
Image About the Author

Image About the Technical Reviewer

Image Acknowledgments

Image Introduction

Image Chapter 1: C# and the .NET Framework

Before .NET

Windows Programming in the Late 1990s

Goals for the Next-Generation Platform Services

Enter Microsoft .NET

Components of the .NET Framework

An Improved Programming Environment

Compiling to the Common Intermediate Language

Compiling to Native Code and Execution

Overview of Compilation and Execution

The Common Language Runtime

The Common Language Infrastructure

Important Parts of the CLI

Review of the Acronyms

The Evolution of C#

Image Chapter 2: Overview of C# Programming

A Simple C# Program

More About SimpleProgram



Main: The Starting Point of a Program




Text Output from a Program



The Format String

Multiple Markers and Values

Formatting Numeric Strings

Comments: Annotating the Code

More About Comments

Documentation Comments

Summary of Comment Types

Image Chapter 3: Types, Storage, and Variables

A C# Program Is a Set of Type Declarations

A Type Is a Template

Instantiating a Type

Data Members and Function Members

Types of Members

Predefined Types

More About the Predefined Types

User-Defined Types

The Stack and the Heap

The Stack

The Heap

Value Types and Reference Types

Storing Members of a Reference Type Object

Categorizing the C# Types


Variable Declarations

Multiple-Variable Declarations

Using the Value of a Variable

Static Typing and the dynamic Keyword

Nullable Types

Image Chapter 4: Classes: The Basics

Overview of Classes

A Class Is an Active Data Structure

Programs and Classes: A Quick Example

Declaring a Class

Class Members



Creating Variables and Instances of a Class

Allocating Memory for the Data

Combining the Steps

Instance Members

Access Modifiers

Private and Public Access

Accessing Members from Inside the Class

Accessing Members from Outside the Class

Putting It All Together

Image Chapter 5: Methods

The Structure of a Method

Code Execution in the Method Body

Local Variables

Type Inference and the var Keyword

Local Variables Inside Nested Blocks

Local Constants

Flow of Control

Method Invocations

Return Values

The Return Statement and Void Methods


Formal Parameters

Actual Parameters

Value Parameters

Reference Parameters

Reference Types As Value and Reference Parameters

Output Parameters

Parameter Arrays

Method Invocation

Arrays As Actual Parameters

Summary of Parameter Types

Method Overloading

Named Parameters

Optional Parameters

Stack Frames


Image Chapter 6: More About Classes

Class Members

Order of Member Modifiers

Instance Class Members

Static Fields

Accessing Static Members from Outside the Class

Example of a Static Field

Lifetimes of Static Members

Static Function Members

Other Static Class Member Types

Member Constants

Constants Are Like Statics


Property Declarations and Accessors

A Property Example

Using a Property

Properties and Associated Fields

Performing Other Calculations

Read-Only and Write-Only Properties

Properties vs. Public Fields

An Example of a Computed, Read-Only Property

Automatically Implemented Properties

Static Properties

Instance Constructors

Constructors with Parameters

Default Constructors

Static Constructors

Example of a Static Constructor

Object Initializers


The readonly Modifier

The this Keyword


What Is an Indexer?

Indexers and Properties

Declaring an Indexer

The Indexer set Accessor

The Indexer get Accessor

More About Indexers

Declaring the Indexer for the Employee Example

Another Indexer Example

Indexer Overloading

Access Modifiers on Accessors

Partial Classes and Partial Types

Partial Methods

Image Chapter 7: Classes and Inheritance

Class Inheritance

Accessing the Inherited Members

All Classes Are Derived from Class object

Masking Members of a Base Class

Base Access

Using References to a Base Class

Virtual and Override Methods

Overriding a Method Marked override

Overriding Other Member Types

Constructor Execution

Constructor Initializers

Class Access Modifiers

Inheritance Between Assemblies

Member Access Modifiers

Regions Accessing a Member

Public Member Accessibility

Private Member Accessibility

Protected Member Accessibility

Internal Member Accessibility

Protected Internal Member Accessibility

Summary of Member Access Modifiers

Abstract Members

Abstract Classes

Example of an Abstract Class and an Abstract Method

Another Example of an Abstract Class

Sealed Classes

Static Classes

Extension Methods

Naming Conventions

Image Chapter 8: Expressions and Operators



Integer Literals

Real Literals

Character Literals

String Literals

Order of Evaluation



Simple Arithmetic Operators

The Remainder Operator

Relational and Equality Comparison Operators

Comparison and Equality Operations

Increment and Decrement Operators

Conditional Logical Operators

Logical Operators

Shift Operators

Assignment Operators

Compound Assignment

The Conditional Operator

Unary Arithmetic Operators

User-Defined Type Conversions

Explicit Conversion and the Cast Operator

Operator Overloading

Restrictions on Operator Overloading

Example of Operator Overloading

The typeof Operator

Other Operators

Image Chapter 9: Statements

What Are Statements?

Expression Statements

Flow-of-Control Statements

The if Statement

The if...else Statement

The while Loop

The do Loop

The for Loop

The Scope of Variables in a for Statement

Multiple Expressions in the Initializer and Iteration Expression

The switch Statement

A Switch Example

More on the switch Statement

Switch Labels

Jump Statements

The break Statement

The continue Statement

Labeled Statements


The Scope of Labeled Statements

The goto Statement

The goto Statement Inside a switch Statement

The using Statement

Packaging the Use of a Resource

Example of the using Statement

Multiple Resources and Nesting

Another Form of the using Statement

Other Statements

Image Chapter 10: Structs

What Are Structs?

Structs Are Value Types

Assigning to a Struct

Constructors and Destructors

Instance Constructors

Static Constructors

Summary of Constructors and Destructors

Field Initializers Are Not Allowed

Structs Are Sealed

Boxing and Unboxing

Structs As Return Values and Parameters

Additional Information About Structs

Image Chapter 11: Enumerations


Setting the Underlying Type and Explicit Values

Implicit Member Numbering

Bit Flags

The Flags Attribute

Example Using Bit Flags

More About Enums

Image Chapter 12: Arrays



Important Details

Types of Arrays

An Array As an Object

One-Dimensional and Rectangular Arrays

Declaring a One-Dimensional or Rectangular Array

Instantiating a One-Dimensional or Rectangular Array

Accessing Array Elements

Initializing an Array

Explicit Initialization of One-Dimensional Arrays

Explicit Initialization of Rectangular Arrays

Syntax Points for Initializing Rectangular Arrays

Shortcut Syntax

Implicitly Typed Arrays

Putting It All Together

Jagged Arrays

Declaring a Jagged Array

Shortcut Instantiation

Instantiating a Jagged Array

Subarrays in Jagged Arrays

Comparing Rectangular and Jagged Arrays

The foreach Statement

The Iteration Variable Is Read-Only

The foreach Statement with Multidimensional Arrays

Array Covariance

Useful Inherited Array Members

The Clone Method

Comparing Array Types

Image Chapter 13: Delegates

What Is a Delegate?

An Overview of Delegates

Declaring the Delegate Type

Creating the Delegate Object

Assigning Delegates

Combining Delegates

Adding Methods to Delegates

Removing Methods from a Delegate

Invoking a Delegate

Delegate Example

Invoking Delegates with Return Values

Invoking Delegates with Reference Parameters

Anonymous Methods

Using Anonymous Methods

Syntax of Anonymous Methods

Scope of Variables and Parameters

Lambda Expressions

Image Chapter 14: Events

Publishers and Subscribers

Overview of Source Code Components

Declaring an Event

An Event Is a Member

Subscribing to an Event

Raising an Event

Standard Event Usage

Passing Data by Extending EventArgs

Removing Event Handlers

Event Accessors

Image Chapter 15: Interfaces

What Is an Interface?

Example Using the IComparable Interface

Declaring an Interface

Implementing an Interface

Example with a Simple Interface

An Interface Is a Reference Type

Using the as Operator with Interfaces

Implementing Multiple Interfaces

Implementing Interfaces with Duplicate Members

References to Multiple Interfaces

An Inherited Member As an Implementation

Explicit Interface Member Implementations

Accessing Explicit Interface Member Implementations

Interfaces Can Inherit Interfaces

Example of Different Classes Implementing an Interface

Image Chapter 16: Conversions

What Are Conversions?

Implicit Conversions

Explicit Conversions and Casting


Types of Conversions

Numeric Conversions

Implicit Numeric Conversions

Overflow Checking Context

Explicit Numeric Conversions

Reference Conversions

Implicit Reference Conversions

Explicit Reference Conversions

Valid Explicit Reference Conversions

Boxing Conversions

Boxing Creates a Copy

The Boxing Conversions

Unboxing Conversions

The Unboxing Conversions

User-Defined Conversions

Constraints on User-Defined Conversions

Example of a User-Defined Conversion

Evaluating User-Defined Conversions

Example of a Multistep User-Defined Conversion

The is Operator

The as Operator

Image Chapter 17: Generics

What Are Generics?

A Stack Example

Generics in C#

Continuing with the Stack Example

Generic Classes

Declaring a Generic Class

Creating a Constructed Type

Creating Variables and Instances

The Stack Example Using Generics

Comparing the Generic and Nongeneric Stack

Constraints on Type Parameters

Where Clauses

Constraint Types and Order

Generic Methods

Declaring a Generic Method

Invoking a Generic Method

Example of a Generic Method

Extension Methods with Generic Classes

Generic Structs

Generic Delegates

Another Generic Delegate Example

Generic Interfaces

An Example Using Generic Interfaces

Generic Interface Implementations Must Be Unique



Covariance and Contravariance in Interfaces

More About Variance

Image Chapter 18: Enumerators and Iterators

Enumerators and Enumerable Types

Using the foreach Statement

The IEnumerator Interface

Example Using IEnumerable and IEnumerator

The Generic Enumeration Interfaces


Iterator Blocks

Using an Iterator to Create an Enumerator

Using an Iterator to Create an Enumerable

Common Iterator Patterns

Producing Multiple Enumerables

Iterators As Properties

Behind the Scenes with Iterators

Image Chapter 19: Introduction to LINQ

What Is LINQ?

LINQ Providers

Anonymous Types

Method Syntax and Query Syntax

Query Variables

The Structure of Query Expressions

The from Clause

The join Clause

What Is a Join?

The from . . . let . . . where Section in the Query Body

The orderby Clause

The select . . . group Clause

Anonymous Types in Queries

The group Clause

Query Continuation: The into Clause

The Standard Query Operators

Signatures of the Standard Query Operators

Query Expressions and the Standard Query Operators

Delegates As Parameters

The LINQ Predefined Delegate Types

Example Using a Delegate Parameter

Example Using a Lambda Expression Parameter


Markup Languages

XML Basics

The XML Classes

Working with XML Attributes

Other Types of Nodes

Using LINQ Queries with LINQ to XML

Image Chapter 20: Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

What Is Asynchrony?

A Starting Example

The Structure of the async/await Feature

What Is An async Method?

The Flow of Control in an Async Method

The await Expression

Cancelling an async Operation

Exception Handling and the await Expression

Waiting Synchronously for Tasks in the Calling Method

Waiting Asynchronously for Tasks in the async Method

The Task.Delay Method

Async Operations in GUI Programs


Using an async Lambda Expression

A Full GUI Example

The BackgroundWorker Class

Example of the BackgroundWorker Class in a WPF Program

Parallel Loops

Other Asynchronous Programming Patterns

BeginInvoke and EndInvoke

The Wait-Until-Done Pattern

The AsyncResult Class

The Polling Pattern

The Callback Pattern


Image Chapter 21: Namespaces and Assemblies

Referencing Other Assemblies

The mscorlib Library


Namespace Names

More About Namespaces

Namespaces Spread Across Files

Nesting Namespaces

The using Directives

The using Namespace Directive

The using Alias Directive

The Structure of an Assembly

The Identity of an Assembly

Strongly Named Assemblies

Creating a Strongly Named Assembly

Private Deployment of an Assembly

Shared Assemblies and the GAC

Installing Assemblies into the GAC

Side-by-Side Execution in the GAC

Configuration Files

Delayed Signing

Image Chapter 22: Exceptions

What Are Exceptions?

The try Statement

Handling the Exception

The Exception Classes

The catch Clause

Examples Using Specific catch Clauses

The catch Clauses Section

The finally Block

Finding a Handler for an Exception

Searching Further

General Algorithm

Example of Searching Down the Call Stack

Throwing Exceptions

Throwing Without an Exception Object

Image Chapter 23: Preprocessor Directives

What Are Preprocessor Directives?

General Rules

The #define and #undef Directives

Conditional Compilation

The Conditional Compilation Constructs

Diagnostic Directives

Line Number Directives

Region Directives

The #pragma warning Directive

Image Chapter 24: Reflection and Attributes

Metadata and Reflection

The Type Class

Getting a Type Object

What Is an Attribute?

Applying an Attribute

Predefined, Reserved Attributes

The Obsolete Attribute

The Conditional Attribute

The Caller Information Attributes

The DebuggerStepThrough Attribute

Other Predefined Attributes

More About Applying Attributes

Multiple Attributes

Other Types of Targets

Global Attributes

Custom Attributes

Declaring a Custom Attribute

Using Attribute Constructors

Specifying the Constructor

Using the Constructor

Positional and Named Parameters in Constructors

Restricting the Usage of an Attribute

Suggested Practices for Custom Attributes

Accessing an Attribute

Using the IsDefined Method

Using the GetCustomAttributes Method

Image Chapter 25: Other Topics



The StringBuilder Class

Parsing Strings to Data Values

More About the Nullable Types

Assigning to a Nullable Type

The Null Coalescing Operator

Using Nullable User-Defined Types

Method Main

Accessibility of Main

Documentation Comments

Inserting Documentation Comments

Using Other XML Tags

Nested Types

Example of a Nested Class

Visibility and Nested Types

Destructors and the Dispose Pattern

The Standard Dispose Pattern

Comparing Constructors and Destructors

Interoperating with COM

Image Index

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