Kim Baer, principal of Los Angeles–based design studio KBDA, developed a very early interest in graphic design as a way to integrate three distinct passions: an enthusiasm for exploring diverse types of organizations, a love for the written word, and an unshakable confidence in design’s ability to get audiences to sit up and take notice.

Over the years, KBDA has hosted a diverse creative team, schooled in graphic design, writing, photography, architecture, boat-building, interior design, filmmaking, engineering, biology, fundraising, and rock and roll. KBDA and its extended family have leveraged these talents to create strategic work across a host of disciplines.

Consistently honored by every major design and business organization in the country, KBDA has produced work that has been featured in the Library of Congress and regularly published in numerous design compilations. National design magazines, including Communication Arts, Print, Graphis, STEP, and HOW, have consistently showcased the firm’s work and methodology.

Kim Baer frequently judges design competitions and speaks at conferences across the country. She received the Fellows Award from the Los Angeles chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) in honor of lifetime achievement.

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