
Building software applications that are scalable, reliable, responsive, able to adapt to change, and solve the interoperability problem is non-trivial. Achieving such a system using open standards before the introduction of AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) complicated things further. Now with an AMQP message broker such as RabbitMQ, we can all take the advantage of message-based systems, which up until recently were only accessible to large corporates.

What this book covers

What can RabbitMQ do for you? helps you to understand reasons for using a message broker, including a brief of history of AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol).

Installing RabbitMQ (Simple) gives you instructions on how to set up, manage, configure and monitor RabbitMQ.

Installing Node.js (Simple) gives you instructions on how to setup Node.js and NPM, and also guides you through the process of building a simple Node.js Hello World application.

Hello World (Simple) guides you through the process of building a simple RabbitMQ-based Hello World application. We also look at our options for monitoring AMQP, and set up the RabbitMQ management plugin.

Work Queues (Intermediate) introduces the remainder of this book, and begins to decouple a highly-coupled e-commerce shop using messaging patterns. We start with Work Queues, distributing time-consuming tasks among multiple workers.

Persistent messages (Intermediate) begins the first of the three tasks looking at reliable message delivery. This task guides you through the process of enabling durable messages on our e-commerce shop.

Acknowledgements (Intermediate) further examines reliable message delivery by enabling message acknowledgements.

Publisher Confirms (Intermediate) completes the previous section on reliable message delivery enabling a RabbitMQ extension to AMQP and a replacement for AMQPs transaction mechanism, which guarantees message delivery.

Publish Subscribe (Advanced) continues our journey and implements another messaging pattern, Publish Subscribe, which allows us to easily distribute a message to multiple consumer applications.

Complex routing (Advanced) completes our decoupling process and implements a variation of the Publish Subscribe pattern, allowing us to route different types of messages to multiple queues.

Go forth and multiply completes our journey by discussing a series of further topics to research and consider when building and deploying applications using RabbitMQ.

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