List of Contributors

  1. Achintya K. Bhowmik, Intel Corporation, USA
  2. Adwait Ratnaparkhi, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  3. Andrew Breen, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  4. Charles L. Ortiz, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  5. Corey Pittman, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
  6. Daniël Van Nieuwenhove, SoftKinetic Sensors, Belgium
  7. Friedrich Faubel, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  8. Geoff Walker, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California
  9. Heiko Drewes, LFE Medieninformatik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
  10. Holger Quast, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  11. Hung H. Bui, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  12. Jiaying Shen, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  13. Jim Larimer, ImageMetrics, Half Moon Bay, California
  14. Joseph J. LaViola Jr., University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
  15. Kevin Farrell, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  16. Lazaros Nalpantidis, Robotics, Vision and Machine Intelligence lab., Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
  17. Nikolaus Karpinsky, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
  18. Norman Poh, Department of Computing, University of Surrey, UK
  19. Paul van Mulbregt, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  20. Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  21. Peter Stubley, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  22. Philip J. Bos, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
  23. Phillip A. Tresadern, University of Manchester, UK
  24. Richard Crouch, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  25. Rita Wong, University of Surrey, UK
  26. Roberto Gemello, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  27. Ronald M. Kaplan, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  28. Sarah Buchanan, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
  29. Song Zhang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
  30. Tim Haulick, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  31. Tyler Bell, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
  32. Vlad Sejnoha, Nuance Communications, Inc.
  33. William F. Ganong III, Nuance Communications, Inc.
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