
So many people throughout the years have added to my understanding of the art of theatrical improvisation and by association, are partially responsible for the creation of this book. My first improv teacher, Sue Walden (Improv Works), inspired a love of learning and facilitating this method of communication.

Further studies with so many excellent instructors at Bay Area Theater Sports and ACT rounded out my love of improv. All of you have added to my quest to take improv to the bastions of healthcare, where we need it so! I must thank Dan Janal, for his gentle nudging and patience with reading and editing the first draft.

Thanks to my fellow nurse and improv colleague, Beth Boynton, for writing the Foreword. Also, thanks to Richard Keller and Craig Harrison for attention to detail with final edits as well as many other National Speakers Association (NSA) friends, most of whom have written several books. Immense gratitude goes to Emily Filibert for interior design and Mark Jonell for the cover art.

Kudos and thanks to book agent, Nigel Wyatt, for intro to BEP, plus BEP editors, Scott Isenberg and Charlene Kronstedt along with the technicial formatting assistance of the Exeter team for bringing the expanded 2nd edition to life!

Also, thanks to my bevy of National Nurses in Business and NSA colleagues. These folks have commiserated and encouraged me to keep on keepin’ on. I am grateful!

Sincere thanks,
Candy Campbell

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