
  1. 3D Displays
    1. 3D Visual Cues
    2. Active Glasses
    3. Angular Resolution
    4. Autostereoscopic
    5. Cardboard Effect
    6. Clipping Artifact
    7. Edge Violation
    8. Head Tracking
    9. Hologram
    10. Interacting with 3D Displays
    11. Multi-focal Length Lens
    12. Passive Glasses
    13. Polarization Rotator
    14. Stereo 3D (s3D) Displays
    15. SuperD
    16. Tunable Lenses
    17. Visual Conflicts
    18. Zone of Comfort
    19. zSpace
  3. Auditory Perception
    1. Anvil
    2. Auditory Cortex
    3. Binaural Perception
    4. Cochlea
    5. Hammer
    6. Human Ear
    7. Incus
    8. Malleus
    9. Pinna
    10. Stapes
    11. Stirrup
    12. Tympanic Membrane
  5. Biometrics
    1. 2D and 3D Face Recognition
    2. Active Appearance Model
    3. Audio Feedback
    4. Authentication
    5. Biometric Accuracy Requirements
    6. Biometric Data Fusion
    7. Biometric Enrollment Requirements
    8. Biometric Integrity Requirements
    9. Biometric Model Adaptation
    10. Biometric Spoofing
    11. Biometric Usability Study for the Visually Impaired
    12. Biometrics in Uncontrolled Environment
    13. Bimodal Verification
    14. Blind Subjects
    15. Data Fusion
    16. Face Analysis
    17. Face Detection
    18. Face Normalization
    19. Face Recognition
    20. Face Verification
    21. Feedback Mechanism
    22. Head Pose Estimation
    23. Head Pose Variations
    24. Identity Assurance
    25. Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs)
    26. Mobile Biometry
    27. Model Adaptation
    28. Multimodal Case Study
    29. Speaker Verification
    30. User Verification
    31. Voice Activity Detection
    32. Voice Analysis
  7. Cambrian Explosion
  9. Eye Gaze Tracking
    1. Corneal Reflection Method
    2. Electrooculography (EOG)
    3. Eye Contact Sensors (ECS)
    4. Eye Gaze Interaction
    5. Eye Movements
    6. Eye Tracker Calibration
    7. Eye Trackers
    8. Eye Tracking Accuracy
    9. Eyes
    10. Gaze as Context
    11. Gaze Gesture Alphabets
    12. Gaze Gestures
    13. Gaze Gesture Applications
    14. Gaze Path Reading a Text
    15. Gaze Pointing
    16. Gaze Pointing Feedback
    17. Gaze Tracking Outlook
    18. Gaze-based Activity Recognition
    19. Gaze-based Attention Detection
    20. Gaze-based Reading Detection
    21. Gesture Separation from Natural Eye Movement
    22. Midas Touch Problem
    23. Mouse and Gaze
    24. Saccade
  11. Human Computer Interaction
  12. Human Senses and Perception
  13. Human-Visual System (HVS)
    1. 3D Perception
    2. Accomodation of Eyes
    3. Binocular Vision
    4. Blur
    5. Color Perception
    6. Convergence of Eyes
    7. Cornea
    8. Depth Perception
    9. Eye Bandwidth
    10. Eye Resolution
    11. Focus cue
    12. Fovea
    13. Human Eye
    14. Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
    15. Lens
    16. Mach Bands
    17. Motion Parallax
    18. Muller-Lyer Illusion
    19. Occlusion
    20. Optic Nerve
    21. Origins of Biological Vision
    22. Parallax
    23. Photoreceptors
    24. Pupil
    25. Relative Motion
    26. Retina
    27. Stereopsis
    28. Visual Acuity
    29. Visual Cortex
    30. Visual Perception
  15. Interactive Displays
    1. Architecture Block Diagrams
  17. Legacy Input Devices
    1. Data Glove
    2. Douglas Engelbart
    3. Flash-matic
    4. Lazy Bones
    5. Mouse
    6. Remote Control
    7. Space Command
    8. Zenith
  18. Light Field
    1. Light Field Display
    2. Light Field Imaging
    3. Plenoptic Camera
    4. Plenoptic Function
  20. Multimodal Interface
    1. 3D Gesture
    2. 3D Modeling and Design
    3. Automobile Control
    4. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)
    5. Collaboration
    6. Complimentarity of Input Modalities
    7. Concurrency of Input Modalities
    8. Consumer Electronics
    9. Disabled
    10. Electroencephalography (EEG)
    11. Electromyography (EMG)
    12. Equivalence of Input Modalities
    13. Eye Tracking and Gaze
    14. Facial Expressions
    15. Frame-based Integration
    16. Games and Simulation
    17. Human-Robot Interaction
    18. McGurk Effect
    19. Medical Applications
    20. Mobile Image Editing
    21. Mobile Search
    22. Mobile Text Entry
    23. Multimodal Inputs
    24. Multimodal Integration Strategies
    25. Multimodal Interactions
    26. Multimodal Perception
    27. Perceptual User Interfaces
    28. Procedural Integration
    29. Redundancy of Input Modalities
    30. Specialization of Input Modalities
    31. Symbolic/Statistical Integration
    32. Touch Input
    33. Transfer of of Input Modalities
    34. Unification-based Integration
    35. Usability Issues with Multimodal Interaction
  22. Natural Human-Interface Technologies
  24. Tactile Perception
    1. Cortical Homunculus
    2. Homunculus
    3. Mechanoreceptor
    4. Meissner Corpuscle
    5. Merkel Disc
    6. Pacinian Corpuscle
    7. Ruffini Ending
    8. Somatosensory Cortex
    9. Wilder Penfield
  25. Touch Interface
    1. Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR)
    2. Acoustic Touch Technologies
    3. Analog Multi-Touch Resistive (AMR)
    4. Analog Resistive
    5. Camera-Based Optical
    6. Capacitive Touch Technologies
    7. Combinations of Touch Technologies
    8. Digital Multi-Touch Resistive (DMR)
    9. Dispersive Signal Technology (DST)
    10. Embedded (light-sensing)
    11. Embedded (on-cell, in-cell, & hybrid)
    12. Embedded Touch Technologies
    13. First Touch Display
    14. Force-Sensing
    15. Future of Touch Technologies
    16. History of Touch Technologies
    17. Hybrid In-cell/On-cell Mutual-capacitive
    18. In-cell Light Sensing
    19. In-cell Mutual-capacitive
    20. In-Glass Optical
    21. Multi-Touch
    22. Multi-Touch Infrared
    23. On-cell Mutual-capacitive
    24. Optical Touch Technologies
    25. P-cap Controllers
    26. P-cap Sensors
    27. P-cap Touch Modules
    28. PIN-Diode Optical
    29. Planar Scatter Detection (PSD)
    30. Projected Capacitive
    31. Projection
    32. Resistive Touch Technologies
    33. Reversing Ramped Field Capacitive (RRFC)
    34. Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)
    35. Surface Capacitive
    36. Touch Module Revenues
    37. Touch Module Shipments
    38. Touchscreen Block Diagram
    39. Touch Controller
    40. Touch Screens
    41. Touch Sensing
    42. Touch Sensor
    43. Touch Taxonomy
    44. Touch Technologies
    45. Touch Technologies Evolution
    46. Touch Technology Share
    47. Touch Technology Suppliers
    48. Traditional Infrared
    49. Vision-based Optical
    50. Waveguide Infrared
  27. Vision Interface
    1. 2D and 3D Imaging
    2. 2D Camera
    3. 2D Pseudo-random Codifications
    4. 3D Camera
    5. 3D Imaging
    6. 3D Interactions
    7. 3D Model
    8. 3D Reconstruction
    9. 3D Segmentation
    10. 3D Sensing
    11. Absolute Phase Recovery
    12. Augmented Reality
    13. Background Segmentation
    14. Binary Structured Codifications
    15. Binocular Disparity
    16. Camera Obscura
    17. Computer Vision
    18. Condensation Algorithms
    19. Continuous Sinusoidal Phase Codifications
    20. Continuous Time-of-Flight
    21. Dense Stereo
    22. Depth Camera
    23. Depth Map
    24. Digital Fringe Projection (DFP)
    25. Digital Light Processing (DLP)
    26. Digital Micromirror Device (DMD)
    27. Disparity
    28. Disparity Space Image (DSI)
    29. Dynamic Programming
    30. Epipolar Geometry
    31. Extrinsic Camera Parameters
    32. Facial Expressions
    33. Finite State Machines
    34. Gesture Recognition
    35. Gesture Recognition Block Diagram
    36. Hand Models
    37. Hidden Markov Models
    38. Homogenous Matrix
    39. Human Action Chain
    40. Image Segmentation
    41. Imaging Technologies
    42. Intrinsic Camera Parameters
    43. Kalman Filter
    44. Kinect
    45. Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
    46. Machine Vision
    47. Manipulative Gestures
    48. Markov Dynamic Model
    49. Minority Report
    50. Model-based Gesture Recognition
    51. Modulation Frequency
    52. Modulation Wavelength
    53. N-ary Codifications
    54. N-step Phase-shifting Technique
    55. Particle Filtering
    56. Perceptual Computing
    57. Perspective Projection
    58. Pinhole Camera
    59. Pinhole Camera Model
    60. Projected Pattern
    61. Pseudo-random Patterns
    62. Pulsed Time-of-Flight
    63. Range Image
    64. Robot Navigation
    65. Semaphoric Gestures
    66. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
    67. Skeletal Models
    68. Sparse Stereo
    69. Stereo 3D Imaging
    70. Stereo Correspondence
    71. Stereo Hardware Implementation
    72. Stereo Matching Cost
    73. Stereo Rectification
    74. Stereo Vision Sensors
    75. Structured Light 3D Imaging System
    76. Structured Light 3D Sensing
    77. Structured Light System calibration
    78. Structured Pattern Codifications
    79. Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD)
    80. Sum of Squared Differences (SSD)
    81. Time-of-flight 3D Imaging
    82. Time-of-Flight Background Light
    83. Time-of-Flight Camera Components
    84. Time-of-Flight Distance Aliasing
    85. Time-of-Flight Limitations
    86. Time-of-Flight Multi-path
    87. Time-of-Flight Power Budget
    88. Time-of-Flight Range Accuracy
    89. Time-of-Flight Scattering
    90. Time-of-Flight System
    91. Time-of-Flight Trends
    92. Video Conferencing
    93. View-based Gesture Recognition
    94. Virtuality Reality
    95. Vision-based Interactions
    96. Vision-based System Architecture
    97. Visual Attention
    98. Visual Displays
    99. Visual Sensing
  28. Voice Interface
  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  2. Acoustic Echo Cancellation
  3. Acoustic Front-end
  4. Acoustic Model
  5. Artificial Neural Networks
  6. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
  7. Bayes' Rule
  8. Beamforming
  9. Canonical System
  10. Coarticulation
  11. Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
  12. Dialog Management
  13. Discourse Representation
  14. Distributed Voice Interface
  15. DNN Training
  16. Finite State Machine (FSM)
  17. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
  18. Grammar-based Language Models
  19. Hardware Optimization for Speech
  20. HAL, 9000 14
  21. Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
  22. Knowledge Representation
  23. Language Model
  24. Lower-Power Wake-up
  25. Mixed Initiative Coversations
  26. Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
  27. Nature of Speech
  28. Noise Cancellation
  29. Noise Suppression
  30. Phonemes
  31. Probability Density Function (PDF)
  32. Question Answering
  33. Robust Voice Recognition
  34. Search
  35. Signal Enhancement Techniques
  36. Slot and Filler Technology
  37. Speaker Dependent Recognition
  38. Speech Modeling
  39. Speech Reasoning
  40. Speech Recognition Accuracy
  41. Speech Segmentation
  42. Speech Spectrogram
  43. Speech Synthesis
  44. Speech Waveform
  45. Stochastic Language Models
  46. Symantic Speech Analysis
  47. Text-to-speech Synthesis (TTS)
  48. Training Acoustic and Language Models
  49. Voice Biometrics
  50. Voice Interface Architecture
  51. Voice Recognition
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