Abramson, Alana, 34

accountability: advocates of, 115

agency focused on, 84, 85

culture of, establishing, 72

ensuring, in the private sector, means of, 116

impact of dark money on, 91

Adams, John, 17, 84, 92–93

administrative law, 109, 122–123, 124

administrative law judges (ALJs), 123

Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 118–119, 120, 122

Administrative State: rise of, core drivers of, 99

views on, 22–26, 93, 98, 120, 126. See also Fourth Branch

Administrative State: A Study of the Political Theory of American Public Administration (Waldo), 145–146

Age of Association, 86

Agency for International Development (USAID), 115

agency regulations, creating, authority for, 20

Agriculture Department, 39, 41

aircraft industry, regulation of, 117

Alaska Natives, 114

Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing, 63

“alternative facts,” 65, 84

American Cancer Society, 102, 104

American Contempt for Liberty (Williams), 146

“Americans’ Trust in Government to Handle Problems at New Low” (Gallup), 62

anonymity: fight against, 78–79, 80–81

problem of, 77

anonymous donors, issues with, 91–92

anti-Federalists, 17

antitrust legislation, 99

appropriations: data and analysis for, providers of, 9, 97

dispute over border security/wall and, 27–28, 33, 35, 40, 42, 44

for gun control, lobby restricting, 106

seeking to cripple the CBO through, 96–97

voting up, cost involved in, 98

appropriations, lapse in. See government shutdown

Aristotle, 62, 80

arms, right to keep and bear, 106, 107, 108

arms industry. See gun control; gun lobby

Arthur, Chester A., 16

assemble, right to, 88

association, principle of, 86

assumptions, problem with, 34–35, 76

atomic bombing, 119

Aurora shooting, 105

authoritarianism, 65, 112

authority: conferring, 6, 62, 71

deference to, willingness for, 67, 71

earned legitimacy of, 126

hiring, 20, 21

judicial, delegation of, 123

law-given, 6, 62, 66, 71

legislative, delegation of, 118, 119, 122, 123

versus power, 6

presidential, 13, 110

supreme, 12


Baker, Gerard, 62

Balko, Radley, 73

ballot requirements, 14

Bardella, Kurt, 44

Barnes, Lucille, 77, 78

Bennett, John T., 61–62

big business comparison, 68

big government: first, era of, 25

small government versus, debate over, 14, 145–146

views on, 31, 32, 44–45, 93

Big Tobacco, regulation of, 101–104

Bill of Rights, 88. See also Constitution

bipartisan political advocacy group, 96

Bixby, Robert L., 97

black church massacre, 54, 105

blue (Democratic) states, 22, 32

Boot, Max, 61

Border Patrol, 35

border security/wall, funding, dispute over, 27–28, 33, 35, 40, 42, 44

Brady, James, 105–106

Brady law, 106

Breitbart website, 34

Brown, Sherrod, 87

Brown & Williamson tobacco company, 103

Budget Analysis Division, attack on, 96–97

Budget and Accounting Act, 85

budget deficits, 96

budgetary data, sources of, 143–144. See also Congressional Budget Office

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 93, 143, 144

bureaucracy: as the focal point of blame, article addressing, 44–45

information on, sources of, 146

partisanship producing, 15

and the public, 45–46

scientific efficiency and, 23, 25

views on, 2, 11, 45, 120. See also Fourth Branch

Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It (Wilson), 146

“Bureaucrat’s Life: Cushy Like No Other” (Forbes), 32

“burrowing,” 22


Cambodia, breakdown of society in, 125

campaign laws, 89, 91

campaign/political contributions: careerism and, 95

dark money in, issues with, 91–92

influence of, 88–89

limits on, 89, 91

rise in, 90

top, 87–88

from the very wealthy, 90–91

careerism, addressing, 94–95

Carter administration, 31

Casey, Bob, 87

Catholics, as targets, 65

CBS news, 103

Census Bureau, 144

Center for Responsive Politics, 144

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 104–105, 140n33

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 19, 39, 114

Chamber of Commerce, 87

Charlottesville rally, 54

checks and balances: ignoring, example of, 28

system of, 17, 109, 110–111, 112

Chicago (magazine), 78

Chicago, McDonald v., 107

Chicago Tribune, 79

China, breakdown of society in, 125

Cillizza, Chris, 90

Cipollone, Antonio, 102

Cipollone trial, 102–103

Citizens United (nonprofit organization), 90

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 89–90, 91

Civil Service Commission, 16

civil service system: branch of government associated with, 8

concept and operation of, 11–12

creation of, 12, 116

false assertions about, dispelling, 21–22

guardian role fulfilled by members of, 73

jobs in, classifications of, 19–20

merit-based, 16, 17, 18

as the modern model for all levels of public servants, 11, 18

pay schedules in, 20–21

public health professionals in, 102

reformed, 16, 18, 84, 116

regulation of, 20

Civil War, 15–16, 125

Clement, Joel, 114–115

climate change, dangers of, whistleblower on, retaliation against, 114–115

Clinton, Hillary, 64

cloture, motion of, 111

Coast Guard, 27, 35, 42–43

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), 117, 118

coequal branches of government, 8, 17, 110. See also Executive Branch; Judicial Branch; Legislative Branch

Cold War, 24

Colt, Samuel, 86–87, 104

Comet Ping Pong, 64

Commerce Department, 33, 39

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 119–120

common ground, finding, 126

common man, rights of, 14

communication vacuum, 75, 76, 77, 81

community: fight for, 78–79, 80–81

guardians of, 73, 78, 108, 109

national, 8, 10, 74

need for, 74

sense of, significance of, 53, 55, 59

working with government to achieve change, 101, 109

community buy-in, benefits of, 72

community member, personal experiences as a police officer and, 48–53, 55–59

community organizers, 80

community policing: defined, 4

lessons of, 4–7, 60, 82

need for, example of, 74–77, 78, 80–81

understanding the Fourth Branch by comparing to, 9

competence: importance of, legitimacy and, 67, 124

need for, acknowledgment of, 119, 124

professionals possessing, 119

raising, above partisanship, 17. See also subject-matter experts

competence-based argument, 119

Competitive Examining, 20

competitive service: agencies hiring in, 20

described, 19

Concord Coalition, warning released by, 96–97

Confederate flag, meaning of, as a symbol, 54–55

Congress: and agency regulations, 20

attacks on the CBO, 96–97

and civil service reform, 16

delegating authority to create regulation, 118

factual reference resource for, 84

and federal unions, 21

and the First Amendment, 88

and the government shutdown, 27, 44

and gun control, 106, 109

and the gun lobby, 87, 140n33

and IRCs, 120

lack of authority over presidential terminations, 13

lobbying contributions for, 87–88

powers granted to, by the Constitution, 12

scapegoat for, 45

and the system of checks and balances, 110, 112

and the tobacco industry, 103–104. See also House of Representatives; Legislative Branch; Senate

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, 85

Congressional Budget Office (CBO): attacks on, 96–97

described, 84, 85, 113

independence and credibility of, supporting, 97

report on the government shutdown, 39–40

as a resource, 143–144

study of worker compensation by, findings from, 93–94

Congressional Research Service (CRS), 84–85, 104, 113

Conn, Steven, 145

conspiracy theories: resurgence of, 63–65

self-serving, steering clear of, demanding, 66

conspiracy theorists, 63

Constitution: adherence to principles derived from, 23, 25

advise and consent role assigned by, 83

analogy for the branches of, 59–60

Article I, Section 8, 97

Article II, Section 2, 11–12, 13

Article III, 123

authority and law of, 12

Bill of Rights, 88

branches of government established by, 8, 110

fidelity to, 24, 25

First Amendment, 88, 89, 90, 91

Fourteenth Amendment, 106

pillar of, 26

Preamble of, 97, 124

purposes of, 97, 116

Second Amendment, 106, 107, 108

and separation of powers, 8, 17, 88, 110, 118

system of checks and balances mandated by, 17, 110, 111, 112

Constitutional State, as a misleading name, 93

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 39

consumer movement, 100–101

Consumer Price Index, 144

Consumer Reports (magazine/website), 101

Consumers Union, 101

contract employees. See private government contractors

Conway, Kellyanne, 65

Coolidge, Calvin, 100

corporate personhood, theory of, 89–90

corporations: constitutional protections afforded to, 89–90

large, wealth and power of, 91

corruption, 1, 15, 18, 93

Council of Economic Advisers, 40

Cox, J. David, 21

Crews, Clyde Wayne, 121

Cultural Revolution, 125

Current Population Survey, 143

customer touchpoints, 68–69, 70, 82

Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 35


dark money, 91–92

data and analysis, fact-based, agencies providing. See fact-finding agencies

Deal, John, 31–32

Deep State: conspiracy theories about, 64

views on, 2, 11, 18, 33–34, 46, 93, 120, 126. See also Fourth Branch

delegitimization, 2. See also legitimation crisis

delusions. See fantasy

democracy: and conscience, 92

elections in, intended essence of, 92

fact-based truth essential to, 65

foundational words associated with, 61

genius of, 110

guardians of, 73, 109, 112

majority deserving of, 126

moderation designed into, 112

necessary foundation of, 126

original cornerstones of, 88

paradoxes of, 86

participatory, increasing, 14

self-inflicted assaults on, 124

Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 86

Democratic (blue) states, 22, 32

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, 87

Democrats: assumptions about, 34–35

conspiracy theories about, 63, 64

divide separating, from Republicans, 7

and presidential court nominations, 17, 111

trust in government among, 62–63

demographic differences, width of, compared to partisan gap, 7–8

deregulation: call for, 31

issues with, 116, 117

promotion of, 116

Devine, Thomas, 115

digital technology, pervasiveness of, issue involving, 124, 127

“Dissent Channel” messaging network, 115

distortions, 2, 143

District of Columbia v. Heller, 107

“Donald Trump Is Trying to Kill You: Trust the Pork Producers; Fear the Wind Turbines” (Krugman), 116

donor lists, 91

donors, wealthy, 90–91


economic data, sources of, 143, 144

economic polls, 145

educational level, compensation and, 93–94

efficiency, scientific, 23, 24, 25

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 16

elected government officials. See Executive Branch; Legislative Branch

elections: campaign laws and dark money in, issues surrounding, 91–92

conspiracy theories and, 64

data on, source of, 144

political expenditures during, rise in, 90

Emanuel AME Church massacre, 54, 105

Emergency Disaster Services (EDS), 29–30

empathy, importance of, 71, 81

employment data, source of, 143

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 37, 39

ethics, code of, 115

Executive Branch: agencies operating under, 20, 84, 118, 119

assertions by, about Fourth Branch partisanship, countering, 21–22

creation of, and members, 8

delegation of authority/power to, issue of, 118, 119

employees of, 13

and the government shutdown, 28, 39

interface between other branches of government and, 59–60

moderating, need for, 112

processes of, costly phase of, 98

relationship of, to its fact-finding agencies, 95–96

rule making by agencies of, standing procedures for, 118–119

and the system of checks and balances, 110, 112. See also presidents

Executive Office of the President, 39

executive orders, 16, 20, 21, 110, 115

expertise, raising, above partisanship, 17. See also subject-matter experts

extremism, 63, 112, 116, 124, 125, 126, 127


Facebook, 74, 76, 77

“Fact Checker” newspaper column, 65

fact-based truth, assault on, 2, 65, 84, 93, 124, 125

fact-checking, 65, 75

fact-finding agencies: denigrating, example of, 96–97

key, described, 84–86

obligations and responsibilities of, 113

relationship of, to the elected branches, 95–96

as sources of data and analyses, 143–144

and tobacco industry regulation, 104. See also subject-matter experts; specific agencies

facts: “alternative,” 65, 84

described, 92–93

distortion of, 2, 143

finding, sources for, 143–146

losing grip on, impact of, 124–125

moderating effect of, 125

money’s limited influence over, 92

fairness: ensuring, in the private sector, means of, 116

procedural justice and, 69, 70

“fake news,” 84

fantasy, 65, 125, 126, 127

fascism, 24, 25

Federal Aviation Administration, 35

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 9, 19, 35, 42

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 39, 102, 104, 119

federal courts: and administrative law, 123

nominees to, partisanship and, 17, 112

and separation of powers, 118

state courts and, 104, 123

tobacco industry lawsuits in, 102–103, 104

Federal Election Commission, Citizens United v., 89–90, 91

federal government: branches of, establishment of, 8, 39

classification of workers hired by, 19–20

cultivating doubt about legitimacy of, issue with, 65

fidelity in, 24

pillar of, 26

principles and priorities of, source of, 23

resilience and viability of, evidence of, 10

tobacco industry legislation in, 103

trust in, levels of, 62–63. See also Executive Branch; Fourth Branch; Judicial Branch; Legislative Branch; specific aspects of the federal government

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 144

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), 144

Federal Salary Council, 94

Federal Wage System, 21

Federalist Society, 120

Federalists, 17

fidelity, 24, 25

Fields, James Alex, Jr., 54

filibusters, 28, 111

Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, 72

First Amendment, 88, 89, 90, 91

first responders: branch of government associated with, 8

guardian role fulfilled by, 73

need for, 67. See also law enforcement

FiveThirtyEight, 145

Flanagan, Vester Lee, 105

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 35, 36, 41, 43, 100

food and drug industry: and the consumer movement, 100–101

regulation of, 99, 100, 116–117

Food and Nutrition Services, 41

Forbes (magazine), 32

Forbes, Steve, 32

Foreign Service Officers, 115

Founding Fathers (framers), 12, 13, 110, 111, 112, 124, 146

4chan (Internet forum), 64

Fourteenth Amendment, 106

Fourth Branch: advise and consent aspect to, 113

authority over, 13

as a check on partisanship, 17

coexistence of, with the other three branches, 13

and coordinated efforts against special interests, 101

creation of, origins of, 11–12

destructive attitudes towards, 21–22

employment in, boom time for, 15

existence of, acknowledging, 8–10

federal portion of, size of, 92

funding of, 98

grounding aspect of, 124, 125

growth of, and partisanship, 15–16

heritage of, 116

information on, sources of, 145–146

as the interface between other branches of government, 59–60

key virtue of, mindset threatening to compromise, 46

legitimacy of, acknowledging, 114, 124

metaphor for, 59

objective implementation by, importance of, 18

obligations and responsibilities of, 113

pivotal role of, in tobacco industry regulation, 104

political appointees in, 19

profession that is a microcosm and model for, 59

protections for nonpartisan nature of, 21

reform of, 15–16, 17

role/function of, 9, 13, 59, 60, 109

spirit of, agencies most fully embodying, 86

suboptimization and, 95

understanding, by comparing to community policing, 9

want ads of, 36, 37. See also public servants

Fox News, 34

framers of the Constitution. See Founding Fathers

free speech, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92

Freedom Caucus, 44

FreedomWorks, 117

Freemasons, as targets, 64

fringe movement, 126

Fuller, Christopher, 37, 38


Gallup polls/surveys, 32, 62–63, 145

Gardner, Vicki, 105

General Accountability Office (GAO). See Government Accountability Office

General Motors, 68, 70

General Schedule (GS) pay grades, 20–21

General Services Administration (GSA), 8, 36–37, 39

genocide, 63, 125

Germany, breakdown of society in, 125

Giuliani, Rudy, 65, 80

Goeden, Chad, 72–73

governance system, current, flaw in, 46

government: community working with, to achieve change, 101

customer touchpoints for, 68–69, 70, 82

democratic, meaning of, 92

divided, advocate of, 88

erosion of the legitimacy of, 69

faith in, losing, 8

functions of, effectively implementing, impact of, 81

general expectations of, 67

grounding of, 124, 125

judgments made about legitimacy of, 67

laissez-faire, critique of, 45

optimal functioning of, supporting, call for, 45

politics and, role of community in, 79

as the problem, labeling, 30–31

promises of, delivering on, analogies for, 67–68

respect for, gaining, 72. See also big government; federal government; small government; specific government entities

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 84, 85, 113

Government Accountability Project (advocacy group), 115

government jobs: access to, partisanship influencing, 15–16

security criteria for, 16

sexual orientation and, 16

states with highest concentration of, 22, 32, 35

views on, 32, 35. See also pay grades/salaries

government regulation: catalysts of, 99, 116

cost-benefit analysis of, considering, need for, 121

creating, authority for, delegating, 118–120, 122, 123

critics of, views held by, 120, 124

enforcement actions and sanctions in, legal structures for, 122–123

expansion of, 99–100

of the food and drug industry, 99, 100, 116–117

of the gun industry, 104–109

mission of, 117

poorly designed, 117, 120–121, 121

professionals of, 113

reported costs associated with, 121

rise in, 99

sensible and evidence-based, benefits of, 121

of the tobacco industry, 101–104

violation of, as a crime, 117, 118

Government Regulation: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly (Regulatory Transparency Project), 120

government shutdown (2018–2019): catastrophes avoided during, 43

consequences of, personal stories reflecting, 27, 28–30, 31–32, 37–38

economic impact of, report on, 39–40

hyperpartisanship resulting in, 2

length of, 28, 39

number of workers impacted, 29, 39

reasons for, 27–28

revelations from, 46–47

scope of, 39

services affected during, and public impact, 41–43

support shown for public workers during, 29, 30

total cost of, 40

Trump administration response to, 31–32

victims of, 19

workforce revealed by, 35–36

government spending: impact of the shutdown on, 40

reducing, call for, 31

government workers. See public servants

Grant, Ulysses S., 16

Great American Smokeout, 102

Great Depression, 100

gross domestic product (GDP): impact of the shutdown on, 40

ratio of debt to, data on, source of, 144

Guardian (newspaper), 31

guardian mindset, 72–74, 78, 93

guardians, 73, 74, 78, 93, 108, 109, 112, 126

gun control: basis for, 108

blocking, efforts in, 106, 107, 140n33

calls for, 105

efforts at, 106–107, 109

gun lobby, 86–87, 104, 107, 108, 140n33

gun violence: community response to, 74–79, 80–81, 108

incidents of, 54, 63, 105

media coverage of, 105

number of homicides from, statistics on, 104

research on, limits on, 140n33


Habermas, Jürgen, 62

Harding, Warren G., 99–100

Hatch Act, 22

hate crimes, resurgence of, 54

Health and Human Services Department, 39

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 106–107

Heller, District of Columbia v., 107

Heyer, Heather, 54

Hinckley, John, Jr., 105

hiring authorities, 20, 21

historical budget tables, source of, 144

History of Standard Oil (Tarbell), 99

Hitler, Adolph, 24

Holder, Eric, 74, 126–127

Homeland Security Department, 27, 39, 42

Hoover, Herbert, 100

hope, restoring, 74, 127

hot tea analogy, 111, 112

House of Representatives: CBO funding and appropriations by, 97

and the government shutdown, 28, 44

and the system of checks and balances, 111, 112. See also specific representatives

Housing and Urban Development Department, 39

Hughes, Doug, 5

hyperpartisanship: problem with, 1–2

recent, 7


illegitimacy narrative, creating and reinforcing, 61–62, 63, 65. See also legitimation crisis

immigrants, as targets, 65

Immigration Enforcement (ICE), 42

implementation, 9, 18, 81, 83, 98

independent agencies, 14, 20, 39, 119

independent regulatory commissions (IRCs), 119–120

Indian Removal Act, 14

inflation data, sources of, 143

Infowars, 63

inspector general role, example of, 114

intelligence agencies, 19, 114

Intelligence Community Inspector General (IC IG), 114

Interior Department, 39, 114–115

Internal Revenue Code, 89, 91

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 41, 43

International Association of Chiefs of Police, 53

Italy, under Mussolini, 24


J. W. Hampton, Jr. & Company v. United States, 118

Jackson, Andrew, 14–15, 86, 87

Jefferson, Thomas, 111

Jeffersonians, 17

Johnson, Lyndon, 73

Jones, Alex, 63

Jordan, Jim, 44

Judicial Branch: and administrative law, 109, 122–123

agencies operating under, 20

creation of, and members, 8

delegation of authority/power by, issue of, 123

and the government shutdown, 39, 42

and gun control, 107

as increasingly politicized, 17

interface between other branches of government and, 59–60

and the system of checks and balances, 110. See also federal courts; Supreme Court

judicial decisions, influence over, 18

Jungle, The (Sinclair), 99, 100, 101, 117

justice: procedural, 69–72

theory of, 69

Justice Department, 39, 104

justice system: respect for, gaining, 72

and tobacco industry regulation, 104. See also federal courts; law enforcement; Supreme Court


Kallet, Arthur, 100, 101

Karni, Annie, 33

Kennedy, John F., 73

Khmer Rouge, 125

Kostrab, Jessica, 38

Krugman, Paul, 116


Labor Department, 143

laissez-faire government, critique of, 45

Las Vegas mass shooting, 105

law: administrative, 109, 122–123, 124

authority conferred by, 6, 62, 66, 71

campaign, 89, 91

deference to, willingness for, 67, 71

and equal protection, 106

force of, rules and regulations created with, 118–119, 120, 122

and the government shutdown, 27

gun control, 106

IRCs governed by, 120

originating, 12

rule of, erosion of, 69

and the theory of justice, 69. See also specific laws

law enforcement: authority of, public belief about, 66

career in, example of, 2–4

culture in, addressing, 72

dialogue between community and, need for, 75

earning legitimacy in, 69–72

essential principle for, and related formula, 6

failure of, reasons for, 60

glue holding together, 53, 55, 59

and the government shutdown, 42

judgments made about, 66–67

as key customer touchpoints, 68–69, 70

and mental illness, 125

as a microcosm and model, 59

militarization of, problem with, 72, 73

mindset needed for, 72–73

need for, 67

Peel’s saying about, 6, 36, 108

and perceptions of legitimacy, 66

procedural justice in, 69–72

salaries in, 93

significance of legitimacy in, 6, 62, 66–67

successful, essential quality for, 60, 71–72

training in, 73

trust in, impact of lies on, 75

“white shirts” in, failure of, example of, 76–77

working in, as a member of the community, personal experiences of, 48–53, 55–59. See also community policing

law-interpreting branch. See Judicial Branch

lawmaking branch. See Legislative Branch

legislation: agency-generated, template for, 118

influence over, 18, 87, 107, 108, 109

Legislative Branch: and administrative law, 109, 123

agencies operating under, 20, 84, 85–86

assertions by, about Fourth Branch partisanship, countering, 21–22

creation of, and members, 8

delegation of authority/power by, issue of, 118, 119, 122, 123

and the government shutdown, 28

interface between other branches of government and, 59–60

moderating, need for, 112

processes of, costly phase of, 98

relationship of, to its fact-finding agencies, 95–96. See also Congress

legitimacy: basic requirements for earning, 66–68

competence and, 67, 124

earning, from the public, means of, 69–71, 78, 79, 81, 82, 126

erosion of, 69

failing to earn, at customer touchpoints, 68–69

fixated on, 61–62

of the Fourth Branch, acknowledging, 114, 124

of government, cultivating doubt about, issue with, 65

in law enforcement, significance of, 62

linking procedural justice with, 69–72

meaning of, 63

mindset needed for, 72–74

most basic principle of, 81, 82

need for, 66, 71–72, 74–79, 81

of public servants, 2, 6

restoring, actions for, 66

zero-sum version of building, 63

legitimation crisis, 2, 62–65, 69, 81, 83–84

Levin, Mark, 34

Library of Congress, 84

lies: impact of, on trust in law enforcement, 75

self-serving, steering clear of, demanding, 66

truth and, distinguishing between, lack of, 65

volume of, effect of, 127

Liggett Group, 102

Light, Paul, 34–35, 129n6

Lincoln, Abraham, 73, 125

lobbying: American origins of, 86–87, 104

data on, source of, 144

gun, 86–87, 104, 106, 107, 108

rise of, extent of, 87–88

rooted in the First Amendment, 88

sophistication of, and campaign cash, 88–89

tobacco, 104

local government: members of, branch of government associated with, 8

tobacco industry legislation in, 103


Madison, James, 84, 88

Manasseh, Tamar, 74–79, 80–81, 82, 108

Marcy, William L., 15

Marie Antoinette, 33

mass shootings, 54, 63, 105

McCain, John, 80

McClure’s Magazine, 99

McConnell, Mitch, 28, 111

McDonald v. Chicago, 107

Meadows, Mark, 44

Meat Inspection Act, 99

media: broadcast, distortion in, 2

coverage of gun violence, 105

illegitimacy narrative in, 61–62, 63

involvement of, in tobacco industry regulation, 103, 104, 107. See also social media; specific media outlets

Meet the Press (television program), 65

mental illness: gun control and, 105, 106, 107

losing grip on fact, truth, and reality in, 124–125

Merit Systems Protection Board, 115

military: conspiracy theories about, 63

and the government shutdown, 42

militias, viability of, addressing, 107, 108, 109

moderation: call for, 1, 125

inherent, democracy designed for, 112

recovering, need for, 125–126

restored by, 127

yielding of, 112

money trail, following, 143

monopolies, 99

moral norms, attack on, 64

moral obligation, 108

moral vacuum, result of, 124

morally justified actions, public’s belief in, 67

Mothers Against Senseless Killings (MASK), 78

Motives and Incentives in Cigarette Smoking (Philip Morris Research Center report), 102

Muslim ban, 115

Mussolini, Benito, 24

mutual respect, 57, 58, 59, 60


NASA, 31–32, 35, 39

National Association of Realtors, 87

national community: breakdown in, feeling of, 8

great, need for, 74

restoration of, agents of, 10

national debt: data on, source of, 144

unsustainable, creating, role in, 95

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), 106, 107

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 9

National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), 4, 53

National Park Service, 35, 38, 43

National Republican Congressional Committee, 88

National Republican Senatorial Committee, 87–88

National Rifle Association (NRA), 106, 107, 108, 140n33

National Security Agency (NSA), 19, 114

National Settlement Proposal, 104

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 39

Native Americans, 41, 43, 114

Navajos, 41

Nazi Germany, 125

Nazi swastika, 54

neighborhood communities: great, need for, 74

policing in, legitimacy of, need for, example of, 74–78, 80–81

rebuilding and restoring, example of, 78–79, 81

New Deal, 25

“New Personal Devil—Bureaucracy” (Outland), 44–45

New Republic (magazine), 44

New York Times, 33, 35, 37, 38, 116

New Yorker (magazine), 62

NICS Improvement Amendments Act, 106

Nixon/Ford administrations, 31

nondelegation doctrine, 118

noninterference, areas of, 88

nonprofit sector: and the Citizens United decision, 90, 91

involvement of, in regulation, 101, 102, 104

Northern Ireland, breakdown of society in, 125

“nuclear option,” 111

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 39

Nwanevu, Osita, 62


Obama, Barack, 4, 7, 34, 72, 73, 80, 111, 115

objectivity and neutrality: obligation of, 113

wanting evidence of, 70–71

Occupational Outlook Handbook (BLS), 93

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 144

Oklahoma City bombing, 63

100,000,000 Guinea Pigs: Dangers in Everyday Foods, Drugs, and Cosmetics (Kallet & Schlink), 100, 101

O’Neill, Tip, 78, 79, 80

openness and transparency, 71, 72

OpenSecrets, 144

Outland, George E., 44–45


Palin, Sarah, 80

paradoxes, 35, 86

Parker, Alison, 105

Parker, Andy, 105

Parkland, 105

partisan gap: deep, moderating force for, 112

and trust in government, 62–63

width of, growth in, 7–8

partisanship: attempts to cripple the CBO and the impact on, 97

careerism and, 95

growing, 7, 111–112

long history of, 17

problem with, 1, 2

raising expertise and competence above, 17

role of, in access to government jobs, 15–16

runaway, check on, 17, 112

self-serving, free from, 10

wrong mindset about public servants and, 46

partnerships, multiple, required for regulation, 101, 104, 107, 109

patient privacy rights, 106–107

pay grades/salaries, 20–21, 29, 32, 36, 37, 93–94

Peel, Robert, 6, 9, 36, 45, 46–47, 108

Pelosi, Nancy, 33, 44

Pence, Mike, 32

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, 16, 18

Pentagon, 42

person-to-person relationships, ability to create, 60

Peterson, Peter George, 96

Pew Research Center, 7, 145

Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, 87

Philip Morris Research Center, 102

Pizzagate, 64, 65

police brutality, 71

Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), 66

police officers/policing. See community policing; law enforcement

policies: implementation of, 9, 18, 83, 98

influence over, 13, 18, 39, 83, 85

and programs, costs associated with, 98

proposed, objective measure and analysis of, importance of, 98

policymaking: objective, assault on, 96–97

special interests in, 86

policymaking branch. See Executive Branch

political action committees (PACs), 89, 91

political contributions. See campaign/political contributions

political divide. See partisan gap; partisanship

political parties: formation of, structure predating, 88

influence of, warning about, 1

limits on contributions to, 89. See also Democrats; Republicans

political polls, 7, 32, 62–63, 145

politicians: data on, source of, 144

meaningful connection with, desire for, 80

in the original sense of the word, 80

views on, 79

politics: maxim about, 78, 79, 82

origin of, and original sense of the word, 80

pork barrel, 98

as a term, meaning of, 79

Politiká (Aristotle), 80

polls/surveys, 7, 32, 62–63, 145

population statistics, sources of, 143, 144

pork barrel politics, 98

power: versus authority, 6

granted to Congress, by the Constitution, 12

judicial, delegation of, 123

legislative, delegation of, 118, 119, 122, 123

money and, 90–91

presidential, 11–12, 15, 16, 110, 112

separation of, 8, 17, 88, 110, 118

veto, 110

power company comparison, 67–68

presidents: appointments/nominees of, 13, 15, 17, 22, 83, 102, 110, 111, 112, 120

approval ratings, 145

office of, 39

powers/authority of, 11–12, 13, 15, 16, 110, 112. See also Executive Branch; executive orders; specific presidents

Privacy Rule, 106–107

private government contractors: employees of, branch of government associated with, 8

and the government shutdown, 19, 37–38, 40

number of, 129n6

variety of work performed by, 37

private sector: compensation in, versus public sector, 93–94

ensuring fairness, safety, and accountability in, 116

fidelity in, 24

regulating, catalyst for, 99. See also corporations; specific private entities

privatization, shift toward, desire for, 31

procedural justice: benefits of, 71–72

failure to provide, result of, 72

key dimensions of, 70–71

meaning of, 69

Progressive Era, 84, 99–100

propaganda, substituting, for truth, 65

public activism, 101, 104

Public Health Service, 102, 104

public opinion polls/rankings, 7, 32, 62–63, 145

public sector: compensation in, versus private sector, 93–94

fidelity in, 24. See also government; specific public entities

public servants: assumptions about, 34–35

commonality among, 8, 9

community support for, 55, 59

dedication of, 43

discrediting the motives of, purpose behind, 93

employment of, modern model for all levels of, 11, 18

as guardians, 73, 74, 93, 108, 126

immunity of, from dark money, 92

jobs held by, classifications of, 19–20

legitimacy of, 2, 6, 66

long career as, example of, 2–4

mission of, belief in, 26

as nonpartisan professionals, 9, 19, 46, 84, 85, 93, 126

number of, 9, 92

politicizing, 2

as the public, 36, 37, 45–46, 47, 48, 108

role/function of, 9–10, 13, 38, 81, 83

states with highest concentration of, 22, 32, 35

treated as pawns and hostages, 46

types of, 8

unpaid, community members as, example of, 81. See also civil service system; first responders; Fourth Branch; private government contractors; subject-matter experts

public service, essence of, profession that distills, 59

public voice, wanting, 70

Pure Food and Drug Act, 99, 116–117

Pye, Jason, 117


QAnon, 64, 65

quid pro quo, 15


Reagan, Ronald, 30–31, 73, 105, 116

Reagan Republicans, 31

reality: assault on, 2, 65, 84, 93, 124

desire to engage with, 126

losing grip on, impact of, 124–125

respect for, importance of, 126

Rebel imagery, significance of, 54–55

red (Republican) states, 22, 32, 35

reform movement, 16, 18, 84, 86, 116

regulatory capture, 100

regulatory movement, 99–100

Regulatory State: expansion of, 99–100

launching of, 116. See also government regulation

Regulatory Transparency Project, 120–121

Reid, Harry, 111

relationships: basing, on common ground, 126

person-to-person, ability to create, 60

Republican (red) states, 22, 32, 35

Republicans: divide separating, from Democrats, 7

and the government shutdown, 44

and gun control, 106

and presidential court nominations, 17, 111

Reagan, 31

trust in government among, 62–63

and whistleblower protections, 115

research agencies. See fact-finding agencies

respect: being treated with, desire for, 71, 81

broader, gaining, 72

mutual, 57, 58, 59, 60

for reality, importance of, 126

securing and maintaining, as essential, 6

for the truth, demanding, 66

rights and responsibilities, balancing, 108

Rise of the Warrior Cops (Balko), 73

Roll Call (newspaper/website), 61–62

Romney, Mitt, 32, 89

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 23, 25, 73, 100

Roosevelt, Theodore, 73, 99, 116

Ross, Wilbur, 32–33

Rudman, Warren, 96


safety: desire for, 5

ensuring, in the private sector, means of, 116

government shutdown jeopardizing, 43. See also government regulation; law enforcement

Salvation Army, 29–30

Samuel, Bill, 35

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, 63, 105

Sarokin, Lee H., 102–103

scapegoat, 45

Schlink, Frederick, 100

Schultz, Karl L., 42–43

Schumer, Chuck, 44

science, silencing, example of, 114

scientific efficiency, 23, 24, 25

Second Amendment, 106, 107, 108

security agencies, 19

self-interest, decisions based on, 95–96, 100

self-policing, 72

self-regulation, 116, 117

Senate: advise and consent role of, 11, 12, 13, 83, 110, 113

analogy involving, 111

creation of, reason for, 111

and the government shutdown, 28

majority in, influence of, over court nominees, 17, 111

and the system of checks and balances, 110–111, 112

and whistleblower protections, 115. See also specific senators

Senior Executive Service (SES), 19, 21, 22

September 11, 2001 attacks, 63

sexual orientation, 16

shadow government, 120

Sinclair, Upton, 99, 117

60 Minutes (television program), 103

slavery, 14, 86

Small Business Administration (SBA), 43

small government: advocates of, 44–45

big government versus, debate over, 14, 145–146

Smith, Bob, 55

social media: and conspiracy theories, 64

distortion in, 2

pervasiveness of, issue involving, 124

streaming live video on, of police activity, 74–77, 81. See also Twitter/tweeting

society, breakdown of, examples of, 125

solicitor general, 104

Soviet Union, 24

special interests: careerism and, 95

era of, 86–87

existence of, acknowledging, 88

laws and legal decisions enabling, 89–91, 92

prevailing against, through coordinated efforts, 101, 104, 107

and regulatory capture, 100

suboptimization and, 95–98. See also lobbying

specialized public servants. See subject-matter experts

Spicer, Sean, 115

spoils system, 15, 16, 98

“stagflation,” 31

Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency, 40

“starve the beast” metaphor, 30, 31, 32

state courts: and administrative law, 123

tobacco industry lawsuits in, 103, 104

State Department, 19, 39, 115

state government: creating rules and regulations in, model for, 122

members of, branch of government associated with, 8

tobacco industry legislation in, 103

subject-matter experts, 8–9, 13, 18, 74, 83, 84, 113, 119, 121, 122. See also fact-finding agencies

suboptimization, addressing, 95–98

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 41

Supreme Court: and Citizens United, 90, 91

and delegation of authority/power, 118

and gun control, 107

nominees to, partisanship and, 17, 111, 112

politicizing of, 17

and presidential powers, 12

surgeon generals, 101–102, 104

synagogue shooting, 105

Syria, breakdown of society in, 125


Taft, William Howard, 99

“Tamar Manasseh: The Neighborhood Guardian” (Gibbs), 78

Tarbell, Ida, 99

Task Force on 21st Century Policing, 4, 6, 53, 72

tax cuts: call for, 31

consequences of, 30

Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State (Crews), 121

termination authority/power, 13, 16

termination threats, 115

Tester, Jon, 87

Thucydides, 62

Time (magazine), 34

To Promote the General Welfare: The Case for Big Government (Conn), 145

tobacco industry, regulation of, 101–104

Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, 104

tobacco use, 101, 102

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 86

Todd, Chuck, 65

Tojo, Hideki, 24

totalitarianism, 24, 25, 65

transparency and openness, 71, 72

Transportation Department, 39

Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 29, 35, 41–42, 43

Treasury Department, 39

tribalism, 7, 112

Troubles, The, 125

Truman, Harry, 73

Trump, Donald: assault on reality by, 65

assumptions about federal workers, 35

and beliefs about the Deep State, 33, 34, 64

conspiracy theorists as supporters of, 64

executive orders by, 21, 115

fact-checking, 65

and the government shutdown, 27, 28, 32, 33, 44

hyperpartisanship under, 7

legitimacy of, fixation on, 61–62

Supreme Court nominees by, approval of, 111

Trump administration: chaos surrounding, views on, 112–113

deregulation efforts of, 116

response to the government shutdown, 32–33

“silent coup” against, belief in, 34

viewing, with trepidation, 74

and whistleblower protections, 115

trust: building, mindset needed for, 72

in federal government, levels of, 62–63

in law enforcement, impact of lies on, 75

trustworthiness, importance of, 67, 71

truth: desire for, 126

fact-based, assault on, 2, 65, 84, 93, 124, 125

losing grip on, impact of, 124–125

money’s limited influence over, 93

respect for, demanding, 66

restoring, 127

telling the, importance of, 126

Tsongas, Paul, 96

Twitter/tweeting, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 64, 74, 117, 127

tyranny: growth of, thwarting, means of, 110

projection of, 70


unclassified service, described, 19–20

unelected government workers. See Fourth Branch

unionization, 21, 34–35, 100–101

“Unite the Right” rally, 54

United States Code (USC), 117, 118

United States, J. W. Hampton, Jr. & Company v., 118

USAJOBS, 36, 37


vaccines, conspiracy theories about, 63

Veterans Affairs Department, 20

veto power, 110

voice, public, wanting, 70


Waldo, Dwight, 22–24, 25, 26, 145–146

Wall Street Journal, 62

Ward, Adam, 105

Warne, Colston Estey, 101

warrior mindset, problem with, 72, 73

Washington, George, 1, 17, 73, 111

Washington Navy Yard, 105

Washington Post, 61, 65, 75, 90

wealthy donors, influence of, 90–91

Welch, Edgar M., 64

Wexton, Jennifer, 33

Whistleblower Protection Act, 113–114

Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, 115

whistleblowing, 103, 113–115

white nationalists, 54

Wigand, Jeffrey, 103

Williams, George Henry, 16

Williams, Walter E., 146

Wilson, Charles Erwin, 68

Wilson, James Q., 146

Wilson, Woodrow, 16, 99

World War II, 23, 24, 119


Yemen, breakdown of society in, 125


zero-sum terms, 7, 63, 126

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