4. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS): Part 1

Fashions fade, style is eternal.

—Yves Saint Laurent

How liberating to work in the margins, outside a central perception.

—Don DeLillo


In this chapter you’ll:

• Control a website’s appearance with style sheets.

• Use a style sheet to give all the pages of a website the same look and feel.

• Use the class attribute to apply styles.

• Specify the precise font, size, color and other properties of displayed text.

• Specify element backgrounds and colors.

• Understand the box model and how to control margins, borders and padding.

• Use style sheets to separate presentation from content.


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Inline Styles

4.3 Embedded Style Sheets

4.4 Conflicting Styles

4.5 Linking External Style Sheets

4.6 Positioning Elements: Absolute Positioning, z-index

4.7 Positioning Elements: Relative Positioning, span

4.8 Backgrounds

4.9 Element Dimensions

4.10 Box Model and Text Flow

4.11 Media Types and Media Queries

4.12 Drop-Down Menus

4.13 (Optional) User Style Sheets

4.14 Web Resources

Summary | Self-Review Exercise | Answers to Self-Review Exercises | Exercises

4.1. Introduction

In Chapters 23, we introduced HTML5 for marking up information to be rendered in a browser. In this chapter and Chapter 5, we shift our focus to formatting and presenting information. To do this, we use a W3C technology called Cascading Style Sheets 3 (CSS3) that allows you to specify the presentation of elements on a web page (e.g., fonts, spacing, sizes, colors, positioning) separately from the document’s structure and content (section headers, body text, links, etc.). This separation of structure from presentation simplifies maintaining and modifying web pages, especially on large-scale websites. In Chapter 5, we introduce many new features in CSS3.

HTML5 was designed to specify the content and structure of a document. Though HTML5 has some attributes that control presentation, it’s better not to mix presentation with content. If a website’s presentation is determined entirely by a style sheet, you can simply swap in a new style sheet to completely change the site’s appearance.

The W3C provides a CSS3 code validator at jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/. This tool can help you make sure that your code is correct and will work on CSS3-compliant browsers. We’ve run this validator on every CSS3/HTML5 document in this book. For more CSS3 information, check out our CSS3 Resource Center at www.deitel.com/css3.

4.2. Inline Styles

You can declare document styles inline in the HTML5 markup, in embedded style sheets or in separate CSS files. This section presents inline styles that declare an individual element’s format using the HTML5 attribute style. Inline styles override any other styles applied using the techniques we discuss later in the chapter. Figure 4.1 applies inline styles to p elements to alter their font size and color.

Image Software Engineering Observation 4.1

Inline styles do not truly separate presentation from content. To apply similar styles to multiple elements, use embedded style sheets or external style sheets, introduced later in this chapter.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.1: inline.html -->
 4   <!-- Using inline styles -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Inline Styles</title>
 9      </head>
10      <body>
11         <p>This text does not have any style applied to it.</p>
13         <!-- The style attribute allows you to declare -->
14         <!-- inline styles. Separate multiple -->
15         <!-- style properties with a semicolon. -->
16         <p style = "font-size: 20pt;">This text has the
17            <em>font-size</em> style applied to it, making it 20pt.
18         </p>
20         <p style = "font-size: 20pt; color: deepskyblue;">
21            This text has the <em>font-size</em> and
22            <em>color</em> styles applied to it, making it
23            20pt and deep sky blue.</p>
24      </body>
25   </html>


Fig. 4.1. Using inline styles.

The first inline style declaration appears in line 16. Attribute style specifies an element’s style. Each CSS property (font-size in this case) is followed by a colon and a value. In line 16, we declare this particular p element to use a 20-point font size.

Line 20 specifies the two properties, font-size and color, separated by a semicolon. In this line, we set the given paragraph’s color to deepskyblue. Hexadecimal codes may be used in place of color names. Figure 4.2 contains the HTML standard color set. We provide a list of extended hexadecimal color codes and color names in Appendix B. You can also find a complete list of HTML standard and extended colors at www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/.


Fig. 4.2. HTML standard colors and hexadecimal RGB values.

4.3. Embedded Style Sheets

A second technique for using style sheets is embedded style sheets, which enable you to embed a CSS3 document in an HTML5 document’s head section. Figure 4.3 creates an embedded style sheet containing four styles.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.3: embedded.html -->
 4   <!-- Embedded style sheet. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Embedded Style Sheet</title>
10         <!-- this begins the style sheet section -->
11         <style type = "text/css">                                  
12            em       { font-weight:  bold;                          
13                       color: black; }                              
14            h1       { font-family: tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif; }
15            p        { font-size: 12pt;                             
16                       font-family: arial, sans-serif; }            
17            .special { color: purple ; }                            
18         </style>                                                   
19      </head>
20      <body>
21         <!-- this attribute applies the .special style class -->
22         <h1 class = "special">Deitel & Associates, Inc.</h1>
24         <p>Deitel & Associates, Inc. is an authoring and
25            corporate training organization specializing in
26            programming languages, Internet and web technology,
27            iPhone and Android app development, and object
28            technology education.</p>
30         <h1>Clients</h1>
31         <p class = "special"> The company's clients include many
32            <em>Fortune 1000 companies</em>, government agencies,
33            branches of the military and business organizations.</p>
34      </body>
35   </html>


Fig. 4.3. Embedded style sheet.

The style Element and MIME Types

The style element (lines 11–18) defines the embedded style sheet. Styles placed in the head apply to matching elements wherever they appear in the body. The style element’s type attribute specifies the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type that describes the style element’s content. CSS documents use the MIME type text/css. As of HTML5, the default type for a style element is "text/css", so this attribute is no longer needed—we kept it here because you’ll see this used in legacy HTML code. Figure 4.4 lists common MIME types used in this book. For a complete list of MIME types, visit:



Fig. 4.4. A few common MIME types.

The style sheet’s body (lines 12–17) declares the CSS rules for the style sheet. To achieve the separation between the CSS3 code and the HTML5 that it styles, we’ll use a CSS selector to specify the elements that will be styled according to a rule. Our first rule (line 12) begins with the selector em, which selects all em elements in the document. An em element indicates that its contents should be emphasized. Browsers usually render em elements in an italic font. Each rule’s body is enclosed in curly braces ({ and }). CSS rules in embedded style sheets use the same syntax as inline styles; the property name is followed by a colon (:) and the property value. Multiple properties are separated by semicolons (;). The font-weight property in line 12 specifies the “boldness” of text. Possible values are bold, normal (the default), bolder (bolder than bold text) and lighter (lighter than normal text). Boldness also can be specified with multiples of 100, from 100 to 900. Text specified as normal is equivalent to 400, and bold text is equivalent to 700. However, many systems do not have fonts that can scale with this level of precision, so using these numeric values might not display the desired effect.

In this example, all em elements will be displayed in a bold black font. We also apply styles to all h1 and p elements (lines 14–16).

Style Classes

Line 17 declares a selector for a style class named special. Style-class declarations are preceded by a period (.). They define styles that can be applied to any element. In this example, class special sets color to purple. We’ll show how to apply a style class momentarily. You can also declare id selectors. If an element in your page has an id, you can declare a selector of the form #elementId to specify that element’s style.

font-family Property

The font-family property (line 14) specifies the name of the font to use. Not all users have the same fonts installed on their computers, so CSS allows you to specify a comma-separated list of fonts to use for a particular style. The browser attempts to use the fonts in the order in which they appear in the list. It’s advisable to end a font list with a generic font family name in case the other fonts are not installed on the user’s computer (Fig. 4.5). In this example, if the tahoma font is not found on the system, the browser will look for the helvetica font. If neither is found, the browser will display its default sans-serif font.


Fig. 4.5. Generic font families.

font-size Property

Property font-size (line 15) specifies a 12-point font. Other possible measurements in addition to pt (point) are introduced in Section 4.4. Relative values—xx-small, x-small, small, smaller, medium, large, larger, x-large and xx-large—also can be used. Generally, relative font-size values are preferred over points, because an author does not know the specific measurements of each client’s display. Relative values permit more flexible viewing of web pages. For example, users can change font sizes the browser displays for readability.

A user may view a web page on a handheld device with a small screen. Specifying a fixed font size (such as 18pt) prevents the browser from scaling fonts. A relative font size, such as large or larger, allows the browser to determine the actual size of the text displayed. Using relative sizes also makes pages more accessible to users with disabilities. Users with impaired vision, for example, may configure their browser to use a larger default font, upon which all relative sizes are based. Text that the author specifies to be smaller than the main text still displays in a smaller size font. Accessibility is an important consideration—in 1998, Congress passed the Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, mandating that websites of federal government agencies be accessible to disabled users. For more information, visit www.access-board.gov/508.htm.

Applying a Style Class

Line 22 uses the HTML5 attribute class in an h1 element to apply a style class—in this case, the class named special (declared with the .special selector in the style sheet on line 17). When the browser renders the h1 element, the text appears on screen with the properties of both an h1 element (tahoma, helvetica or sans-serif font defined in line 14) and the .special style class applied (the color purple defined in line 17). The browser also still applies its own default style to the h1 element—the header is displayed in a large font size. Similarly, all em elements will still be italicized by the browser, but they will also be bold as a result of lines 12–13.

The formatting rules for both the p element and the .special class are applied to the text in lines 31–33. In many cases, the styles applied to an element (the parent or ancestor element) also apply to the element’s nested elements (child or descendant elements). The em element nested in the p element in line 32 inherits the style from the p element (namely, the 12-point font size in line 15) but retains its italic style. So styles defined for the paragraph and not defined for the em element are still applied to this em element that’s nested in the p element. Multiple values of one property can be set or inherited on the same element, so the browser must reduce them to one value for that property per element before they’re rendered. We discuss the rules for resolving these conflicts in the next section.

4.4. Conflicting Styles

Styles may be defined by a user, an author or a user agent. A user is a person viewing your web page, you’re the author—the person who writes the document—and the user agent is the program used to render and display the document (e.g., a web browser).

• Styles cascade (and hence the term “Cascading Style Sheets”), or flow together, such that the ultimate appearance of elements on a page results from combining styles defined in several ways.

• Styles defined by the user take precedence over styles defined by the user agent.

• Styles defined by authors take precedence over styles defined by the user.

Most styles defined for parent elements are also inherited by child (nested) elements. This makes sense for most styles, such as font properties, but there are certain properties that you don’t want to be inherited. For example, the background-image property allows you to set an image as the background of an element. If the body element is assigned a background image, we don’t want the same image to be in the background of every element in the body of our page. Instead, the background-image property of all child elements retains its default value of none. In this section, we discuss the rules for resolving conflicts between styles defined for elements and styles inherited from parent and ancestor elements.

Figure 4.3 contains an example of inheritance in which a child em element inherits the font-size property from its parent p element. However, in Fig. 4.3, the child em element has a color property that conflicts with (i.e., has a different value than) the color property of its parent p element. Properties defined for child and descendant elements have a higher specificity than properties defined for parent and ancestor elements. Conflicts are resolved in favor of properties with a higher specificity, so the child’s styles take precedence. Figure 4.6 illustrates examples of inheritance and specificity.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.6: advanced.html -->
 4   <!-- Inheritance in style sheets. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>More Styles</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            body     { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }
11            a.nodec  { text-decoration: none; }     
12            a:hover  { text-decoration: underline; }
13            li em    { font-weight: bold; }         
14            h1, em   { text-decoration: underline; }
15            ul       { margin-left: 20px; }
16            ul ul    { font-size: .8em; }
17         </style>
18      </head>
19      <body>
20         <h1>Shopping list for Monday:</h1>
22         <ul>
23            <li>Milk</li>
24            <li>Bread
25               <ul>
26                  <li>white bread</li>
27                  <li>Rye bread</li>
28                  <li>Whole wheat bread</li>
29               </ul>
30            </li>
31            <li>Carrots</li>
32            <li>Yogurt</li>
33            <li>Pizza <em>with mushrooms</em></li>
34         </ul>
36         <p><em>Go to the</em>
37            <a class = "nodec" href = "http://www.deitel.com">
38               Grocery store</a>
39         </p>
40      </body>
41   </html>


Fig. 4.6. Inheritance in style sheets.

Line 11 applies property text-decoration to all a elements whose class attribute is set to nodec (line 37). The text-decoration property applies decorations to text in an element. By default, browsers underline the text of an a (anchor) element. Here, we set the text-decoration property to none to indicate that the browser should not underline hyperlinks. Other possible values for text-decoration include overline, line-through and underline. The .nodec appended to a is a more specific class selector; this style in line 11 applies only to a (anchor) elements that specify the nodec in their class attribute.

Image Portability Tip 4.1

To ensure that your style sheets work in various web browsers, test them on many client web browsers, and use the W3C CSS Validator.

Line 12 specifies a style for hover, which is a pseudo-class. Pseudo-classes give you access to information that’s not declared in the document, such as whether the mouse is hovering over an element or whether the user has previously clicked (visited) a particular hyperlink. The hover pseudo-class is activated dynamically when the user moves the mouse cursor over (that is, hovers over) an element. Pseudo-classes are separated by a colon (with no surrounding spaces) from the name of the element to which they’re applied.

Image Common Programming Error 4.1

Including a space before or after the colon separating a pseudo-class from the name of the element to which it’s applied prevents the pseudo-class from being applied properly.

Line 13 causes all em elements that are children of li elements to be bold. In the screen output of Fig. 4.6, Go to the (contained in an em element in line 36) does not appear bold, because the em element is not nested in an li element. However, the em element containing with mushrooms (line 33) is nested in an li element, so it’s formatted in bold. The syntax for applying rules to multiple elements is similar. In line 14, we separate the selectors with a comma to apply an underline style rule to all h1 and all em elements.

Line 15 assigns a 20-pixel left margin to all ul elements. We’ll discuss the margin properties in detail in Section 4.10. A pixel is a relative-length measurement—it varies in size, based on screen resolution. Other relative lengths include em (which, as a measurement, means the font’s uppercase M height—the most frequently used font measurement), ex (the font’s x-height—usually set to a lowercase x’s height) and percentages (e.g., font-size: 50%). To set an element to display text at 150 percent of its default text size, you could use

font-size: 1.5em


font-size: 150%

Other units of measurement available in CSS are absolute-length measurements—i.e., units that do not vary in size based on the system. These units are in (inches), cm (centimeters), mm (millimeters), pt (points; 1 pt = 1/72 in) and pc (picas; 1 pc = 12 pt). Line 16 specifies that all nested unordered lists (ul elements that are descendants of ul elements) are to have font size .8em. [Note: When setting a style property that takes a measurement (e.g. font-size, margin-left), no units are necessary if the value is zero.]

Image Good Programming Practice 4.1

Whenever possible, use relative-length measurements. If you use absolute-length measurements, your document may not scale well on some client browsers (e.g., smartphones).

4.5. Linking External Style Sheets

Style sheets are a convenient way to create a document with a uniform theme. With external style sheets (i.e., separate documents that contain only CSS rules), you can provide a uniform look and feel to an entire website (or to a portion of one). You can also reuse the same external style sheet across multiple websites. Different pages on a site can all use the same style sheet. When changes to the styles are required, you need to modify only a single CSS file to make style changes across all the pages that use those styles. This concept is sometimes known as skinning. While embedded style sheets separate content from presentation, both are still contained in a single file, preventing a web designer and a content author from conveniently working in parallel. External style sheets solve this problem by separating the content and style into separate files.

Figure 4.7 presents an external style sheet. Lines 1–2 are CSS comments. These may be placed in any type of CSS code (i.e., inline styles, embedded style sheets and external style sheets) and always start with /* and end with */. Text between these delimiters is ignored by the browser. The rules in this external style sheet are the same as those in the embedded style sheet in Fig. 4.6, lines 10–16.

1   /* Fig. 4.7: styles.css */
2   /* External style sheet */
3   body     { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }
4   a.nodec  { text-decoration: none; }
5   a:hover  { text-decoration: underline; }
6   li em    { font-weight: bold; }
7   h1, em   { text-decoration: underline; }
8   ul       { margin-left: 20px; }
9   ul ul    { font-size: .8em; }

Fig. 4.7. External style sheet.

Figure 4.8 contains an HTML5 document that references the external style sheet. Lines 9–10 show a link element that uses the rel attribute to specify a relationship between the current document and another document. Here, we declare the linked document to be a stylesheet for this document. The type attribute specifies the related document’s MIME type as text/css. The href attribute provides the style sheet document’s URL. Using just the file name styles.css, as we do here, indicates that styles.css is in the same directory as external.html. The rendering results are the same as in Fig. 4.6.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.8: external.html -->
 4   <!-- Linking an external style sheet. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Linking External Style Sheets</title>
 9         <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css"
10            href = "styles.css">                   
11      </head>
12      <body>
13         <h1>Shopping list for <em>Monday</em>:</h1>
15         <ul>
16            <li>Milk</li>
17            <li>Bread
18               <ul>
19                  <li>white bread</li>
20                  <li>Rye bread</li>
21                  <li>Whole wheat bread</li>
22               </ul>
23            </li>
24             <li>Carrots</li>
25             <li>Yogurt</li>
26             <li>Pizza <em>with mushrooms</em></li>
27          </ul>
29          <p><em>Go to the</em>
30             <a class = "nodec"  href = "http://www.deitel.com">
31                Grocery store</a>
32          </p>
33       </body>
34    </html>


Fig. 4.8. Linking an external style sheet.

4.6. Positioning Elements: Absolute Positioning, z-index

Before CSS, controlling element positioning in HTML documents was difficult—the browser determined positioning. CSS introduced the position property and a capability called absolute positioning, which gives you greater control over how document elements are displayed. Figure 4.9 demonstrates absolute positioning.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.9: positioning.html -->
 4   <!-- Absolute positioning of elements. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Absolute Positioning</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            .background_image { position: absolute;
11                                top: 0px;          
12                                left: 0px;         
13                                z-index: 1; }      
14            .foreground_image { position: absolute;
15                                top: 25px;         
16                                left: 100px;       
17                                z-index: 2; }      
18            .text             { position: absolute;
19                                top: 25px;         
20                                left: 100px;       
21                                z-index: 3;        
22                                font-size: 20pt;
23                                font-family: tahoma, geneva, sans-serif; }
24         </style>
25      </head>
26      <body>
27         <p><img src = "background_image.png" class = "background_image"
28            alt = "First positioned image" /></p>
30         <p><img src = "foreground_image.png" class = "foreground_image"
31            alt =       "Second positioned image" /></p>
33         <p class = "text">Positioned Text</p>
34      </body>
35   </html>


Fig. 4.9. Absolute positioning of elements.

Normally, elements are positioned on the page in the order in which they appear in the HTML5 document. Lines 10–13 define a style called background_image for the first img element (background_image.png) on the page. Specifying an element’s position as absolute removes the element from the normal flow of elements on the page, instead positioning it according to the distance from the top, left, right or bottom margins of its containing block-level element. This means that it’s displayed on its own line and has a virtual box around it. Some examples of block-level elements include section, div, p and heading elements (h1 through h6). Here, we position the element to be 0 pixels away from both the top and left margins of its containing element. In line 27, this style is applied to the image, which is contained in a p element.

The z-index property allows you to layer overlapping elements. Elements that have higher z-index values are displayed in front of elements with lower z-index values. In this example, .background_image has the lowest z-index (1), so it displays in the background. The .foreground_image CSS rule (lines 14–17) gives the circle image (foreground_image.png, in lines 30–31) a z-index of 2, so it displays in front of background_image.png. The p element in line 33 is given a z-index of 3 in line 21, so its content (Positioned Text) displays in front of the other two. If you do not specify a z-index or if elements have the same z-index value, the elements are placed from background to foreground in the order in which they’re encountered in the document. The default z-index value is 0.

4.7. Positioning Elements: Relative Positioning, span

Absolute positioning is not the only way to specify page layout. Figure 4.10 demonstrates relative positioning, in which elements are positioned relative to other elements.

Setting the position property to relative, as in class super (lines 15–16), lays out the element on the page and offsets it by the specified top, bottom, left or right value. Unlike absolute positioning, relative positioning keeps elements in the general flow of elements on the page, so positioning is relative to other elements in the flow. Recall that ex (line 16) is the x-height of a font, a relative-length measurement typically equal to the height of a lowercase x. Class super (lines 15–16) lays out the text at the end of the sentence as superscript, and class sub (lines 17–18) lays out the text as subscript relative to the other text. Class shiftleft (lines 19–20) shifts the text at the end of the sentence left and class shiftright (lines 21–22) shifts the text right.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.10: positioning2.html -->
 4   <!-- Relative positioning of elements. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Relative Positioning</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            p           { font-size: 1.3em;
11                          font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; }
12            span        { color: red;
13                          font-size: .6em;
14                          height: 1em; }
15            .super      { position: relative;     
16                          top: -1ex; }            
17            .sub        { position: relative;     
18                          bottom: -1ex; }         
19            .shiftleft  { position: relative;     
20                          left: -1ex; }           
21            .shiftright { position: relative;     
22                          right: -1ex; }          
23         </style>
24      </head>
25      <body>
26         <p>The text at the end of this sentence
27            <span class = "super">is in superscript</span>.</p>
29         <p>The text at the end of this sentence
30            <span class = "sub">is in subscript</span>.</p>
32         <p>The text at the end of this sentence
33            <span class = "shiftleft">is shifted left</span>.</p>
35         <p>The text at the end of this sentence
36            <span class = "shiftright">is shifted right</span>.</p>
37      </body>
38   </html>


Fig. 4.10. Relative positioning of elements.

Inline and Block-Level Elements

We introduce the span element in line 27. Lines 12–14 define the CSS rule for all span elements in this example. The span’s height determines how much vertical space it will occupy. The font-size determines the size of the text inside the span.

Element span is a grouping element—by default, it does not apply any formatting to its contents. Its primary purpose is to apply CSS rules or id attributes to a section of text. Element span is an inline-level element—it does not change the flow of elements in the document. Examples of inline elements include span, img, a, em and strong. The div element is also a grouping element, but it’s a block-level element. We’ll discuss inline and block-level elements in more detail in Section 4.10.

4.8. Backgrounds

CSS provides control over the backgrounds of block-level elements. CSS can set a background color or add background images to HTML5 elements. Figure 4.11 adds a corporate logo to the bottom-right corner of the document. This logo stays fixed in the corner even when the user scrolls up or down the screen.

background-image Property

The background-image property (line 10) specifies the image URL for the image logo.png in the format url(fileLocation). You can also set the background-color property (line 14) in case the image is not found (and to fill in areas the image does not cover).

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.11: background.html -->
 4   <!-- Adding background images and indentation -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Background Images</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            body  { background-image: url(logo.png);  
11                    background-position: bottom right;
12                    background-repeat: no-repeat;     
13                    background-attachment: fixed;     
14                    background-color: lightgrey; }    
15            p     { font-size: 18pt;
16                    color: Darkblue;
17                    text-indent: 1em;
18                    font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
19            .dark { font-weight: bold; }
20         </style>
21      </head>
22      <body>
23         <p>
24            This example uses the background-image,
25            background-position and background-attachment
26            styles to place the <span class = "dark">Deitel
27            & Associates, Inc.</span>  logo in the
28            bottom-right corner of the page. Notice how the logo
29            stays in the proper position when you resize the
30            browser window. The background-color fills in where
31            there is no image.
32         </p>
33      </body>
34   </html>


Fig. 4.11. Adding background images and indentation.

background-position Property

The background-position property (line 11) places the image on the page. The keywords top, bottom, center, left and right are used individually or in combination for vertical and horizontal positioning. You can position an image using lengths by specifying the horizontal length followed by the vertical length. For example, to position the image as horizontally centered (positioned at 50 percent of the distance across the screen) and 30 pixels from the top, use

background-position: 50% 30px;

background-repeat Property

The background-repeat property (line 12) controls background image tiling, which places multiple copies of the image next to each other to fill the background. Here, we set the tiling to no-repeat to display only one copy of the background image. Other values include repeat (the default) to tile the image vertically and horizontally, repeat-x to tile the image only horizontally or repeat-y to tile the image only vertically.

background-attachment: fixed Property

The next property setting, background-attachment: fixed (line 13), fixes the image in the position specified by background-position. Scrolling the browser window will not move the image from its position. The default value, scroll, moves the image as the user scrolls through the document.

text-indent property

Line 17 uses the text-indent property to indent the first line of text in the element by a specified amount, in this case 1em. You might use this property to create a web page that reads more like a novel, in which the first line of every paragraph is indented.

font-style property

Another CSS property that formats text is the font-style property, which allows you to set text to none, italic or oblique (oblique is simply more slanted than italic—the browser will default to italic if the system or font does not support oblique text).

4.9. Element Dimensions

In addition to positioning elements, CSS rules can specify the actual dimensions of each page element. Figure 4.12 demonstrates how to set the dimensions of elements.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.12: width.html -->
 4   <!-- Element dimensions and text alignment. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Box Dimensions</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            p { background-color: lightskyblue;
11                  margin-bottom: .5em;
12                  font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }
13         </style>
14      </head>
15      <body>
16         <p style = "width: 20%">Here is some
17            text that goes in a box which is
18            set to stretch across twenty percent
19            of the width of the screen.</p>
21         <p style = "width: 80%; text-align: center">
22            Here is some CENTERED text that goes in a box
23            which is set to stretch across eighty percent of
24            the width of the screen.</section>
26         <p style = "width: 20%; height: 150px; overflow: scroll">
27            This box is only twenty percent of
28            the width and has a fixed height.
29            What do we do if it overflows? Set the
30            overflow property to scroll!</p>
31      </body>
32   </html>


Fig. 4.12. Element dimensions and text alignment.

Specifying the width and height of an Element

The inline style in line 16 illustrates how to set the width of an element on screen; here, we indicate that the p element should occupy 20 percent of the screen width. If not specified, the width will fit the size of the browser window. The height of an element can be set similarly, using the height property. The width and height values also can be specified as relative or absolute lengths. For example,

width: 10em

sets the element’s width to 10 times the font size. This works only for block-level elements.

text-align Property

Most elements are left-aligned by default, but this alignment can be altered. Line 21 sets text in the element to be center aligned; other values for the text-align property include left and right.

overflow Property and Scroll Bars

In the third p element, we specify a percentage width and a pixel height. One problem with setting both dimensions of an element is that the content inside the element can exceed the set boundaries, in which case the element is simply made large enough for all the content to fit. However, in line 26, we set the overflow property to scroll, a setting that adds scroll bars if the text overflows the boundaries.

4.10. Box Model and Text Flow

All block-level HTML5 elements have a virtual box drawn around them, based on what is known as the box model. When the browser renders an element using the box model, the content is surrounded by padding, a border and a margin (Fig. 4.13).


Fig. 4.13. Box model for block-level elements.

CSS controls the border using three properties: border-width, border-color and border-style. We illustrate these properties in Fig. 4.14.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.14: borders.html -->
 4   <!-- Borders of block-level elements. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Borders</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            div     { text-align: center;
11                      width: 50%;
12                      position: relative;
13                      left: 25%;
14                      border-width: 6px; }
15            .thick  { border-width: thick; } 
16            .medium { border-width: medium; }
17            .thin   { border-width: thin; }  
18            .solid  { border-style: solid; } 
19            .double { border-style: double; }
20            .groove { border-style: groove; }
21            .ridge  { border-style: ridge; } 
22            .dotted { border-style: dotted; }
23            .inset  { border-style: inset; } 
24            .outset { border-style: outset; }
25            .dashed { border-style: dashed; }
26            .red    { border-color: red; }   
27            .blue   { border-color: blue; }  
28         </style>
29      </head>
30      <body>
31         <div class = "solid">Solid border</div><hr>
32         <div class = "double">Double border</div><hr>
33         <div class = "groove">Groove border</div><hr>
34         <div class = "ridge">Ridge border</div><hr>
35         <div class = "dotted">Dotted border</div><hr>
36         <div class = "inset">Inset border</div><hr>
37         <div class = "thick dashed">Thick dashed border</div><hr>
38         <div class = "thin red solid">Thin red solid border</div><hr>
39         <div class = "medium blue outset">Medium blue outset border</div>
40      </body>
41   </html>


Fig. 4.14. Borders of block-level elements.

The border-width property may be set to any valid CSS length (e.g., em, ex, px) or to the predefined value of thin, medium or thick. The border-color property sets the color. [Note: This property has different meanings for different border styles—e.g., some display the border color in multiple shades.] The border-style options are none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset. Borders groove and ridge have opposite effects, as do inset and outset. When border-style is set to none, no border is rendered. Each border property may be set for an individual side of the box (e.g., border-top-style or border-left-color).

Floating Elements

We’ve seen with absolute positioning that it’s possible to remove elements from the normal flow of text. Floating allows you to move an element to one side of the screen; other content in the document then flows around the floated element. Figure 4.15 demonstrates how floating elements and the box model can be used to control the layout of an entire page.

Looking at the HTML5 code, we can see that the general structure of this document consists of a header and two main sections. Each section contains an h1 subheading and a paragraph of text.

Block-level elements (such as sections) render with a line break before and after their content, so the header and two sections will render vertically one on top of another. In the absence of our styles, the h1s that represent our subheadings would also stack vertically on top of the text in the p tags. However, in line 24 we set the float property to right in the class floated, which is applied to the h1 headings. This causes each h1 to float to the right edge of its containing element, while the paragraph of text will flow around it.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.15: floating.html -->
 4   <!-- Floating elements. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Flowing Text Around Floating Elements</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            header   { background-color: skyblue;
11                       text-align: center;
12                       font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
13                       padding: .2em; }
14            p        { text-align: justify;
15                       font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif;
16                       margin: .5em; }
17            h1       { margin-top: 0px; }
18            .floated { background-color: lightgrey;
19                       font-size: 1.5em;
20                       font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
21                       padding: .2em;      
22                       margin-left: .5em;  
23                       margin-bottom: .5em;
24                       float: right;       
25                       text-align: right;
26                       width: 50%; }
27            section  { border: 1px solid skyblue; }
28         </style>
29      </head>
30      <body>
31         <header><img src = "deitel.png" alt = "Deitel" /></header>
32         <section>
33            <h1 class = "floated">Corporate Training and Authoring</h1>
34            <p>Deitel & Associates, Inc. is an internationally
35               recognized corporate training and authoring organization
36               specializing in programming languages, Internet/web
37               technology, iPhone and Android app development and
38               object technology education. The company provides courses
39               on Java, C++, C#, Visual Basic, C, Internet and web
40               programming, Object Technology and iPhone and Android
41               app development.</p>
42         </section>
43         <section>
44            <h1 class = "floated">Programming Books and Videos</h1>
45            <p>Through its publishing
46               partnership with Pearson, Deitel & Associates,
47               Inc. publishes leading-edge programming textbooks,
48               professional books and interactive web-based and DVD
49               LiveLessons video courses.</p>
50         </section>
51      </body>
52   </html>


Fig. 4.15. Floating elements.

margin and padding Properties

Line 16 assigns a margin of .5em to all paragraph elements. The margin property sets the space between the outside of an element’s border and all other content on the page. Line 21 assigns .2em of padding to the floated h1s. The padding property determines the distance between the content inside an element and the inside of the element’s border. Margins for individual sides of an element can be specified (lines 17, 22 and 23) by using the properties margin-top, margin-right, margin-left and margin-bottom. Padding can be specified in the same way, using padding-top, padding-right, padding-left and padding-bottom. To see the effects of margins and padding, try putting the margin and padding properties inside comments and observing the difference.

In line 27, we assign a border to the section boxes using a shorthand declaration of the border properties, which allow you to define all three border properties in one line. The syntax for this shorthand is

border: width style color

Our border is one pixel thick, solid, and the same color as the background-color property of the header (line 10). This allows the border to blend with the header and makes the page appear as one box with a line dividing its sections.

4.11. Media Types and Media Queries

CSS media types allow you to decide what a page should look like, depending on the kind of media being used to display the page. The most common media type for a web page is the screen media type, which is a standard computer screen. Other media types in CSS include handheld, braille, speech and print. The handheld medium is designed for mobile Internet devices such as smartphones, while braille is for machines that can read or print web pages in braille. speech styles allow you to give a speech-synthesizing web browser more information about the content of a page. The print media type affects a web page’s appearance when it’s printed. For a complete list of CSS media types, see


Media types allow you to decide how a page should be presented on any one of these media without affecting the others. Figure 4.16 gives a simple classic example that applies one set of styles when the document is viewed on all media (including screens) other than a printer, and another when the document is printed. To see the difference, look at the screen captures below the paragraph or use the Print Preview feature in your browser if it has one.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.16: mediatypes.html -->
 4   <!-- CSS media types. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>Media Types</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            @media all
11            {
12               body  { background-color: steelblue; }
13               h1    { font-family: verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;
14                       color: palegreen; }
15               p     { font-size: 12pt;
16                       color: white;
17                       font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
18            } /* End @media all declaration. */
19            @media print
20            {
21               body  { background-color: white; }
22               h1    { color: seagreen; }
23               p     { font-size: 14pt;
24                       color: steelblue;
25                       font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; }
26            } /* End @media print declaration. */
27         </style>
28      </head>
29      <body>
30         <h1>CSS Media Types Example</h1>
32         <p>
33            This example uses CSS media types to vary how the page
34            appears in print and how it appears on any other media.
35            This text will appear in one font on the screen and a
36            different font on paper or in a print preview. To see
37            the difference in Internet Explorer, go to the Print
38            menu and select Print Preview. In Firefox, select Print
39            Preview from the File menu.
40         </p>
41      </body>
42   </html>


Fig. 4.16. CSS media types.

In line 10, we begin a block of styles that applies to all media types, declared by @media all and enclosed in curly braces ({ and }). In lines 10–18, we define some styles for all media types. Lines 19–26 set styles to be applied only when the page is printed.

The styles we applied for all media types look nice on a screen but would not look good on a printed page. A colored background would use a lot of ink, and a black-and-white printer may print a page that’s hard to read because there isn’t enough contrast between the colors.

Image Look-and-Feel Observation 4.1

Pages with dark background colors and light text use a lot of ink and may be difficult to read when printed, especially on a black-and white-printer. Use the print media type to avoid this.

Image Look-and-Feel Observation 4.2

In general, sans-serif fonts look better on a screen, while serif fonts look better on paper. The print media type allows your web page to display a sans-serif font on a screen and change to a serif font when it’s printed.

To solve these problems, we apply specific styles for the print media type. We change the body’s background-color, the color of the h1 tag, and the font-size, color, and font-family of the p tag to be more suited for printing and viewing on paper. Notice that most of these styles conflict with the declarations in the section for all media types. Since the print media type has higher specificity than the all media type, the print styles override the all media type’s styles when the page is printed. The h1’s font-family property is not overridden in the print section, so it retains its old value when the page is printed.

Media Queries

Media queries (covered in detail in Section 5.17) allow you to format your content to specific output devices. Media queries include a media type and expressions that check the media features of the output device. Some of the common media features include:

width—the width of the part of the screen on which the document is rendered, including any scrollbars

height—the height of the part of the screen on which the document is rendered, including any scrollbars

device-width—the width of the screen of the output device

device-height—the height of the screen of the output device

orientation—if the height is greater than the width, orientation is portrait, and if the width is greater than the height, orientation is landscape

aspect-ratio—the ratio of width to height

device-aspect-ratio—the ratio of device-width to device-height

For a complete list of media features and for more information on media queries, see


4.12. Drop-Down Menus

Drop-down menus are a good way to provide navigation links without using a lot of screen space. In this section, we take a second look at the :hover pseudo-class and introduce the display property to create a simple drop-down menu using CSS3 and HTML5.

We’ve already seen the :hover pseudo-class used to change a link’s style when the mouse hovers over it. We’ll use this feature in a more advanced way to cause a menu to appear when the mouse hovers over a menu button. Another important property is display, which allows you to decide whether an element is rendered on the page or not. Possible values include block, inline and none. The block and inline values display the element as a block element or an inline element, while none stops the element from being rendered. The code for the drop-down menu is shown in Fig. 4.17.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.17: dropdown.html -->
 4   <!-- CSS drop-down menu. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>
 9            Drop-Down Menu
10         </title>
11         <style type = "text/css">
12            body            { font-family: arial, sans-serif }
13            nav             { font-weight: bold;
14                              color: white;
15                              border: 2px solid royalblue;
16                              text-align: center;
17                              width: 10em;
18                              background-color: royalblue; }
19            nav ul          { display: none;
20                              list-style: none;
21                              margin: 0;
22                              padding: 0; }
23            nav:hover ul    { display: block }
24            nav ul li       { border-top: 2px solid royalblue;
25                              background-color: white;
26                              width: 10em;
27                              color: black; }
28            nav ul li:hover { background-color: powderblue; }
29            a               { text-decoration: none; }
30         </style>
31      </head>
32      <body>
33         <nav>Menu
34            <ul>
35               <li><a href = "#">Home</a></li>
36               <li><a href = "#">News</a></li>
37               <li><a href = "#">Articles</a></li>
38               <li><a href = "#">Blog</a></li>
39               <li><a href = "#">Contact</a></li>
40            </ul>
41         </nav>
42      </body>
43   </html>


Fig. 4.17. CSS drop-down menu.

Lines 33–41 create a nav element containing the the text Menu and an unordered list (ul) of five links that should appear in the drop-down menu—Home, News, Articles, Blog and Contact. Initially, Menu is the only text visible on the page. When the mouse cursor hovers over the nav element, the five links appear below the menu.

The drop-down menu functionality is located in the CSS3 code. Two lines define the drop-down functionality. Line 19 sets display to none for any unordered list (ul) that’s nested in a nav. This instructs the browser not to render the ul’s contents. Line 23, which is similar to line 19, selects only ul elements nested in a nav element that currently has the mouse hovering over it. Setting display to block specifies that when the mouse is over the nav, the ul will be displayed as a block-level element.

The style in line 28 is applied only to a li element that’s a child of a ul element in a nav element, and only when that li has the mouse cursor over it. This style changes the background-color of the currently highlighted menu option. The rest of the CSS simply adds style to the menu’s components.

This drop-down menu is just one example of more advanced CSS formatting. Many additional resources are available online for CSS navigation menus and lists.

4.13. (Optional) User Style Sheets

Users can define their own user style sheets to format pages based on their preferences. For example, people with visual impairments may want to increase the page’s text size. You need to be careful not to inadvertently override user preferences with defined styles. This section discusses possible conflicts between author styles and user styles. For the purpose of this section, we demonstrate the concepts in Internet Explorer 9.

Figure 4.18 contains an author style. The font-size is set to 9pt for all <p> tags that have class note applied to them.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.18: user_absolute.html -->
 4   <!-- pt measurement for text size. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>User Styles</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10           .note { font-size: 9pt; }
11        </style>
12     </head>
13     <body>
14        <p>Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy it.
15        </p><p class = "note">Please Note: This site will be   
16        moving soon. Please check periodically for updates.</p>
17     </body>
18   </html>


Fig. 4.18. pt measurement for text size.

User style sheets are external style sheets. Figure 4.19 shows a user style sheet that sets the body’s font-size to 20pt, color to yellow and background-color to navy. The font-size value specified in the user style sheet conflicts with the one in line 10 of Fig. 4.18.

1   /* Fig. 4.19: userstyles.css */
2   /* A user style sheet */
3   body     { font-size: 20pt;
4              color: yellow;
5              background-color: navy; }

Fig. 4.19. A user style sheet.

Adding a User Style Sheet

User style sheets are not linked to a document; rather, they’re set in the browser’s options. To add a user style sheet in IE9, select Internet Options..., located in the Tools menu. In the Internet Options dialog (Fig. 4.20) that appears, click Accessibility..., check the Format documents using my style sheet checkbox, and type the location of the user style sheet. IE9 applies the user style sheet to any document it loads. To add a user style sheet in Firefox, find your Firefox profile using the instructions at www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/profile#locate and place a style sheet called userContent.css in the chrome subdirectory. For information on adding a user style sheet in Chrome, see www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=1fa0dd079dbdc2ff&hl=en.


Fig. 4.20. User style sheet in Internet Explorer 9.

The web page from Fig. 4.18 is displayed in Fig. 4.21, with the user style sheet from Fig. 4.19 applied.

Defining font-size in a User Style Sheet

In the preceding example, if the user defines font-size in a user style sheet, the author style has a higher precedence and overrides the user style. The 9pt font specified in the author style sheet overrides the 20pt font specified in the user style sheet. This small font may make pages difficult to read, especially for individuals with visual impairments. You can avoid this problem by using relative measurements (e.g., em or ex) instead of absolute measurements, such as pt. Figure 4.22 changes the font-size property to use a relative measurement (line 10) that does not override the user style set in Fig. 4.19. Instead, the font size displayed is relative to the one specified in the user style sheet. In this case, text enclosed in the <p> tag displays as 20pt, and <p> tags that have the class note applied to them are displayed in 15pt (.75 times 20pt).


Fig. 4.21. User style sheet applied with pt measurement.

 1   <!DOCTYPE html>
 3   <!-- Fig. 4.22: user_relative.html -->
 4   <!-- em measurement for text size. -->
 5   <html>
 6      <head>
 7         <meta charset = "utf-8">
 8         <title>User Styles</title>
 9         <style type = "text/css">
10            .note { font-size: .75em; }
11         </style>
12      </head>
13      <body>
14         <p>Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy it.
15         </p><p class = "note">Please Note: This site will be
16         moving soon. Please check periodically for updates.</p>
17      </body>
18   </html>


Fig. 4.22. em measurement for text size.

Figure 4.23 displays the web page from Fig. 4.22 in Internet Explorer with the user style sheet from Fig. 4.19 applied. Note that the second line of text displayed is larger than the same line of text in Fig. 4.21.


Fig. 4.23. User style sheet applied with em measurement.

4.14. Web Resources


The Deitel CSS3 Resource Center contains links to some of the best CSS3 information on the web. There you’ll find categorized links to tutorials, references, code examples, demos, videos, and more. Check out the demos section for more advanced examples of layouts, menus and other web-page components.


Section 4.1 Introduction

• Cascading Style Sheets™ 3 (CSS3; p. 106) allows you to specify the presentation of elements on a web page (e.g., fonts, spacing, sizes, colors, positioning) separately from the structure and content of the document (section headers, body text, links, etc.).

• This separation of structure from presentation (p. 106) simplifies maintaining and modifying web pages, especially on large-scale websites.

Section 4.2 Inline Styles

• An inline style (p. 106) allows you to declare a style for an individual element by using the style attribute (p. 106) in the element’s start tag.

• Each CSS property (such as font-size, p. 107) is followed by a colon and the value of the attribute. Multiple property declarations are separated by a semicolon.

• The color property (p. 107) sets text color. Hexadecimal codes or color names may be used.

Section 4.3 Embedded Style Sheets

• Embedded style sheets (p. 108) enable you to embed an entire CSS3 document in an HTML5 document’s head section.

• Styles that are placed in a style element use selectors (p. 109) to apply style elements throughout the entire document body.

• An em element indicates that its contents should be emphasized. Browsers usually render em elements in an italic font.

style element attribute type specifies the MIME type (the specific encoding format, p. 109) of the style sheet. Style sheets use text/css.

• Each rule body (p. 109) in a style sheet begins and ends with a curly brace ({ and }).

• The font-weight property (p. 110) specifies the “boldness” of text. Possible values are bold, normal (the default), bolder (bolder than bold text) and lighter (lighter than normal text).

• Boldness also can be specified with multiples of 100, from 100 to 900. Text specified as normal is equivalent to 400, and bold text is equivalent to 700.

• Style-class declarations are preceded by a period and are applied to elements of the specific class. The class attribute (p. 111) applies a style class to an element.

• The CSS rules in a style sheet use the same format as inline styles.

• The background-color attribute specifies the background color of the element.

• The font-family property (p. 110) names a specific font that should be displayed. Generic font families allow authors to specify a type of font instead of a specific one, in case a browser does not support a specific font.

• The font-size property (p. 110) specifies the size used to render the font.

• You should end a font list with a generic font family (p. 110) name in case the other fonts are not installed on the user’s computer.

• In many cases, the styles applied to an element (the parent or ancestor element, p. 111) also apply to the element’s nested elements (child or descendant elements, p. 111).

Section 4.4 Conflicting Styles

• Styles may be defined by a user, an author or a user agent. A user (p. 111) is a person viewing your web page, you’re the author (p. 111)—the person who writes the document—and the user agent (p. 111) is the program used to render and display the document (e.g., a web browser).

• Styles cascade (hence the term “Cascading Style Sheets,” p. 111), or flow together, such that the ultimate appearance of elements on a page results from combining styles defined in several ways.

• Most styles are inherited from parent elements (p. 111). Styles defined for children (p. 111) have higher specificity (p. 112) and take precedence over the parent’s styles.

• Pseudo-classes (p. 113) give the author access to information that’s not declared in the document, such as whether the mouse is hovering over an element or whether the user has previously clicked (visited) a particular hyperlink. The hover pseudo-class (p. 114) is activated when the user moves the mouse cursor over an element.

• The text-decoration property (p. 113) applies decorations to text in an element, such as underline, overline and line-through.

• To apply rules to multiple elements, separate the elements with commas in the style sheet.

• To apply rules only to a certain type of element that’s a child of another type, separate the element names with spaces.

• A pixel is a relative-length measurement (p. 114): It varies in size based on screen resolution. Other relative lengths are em (p. 114), ex (p. 114) and percentages.

• The other units of measurement available in CSS are absolute-length measurements (p. 114)—that is, units that do not vary in size. These units can be in (inches), cm (centimeters, p. 114), mm (millimeters, p. 114), pt (points; 1 pt = 1/72 in, p. 114) or pc (picas; 1 pc = 12 pt).

Section 4.5 Linking External Style Sheets

• With external style sheets (i.e., separate documents that contain only CSS rules; p. 114), you can provide a uniform look and feel to an entire website (or to a portion of one).

• When you need to change styles, you need to modify only a single CSS file to make style changes across all the pages that use those styles. This is sometimes known as skinning (p. 114).

• CSS comments (p. 115) may be placed in any type of CSS code (i.e., inline styles, embedded style sheets and external style sheets) and always start with /* and end with */.

link’s rel attribute (p. 115) specifies a relationship between two documents (p. 115). For style sheets, the rel attribute declares the linked document to be a stylesheet (p. 115) for the document. The type attribute specifies the MIME type of the related document as text/css. The href attribute provides the URL for the document containing the style sheet.

Section 4.6 Positioning Elements: Absolute Positioning, z-index

• The CSS position property (p. 116) allows absolute positioning (p. 117), which provides greater control over where on a page elements reside. Specifying an element’s position as absolute removes it from the normal flow of elements on the page and positions it according to distance from the top, left, right or bottom margin of its parent element.

• The z-index property (p. 118) allows a developer to layer overlapping elements. Elements that have higher z-index values are displayed in front of elements with lower z-index values.

Section 4.7 Positioning Elements: Relative Positioning, span

• Unlike absolute positioning, relative positioning keeps elements in the general flow on the page and offsets them by the specified top, left, right or bottom value.

• Element span (p. 120) is a grouping element (p. 120)—it does not apply any inherent formatting to its contents. Its primary purpose is to apply CSS rules or id attributes to a section of text.

span is an inline-level element (p. 120)—it applies formatting to text without changing the flow of the document. Examples of inline elements include span, img, a, em and strong.

• The div element is also a grouping element, but it’s a block-level element. This means it’s displayed on its own line and has a virtual box around it. Examples of block-level elements (p. 120) include div (p. 120), p and heading elements (h1 through h6).

Section 4.8 Backgrounds

• Property background-image specifies the URL of the image, in the format url(fileLocation). The property background-position (p. 121) places the image on the page using the values top, bottom, center, left and right individually or in combination for vertical and horizontal positioning. You can also position by using lengths.

• The background-repeat property (p. 121) controls the tiling of the background image (p. 121). Setting the tiling to no-repeat displays one copy of the background image on screen. The background-repeat property can be set to repeat (the default) to tile the image vertically and horizontally, to repeat-x to tile the image only horizontally or to repeat-y to tile the image only vertically.

• The background-attachment (p. 121) setting fixed fixes the image in the position specified by background-position. Scrolling the browser window will not move the image from its set position. The default value, scroll, moves the image as the user scrolls the window.

• The text-indent property (p. 122) indents the first line of text in the element by the specified amount.

• The font-style property (p. 122) allows you to set text to none, italic or oblique.

Section 4.9 Element Dimensions

• An element’s dimensions can be set with CSS by using properties height and width (p. 123).

• Text in an element can be centered using text-align (p. 123); other values for the text-align property are left and right.

• A problem with setting both vertical and horizontal dimensions of an element is that the content inside the element might sometimes exceed the set boundaries, in which case the element grows to fit the content. You can set the overflow property (p. 123) to scroll; this setting adds scroll bars if the text overflows the boundaries set for it.

Section 4.10 Box Model and Text Flow

• All block-level HTML5 elements have a virtual box drawn around them, based on what is known as the box model (p. 123).

• When the browser renders elements using the box model, the content of each element is surrounded by padding (p. 123), a border (p. 123) and a margin (p. 123).

• The border-width property (p. 124) may be set to any of the CSS lengths or to the predefined value of thin, medium or thick.

• The border-styles (p. 124) available are none, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset.

• The border-color property (p. 124) sets the color used for the border.

• The class attribute allows more than one class to be assigned to an element by separating each class name from the next with a space.

• Browsers normally place text and elements on screen in the order in which they appear in the document. Elements can be removed from the normal flow of text. Floating allows you to move an element to one side of the screen; other content in the document will then flow around the floated element.

• CSS uses a box model to render elements on screen. The content of each element is surrounded by padding, a border and margins. The properties of this box are easily adjusted.

• The margin property (p. 127) determines the distance between the outside edge of the element’s border and any adjacent element.

• Margins for individual sides of an element can be specified by using margin-top, margin-right, margin-left and margin-bottom.

• The padding property (p. 127) determines the distance between the content inside an element and the inside edge of the border. Padding also can be set for each side of the box by using padding-top, padding-right, padding-left and padding-bottom.

Section 4.11 Media Types and Media Queries

• CSS media types (p. 127) allow you to decide what a page should look like depending on the kind of media being used to display the page. The most commonly used for a web page is the screen media type (p. 127), which is a standard computer screen.

• A block of styles that applies to all media types is declared by @media all and enclosed in curly braces. To create a block of styles that apply to a single media type such as print, use @media print and enclose the style rules in curly braces.

• Other media types in CSS 2 include handheld, braille, aural and print. The handheld medium (p. 127) is designed for mobile Internet devices, while braille (p. 127) is for machines that can read or print web pages in braille. aural styles (p. 127) allow the programmer to give a speech-synthesizing web browser more information about the content of the web page. The print media type (p. 127) affects a web page’s appearance when it’s printed.

• Media queries (p. 130) allow you to format your content to specific output devices. Media queries include a media type and expressions that check the devices’ media features (p. 130).

Section 4.12 Drop-Down Menus

• The :hover pseudo-class is used to apply styles to an element when the mouse cursor is over it.

• The display property (p. 130) allows you to decide whether an element is displayed as a block element or inline element or not rendered at all (none).

Section 4.13 (Optional) User Style Sheets

• Users can define their own user style sheets (p. 132) to format pages based on their preferences.

• Absolute font-size measurements override user style sheets, while relative font sizes will yield to a user-defined style.

• If the user defines font size in a user style sheet, the author style (p. 133) has a higher precedence and overrides the user style.

Self-Review Exercises

4.1 Assume that the size of the base font on a system is 12 points.

a. How big is a 36-point font in ems?

b. How big is a 9-point font in ems?

c. How big is a 24-point font in picas?

d. How big is a 12-point font in inches?

e. How big is a 1-inch font in picas?

4.2 Fill in the blanks in the following statements:

a. Using the ______________ element allows you to use external style sheets in your pages.

b. To apply a CSS rule to more than one element at a time, separate the element names with a(n)______________.

c. Pixels are a(n)______________-length measurement unit.

d. The ______________ pseudo-class is activated when the user moves the mouse cursor over the specified element.

e. Setting the ______________ property to scroll provides a mechanism for creating scrollable content without compromising an element’s dimensions.

f. ______________ is a generic inline element that applies no inherent formatting, and ______________is a generic block-level element that applies no inherent formatting.

g. Setting property background-repeat to ______________ tiles the specified background-image vertically.

h. To begin a block of styles that applies only to the print media type, you use the declaration ______________ print, followed by an opening curly brace ({).

i. The ______________ property allows you to indent the first line of text in an element.

j. The three components of the box model are the _____________, ______________ and ______________.

Answers to Self-Review Exercises


a. 3 ems.

b. 0.75 ems.

c. 2 picas.

d. 1/6 inch.

e. 6 picas.


a. link.

b. comma.

c. relative.

d. :hover.

e. overflow.

f. span, div.

g. repeat-y.

h. @media.

i. text-indent.

j. padding, border, margin.


4.3 Write a CSS rule that makes all text 1.5 times larger than the base font of the system and colors the text red.

4.4 Write a CSS rule that places a background image halfway down the page, tiling it horizontally. The image should remain in place when the user scrolls up or down.

4.5 Write a CSS rule that gives all h1 and h2 elements a padding of 0.5 ems, a dashed border style and a margin of 0.5 ems.

4.6 Write a CSS rule that changes the color of all elements containing attribute class = "greenMove" to green and shifts them down 25 pixels and right 15 pixels.

4.7 Make a layout template that contains a header and two paragraphs. Use float to line up the two paragraphs as columns side by side. Give the header and two paragraphs a border and/or a background color so you can see where they are.

4.8 Add an embedded style sheet to the HTML5 document in Fig. 2.3. The style sheet should contain a rule that displays h1 elements in blue. In addition, create a rule that displays all links in blue without underlining them. When the mouse hovers over a link, change the link’s background color to yellow.

4.9 Make a navigation button using a div with a link inside it. Give it a border, background, and text color, and make them change when the user hovers the mouse over the button. Use an external style sheet. Make sure your style sheet validates at http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/. Note that some warnings may be unavoidable, but your CSS should have no errors.

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