About the Authors

Blake Meike is a passionate engineer, code poet, and veteran of more than 10 years of Android development at organizations including D2, Realm, Twitter, and Cyanogen. As a teacher, he has trained hundreds of new Android developers. He is author of several books on Android development, including O’Reilly’s bestselling Programming Android and Addison-Wesley’s Android Concurrency. He holds a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Dartmouth College and lives in the Pacific Northwest.

Larry Schiefer is the CTO and co-founder of HIQES, LLC, a mobile platform and app engineering services company. He has made a career out of creating software solutions for mobile, embedded, and desktop systems. He started his career at Motorola working on large area telecommunications systems then moved to startups in the telecommunications, networking, and embedded spaces. Digging into Android’s internals was a natural progression with his background in telecommunications, embedded systems, and Linux kernel work. He has traveled around the world training engineers at Intel, Qualcomm, Bose, and others about the internal workings of Android. In addition to being an entrepreneur and technical leader, he continues to stay involved with the development of new software and platform solutions.

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