
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


accelerator key, menu, Creating a New Action for a File Type
access points, network, Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements
accounts., Getting the Most Out of User Accounts (see , )
Add Or Remove programs feature, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
Address bar, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing
addresses, Web., Adding and Removing Zone Sites (see )
administrator account, Switching Between the Welcome Screen and the Classic Logon, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, The User Accounts Dialog Box, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Account Security Options, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications, Installing Plug and Play Devices
accessing, Switching Between the Welcome Screen and the Classic Logon
group account, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts
installing devices, Installing Plug and Play Devices
installing programs, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications
password, The User Accounts Dialog Box
security options, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Account Security Options
Advanced Options menu, startup and, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu
Advanced Options, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
Advanced Risc Computer (ARC) path, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini
alert, service failure, Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start
All Programs menu, shortcuts and, Working with the Start Menu Folder
Alt-Tab Replacement PowerToy, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys
alt-text, images and, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
ampersand (&), as menu accelerator key, Creating a New Action for a File Type
animation in Web pages, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
App Paths key, Creating Application-Specific Paths
Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT), Scripting Compatibility Layers
applications., Installing and Running Programs (see )
asterisk (*), as wildcard character, Adding and Removing Zone Sites
AUTOCHK utility, Running the Check Disk GUI
AutoComplete, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard, Step 6—Back Up Your Files
automatic acquisition of media file licenses, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
automatic downloading, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
automatic logon, Accessing the Administrator Account
(see also )
automation servers and controllers, Displaying Text Using the WScript Object
automation, scripting and, Displaying Text Using the WScript Object
AutoPlay feature, Launching Applications


backing up, Keeping the Registry Safe, Keeping the Registry Safe, Making Quick Backup Copies, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Step 5—Set System Restore Points, Step 6—Back Up Your Files, Step 7—Run the Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard, Setting Up an E-mail Account with a Digital ID
digital ID, Setting Up an E-mail Account with a Digital ID
files, Making Quick Backup Copies, Step 5—Set System Restore Points
licenses, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
registry, Keeping the Registry Safe
system, Keeping the Registry Safe, Step 7—Run the Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard
tips, Step 6—Back Up Your Files
Backup program, Step 5—Set System Restore Points
bad hard disk sectors, Determining the Source of the Problem
binary values, registry setting, Editing a Binary Value
BIOS, Installing Plug and Play Devices, Optimizing Startup, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
booting from Microsoft Windows XP CD and settings of, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
Plug and Play devices and, Installing Plug and Play Devices
reducing and eliminating checks at startup, Optimizing Startup
BOOT.INI, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility, Using the Boot.ini Switches, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Optimizing Startup
controlling startup with, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
optimizing startup with, Optimizing Startup
startup problems and, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
switches, Using the Boot.ini Switches, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu
BOOTCFG utility, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini
booting., Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup, Determining the Source of the Problem, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
(see also )
BIOS settings, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination, Optimizing Startup
last known good configuration, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
spontaneous reboots, Determining the Source of the Problem
tracing and optimizing, Optimizing Startup
Bootvis tool, Optimizing Startup
bridge, network, Configuring a Network Without ICS
browser extensions, third-party, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
browsers., Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer (see )
bugs., Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Troubleshooting with Device Manager, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
debugging scripts, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
software, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems
Web, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail


cables, network, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements
caching, write, Optimizing the Hard Disk
Calculator, PowerToy, PowerToy Calculator
CD Slide Show Generator PowerToy, Image Resizer
CDs, Launching Applications, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Copying Tracks from an Audio CD, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files
copying audio, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
copying digital media files to, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files
copying to recordable, Copying Tracks from an Audio CD
program launch from, Launching Applications
channels, computer to Web server, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
Check Disk utility, Step 1—Check Your Hard Disk for Errors, Running the Check Disk GUI
command line, Running the Check Disk GUI
GUI, Step 1—Check Your Hard Disk for Errors
Classic Logon., Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Customizing the Logon, Optimizing Startup
(see also )
optimizing, Optimizing Startup
switching between Welcome screen and, Customizing the Logon
ClearType feature, Using Screen Space Efficiently
client/server networks, Setting Up and Administering a Small Network
clusters, file, Determining Selection Size
codec, automatic downloading of, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
collections, object, Working with Object Methods
color quality, screen, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies
command line, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Understanding Control Panel Files, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts, Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure, Setting Account Lockout Policies, Launching Applications, Running a Program as a Different User, Customizing the Send To Command, Changing the Default Action, Running the Check Disk GUI, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
Check Disk utility, Running the Check Disk GUI
CScript scripts, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts
defragmenting hard disk, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool
launching programs, Launching Applications
opening Control Panel icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Understanding Control Panel Files
Recovery Console utility, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
RUNAS tool, Running a Program as a Different User
SHUTDOWN, Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure
users and groups and, Setting Account Lockout Policies
Windows Explorer, Customizing the Send To Command, Changing the Default Action
command prompt, Changing the Default Action
command windows, Alt-Tab Replacement
company name, changing registered, Changing the Value of a Registry Entry
compatibility, hardware, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
compatibility, program, User Accounts and Installing Programs, Creating Application-Specific Paths, Understanding Application Compatibility, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Understanding Compatibility Mode, Understanding Compatibility Mode, Scripting Compatibility Layers, Using QFixApp, Using the Compatibility Administrator
%SystemRoot% folder and, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible
Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT), Scripting Compatibility Layers
Compatibility Administrator and, Using QFixApp, Using the Compatibility Administrator
layers, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Understanding Compatibility Mode
legacy programs, Understanding Application Compatibility
mode, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible
preinstallation checklist and, User Accounts and Installing Programs
scripting and, Understanding Compatibility Mode
compositing, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
compressed folders, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
concentrator, network, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements
configuration ID, Plug and Play devices, Installing Plug and Play Devices
connections, network, Completing the Network Setup Wizard
(see also )
Control Panel, Operating Control Panel, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Understanding Control Panel Files, Understanding Control Panel Files, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods, Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel, Completing the Network Setup Wizard
adding, to Start menu, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods
adding, to taskbar, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods
alternative methods for opening icons, Understanding Control Panel Files
command line methods for opening icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Understanding Control Panel Files
controlling access to, with group policies, Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel
(see also )
files, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons
icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons
network settings (Network Connections), Completing the Network Setup Wizard
control set, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
cookies, Changing a Zone’s Security Level
copying, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
files, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
music from audio CD, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
counters, Using System Monitor
crawlers, Filtering Out Spam
CreateObject method, Scripting and Automation
CScript, running scripts from command line with, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts
Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination, optimization and, Optimizing Startup
customization, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys, Customizing the Logon, Making Quick Backup Copies, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu, Adding File Types to the New Menu, Customizing Media Folders, Customizing the Interface, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options, Controlling Taskbar Grouping, Controlling Taskbar Grouping, Controlling Taskbar Grouping, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing, Connecting to a Remote Desktop
Alt-Tab Replacement, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys
digital media folders, Customizing Media Folders
group policies and, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
logon, Customizing the Logon
Microsoft Internet Explorer links, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing
(see also )
New menu, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu
Open With list, Adding File Types to the New Menu
remote desktops, Connecting to a Remote Desktop
screen space, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies
Send To command, Making Quick Backup Copies
Start menu, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
taskbar, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
taskbar grouping, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options
Windows Explorer, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
(see also )


data files, program installation and, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
(see also )
debugging scripts, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
defragmenting, Changing the Paging File’s Location and Size, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk
hard disk, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk
page file, Changing the Paging File’s Location and Size
deleting, Renaming a Key or Setting, Storing Registry Keys or Values, Using the SHUTDOWN Command, Adding File Types to the New Menu, Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open With Menu, Streamlining the Start Menu by Converting Links to Menus, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space
file types from New Menu, Adding File Types to the New Menu
files, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space
files at shutdown, Using the SHUTDOWN Command
icons from Start menu, Streamlining the Start Menu by Converting Links to Menus
programs from Open With list, Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open With Menu
registry keys or settings, Renaming a Key or Setting, Storing Registry Keys or Values
desktops, Virtual Desktop Manager, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Connecting to a Remote Registry
connecting to remote, Connecting to a Remote Registry
managing multiple, Virtual Desktop Manager
remote, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
setting images as backgrounds for, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files
details, viewing file (Details view), A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
device drivers, Installing Plug and Play Devices, Installing Plug and Play Devices, Installing Legacy Devices, Installing Legacy Devices, Controlling Driver Signing Options, Working with Device Drivers, Troubleshooting with Device Manager, Troubleshooting Device Driver Problems, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup
choosing best, Installing Plug and Play Devices
controlling signing options for, Installing Legacy Devices
finding, on Web, Troubleshooting Device Driver Problems
getting latest, Optimizing Startup
legacy, Installing Legacy Devices
searching for best, Installing Plug and Play Devices
system instability caused by, Controlling Driver Signing Options
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting with Device Manager
updating and rolling back, Working with Device Drivers
upgrading, for optimization, Optimizing Startup
Device Manager, Managing Your Hardware with Device Manager, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
devices, Copying Tracks from an Audio CD, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Installing Plug and Play Devices, Installing Plug and Play Devices, Installing Legacy Devices, Managing Your Hardware with Device Manager, Controlling the Device Display, Working with Device Drivers, Uninstalling a Device, Working with Device Security Policies, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
(see also )
compatibility list (Windows Catalog), Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
configuration profiles, Uninstalling a Device
copying files to, Copying Tracks from an Audio CD
Device Manager and, Managing Your Hardware with Device Manager, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
drivers., Installing Plug and Play Devices (see )
event logs tracking errors in, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
hot-swapped, Installing Plug and Play Devices
installing legacy, Installing Legacy Devices
installing Plug and Play, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
security policies, Working with Device Security Policies
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Device Problems
uninstalling, Working with Device Drivers
viewing properties of, Controlling the Device Display
dialog boxes, displaying, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
digital IDs, Sending and Receiving Secure E-mail, Obtaining Another Person’s Public Key
digital media, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media, Playing Media Files, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Copying Tracks from an Audio CD, Working with Digital Media Files, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Customizing Media Folders, Changing the Folder Icon
Bonus Pack enhancements, Changing the Folder Icon
copying music from audio CDs, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
copying tracks to recordable CDs or devices, Copying Tracks from an Audio CD
creating screen savers from digital images, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
customizing folders, Customizing Media Folders
files and folders, Working with Digital Media Files
playing files, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media
tips and techniques, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
Windows Media Player playback options, Playing Media Files
digitally signed files, verifying, Checking for Security Vulnerabilities
discs., Setting Media Player’s Playback Options (see , )
Disk Cleanup utility, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space
Disk Defragmenter Tool, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk
displaying, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections, Working with Object Collections, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject, Displaying a Web Page, Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start, Managing Your Hardware with Device Manager, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options
alerts, Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start
default device, Managing Your Hardware with Device Manager
default taskbar toolbars, Working with the Start Menu Folder
dialog boxes, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
icons, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options
text using objects, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
Web pages, Displaying a Web Page
(see also )
docking notebook computers, Uninstalling a Device
Download Codecs Automatically option, Windows Media Player, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
downloads, notification of, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
dragging and dropping files, Making Quick Backup Copies
drivers., Installing Plug and Play Devices (see )
drives., Determining the Source of the Problem (see )
dump, memory, Determining the Source of the Problem
DVD discs, program launch and, Launching Applications
DWORD values, registry, Changing the Value of a Registry Entry, Running the Check Disk GUI


e-mail program, changing Start menu default, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
e-mail security, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail, Sending and Receiving Secure E-mail, Setting Up an E-mail Account with a Digital ID, Obtaining Another Person’s Public Key, Sending a Secure Message
encrypted e-mail, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
filtering out spam, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses
obtaining public key for encrypted messages, Setting Up an E-mail Account with a Digital ID
privacy reading e-mail, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
sending and receiving e-mail, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
setting up e-mail account with digital ID, Sending and Receiving Secure E-mail, Obtaining Another Person’s Public Key
viewing secure e-mail, Sending a Secure Message
virus protection, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy
elements, object collection, Working with Object Collections
errors., Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Troubleshooting with Device Manager, Determining the Source of the Problem, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
Device Manager error codes, Troubleshooting with Device Manager
error messages, Determining the Source of the Problem, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Ethernet network hardware, Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Network
event trigger, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
event viewer logs, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs, Determining the Source of the Problem
exporting registration files, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk


fast user switching feature, Switching Between the Welcome Screen and the Classic Logon, Turning Off Fast User Switching
FAT16 and FAT32 partitions, converting, to NTFS, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS
FC (file compare) utility, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk
file list, Windows Media Player, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
file types, Getting Familiar with File Types, Getting Familiar with File Types, Modifying Actions for an Existing File Type, Changing the Default Action, Creating a New File Type, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu, Adding File Types to the New Menu, Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open With Menu, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media
adding and deleting New menu, Adding File Types to the New Menu
creating new, Changing the Default Action
media, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media
modifying actions for existing, Modifying Actions for an Existing File Type
offline, Creating a New File Type
registered, Getting Familiar with File Types
removing application from Open With list, Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open With Menu
subkeys associated with, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu
files, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM), Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk, Editing a Binary Value, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Using the SHUTDOWN Command, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Creating Application-Specific Paths, Getting the Most Out of Files and Folders, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving, Determining Selection Size, Making Quick Backup Copies, Making Quick Backup Copies, Making Quick Backup Copies, Customizing the Send To Command, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies, Getting Familiar with File Types, Creating a New File Type, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu, Adding File Types to the New Menu, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Choosing the Recording File Format, Working with Digital Media Files, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack, Using Task Manager, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space, Step 5—Set System Restore Points, Checking for Security Vulnerabilities, Determining the Source of the Problem, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Connecting to a Remote Desktop, Creating User Accounts, Sharing a Resource
(see also , )
attachments, and viruses, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses
backing up, Making Quick Backup Copies, Step 5—Set System Restore Points
cluster storage, Determining Selection Size
comparing, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk
Control Panel, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons
copying and moving, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
copying and recording music, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
customizing New menu to create, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu
customizing Open With list to open, Adding File Types to the New Menu
customizing Send To command for, Making Quick Backup Copies
deleting unnecessary, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space
deleting, at shutdown, Using the SHUTDOWN Command
determining selection size, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
digital media, Working with Digital Media Files
dragging and dropping, with taskbar, Making Quick Backup Copies
executable, and application-specific paths, Creating Application-Specific Paths
extensions, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM)
format of recorded music tracks, Choosing the Recording File Format
Internet security and sharing, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
JavaScript, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution
Microsoft Windows NT file system (NTFS), Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS, Sharing a Resource
offline, Creating a New File Type
overwriting existing, Determining the Source of the Problem
page (swap)., Using Task Manager (see )
playing media, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media
program installation and data, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
Readme, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
registration, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk, Editing a Binary Value
registry hives, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM)
searching for, with Indexing Service, Customizing the Send To Command
sharing, on networks, Connecting to a Remote Desktop, Creating User Accounts
skin, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack
types, Getting Familiar with File Types
(see also )
VBScript., Understanding Scripts and Script Execution (see )
verification of digitally signed, Checking for Security Vulnerabilities
viewing details, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
Windows Explorer and, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
(see also )
ZIP, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
FileSystemObject, programming VBScript, Scripting and Automation
filmstrip view of digital images, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
Find feature, registry, Finding Registry Entries
firewalls, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
folders., Alt-Tab Replacement, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup, Using the Registry, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Getting the Most Out of Files and Folders, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies, Selecting a Location and File Name Structure, Working with Digital Media Files, Working with Digital Media Files, Working with Digital Media Files, Working with Digital Media Files, Customizing Media Folders, Customizing Media Folders, Changing the Folder Icon, Adding Shortcuts via the Start Button, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Working with Network Settings, Adding a Network Place
(see also , )
%SystemRoot%, Using the Registry, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible, Determining Whether a Program Is Windows XP–Compatible
changing icons for, Changing the Folder Icon
command window shortcut menu and, Alt-Tab Replacement
compressed, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
copied music tracks, Selecting a Location and File Name Structure
customizing media, Customizing Media Folders
digital media, Working with Digital Media Files
mapping network, Adding a Network Place
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
My Documents, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line
My Music, Working with Digital Media Files
My Network Places, Working with Network Settings
My Pictures, Working with Digital Media Files
My Video, Working with Digital Media Files
program installation, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
Scheduled Tasks, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts
selecting folder template, Customizing Media Folders
Start menu, Adding Shortcuts via the Start Button
StartUp, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup
font clarity, Using Screen Space Efficiently
frames, Navigating Sites Quickly and Easily Using the Address Bar
FTP sites, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
full-screen mode, Windows Explorer, Determining Selection Size


Go button, Microsoft Internet Explorer Address bar, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Google, AutoSearch and, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
group policies, Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu, Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu, Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel, Keeping the Registry Safe, Using the Registry, Customizing the Logon, Setting Logon Policies, Setting Logon Policies, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Creating Application-Specific Paths, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies, Working with Device Security Policies, Controlling Taskbar Grouping, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
account security options, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In
controlling access to Control Panel, Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel
for devices, Working with Device Security Policies
Group Policy Editor and, Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu, Setting Logon Policies, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
logon, Customizing the Logon, Setting Logon Policies
Microsoft Internet Explorer Advanced options, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
modifying Start menu and taskbar with, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
restricting program launches for users, Creating Application-Specific Paths
restricting registry access, Keeping the Registry Safe
restricting Windows Explorer features, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
running applications at startup, Using the Registry
grouping feature, taskbar, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options


handles, Taking a Tour of the Registry
hard disk drives, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Applications, Optimizing the Hard Disk, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS, Defragmenting the Paging File, Step 1—Check Your Hard Disk for Errors, Running Check Disk from the Command Line, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk, Determining the Source of the Problem
bad sectors, Determining the Source of the Problem
checking, for errors, Step 1—Check Your Hard Disk for Errors
checking, for free space, Running Check Disk from the Command Line
converting FAT16 and FAT32 partitions to NTFS partitions, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS
defragmenting, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk
enabling write caching, Optimizing the Hard Disk
installing to fastest, Optimizing Startup
NTFS and, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS
optimizing, Optimizing Applications, Defragmenting the Paging File
Hardware Profile menu, reducing timeout of, Optimizing Startup
hardware., Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Controlling the Device Display, Uninstalling a Device, Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Network, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements
(see also , )
compatibility, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
configuration profiles, Uninstalling a Device
Ethernet network, Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Network
resources, Controlling the Device Display
wireless network, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements
hibernation mode, Optimizing Startup
History bar, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing
hives, registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) key, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM) key, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU)
home page, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing
host, ICS, Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements
hot docking notebook computers, Uninstalling a Device
hot-swapped devices, Installing Plug and Play Devices
HTML Slide Show Wizard PowerToy, Taskbar Magnifier
HTTP protocols, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
hub (concentrator), network, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements


icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, Changing the Folder Icon, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Troubleshooting with Device Manager, Troubleshooting with Device Manager, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Streamlining the Start Menu by Converting Links to Menus, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options, Using My Network Places
Control Panel, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons
Device Manager problems, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Troubleshooting with Device Manager, Troubleshooting with Device Manager
media folder, Changing the Folder Icon
network resource, Using My Network Places
Start menu, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Streamlining the Start Menu by Converting Links to Menus
taskbar, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options
user accounts, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts
ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements
identifier, Windows Media Player, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
IDs, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU), Sending and Receiving Secure E-mail, Obtaining Another Person’s Public Key
digital, Sending and Receiving Secure E-mail, Obtaining Another Person’s Public Key
Image Resizer PowerToy, PowerToy Calculator
images., Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, PowerToy Calculator, HTML Slide Show Wizard, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
creating screen savers with, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
Microsoft Internet Explorer and Web, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
online shopping for, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files
resizing, PowerToy Calculator
viewing file details, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
Webcam, HTML Slide Show Wizard
importing registration files, Importing a .reg File
Indexing Service, Customizing the Send To Command
inline AutoComplete, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
installing., Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Working with Device Drivers, Recovering Using the Recovery Console, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
devices, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
Microsoft Windows XP, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
programs, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications
(see also )
Web page elements on demand, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
interface customization., Customizing the Interface (see )
Internet Connection Firewall, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements
Internet Explorer., Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer (see )
Internet security, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Changing a Zone’s Security Level
cookies, Changing a Zone’s Security Level
e-mail security., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
file and printer sharing, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
firewalls, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
Microsoft Internet Explorer security zones, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
playing media files, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
preventing intrusions, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
Web surfing security, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
Internet., Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Adding and Removing Zone Sites, Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer
(see also )
browser., Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer (see )
security., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
Start menu default program, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
Windows Media Player connection to, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
InternetExplorer object properties, Navigating Pages


Last Access timestamp, disabling, Optimizing NTFS
launching., Using Group Policies (see , )
legacy devices, Installing Legacy Devices, Troubleshooting Resource Conflicts
installing, Installing Legacy Devices
resource conflicts, Troubleshooting Resource Conflicts
legacy keys, Using the Registry
legacy programs, Understanding Application Compatibility, Optimizing NTFS
licenses, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
automatic acquisition of media file, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
viewing and backing up, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
links, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu, Adding and Removing Zone Sites
converting Start menu, to menus, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu
Web., Adding and Removing Zone Sites (see )
Local Security Settings, Setting Logon Policies
Local Users and Groups snap-in, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Creating a Strong Password
lockout, Sharing Your Computer Securely
lockout policies, Account Security Options
logoff., Using the SHUTDOWN Command, Deleting Files at Shutdown, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line
(see also )
forced, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line
running scripts at, Deleting Files at Shutdown
logon, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Customizing the Logon, Setting Logon Policies, Setting Logon Policies, Optimizing Startup
(see also )
automatic, for optimization, Optimizing Startup
customizing, Customizing the Logon
registry-related settings, Setting Logon Policies
setting policies, Setting Logon Policies
specifying scripts at, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts


magnifying taskbar, Taskbar Magnifier
maintenance., Maintaining Your System in 10 Easy Steps (see )
mapping network folders, Adding a Network Place
Media Library, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack
Media Player., Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media (see )
media., Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media (see )
memory, Using Task Manager, Using Task Manager, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing NTFS, Determining the Source of the Problem
adding, Optimizing Startup
monitoring performance, Using Task Manager
optimizing virtual, Using Task Manager, Optimizing NTFS
troubleshooting and, Determining the Source of the Problem
memory dump, Determining the Source of the Problem
menu accelerator key (&), Creating a New Action for a File Type
menus, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Launching Applications, Creating a New Action for a File Type, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu, Adding File Types to the New Menu, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup
accelerator key, Creating a New Action for a File Type
Advanced Options, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu
All Programs, Working with the Start Menu Folder
converting links to, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu
(see also )
Hardware Profile, Optimizing Startup
New, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu
Open With, Launching Applications, Adding File Types to the New Menu
OS Choices, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Optimizing Startup
Messenger Service, security and, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer, Checking the Windows Update Web Site
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Storing Registry Keys or Values, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Changing a Zone’s Security Level, Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Advanced Options, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
cookies, Changing a Zone’s Security Level
navigation tips, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing
programming, with scripts, Storing Registry Keys or Values
search techniques, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing
security zones, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
updates, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Microsoft Knowledge Base, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
Microsoft Office files, viewing details of, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
Microsoft Outlook Express., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
Microsoft PowerToys., Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel (see )
Microsoft Script Debugger, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts
Microsoft Windows NT file system (NTFS), Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS, Sharing a Resource
Microsoft Windows XP, Operating Control Panel, Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu, Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel, Getting the Most Out of the Registry, Programming Windows XP with Scripts, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure, Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line, Installing and Running Programs, Getting the Most Out of Files and Folders, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices, Customizing the Interface, Optimizing Performance, Maintaining Your System in 10 Easy Steps, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems, Determining the Source of the Problem, Determining the Source of the Problem, Determining the Source of the Problem, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources, Recovering Using the Recovery Console, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer, Setting Up and Administering a Small Network
Control Panel., Operating Control Panel (see )
customization., Customizing the Interface (see )
devices., Installing and Troubleshooting Devices (see )
digital media., Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media (see )
files and folders., Getting the Most Out of Files and Folders (see , )
hotfixes and service packs, Determining the Source of the Problem
Internet Explorer., Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer (see )
Internet security., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
logon, Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies
(see also )
passwords, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line
(see also )
performance optimization., Optimizing Performance (see )
policies., Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu (see )
PowerToys., Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel (see )
programming, with scripts., Programming Windows XP with Scripts (see )
programs., Installing and Running Programs (see )
registry., Getting the Most Out of the Registry (see )
reinstalling, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
setting up and administering networks., Setting Up and Administering a Small Network (see )
shutdown, Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure
spontaneous reboots, Determining the Source of the Problem
startup., Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu (see )
system maintenance., Maintaining Your System in 10 Easy Steps (see )
system recovery, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
(see also )
troubleshooting., Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems (see )
updates and security patches, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches, Determining the Source of the Problem
user accounts, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts
(see also , )
Windows Explorer., A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques (see )
monitors, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies, Defragmenting the Paging File
(see also )
moving files, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
MP3 files recording format, Choosing the Recording File Format, Changing the Folder Icon, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack
multimedia effects, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
music files, viewing details, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
My Documents folder, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line
My Music folder, Working with Digital Media Files
My Network Places folder, Working with Network Settings
My Pictures folder, Working with Digital Media Files
My Video folder, Working with Digital Media Files


objects, Programming Objects, Programming Objects, Setting the Value of a Property, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections, Displaying Text Using the WScript Object, Scripting and Automation, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject, Running Applications, Running Applications, Navigating Pages, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
assigning, to variables, Working with Object Methods
automation and, Displaying Text Using the WScript Object
collections, Working with Object Methods
determining selection size, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
displaying text with Echo method, Working with Object Collections
displaying text with Popup method, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
FileSystemObject, Scripting and Automation
InternetExplorer, Navigating Pages
manipulating registry entries with WshShell, Running Applications
methods, Setting the Value of a Property
properties of, Programming Objects
running applications with WshShell, Running Applications
Office files, viewing details of., A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques (see )
offline files, Creating a New File Type
Open Command Window Here PowerToy, Alt-Tab Replacement
Open With list, Launching Applications, Adding File Types to the New Menu
customizing, Adding File Types to the New Menu
launching applications using, Launching Applications
opening, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Alt-Tab Replacement
command window, Alt-Tab Replacement
Control Panel icons, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons
operating system, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini, Understanding Compatibility Mode, Optimizing Startup
changing default, at startup, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini
modes, Understanding Compatibility Mode
reducing OS Choice menu timeout, Optimizing Startup
optimization., Optimizing Performance (see )
OS Choices menu, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Optimizing Startup
Advanced Options choices on, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu
reducing timeout, Optimizing Startup
Outlook Express., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
owner name, registered, Changing the Value of a Registry Entry


page file (swap file), Using Task Manager, Optimizing NTFS, Optimizing NTFS, Optimizing Virtual Memory, Changing the Paging File’s Location and Size
changing location and size of, Optimizing Virtual Memory
defragmenting, Changing the Paging File’s Location and Size
optimizing, Optimizing NTFS
page transitions, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
partitions, Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS
passive FTP, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
passwords, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, The User Accounts Dialog Box, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line, Creating a Strong Password, User Account Password Options, Taking Advantage of Windows XP’s Password Policies, Sharing Your Computer Securely
administrator, The User Accounts Dialog Box
options, Creating a Strong Password
policies for, User Account Password Options
random, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line
recovering forgotten, Taking Advantage of Windows XP’s Password Policies
strong, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line
paths., Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini, Running a Program as a Different User, Getting the Most Out of Files and Folders
(see also , )
Advanced Risc Computer (ARC), Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini
application-specific, Running a Program as a Different User
peer-to-peer networks, Setting Up and Administering a Small Network, Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Network, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements, Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements, Completing the Network Setup Wizard, Working with Network Settings, Connecting to a Remote Desktop
administering, Working with Network Settings
Ethernet hardware requirements, Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Network
Network Setup Wizard, Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements
settings, Completing the Network Setup Wizard
sharing resources, Connecting to a Remote Desktop
wireless network hardware requirements, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements
performance optimization, Optimizing Performance, Optimizing Performance, Using Task Manager, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Applications, Optimizing NTFS, Defragmenting the Paging File, Turning Off Fast User Switching, Turning Off Fast User Switching
adjusting power options, Defragmenting the Paging File
hard disk, Optimizing Applications
program, Optimizing Startup
reducing use of visual effects, Turning Off Fast User Switching
startup, Optimizing Startup
System Monitor and, Using Task Manager
Task Manager and, Optimizing Performance
turning off fast user switching, Turning Off Fast User Switching
virtual memory, Optimizing NTFS
permissions., Backing Up the Registry, Checking the Windows Update Web Site, Creating User Accounts
(see also )
network resources, Creating User Accounts
registry, Backing Up the Registry
pictures., Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons (see )
pinned programs, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Changing the Default Internet and E-mail Programs, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu
changing default, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
pinning permanently, Changing the Default Internet and E-mail Programs
quick selection of, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu
playback options for digital media, Playing Media Files
playlist, Setting Recording Options
Plug and Play devices, installing, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
policies, Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu, Setting Logon Policies, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, User Account Password Options
group., Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu (see )
logon, Setting Logon Policies
passwords, User Account Password Options
user account, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In
Popup method, displaying dialog box with, Working with Object Methods, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
power management, Defragmenting the Paging File
PowerToys, Example: Controlling Access to Control Panel, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys, Alt-Tab Replacement, PowerToy Calculator, PowerToy Calculator, Image Resizer, Virtual Desktop Manager, Taskbar Magnifier, Taskbar Magnifier, HTML Slide Show Wizard, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack
Alt-Tab Replacement, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys
CD Slide Show Generator, Image Resizer
HTML Slide Show Wizard, Taskbar Magnifier
Image Resizer, PowerToy Calculator
Open Command Window Here, Alt-Tab Replacement
PowerToy Calculator, PowerToy Calculator
Taskbar Magnifer, Taskbar Magnifier
Tweak UI, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys
(see also )
Virtual Desktop Manager, Virtual Desktop Manager
Webcam Timershot, HTML Slide Show Wizard
Windows Media Player, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack, Investigating the Windows Media Bonus Pack
prefetcher, optimizing, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup
preinstallation checklist, User Accounts and Installing Programs
printers, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
adding network, with scripts, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts
Internet security and sharing, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
prints, online ordering of, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files
privacy, Internet., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
Program Files folder, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
programming., Programming Windows XP with Scripts (see )
programs, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys, Running Applications, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup, Installing and Running Programs, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Running a Program as a Different User, Creating Application-Specific Paths, Creating Application-Specific Paths, Understanding Application Compatibility, Modifying Actions for an Existing File Type, Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open With Menu, Adding a Program to the Open With List, Installing Plug and Play Devices, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Changing the Default Internet and E-mail Programs, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing NTFS, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems, Determining the Source of the Problem, Determining the Source of the Problem, Determining the Source of the Problem
adding favorite, to Start menu, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching
adding, to Open With list, Adding a Program to the Open With List
application-specific paths, Running a Program as a Different User
bugs, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems
changing default Internet and e-mail, on Start menu, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
changing file type association of, Modifying Actions for an Existing File Type
closing frozen, Determining the Source of the Problem
compatibility, Creating Application-Specific Paths
(see also )
device installations and, Installing Plug and Play Devices
installing, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications
launching, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
launching, at startup, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup
legacy, Understanding Application Compatibility, Optimizing NTFS
optimizing, Optimizing Startup
permanent pinning of favorite, to Start menu, Changing the Default Internet and E-mail Programs
reducing and eliminating startup, Optimizing Startup
removing, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
removing, from Open With list, Removing an Application from a File Type’s Open With Menu
restricting launches of, for users, Creating Application-Specific Paths
running, with WshShell Run method, Running Applications
switching between running, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys
system problems and newly installed or upgraded, Determining the Source of the Problem, Determining the Source of the Problem
public-key encryption, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
(see also )


read receipts, e-mail, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
Readme files, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
rebooting., Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu (see )
recording quality of copied music, Choosing the Recording File Format
Recovery Console utility, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
recovery, system., Troubleshooting Using Online Resources (see )
RegDelete method, deleting registry keys or values using, Storing Registry Keys or Values
regedit., Understanding the Registry (see )
registration files, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk, Importing a .reg File, Editing a Binary Value, Creating a .reg File
creating and adding comments to, Editing a Binary Value
deleting settings with, Creating a .reg File
exporting keys, Protecting Keys by Exporting Them to Disk
importing keys, Importing a .reg File
registry, Getting the Most Out of the Registry, Understanding the Registry, Taking a Tour of the Registry, Navigating the Keys Pane, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (HKLM), Keeping the Registry Safe, Keeping the Registry Safe, Keeping the Registry Safe, Backing Up the Registry, Backing Up the Registry, Backing Up the Registry, Backing Up the Registry, Importing a .reg File, Editing a Binary Value, Editing a Binary Value, Editing a Binary Value, Creating a .reg File, Renaming a Key or Setting, Renaming a Key or Setting, Finding Registry Entries, Reading Registry Keys or Values, Reading Registry Keys or Values, Storing Registry Keys or Values, Using the Startup Folder, Setting Logon Policies, Setting Logon Policies, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Running the Check Disk GUI, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Determining the Source of the Problem, Sending a Secure Message, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Disconnecting a Mapped Network Folder
adding AUTOCHK utility, Running the Check Disk GUI
backing up, Keeping the Registry Safe
changing values, Importing a .reg File
connecting to remote, Disconnecting a Mapped Network Folder
creating new keys or settings, Renaming a Key or Setting
creating registration files, Editing a Binary Value
customizing New menu, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu
deleting keys or settings, Renaming a Key or Setting
deleting keys or settings with WshShell RegDelete method, Storing Registry Keys or Values
editing, with regedit command, Understanding the Registry
errors, Determining the Source of the Problem
exporting and importing keys, Backing Up the Registry, Editing a Binary Value
finding entries (Find feature), Finding Registry Entries
global changes, Editing a Binary Value
Keys pane, Taking a Tour of the Registry
launching applications and scripts at startup, Using the Startup Folder
logon security policies and, Setting Logon Policies, Setting Logon Policies
permissions for keys, Backing Up the Registry
protecting keys, Backing Up the Registry
reading keys and settings with WshShell object RegRead method, Reading Registry Keys or Values
removing programs from Start menu, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
renaming keys or settings, Creating a .reg File
restricting access, Keeping the Registry Safe
root keys, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys
saving current state with System Restore, Backing Up the Registry, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool
search engine setup, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
security, Keeping the Registry Safe
settings, Navigating the Keys Pane
storing keys or values using WshShell RegWrite method, Reading Registry Keys or Values
uninstalling programs, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
viewing secure preview pane, Sending a Secure Message
Registry Editor, Understanding the Registry, Navigating the Keys Pane, Keeping the Registry Safe
(see also )
RegRead method, reading registry keys and values, Reading Registry Keys or Values
RegWrite method, storing registry keys and values, Reading Registry Keys or Values
reinstalling Microsoft Windows XP, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
remote desktops, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Connecting to a Remote Registry
removable media, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
renaming registry keys or settings, Creating a .reg File
resizing images, PowerToy Calculator
resolution, screen, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies
resources, hardware, Controlling the Device Display, Troubleshooting Device Driver Problems
resources, network, Working with Network Settings, Working with Network Settings, Adding a Network Place, Disconnecting a Mapped Network Folder, Connecting to a Remote Desktop, Clearing Simple File Sharing, Creating User Accounts
(see also )
clearing simple file sharing, Connecting to a Remote Desktop
connecting to remote, Disconnecting a Mapped Network Folder
creating user accounts, Clearing Simple File Sharing
mapping, Adding a Network Place
My Network Places folder, Working with Network Settings
sharing, Creating User Accounts
restore points, User Accounts and Installing Programs, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Booting Using the Last Known Good Configuration, Recovering Using System Restore
program installation and, User Accounts and Installing Programs
system, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Booting Using the Last Known Good Configuration, Recovering Using System Restore
(see also )
ROM BIOS, Installing Plug and Play Devices
root keys, registry, Taking a Tour of the Registry, Getting to Know the Registry’s Root Keys
RPGlobalInterval setting and system checkpoint intervals, Step 5—Set System Restore Points
running programs, Running Applications, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup, Using Group Policies, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Launching Applications, Launching Programs from the Command Prompt, Running a Program as a Different User
adding programs to registry Run keys, Using Group Policies
Run As menu command and, Launching Programs from the Command Prompt
Run dialog box and, Launching Applications
RUNAS command-line tool and, Running a Program as a Different User
Scheduled Tasks folder and, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts
startup, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup
(see also )
WshShell object Run method, Running Applications
running script files, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Deleting Files at Shutdown


saving current registry state, Backing Up the Registry
(see also )
Scheduled Tasks folder, running applications and scripts using, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts
screen., Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Customizing the Logon, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies, Defragmenting the Paging File
(see also )
resolution, Modifying the Start Menu and Taskbar with Group Policies
savers, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Defragmenting the Paging File
Welcome, Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Customizing the Logon
Script Debugger, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts
scripts, Programming Windows XP with Scripts, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts, Programming Objects, Setting the Value of a Property, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections, Displaying Text Using the WScript Object, Scripting and Automation, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject, Running Applications, Running Applications, Storing Registry Keys or Values, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Deleting Files at Shutdown, Understanding Compatibility Mode, Scripting Compatibility Layers, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
automation and, Displaying Text Using the WScript Object
checking disk drive status and free space, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space
compatibility layers and, Understanding Compatibility Mode, Scripting Compatibility Layers
CScript command-line, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts
debugging, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
displaying error messages, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
displaying text with WScript object Echo method, Working with Object Collections
displaying text with WshShell object Popup method, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
event query, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
jobs, Using WScript for Windows-Based Scripts
launching, at startup, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup
naming conventions, Working with Object Methods
programming Microsoft Internet Explorer, Storing Registry Keys or Values
programming objects, Programming Objects
properties of, Using CScript for Command-Line Scripts
registry entries and, Running Applications
running, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution
running applications using, Running Applications
running, at logoff or shutdown, Deleting Files at Shutdown
specifying, at startup and logon, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts
startup, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts
stopping execution of, with Quit method, Setting the Value of a Property
VBScript and Java files, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution
VBScript FileSystemObject and, Scripting and Automation
WScript and Windows-based, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution
scrolling, smooth, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Search bar, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing
search engine, Searching the Web, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
changing default, Searching the Web
setting up additional, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
URLs, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
search prefix, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
searching for files, Customizing the Send To Command
security, Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU), Keeping the Registry Safe, Backing Up the Registry, Setting Logon Policies, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Recovering a Forgotten Password, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Working with Device Security Policies, Checking the Windows Update Web Site, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements, Sharing a Resource
checking for vulnerabilities, Checking the Windows Update Web Site
device policies, Working with Device Security Policies
group accounts, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts
(see also , )
group policies., Putting Control Panel on the Start Menu (see )
Internet., Implementing Internet Security and Privacy (see )
logon policies, Setting Logon Policies
network, Understanding Wireless Network Hardware Requirements
permissions, Backing Up the Registry, Sharing a Resource
playing media files from Internet, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
registry, Keeping the Registry Safe
setting account policies, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In
user policies, Recovering a Forgotten Password
security zones, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Surfing the Web Securely, Adding and Removing Zone Sites, Adding and Removing Zone Sites
adding and removing, Adding and Removing Zone Sites
changing security level of, Adding and Removing Zone Sites
types of, Surfing the Web Securely
Select Drive dialog box, bypassing, Step 3—Delete Unnecessary Files
selection size, object and file, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
Send To command, customizing, Making Quick Backup Copies
services, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
settings, troubleshooting and, Determining the Source of the Problem, Determining the Source of the Problem
Setup.exe utility, compatibility layers and, Scripting Compatibility Layers
sharing files and printers, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
ShellNew subkey, Customizing the Windows XP New Menu
shortcuts, Launching Applications, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line, Creating a New Action for a File Type, Playing Media Files, Adding Shortcuts via the Start Button, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use, Optimizing Startup, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
All Programs menu, Working with the Start Menu Folder
Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination, Optimizing Startup
media files, Playing Media Files
menu accelerator, Creating a New Action for a File Type
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Start menu, Adding Shortcuts via the Start Button
taskbar toolbar, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use
Windows Explorer, Launching Applications, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line
SHUTDOWN command, Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure
shutdown., Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure, Using the SHUTDOWN Command, Using the SHUTDOWN Command
(see also , )
deleting files at, Using the SHUTDOWN Command
running scripts and programs at, Getting the Most Out of the Shutdown Procedure
simple file sharing, clearing, Connecting to a Remote Desktop
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
Simple Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses
single-key encryption, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
slide shows, Image Resizer, Taskbar Magnifier, Digging Deeper into Digital Media Files
creating HTML, for Web sites, Taskbar Magnifier
creating, for CDs, Image Resizer
smooth scrolling, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
software., Installing and Running Programs (see )
spam, filtering out, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses
Start button, Start menu shortcuts with, Adding Shortcuts via the Start Button
START command, launching programs with, Launching Applications
Start menu, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Changing the Default Internet and E-mail Programs, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu, Streamlining the Start Menu by Converting Links to Menus, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
adding Control Panel, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods
adding favorite programs, Customizing the Start Menu for Easier Program and Document Launching
adding, moving, and removing icons, Streamlining the Start Menu by Converting Links to Menus
changing default Internet and e-mail programs, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
converting links to menus, Pinning a Favorite Program Permanently to the Start Menu
modifying, with group policies, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
permanent pinning of favorite programs, Changing the Default Internet and E-mail Programs
removing programs, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
Startup and Recovery dialog box, Determining the Source of the Problem
StartUp folder, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup
startup., Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup, Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu, Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Optimizing Startup, Optimizing Startup
(see also , , )
Advanced Options menu for controlling, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu
BOOT.INI for controlling, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
changing default operating system at, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini
launching applications and scripts at, Launching Applications and Scripts at Startup
Media Guide and, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
optimizing, Optimizing Startup
reducing and eliminating programs at, Optimizing Startup
System Configuration Utility for controlling, Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start
string values, registry, Changing the Value of a Registry Entry
surfing, Web., Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer (see )
swap file., Using Task Manager (see )
switches, BOOT.INI, Using the Boot.ini Switches, Controlling Startup with the Advanced Options Menu
switching between running programs, Enhancing Your System with the Windows XP PowerToys
synchronization of offline Web pages, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
system caret, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
System Configuration Editor, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
System Configuration Utility, Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start, Controlling Startup Using Boot.ini
System Information utility, Troubleshooting Resource Conflicts, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs, Determining the Source of the Problem
system maintenance, Backing Up the Registry, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, Maintaining Your System in 10 Easy Steps, Step 1—Check Your Hard Disk for Errors, Running Check Disk from the Command Line, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Step 5—Set System Restore Points, Step 6—Back Up Your Files, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches, Checking for Security Vulnerabilities, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs, Setting Up a Maintenance Schedule, Reinstalling Windows XP
Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard, Step 6—Back Up Your Files, Reinstalling Windows XP
backing up files, Step 5—Set System Restore Points
(see also )
checking for updates and security patches, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches
checking free disk space, Running Check Disk from the Command Line
checking hard disk, Step 1—Check Your Hard Disk for Errors
defragmenting hard disk, Step 4—Defragment Your Hard Disk
deleting unnecessary files, Step 2—Check Free Disk Space
establishing maintenance schedules, Setting Up a Maintenance Schedule
file and folder maintenance, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
reviewing event viewer logs, Step 10—Review Event Viewer Logs
setting system restore points, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool
system state, Backing Up the Registry
verifying digitally signed files, Checking for Security Vulnerabilities
System Monitor utility, Using Task Manager
system recovery, Backing Up the Registry, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Step 6—Back Up Your Files, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources, Booting Using the Last Known Good Configuration, Recovering Using the Recovery Console, Reinstalling Windows XP
Automated System Recovery Preparation Wizard, Step 6—Back Up Your Files, Reinstalling Windows XP
last known good configuration, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
Recovery Console utility, Recovering Using the Recovery Console
System Restore utility, Backing Up the Registry, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Booting Using the Last Known Good Configuration
System Restore utility, Backing Up the Registry, Running the Disk Defragmenter Tool, Booting Using the Last Known Good Configuration
system time, script for synchronizing, Adding a Network Printer
SYSTEM.INI, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility


Task Manager utility, Optimizing Performance, Optimizing Applications
monitoring performance, Optimizing Performance
setting program priority, Optimizing Applications
taskbar, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods, Taskbar Magnifier, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options, Controlling Taskbar Grouping, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
adding Control Panel, Opening Control Panel Icons Using Alternative Methods
customizing, Working with the Start Menu Folder
dragging and dropping files, Choosing "No To All" When Copying or Moving
grouping feature, Improving Productivity by Setting Taskbar Options
locking and unlocking, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
magnifying, Taskbar Magnifier
modifying, with group policies, Controlling Taskbar Grouping
options, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use
toolbars, Working with the Start Menu Folder
Taskbar Magnifier PowerToy, Taskbar Magnifier
templates, folder, Customizing Media Folders
text display, Working with Object Collections, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
Wscript Echo method, Working with Object Collections
WshShell Popup method, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
third-party browser extensions, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Thumbnail views, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
time, script for synchronizing system, Adding a Network Printer
Timershot PowerToy, HTML Slide Show Wizard
toolbars, taskbar, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Working with the Start Menu Folder, Displaying the Built-In Taskbar Toolbars, Displaying the Built-In Taskbar Toolbars, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use
creating new, Displaying the Built-In Taskbar Toolbars
displaying default, Working with the Start Menu Folder
options, Displaying the Built-In Taskbar Toolbars
shortcuts, Putting Taskbar Toolbars to Good Use
tracing boot sequence, Optimizing Startup
troubleshooting, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility, Troubleshooting Device Problems, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems, Determining the Source of the Problem, General Troubleshooting Tips, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
"by halves" method, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
determining problem source, Troubleshooting and Recovering from Problems
devices, Troubleshooting Device Problems
general tips, Determining the Source of the Problem
online resources, General Troubleshooting Tips
startup problems, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
system recovery, Troubleshooting Using Online Resources
(see also )
Tweak UI PowerToy, Reviewing Control Panel’s Icons, Setting Up an Automatic Logon, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
automatic logon, Setting Up an Automatic Logon
removing programs from Start menu, Getting More Favorite Programs on the Start Menu
search engine setup, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
thumbnail views, Tips for Working with Digital Media Files
type clarity, Using Screen Space Efficiently
types, file., Getting Familiar with File Types (see )


uninstalling., Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist, Working with Device Drivers, Working with Device Drivers
(see also )
devices, Working with Device Drivers
programs, Working Through a Preinstallation Checklist
Universal Naming Convention (UNC), Adding a Network Place
unsafe-file list, Protecting Yourself Against E-mail Viruses
updates, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches, Determining the Source of the Problem, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Microsoft Windows XP, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches, Determining the Source of the Problem
Windows Media Player, Setting Media Player’s Playback Options
URLs., Adding and Removing Zone Sites, Adding and Removing Zone Sites, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
adding wildcard to, Adding and Removing Zone Sites
appearance of, in status bar, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
customizing links, for fast Web surfing, Customizing the Links Bar for One-Click Surfing
drop-down list of matching, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Microsoft Internet Explorer and, Tips and Techniques for Better Web Surfing
search engines, Setting Up Other Search Engines for Address Bar Searching
sending, as UTF-8 standard, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
underlining, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
user accounts, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Accessing the Administrator Account, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, Control Panel’s User Accounts Icon, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Setting Account Lockout Policies, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line, Creating a Strong Password, Recovering a Forgotten Password, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications, Launching Programs from the Command Prompt, Clearing Simple File Sharing
(see also )
command line and, Setting Account Lockout Policies
dialog box, Control Panel’s User Accounts Icon
hiding (UserList registry key), Accessing the Administrator Account
icons, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts
installing programs and, Tips and Techniques for Installing Applications
managing, with Local Users and Groups snap-in, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In, Creating a Strong Password
network, Clearing Simple File Sharing
passwords, Specifying Startup and Logon Scripts, Working with Users and Groups from the Command Line
(see also )
running programs and, Launching Programs from the Command Prompt
security considerations, Recovering a Forgotten Password
security groups, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts
setting policies, The Local Users And Groups Snap-In
user interface customization., Customizing the Interface (see )
users, HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU), Switching Between the Welcome Screen and the Classic Logon, Getting the Most Out of User Accounts, Creating Application-Specific Paths
accounts., Getting the Most Out of User Accounts (see )
program restrictions on, Creating Application-Specific Paths
switching, Switching Between the Welcome Screen and the Classic Logon


Web., Taskbar Magnifier, HTML Slide Show Wizard, Troubleshooting Device Driver Problems, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches, General Troubleshooting Tips, Implementing Internet Security and Privacy, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System, Adding and Removing Zone Sites, Changing a Zone’s Security Level, Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
(see also )
addresses., Adding and Removing Zone Sites (see )
animation in Web pages, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
browsing., Getting the Most Out of Internet Explorer (see )
cookies, Changing a Zone’s Security Level
e-mail bugs, Maintaining Your Privacy While Reading E-mail
finding device drivers, Troubleshooting Device Driver Problems
resources for troubleshooting problems, General Troubleshooting Tips
security issues, Keeping Intruders Out of Your System
(see also )
slide shows, Taskbar Magnifier
Web page elements on demand, Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options
Webcam images, HTML Slide Show Wizard
Windows Update Web sites, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches
Webcam Timershot PowerToy, HTML Slide Show Wizard
Welcome screen, Useful Windows XP Logon Strategies, Customizing the Logon
wildcard character (*), Adding and Removing Zone Sites
WIN.INI, Controlling Startup Using the System Configuration Utility
window, command, Alt-Tab Replacement
Windows Catalog, Installing and Troubleshooting Devices
Windows Explorer, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques, Determining Selection Size, Customizing the Send To Command, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
file and folder maintenance, A Dozen Little-Known Windows Explorer Techniques
quick start, Running Windows Explorer from the Command Line
restricting features of, with group policies, Restricting Windows Explorer’s Features with Group Policies
running, from command line, Customizing the Send To Command
running, in full-screen mode, Determining Selection Size
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), Configuring Services to Display an Alert When They Fail to Start
Windows Media Bonus Pack, Changing the Folder Icon
Windows Media Player, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media, Playing, Copying, and Storing Digital Media
Windows NT file system (NTFS)., Converting FAT16 and FAT32 Partitions to NTFS (see )
Windows Script Host (WSH), Programming Windows XP with Scripts, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution
Windows Security dialog box, bypassing, Optimizing Performance
Windows Update Web sites, Step 8—Check For Updates and Security Patches
Windows XP., Operating Control Panel (see )
wireless network hardware, Understanding Ethernet Network Hardware Requirements
WordPad file type, Changing the Default Action
World Wide Web (WWW)., Understanding Internet Explorer’s Advanced Options (see )
write caching, Optimizing the Hard Disk
WScript object, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Programming Objects, Working with Object Methods, Working with Object Collections
displaying text, Working with Object Collections
running Windows-based scripts, Understanding Scripts and Script Execution, Programming Objects, Working with Object Methods
WshShell object, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject, Running Applications, Running Applications
displaying text with Popup method, Programming the VBScript FileSystemObject
manipulating registry entries, Running Applications
running applications with Run method, Running Applications
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