Products and portfolio for IBM Platform Computing solutions
IBM Platform Computing offers the technology to help you gain the most from your IT investment. From pooling your technical computing resources to managing them efficiently to improving the performance of your applications, IBM Platform Computing solutions help IT organizations with the daily challenges of the data center. IBM Platform Computing solutions include the following products, which are highlighted in this chapter:
These products provide a high-performance computing (HPC) cloud, workload management, big data analytics, and cluster management.
1.1 IBM Platform LSF
The IBM Platform LSF (Load Sharing Facility) product family is a workload management platform for demanding, distributed, and mission-critical HPC environments. It provides a set of intelligent, policy-driven scheduling features so that you can fully take advantage of all of your compute infrastructure resources and to ensure optimal application performance. By using the highly scalable and available architecture, you can schedule complex workloads and manage petaflop-scale resources.
For more information about the IBM Platform LSF product, see the product page at:
1.1.1 IBM Platform LSF editions
IBM Platform LSF has the following editions:
IBM Platform LSF Express Edition
IBM Platform LSF Standard Edition
IBM Platform LSF Advanced Edition
For information about the editions, see the “IBM Platform LSF V9.1 family of products delivers excellent performance, scalability, and utilization” announcement letter at:
Table 1-1 shows the operating systems that are supported by the editions of IBM Platform LSF.
Table 1-1 Supported operating systems
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4, 5, and 6
SLES 9, 10, and 11
SLES 9, 10, and 11
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 9, 10, and 11
Other Linux distributions at V2.6 or later
Other Linux distributions at V2.6 or later
Other Linux distributions at V2.6 or later
IBM AIX 6 and 7
IBM AIX 6 and 7
HP B11.31
HP B11.31
Oracle Solaris 10 and 11
Oracle Solaris 10 and 11
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32 or 64 bit)
Windows Server 2003 R2 (32 or 64 bit)
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 R2 (32 or 64 bit)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (32 or 64 bit)
Windows Vista, Windows 7
Windows Vista, Windows 7
Other Linux distributions at version 2.6 or later (continued)
Windows HPC Server 2008
Windows HPC Server 2008
Windows 8
Windows 8
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012
Table 1-2 shows the processors that are supported by the editions of IBM Platform LSF.
Table 1-2 Supported processors
AMD and Intel x86-64
AMD and Intel x86-64
AMD and Intel x86-64
Oracle SPARC
Oracle SPARC
Optional add-ons extend IBM Platform LSF to provide a complete set of workload management capabilities that work together to address your HPC needs.
Table 1-3 shows the LSF add-on editions for IBM Platform LSF V9.1.
Table 1-3 LSF add-ons
IBM Platform Application Center
IBM Platform RTM (Reporting, Tracking and Monitoring)
IBM Platform License Scheduler
IBM Platform Analytics
IBM Platform Process Manager
IBM Platform Session Scheduler
IBM Platform Dynamic Cluster
Table 1-4 shows the licensing method.
Table 1-4 Licensing LSF
IBM Platform License Scheduler
Per core resource value unit (RVU)
IBM Platform Application Center
Per concurrent user
IBM Platform Process Manager
Per concurrent user
IBM Platform RTM
Per server
IBM Platform RTM Data Pullers
Per core RVU
IBM Platform MPI (Message Passing Interface)
Per core RVU
IBM Platform Analytics Express Edition (10 named users, 0.5 TB of data)
Per installation
IBM Platform Analytics Standard Edition (10 named users, 1 TB of data)
Per installation
IBM Platform Analytics Advanced Edition (20 named users, 3 TB of data)
Per installation
IBM Platform Analytics Data Collectors for LSF
Per core RVU
1.1.2 IBM Platform LSF add-ons
A set of optional add-ons is offered for IBM Platform LSF to assist with workload management and so that users can become more productive. The following add-ons are available:
IBM Platform Application Center
IBM Platform RTM
IBM Platform License Scheduler
IBM Platform Analytics
IBM Platform Process Manager
IBM Platform Session Scheduler
IBM Platform Dynamic Cluster
For information about these add-ons, see the IBM Platform LSF Product Family sheet at:
1.1.3 New in the IBM Platform LSF V9.1 family
The IBM Platform LSF V9.1 family has the following enhancements:
Improved performance, scalability, usability, manageability, and scheduling
IBM Platform Session Scheduler for high-throughput batch scheduling
IBM Platform Dynamic Cluster for workload-aware cloud computing
For more information about these enhancements, see the “Description” section in “IBM Platform LSF V9.1 delivers significant performance and scalability advances” at:
1.2 IBM Platform HPC
IBM Platform HPC is an easy-to-use, comprehensive management software for high performance technical computing clusters and clouds. Its robust cluster and workload management capabilities are accessible by using the latest design in web-based portals. It simplifies the application integration process so that you can focus on developing your applications, instead of managing your cluster.
For more information about IBM Platform HPC and it advantages, see the IBM Platform HPC Software brochure at:
IBM Platform HPC includes the following capabilities:
Comprehensive, easy-to-use cluster management
Next generation, easy-to-use interface
Integrated application support
Topology-aware workload management
Robust workload and system monitoring and reporting
Dynamic operating system multiboot
Graphics processing unit (GPU) scheduling, management, and monitoring
Robust commercial MPI library
For more information about these capabilities, see the IBM Platform HPC data sheet at:
1.3 IBM Platform Symphony
IBM Platform Symphony delivers powerful enterprise-class management to run distributed applications and big data analytics on a scalable, shared grid. It accelerates dozens of parallel applications, for faster results and better utilization of all available resources.
IBM Platform Symphony has the following editions:
IBM Platform Symphony Developer Edition
IBM Platform Symphony Express Edition
IBM Platform Symphony Standard Edition
IBM Platform Symphony Advanced Edition
For information about IBM Platform Symphony, its advantages, and its editions, see the following documents:
IBM Platform Symphony Software Family brochure
IBM Platform Symphony data sheet
1.3.1 IBM Platform Symphony edition features
Table 1-5 lists the features for the editions of IBM Platform Symphony V6.1.
Table 1-5 IBM Platform Symphony features
IBM Platform Symphony Editions
Low latency HPC SOA
Agile service and task scheduling
Dynamic resource orchestration
Standard and custom reporting
Server, VM, desktop harvesting capability
Data affinity
MapReduce framework
Multi-cluster management
Maximum number of hosts and cores
2 hosts
240 cores
5K hosts,
40K cores
5K hosts,
40K cores
Maximum number of applications
Desktop harvesting
Server and VM harvesting
Platform analytics
1.3.2 IBM Platform Symphony add-on tools
You can use the following add-on resource harvesting tools with IBM Platform Symphony Standard and Advanced Editions to help you do more and spend less:
IBM Platform Symphony Desktop Harvesting
IBM Platform Symphony Server/VM Harvesting
IBM Platform Symphony GPU Harvesting
IBM Platform Analytics
For more information about the add-on tools, see the IBM Platform Symphony Software Family brochure at:
1.3.3 New in IBM Platform Symphony V6.1
Table 1-6 lists the enhancements in IBM Platform Symphony V6.1.
Table 1-6 New enhancements in IBM Platform Symphony V6.1
Performance enhancements
Single service instance for multiple tasks (MTS)
Parallel EGO service start (30,000 services in under two minutes)
Shared memory logic for MapReduce (reduce data movement)
Data management
Improved data access with multi-task service instances (MTS)
Data affinity improvements
Improved graphical user interface
Disk and network I/O monitoring
Support for IBM PowerLinux™
Support for IBM Platform Analytics (optional add-on)
Capture task-level resource usage, consumer demand, and metadata
Improvements to integrated reporting
Workload management
Recursive workload support, n levels deep
Stacking workload to the same host
IBM Platform Symphony MultiCluster as part of the IBM Platform Symphony Advanced Edition
Support for 100,000 cores with MultiCluster
Push deployment for repository services
Session director and GUI scalability enhancements
IBM Platform Symphony Developer Edition
Combines Symphony and MapReduce APIs
SDK/API for EGO layer phase I (Enterprise Grid Orchestrator)
The following figures show examples of GUI improvements in IBM Platform Symphony V6.1.
Figure 1-1 shows the dashboard, which provides a quick overview of the health of your cluster. The dashboard shows a summary of the workload in the cluster, a summary of utilization and status for all hosts, and links to key pages in the Platform Management Console.
Figure 1-1 Main dashboard
Figure 1-2 shows links to the key pages in the Platform Management Console. The key pages include Symphony Workload, MapReduce Workload, System services, Resources, Cluster Settings, System Logs, Reports, Harvesting, and Add and Remove Symphony Applications.
Figure 1-2 Dashboard view
Individual users can tailor application views to see applications that are specific to their department or line of business as shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3 Selectively monitoring applications
Figure 1-4 shows how you can use the flexible interface of this version to tailor visual warnings and critical alerts by application.
Figure 1-4 Customized visual alerts
You can use more intuitive interfaces to monitor SOA application sessions, to filter applications by consumer and type, and drag to reorder column headings as shown in Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5 Intuitive workload monitoring interface
A new Profile tab (Figure 1-6) provides easy access to all application profile settings.
Figure 1-6 Easy access to application profiles
Figure 1-7 shows the new Performance tab, which provides configurable performance monitoring for SOA workloads.
Figure 1-7 Integrated application level monitoring
Figure 1-8 shows a simple visual monitoring of multiple concurrent MapReduce workloads, including all relevant MapReduce statistics.
Figure 1-8 MapReduce workload monitoring
The flexible visual interface (Figure 1-9) shows dynamic sharing policies and resource loaning and borrowing at work. It shows applications that benefit from incremental resources.
Figure 1-9 Dynamic monitoring of resource allocation
1.4 IBM Platform Cluster Manager
IBM Platform Cluster Manager quickly provisions, runs, manages, and monitors HPC clusters with unprecedented ease. It also helps to automate the assembly of multiple high-performance technical computing environments on a shared compute infrastructure for use by multiple teams.
IBM Platform Cluster Manager is available in the Standard Edition and the Advanced Edition. The next section shows a description of these products. For more information about each of the editions, see the following resources:
IBM Platform Cluster Manager - Standard Edition data sheet
IBM Platform Cluster Manager – Advanced Edition data sheet
1.4.1 IBM Platform Cluster Manager features
Table 1-7 shows a relation of features and versions of the IBM Platform Cluster Manager.
Table 1-7 IBM Platform Cluster Manager features
Cluster Manager
Physical provisioning
Server monitoring
Other hardware monitoring
IBM Platform HPC integration
VM provisioning
Multiple cluster support
Self service portal
Storage management
Network management
Physical provisioning
1.4.2 IBM Platform Cluster Manager supported environments
Table 1-8 shows the supported environments and the versions of the IBM Platform Cluster Manager.
Table 1-8 IBM Platform Cluster Manager supported environments
Supported environments
IBM Platform LSF family
IBM Platform Symphony family
Other workload managers
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