
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


# (hash sign), preceding DOM elements, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
$ (dollar sign)
jQuery global function alias, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
preceding PowerShell variables, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
+ (plus sign), AND operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
- (minus sign), NOT operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
.. (dots, double), range operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
: (colon), contains operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
:: (colons, double), preceding class members, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
< (left angle bracket), less than operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
<= (left angle bracket, equal sign), less than or equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
<> (left and right angle bracket), not equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
= (equal sign), equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
> (right angle bracket), greater than operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
>= (right angle bracket, equal sign), greater than or equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
[ ] (square brackets), enclosing class names, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)


access control list (see ACL)
Access Services, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
access tokens, OAuth, Understanding app authentication, Using the web proxy, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
access tokens, S2S, Acquiring permissions on the fly by using authorization code
AccessChecker method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
ACL (access control list), Understanding the User Information List, Search-enabling a model
.action4 files, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013
action files, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013, Creating a custom workflow activity in a SharePoint app
Active Directory, user authentication using, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
CompositeTask activity, Using tasks in workflows
custom, creating, SharePoint Designer 2013 and web services
DynamicValue activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
for workflows, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013
HTTPSend activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
Loop with Condition activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
Loop [n] Times activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
Sequence activity, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012
SingleTask activity, Using tasks in workflows
activity feeds, SharePoint social enterprise features, What’s new in SharePoint 2013
(see also social feeds)
ActivityId filter, BCS, Creating relationships
Add-PSSnapin cmdlet, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
addClass method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
<AddContentTypeField> element, Updating and upgrading sandboxed solutions
AdditionalPageHead delegate control, Dissecting the seattle.master file
Administration Object Model for, Using the BDC Runtime object models
administration, automating with PowerShell, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
AdministrationMetadataCatalog object, Using the BDC Runtime object models
after events, Creating and registering event handlers
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), Performing basic operations, Retrieving user profile properties
AjaxDelta control, Referencing master pages in SharePoint
AllRolesForCurrentUser property, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
AND operator, managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
anonymous functions, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript variables
APIs (application programming interfaces), Choosing a development approach
for apps, Client-side programming
.app files, Packaging and distributing apps
<App> element, Reviewing the app manifest
app catalog, publishing SharePoint apps to, Publishing SharePoint apps to the Office Store
app identifier, Managing app permissions
app launcher, Understanding app code isolation
App Management Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
app parts (client Web Parts), Understanding the app web hosting domain, Understanding the app web solution package, Comparing ASP.NET and SharePoint Web Parts
app principals, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
app web, Setting the start page URL
app-only access tokens, Working with access tokens
app-only permissions, Requesting and granting app permissions
AppIcon.png file, Packaging and distributing apps
AppIcon.png.config.xml file, Packaging and distributing apps
application pages, Adding a feature receiver
base classes for, Understanding application page anatomy
creating, Understanding application page anatomy
location of, Adding a feature receiver
navigation support for, Securing the application page
securing, Creating an application page
template files for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
application pool identity, Working with users and groups
application pools, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
application programming interfaces (see APIs (application programming interfaces))
ApplyChanges method, Using custom Editor Parts
<ApplyElementManifests> element, Updating and upgrading sandboxed solutions
AppManifest.xml file, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012, Reviewing the app manifest, Packaging and distributing apps
<AppPermissionRequest> element, Requesting and granting app permissions, Requesting app-only permissions
<AppPermissionRequests> element, Reviewing the app manifest, Using the REST API
<AppPrincipal> element, Reviewing the app manifest, Using internal authentication
<AutoDeployedWebApplication> element, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
<RemoteEndpoint> element, Using the web proxy
<RemoteWebApplication> element, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
<StartPage> element, Using the cross-domain library
editing with visual designer, Reviewing the app manifest
elements in, Reviewing the app manifest
start page URL, Reviewing the app manifest, Understanding the app web
<AppPermissionRequest> element, Requesting and granting app permissions, Requesting app-only permissions
<AppPermissionRequests> element, Reviewing the app manifest, Using the REST API
<AppPrerequisites> element, Reviewing the app manifest
<AppPrincipal> element, Reviewing the app manifest, Using internal authentication
apps (see Office Web Apps; Sharepoint apps)
appSettings variables, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
AppWebProxy.aspx page, Using the cross-domain library
.ascx files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
.ashx files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
.asmx files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
ASP.NET, SharePoint pages
applications, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
FBA (forms-based authentication), Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
master pages, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
user controls, template files for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
web applications using, Creating web applications
Web Forms, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
code-behind component, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
running, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
UI component, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
Web Parts, compared to SharePoint, Understanding Web Parts
web.config file for, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
asp:Content control, Using ASP.NET master pages
asp:ContentPlaceHolder control, Using ASP.NET master pages, Dissecting the seattle.master file
asp:Label control, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
.aspx files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
.aspx.cs files, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
.aspx.vb files, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
ASPX forms, Defining filters
Assemblies folder, Understanding the sandbox execution environment
association forms, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
AssociationNavigator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
Associator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
asynchronous execution
of Web parts, Using asynchronous execution
with JSOM, Using the client-side object model, Loading and executing operations, Working with the JavaScript client object model
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (see AJAX)
authentication for apps, Securing objects with SharePoint
access tokens for, Understanding app authentication, Understanding app authentication, Using the web proxy
cross-domain library for, Using internal authentication
external, Understanding app authentication, Using the web proxy
(see also OAuth authentication; S2S authentication)
flow for, Using external authentication
internal, Understanding app authentication, Understanding app authentication
SAML tokens for, Understanding app authentication, Using external authentication
web proxy for, Using the web proxy
authentication for BCS, Managing the BDC service, Understanding package deployment
claims authentication, Understanding secure store options
client authentication, Understanding secure store options
Impersonation and Delegation model, Understanding package deployment
Passthrough authentication, Accessing token-based systems
RevertToSelf authentication, Accessing token-based systems
SSS for, Understanding RevertToSelf
token-based authentication, Understanding secure store options
Trusted Subsystem model, Understanding package deployment
authentication for users, Reviewing authentication and authorization
Active Directory for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
ASP.NET FBA for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
challenges with, Understanding the new SharePoint app model
claims-based security for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
classic mode for, Understanding web applications and user authentication
configuring in web applications, Understanding user authentication
external systems for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
for SharePoint object access, User impersonation with the user token
for web applications, Understanding web applications and user authentication
impersonating users, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges, Delegating user credentials
user credentials for, Delegating user credentials
User Information List for, Understanding the User Information List
Author managed property, Understanding Keyword Query Language
authoritative pages, Using the script Web Parts
authoritative sites (see publishing sites)
authorization code, OAuth, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Working with app-only access tokens
authorization for apps, Understanding app authentication flow
app identifier for, Managing app permissions
default policy for, Managing app permissions
permissions, Managing app permissions, Establishing app identity by using OAuth
authorization for users
ACLs for, Understanding the User Information List
escalating privileges, Working with users and groups, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account
for application pool identity, Working with users and groups
for SharePoint object access, User impersonation with the user token
for SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account
groups, Understanding the User Information List, Working with users and groups
users, Understanding the User Information List
<AutoDeployedWebApplication> element, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
autohosted apps, Understanding app hosting models, Packaging host web features, Client-side programming
(see also cloud-hosted apps)
Azure ACS (see Windows Azure ACS)


badge and reward system, Understanding the BCS client object model
<BaseTypes> element, The GLOBAL site definition
Batching filter, BCS, Creating relationships
BatchingTermination filter, BCS, Creating relationships
BCS (Business Connectivity Services), Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Business Connectivity Services, Understanding External List limitations
Administration Object Model for, Using the BDC Runtime object models
authentication for, Understanding package deployment
claims authentication, Understanding secure store options
client authentication, Understanding secure store options
models of, Understanding package deployment
Passthrough authentication, Understanding package deployment, Accessing token-based systems
RevertToSelf authentication, Understanding Passthrough authentication, Accessing token-based systems
SSS for, Managing the BDC service, Understanding RevertToSelf
token-based authentication, Understanding secure store options
BDC layer for, Understanding connectors
BDC Runtime object models for, Searching External Systems
client cache, Managing the BDC service
Client layer, Introduction to Business Connectivity Services
connectors for, Understanding connectors
CSOM for, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
event receivers for, Using the Administration Object Model
External Data Columns, Creating custom forms
for apps, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
non-programmatic solutions using, Introduction to Business Connectivity Services
profile pages, creating, Using External Data Web Parts
VSTO deployment package for, Creating External Content Types, Understanding package deployment
BCS permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
BDC (Business Data Connectivity), Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Business Connectivity Services, Understanding connectors
Client Runtime object model, Managing the BDC service, Searching External Systems
managing, Understanding Business Data Connectivity
metadata cache, Understanding Business Data Connectivity
Metadata Model, Accessing token-based systems, Creating custom event receivers, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
Model Explorer, Creating custom event receivers
permissions for, Managing the BDC service
Server Runtime object model, Managing the BDC service, Searching External Systems
Service Application, Managing the BDC service, Understanding Outlook integration
throttle settings, Understanding Business Data Connectivity
BdcServiceApplicationProxy object, Understanding Outlook integration
before events, Creating and registering event handlers
BinarySecurityDescriptorAccessor method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
blogging (see social feeds)
BPOS (Business Productivity Online Standard Suite), A brief history of SharePoint
branding for UI, Creating a custom branding solution
BreakRoleInheritance method, SPSecurableObject class, User impersonation with the user token
BulkAssociatedIdEnumerator method, BCS, Creating operations
BulkAssociationNavigator method, BCS, Creating operations
BulkIdEnumerator method, BCS, Creating operations
BulkSpecificFinder method, BCS, Creating operations
Business Connectivity Services (see BCS)
Business Data Connectivity (see BDC)
Business Data Item Builder Web Part, Using External Data Web Parts
Business Data Item Web Part, Using External Data Web Parts
Business Data List Web Part, Creating custom forms
Business Data Related List Web Part, Using External Data Web Parts
Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (see BPOS)


cloud-hosted apps using, Understanding app installation scopes, Client-side programming
feature receivers using, Adding a feature receiver
managed CSOM with, Loading and executing operations
REST API with, Performing CRUD in REST
CAL (client access license), A brief history of SharePoint
CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language), Developing sandboxed solutions
content types, creating, Custom site columns and content types
creating content types, Programming with content types
creating document libraries, Working with document libraries
querying External Lists, Understanding External List limitations
querying lists, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting, Programming after events
site columns, creating, Custom site columns and content types
CAS (code access security) policies, Upgrading feature instances
catalogs, Understanding cross-site publishing
Category attribute, Persisting Web Part properties
Central Administration, Understanding SharePoint farms
application pages in, template files for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
Configure Diagnostic Logging page, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
Farm Configuration Wizard, Understanding service applications
Manage Service Applications page, Configuring SharePoint service applications, Configuring SharePoint service applications
Services on Server page, Configuring SharePoint service applications
ChangedIdEnumerator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
CheckPermissions method, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
chrome control, Using the chrome control
claims authentication, Understanding secure store options
claims mode, for web applications, Understanding user authentication
claims-based security, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
classic mode, for web applications, Understanding user authentication
client access license (see CAL)
client Web Parts (app parts), Understanding the app web hosting domain, Understanding the app web solution package, Comparing ASP.NET and SharePoint Web Parts
client-side object model (see CSOM (client-side object model) API)
Client.svc service, Understanding jQuery event handling, Understanding client object model fundamentals, Understanding REST fundamentals
ClientContext object, Using the client-side object model, Understanding contexts
ClientContextRuntime class, Understanding contexts
ClientId variable, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
ClientRequestException error, Handling errors
ClientSecret variable, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
<ClientWebPart> element, Building app parts
closures, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript closures
cloud-hosted apps, Understanding app installation scopes
app designs using, Client-side programming
app principal for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
authentication for, Using internal authentication, Using the web proxy
(see also OAuth authentication; S2S authentication)
autohosted apps, Understanding app hosting models, Client-side programming, Understanding app designs
hosting models for, Understanding app hosting models
packaging, Packaging host web features
provider-hosted apps, Understanding app hosting models, Client-side programming, Understanding app designs, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
requirements for, Understanding app designs
cmdlets, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
(see also specific cmdlets)
code access security policies (see CAS policies)
code-behind component, Web Forms, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
Collaborative Application Markup Language (see CAML)
Colleagues, SharePoint social enterprise features
(see also following, features for)
colon (:), contains operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
colons, double (::), preceding class members, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
COM (Component Object Model) objects
PowerShell scripts accessing, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
SharePoint objects using, Understanding the server-side object model
community portals, Understanding the BCS client object model
Comparison filter, BCS, Creating relationships
comparison operators, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
compatibility levels, Publishing site templates
Component Object Model objects (see COM objects)
CompositeTask activity, Using tasks in workflows
<Configuration> element, Webtemp*.xml, ONET.xml for site definitions
configuration database, Understanding SharePoint farms, Creating web applications
<Configurations> element, The GLOBAL site definition, ONET.xml for site definitions
Configure Diagnostic Logging page, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
connectors, Understanding the indexing process
.NET Assembly Connectors, Enhancing content processing, Creating custom event receivers
BCS connectors, Understanding connectors
content aggregation, Web content management, Creating a navigational term set
CQWP (Content Query Web Part), Content aggregation
CSWP (Content Search Web Part), Content aggregation
display templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts
Content control, Using ASP.NET master pages, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
content databases, Working with SharePoint 2013 Central Administration, Understanding the server-side object model, Understanding the Web.config file
adding content types to, Programming with content types
customized pages in, Understanding page customization
lists in, Throttling queries
permissions in, Requesting and granting app permissions
sandbox solutions in, Server-side solution development
site customizations in, Using SharePoint Designer 2013
social feeds in, What’s new in SharePoint 2013
SPDataAccess role for, Working with users and groups
updating, Generating entities with SPMetal, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint, Creating custom field controls
Content Organizer, Using the Content Organizer
content pages, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
creating, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
deploying, Deploying a content page
Content Processing Enrichment Service (see CPES)
Content Search Web Part (see CSWP)
Content Type Hub, Understanding content type syndication, Understanding content type syndication
content type syndication, Understanding content type syndication
content types, Working with content types
adding site columns to, Programming with content types
creating, Working with content types, Programming with content types
custom, creating, Custom site columns and content types
enumerating through, Working with content types
for documents, Adding a custom document template
standard, list of, Working with content types
content types gallery, Working with content types
ContentClass managed property, Creating no-code customizations
ContentPlaceHolder control, Using ASP.NET master pages, Dissecting the seattle.master file
ContentPlaceHolderID attribute, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
<ContentType> element, Creating a SharePoint project for a sandboxed solution, Programming with content types, Creating site columns and content types by using CAML, Creating Document Sets declaratively
<ContentTypeBinding> element, Creating custom task outcomes for a SharePoint Designer 2013 workflow
context objects, CSOM, Understanding client object model fundamentals
context tokens, OAuth, Registering app principals, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
Contribute site role, Securing objects with SharePoint
<Control> element, Using delegate controls
control templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts
controls, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
(see also specific controls)
delegate controls, Dissecting the seattle.master file
registering as safe, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
ConversionInfo class, Understanding Word Automation Services
ConversionItemInfo class, Understanding Word Automation Services
ConversionJob class, Understanding Word Automation Services, Understanding Word Automation Services
ConversionJobInfo class, Understanding Word Automation Services, Understanding Word Automation Services
ConversionJobSettings class, Understanding Word Automation Services
ConversionJobStatus class, Understanding Word Automation Services, Understanding Word Automation Services
correlation ID, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
CPES (Content Processing Enrichment Service), Connecting and parsing, Improving relevancy
CQWP (Content Query Web Part), Content aggregation
crawling (see indexing process)
CreateChildControls method, Using CreateChildControls, Responding to events, Using custom Editor Parts, Using asynchronous execution
Created managed property, Understanding Keyword Query Language
CreatePost method, SocialFeedManager, Retrieving posts from a site feed, Posting to your personal feed
Creator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
Credential Manager, Accessing token-based systems
Critical Path Training (SharePoint Server 2013 Virtual Machine Setup Guide), Understanding service applications, Working with app service applications
cross-domain library, Using internal authentication
cross-site publishing, Understanding cross-site publishing
CSOM (client-side object model) API, Using the client-side object model, Understanding jQuery event handling
accessing BCS data, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
app authentication, Understanding app authentication, Using internal authentication, Using external authentication, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Working with access tokens, Acquiring permissions on the fly by using authorization code
context objects, Understanding client object model fundamentals
creating content types, Creating custom content types
creating lists, Creating lists
JSOM (JavaScript object model), Using the client-side object model, Using the client-side object model, Understanding app designs, Understanding jQuery event handling, Working with the JavaScript client object model
error handling, Handling errors
manipulating items, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting in the JavaScript client object model
returning collections, Working with the JavaScript client object model
Managed object model, Using the client-side object model, Understanding app designs, Understanding jQuery event handling, Loading and executing operations
error handling, Handling errors
manipulating document libraries, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting
manipulating items, Handling errors
returning collections, Loading and executing operations
Mobile object model, Using the client-side object model
people, following, Posting to your personal feed
personal feeds, posting to, Retrieving posts from a site feed
personal feeds, retrieving, Retrieving user profile properties
querying External Lists, Understanding External List limitations
searches using, Using the CSOM API
Silverlight object model, Using the client-side object model
site feeds, posting to, Posting to your personal feed
site feeds, retrieving, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
user profile properties, retrieving, Understanding social components
workflow services with, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
CSOM files, templates for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
CSS files, templates for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
css method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
.csv files
importing term sets and terms from, Understanding managed metadata
lists exported to, eDiscovery
CSWP (Content Search Web Part), Using the Content Search Web Part, Content aggregation
{CurrentDisplayLanguage} token, Creating result sources
{CurrentDisplayLCID} token, Creating result sources
custom actions (see UI custom actions)
custom forms, in workflows, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
association forms, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
initiation forms, Creating association forms
task forms (see tasks, in workflows)
custom libraries, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript prototypes
<CustomAction> element, Building UI custom actions, Securing the application page, Understanding Word Automation Services
CustomDocumentProperties, in display templates, Working with display templates
customized pages, Understanding page customization
CustomizedPageStatus property, Understanding customized pages
<CustomUpgradeAction> element, Updating a feature definition with upgrade actions


.dacpac files, Packaging for autohosted apps
<data> element, Examining the Web Part control description file
Data Tier Application package, Packaging for autohosted apps, Packaging for autohosted apps
data types, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript variables
database server, Setting up a developer environment, Understanding hardware and software requirements
DatabaseBackedMetadataCatalog object, Understanding Outlook integration
databases (see configuration database; content databases)
DataContext class, Generating entities with SPMetal
debugging, Using debugging tools
deactivating Web Parts after, Deploying and uninstalling a Web Part
Developer Dashboard, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
PowerShell scripts, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
tools for, Using debugging tools
ULS logs, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
web.config file settings for, Understanding the Web.config file
Windows event logs, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
DefaultMasterPage module element, The GLOBAL site definition
delegate controls, Dissecting the seattle.master file
DeletedIdEnumerator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
Deleter method, BCS, Creating External Content Types, Using the BDC Runtime object models
DeltaManager object, Referencing master pages in SharePoint
Deploy command, for projects, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
Deployment service, for workflows, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
Design Manager
creating custom master pages, Creating a custom branding solution
creating page layouts, Creating a new page layout
Design site role, Securing objects with SharePoint
Developer Dashboard, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
Developer Tools (see SharePoint Developer Tools)
development environment, SharePoint development practices and techniques, Setting up a developer environment
configuring, Understanding hardware and software requirements
hardware requirements, Deciding between virtual and physical
installing with PowerShell scripts, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
server types for, Setting up a developer environment
similarity to production environment, Understanding hardware and software requirements
software requirements, Deciding between virtual and physical
development farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
device channel panels, Working with device channel panels
device channels, Web content management, Working with Web Part zones
customizing content based on, Working with device channel panels
determining from user agent, Working with Web Part zones
properties of, Understanding device channels
redirecting to master pages, Understanding device channels
DFWP (Data Form Web Part), Defining filters
DIP (Document Information Panel), Searching External Systems
Disassociator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
discussion forums, Understanding the BCS client object model
display templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts
control templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts
CustomDocumentProperties in, Working with display templates
item templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts, Working with display templates
JavaScript in, Working with display templates
Document ID providers, Understanding Document IDs
Document IDs, Understanding Document IDs
document libraries, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting, Creating custom content types
content types for, Adding a custom document template
creating, Customizing sites, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system, Working with document libraries
customizing, Creating and customizing lists
Document IDs for documents in, Understanding Document IDs
document templates for, Creating a document library
folders in, Working with folders
document services, Understanding content type syndication
Content Organizer, Using the Content Organizer
Document IDs, Understanding Document IDs
Document Sets, Understanding Document Sets
activating, Understanding Document Sets
characteristics of, Understanding Document Sets
creating, Understanding Document Sets
records management, Records management
archives, site collection for, Records archives
eDiscovery, Records archives
in-place records management, Records management
versioning, Understanding content type syndication
Word Automation Services, Using the Content Organizer
Document Sets, Understanding Document Sets
activating, Understanding Document Sets
characteristics of, Understanding Document Sets
creating, Understanding Document Sets
DocumentIDProvider class, Understanding Document IDs
DoCustomSearchBeforeDefaultSearch() method, DocumentIdProvider class, Creating custom Document ID providers
DoesUserHavePermissions method, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
dollar sign ($)
jQuery global function alias, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
preceding PowerShell variables, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
DOM elements
binding to events, Understanding jQuery methods
manipulating, Understanding the global function
selecting, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
domain controller, Setting up a developer environment
dots, double (..), range operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
.dwp files, Storing Web Part control description files in the Web Part Gallery
dynamic reordering, Using the script Web Parts
DynamicMasterPageFile attribute, Page directive, Understanding application page anatomy
DynamicValue activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013


ECB (Edit Control Block) menu, Building app parts, Performing basic field operations, Working with document libraries
ECM (Enterprise Content Management), SharePoint Enterprise Content Management
document services, Understanding content type syndication
Content Organizer, Using the Content Organizer
Document IDs, Understanding Document IDs
Document Sets, Understanding Document Sets
records management, Records management
versioning, Understanding content type syndication
Word Automation Services, Using the Content Organizer
Managed Metadata Service Application, SharePoint Enterprise Content Management
content type syndication, Understanding content type syndication
custom solution for term store, Understanding managed metadata
term groups, Understanding managed metadata
term sets, Understanding managed metadata
term store, SharePoint Enterprise Content Management
ECT (External Content Type), Business Connectivity Services, Introduction to Business Connectivity Services
.NET Assembly Connector for, Creating custom event receivers
BDC Metadata Model for, Accessing token-based systems
connection to External System, Creating External Content Types
creating, Introduction to Business Connectivity Services, Accessing token-based systems
event receivers for, Using the Administration Object Model
exporting to XML, Creating External Content Types
filters for, Creating relationships
in apps, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
Office 2013 using, Creating a profile page
operations for, Creating External Content Types, Creating External Content Types
relationships between, Creating operations
saving, Creating External Content Types
searches using, Enhancing content processing
eDiscovery, Records archives
Edit Control Block menu (see ECB (Edit Control Block) menu)
edit mode panels, Managing the presentation of page fields
Editor Parts, Persisting Web Part properties
EffectiveBasePermissions property, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
<ElementManifest> element, Upgrading features
<Elements> element, Creating a SharePoint project for a sandboxed solution, Using delegate controls, Creating a Web Part page, Securing the application page
elements.xml file, Upgrading features
for application page navigation, Securing the application page
for client Web Parts, Building app parts
for custom lists, Custom list definitions
for custom site columns, JSLink, JSLink, Custom site columns and content types
for site templates, Using custom code to create sites
for Web Parts, Building your first Web Part, Examining the Web Part control description file, Deploying Web Parts by using a declarative approach
for web templates, Custom site definitions, ONET.xml for web templates, Deploying web templates
EnsureChildControls method, Using custom Editor Parts
Enterprise Content Management (see ECM (Enterprise Content Management))
Enterprise Search (see search capabilities)
entity classes, Throttling queries
Entity Design Surface, Creating custom event receivers
-eq (equal to) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
equal sign (=), equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
equal to (-eq) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
error handling
JSOM, Handling errors
Managed object model, Handling errors
error messages, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
(see also debugging)
ETags, Performing CRUD in REST
event handling
after events, Creating and registering event handlers, Programming after events
before events, Creating and registering event handlers, Programming before events
event receivers for, Creating and registering event handlers, Using the Administration Object Model
feature receivers for, Adding a feature receiver, Updating a feature definition with upgrade actions, Connecting Web Parts
for Web Part rendering, Using CreateChildControls
jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
life cycle events for apps, Upgrading apps
naming events, Creating and registering event handlers
site provisioning events, Site provisioning providers
synchronization modes for, Creating and registering event handlers
event receivers, Creating and registering event handlers, Using the Administration Object Model
(see also feature receivers)
Excel Services Application, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
ExceptionHandlingScope object, Handling errors
exchange objects, eDiscovery
ExecuteQuery method, ClientContextRuntime class, Using the client-side object model, Loading and executing operations, Handling errors
ExecuteQueryAsync method, ClientContextRuntime class, Using the client-side object model, Loading and executing operations
Execution Manager, Developing sandboxed solutions
External Content Type (see ECT)
External Data
BDC Runtime object models for, Searching External Systems
types of, Business Connectivity Services
External Data Columns, Business Connectivity Services, Creating custom forms
External Data Web Parts, Business Connectivity Services, Creating custom forms
External Lists, Business Connectivity Services
accessing programmatically, Understanding External List limitations
creating, Creating External Content Types
event receivers for, Using the Administration Object Model
forms from, creating, Defining filters
limitations of, Understanding External List limitations
synchronizing to Outlook, Creating a profile page
External System, Business Connectivity Services
connecting to, Creating External Content Types
searching, Using External Data Web Parts


Farm Configuration Wizard, Understanding service applications
farm solutions, Server-side solution development, Understanding the server-side object model
debugging, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio, Deploying and debugging farm solutions
deploying, Understanding the SharePoint root directory, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
deploying content pages in, Deploying a content page
features for
adding, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
feature receivers for, Adding a feature receiver, Updating a feature definition with upgrade actions
lists, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
scope of, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
version number of, Updating farm solutions
packaging, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
project for, creating, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
requirements for, Server-side solution development
security for, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
template files for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
upgrading, Choosing a development approach
features, Updating farm solutions
to new SharePoint version, Understanding the new SharePoint app model, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
Web Parts in, Storing Web Part control description files in the Web Part Gallery
Workflow Manager farm, Installing and configuring a Workflow Manager 1.0 farm
farm-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
FAST Query Language (see FQL)
FBA (forms-based authentication), Understanding web applications and user authentication
<Feature> element, Upgrading features
feature receivers, Adding a feature receiver, Updating a feature definition with upgrade actions, Connecting Web Parts
(see also event receivers)
feature stapling, ONET.xml for site definitions
feature.xml file, Upgrading features
Features node, for projects, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
<FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation> element, ONET.xml for site definitions
field controls, Custom field types, Deploying custom field types
class for, Creating custom field controls
for multicolumn values, Custom field types with multicolumn values
in page layouts, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
rendering template for, Deploying custom field types
Field object, Using the client-side object model
field types, custom, SharePoint type definitions and templates
classes for, Creating classes for custom field types
creating, SharePoint type definitions and templates
custom properties for, Custom field types with multicolumn values
deploying, Custom field types, Deploying custom field types
field controls for, Custom field types, Deploying custom field types
for multicolumn values, Custom field types with multicolumn values
JSLink property for, Custom field types with custom properties
limitations of, Custom field types
validation for, Creating classes for custom field types, JSLink
<FieldType> element, Deploying custom field types, Custom field types with multicolumn values
<File> element, Creating a Web Part page, Understanding the element manifest, Deploying Web Parts by using a declarative approach, Deploying Web Parts by using a declarative approach
file formats, conversions between (see Word Automation Services)
FileExtension managed property, Understanding Keyword Query Language
FileReader object, Creating a document library
files and folders
accessing with SSOM, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system
in document libraries, Working with folders
in sites, Understanding the server-side object model
mapped folders, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
Files collection object, Creating a document library
$filter operator, OData, Understanding REST fundamentals
filters, for ECTs, Creating relationships
Finder method, BCS, Creating External Content Types, Using the BDC Runtime object models
FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject property, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
FixedFormatSettings class, Understanding Word Automation Services
flowchart workflow, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012
folders (see files and folders)
following, features for, SharePoint social enterprise features, Posting to your personal feed
entities that can be followed, Posting to your personal feed
people, following, Posting to your personal feed
Yammer, Following people
foreach loops, PowerShell, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
format handlers, Connecting and parsing
custom forms for workflows, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
InfoPath forms, Defining filters
forms-based authentication (see FBA)
FQL (FAST Query Language), Introduction to ranking models
Full Control site role, Securing objects with SharePoint
full-trust configuration, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts
in prior SharePoint versions, Developing sandboxed solutions
uncustomized pages supported for, Understanding page customization


-ge (greater than or equal) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
GenerateDocumentId() method, DocumentIdProvider class, Understanding Document IDs
GenericInvoker method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
Get-Process cmdlet, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
Get-SPSite cmdlet, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint
Get-SPSolution cmdlet, Using Windows PowerShell to deploy a custom solution
Get-SPWebApplication cmdlet, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint
Get-SPWebTemplate cmdlet, Understanding the WCM features
GetAccessToken method, TokenHelper class, Programming with the TokenHelper class
GetAppOnlyAccessToken method, TokenHelper class, Working with access tokens
GetAuthorizationUrl method, TokenHelper class, Working with app-only access tokens
GetClientContextWithContextToken method, TokenHelper class, Programming with the TokenHelper class
GetContextTokenFromRequest method, TokenHelper class, Programming with the TokenHelper class
GetDocumentUrlsById() method, DocumentIdProvider class, Understanding Document IDs
GetFeed method, SocialFeedManager, Retrieving user profile properties, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
GetFeedFor method, SocialFeedManager, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
GetFollowed method, SocialFollowingManager, Understanding following within SharePoint 2013
GetFollowers method, SocialFollowingManager, Understanding following within SharePoint 2013
GetFullThread method, SocialFeedManager, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
getJSON method, jQuery, Performing basic operations
GetS2SAccessTokenWithWindowsIdentity method, TokenHelper class, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
GetSampleDocumentIdText() method, DocumentIdProvider class, Creating custom Document ID providers
GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo method, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
GetUserEffectivePermissions method, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
ghosted pages (see uncustomized pages)
global funciton, jQuery, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
GLOBAL site definition, The GLOBAL site definition, Feature stapling, ONET.xml for web templates
greater than (-gt) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
greater than or equal (-ge) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
for authorization, Understanding the User Information List, Working with users and groups
proxy groups, Configuring SharePoint service applications
term groups, Understanding managed metadata
-gt (greater than) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes


hardware requirements, Deciding between virtual and physical
hash sign (#), preceding DOM elements, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
HasUniqueRoleAssignment property, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
hide method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
high-trust configuration, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts
history of SharePoint, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
HNSC (host-named site collection), Understanding the role of site collections
host web feature, Packaging host web features
host web permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
host-named site collection (see HNSC)
hosting realm (see hosting tenancy)
hosting tenancy, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges, Managing app permissions
{HostTitle} token, Using the chrome control
{HostUrl} token, Building UI custom actions
“How to Create a Page Layout in SharePoint 2013”, Creating a new page layout
html() method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
HTTP requests
IIS handling, Examining SharePoint Foundation architecture, Working with SharePoint 2013 Central Administration
MDS for, Referencing master pages in SharePoint
REST APIs using, Using the client-side object model
HttpModule object, Creating web applications
HTTPSend activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013


IdEnumerator method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
IFilters, Connecting and parsing
IIS (Internet Information Services), Examining SharePoint Foundation architecture, Working with SharePoint 2013 Central Administration
ASP.NET applications in, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
SharePoint Web Applications in, Using ASP.NET master pages
virtual directories in, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS, Understanding the Web.config file
web applications, Using ASP.NET master pages
images, templates for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
impersonating users, Delegating user credentials, Understanding package deployment
Impersonation and Delegation model, Understanding package deployment
in-place records management, Records management
indexing process, Understanding the indexing process
InfoPath forms, Defining filters
initiation forms, Creating association forms
Input filter, BCS, Creating relationships
InputOutput filter, BCS, Creating relationships
Install-SPSolution cmdlet, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
installation scopes, for SharePoint apps, Working with app service applications
installing SharePoint apps, Publishing apps to an app catalog, Upgrading apps
Instance service, for workflows, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
Integrated Scripting Environment, PowerShell (see ISE, PowerShell)
Internet Information Services (see IIS)
InvalidQueryExpressionException error, Handling errors
IsCompliant property, Improving performance with MDS
IsDocument managed property, Understanding Keyword Query Language
ISE (Integrated Scripting Environment), PowerShell, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
item templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts, Working with display templates
{ItemId} token, Building UI custom actions
items in sites, Understanding the server-side object model
CRUD operations on
in C#, with CSOM, Handling errors
in C#, with REST API, Performing basic operations
in JavaScript, with CSOM, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting in the JavaScript client object model
in JavaScript, with REST API, Performing basic operations
returning collections of, Loading and executing operations
{ItemURL} token, Building UI custom actions
IWebPartField contract, Using Web Part connections
IWebPartParameters contract, Using Web Part connections
IWebPartRow contract, Using Web Part connections
IWebPartTable contract, Using Web Part connections


JavaScript, Assessing cloud-hosted app designs
closures, Understanding JavaScript closures
custom libraries, Understanding JavaScript prototypes
data types, Understanding JavaScript variables
for cloud-hosted apps, Understanding app designs
for SharePoint-hosted apps, Client-side programming
functions, Understanding JavaScript variables
in display templates, Working with display templates
jQuery library, Understanding the prototype pattern
namespaces, Assessing cloud-hosted app designs
prototypes, Understanding JavaScript closures
REST API with, Understanding REST fundamentals
strict, Understanding JavaScript variables
variables, Understanding JavaScript variables
JavaScript object model (see JSOM)
jQuery, Understanding the prototype pattern
DOM elements
binding to events, Understanding jQuery methods
manipulating, Understanding the global function
selecting, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
event handling, Understanding jQuery methods
global function, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
methods, Understanding the global function
referencing in apps, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
jQuery.ajax method, Performing basic operations
JSLink property, SPField class, Custom field types with custom properties
JSOM (JavaScript object model), Using the client-side object model, Working with the JavaScript client object model
error handling, Handling errors
for SharePoint-hosted apps, Understanding app designs
libraries for, Understanding jQuery event handling
manipulating items, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting in the JavaScript client object model
returning collections, Working with the JavaScript client object model
workflow services with, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
JWT (JSON Web Token) standard, Working with access tokens
.jz files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory


KeywordQuery object, Using the CSOM API
KQL (Keyword Query Language), Introduction to ranking models
in link queries, Creating no-code customizations
managed properties for, Understanding Keyword Query Language


Label control, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
LastId filter, BCS, Creating relationships
LastModifiedTime managed property, Understanding Keyword Query Language
LastName managed property, Creating no-code customizations
layout pages (see application pages)
_layouts directory, Adding a feature receiver
LayoutsPageBase class, Understanding application page anatomy
-le (less than or equal) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
left and right angle bracket (<>), not equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
left angle bracket (<), less than operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
left angle bracket, equal sign (<=), less than or equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
less than (-lt) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
less than or equal (-le) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
LFWP (List Form Web Part), Defining filters
libraries, Understanding the server-side object model
custom, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript prototypes
document libraries, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting, Creating custom content types
content types for, Adding a custom document template
creating, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system, Working with document libraries
document templates for, Creating a document library
folders in, Working with folders
versioning of, Understanding content type syndication
licenses for SharePoint Server, A brief history of SharePoint
life cycle events for apps, Upgrading apps
-like operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
Limit filter, BCS, Creating relationships, Defining filters
Limited Access site role, Securing objects with SharePoint
link queries, Creating no-code customizations
LinkTitle field, lists, Performing basic field operations
LinkTitleNoMenu field, lists, Performing basic field operations
LINQ to SharePoint, Throttling queries
adding items to lists, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
deleting items from lists, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
entity classes for, Throttling queries
querying lists, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
updating items in lists, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
List object, Using the client-side object model
list permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
List Settings page, Creating and customizing lists
{List} tokens, Creating result sources
listdata.svc web service, Understanding REST fundamentals
{ListId} token, Building UI custom actions
<ListInstance> element, Creating lists
ListItem object, Using the client-side object model
{ListItem} tokens, Creating result sources
lists, Understanding the server-side object model
adding items, with LINQ, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
adding to solutions, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
in JavaScript, with CSOM, Creating lists
in JavaScript, with REST API, Creating lists
in JavaScript, with SSOM, Creating lists
creating, Customizing sites, SharePoint lists
CRUD operations on
in C#, with CSOM, Handling errors
in C#, with REST API, Performing basic operations
in JavaScript, with CSOM, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting in the JavaScript client object model, Creating lists
in JavaScript, with REST API, Performing basic operations, Creating lists
in JavaScript, with SSOM, Creating lists
custom, creating, Custom list definitions
customizing, Creating and customizing lists
deleting items, with LINQ, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
document libraries, Creating custom content types
content types for, Adding a custom document template
creating, Working with document libraries
document templates for, Creating a document library
folders in, Working with folders
External Lists, Business Connectivity Services, Introduction to Business Connectivity Services
accessing programmatically, Understanding External List limitations
creating, Creating External Content Types
event receivers for, Using the Administration Object Model
forms for, Defining filters
limitations of, Understanding External List limitations
synchronizing to Outlook, Creating a profile page
fields in, Working with fields and field types
adding, Performing basic field operations
content types for, Working with content types
display name of, Performing basic field operations, Performing basic field operations
internal name of, Performing basic field operations, Performing basic field operations
LinkTitle field, Performing basic field operations
LinkTitleNoMenu field, Performing basic field operations
lookup fields, Working with lookups and relationships
modifying, Performing basic field operations
properties of, Performing basic field operations
site columns as alternatives to, Understanding site columns
Title field, Performing basic field operations
types of, Working with fields and field types
in eDiscovery sets, eDiscovery
querying with CAML, Programming after events
joined lists, Understanding CAML fundamentals
multiple lists, Querying joined lists
throttling queries, Querying multiple lists
querying with LINQ, Throttling queries
relationships in, Working with lookups and relationships
types of, SharePoint lists
with LINQ, Querying with LINQ to SharePoint
with versioning, Understanding versioning
versioning of, Understanding content type syndication
<ListTemplate> element, Custom list definitions
<ListTemplates> element, The GLOBAL site definition
{ListUrlDir} token, Building UI custom actions
Load method, ClientContextRuntime class, Understanding contexts
load method, JavaScript, Working with the JavaScript client object model
LoadQuery method, ClientContextRuntime class, Understanding contexts
loadQuery method, JavaScript, Working with the JavaScript client object model
logs (see debugging)
lookup fields, in lists, Working with lookups and relationships
Loop with Condition activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
Loop [n] Times activity, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
-lt (less than) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes


Machine Translation Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
Manage Service Applications page, Configuring SharePoint service applications, Configuring SharePoint service applications
Managed Metadata Service Application (see MMS Application)
managed navigation, Working with device channel panels
APIs for, Working with device channel panels
namespaces for, Working with managed navigation APIs
navigational term sets for, Working with managed navigation APIs
TaxonomySiteMapProvider for, Creating a navigational term set
Managed object model, Using the client-side object model, Understanding app designs, Understanding jQuery event handling, Loading and executing operations
error handling, Handling errors
manipulating document libraries, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting
manipulating items, Handling errors
returning collections, Loading and executing operations
managed properties, Understanding the query process, Understanding Keyword Query Language
Management Shell, SharePoint 2013, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
manifest.xml file, Deploying and debugging farm solutions
mapped folders, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
.master files, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
<%@ Master%> directive, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
Master Page Gallery, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
accessing files in, Publishing site templates
deploying files to, Creating a custom branding solution, JSLink
display templates in, Creating result sources
master pages, Using ASP.NET Web Forms, Understanding Safe Mode parsing, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
custom, for branding, Creating a custom branding solution
default master pages, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages
delegate controls in, Dissecting the seattle.master file
in site collection, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
referencing, Using delegate controls
MasterPageFile attribute, Page directive, Using ASP.NET master pages, Using delegate controls
MDS (Minimal Download Strategy), Referencing master pages in SharePoint
MdsCompliantAttribute, Improving performance with MDS
MDSFeature folder, Improving performance with MDS
enhancing with CPES, Connecting and parsing
for ECTs, Understanding Business Data Connectivity
managed by MMS (see MMS (Managed Metadata Service))
<metaData> element, Examining the Web Part control description file
Method Details pane, Creating custom event receivers
microblogging (see social feeds)
microfeed permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
Microsoft.BusinessData.dll assembly, Searching External Systems
Microsoft.Office.BusinessApplications.Runtime.dll assembly, Searching External Systems
Microsoft.Office.Server.ActivityFeed namespace, SharePoint social enterprise features
Microsoft.Office.Server.dll assembly, Understanding the server-side object model
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.dll assembly, Using the script Web Parts
Microsoft.Office.Server.Social namespace, SharePoint social enterprise features
Microsoft.Office.Server.SocialData namespace, SharePoint social enterprise features
Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles namespace, SharePoint social enterprise features
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll assembly, Understanding jQuery event handling
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing namespace, Working with managed navigation APIs
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing.Navigation namespace, Working with managed navigation APIs
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Social namespace, What’s new in SharePoint 2013
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy namespace, Working with managed navigation APIs
Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles namespace, What’s new in SharePoint 2013, Working with the social APIs
Microsoft.SharePoint.ClientRuntime.dll assembly, Understanding jQuery event handling
Microsoft.SharePoint.dll assembly, Understanding the server-side object model, Understanding the server-side object model, Understanding the sandbox execution environment, Searching External Systems
Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell snap-in, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
Microsoft.SharePoint.SubsetProxy.dll assembly, Understanding the sandbox execution environment
Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode.dll assembly, Understanding the sandbox execution environment
Minimal Download Strategy (see MDS)
minimal.master file, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages
minus sign (-), NOT operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
MMS (Managed Metadata Service) Application, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Enterprise Content Management, Working with device channel panels
content type syndication, Understanding content type syndication
term groups, Understanding managed metadata
term sets, Understanding managed metadata
term store, SharePoint Enterprise Content Management
managing, custom solution for, Understanding managed metadata
Mobile object model, Using the client-side object model
<Module> element, Deploying a content page, Creating a Web Part page, Creating a custom branding solution, Examining the Web Part control description file, Deploying Web Parts by using a declarative approach, Creating a document library, JSLink, ONET.xml for site definitions, Creating Document Sets declaratively
module pattern, JavaScript, Understanding the module pattern
<Modules> element, The GLOBAL site definition, ONET.xml for site definitions
multitenancy, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts, Understanding app hosting models
My Sites, Understanding the BCS client object model, What’s new in SharePoint 2013
MyAutoHostedApp project, Packaging host web features
MyAutoHostedAppWeb project, Packaging host web features


for managed navigation, Working with managed navigation APIs
for REST URIs, Understanding REST fundamentals
for social enterprise features, SharePoint social enterprise features
JavaScript, Assessing cloud-hosted app designs
<NavBars> element, The GLOBAL site definition, ONET.xml for site definitions
for application pages, Securing the application page
managed, Working with device channel panels
structured, Creating a navigational term set
-ne (not equal to) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
NEAR operator, managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
.NET Assembly Connectors, Enhancing content processing, Understanding connectors, Creating custom event receivers
.NET Framework, Examining SharePoint Foundation architecture, Understanding hardware and software requirements, Understanding the server-side object model
.NET objects, accessing, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
New-Item cmdlet, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
New-Object cmdlet, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
New-SPSite cmdlet, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint
New-SPWebApplication cmdlet, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint
news feed permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
newsfeeds (see social feeds)
not equal to (-ne) operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
NOT operator, managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
-notlike operator, PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes


OAuth authentication, Using the web proxy, Requesting app-only permissions
app principals for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
authentication server for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
client app for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
configuration for, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
content owners for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
content server for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
flow for, Registering app principals
security tokens for, Understanding app designs, Registering app principals, Programming with the TokenHelper class
access tokens, Understanding app authentication, Using the web proxy, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
authorization code, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Working with app-only access tokens
context tokens, Registering app principals, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
JWT standard for, Working with access tokens
refresh tokens, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
TokenHelper class for, Developing with OAuth
versions of, Requesting app-only permissions
Windows Azure ACS used by, Establishing app identity by using OAuth
OData (Open Data Protocol) source, Understanding REST fundamentals
authentication for, Understanding secure store options
connector for, Understanding connectors
ECTs using, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
querying, Understanding REST fundamentals
OData Extension Provider, Understanding secure store options
Office, Understanding site columns
authosted apps in, Understanding app hosting models
hosting tenancies with, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
sandboxed solutions with, Choosing a development approach
SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
Office 2013
BCS architecture for, Understanding External List limitations
BCS Client layer for, Introduction to Business Connectivity Services
ECTs used in, Creating a profile page
Office Business Parts, Understanding package deployment
Office Developer Tools, Server-side solution development
Office Store, publishing SharePoint apps to, Packaging for autohosted apps
Office Web Apps, Setting up a developer environment
on-premises model, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
hosting tenancies with, Understanding SharePoint app model architecture
licenses for, A brief history of SharePoint
SharePoint farms using, Understanding SharePoint farms
ONEAR operator, managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
ONET.xml file, The GLOBAL site definition, Webtemp*.xml
for site definitions, Webtemp*.xml
for site templates, Using custom code to create sites
for web templates, Custom site definitions, Deploying web templates
OOBThemesV15 module element, The GLOBAL site definition
Open Data Protocol (see OData)
operating systems, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform
OR operator, managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
oslo.master file, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages
External Lists synchronized with, Creating External Content Types
synchronizing lists to, Creating a profile page
Output filter, BCS, Creating relationships


Package node, for project, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio, Deploying and debugging farm solutions
Package.Template.xml file, Deploying and debugging farm solutions
farm solutions, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
SharePoint apps, Packaging and distributing apps
<%@ Page%> directive, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
DynamicMasterPageFile attribute, Understanding application page anatomy
for Web Part pages, Deploying a content page
MasterPageFile attribute, Using delegate controls
page layouts, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
creating, Understanding the page model
page fields in
edit mode panels for, Managing the presentation of page fields
field controls for, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
properties of, configuring, Managing the presentation of page fields
RichHtmlField type, Creating a new page layout
TextField type, Creating a new page layout
Web Parts in, Managing the presentation of page fields
page libraries, Customizing sites
page model, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
{Page} tokens, Creating result sources
PageNumber filter, BCS, Creating relationships
PageRenderMode control, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
pages, SharePoint pages
adding programmatically, Working with files and folders in SharePoint
application pages, Adding a feature receiver
base classes for, Understanding application page anatomy
creating, Understanding application page anatomy
navigation support for, Securing the application page
securing, Creating an application page
content pages, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
creating, Working with MDS requirements and compliance
deploying, Deploying a content page
creating, Customizing sites
customized, Customizing sites, Understanding page customization
in eDiscovery sets, eDiscovery
layouts for (see page layouts)
manipulating with SSOM, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system
master pages, Using ASP.NET Web Forms, Understanding Safe Mode parsing, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
custom, for branding, Creating a custom branding solution
default master pages, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages
delegate controls in, Dissecting the seattle.master file
in site collection, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
referencing, Using delegate controls
page model for, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
publishing pages, Creating a Web Part page
requesting from virtual file system, Understanding the Web.config file
uncustomized (ghosted), Working with files and folders in SharePoint
Web Part pages, Deploying a content page, Deploying and uninstalling a Web Part
PageTitle control, Dissecting the seattle.master file
Page_Load method, Using ASP.NET Web Forms, Creating an application page
parallel execution
of Web Parts, Connecting Web Parts
thread safety required for, Using parallel execution
parameters.xml file, Using parameters.xml to control code generation
parsers, Connecting and parsing
Passthrough authentication, Understanding package deployment, Accessing token-based systems
Password filter, BCS, Creating relationships
Path managed property, Creating no-code customizations
path-based site collection, Understanding the role of site collections
People term group, Understanding managed metadata
people, following, Posting to your personal feed
PeopleManager object, Retrieving user profile properties, Retrieving user profile properties
PerformancePoint Service Application, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
permissions, Understanding app authentication flow
(see also authorization)
for apps, Managing app permissions
app-only permissions, Requesting and granting app permissions
default policy for, Managing app permissions
requesting, Understanding app permission policies
types of, Requesting and granting app permissions
for BDC service, Managing the BDC service
for site customizations, Understanding host-named site collections (HNSCs), Using SharePoint Designer 2013
for testing, Delivering high-quality solutions
personal feeds (public), SharePoint social enterprise features
posting to, Retrieving posts from a site feed
retrieving posts from, Retrieving user profile properties
types of, Retrieving user profile properties
Personalizable attribute, Using Visual Web Parts
physical servers, Setting up a developer environment
pipelining, in PowerShell, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
plus sign (+), AND operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
PortalSiteMapProvider, Creating a navigational term set
PowerPoint Automation Services, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
PowerShell scripts, Windows PowerShell boot camp for SharePoint professionals
.NET objects, accessing, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
administering SharePoint, Windows PowerShell boot camp for SharePoint professionals, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
cmdlets, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
COM objects, accessing, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
comparison operators, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
console for
SharePoint 2013 Management Shell, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
Windows PowerShell console, Windows PowerShell boot camp for SharePoint professionals, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
debugging, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
execution policy for, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
foreach loops, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
ISE for, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
pipelining, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
profile for, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
service applications, creating, Configuring SharePoint service applications
snap-in for, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
deploying, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
retracting, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
variables, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
writing, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
private feeds (see site feeds (private))
privileges (see authorization for users)
production environment, Understanding hardware and software requirements
production farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
Products Configuration wizard, Upgrading feature instances
$profile cmdlet, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
profile page, BCS, Using External Data Web Parts
profile synchronization connections, Creating a profile page
<Project> element, Webtemp*.xml
projects, Publishing site templates
(see also SharePoint solutions)
creating in Visual Studio, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
Deploy command, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
Features node, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
Package node, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
Retract command, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
templates for, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
<Property> element, Understanding the element manifest
<PropertyBag> element, Deploying web templates
PropertyOrFieldNotInitializedException error, Handling errors
<PropertySchema> element, Custom field types with multicolumn values
prototype pattern, JavaScript, Understanding the module pattern
prototypes, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript closures
provider-hosted apps, Understanding app hosting models, Client-side programming, Understanding app designs, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
(see also cloud-hosted apps)
proxy groups, Configuring SharePoint service applications
.ps1 file extension, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
PSConfig tool, Upgrading feature instances
public feeds (see personal feeds (public))
Publishing feature, Creating a Web Part page, Web content management
publishing pages, Creating a Web Part page
publishing SharePoint apps, Packaging for autohosted apps
publishing sites, Web content management
accessing files in, Publishing site templates
content aggregation for, Creating a navigational term set
cross-site publishing, Understanding cross-site publishing
device channels for, Working with Web Part zones
managed navigation for, Working with device channel panels
page layouts for (see page layouts)
page model for, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
templates for, Understanding the WCM features


ranking models, Introduction to ranking models, Improving relevancy
Read site role, Securing objects with SharePoint
ReadAndValidateContextToken method, TokenHelper class, Programming with the TokenHelper class
realm (see hosting tenancy)
<Receivers> element, Registering event handlers, Web provisioning events
Records Center site, Records archives
records management, Records management
archives, site collection for, Records archives
eDiscovery, Records archives
in-place records management, Records management
RefinementScriptWebPart Web Part, Using the script Web Parts
refiners, Defining query rules
refresh tokens, OAuth, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
Register-SPWorkflowServices cmdlet, Installing and configuring a Workflow Manager 1.0 farm
remote event receivers, Understanding event receiver classes
Remote Procedure Call (see RPC)
<RemoteEndpoint> element, Using the web proxy
<RemoteEndpoints> element, Reviewing the app manifest
RemoteSharedFileBackedMetadataCatalog object, Understanding Outlook integration
<RemoteWebApplication> element, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
Remove-SPSite cmdlet, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint
Remove-SPSolution cmdlet, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
removeClass() method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
RenderContents method, Controlling Web Part rendering, Responding to events
rendering template, Deploying custom field types
Representational State Transfer APIs (see REST APIs)
{Request} tokens, Creating result sources
ResetRoleInheritance method, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
resource files, templates for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
Resource Points, Understanding the server-side object model
REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs, Using the client-side object model, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting in the JavaScript client object model
app authentication, Understanding app authentication, Using internal authentication, Using external authentication, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365, Programming with the TokenHelper class
creating content types, Creating custom content types
creating lists, Creating lists
for cloud-hosted apps, Understanding app designs
for SharePoint-hosted apps, Understanding app designs
for Web Parts, Deploying Web Parts to wiki pages
in C#, Performing CRUD in REST
in JavaScript, Understanding REST fundamentals
people, following, Following people
personal feeds
posting to, Posting to your personal feed
retrieving, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
querying External Lists, Understanding External List limitations
searches using, Using the REST API
site feeds
posting to, Posting to your personal feed
retrieving, Retrieving posts from a site feed
URIs for, Understanding REST fundamentals
user profile properties, retrieving, Retrieving user profile properties
_api entry point for, Understanding REST fundamentals
result sources, for search queries, Introduction to ranking models, Creating result sources
ResultScriptWebPart Web Part, Using the script Web Parts
.resx files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
Retract command, for projects, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
ReusableAcl property, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
RevertToSelf authentication, Understanding Passthrough authentication, Accessing token-based systems
ribbon menu, customizing, Customizing the ribbon
RichHtmlField type, Creating a new page layout
right angle bracket (>), greater than operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
right angle bracket, equal sign (>=), greater than or equal to operator for managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
RoleAssignments property, SPSecurableObject class, Securing objects with SharePoint
root directory, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
RPC (Remote Procedure Call), Understanding REST fundamentals
<RuleDesigner> element, Creating a custom workflow activity for SharePoint Designer 2013
Run With PowerShell command, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
RunWithElevatedPrivileges method, SPSecurity object, Working with users and groups, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account


S2S (server-to-server) authentication, Using the web proxy, Acquiring permissions on the fly by using authorization code
access tokens for, Acquiring permissions on the fly by using authorization code
as high-trust configuration, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts
configuring trust for, Architecture of an S2S trust
for provider-hosted apps, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
test certificates for, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
X.509 certificate for, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts
Safe Mode parsing, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) tokens, Reviewing authentication and authorization, Understanding app authentication, Using external authentication
sample data, Delivering high-quality solutions
sandboxed solutions, Server-side solution development, Upgrading feature instances
activating, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
CAML in, Developing sandboxed solutions
CAS policies for, Upgrading feature instances
code-behind in, Developing sandboxed solutions
creating, Understanding the sandbox execution environment
debugging, Understanding the sandbox execution environment, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions
deploying, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
deploying content pages in, Deploying a content page
execution environment for, Developing sandboxed solutions
objects accessible in, Understanding the server-side object model
requirements for, Server-side solution development
security for, Understanding the new SharePoint app model
uncustomized pages not supported for, Understanding page customization
upgrading, Choosing a development approach
features, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions
to new SharePoint version, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
validator for, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions
Web Parts in, Comparing ASP.NET and SharePoint Web Parts
scalability, testing, Delivering high-quality solutions
Scalar method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
schema.xml file, Custom list definitions
scopes, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
farm-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
for app installations, Working with app service applications
site-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
web application-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
web-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
script tags, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
script Web Parts, Using the script Web Parts
search capabilities, SharePoint search
architecture of, Understanding search architecture
connectors used for, Understanding the indexing process, Enhancing content processing
CSOM API for, Using the CSOM API
CSWP (Content Search Web Part), Using the Content Search Web Part
indexing process, Understanding the indexing process, Improving relevancy, Crawling the .NET Assembly Connector
KQL (Keyword Query Language), Introduction to ranking models, Introduction to ranking models
link queries, Creating no-code customizations
list of, by SharePoint version, SharePoint search
managed properties, Understanding the query process, Understanding Keyword Query Language
query process, Understanding the query process
query rules, Defining query rules
ranking models, Introduction to ranking models
refiners, Defining query rules
REST API for, Using the REST API
result sources, Introduction to ranking models, Creating result sources
script Web Parts, Using the script Web Parts
Search Center, extending, Extending the Search Center
search results
adding pages for, Extending the Search Center
displaying, Creating result sources
relevancy of, improving, Using the script Web Parts
security for, Search-enabling a model
Search Results Web Part, Creating result sources, Defining query rules
search-based applications, SharePoint search
SSA (Search Service Application), Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Understanding search architecture
Search Directories term group, Understanding managed metadata
search permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
Search Service Application (see SSA)
{SearchBoxQuery} token, Creating result sources
SearchBoxScriptWebPart Web Part, Using the script Web Parts
SearchExecutor object, Using the CSOM API
{SearchTerms} token, Creating result sources
seattle.master file, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages
Secure Sockets Layer (see SSL)
Secure Store Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
security, Securing objects with SharePoint
(see also authentication; authorization)
for app web, Understanding the app web hosting domain
for application pages, Creating an application page
for search results, Search-enabling a model
Security Assertion Markup Language tokens (see SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) tokens)
security principals, SharePoint security, Understanding the User Information List
(see also user authentication)
app principals, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
apps as, Securing objects with SharePoint
assigning roles to, Securing objects with SharePoint
SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account as, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account
Security Token Service (see STS)
security tokens, Understanding web applications and user authentication, SharePoint security, Understanding the User Information List
access tokens, Understanding app authentication
OAuth tokens, Registering app principals, Programming with the TokenHelper class
SAML tokens, Understanding app authentication
$select operator, OData, Understanding REST fundamentals
{SelectedItemId} token, Using the chrome control
{SelectedListId} token, Building UI custom actions
selectors, jQuery, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
Sequence activity, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012
sequential workflow, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
server-side controls (see Web Forms controls)
server-side object model (see SSOM (server-side object model) API)
server-to-server authentication (see S2S authentication)
ServerException error, Handling errors, Handling errors
servers, Server-side solution development
database server, Setting up a developer environment
domain controller, Setting up a developer environment
Office Web Apps server, Setting up a developer environment
physical, Setting up a developer environment
services on, determining, Configuring SharePoint service applications
SharePoint server, Setting up a developer environment
types of, Setting up a developer environment
virtual, Setting up a developer environment
Workflow Manager server, Setting up a developer environment
service applications, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Configuring SharePoint service applications
configuring, Configuring SharePoint service applications
endpoint for, Configuring SharePoint service applications
for SharePoint apps, Understanding SharePoint app model architecture
instances of, Configuring SharePoint service applications
platform availability of, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
proxy for, Understanding service applications
proxy groups of, Configuring SharePoint service applications
web service for, Configuring SharePoint service applications
Services on Server page, Configuring SharePoint service applications
Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
compatibility levels, Publishing site templates
history of, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
on-premises model, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap, Understanding SharePoint farms, Understanding SharePoint app model architecture
operating systems supported by, Understanding SharePoint farms
SharePoint 2001, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
SharePoint 2003, A brief history of SharePoint, Reviewing authentication and authorization
SharePoint 2007, A brief history of SharePoint
BPOS, A brief history of SharePoint
root directory, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
SharePoint 2010, A brief history of SharePoint
CSOM, Using the client-side object model
Developer Dashboard, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
Developer Tools, Using the Developer Dashboard
Health Check for, Understanding customized pages
Office Web Apps, Setting up a developer environment
root directory, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
stapling feature, Choosing a development approach
upgrading solutions to SharePoint 2013, Choosing a development approach
visual designs, Choosing a development approach
Web Analytics, Choosing a development approach
workflow host, Setting up a developer environment
SharePoint 2013, A brief history of SharePoint
component hierarchy, Server-side solution development
development environment for, SharePoint development practices and techniques
hardware requirements, Deciding between virtual and physical
operating systems supported, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform, Examining SharePoint Foundation architecture
root directory, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
social enterprise features, Understanding the BCS client object model
software requirements, Deciding between virtual and physical
SharePoint apps, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
APIs for, Client-side programming
app launcher for, Understanding app code isolation
App Management Service, Understanding SharePoint app model architecture
app manifest for, Reviewing the app manifest, Packaging and distributing apps
app web for, Setting the start page URL
app web solution package, Understanding the app web solution package
authentication for, Securing objects with SharePoint
access tokens for, Understanding app authentication, Using the web proxy
cross-domain library for, Using internal authentication
external, Understanding app authentication, Using the web proxy
(see also OAuth authentication; S2S authentication)
flow for, Using external authentication
internal, Understanding app authentication
SAML tokens for, Understanding app authentication, Using external authentication
web proxy for, Using the web proxy
authorization for, Understanding app authentication flow
app identifier for, Managing app permissions
default policy for, Managing app permissions
permissions, Managing app permissions, Establishing app identity by using OAuth
BCS for, Creating .NET Assembly Connectors
C# for, Client-side programming, Performing CRUD in REST
cloud-hosted, Understanding app installation scopes
app designs using, Client-side programming
app principal for, Understanding OAuth terms and concepts
authentication for, Using internal authentication, Using the web proxy
(see also OAuth authentication; S2S authentication)
autohosted, Understanding app hosting models, Client-side programming
hosting models for, Understanding app hosting models
packaging, Packaging host web features
provider-hosted, Understanding app hosting models, Client-side programming, Establishing app identity by using S2S trusts, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
requirements for, Understanding app designs
code isolation for, Understanding app installation scopes
compared to solutions, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform
custom workflow activities for, SharePoint Designer 2013 and web services
default content for, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012
deploying, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012
development environment for, Working with app service applications
event handling in, Understanding event receiver classes
features, adding, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012
hosting tenancy for, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges, Managing app permissions
icon for, Packaging and distributing apps
installation scopes, Working with app service applications
installing, Publishing apps to an app catalog
JavaScript for, Client-side programming
closures, Understanding JavaScript closures
custom libraries, Understanding JavaScript prototypes
data types, Understanding JavaScript variables
DOM elements, selecting, Introduction to jQuery for SharePoint developers
functions, Understanding JavaScript variables
jQuery library, Understanding the prototype pattern
namespaces, Assessing cloud-hosted app designs
prototypes, Understanding JavaScript closures
REST API with, Understanding REST fundamentals
strict, Understanding JavaScript variables
variables, Understanding JavaScript variables
JSOM for, Working with the JavaScript client object model
life cycle events for, Upgrading apps
Managed object model for, Loading and executing operations
multitenancy, Understanding app hosting models
packaging, Packaging and distributing apps
publishing, Setting the start page URL, Packaging for autohosted apps
REST API for, Creating, reading, updating, and deleting in the JavaScript client object model
retracting, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012
server requirements for, Setting up a developer environment
SharePoint-hosted, Understanding app installation scopes
app designs with, Client-side programming
authentication for, Using internal authentication
requirements for, Understanding app designs
Site Subscription Settings Service, Understanding SharePoint app model architecture
solution package for, building, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012
start page URL, Reviewing the app manifest
types of, Using the SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2012
uncustomized pages not supported for, Understanding page customization
uninstalling, Understanding the app web, Upgrading apps
upgrading, Installing apps at tenancy scope
user interface for, Understanding the app web hosting domain
app parts, Understanding the app web hosting domain, Understanding the app web solution package
chrome control, Using the chrome control
link back to host web, Understanding the app web hosting domain, Using the chrome control
UI custom actions, Building app parts, Understanding the app web solution package
web templates for, Web provisioning events
SharePoint Customization Wizard, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
SharePoint Designer 2013
custom workflows
activities for, Creating a custom workflow activity in a SharePoint app
creating, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012
custom task outcomes for, Custom task outcomes
features of, Creating and customizing lists
SharePoint Developer Tools, Using the Developer Dashboard, Server-side solution development
SharePoint Enterprise, SharePoint search
(see also ECM (Enterprise Content Management))
SharePoint farms, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform, Server-side solution development
account for
not using for testing, Delivering high-quality solutions
administration of, Understanding SharePoint farms
configuration database for, Understanding SharePoint farms, Creating web applications
development farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
local, Understanding service applications
on-premises farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
production farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
solutions requiring, Server-side solution development
staging farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
web applications in, Creating web applications
web.config files for, Understanding how SharePoint relates to IIS web applications
SharePoint Foundation, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform
history of, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
search capabilities in, SharePoint search
service applications for, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
SharePoint objects
COM used for, Understanding the server-side object model
customizing with JSLink property, Custom field types with custom properties
disposing of, Understanding the server-side object model
hierarchy of, Understanding the server-side object model
iterating through, Understanding the server-side object model
SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap, A brief history of SharePoint
search capabilities in, SharePoint search
service applications for, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
SharePoint Portal Server, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
SharePoint Server, Setting up a developer environment
history of, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
licenses for, A brief history of SharePoint
load on, minimizing, Choosing a development approach, Using the client-side object model
Publishing feature, Web content management
service applications for, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
SharePoint Server 2013 Virtual Machine Setup Guide (Critical Path Training), Understanding service applications, Working with app service applications
SharePoint Services, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
SharePoint solutions, Publishing site templates
(see also projects)
best practices for, Choosing a development approach
challenges with, Understanding the new SharePoint app model
compared to apps, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform
deploying with PowerShell, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
farm solutions (see farm solutions)
project types for, Choosing a development approach
retracting with PowerShell, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
sandboxed solutions (see sandboxed solutions)
upgrading, Choosing a development approach
upgrading to new SharePoint version, Understanding SharePoint solution challenges
SharePoint Team Services, SharePoint 2013 developer roadmap
SharePoint-hosted apps, Understanding app installation scopes
app designs with, Client-side programming
authentication for, Using internal authentication
requirements for, Understanding app designs
SharePointForm control, Dissecting the seattle.master file
SHAREPOINTAPP account, Working with app-only access tokens
SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account
show() method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
Silverlight object model, Using the client-side object model
Silverlight Web Part item template, Building your first Web Part
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP)
single server development installation, Setting up a developer environment, Deciding between virtual and physical
SingleTask activity, Using tasks in workflows
singleton pattern, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript prototypes
Site Actions menu, Understanding host-named site collections (HNSCs)
site collections, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Understanding the server-side object model
authorization in, Understanding the User Information List
creating, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint, SharePoint site provisioning, Deploying web templates
host-named site collection, Understanding the role of site collections
master pages in, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
path-based site collection, Understanding the role of site collections
Resource Points for, Understanding the server-side object model
site columns, Working with lookups and relationships
adding choices to, Understanding site columns
creating, Understanding site columns
creating, JSLink
custom, creating, Custom site columns and content types
enumerating through, Understanding site columns
field controls mapped to, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
for managed metadata, Managing the contents of the term store
in content types, Programming with content types
standard, list of, Working with lookups and relationships
site columns gallery, Working with lookups and relationships, Understanding site columns
site definitions, SharePoint site provisioning
custom code with, Using custom code to create sites
custom, creating, Order of provisioning when using site definitions
feature stapling, ONET.xml for site definitions, Order of provisioning when using site definitions
GLOBAL site definition, The GLOBAL site definition, Feature stapling, ONET.xml for web templates
ONET.xml file, The GLOBAL site definition
order of provisioning, Feature stapling
webtemp*.xml files, The GLOBAL site definition
Site Feed feature, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
site feeds (private), SharePoint social enterprise features
posting to, Posting to your personal feed
retrieving posts from, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
Site object, Using the client-side object model
site pages (see content pages)
site roles, Working with users and groups, Securing objects with SharePoint
Site Settings page, Understanding host-named site collections (HNSCs)
Site Subscription Settings Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
site templates, Using custom code to create sites
{Site} tokens, Creating result sources
site-scoped app installations, Working with app service applications
site-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features, Building your first Web Part
sitecollection permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
{SiteCollection} tokens, Creating result sources
SiteDeleted event, Site provisioning providers
SiteDeleting event, Site provisioning providers
<SiteFeatures> element, ONET.xml for site definitions, ONET.xml for web templates
sites, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Understanding the server-side object model
customizations to, Understanding host-named site collections (HNSCs)
development for, Using SharePoint Designer 2013
fields in (see site columns)
provisioning, SharePoint site provisioning
custom code for, Using custom code to create sites
events associated with, Site provisioning providers
providers for, Site templates
reserving URL for, SharePoint site provisioning
site definitions for, SharePoint site provisioning
site templates for, Using custom code to create sites
web templates for, Custom site definitions
{SiteUrl} token, Building UI custom actions
$skip operator, OData, Understanding REST fundamentals
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), Understanding REST fundamentals
social core permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
social enterprise features, SharePoint social enterprise features
APIs for, SharePoint social enterprise features
following, SharePoint social enterprise features, Posting to your personal feed
entities that can be followed, Posting to your personal feed
people, following, Posting to your personal feed
new features, Understanding the BCS client object model
social feeds, Retrieving user profile properties
personal feeds (public), SharePoint social enterprise features, Retrieving user profile properties, Retrieving posts from a site feed
site feeds (private), SharePoint social enterprise features, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed, Posting to your personal feed
types of, SharePoint social enterprise features
user profiles, SharePoint social enterprise features, What’s new in SharePoint 2013
properties of, retrieving with CSOM, Understanding social components
properties of, retrieving with REST, Retrieving user profile properties
Yammer, Following people
social feeds, SharePoint social enterprise features, Retrieving user profile properties
personal feeds (public), SharePoint social enterprise features
posting to, Retrieving posts from a site feed
retrieving posts from, Retrieving user profile properties
types of, Retrieving user profile properties
site feeds (private), SharePoint social enterprise features
posting to, Posting to your personal feed
retrieving posts from, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
types of, SharePoint social enterprise features
SocialDataItem object, Retrieving posts from a site feed
SocialFeed object, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
SocialFeedManager object, Retrieving user profile properties, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed, Retrieving posts from a site feed
SocialFeedOptions class, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
SocialFollowingManager object, Posting to your personal feed, Understanding following within SharePoint 2013
SocialPostCreationData object, Retrieving posts from a site feed
SocialThread object, Retrieving posts from your newsfeed
software requirements, Deciding between virtual and physical
Solution Gallery site collection, Upgrading feature instances, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions
$sort operator, OData, Understanding REST fundamentals
{Source} token, Building UI custom actions
SP.ClientContext object, Understanding contexts
sp.js library, Understanding jQuery event handling
SP.RequestExecutor object, Using the cross-domain library
sp.ui.controls.js library, Using the chrome control
SP.UI.Controls.Navigation object, Using the chrome control
SP.WebRequestInfo object, Using the web proxy
SPBasePermissions enumeration, Securing objects with SharePoint
SPContentDatabase object, Understanding the server-side object model
SPContext object, Using the client-side object model
SPDisposeCheck tool, Understanding the server-side object model
SpecificFinder method, BCS, Creating External Content Types, Creating operations, Using the BDC Runtime object models
SPEmailEventReceiver class, Creating and registering event handlers
SPFarm object, Understanding the server-side object model
SPFeatureReceiver class, Adding a feature receiver
SPField class, Using the client-side object model, Performing basic field operations, Custom field types with custom properties
SPFieldMultiColumn class, Creating classes for custom field types
SPFieldNumber class, Creating classes for custom field types
SPFieldText class, Creating classes for custom field types
SPFile class, Working with files and folders in SharePoint, Creating document-based content types
SPFolder class, Working with files and folders in SharePoint, Creating a document library
SPGroup class, Understanding the User Information List
SPHtmlTag control, Dissecting the seattle.master file
SPItem object, Understanding the server-side object model
SPItemEventReceiver class, Creating and registering event handlers, Using the Administration Object Model
SPLimitedWebPartManager class, Deploying Web Parts by using a declarative approach
SPList class, Performing basic field operations
SPList object, Using the client-side object model, Understanding the server-side object model, Creating document-based content types, Understanding External List limitations
SPListEventReceiver class, Creating and registering event handlers
SPListItem object, Using the client-side object model, Creating document-based content types, Working with folders, Understanding External List limitations
SPMetal utility, Throttling queries
SPPrincipal class, Understanding the User Information List
SPQuery object, Programming after events, Querying multiple lists
SPRequestModule, Understanding the Web.config file
SPRoleDefinition class, Securing objects with SharePoint
SPSecurableObject class, User impersonation with the user token
SPSecurity object, Working with users and groups, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account
SPServer object, Understanding the server-side object model
SPSite object, Using the client-side object model, Understanding the server-side object model
SPSiteCollection object, Using custom code to create sites
SPSiteDataQuery object, Querying joined lists, Querying multiple lists
SPSolutionValidator class, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions
SPUser class, Understanding the User Information List
SPUserToken class, Understanding the User Information List, Delegating user credentials
SPVirtualPathProvider class, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system
SPWeb class, Understanding site columns
SPWeb object, Using the client-side object model, Understanding the server-side object model, Working with users and groups, Using custom code to create sites
SPWebApplication object, Understanding the server-side object model
SPWebCollection object, Using custom code to create sites
SPWebEventReceiver class, Creating and registering event handlers, Site provisioning providers
SPWebPartManager class, Understanding Web Part zones
SPWorkflowEventReceiver class, Creating and registering event handlers
SQL connector, Understanding connectors
SQL query language, Introduction to ranking models
square brackets ([ ]), enclosing class names, The Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE)
SSA (Search Service Application), Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Understanding search architecture
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), Understanding app principals
SSOM (server-side object model) API, Understanding the server-side object model
content types, creating, Creating site columns and content types by using CAML
creating content types, Programming with content types
creating lists, Creating lists
files and folders, accessing, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system
hierarchy of, Server-side solution development
objects in, CSOM equivalents for, Using the client-side object model
site columns, creating, Creating site columns and content types by using CAML
SsoTicket filter, BCS, Creating relationships
SSS (Secure Store Service), Managing the BDC service, Understanding RevertToSelf
stages, in workflows, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
staging farms, Understanding SharePoint farms
{StandardTokens} token, Setting the start page URL, Understanding the app web hosting domain, Using the chrome control
stapling (see feature stapling)
<StartPage> element, Reviewing the app manifest, Using the cross-domain library
state machine workflow, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012
State Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
StreamAccessor method, BCS, Creating External Content Types
strict JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript variables
structured navigation, Creating a navigational term set
STS (Security Token Service), Understanding user authentication
stsadm.exe utility, Windows PowerShell boot camp for SharePoint professionals
Subscribe method, BCS, Creating operations
Subscription service, for workflows, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
.svc files, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
SyncChanges method, Using custom Editor Parts
SyncConverter class, Understanding Word Automation Services
System term group, Understanding managed metadata
System.Web.UI.Page class, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS


tasks, in workflows, Using tasks in workflows
creating, Using tasks in workflows
custom task outcomes, Custom task outcomes
taxonomy permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
TaxonomyField class, Managing the contents of the term store
TaxonomyFieldValue class, Using a TaxonomyWebTaggingControl
TaxonomySession object, Working with managed navigation APIs
TaxonomySiteMapProvider, Creating a navigational term set
TaxonomyWebTaggingControl, Using a TaxonomyWebTaggingControl
<Template> element, Webtemp*.xml
display templates, Deciding between the Content Query and Content Search Web Parts
document templates, Creating a document library
in root directory, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
rendering templates for custom fields, Deploying custom field types
site templates, Using custom code to create sites
tenancy (see hosting tenancy)
tenancy-scoped app installations, Understanding app installation scopes, Installing apps
tenant permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
term groups, Understanding managed metadata
term sets, Understanding managed metadata
term store, SharePoint Enterprise Content Management
capacity of, Understanding managed metadata
importing term sets and terms to, Understanding managed metadata
limitations of, Understanding managed metadata
managing, custom solution for, Understanding managed metadata
term groups in, Understanding managed metadata
term sets in, Understanding managed metadata
{Term} tokens, Creating result sources
TermStores property, TaxonomySession object, Working with managed navigation APIs
Test-Path cmdlet, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
testing, Understanding hardware and software requirements
(see also debugging)
text() method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
TextField type, Creating a new page layout
.thmx files, The GLOBAL site definition
Timestamp filter, BCS, Creating relationships
Title field, lists, Performing basic field operations
Title managed property, Understanding Keyword Query Language
{Today} token, Creating result sources
toggle() method, jQuery, Understanding jQuery methods
token-based authentication, Understanding secure store options
TokenHelper class, Understanding app designs, Developing with OAuth
GetAccessToken method, Programming with the TokenHelper class
GetAppOnlyAccessToken method, Working with access tokens
GetAuthorizationUrl method, Working with app-only access tokens
GetClientContextWithContextToken method, Programming with the TokenHelper class
GetContextTokenFromRequest method, Programming with the TokenHelper class
GetS2SAccessTokenWithWindowsIdentity method, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
ReadAndValidateContextToken method, Programming with the TokenHelper class
TrustAllCertificates method, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
$top operator, OData, Understanding REST fundamentals
TrustAllCertificates method, TokenHelper class, Developing provider-hosted apps by using S2S trusts
Trusted Subsystem model, Understanding package deployment, Understanding Passthrough authentication
TypeConverter attribute, Persisting Web Part properties


UI component, Web Forms, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
(see also controls)
UI custom actions, Building app parts, Understanding the app web solution package, Securing the application page
ULS logs, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
ULS Viewer, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
uncustomized (ghosted) pages, Working with files and folders in SharePoint
Uninstall-SPSolution cmdlet, Automating SharePoint administration by using Windows PowerShell scripts
UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase class, Understanding application page anatomy
Unsubscribe method, BCS, Creating operations
Update-SPSolution cmdlet, Upgrading feature instances
Updater method, BCS, Creating External Content Types, Using the BDC Runtime object models
<UpgradeActions> element, Updating a feature definition with upgrade actions, Updating and upgrading sandboxed solutions
upgrading SharePoint apps, Installing apps at tenancy scope
URIs, REST, Understanding REST fundamentals
URL, reserving for sites, SharePoint site provisioning, Feature stapling
<UrlAction> element, Building UI custom actions
{URLToken} token, Creating result sources
user agent string, device channels from, Working with Web Part zones
User and Health Data Collection Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
Active Directory for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
ASP.NET FBA for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
claims-based security for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
classic mode for, Understanding web applications and user authentication
configuring in web applications, Understanding user authentication
external systems for, Understanding web applications and user authentication, Reviewing authentication and authorization
for SharePoint object access, User impersonation with the user token
for web applications, Understanding web applications and user authentication
impersonating users, Delegating user credentials
user credentials for, Delegating user credentials
User Information List for, Understanding the User Information List
user authorization
ACLs for, Understanding the User Information List
escalating privileges, Working with users and groups
for application pool identity, Working with users and groups
for SharePoint object access, User impersonation with the user token
for SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account, Understanding the SHAREPOINTSYSTEM account
groups, Understanding the User Information List
users, Understanding the User Information List
User Code Service, Developing sandboxed solutions
user credentials, Delegating user credentials
User Information List, Understanding the User Information List
user information profile, Understanding the User Information List
User Profile Service Application, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Installing and configuring a Workflow Manager 1.0 farm, Creating a profile page
user profiles, SharePoint social enterprise features, What’s new in SharePoint 2013
properties of, retrieving with CSOM, Understanding social components
properties of, retrieving with REST, Retrieving user profile properties
user profiles permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
{User} tokens, Creating result sources
UserContext filter, BCS, Creating relationships
UserCulture filter, BCS, Creating relationships
Username filter, BCS, Creating relationships
UserProfile filter, BCS, Defining filters


v4.master file, Understanding SharePoint 2013 default master pages
validators, for sandboxed solutions, Deploying and debugging sandboxed solutions
var keyword, JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript variables
JavaScript, Understanding JavaScript variables
PowerShell, Writing Windows PowerShell scripts
verbs, for Web Parts, Exploring advanced Web Part development
versioning, Understanding content type syndication
<VersionRange> element, Updating and upgrading sandboxed solutions
virtual file system, IIS, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS, Understanding the Web.config file
Virtual Machine Setup Guide, SharePoint 2013 (Critical Path Training), Understanding service applications
virtual path provider, Understanding the SharePoint virtual file system
virtual servers, Setting up a developer environment
Visio 2013, custom workflows with, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
Visio Graphics Service, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
Visual Studio
Document Sets, creating, Understanding Document Sets
projects, creating, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2010
custom workflows using, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Developer Tools, Using the Developer Dashboard
Visual Studio 2012
configuring, Server-side solution development
custom workflows
creating, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
custom task outcomes for, Creating custom task outcomes for a SharePoint Designer 2013 workflow
installing, Server-side solution development
Office Developer Tools, Server-side solution development
SharePoint Developer Tools, Using the Developer Dashboard, Server-side solution development
Visual Web Part item template, Building your first Web Part
Visual Web Parts, Using Visual Web Parts
VSTO deployment package, Creating External Content Types, Understanding package deployment


w3wp.exe file, Examining SharePoint Foundation architecture
w3wp.exe process, Understanding the sandbox execution environment
WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), Understanding jQuery event handling
connectors, Creating External Content Types, Understanding connectors
for custom workflows, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
WCM (Web Content Management), Web content management
content aggregation, Creating a navigational term set
cross-site publishing, Understanding cross-site publishing
device channels, Working with Web Part zones
managed navigation, Working with device channel panels
page layouts, Mapping to the SharePoint Master Page Gallery
publishing files, accessing, Publishing site templates
publishing site templates, Understanding the WCM features
web application-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
web applications, Working with SharePoint 2013 Central Administration, Server-side solution development
as ASP.NET applications, Creating web applications
claims mode, Understanding user authentication
classic mode, Understanding user authentication
creating, Windows PowerShell snap-ins for SharePoint
IIS, compared to SharePoint, Using ASP.NET master pages
user authentication for, Understanding web applications and user authentication
user authentication, configuring, Understanding user authentication
Web Content Management (see WCM (Web Content Management))
Web Forms, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
code-behind component, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
running, Using ASP.NET Web Forms
UI component, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS
Web object, Using the client-side object model
Web Part Gallery, Storing Web Part control description files in the Web Part Gallery
Web Part Manager, Understanding Web Part zones
Web Part pages
creating, Deploying a content page
deploying with Web Parts, Deploying and uninstalling a Web Part
Web Part zones, Managing the presentation of page fields
Web Parts, Customizing sites, SharePoint Web Parts
(see also client Web Parts (app parts))
ASP.NET compared to SharePoint, Understanding Web Parts
asynchronous execution of, Using asynchronous execution
client Web Parts (app parts), Understanding the app web hosting domain
connections for, Using Web Part connections
consumers, Building a provider Web Part
contracts, Using Web Part connections
providers, Building a provider Web Part
control description files for, Storing Web Part control description files in the Web Part Gallery, Building your first Web Part, Examining the Web Part control description file
CQWP (Content Query Web Part), Content aggregation
creating, Storing Web Part control description files in the Web Part Gallery
CSWP (Content Search Web Part), Using the Content Search Web Part, Content aggregation
deactivating, Deploying and uninstalling a Web Part
deploying, Understanding the element manifest
element manifest for, Examining the Web Part control description file, Deploying Web Parts by using a declarative approach
files associated with, Building your first Web Part
for wiki pages, Deploying a content page, Deploying a Web Part by using SPLimitedWebPartManager
in RichHtmlField type, Managing the presentation of page fields
item templates for, Building your first Web Part
managed metadata fields in, Using a TaxonomyWebTaggingControl
parallel execution of, Connecting Web Parts
properties of, Using Visual Web Parts
editing, with Editor Part, Persisting Web Part properties
for Web Part verbs, Exploring advanced Web Part development
persisting, Using Visual Web Parts
rendering of, controlling, Controlling Web Part rendering
CreateChildControls method, Using CreateChildControls, Responding to events
event handling, Using CreateChildControls
RenderContents method, Controlling Web Part rendering, Responding to events
Visual Web Parts, Using Visual Web Parts
script Web Parts, Using the script Web Parts
Search Results Web Part, Creating result sources, Defining query rules
site-scoped Feature for, Building your first Web Part
static, Understanding Web Part zones
verbs (menu options) for, Exploring advanced Web Part development
zones for, Comparing ASP.NET and SharePoint Web Parts
web permission type, Requesting and granting app permissions
Web Platform Installer tool, Installing and configuring a Workflow Manager 1.0 farm
web proxy, Using the web proxy
web services
for service applications, Configuring SharePoint service applications
for workflows, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012
template files for, Understanding the SharePoint root directory
web templates, Custom site definitions
custom code with, Using custom code to create sites
deploying, ONET.xml for web templates
elements.xml file, Custom site definitions
for SharePoint apps, Web provisioning events
ONET.xml file, Custom site definitions, elements.xml
order of provisioning, ONET.xml for web templates
web-scoped features, Designing your SharePoint solution: Features
web.config file, Creating web applications, Understanding how SharePoint relates to IIS web applications
backup files for, Understanding the Web.config file
configuring for debugging, Understanding the Web.config file
for ASP.NET applications, Understanding ASP.NET and IIS, Using ASP.NET master pages
for cloud-hosted apps, Understanding app authentication flow in Office 365
SafeMode element, Understanding Safe Mode parsing
WebAdding event, Site provisioning providers
WebBrowsable attribute, Persisting Web Part properties
WebDeleted event, Site provisioning providers
WebDeleting event, Site provisioning providers
WebDescription attribute, Persisting Web Part properties
WebDisplayName attribute, Persisting Web Part properties
<WebFeatures> element, ONET.xml for site definitions, ONET.xml for web templates, Deploying web templates
WebMoved event, Site provisioning providers
WebMoving event, Site provisioning providers
WebNavigationSettings object, Creating a navigational term set
.webpart files, Storing Web Part control description files in the Web Part Gallery, Examining the Web Part control description file
WebPart class, Understanding Web Parts, Implementing the Web Part
WebPartPage class, Deploying a content page
WebPartZone control, Comparing ASP.NET and SharePoint Web Parts
WebProvisioned event, Site provisioning providers
website resources
MDS request and response, Improving performance with MDS
RichHtmlField type properties, Managing the presentation of page fields
SharePoint Features schema, Deploying a content page
Web Platform Installer tool, Installing and configuring a Workflow Manager 1.0 farm
“How to Create a Page Layout in SharePoint 2013”, Creating a new page layout
webtemp*.xml files, The GLOBAL site definition
webtemp.xml file, Web provisioning events
<WebTemplate> element, Custom site definitions, Using custom code to create sites
Where-Object cmdlet, Learning Windows PowerShell in 21 minutes
wiki pages, Web Parts in, Deploying a content page, Deploying a Web Part by using SPLimitedWebPartManager
WikiEditPage class, Deploying a content page
Wildcard filter, BCS, Defining filters
Windows 8, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform, Understanding SharePoint farms, Setting up a developer environment
Windows Azure ACS, Establishing app identity by using OAuth
Windows Communication Foundation (see WCF)
Windows event logs, Working with ULS and Windows event logs
Windows PowerShell scripts (see PowerShell scripts)
Windows Server, Understanding the impact of SharePoint Online on the SharePoint platform, Understanding SharePoint farms, Understanding hardware and software requirements
Windows Workflow Foundation, Setting up a developer environment
(see also Workflow Manager)
Wingtip Toys examples, Working with SharePoint 2013 Central Administration
Document Information Panel, Searching External Systems
Quick Parts, Searching External Systems
Word Automation Services, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013, Using the Content Organizer
WORDS operator, managed properties, Understanding Keyword Query Language
Work Management Service Application, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
Worker Service, Developing sandboxed solutions
Workflow Custom Activity item template, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013, Creating a custom workflow activity in a SharePoint app
Workflow Foundation runtime, SharePoint workflows
Workflow item template, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
Workflow Manager, Setting up a developer environment, SharePoint workflows
Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard, Installing and configuring a Workflow Manager 1.0 farm
Workflow Service Application, Creating service applications in SharePoint Server 2013
Workflow Service Manager, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
workflows, SharePoint workflows
activities for, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Designer 2013 and web services
custom, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013
arguments in, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012
flowchart workflow, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012
sequential workflow, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
stages in, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
state machine workflow, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012
templates for, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
variables in, Custom workflows with Visual Studio 2012
Visio and SharePoint Designer for, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio for, Creating a workflow with Visio 2013 and SharePoint Designer 2013
web services for, Creating custom workflows for SharePoint 2013, Creating a workflow with Visual Studio 2012
custom forms in, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
association forms, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
initiation forms, Creating association forms
Publishing Site With Workflow template, Understanding the WCM features
services for, Workflow services CSOM and JSOM
status page for, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013
tasks in, Using tasks in workflows
creating, Using tasks in workflows
custom task outcomes, Custom task outcomes
workflow association for, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013
workflow definition for, Understanding workflow in SharePoint 2013
.wsp files, Creating a SharePoint project in Visual Studio, Deploying and debugging farm solutions, Understanding the app web solution package
(see also packaging)
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