Chapter 14. Arrays


An array is a set of uniform data elements, represented by a single variable name. The individual elements are accessed using the variable name together with one or more indexes between square brackets, as shown here:



Let's start with some important definitions having to do with arrays in C#.

  • Elements: The individual data items of an array are called elements. All elements of an array must be of the same type, or derived from the same type.

  • Rank/dimensions: Arrays can have any positive number of dimensions. The number of dimensions an array has is called its rank.

  • Dimension length: Each dimension of an array has a length, which is the number of positions in that direction.

  • Array length: The total number of elements contained in an array, in all dimensions, is called the length of the array.

Important Details

The following are some important general facts about C# arrays:

  • Once an array is created, its size is fixed. C# does not support dynamic arrays.

  • Array indexes are 0-based. That is, if the length of a dimension is n, the index values range from 0 to n − 1. For example, Figure 14-1 shows the dimensions and lengths of two example arrays. Notice that for each dimension, the indexes range from 0 to length − 1.

Dimensions and sizes

Figure 14-1. Dimensions and sizes

Types of Arrays

C# provides two types of arrays:

  • One-dimensional array scan be thought of as a single line, or vector, of elements.

  • Multidimensional arrays are composed such that each position in the primary vector is itself an array, called a sub-array. Positions in the sub-array vectors can themselves be sub-arrays.

Additionally, there are two types of multidimensional arrays, rectangular arrays and jagged arrays, which have the following characteristics:

  • Rectangular arrays

    • Are multidimensional arrays where all the sub-arrays in a particular dimension have the same length

    • Always use a single set of square brackets, regardless of the number of dimensions

    int x = myArray2[4, 6, 1]            // One set of square brackets
  • Jagged arrays

    • Are multidimensional arrays where each sub-array is an independent array

    • Can have sub-arrays of different lengths

    • Use a separate set of square brackets for each dimension of the array

    jagArray1[2][7][4]                  // Three sets of square brackets

Figure 14-2 shows the kinds of arrays available in C#.

One-dimensional, rectangular, and jagged arrays

Figure 14-2. One-dimensional, rectangular, and jagged arrays

An Array As an Object

An array instance is an object whose type derives from class System.Array. Since arrays are derived from this BCL base class, they inherit a number of useful members from it, such as

  • Rank: A property that returns the number of dimensions of the array

  • Length: A property that returns the length of the array (the total number of elements in the array)

Arrays are reference types, and as with all reference types, have both a reference to the data and the data object itself. The reference is in either the stack or the heap, and the data object itself will always be in the heap. Figure 14-3 shows the memory configuration and components of an array.

Structure of an array

Figure 14-3. Structure of an array

Although an array is always a reference type, the elements of the array can be either value types or reference types.

  • An array is called a value type array if the elements stored are value types.

  • An array is called a reference type array if the elements stored in the array are references of reference type objects.

Figure 14-4 shows a value type array and a reference type array.

Elements can be values or references.

Figure 14-4. Elements can be values or references.

One-Dimensional and Rectangular Arrays

Syntactically, one-dimensional arrays and rectangular arrays are very similar, so I'll treat them together. I'll then treat jagged arrays separately.

Declaring a One-Dimensional Array or a Rectangular Array

To declare a one-dimensional or rectangular array, use a single set of square brackets between the type and the variable name.

The rank specifiers are commas between the brackets. They specify the number of dimensions the array will have. The rank is the number of commas, plus one. For example, no commas indicates a one-dimensional array, one comma indicates a two-dimensional array, and so forth.

The base type, together with the rank specifiers, is the type of the array. For example, the following line of code declares a one-dimensional array of longs. The type of the array is long[], which is read as "an array of longs."

Declaring a One-Dimensional Array or a Rectangular Array

The following code shows examples of declarations of rectangular arrays. Notice that

  • You can have as many rank specifiers as you need.

  • You cannot place array dimension lengths in the array type section. The rank is part of the array's type, but the lengths of the dimensions are not part of the type.

  • When an array is declared, the number of dimensions is fixed. The length of the dimensions, however, is not determined until the array is instantiated.

Declaring a One-Dimensional Array or a Rectangular Array


Unlike C/C++, the brackets follow the base type, not the variable name.

Instantiating a One-Dimensional or Rectangular Array

To instantiate an array, you use an array-creation expression. An array-creation expression consists of the new operator, followed by the base type, followed by a pair of square brackets. The length of each dimension is placed in a comma-separated list between the brackets.

The following are examples of one-dimensional array declarations:

  • Array arr2 is a one-dimensional array of four ints.

  • Array mcArr is a one-dimensional array of four MyClass references.

  • Their layouts in memory are shown in Figure 14-5.

Instantiating a One-Dimensional or Rectangular Array

The following is an example of a rectangular array. Array arr3 is a three-dimensional array.

  • The length of the array is 3 * 6 * 2 = 36.

  • Its layout in memory is shown in Figure 14-5.

Instantiating a One-Dimensional or Rectangular Array
Declaring and instantiating arrays

Figure 14-5. Declaring and instantiating arrays


Unlike object-creation expressions, array-creation expressions do not contain parentheses—even for reference type arrays.

Accessing Array Elements

An array element is accessed using an integer value as an index into the array.

  • Each dimension uses 0-based indexing.

  • The index is placed between square brackets following the array name.

The following code shows examples of declaring, writing to, and reading from a one-dimensional and a two-dimensional array:

int[]  intArr1 = new int[15];        // Declare 1-D array.
   intArr1[2]     = 10;                 // Write to element 2 of the array.
   int var1       = intArr1[2];         // Read from element 2 of the array.

   int[,] intArr2 = new int[5,10];      // Declare 2-D array.
   intArr2[2,3]   = 7;                  // Write to the array.
   int var2       = intArr2[2,3];       // Read from the array.

The following code shows the full process of creating and accessing a one-dimensional array:

int[] myIntArray;                            // Declare the array.

   myIntArray = new int[4];                  // Instantiate the array.

   for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )                  // Set the values.
      myIntArray[i] = i*10;

   // Read and display the values of each element.
   for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
      Console.WriteLine("Value of element {0} = {1}", i, myIntArray[i]);

This code produces the following output:

Value of element 0 is 0
Value of element 1 is 10
Value of element 2 is 20
Value of element 3 is 30

Initializing an Array

Whenever an array is created, each of the elements is automatically initialized to the default value for the type. The default values for the predefined types are 0 for integer types, 0.0 for floating point types, false for Booleans, and null for reference types.

For example, the following code creates an array and initializes its four elements to the value 0. Figure 14-6 illustrates the layout in memory.

int[] intArr = new int[4];
Automatic initialization of a one-dimensional array

Figure 14-6. Automatic initialization of a one-dimensional array

Explicit Initialization of One-Dimensional Arrays

For a one-dimensional array, you can set explicit initial values by including an initialization list immediately after the array-creation expression of an array instantiation.

  • The initialization values must be separated by commas and enclosed in a set of curly braces.

  • The dimension lengths are optional, since the compiler will infer the lengths from the number of initializing values.

  • Notice that nothing separates the array-creation expression and the initialization list. That is, there is no equals sign or other connecting operator.

For example, the following code creates an array and initializes its four elements to the values between the curly braces. Figure 14-7 illustrates the layout in memory.

Explicit Initialization of One-Dimensional Arrays
Explicit initialization of a one-dimensional array

Figure 14-7. Explicit initialization of a one-dimensional array

Explicit Initialization of Rectangular Arrays

To explicitly initialize a rectangular array:

  • Each vector of initial values must be enclosed in curly braces.

  • Each dimension must also be nested and enclosed in curly braces.

  • In addition to the initial values, the initialization lists and components of each dimension must also be separated by commas.

For example, the following code shows the declaration of a two-dimensional array with an initialization list. Figure 14-8 illustrates the layout in memory.

Explicit Initialization of Rectangular Arrays
Initializing a rectangular array

Figure 14-8. Initializing a rectangular array

Syntax Points for Initializing Rectangular Arrays

Rectangular arrays are initialized with nested, comma-separated initialization lists. The initialization lists are nested in curly braces. This can sometimes be confusing, so to get the nesting, grouping, and commas right, the following tips can be helpful:

  • Commas are used as separators between all elements and groups.

  • Commas are not placed between left curly braces.

  • Commas are not placed before a right curly brace.

  • Read the rank specifications from left to right, designating the last number as "elements" and all the others as "groups."

For example, read the following declaration as "intArray has four groups of three groups of two elements."

Syntax Points for Initializing Rectangular Arrays

Shortcut Syntax

When combining declaration, array creation, and initialization in a single statement, you can omit the array-creation expression part of the syntax. This shortcut syntax is shown in Figure 14-9.

Shortcut for array declaration, creation, and initialization

Figure 14-9. Shortcut for array declaration, creation, and initialization

Implicitly Typed Arrays

So far we've explicitly specified the array types at the beginnings of all our array declarations. Starting with C# 3.0, however, like other local variables, your arrays can be implicitly typed. What this means is the following:

  • When initializing an array, you can let the compiler infer the array's type from the type of the initializers. This is allowed as long as all the initializers can be implicitly converted to a single type.

  • Just as with implicitly typed local variables, use the keyword var instead of the array type.

The following code shows explicit and implicit versions of three array declarations. The first set is a one-dimensional array of ints. The second is a two-dimensional array of ints. The third is an array of strings. Notice that in the declaration of implicitly typed intArr4 you still need to include the rank specifier in the initialization.

Implicitly Typed Arrays

Putting It All Together

The following code puts together all the pieces we've looked at so far. It creates, initializes, and uses a rectangular array.

// Declare, create, and initialize an implicitly typed array.
   var arr = new int[,] {{0, 1, 2}, {10, 11, 12}};

   // Print the values.
   for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
      for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
         Console.WriteLine("Element [{0},{1}] is {2}", i, j, arr[i,j]);

This code produces the following output:

Element [0,0] is 0
Element [0,1] is 1
Element [0,2] is 2
Element [1,0] is 10
Element [1,1] is 11
Element [1,2] is 12

Jagged Arrays

A jagged array is an array of arrays. Unlike rectangular arrays, the sub-arrays of a jagged array can have different numbers of elements.

For example, the following code declares a two-dimensional jagged array. The array's layout in memory is shown in Figure 14-10.

  • The length of the first dimension is 3.

  • The declaration can be read as "jagArr is an array of three arrays of ints."

  • Notice that the figure shows four array objects—one for the top-level array, and three for the sub-arrays.

int[][] jagArr = new int[3][];   // Declare and create top-level array.
            ...                  // Declare and create sub-arrays.
A jagged array is an array of arrays.

Figure 14-10. A jagged array is an array of arrays.

Declaring a Jagged Array

The declaration syntax for jagged arrays requires a separate set of square brackets for each dimension. The number of sets of square brackets in the declaration of the array variable determines the rank of the array.

  • A jagged array can be of any number of dimensions greater than one.

  • As with rectangular arrays, dimension lengths cannot be included in the array type section of the declaration.

Declaring a Jagged Array

Shortcut Instantiation

You can combine the jagged array declaration with the creation of the first-level array using an array-creation expression, such as in the following declaration. The result is shown in Figure 14-11.

Shortcut Instantiation
Shortcut first-level instantiation

Figure 14-11. Shortcut first-level instantiation

You cannot instantiate more than the first-level array in the declaration statement.

Shortcut first-level instantiation

Instantiating a Jagged Array

Unlike other types of arrays, you cannot fully instantiate a jagged array in a single step. Since a jagged array is an array of independent arrays—each array must be created separately. Instantiating a full jagged array requires the following steps:

  1. First, instantiate the top-level array.

  2. Next, instantiate each sub-array separately, assigning the reference of the newly created array to the appropriate element of its containing array.

For example, the following code shows the declaration, instantiation, and initialization of a two-dimensional jagged array. Notice in the code that the reference to each sub-array is assigned to an element in the top-level array. Steps 1 through 4 in the code correspond to the numbered representations in Figure 14-12.

int[][] Arr = new int[3][];                  // 1. Instantiate top level

   Arr[0] = new int[] {10, 20, 30};             // 2. Instantiate sub-array
   Arr[1] = new int[] {40, 50, 60, 70};         // 3. Instantiate sub-array
   Arr[2] = new int[] {80, 90, 100, 110, 120};  // 4. Instantiate sub-array
Creating a two-dimensional jagged array

Figure 14-12. Creating a two-dimensional jagged array

Sub-Arrays in Jagged Arrays

Since the sub-arrays in a jagged array are themselves arrays, it is possible to have rectangular arrays inside jagged arrays. For example, the following code creates a jagged array of three two-dimensional rectangular arrays and initializes them with values. It then displays the values.

  • The structure is illustrated in Figure 14-13.

  • The code uses the GetLength(int n) method of arrays, inherited from System.Array, to get the length of the specified dimension of the array.

Sub-Arrays in Jagged Arrays
Jagged array of three two-dimensional arrays

Figure 14-13. Jagged array of three two-dimensional arrays

Comparing Rectangular and Jagged Arrays

The structure of rectangular and jagged arrays is significantly different. For example, Figure 14-14 shows the structure of a rectangular three-by-three array, and a jagged array of three one-dimensional arrays of length 3.

  • Both arrays hold nine integers, but as you can see, their structures are quite different.

  • The rectangular array has a single array object, while the jagged array has four array objects.

Comparing the structure of rectangular and jagged arrays

Figure 14-14. Comparing the structure of rectangular and jagged arrays

One-dimensional arrays have specific instructions in the CIL that allow them to be optimized for performance. Rectangular arrays do not have these instructions, and are not optimized to the same level. Because of this, it can sometimes be more efficient to use jagged arrays of one-dimensional arrays—which can be optimized—than rectangular arrays, which cannot.

On the other hand, the programming complexity can be less for a rectangular array because it can be treated as a single unit, rather than an array of arrays.

The foreach Statement

The foreach statement allows you to sequentially access each element in an array. It's actually a more general construct in that it also works with other collection types as well—but this section will only discuss its use with arrays. Chapter 20 covers its use with other collection types.

The important points of the foreach statement are the following:

  • The iteration variable is a temporary, read-only variable of the same type as the elements of the array. The foreach statement uses the iteration variable to sequentially represent each element in the array.

  • The syntax of the foreach statement is shown here, where

    • Type is the type of the elements of the array. You can explicitly supply its type or, starting with C# 3.0, you can let it be implicitly typed and inferred by the compiler, since the compiler knows the type of the array.

    • Identifier is the name of the iteration variable.

    • ArrayName is the name of the array to be processed.

    • Statement is a simple statement or a block that is executed once for each element in the array.

The foreach Statement

In the following text, I will sometimes use implicit typing and other times I will use explicit typing so that you can see the exact type being used. But the forms are semantically equivalent.

The foreach statement works in the following way:

  • It starts with the first element of the array and assigns that value to the iteration variable.

  • It then executes the body of the statement. Inside the body, you can use the iteration variable as a read-only alias for the array element.

  • After the body is executed, the foreach statement selects the next element in the array and repeats the process.

In this way, it cycles through the array, allowing you to access each element one by one. For example, the following code shows the use of a foreach statement with a one-dimensional array of four integers:

  • The WriteLine statement, which is the body of the foreach statement, is executed once for each of the elements of the array.

  • The first time through the loop, iteration variable item has the value of the first element of the array. Each successive time, it has the value of the next element in the array.

The foreach Statement

The Iteration Variable Is Read-Only

Since the value of the iteration variable is read-only, clearly, it cannot be changed. But this has different effects on value type arrays and reference type arrays.

For value type arrays, this means that you cannot change the data of the array. For example, in the following code, the attempt to change the data in the iteration variable produces a compile-time error message:

int[] arr1 = {10, 11, 12, 13};

   foreach( int item in arr1 )
      item++;     // Compilation error. Changing variable value is not allowed.

For reference type arrays, you still cannot change the iteration variable, but the iteration variable only holds the reference to the data, not the data itself. You can, therefore, change the data through the iteration variable.

The following code creates an array of four MyClass objects and initializes them. In the first foreach statement, the data in each of the objects is changed. In the second foreach statement, the changed data is read from the objects.

class MyClass
      public int MyField = 0;

   class Program  {
      static void Main() {
         MyClass[] mcArray = new MyClass[4];            // Create array
         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            mcArray[i] = new MyClass();                 // Create class objects
            mcArray[i].MyField = i;                     // Set field
         foreach (MyClass item in mcArray)
            item.MyField += 10;                         // Change the data.

         foreach (MyClass item in mcArray)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", item.MyField);     // Read the changed data.

This code produces the following output:


The foreach Statement with Multidimensional Arrays

In a multidimensional array, the elements are processed in the order in which the rightmost index is incremented fastest. When the index has gone from 0 to length − 1, the next index to the left is incremented, and the indexes to the right are reset to 0.

Example with a Rectangular Array

The following example shows the foreach statement used with a rectangular array:

class Program
      static void Main()
         int total = 0;
         int[,] arr1 = { {10, 11}, {12, 13} };

         foreach( var element in arr1 )
            total += element;
                      ("Element: {0}, Current Total: {1}", element, total);

The output is the following:

Element: 10, Current Total: 10
Element: 11, Current Total: 21
Element: 12, Current Total: 33
Element: 13, Current Total: 46

Example with a Jagged Array

Since jagged arrays are arrays of arrays, you must use separate foreach statements for each dimension in the jagged array. The foreach statements must be nested properly to make sure that each nested array is processed properly.

For example, in the following code, the first foreach statement cycles through the top-level array—arr1—selecting the next sub-array to process. The inner foreach statement processes the elements of that sub-array.

class Program
      static void Main( )
         int total = 0;
         int[][] arr1 = new int[2][];
         arr1[0] = new int[] { 10, 11 };
         arr1[1] = new int[] { 12, 13, 14 };

         foreach (int[] array in arr1)       // Process the top level.
            Console.WriteLine("Starting new array");
            foreach (int item in array)      // Process the second level.
               total += item;
               Console.WriteLine("  Item: {0}, Current Total: {1}", item, total);

This code produces the following output:

Starting new array
 Item: 10, Current Total: 10
 Item: 11, Current Total: 21
Starting new array
 Item: 12, Current Total: 33
 Item: 13, Current Total: 46
 Item: 14, Current Total: 60

Array Covariance

Under certain conditions, you can assign an object to an array element even if the object is not of the array's base type. This property is called covariance. You can use covariance if

  • The array is a reference type array.

  • There is an implicit or explicit conversion between the type of the object you are assigning and the array's base type.

Since there is always an implicit conversion between a derived class and its base class, you can always assign an object of a derived class to an array declared for the base class.

For example, the following code declares two classes, A and B, where class B derives from class A. The last line shows covariance by assigning objects of type B to array elements of type A. The memory layout for the code is shown in Figure 14-15.

class A { ... }                                        // Base class
   class B : A { ... }                                    // Derived class

   class Program {
      static void Main() {
         // Two arrays of type A[]
         A[] AArray1 = new A[3];
         A[] AArray2 = new A[3];

         // Normal--assigning objects of type A to an array of type A
         AArray1[0] = new A(); AArray1[1] = new A(); AArray1[2] = new A();

         // Covariant--assigning objects of type B to an array of type A
         AArray2[0] = new B(); AArray2[1] = new B(); AArray2[2] = new B();
Arrays showing covariance

Figure 14-15. Arrays showing covariance


There is no covariance for value type arrays.

Useful Inherited Array Members

I mentioned earlier that C# arrays are derived from class System.Array. From that base class they inherit a number of useful properties and methods. Some of the most useful ones are listed in Table 14-1.

Table 14-1. Some Useful Members Inherited by Arrays








Gets the number of dimensions of the array




Gets the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the array




Returns the length of a particular dimension of the array




Sets a range of elements to 0 or null




Sorts the elements in a one-dimensional array




Searches a one-dimensional array for a value, using binary search




Performs a shallow copy of the array—copying only the elements, both for arrays of value types and reference types




Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in a one-dimensional array




Reverses the order of the elements of a range of a one-dimensional array




Gets the upper bound at the specified dimension

For example, the following code uses some of these properties and methods:

public static void PrintArray(int[] a)
      foreach (var x in a)
         Console.Write("{0}  ", x);

   static void Main()
      int[] arr = new int[] { 15, 20, 5, 25, 10 };  PrintArray(arr);
      Array.Sort(arr);                              PrintArray(arr);
      Array.Reverse(arr);                           PrintArray(arr);

      Console.WriteLine("Rank = {0}, Length = {1}",arr.Rank, arr.Length);
      Console.WriteLine("GetLength(0)     = {0}",arr.GetLength(0));
      Console.WriteLine("GetType()        = {0}",arr.GetType());

This code produces the following output:

15  20  5  25  10
5  10  15  20  25
25  20  15  10  5

Rank = 1, Length = 5
GetLength(0)     = 5
GetType()        = System.Int32[]

The Clone Method

The Clone method performs a shallow copy of an array. This means that it only creates a clone of the array itself. If it is a reference type array, it does not copy the objects referenced by the elements. This has different results for value type arrays and reference type arrays.

  • Cloning a value type array results in two independent arrays.

  • Cloning a reference type array results in two arrays pointing at the same objects.

The Clone method returns a reference of type object, which must be cast to the array type.

The Clone Method

For example, the following code shows an example of cloning a value type array, producing two independent arrays. Figure 14-16 illustrates the steps shown in the code.

static void Main()
      int[] intArr1 = { 1, 2, 3 };                             // Step 1
      int[] intArr2 = (int[]) intArr1.Clone();                 // Step 2

      intArr2[0] = 100; intArr2[1] = 200; intArr2[2] = 300;    // Step 3
Cloning a value type array produces two independent arrays.

Figure 14-16. Cloning a value type array produces two independent arrays.

Cloning a reference type array results in two arrays pointing at the same objects. The following code shows an example. Figure 14-17 illustrates the steps shown in the code.

class A
      public int Value = 5;

   class Program
      static void Main()
         A[] AArray1 = new A[3] { new A(), new A(), new A() };     // Step 1
         A[] AArray2 = (A[]) AArray1.Clone();                      // Step 2

         AArray2[0].Value = 100;
         AArray2[1].Value = 200;
         AArray2[2].Value = 300;                                   // Step 3
Cloning a reference type array produces two arrays referencing the same objects.

Figure 14-17. Cloning a reference type array produces two arrays referencing the same objects.

Comparing Array Types

Table 14-2 summarizes some of the important similarities and differences between the three types of arrays.

Table 14-2. Summary Comparing Array Types




Array Type

Array Objects





  • Has optimizing instructions in CIL.


Single set


Summary Comparing Array Types


  • Multidimensional

  • All sub-arrays in a multidimensional array must be the same length.


Single set


Summary Comparing Array Types


  • Multidimensional

  • Sub-arrays can be of different lengths.


Multiple sets


Summary Comparing Array Types
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