Defining Installer Projects and the Product Registry

Product Registry

The product registry is essentially a product configuration database that keeps track of features and components of products for the operating system. The product registry accomplishes tasks such as associating filename extensions with applications. InstallAnywhere makes it easy to enter vendor and product information in the product registry to uniquely identify products.


Correctly setting the product ID and version is critical to using the Find Component in Registry action. By checking the product ID, InstallAnywhere finds the locations of components in the registry.

Product ID and vendor information is entered in the Project | Description subtask.

Installer Identification and Version

Installers—just like the software products they are installing—need to be given names and versions. Just as names and versions help track changes in a software product, InstallAnywhere helps uniquely identify versions of installers. InstallAnywhere also provides an installation log, which details the files installed and the actions executed by the installer. The developer defines whether to create an installation log, how to format the log, whether it should be created in plain text or XML format, and whether the installation log should be removed if the application is uninstalled.


To set the installation log install location, set the InstallAnywhere variable $INSTALL_ LOG_DESTINATION$.

The Project | Info task defines basic information about the installer to be created, displays information about the InstallAnywhere installer project, and enables the developer to make decisions about the installer installation log.

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