instance.
The ARSSYSCR program creates the application groups, applications, and folders that are required by the system logging, system load, and system migration facilities.
2.5.3 Starting and verifying the new instance
Now that the new instance is set up, you can start it and verify that it is installed correctly.
Starting the new instance
When everything is set up, you can start the new instance by customizing the sample procedure in the SARSINST library to conform to your environment.
Figure 2-11 shows an example of starting the new instance.
// PARM=('/VERBOSE ARC95037')
//ARSBIN DD PATH='/usr/lpp/ars/V9R5M0/bin'
//DSNAOINI DD PATH='/etc/ars/cli937.ini'
Figure 2-11 Sample Content Manager OnDemand procedure
After this procedure is started, log on to the new instance by using the different port number and create users, application groups, applications, and storage sets with the normal procedures.
Running arsload to check the new instance and new file system
After all of the configuration work is complete and the application group, application, and folder are created, run arsload for installation verification. Figure 2-12 on page 44 shows the procedure that is used to load data to the new instance. If you see problems in loading the file (writing an object), check the user permissions.
// PARM=(’/-h ARC95037 -C Q’)
//* The following 2 DD statements should be uncommented and
//* customized if the PDF indexer is used.
Figure 2-12 ARSLOAD for new instance
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