
action plan 578

addiction, digital 3446

Adobe 7

age discrimination 19, 301

Ahuja, Anjana 140

Air France Concorde crash 4950

air travel 120

Airbus 121

Alibaba 38

Alphabet 38

Alwin, Larisa 114

Amaechi, John 2, 6, 11, 87

Amazon 38, 978, 133

American Economic Review (2000) 131

Amstrad 107

Apple 34, 38

Apple Music 38

appraisals, performance 78

Armstrong, Robert 102, 110

artificial intelligence (AI)

adopting 1378

embracing 12842

reputational risk assessment and 13941

using to make better hiring decisions 1314

Arup 147

Asda 64

authority 14951

BA 4950, 51

Baby Boomers 1920

BaFin 67

Beane, Billy 83

behavioural economics 137

Beurden, Ben van 121

Biden, Joe 153

Bilimoria, Karan 12, 14

Bill of Rights 140

Bishop, Michael 54, 612

Black, Jonathan 155

Black Lives Matter movement 108

Bluebell Capital Partners 124

BlueJeans 45

BMW 123

Boeing crashes 48, 567

Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) 131

BP explosion 48, 54

Britain Thinks 23

Brown, Alan 72

Buffett, Warren 106

Built to Last (Collins and Porras) 4

Burt, Andrew 141

business bureaucracy, busting 6771

Business Roundtable 97

capitalism 84, 97, 102, 105

carbon-neutral gas 119

carbon offsets, murky world of 11819

Carillion 68

Carney, Mark 119

CDs 75

Cech, Erin 156

Ceron, Nicolas 124

Chevron 113

Chicago Symphony Orchestra 131

Chittum, Samme 49

Christensen, Clayton 46, 76

Clark, Pilita 44, 46, 119, 150

Cleveland Symphony Orchestra 131

Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People (Goffee and Jones) 86, 91

Climate Action 100+ 113

climate crisis 100, 11226

hard-to-cure industries 1202

murky world of carbon offsets 11819

smart carbon reduction 11517

coaching 80, 82

‘code red for humanity’ 100

Coffee Republic 656

Collins, Jim 4

communication tools 44

Concorde accident 49

contracts, temporary/zero-hours 25, 27

COP26 summit (2021) 112, 116, 124

Corfu incident 48, 56

coronavirus pandemic 25, 90, 117, 144

and worker shortages 152

and working from home 31, 39, 44, 146

corporate crises, deal with 4862

action plan 578

case study 61

crisis response and CEO 545

departments’ role in crisis 524

potential crises 512

rehearse for 4950

staff and organisation 589

staying ahead of story 5960

taking ownership of crisis 557

victims and families, support to 601

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 102

Coupland, Douglas 20

crisis, corporate see corporate crises, deal with

curiosity 93, 157

cyborgs, Generation Z as 23

Daimler 39

Daneshkhu, Scheherazade 110

Daniel, Caroline 52, 59

Danker, Tony 29

Danone 116, 124

Darzi, Lord Ara 90

data hacking 51

and IT department 52

Davies Review 1314

de Geus, Arie 16

decarbonisation 123

DeepMind 89, 12930

Deezer 38

Dell 7

Deloitte 7

Department for Work and Pensions, UK 132

Depop 23

digital addiction 3446

digital over-use 368

email and 435

work–world balance 3942

digital cameras 76

digital over-use

leadership challenge 368

Dimon, Jamie 97

discrimination, age 19, 301

diversity 1215, 84, 1089

Dotzenrath, Anja-Isabel 121

“Drive CO2 Neutral” program 122

Drucker, Peter 16

Dudley, Bob 55

Eastman Kodak 76

eBay 23

Economist, The 29

Edgecliffe-Johnson, Andrew 126

Eitel, Maria 58

Ellis, Kevin 9

emails 44

social media and 43

outside working hours 3942

employees, departing 289

ESG (environmental, social and governance) 96, 1046

Evans, Benedict 128

Ewart, Paul 301

ExxonMobil 113

F117 stealth fighter jet 72

Faber, Emmanuel 114, 11517, 120, 123, 124

Facebook 38

facial recognition 1334

Faury, Guillaume 121

fax machine 44

feedback 8, 9

Ferguson, Alex 80, 81, 82, 89

Ferry, Korn 1512

Filby, Eliza 20, 224

financial crisis of 2008 97

Financial Times 25, 367

Fink, Larry 1012, 105

flexible working 1478

Food Standards Agency, UK 23

Ford, Henry 98

Frankl, Viktor 1545, 157, 158

Friedman, Milton 96, 103

Fry, Arthur 734

FT Talent Challenge pilot programme 6970

Fujifilm 76

Fukushima disaster 62

Galloway, George 19

Garnett, Nic 75

Gates, Bill 19

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), EU 140

‘Generation Sensible’ 23

Generation X 201

Generation Y 20, 21

Generation Z 204

Genius Makers (Metz) 142

Gerada, Dame Clare 90

gig economy 256

Giles, Chris 152

Glasenberg, Ivan 113

Glasgow COP26 climate change summit (2021) 112, 116, 124

Glassdoor 52

Glencore 113

Glenny, Misha 51

Global Environmental Change journal (2020) 118

global financial crisis of 2008 97

Goffee, Rob 868, 91

Gol airline 120

Goldin, Claudia 131

Google 154

Google Meet 10, 45

Gordon, Sarah 108

Grainger, Dame Katherine 802

‘Great Resignation, The’ 1513

Greenpeace 51

greenwashing 121

Groysberg, Boris 85

Guterres, António 100

hackathons 69

Hampton-Alexander review 14

hard-to-cure industries 1202

Harford, Tim 34, 35, 41

Harvard University 35

Hashemi, Sahar 646

Hawking, Stephen 128, 139

Hayward, Tony 545

Hepburn, Mike, xvii

high-performance team

creating 216

diversity 1215

judging team’s performance 78

leading scattered team 912

successful teams 34

highly skilled people, leading 869

Hill, Andrew 28, 46, 76, 93, 149, 156

HireVue 132

‘hospital problem’ 137

HSBC 108

Human Side of Enterprise, The (McGregor) 5

hybrid meetings 151

hybrid working 147


Ibrahim, Lila 8990, 91

Iceland retailer 123

Impact Investing Institute 108

implicit licence to operate 100

innovation, encouraging 734

Innovator’s Dilemma, The (Christensen) 46, 76

intergenerational fairness 30

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), UN 100, 113

International Management magazine 44

internet and mobile communications 21, 46

iPhone 34

Jacques, Jean-Sébastien 101

JanetBot 15

Jenkin, Elizabeth 34, 11

Joffe, David 121

John Lewis Partnership 4

Johnson, Boris 124

Johnson & Johnson 57

Jones, Gareth 868, 91

Jongewaard, Roger 83

Jope, Alan 106

Kahneman, Daniel 77, 1378, 142

Kegode, Tom 41

Kegworth crash 612

Kellaway, Lucy 1556, 158

Khalaf, Roula 15

Khosrowshahi, Dara 26, 120

King, Justin 56

Kit Kat 51

Klopp, Jürgen 89

Kodak 46, 76

Kokshagina, Olga 44, 45

Kortenhorst, Jules 112

KPMG 150

Kraft Heinz company 106

Kuper, Simon 83

Lander, Eric 13940

language translation 130

Larsen, Loren 132

Last Days of the Concorde
(Chittum) 49

lawyers 53


eagle eye 1079

of star performers 87

leadership challenge 368

Leighton, Allan 64

Lévy, Alain 75

Lewis, John Spedan 4

Lewis, Michael 83, 142

licence to operate, maintaining 99103

Life of Brian (Python) 22

LinkedIn 41

Living Company: Growth, Learning and Longevity in Business, The (de Geus) 16

Lockheed Advanced Development Programs 72

Logan, Andrew 113

Looney, Bernard 113

Loughborough University 25

Lyft 26

machine learning see artificial intelligence (AI)

Macron, Emmanuel 21

‘Mail on Holiday’ 39

management by objectives 16

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl) 155, 158

Masters, Brooke 123

Masuda, Naohiro 62

Matsiash, Aliaksandr 152

Mayer, Colin 99100

McCrum, Dan 67

McGregor, Douglas 56

McKinsey 29

McMillon, Doug 116

meaning, search for 1547

Mehta, Zubin 131

Mellahi, Kamel 102

Melville, Heather 13, 14, 15

mental health, mobile phone impact and 36

mentoring 11, 14

Messi, Lionel 85

Meta 153

Metz, Cade 142

Microsoft 7, 38

Microsoft Teams 10, 45

middle managers 28

Millennials see Generation Y

Ming, Vivienne 130, 133, 142

Moneyball (Lewis) 823

Moore, Elaine 35

Moritz, Bob 96

Moseley, Harry 1467, 153

multigenerational workforce

differences between generations 1922

intergenerational battle in top ranks 301

managing 1832

new entrants 224

upper middle 2830

workforce’s risers 257

Murdoch, Rupert 37

Murray, Leo 120

music industry, and digital piracy 38

Musk, Elon 21, 128, 130, 139, 1412

Nair, Leena 145, 1478

Nanda, Ashish 85

Nanterme, Pierre 7

National Air Transport Safety Board, US 57

Nelson, Alondra 13940

Neophytou, James 156

Nestlé 51, 105

net zero 113, 115, 119

Netflix 38

new entrants 224

New York Philharmonic (NYPhil) 131

Newport, Cal 44

Nike 58

Nohria, Nitin 85

Northrop Grumman 150

Now Teach 1556

Obama, Barack 19, 54, 102

Ocado 38

O’Connor, Sarah 26, 98, 154

Ofcom 34

offsets 11819

Ola Cabs 140

older workers 31

online meetings, advantage of 41

OpenAI 142

organisational life and sport 82, 84

O’Shea, Chris 9

Oudéa, Frédéric 9

ownership of crisis, taking 557

Papadopoulos, Linda 34, 35, 42

Paris Agreement 112, 116

Parker, John 13, 14

Patisserie Valerie 68

Pennington, Andy 147

pensions 18

Pensions Policy Institute 18


appraisals 7

and corporate social responsibility 102

judging team’s 78

Pew Research Center 20, 21, 25

Philadelphia Orchestra 131

Pichai, Sundar 29

Pietersen, Kevin 84, 85, 87

piracy, digital 38

Polman, Paul 1046, 110

Poole, Will 147

Porras, Jerry 4

Porth, Wilfried 39

Post-it Note® 73

profit 99100

PwC 7, 9, 38, 96

Python, Monty 22

Rachman, Gideon 156

racial diversity 15

Re-educated (Kellaway) 158

recruitment, AI in 1314

rehearsing for crises 4950

remote working 6, 10, 146, 154

reputational damage 56, 140

resignation, mass 152

responsibility, taking 557

retirement age 18, 30

reverse mentoring 14, 109

rewards 13, 35

Richardson, John 156

Ridding, John 68

right to refuse to work outside office hours 40

Rio Tinto 1001, 102

Road to Conscious Machines: The Story of AI (Wooldridge) 129

Rolls-Royce 62

Rouse, Cecilia 131

Rowling, J. K. 21

Sandberg, Sheryl 29

Schallert, Brad 118

Scotchgard 74

Scott, Andrew 18, 21, 22, 28, 29

Scott, Lee 115

screen use and emotional well-being, in adolescents 36

search for meaning 1547

self-driving cars 1345, 138

Seuss Geisel, Theodor 1412

share price performance 102

shareholder(s) 97104, 113

primacy 96, 98

value, building 97

Sharma, Kriti 139, 140

Shell 114, 119, 122

Shelley, Mary 129

Shih, Willy 78

Silver, Spencer 73

Skinner, B.F. 35

Skunk Works 723

Slack 39, 44

Slade, Jon 689, 71

Slim, Carlos 31

smart carbon reduction 11517

Smith, Terry 106

Snapchat 24

social housing 4

social media

and corporate crises 48, 512

and email 43

social responsibility 967

society’s demands, meeting 96110

Solomon, David 10, 108

Southern Cross Austereo 150

Southgate, Gareth 43

sport and organisational life 82, 84

Spotify 21, 38


departing 289

trusting 589

Stagni, Virginia 6871

stakeholders 52, 967, 1012, 105

Stand Out of Our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy (Williams) 35

star performers, leading 8093

startups, learn from 6478

busting business bureaucracy 6771

encouraging innovation 734

Kodak trap, avoiding 757

problem with setting up skunk works 723

Statulevicius, Roland 153

Stealth (Westwick) 72

Steenis, Huw van 112, 117

Stern, Stefan 16

Stevens, Simon 90, 92, 93

Sugar, Alan 107

Sun, The (newspaper) 37

Surowiecki, James 85

sustainability 116

Suzman, James 145, 146, 14950

talented people, leading 8093

TalkTalk 51

targets, setting 13


‘earned autonomy’ 6, 8

see also high-performance team

‘tech sabbath’ 41

telex machine 43

temporary contracts 25, 27

Tencent 38

Tendulkar, Sachin 83

Tett, Gillian 68, 117, 133

Thatcher, Margaret 107

Theory X 56

Theory Y 56

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman) 77, 137

Third World 107

Thomas Cook tragedy 48, 56

Thompson, Derek 152

Thompson, Emma 19

Thornhill, John 128, 133, 134

3M 734

360-degree appraisals 8

transparency 1401

Trump, Donald 19

Turner, Elvin 74

Turner, Jacob 140

Turrell, Anna 108

Tversky, Amos 1378, 142

Tylenol crisis 57

Uber 26, 140

UBS 112


Department for Work and Pensions 132

Food Standards Agency 23

Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed the World, The (Lewis) 142

Unicef report (2017) 36

Unilever 1046, 110, 116, 145

University of Oxford 301, 36, 121

UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 100, 113

upper middle 2830

US National Air Transport Safety Board 57

Uviebinené, Elizabeth 7, 8

Varadkar, Leo 40

video conferences 10, 45, 149

Walker, Simon 48, 4950

Walmart 115, 119

Watkins, Anna 81

Welch, Jack 97

Westwick, Peter 723

WhatsApp 44

Williams, James 35

Williams, Sue 48, 60

Winters, Bill 119

Wirecard 67

Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki) 85

Wish, Phil 1523

Wolf, Martin 978, 105

Woods, Darren 113

Wooldridge, Michael 129, 130


from home 9, 11, 31, 3940, 44, 1448, 151, 153

reinventing 14458

Work Unbound 147

worker shortages 1523


risers 257

see also multigenerational workforce

work–world balance 3942

XP-80 72

YouGov 4

young adults

living in parental home 25

mobile phone impact on 36

YouTube 23

zero emissions, target of 11516

zero-hours contracts 25

Zoom 10, 11, 45, 130, 146, 150

Zuma, Jacob 29

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