This chapter describes the commands that are used to operate IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (EE), data, and metadata formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM Spectrum Archive EE migrations, system calls, tools, and limitations.
This chapter includes the following topics:
10.1 Command-line reference
This section describes the IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands, IBM Spectrum Scale commands, and IBM Spectrum Protect space management commands.
10.1.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE help guide for commands
This section describes the syntax, parameters, and function of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands by way of the help guide. By following the help guide, any IBM Spectrum Archive EE command can be run by reviewing the description and syntax of the command and using the provided examples.
The eeadm command
All IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands start with the eeadm command and all commands feature the following syntax:
eeadm <resource type> <action> [OPTIONS]
eeadm <subcommand> [OPTIONS]
The following resource types are available:
cluster: Manages the IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster
drive: Manages the tape drives
file: Manages the files on IBM Spectrum Scale
library: Manages the tape libraries
node: Manages the IBM Spectrum Archive EE servers
nodegroup: Manages the node groups
pool: Manages the tape storage pools
tape: Manages the tape cartridges
task: Manages the internal tasks
The following subcommands are available:
migrate: Migrate files to the tapes and reclaim the disk space allocated to the file.
premigrate: Migrate files to the tapes but do not reclaim the disk space.
recall: Recall files from the tapes to the disk storage.
save: Saves the name of empty files, empty directories, and symbolic links to the tapes.
The eeadm command is initially used to get the high-level view of all available resource types or subcommands that are available. Then, following the remaining help guide to find the desired command to run.
The eeadm <resource type> --help command
The eeadm <resource type> --help command displays the available list of actions for each resource type.
For example, the eeadm cluster command manages the IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster.
To display the available actions for the eeadm cluster command, enter the following command:
eeadm cluster --help
In this case, the following actions for eeadm cluster are available:
eeadm cluster failover
eeadm cluster set
eeadm cluster show
eeadm cluster start
eeadm cluster stop
eeadm cluster restore
Therefore, the eeadm <resource type> --help command should be the next help guide procedure that is used to find the available actions of each resource type.
The eeadm <resource type> <action> --help command
After the wanted action for the resource type is found, enter the eeadm <resource type> <action> --help command to display the overall syntax, description, required parameters, and optional parameters for the command. The output also includes command examples that can be used to run the wanted action.
Therefore, the eeadm <resource type> <action> --help command should be your final help guide procedures used to run the wanted commands.
10.1.2 Drive status and state codes
The eeadm drive list command lists all of the configured drives. Drives can be listed with one of the states listed in Table 10-1 or the drive state can be displayed as empty.
Table 10-1 Status and state codes for eeadm drive list
Drive status
Drive state
Description and next action
IBM Spectrum Archive EE can access this tape by using the file system interface, but no task is assigned to this drive, and a tape is in this drive.
Next Action: None
IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot access a tape by using the file system interface, but the tape is in this drive. No task is assigned to this drive.
Next Action: None
IBM Spectrum Archive EE is opening a file system interface to access a tape on this drive because of an assigned task.
Next Action: None
IBM Spectrum Archive EE is using this drive for a task.
Next Action: None
This drive does not include a tape.
Next Action: None
IBM Spectrum Archive EE is closing a file system interface access to the tape in this drive because of opening a file system access to another tape, or moving a tape to the homeslot.
Next Action: None
IBM Spectrum Archive EE is processing a tape in this drive that has a need_unlock status. The need_unlock state is resolved automatically by the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
Next Action: Wait until the state changes to another state.
A node that manages a drive is down.
Next Action: Check the nodes in IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the eeadm node list command, and make the nodes available by using the eeadm node up command.
This drive is not a resource of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Next Action: Use the eeadm drive assign command to include this drive as a resource of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
The drive is assigned to a node. But the drive is not open and IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot use this drive.
Next Action: Use the eeadm drive up command to enable this drive. The drive can be used if the command is successful.
The tape drive reports a hardware error.
Next Action: Check the drive error messages on the library operator panel or web GUI.
The library is configured, but the drive does not exist as part of the library.
Next Action: Check the drive error messages on the library operator panel or web GUI.
The drive is defined as a resource of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. But it is not found in the library.
Next Action: There is no degradation. Use the eeadm drive unassign command to clean up this entry.
IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot find any alternative path at path fail over.
Next Action: Check drive connectivity on the assigned node, and restore connectivity by using the eeadm drive up command.
The eeadm file state command displays the data placement of files. Each file is in a unique state, as listed in Table 10-2.
Table 10-2 Status codes for the eeadm file state command
Status code
The resident status indicates that the file is resident in the GPFS namespace and is not saved, migrated, or premigrated to a tape.
The migrated status indicates that the file was migrated. The file was copied from GPFS file system to a tape, and exists only as a stub file in the GPFS namespace.
The premigrated status indicates that the file was premigrated. The file was copied to a tape (or tapes), but the content of the file has not been truncated.
The saved status indicates that the file system object that has no data (a symbolic link, an empty directory, or an empty regular file) was saved. The file system object was copied from GPFS file system to a tape.
The offline status indicates that the file was saved or migrated to a tape cartridge and thereafter the tape cartridge was exported offline.
The missing status indicates that a file has the migrated or premigrated status, but it is not accessible from IBM Spectrum Archive EE because the tape cartridge it is supposed to be on is not accessible. The file might be missing because of tape corruption or if the tape cartridge was removed from the system without exporting.
10.1.3 Node status codes
The eeadm node list command lists the configuration and status of all the configured nodes, as listed in Table 10-3.
Table 10-3 Status codes for the eeadm node list command
Status code
The Available status indicates that the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component on this node is available for operation.
License Expired
The License Expired status indicates that the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component on this node has an expired license.
The Unknown status indicates that the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component on this node is inoperable, or the node is down.
The Disconnected status indicates that the EE and LE component on this node cannot communicate. The admin channel connection might be disconnected.
Not configured
The Not configured status indicates that the work directory of LE is not correct. Reconfigure the node by stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE and running the ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE command on the node. Then, restart IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
The Error status indicates that a critical component of EE is not functioning or has lost communication.
10.1.4 Tape status codes
The eeadm tape list command lists the configuration and status of all of the tapes, as listed in Table 10-4.
Table 10-4 Tape status along with a description
New Status
Old Status
Tape is available and data can be appended.
Pool setting caused this tape to be fenced from appending data.
Temporary flag because of HBA-related error on mount, unmount, load, or unload of the tape to or from the tape drive.
Temporary flag because of encryption-related error on mount, unmount, load, or unload of the tape to or from the tape drive.
Temporary flag because of failed mount, unmount, load, or unload of the tape to or from the tape drive.
The tape is almost full (only metadata changes are accepted).
The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) LE instance that has this tape is not running.
Two or more tapes have the same barcode label in the logical library.
The tape was exported by a normal export.
The tape is full and no other changes or updates can be made.
The tape library reported that the tape is inaccessible.
The barcode and label data on tape are mismatched.
The tape is missing from the logical library.
An read error occurred on the tape.
This is an intermittent state while the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition system is processing a permanent write error. This state is automatically resolved by the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition system.
Not supported
The tape is an unsupported media cartridge and should be removed from the logical library.
The tape was exported offline.
Write Protected
The tape is physically write-protected or write-protected by an advisory lock.
Critical or Error or Write Fenced
The tape is in a read-only state because of a write error.
The tape is invalid from an LTFS LE perspective.
The tape status is unknown and a tape validation is needed.
The tape is not assigned to any pool.
The tape is in a pool, but is not LTFS-formatted.
Table 10-5 lists the next available commands for each tape status.
Table 10-5 Next available actions for each tape status
tape assign
tape unassign
tape export
tape import
tape offline
tape online
tape datamigrate
tape move
tape reclaim
tape reconcile
tape replace
tape validate
need_unlock (N/A next action)
Require_validate state
A tape cartridge in the state is a temporary condition that can be caused when the tape within the pool becomes unknown to the system, or the metadata on the gpfs file system becomes inconsistent with the data cartridge.
Recall_only state
This status is caused by setting the write-protection tag on the tape cartridge. If you want to use this tape cartridge in IBM Spectrum Archive EE, and if the write protection switch is on, you must remove the write protection because a write-protected tape cartridge cannot be added to a tape cartridge pool. After the write-protection is removed, you must run the eeadm tape validate command to update the status of the tape to appendable.
Require_replace state
This status is caused by physical errors on writing data into the tape. The tape becomes a read-only tape and must be replaced as soon as possible. For more information about recovery procedures, see 9.3, “Recovering data from a write failure tape” on page 301 and 9.4, “Recovering data from a read failure tape” on page 302.
Need_replace state
This status is caused when a tape drive is encounters an error trying to read data off the tape. This tape also must be replaced as soon as possible to mitigate future failures. For more information about for recovery procedures, see “Recovering data from a read failure tape” on page 302.
Unassigned state
This status is caused by a tape cartridge being removed from tape pool. The process of adding it to LTFS (see 6.8.1, “Adding tape cartridges” on page 154) changes the status back to appendable. Therefore, this message requires no other corrective action.
Unformatted status
This status usually is observed when a scratch tape is added to LTFS without formatting it. It can be fixed by removing by eeadm tape unassign command and formatting it with the eeadm tape assign command, as described in 6.8.3, “Formatting tape cartridges” on page 158.
If the tape cartridge was imported from another system, the IBM LTFS Format Verifier can be useful for checking the tape format. For more information about performing diagnostic tests with the IBM LTFS Format Verifier, see 10.3.2, “Using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier” on page 328.
Inaccessible status
This status is most often the result of a stuck tape cartridge. Removing the stuck tape cartridge and then moving it back to its homeslot (as described in 6.8.2, “Moving tape cartridges” on page 156) should correct the Inaccessible status.
Non-supported status
Only LTO-9, 8, M8, 7, 6, 5, and 3592 JB, JC, JD, JE, JK, JL, JM, JV, JY, and JZ tape cartridges are supported by IBM Spectrum Archive EE. This “tape state” or “status” indicates that the tape cartridge is not one of these types and must be removed from the tape library.
10.1.5 IBM Spectrum Scale commands
Use these commands to manage GPFS file systems that you use with your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
The mmapplypolicy command
To manage migration and replication of the data to and from IBM Spectrum Scale storage pools, run the GPFS mmapplypolicy command. It can also be used to delete files from IBM Spectrum Scale.
The node on which the command is run must have the GPFS mounted. The node must be able to run remote shell commands on any other node in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages.
For more information, see “Requirements for administering a GPFS file system” in GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference, SA23-2221. GPFS documentation is available at the following IBM Documentation web pages:
For more information about the mmapplypolicy command and GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale, see your GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale documentation.
The mmgetstate command
To display the state of the IBM Spectrum Scale daemon on one or more nodes, run the GPFS mmgetstate command.
The node on which the command is run must have the GPFS mounted. The node must be able to run remote shell commands on any other node in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. For more information, see “Requirements for administering a GPFS file system” in GPFS: Administration and Programming Reference, SA23-2221, and the websites that are referenced in “The mmapplypolicy command” on page 323.
The GPFS mmgetstate -a command displays the nodes where GPFS is active.
10.1.6 IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands
You can use a subset of IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands to configure and administer space management for the file systems that are used with your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides a limited description of the commands in this subset. For more information about these commands, see the “HSM client command reference” topic and other related topics at this IBM Documentation web page.
Important: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE license does not entitle customers to use any IBM Spectrum Protect components or products other than IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management from the IBM Spectrum Protect family to migrate data to LTFS.
Compatibility of IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands with IBM Spectrum Archive EE
Only a subset of IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands is compatible with the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment. Use only compatible IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands. Otherwise, your system might not work correctly and error messages such as the following message might be returned:
ANS2172E Command not supported in HSMBACKENDMODE TSMFREE
The following IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands are compatible with the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment:
The dsmmigfs start, stop, and enablefailover functions
To start or stop HSM daemons, run the dsmmigfs command with the start or stop parameter.
Important: The HSM daemons are started with the same environment as the dsmwatchd watch daemon. Therefore, the dsm.opt and dsm.sys options files in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management default installation path /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin are used.
Before you use this command, complete the following steps to verify your IBM Spectrum Scale settings:
1. Verify that the IBM Spectrum Scale is active.
2. Verify that the node that you want to run the command from belongs to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster, and has the file system mounted.
Important: To display the nodes where IBM Spectrum Scale is active, run the IBM Spectrum Scale mmgetstate -a command. For more information, see 6.2.1, “IBM Spectrum Scale” on page 136.
The dsmmigfs command includes the following parameters:
Starts all HSM daemons on the local client node, except for the watch daemon (dsmwatchd).
Stops all space management daemons on the local client node, except for the watch daemon (dsmwatchd).
Activates the node for failover operations within the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster.
To selectively recall migrated files to the local file system, run the dsmrecall command. Space management must be active.
The duration of the recall process depends on the size of the files that are being recalled. It takes time to mount and spool the LTFS tape cartridge, and the data transfer time for a large file can be considerable.
This command includes the dsmrecall gpfs_path syntax, as shown in the following example:
dsmrecall /ibm/ltfs/filename1.txt
10.2 Formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration
This section describes the data and metadata formats that IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses for migrating files from an IBM Spectrum Scale / GPFS environment to an IBM Spectrum Archive (LTFS EE) system.
IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses the following data and metadata formats for migrating files from GPFS to LTFS:
GPFS data
Figure 10-1 shows an example of original GPFS data.
Figure 10-1 Example GPFS data directory structure
Migrated data and symbolic links in LTFS
Figure 10-2 shows the LTFS data format of tapeA and tapeB after the following migrations of the GPFS files from Figure 10-1:
 – file1, file2, and file3 to tapeA.
 – file1 (which is a replica), file4, file5, and file6 to tapeB.
Figure 10-2 Example layout of migrated data and symbolic links on LTFS (on tapes)
Migrated data
Migrated data is saved as files under the .LTFSEE_DATA directory on each tape. The .LTFSEE_DATA directory is placed directly under the tape root directory on each tape. These data files are stored under unique ID (UID) based file names. A UID-based file name consists of the cluster ID (CLID), file system ID (FSID), inode generation number (IGEN), and inode number (INO). In this example, all of the files have the same CLID and the same FSID because all of the files belong to the same GPFS file system.
Symbolic links
The GPFS directory structure is rebuilt on each tape under the tape root directory for all the migrated files that the tape contains. For each data file, a symbolic link is created under the original GPFS file name and location, which points to the corresponding data file on the tape. When a symbolic link is created, a relative path to the target is used so that if the IBM Spectrum Archive mount point changes, the link stays correct. For the file1 example in Figure 10-2, the following symbolic link that corresponds to file1 is created on tapeA:
/ltfs/tapeA/gpfs/file1 → ../.LTFSEE_DATA/CLID-FSID-IGEN1-INO1
GPFS path as metadata in IBM Spectrum Archive
For each data file in IBM Spectrum Archive, an extended attribute is set that contains the original GPFS file path. In the file1 example in Figure 10-2, the two following LTFS files have the extended attribute gpfs.path set to the value (file1 GPFS path) /gpfs/file1:
The saved GPFS path gives you the ability to re-create the original IBM Spectrum Scale namespace by using the reconciliation and export processes followed by the import process. In case of disaster, the approximate IBM Spectrum Scale namespace can be recovered from tapes because without reconciliation, not all file deletions and renames in IBM Spectrum Scale are reflected on the migration target tapes. The saved path is also used for removing stale symbolic links when a file is recalled into resident state.
10.3 System calls and IBM tools
This section describes downloading the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool (ITDT) and using the IBM Linear Tape File System Format Verifier (LFV).
10.3.1 Downloading the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool
The ITDT is an independent tool that provides diagnostic tests on tape drives and libraries. This section describes how to download ITDT and access the related documentation.
Before you begin
IBM maintains the latest levels of the ITDT and related documentation on Fix Central. Information about using the ITDT is available in IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User’s Guide, S7002972, which is available on the same website.
About this task
To access the Fix Central portal and download the most recent version of the ITDT, complete the following steps:
1. Open the following URL in your web browser:
2. Click Product Group → System Storage.
3. Click Product Family → Tape systems.
4. Click Product Type → Tape drivers and software.
5. Click Product → IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool ITDT.
6. Select Installed version.
7. Select your operating system from the Platform menu.
8. Click Continue.
9. (Optional) Narrow the search of available downloads according to your criteria.
10. Click Continue to view the list of available downloads.
11. Select the version that you want to download.
12. To download the new version, follow the instructions on the Fix Central download page.
10.3.2 Using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier
This section describes how to download, install, and run the IBM LFV utility command (lfv) to verify media hardware and data compatibility.
Before you begin
Before installing the LTFS LFV, download the most recent version from the Fix Central website.
To download the most recent version of the LTFS LFV, complete the following steps:
1. Open the following URL in your web browser:
2. Click Product Group → System Storage.
3. Click Product Family → Tape systems.
4. Click Product Type → Tape drivers and software.
5. Click Product → Linear Tape File System (LTFS) Format Verifier.
6. Select Installed version.
7. Select your operating system from the Platform menu.
8. Click Continue.
9. Narrow the search of available downloads according to your criteria (this step can be skipped).
10. Click Continue to view the list of available downloads.
11. Select the version that you want to download.
12. To download the new version, follow the instructions on the Fix Central download page.
Latest levels: IBM maintains the latest levels of the LTFS LFV and information about using the tool and related documentation on the IBM Fix Central website.
About this task
To install the LTFS LFV, complete the following steps:
1. Download lfvinst_<version>linuxx86_64 from this website:
2. To make lfvinst_<version><OS><arch> an executable file, run the following command:
chmod 700 lfvinst_<version><OS><arch>
3. To complete the installation, run the following command:
Verifying media compatibility by using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier
This section describes how to verify media hardware and data compatibility by using the LTFS LFV utility command. This section also describes the options that can be used with this command.
Important: LTFS LFV is not shipped with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, but is available as a separate download.
To verify that media are compatible with LTFS, run lfv from the command line. Enter one of the following commands: For Linux systems where the IBM Tape Device Driver is installed, <target device> should be /dev/IBMtapeX, where X is the index of the tape device to use, as shown in the following example:
./lfv -f /dev/IBMtape1
For Linux systems where no IBM Tape Device driver is installed, <target device> should be /dev/sgX, where X is the index for the tape device to use, as shown in the following example:
./lfv -f /dev/sg0
Important: The index for the target tape device in the previous examples is shown as 0. If you are unsure which index value to use, run the ./lfv -s command to scan for all attached tape devices.
The following lfv command options are available:
-f <target device>
The target tape device on which verification is performed.
Displays help information.
Specifies the log file name. The default name is lfv.log.
-ll [Errors|Warnings|Information|Debug]
Specifies the log level and the level of logging created. Errors is the default value.
Specifies the log output directory. The default directory is ./output.
Scans the system for tape devices and prints results to the window. This option provides a list of the available devices and can help you identify which drive to use. This option provides the following information:
 – Sequential number.
 – Driver handle/device file name.
 – Drive product name.
 – Drive firmware revision.
 – Drive serial number (S/N).
 – Host (H), bus (B), Target ID (T), and LUN (L) physical address of the drive.
For example, information that is provided by this list appears as shown in the following example:
#0 /dev/IBMtape0 -[ULT3580-TD4]-[85V1] S/N:1300000388 H2-B0-T0-L0
#1 /dev/IBMtape1 -[ULT3580-HH5]-[A2SG] S/N:1068000051 H2-B0-T1-L0
Enables verbose verification information.
-V --version
Displays the program version.
Specifies that the extended verification is performed. The extended verification analyzes the entire tape cartridge and can take up to three hours to complete. Quick verification is the default.
10.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE interoperability with IBM Spectrum Archive products
IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot run concurrently with IBM Spectrum Archive LE. If IBM Spectrum Archive LE is already installed, it must be uninstalled before IBM Spectrum Archive EE is installed. For more information about the uninstallation procedure, see the “Uninstalling LTFS from a Linux system” topic at this IBM Documentation web page.
In addition to uninstalling the IBM Spectrum Archive LE package, it is necessary to uninstall the IBM Spectrum Archive LE license module. To uninstall the license, you must run the following command after the other uninstallation commands that are presented in the IBM Spectrum Archive LE IBM Documentation:
# rpm -e ltfs-license-2.1.0-[revision]
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