

- range separator 680

- subtraction operator 200

-- operator 239, 240

^ metacharacter 680

_ SQL wildcard character 625, 626

:hover pseudo-class 163

:nth-child selectors 171

! logical NOT or logical negation operator 268, 270, 273

!= not equal to operator 203, 677

!== strict does not equal operator 206

? PHP quantifier 681

?: conditional operator 220

. PHP concatenation operator 670

. PHP metacharacter 680

' single quote 680

" double quote 667

[] for array indexing 674

[] for bracket expressions 680

{m,n} quantifier 680

{n,} quantifier 680

{n} quantifier 680

@ XPath attribute symbol 542

* multiplication 546

* multiplication operator 200

* quantifier 680, 681

* SQL wildcard character 624

*/ ending comment delimiter 667

*/ multiline comment delimiter 195

*= multiplication assignment operator 239, 670

/ division operator 200

/ forward slash in end tags 513

/ XPath root selector 542

/* beginning comment delimiter 667

/* multiline comment delimiter 195

// single-line comment 667

/= division assignment operator 239

escape character 687

' single quote escape sequence 192

" double-quote escape sequence 192

\ backslash escape sequence 192

newline escape sequence 192

tab escape sequence 192

&& logical AND operator 268, 269

% operator 200, 201

% SQL wildcard character 625

%= operator 239

+ addition operator 198, 200

+ quantifier 681

+ string concatenation 196

++ increment operator 238

< less than operator 677

<!--...--> XML comment tags 516

<? and ?> XML processing instruction delimiters 540

<?php ?> PHP script delimiters 666

<= less than or equal to operator 203, 677

<> angle brackets for XML elements 513

= assignment operator 195

-= subtraction assignment operator 239

== is equal to operator 203, 677

=== strict equals operator 206

=> PHP associative array operator 677

> greater than operator 677

>= greater than or equal to operator 203, 677

|| logical OR operator 268, 270

$ for PHP variables 666

$ metacharacter 680

$$ notation for variable variables 700


15 Puzzle exercise 509

404 error 44


a (anchor) element 43

href attribute 43, 67

href property 411

abbreviating assignment expressions 238

abort event 441

abort method of the XMLHttpRequest object 583

abs 362

absolute addressing (XPath) 542

absolute attribute value (position) 118

absolute positioning 117, 117, 118, 719, 858

absolute-length measurement 114, 135

abstraction 377

Accept request header 597

access rule in ASP.NET 767

action 187, 215

action attribute of a form element 60, 685

action symbol 216

action/decision model of programming 219

Adaptive Path 577

add a database to a project 646

Add Connection dialog 646

Add method of class HttpSessionState 743, 883

addColorStop method of canvas 459, 460

addEventListener method of a DOM node 290, 424

addition 201

addition assignment operator (+=) 238

addition operator (+) 198, 200

addition script 197

address in memory 339

address of a WCF service 791

advertisement 736, 875

Airline Reservation Web Service Modification exercise 846

Ajax 19

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) 21, 572, 574, 577, 752, 892

Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) 777

toolkits 572

web application 574, 752, 777, 892

alert dialog 191, 289

alert method of window object 191

algebraic equation marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 535

algorithm 215, 231

all XML Schema element 533

alphabetical order 379

alt attribute of img element 47

Alt key 429

alternate background colors 382

altKey property of an event object 429

Amazon 3

Amazon EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) 5

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 5

AMBER Alert 4

Analog Clock exercise 508

ancestor element 111

ancestor node 547

anchor 43

anchors collection of the document object 409

and 325

AND (in SQL) 631

Android 27

Android Market 27

app 20

Market 27

operating system 25, 27, 35

smartphone 27, 35

angle bracket (<>) for XML elements 513

animation 159, 508

frame-by-frame 489

Animation exercise 508

animation property 161, 164

animation-delay property 161

animation-direction property 161

animation-duration property 161

animation-iteration-count property 161

animation-name property 161

animation-play-state property 161

animation-timing-function property 161

anonymous function 418, 436

anonymous type 641

Any extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 641

Apache Derby 656

Apache HTTP Server 13, 606, 611, 849

Apache Software Foundation 26, 611

API (application programming interface) 445

appendChild method of a DOM node 406

appendChild method of a Node 559

appendChild method of the document object 587

Apple 3

App Store 27

Apple Inc. 26

Apple Macintosh 26

Apple TV 6

application programming interface (API) 445


Favorite Twitter Searches 379, 381

arc method of canvas 450

architecture of participation 18

arcs in canvas 450

argument 188, 280, 281, 361

arial 110

arithmetic assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /= and %= 239

arithmetic calculation 200

arithmetic mean (average) 202

arithmetic operator 200


array 674

elements 325

index 325

name 325

position number 325

zeroth element 325

array data structure 325

array function 676

array manipulation 674

Array object 279, 327, 330, 331

indexOf method 344

join method 341

lastIndexOf method 344

length property 325, 329, 334

sort method 343, 343

array of strings containing the token 370

Array with 12 elements 326

arrow 224

article element 96

article.xml displayed by Internet Explorer 517

as keyword 677

ascending modifier of a LINQ orderby clause 636

ascending order 546

ASC in SQL 626, 627

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set 24

ASCII character set 343

appendix 904

aside element 96

ASP.NET 573, 709, 848

AJAX 752, 892

Ajax 777

Ajax Control Toolkit 780

ASP.NET Web Site template 759

Development Server 715, 794, 854

login 752, 892

membership capabilities 761

Page_Init event handler 863

registration 752, 892

server control 709, 848

start page 723, 726, 732, 738, 747, 863, 865, 871, 879, 887

validation control 729, 869

ASP.NET Web Site template 759

aspect-ratio media feature 130

ASPX file 709, 848

ASPX file that takes reservation information 825

.aspx filename extension 709, 848

assembler 27

assembly language 27

assign a value to a variable 196

assignment 195, 196

assignment operator 195, 202, 241

assignment operator = associates right to left 207

associate from left to right 206, 241

associate from right to left 201, 207, 241

associative array 676

associativity of operators 201, 207, 241, 271

asterisk (*) indicates multiplication 200

asterisk (*) occurrence indicator 525

asterisk (*) SQL wildcard character 624

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) 572

asynchronous page updates (Ajax) 577

asynchronous request 574, 778

AsyncPostBackTrigger class 782

ATTLIST attribute-list declaration (DTD) 525

Attr object 558

attribute 40, 46

in the UML 31

of a class 29

of an object 31

attribute element 533

attribute in XML 520

attribute-list declaration 525

attribute node 542

attribute selector 382

attribute value in XML 520

attributes (data) 188

attributes property of a Node 558

audio element 279, 301, 484

ended event 303

play method 303

preload attribute 301

audio/mpeg MIME type 301

audio/ogg MIME type 301

authenticating a user 763

author 111

author style 133

author style overriding user style 134

authorISBN table of books database 620, 621

authors table of books database 620

autocomplete attribute 87

autofocus attribute 80

autoincremented 620, 630

Automatic Jigsaw Puzzle Generator exercise 508

AutoPostBack property of a DropDownList ASP.NET control 774

average calculation 229


background-attachment property 121

Background Audio exercise 508

background color 146

background-color property 120

background colors

alternate 382

background property 150

background-image property 120, 121

background-origin property 154

background-position property 121, 154

background-repeat property 121

backslash () escape character 192

bandwidth 12

base 309

base 2 logarithm of e 362

base attribute of element extension 533

base case 310

base e 362

base of a natural logarithm 362

base type (XML Schema) 533

basic HTML colors 430

beginPath method of canvas 448, 457


of a class 29

behaviors (methods) 188

Berners-Lee, Tim 12

bevel lineJoin of canvas 448

Bezier curve in canvas 456

bezierCurveTo method of canvas 456

binary digit (bit) 24

binary format 309

binary operator 196, 200, 270

binding of a WCF service 791

BindingNavigator class 650

BindingSource class 650

DataSource property 652

EndEdit method 652

MoveFirst method 654

bit 10

bit (binary digit) 24

BlackBerry OS 25

blackjack 809

Blackjack game WCF web service 811

Blackjack Web Service Modification exercise 846

blink speed 507

block 205, 222, 234, 308

block dimension 120

block display value 130

block-level element 125, 120

blogging 19

blur event 433

blur radius 143, 146

body element 40, 281

body of a for 257

body of a loop 224, 256

body property of the document object 412

body section 40

<body> tag 187

bold value (font-weight property) 110

bolder value (font-weight property) 110

books database 620

table relationships 622

boolean expression 218

Boolean object 376, 377

border 123

border attribute of canvas 447

border attribute of table element 54

border properties 125

border-box 154

border-collapse CSS property 258

border-collapse property 427

border-color property 124, 125

border-image property 156

border-image-repeat property 158

border-image-slice property 158, 159

border-image-source 157, 159

border-left-color property 125

border-radius property 144

Borders of block-level elements 124

border-style property 124, 125

border-top-style property 125

border-width property 124, 125

boss function/worker function 280

bottom margin 118, 121

bottom tier 16, 610, 711, 850

box model 123

Box model for block-level elements 124

box shadow 146

box-orient property 168

box-reflect property 155

box-shadow property 146

br (line break) element 57

braces ({}) 222

bracket expressions 680

brackets that enclose subscript of an array 326

braille media type 127

break statement 263

break statement in a for statement 266, 273

bricks-and-mortar store 735, 875

Brin, Sergey 19

browser 7

browser prefix 151

browser request 58

browser window 12

bubbling 429

Build Web Site command in Visual Web Developer 724, 863

building blocks 215

building-block approach to creating programs 31

built-in data types 532

business letter marked up as XML 518

business logic 17, 610, 686, 712, 851

business publications 31

business rule 17, 610, 686, 712, 851

butt lineCap of canvas 449, 450

Button ASP.NET web control 729, 869

button input element 289

byte 24


C programming language 28, 38

C# programming language 28

C++ programming language 28, 38

cache 16, 609

calculation 200

calculus expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 536

callback function 574, 582, 779

called function 280

caller 280

Calling Attention to an Image exercise 508

calling function 280

Cancel button 198

cancel event bubbling 438, 440

cancelBubble property of an event object 429, 438, 440

Cannon Game app 482

canvas element 445

3D 499

addColorStop method 459, 460

arc 450

arc method 450

arcs 450

beginPath method 448, 457

bevel lineJoin 448

Bezier curve 456

bezierCurveTo method 456

border attribute 447

butt lineCap 449

canvasID 447

circle 450

clearRect method 471

closePath method 450

compositing 479

context object 447

create a canvas 447

createLinearGradient method 457

createPattern method 467

createRadialGradient method 459

drawImage method 461

ellipses 468

fallback text 447

fill method 467

fillRect method 447, 460, 477

fillStyle attribute 447, 460, 474

fillText method 475

font attribute 474

getElementById method 447

getImageData method 466

globalAlpha attribute 477

globalCompositeOperation attribute 479

image manipulation 463

lineCap attribute 449

lineJoin 448

lines 448

lineTo method 448

lineWidth attribute 447, 448

miter lineJoin 448, 450

moveTo method 448, 457

paths 448

putImageData method 467

quadratic curve 454

quadraticCurveTo method 454

rectangle 446

resize a canvas to fill the window 476

restore method 496, 498

rotate method 470, 471

round lineJoin 448, 450

save method 496, 498

scale method 469

shadowBlur attribute 452, 453

shadowColor attribute 452, 454

shadowOffsetX attribute 452, 454

shadowOffsetY attribute 452, 454

square lineCap 450

state of the canvas 496

stroke method 450

strokeRect method 447

strokeStyle attribute 447

strokeStyle method 450

subpath 448

textAlign attribute 475

textBaseline attribute 475

transform method 472, 472

transformation matrix 468, 470

transformations 468

translate method 468, 470

caption element (table) 54

caret metacharacter (^) 680

cascade 111

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 7, 18, 721, 860

Cascading Style Sheets 3 (CSS3) 7, 106

case label 263, 263, 272

case sensitive 189, 194

cases in which switch cases would run together 263

casting 669

catch block 581

catch clause 581

catch keyword 581

CDATA keyword (DTD) 525

ceil method 362

center horizontally 121

center value (background-position property) 121

center value (text-align property) 123

centralized control 11

chance 286

change event 441

character 24, 363

set 24

character classes 681

character data in XML 525

character entity reference 49, 526

character entity references 898

character-processing capabilities 363

character-processing methods of String object 365, 366

charAt 365

charAt method of String object 363, 365

charCodeAt method of String object 364, 365, 366

checkbox input element 64

checked attribute 65

Chemical Markup Language (CML) 538

child 111, 396

child element 517, 520

child node (DOM tree) 547

childNodes property of a Node 558

children (DOM tree) 547

Choose Data Source dialog 646

Cisco 3

class 30

instance variable 31

Partial 863

partial 724

partial class 724, 863

class 24

class attribute 111, 113

class-average problem 225, 230

class-average program with counter-controlled repetition 225


BindingNavigator 650

BindingSource 650, 652

DataContext 644, 648

DataContractJsonSerializer 807, 807

DataGridView 645

DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs 805

DropDownList 728, 774, 868

GridView 776

HttpSessionState 737, 742, 743, 744, 877, 882, 883, 884

Image 726, 866

List(Of T) 814

ListDictionary 751, 892

Page 724, 735, 740, 863, 875, 880

Uri 805

WebClient 804

classified listings 12

clear method of the localStorage object 384

clear method of the sessionStorage object 384

clearInterval method of the window object 413, 418

clearRect method of canvas 471

click event 290

click event 289, 302, 440, 441

Client interacting with web server. Step 1: The GET request 607

Client interacting with web server. Step 2: The HTTP response 608

client of an object 188

client-side scripting 17, 611

Client that consumes the WelcomeRESTXMLService 804

Client that consumes WelcomeSOAPXMLService 800

client tier 17, 35, 610, 712, 851

clientX property of an event object 429

clientY property of an event object 429

clock 508

close a dialog 191

closePath method of canvas 450

cloud computing 5

cm (centimeter) 114

CML (Chemical Markup Language) 513

code-behind file 709, 848

Code-behind file for a page that updates the time every minute 864

coin tossing 286

collaboration 18

collection 409

collection initializers 643

collective intelligence 19

collision detection 489, 492

colon (:) 107, 110

color 145

color input element 80, 80

color manipulation 447

color name 107

color picker control 80

color property 107

Coloring Black-and-White Photographs and Images exercise 510

color-stop 148, 150

cols attribute (table) 61

colspan attribute 57

column 347, 619, 619, 620

column number in a result set 624

column-count property 171, 177

column-gap property 171, 177

column-rule property 171, 177

ComboBox control

SelectedIndexChanged event handler 654

comma 375

comma operator 257

comma-separated list 206

comma-separated list of variable names 194

comment 39

Common Programming Errors overview xxvi

CommonJS 7

community 18

comparator function 343

comparison operators 677

compiler 27

complex content in XML Schema 532

complexType XML Schema element 531

component 29

component tray 650

compositing in canvas 479

compound assignment operator 238

compound interest 258

computer-assisted instruction (CAI) 322, 322

concat method 364

concatenation 363

concatenation operator (.) 670

concatenation operator (+) 364

condition 202, 268

condition is false 202

condition is true 202

conditional AND (&&) operator 641

conditional expression 220

conditional operator (?:) 220, 241

confirm method of the window object 437

confusing equality operator == with assignment operator = 202

connect to a database 645, 646

connector symbol 216

constant 361

constructor 373, 376, 377

consuming a web service 793

container element 517

containing block-level element 118

content 534

content attribute of meta element 67, 68, 72

Content MathML 534

content networks 19

content of a document 6

content page in ASP.NET 761

content-box 154

context node (XPath) 546

context object of a canvas 447

continue statement 266, 267, 273

continue statement in a for statement 267, 268

contract of a WCF service 791

control statement 252

control structure 216

control variable 254

controller logic 17, 610, 712, 851

controlling expression of a switch 263


BindingNavigator 650

Button 729, 869

DataGridView 645

DropDownList 728, 868

HyperLink 728, 868

Image 726, 866

LinqDataSource 748, 888

RadioButtonList 729, 868

RegularExpressionValidator 733, 873

RequiredFieldValidator 732, 733, 872, 873

ScriptManager 781

TabContainer 781

ToolkitScriptManager 781

ValidatorCalloutExtender 783

controls attribute of the video element 305

control-statement nesting 218

control-statement stacking 218

ControlToValidate property of an ASP.NET validation control 733, 872, 873

convert to an integer 199

converting strings to all uppercase or lowercase letters 363

cookie 378, 691, 736, 737, 876, 877

deletion 737, 877

expiration 737, 877

expiration date 737, 877

header 737, 877

$_COOKIE superglobal 682, 693, 694

coordinate system 445

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 371, 376

coordinates (0, 0) 446

coordinates of mouse cursor inside client area 429

&copy; entity reference 51

cos method 362

cosine 362

count downward 256

Count extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 641

count function 674

Count property of class HttpSessionState 742, 744, 884

Count property of HttpSessionState class 882

counter 225

counter-controlled repetition 225, 225, 233, 234, 252, 253, 254, 266

with the for statement 254

Courier font 110

CraigsList ( 12, 20

craps 296

Craps game simulation 296

create 486

create properties on an Objects 486

createAttribute method 559

createElement method (XML DOM) 559

createElement method of the document object 405, 428, 587

createLinearGradient method of canvas 457

createPattern method of canvas 467

createRadialGradient method of canvas 459

createTextNode method (XML DOM) 559

createTextNode method of the document object 405, 419

Creating a WCF Service in Visual Web Developer 795

Critter font 110

cross-site scripting (XSS) 578

Crossword exercise 509

crossword puzzle generator 394

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 18, 572

attribute 721, 860

border-collapse property 258

class 721, 860

comment 115

drop-down menu 130

property 107

rule 109

selector 109

CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets 3) 7, 38, 40, 106

CSS3 (Cascasind Style Sheets 3) 7

CSS3 attribute selector 382

CSS3 selectors

:first-child 382

:nth-child 382

Ctrl key 429

ctrlKey property of an event object 429, 429

curly brace ({}) 110

cursive font 110

cursor 192


dangling-else problem 222

dashed value (border-style property) 125

data 188

data binding 645

data cells 56

data hierarchy 23

data method of a Text node 560

data source 635

Data Source Configuration Wizard 648

Data Sources window 649

data tier 16, 610

database 25, 38, 618, 623

add to a project 646

connection 646

handle 688

PHP 687

saving changes in LINQ to SQL 652

schema 644

table 618

Database Explorer window 646

database management system (DBMS) 618

DataBind method of a GridView 752, 892

DataContext class 644, 648

SubmitChanges method 644, 652

DataContract attribute 806

DataContractJsonSerializer class 807

DataGridView class 645

datalist element 90

DataMember attribute 806, 829

DataSource property

BindingSource class 652

data-type attribute (XPath) 546

date and time control 82

date and time manipulations 371

date control 82

date input type 82

date manipulation 279

Date object 203, 371, 376, 391

Date object methods 371

Date object’s get methods for the local time zone 373

Date object’s set methods for the local time zone 375

Date.parse 375, 376

Date.UTC 375, 376

datetime input type 82

DateTime structure

Now property 724, 864

datetime-local input type 82

dblclick event 441

debug a web application in Visual Web Developer 723, 863

decimal digit 24

decision making 261

decision symbol 217, 218

declaration 193, 194

declaration block 162

declarative programming 635

declare variables in the parameter list of a function 282

decoration 113

decreasing order of precedence 206

decrement 252

decrement operator (--) 239

dedicated communications line 11

deep indentation 221

default action for an event 438

default case in a switch statement 263, 295

default namespace 523

default namespaces demonstration 523

default string to display a text field 195

deferred execution 643

define function 670

definite repetition 225

del element 51

DELETE SQL statement 623, 631

delimiter 369

delimiter string 370

Dell 3

&delta; entity reference (MathML) 537

descendant elements 111

descendant node 547

descending modifier of a LINQ orderby clause 636

descending sort (DESC) 626, 627

destructive read in 200

details element 96, 101

device-aspect-ratio media feature 130

device-height media feature 130

device-width media feature 130

dialog 191

dialog boxes 191

diamond symbol 217, 218, 219, 224, 256

dictionary 743, 883

die function 687, 688

differences between preincrementing and postincrementing 240

digit 363

Digital Clock exercise 507

digital divide 4

disabled property of an input element 302

disabling event bubbling 438, 440

disc (bullet for unordered lists) 51, 52

disk 3

dismiss (or hide) a dialog 191

display CSS property

inline-block value 382

display property 130, 132

Display property of an ASP.NET validation control 733, 873

displaying the cookie’s contents 694

displaying the MailingList database 701

Distinct extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 641

distributed computing 791

div element 120

divide and conquer 279, 285

division 201

division by zero 230

division operator (/) 200

DNS (Domain Name System) server 13, 607, 710, 849

do...while repetition statement 217, 264, 265, 266

flowchart 266

Dock property of class Control 650

DOCTYPE element 39

DOCTYPE parts 519

document 6, 377

content 6

structure 6

DOCUMENT (representing a Web Form in the Visual Web Developer Properties window) 719

Document object 558

document object 188, 198, 290

anchors collection 409

appendChild method 587

body property 412

createElement method 405, 428, 587

createTextNode method 405, 419

forms collection 409

getElementById method 290, 396, 404, 582

getElementsByTagName method 587

images collection 409

links collection 409, 410

setAttribute method 587

write method 189

document object methods and properties 378

Document Object Model (DOM) 188, 396, 572

innerHtml property 582

tree 547

DOCUMENT property of a Web Form 858

document root 542

document type declaration 39

Document Type Definition (DTD) 514, 519, 524

for a business letter 524

document.writeln method 240

Dojo Ajax library 572

dollar amount 260

dollar sign ($) 194

dollar-sign metacharacter 680

DOM (Document Object Model) 572

tree 547

DOM API (Application Programming Interface) 548

DOM collection

item method 411

length property 410

namedItem method 411

DOM element

getAttribute method 404

setAttribute method 291, 404

DOM node 396

addEventListener method 290, 290, 424

appendChild method 406

firstChild property 557

innerHTML property 295, 303

insertBefore method 406

lastChild property 558

nextSibling property 557

nodeName property 557

nodeType property 557

nodeValue property 557

parentNode property 406, 558

removeChild method 407, 419

removeEventListener method 425

replaceChild method 407

DOM parser 547

DOM tree 396

domain name system (DNS) server 13, 607, 710, 849

dot (.) for accessing object properties and methods 361

dotted value (border-style property) 125

double click 441

double data type 667

double equals 202

double quotation mark (") 187, 192, 520

double-selection structure 217, 235

double value (border-style property) 125

Dougherty, Dale 18

downloadable fonts 166

downloading 13

DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs class 805

draw text on a canvas 474

drawImage method of canvas 461

DropDownList ASP.NET web control 728, 868

DTD (Document Type Definition) 514, 519

.dtd filename extension 519

DTD repository 524

dummy value 228

Dynamic Audio and Graphical Kaleidoscope exercise 508

dynamic form using PHP 695

dynamic style 411, 412

dynamic web pages 192


Eastern Standard Time 376

eBay 3

EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) grammar 524

Eclipse Foundation 26

ECMA International 7, 186

ECMAScript 7, 186

ECMAScript standard

( 186

electronic mail 11

element (XML) 513

Element dimensions and text alignment 122

ELEMENT element type declaration (DTD) 525

element gains the focus 433

element loses focus 433

element name restrictions (XML) 516

Element object 558

element of chance 286

element type declaration 525

element XML Schema element 530


audio 279, 301

source 301, 305

video 279, 304, 305

elements 40

elements of an array 325, 674

em (M-height of font) 114, 135

em element 110

em measurement for text size 135

emacs text editor 38

e-mail 5, 44

e-mail anchor 44

email input type 83

embedded style sheet 108, 109, 110

embedded system 26

Employee class with FirstName, LastName and MonthlySalary properties 638

employee identification number 24

empty array 329

empty body 188

empty element 520

EMPTY keyword (DTD) 526

empty statement 206, 223

empty string 271, 273, 363, 366 525

Enable Paging setting for an ASP.NET GridView 776

Enable Sorting setting for an ASP.NET GridView 776

encapsulation 31

end of a script 188

“end of data entry” 228

end tag 40, 513

ended event of an audio element 303

EndEdit method of class BindingSource 652

ending angle 450

ending index 370

endpoint (of a WCF service) 791, 840

endpointBehaviors element in web.config 802

Englishlike abbreviations 27


&amp; 526

&gt; 526

&lt; 526

entity reference (MathML) 537

entity reference &InvisibleTimes;l in MathML 536

entity-relationship diagram 622

$_ENV superglobal 682

environment variable 682

equal priority 201

equality and relational operators 203

equality operator 268, 269, 273

equality operators 202, 677

equality operators and Strings 363

equals equals 202

Eratosthenes 358

e-reader device 27

error 404 44

error message 189

Error property of DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs 805

ErrorMessage property of an ASP.NET validation control 733, 872, 873

escape character 192, 630

escape sequence 192, 687

EST for Eastern Standard Time 376

evaluate method of a Firefox 2 XML document object 563

event 290

event bubbling 429, 438, 440

event-driven programming 290

event handler 290, 424

event handling 289

event model 423

event object 425, 428

altKey property 429

cancelBubble property 429, 438

clientX property 429

clientY property 429

ctrlKey property 429

keyCode property 429

screenX property 429

screenY property 429

shiftKey property 429

target property (FF) 429, 433

type property 429


abort 441

blur 433

change 441

click 441

dblclick 441

focus 433, 441

inline model 425

keydown 441

keypress 441

load 423

load 441

mousedown 441

mousemove 425, 428, 441

mouseout 429, 441, 577

mouseover 429, 433, 441, 577

mouseup 441

onkeyup 441

reset 436, 441

resize 441

select 441

submit 436

traditional model 425

unload 441

ex (“x-height” of the font) 114

ex value 252

exception 581

exception handler 581

exception handling 581

exp method 362

expiration date of a cookie 737, 877

exponentiation 201

expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 535

extend an XML Schema data type 533

Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar 524

extender 783

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 534

eXtensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) 7, 710, 849

eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) 513

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 18, 797

eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 515, 523, 538

eXtensible User Interface Language (XUL) 534, 538

extension 18, 611

extension element

base attribute 533

extension method 641

extension XML Schema element 533

external DTD 519

external style sheet 114, 114


Facebook 3, 12, 19, 22, 26, 29

Factorial 311

Fahrenheit temperature 321

false 202

false 218

fantasy fonts 110

fatal logic error 223

Favorite Twitter Searches app 379, 381

FBLM (Flexible Box Layout Module) 168

field 24

field of a class 24

15 puzzle 420

figcaption element 96

figure element 96

file 24

file transfer protocol (FTP) 5

fill method of canvas 467

fillRect method of canvas 447, 460

fillStyle attribute of canvas 447, 460, 474

fillText method of canvas 475

filter a collection using LINQ 635

final value of the control variable 252, 254, 256


DOM Inspector add-on 396

firewall 791

Fireworks Designer exercise 509

:first-child CSS3 selector 382

First extension method of interface IEnumerable<T> 641

first program in JavaScript 187

first refinement 229

firstChild property of a DOM node 557

firstChild property of a Node 558

#FIXED keyword (DTD) 525

Fixedsys font 110

flag value 228

Flexible Box Layout Module (FBLM) 168

Flickr 12

float property 125

Floating elements 126

floating-point number 228

floor 362, 389

floor method of the Math object 286, 295

Floor Planner exercise 509

flow text around div element 125

flowchart 216, 266

flowcharting JavaScript’s sequence statement 216

flowcharting the do...while repetition statement 266

flowcharting the double-selection if...else statement 220

flowcharting the for repetition statement 256

flowcharting the single-selection if statement 219

flowcharting the while repetition statement 224

flowlines 216

focus 83, 433

focus event 433, 441

font attribute of canvas 474

font-family property 110

font manipulation 447

font-size property 107, 110, 252

font-style property 122

font-weight property 110

@font-face rule 166, 168

footer element 98

for repetition statement 217, 253, 255

for repetition statement flowchart 256

for statement 674

for statement header 254 repetition statement 217, 334, 334, 350, 351

foreach statement 677

foreign key 621, 623

form 58, 289

form element 60

action attribute 60

option element 65

form field 433

form GUI component 195

form handler 60

Form including radio buttons and a drop-down list 90

form resets 441

form to query a MySQL database 687

form validation 686

formatting percentages 295

formnovalidate attribute 82

forms 38

forms authentication 762

forms collection of the document object 409

forward slash character (/) 47

forward slash character (/) in end tags 513, 542

Foursquare 3, 12, 22, 29

&frac14; entity reference 51

fractional parts of dollars 260

frame-by-frame animation 489

from clause of a LINQ query 635

FROM SQL clause 623

fromCharCode method of the String object 364, 365, 366

FTP (file transfer protocol) 5

function 198, 279

function (or local) scope 306

function body 283

function call 280, 281

function-call operator 281

function parameter 282

function parseInt 198

futura 110


G.I.M.P. 45

gambling casino 286

game of craps 296, 304

Game of Pool exercise 509

game playing 286

game programming 6


Call of Duty 2: games Modern Warfare 6

Farmville 6

Mafia Wars 6

social gaming 6

Garrett, Jesse James 577

gathering data to be written as a cookie 692

GDI+ coordinate system 446

generating LINQ to SQL classes 647

Generating Mazes Randomly exercise 509

generic font family 110

geneva font 110

Geography Markup Language (GML) 538

georgia font 110

GET HTTP request 14, 608

GET method of the XMLHttpRequest object 583

get request (HTTP) 801

get request type 60

$_GET superglobal 682, 685

getAllResponseHeaders method of the XMLHttpRequest object 583

getAttribute method of a DOM element 404

getAttribute method of an Element 559

getAttributeNode method of an Element 559

getDate method of the Date object 371

getDay method of the Date object 371

getDocumentElement method 559

getElementById method of the document object 290, 396, 404, 447, 557, 582

getElementsByTagName method of the document object 559, 587

getFullYear method of the Date object 371, 373

getHours method of the Date object 371

getImageData method of canvas 466

getItem method of the localStorage object 382

getItem method of the sessionStorage object 382

getMilliseconds method of the Date object 371

getMinutes method of the Date object 371

getMonth method of the Date object 371

getResponseHeader method of the XMLHttpRequest object 583

gets 202

gets the value of 202

getSeconds method of the Date object 371

getTime method of the Date object 372

getTimeZone method of the Date object 373

getTimezoneOffset method of the Date object 372

gettype function 669

getUTCDate method of the Date object 371

getUTCDay method of the Date object 371

getUTCFullYear method of the Date object 371

getUTCHours method of the Date object 371

getUTCMilliSeconds method of the Date object 371

getUTCMinutes method of the Date object 371

getUTCMonth method of the Date object 371

getUTCSeconds method of the Date object 371

global functions 308

Global object 309

Global Positioning System (GPS) 5

global scope 306

global variable 306

globalAlpha attribute of canvas 477

globalCompositeOperation attribute of canvas 479

$GLOBALS superglobal 682

GML (Geography Markup Language) 538

GML website ( 538

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 371, 376

Good Programming Practices overview xxvi

Google 3, 19, 19, 20

Goggles 20

Maps 20

TV 6

Google web fonts 167

Gosling, James 28

goto elimination 216

goto statement 216

GPS (Global Positioning System) 5

gradient 148

direction 150

gradient-line 150

linear 148

radial 151

gradient line 148

gradient-line 150

graphical representation of an algorithm 216

Graphical User Interface (GUI) 26

grayscale 463

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 371, 376

GridView ASP.NET data control 745, 885

GridView class

DataBind method 752, 892

groove value (border-style property) 125


grouping element 120

Groupon 3, 12, 22

Guestbook Application Modification exercise 757, 897

guestbook on a website 745, 885

GUI (Grahical User Interface) 26

GUI component 195


h1-h6 heading elements 41

handheld media type 127

handle an event in a child element 438

hardware 27

<head> tag 187

head element 40, 109

head section 40

header cell 56

header element 96

heading element 265

heading elements 41

height attribute of img element 46

height media feature 130

height property 123

Hewlett Packard 3

hex 51

hexadecimal 309

hexadecimal code 80

hexadecimal value 51

hidden input 61

hidden value (border-style property) 125

hide global variable names 306

hiding of implementation details 280

hierarchy 516

high-level language 27

high-precision floating-point value 228

horizontal coordinate 446

horizontal positioning 121

horizontal rule 51, 51

horizontal tab 192

Horse Race exercise 509

host 13, 607, 710, 849

hostname 13, 607, 710, 849

hours since midnight 371 ( 20

hover pseudo-class 114, 130

hovering 432

<hr> element (horizontal rule) 51

href attribute of a element 43, 67

href property of an a node 411

HSL (hue, saturation and lightness) 146

HSL (hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) 146

.htm (HTML5 filename extension) 38

.html (HTML5 filename extension) 38

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 12, 13, 606, 710, 849

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 18

colors 430

comment 39

comment delimiters 39

documents 38

form 58, 289

html element 40

HTML5 38, 77

HTML5 Elements

audio 279, 301

audio element 484

input types 77

source 301, 305

video 279, 304, 305

HTML5 Test 7

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 12, 13, 606, 607, 710, 736, 849, 876

being used with firewalls 791

header 15, 608

method 14, 608

request type 15, 15, 609, 801

http:// 12 (XML Schema URI) 529

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) 12

https:// 12

HttpSessionState class 737, 742, 743, 744, 877, 882, 883, 884

Add method 743, 883

Count property 742

Counts property 882

IsNewSession property 742, 882

Keys property 742, 744, 882, 884

SessionID property 742, 882

Timeout property 742, 882

hue 146

Human Genome Project 4

hyperlink 13, 42

HyperLink ASP.NET web control 728, 868

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 12, 13, 606, 710, 849

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 12, 13, 15, 606, 607, 609, 710, 736, 801, 849, 876

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) 12



id attribute 120

id CSS selector 110

identifier 194

identifier element (MathML) 536

IEnumerable(Of T) interface 644

IEnumerable<T> interface 637

Any extension method 641

Count extension method 641

Distinct extension method 641

First extension method 641

if selection statement 217, 218, 219, 222

if single-selection statement 202, 261

if...else double-selection statement 217, 219, 238, 261

IIS Express

install 614

IIS Express (Internet Information Services Express) 606

Image ASP.NET web control 726, 866

image format 45

image hyperlink 48

image manipulation in canvas 463

Image object 432

src property 433

images collection of the document object 409

images in Web pages 45

ImageUrl property of an Image web control 726, 866

img element 46, 47, 48, 118

alt attribute 47

height attribute 46

src attribute 291

imperative programming 635

implicit conversions

prevent 206

implicitly typed local variable 635, 637, 642

#IMPLIED keyword (DTD) 525

in (inches) 114

increment 252

increment control variable 252, 256

increment expression 255

increment operator (++) 239

indefinite repetition 229

indent statement in body of if statement 205

index 363

index in an array 325

index value 690

index.html 44

indexOf method of an Arrayobject 344

indexOf method of the String object 364, 366, 366, 367, 390

indices for the characters in a string 365

infer a local variable’s type 635

infinite loop 224, 234, 266

infinity symbol 623

information hiding 31

information tier 16, 610, 711, 850

inherit a style 111

inheritance 31

Inheritance in style sheets 112

Init event of a Web Form 723, 862

Init event of an ASP.NET web page 724, 864

initial value 252

initial value of control variable 252, 256

initialization 255

initialization phase 230

initialize 227

initializer list 330

initializer method for an object 373

Initializing the elements of an array 332

Inkscape 45

inline-level element 120

inline model (events) 425

inline scripting 187

inline style 106, 110

inline styles override any other styles 106

inline-block 430

inline-block value for the display CSS property 382

inner for statement 350

INNER JOIN SQL clause 623, 628

innerHtml property (DOM) 582

innerHTML property of a DOM node 295, 303

input element 60, 80, 345

button 289

disabled property 302

maxlength attribute 61

name attribute 61

radio type 64

input type

autocomplete element 87

date 82

datetime 82

datetime-local 82

default para font> 85

email 83

month 84

number 84

search 85

tel 86

time 86

url 87

week 87

INSERT SQL statement 623, 629

insertBefore method of a DOM node 406

insertBefore method of a Node 558

inset value (border-style property) 125

install IIS Express 614

install WebMatrix 614

instance 30

instance variable 31

InstanceContextMode property of ServiceBehavior attribute 810

instant message 5

&int; entity reference (MathML) 537

integer 667

integers 196

integral symbol (MathML) 536

Intel 3

IntelliSense 635, 644, 660

interaction between a web service client and a web service 798

interest rate 258

interface 618

Interface Builder 26


IEnumerable 644

IEnumerable<T> 637

IQueryable 644

internal hyperlink 67

internal linking 38, 65

internal pointer 676

Internet 10, 11

Internet Explorer browser 151

Internet Information Services (IIS) 13, 849

Internet Information Services Express (IIS Express) 606, 614

Internet Protocol (IP) 11

Internet Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI) 18, 611

Internet telephony 12

Internet TV 6

interpolation 667, 680

interpret 187

interpret <body> 196

interpret <head> 196

interpreter 28

interval timer 487

invoked 280

inward offset 158

iOS 25

IP (Internet Protocol) 11

IP address 11, 13, 607, 710, 849

iPhone 20, 23

iPod Touch 27, 33

IPv6 11

IQueryable interface 644

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Program Interface) 18, 611

isFinite function 304, 309

isNaN 377

isNaN function 309

IsNewSession property of class HttpSessionState 742, 882

IsPostBack property of class Page 735, 875

isset function 695, 695

IsValid property of class Page 735, 875

italic value (font-style property) 122

item method of a DOM collection 411

item method of a NodeList 559

iterating through the array’s elements 330

iteration of the loop 252, 254

iteration through an array 676

iterative solution 310

iTunes 6


Java DB 656

Java programming language 27, 28, 35, 38

Java Script Object Notation (JSON) 385

JavaScript 2, 7, 17, 28, 29, 40, 572, 611, 729, 869

events 423

interpreter 186

keywords 217

libraries 2, 8

link to a document 327

Object 486

sever side 7

JavaScript library

jQuery 8

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 587, 792

JavaScript reserved words 217

JavaScript scripting language 186

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 573

Jaxer 7

Jobs, Steve 26

join method of an Array object 341

joining database tables 621, 628

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 45

jQuery 2

jQuery JavaScript Library 8

.js file name extension 327

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) 587, 792

JSON serialization 807


kernel 25

key function 676

key method of the localStorage object 382

key method of the sessionStorage object 382

key-value pair 378, 743, 883

keyCode property of an event object 429

keydown event 441

@keyframes rule 161, 162, 165

keypress event 441

Keys property of HttpSessionState class 742, 744, 882, 884

keyup event 441

keyword 193, 217


catch 581

Partial 863

partial 724

try 581

var 635

keywords 217

keywords in PHP 672


Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 635

large relative font size 110

larger 362

larger relative font size 110

lastChild property of a DOM node 558

lastChild property of a Node 558

lastIndexOf method of an Arrayobject 344

lastIndexOf method of the String object 364, 366, 368, 390

LaTeX software package 534

layer overlapping elements 118

left margin 118, 121

left value (text-align property) 123

left-hand-side expression 241

legacy code 51

length method of a Text node 560

length property of a DOM collection 410

length property of a NodeList 559

length property of an Array 325

length property of an Array object 325, 329, 334

length property of the localStorage object 382

length property of the sessionStorage object 382

Lerdorf, Rasmus (PHP creator) 665

let clause of a LINQ query 643

letter 24, 363

letters 194

li (list item) element 51


JavaScript 8

lighter value (font-weight property) 110

lightness 146

lightweight business models 21

LIKE operator (SQL) 625

LIKE SQL clause 626, 627

limericks 390

line break 57

linear gradient 148

color-stop 148

gradient-line 150

lineCap attribute of canvas 449

lineJoin attribute in canvas 448

line-through value (text-decoration) 113

lineTo method of canvas 448

lineWidth attribute in canvas 448

lineWidth attribute of canvas 447

link a script to a document 327

link element 115

linking external style sheets 114, 115

links 42

links collection of the document object 409, 410

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) 635

anonymous type 641

ascending modifier 636

deferred execution 643

descending modifier 636

from clause 635

let clause 643

LINQ to Objects 635

orderby clause 636

query expression 635

range variable 635

select clause 636

where clause 636

LINQ to Objects 635

using a List<T> 642

using an array of Employee objects 638


data binding 645

DataContext class 644, 648

Designer 644

generating classes 647

Object data source 648

saving changes back to a database 652

LINQ to SQL classes

generating 647

LinqDataSource ASP.NET data control 748, 888

Linux 7, 25, 612

Linux operating system 25, 26

list 263

list item 51

List(Of T) class 814

ListDictionary class 751, 892

listen for events 290

list-style-type CSS property 263

literal characters 680

Load event 734

load event 290, 423, 441

Load event of an ASP.NET web page 734, 874

local 306

local time zone method 371

local variable 285, 308

local variable names 306

local web servers 611

localhost 611

localStorage object

clear method 384

getItem method 382

key method 382

length property 382

removeItem method 385

setItem method 382, 385

localStorage property of the window object 378, 381, 382

location in memory 193, 199

location-based services 19

log 362

Log property of a data context 654

LOG10E 362

logarithm 362

logic error 198, 200, 223, 230

logical AND (&&) operator 268, 269, 270

logical negation (!) operator 268, 270, 273, 273

logical NOT (!) operator 268

logical operator 268, 269, 271, 273

logical OR (||) operator 268, 269, 270, 273

login (ASP.NET) 752, 892

loop 223

loop-continuation condition 252, 255, 256, 264, 266, 272

loop-continuation test 265, 267, 273

loop counter 252

loopback address 611

loosely typed 667

loosely typed language 200

lose focus 441

lowercase letter 24, 189, 194

&lt; special character 49, 51

lvalue 241


m-by-n array 347

Mac OS X 25, 27, 612

machine language 27

Macintosh 26

mailto: URL 44

manual frame-by-frame animation 489

many-to-many relationship 623

margin 123

margin property (block-level elements) 127

margin-bottom property 127

margin-left property 127

margin-right property 127

margins for individual sides of an element 127

margin-top property 127

mark element 98

markup in XML 512, 515

markup language 6, 38

mashups 20

master page in ASP.NET 761

master pages 752, 892

match attribute 542

Math method round 389

Math object 271, 273, 361, 361

floor method 286, 295

max method 285

pow method 279

random method 286, 295

Math object methods 361

Math tutor using EquationGeneratorServiceXML to create equations 831

Math.E 362

Math.LN10 362

Math.LN2 362

Math.LOG10E 362

Math.LOG2E 362

Math.PI 362, 451

Math.random 357

Math.sqrt 361

Math.SQRT1_2 362

Math.SQRT2 362

mathematical calculation 279, 361

mathematical constant 361

Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 534

MathML 513, 534

.mml filename extension 535

&delta; entity reference 537

&int; entity reference 537

entity reference 537

entity reference &InvisibleTimes; 536

identifier element 536

integral symbol 536

mfrac element 536

mi element 536

mn element 535

mo element 535

mrow element 537

msqrt element 537

msubsup element 537

msup element 536

square-root symbol 536

symbolic representation 536

Matsumoto, Yukihiro “Matz” 29

max 362

max attribute 84, 85

max method of the Math object 285

max-device-width 174

maximum function 283, 285

maxlength attribute of input element 61

maxOccurs XML Schema attribute 531

Maze Generator and Walker exercise 508

Maze Traversal Using Recursive Backtracking exercise 508

Mazes of Any Size exercise 509

mean (average) 202

media feature 130

media query 130, 173

@media-rule 174

@media rule 174

@media screen rule 168

media type 127, 128, 130, 139

medium relative font size 110

medium value 125

membership capabilities (ASP.NET) 761

memory 3

merge records from tables 628

message dialog 289

message window 13

meta 38

meta element 67, 69

content attribute 67, 68, 72

name attribute 67

metacharacters 680

meter element 97

method 30, 188, 198, 279, 309

method = "get" 60

method = "post" 60, 685

method attribute 60

method call 31

method prompt 198

method UTC 376

method writeln 198

metric conversion program 393

mfrac MathML element 536

mi MathML element 536

microblogging 12, 22

Microsoft 3

Image Cup 35

Microsoft Bing 19

middle tier 16, 610, 712, 851

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 15, 109, 115, 138, 608, 737, 877

MIME types

audio/mpeg 301

audio/ogg 301

video/mp4 305

video/webm 305

min attribute 84, 85

minInclusive XML Schema element 533

minOccurs XML Schema attribute 531

miter lineJoin of canvas 448, 450

mm (millimeters) 114

.mml filename extension for MathML documents 535

mn element 537

mn MathML element 535

mo MathML element 535

mobile check-in 12

module 18, 279, 611

monetization 19

monospace 110

month input type 84

Moore’s Law 3

Motorola 3

mouse button pressed down 441

mouse button released 441

mouse cursor 191, 191

mouse cursor over an element 114

mouse pointer 192

mousedown event 441

mousemove event 425, 428, 441

mouseout 433

mouseout event 429, 433, 441, 577

mouseover event 429, 433, 441, 577

mouseup event 441

MoveFirst method of class BindingSource 654

moveTo method of canvas 448, 457

moving the mouse 423

Mozilla browsers 151

Mozilla Foundation 26

Mozilla project 538

mrow MathML element 537

msqrt MathML element 537

msubsup element 537

msubsup MathML element 537

msup MathML element 536

multicolumn layout 171

multidimensional array 347

multiline comment 194, 667

multiple background images 153

multiple conditions 268

multiple-selection structure 264

multiple-selection statement 217

multiplication assignment operator (*=) 670

multiplication operator (*) 200

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) 15, 608, 737, 877

type 109, 115, 138

multitier application 16, 610, 711, 850

MySQL 632, 634, 665, 687

Community Edition 632

user account 633

MySQL reference manual 632

mysql_close function 690

mysql_connect function 688

mysql_error function 690

mysql_fetch_row function 690

mysql_num_rows function 690

mysql_query function 690

mysql_real_escape_string function 700

mysql_select_db function 688


n-tier application 16, 610, 711, 850

name attribute (XPath) 546

name attribute of input element 61

name attribute of meta element 67

name node-set function 546

name of a variable 199

name of an array 325

name of an attribute 40

name property of an Attr object 560

name XML Schema attribute 530

named constant 670

namedItem method of a DOM collection 411

namespace 521

System.Linq 635

System.Web.UI 724, 863

System.Web.UI.WebControls 724, 864

namespace prefix 521, 523, 533

naming collision 521

NaN 309, 364, 366, 377

NaN (not a number) 198, 228

natural logarithm 362

nav element 96

NavigateUrl property of a HyperLink control 729, 868

navigation bar on a website 770

&nbsp; entity reference 557

nested element 40, 516

nested for statement 351

nested statement 350

nested if or if...else statement 268

nested if statement 205, 222

nested if...else statements 220

nested list 52, 114

.NET WCF web service client after web service reference has been added 798

network of networks 11

new Date object 373

new operator 203, 327, 330, 373

newline character ( ) 192

next function 676

NeXT Inc. 26

nextSibling property of a DOM node 557

nextSibling property of a Node 558

NeXTSTEP operating system 26

no-repeat property 121

node (DOM tree) 547

Node object 558, 558

Node object methods 558

node-set function 546

node set of an xsl

for-each element 542

Node.js 7

NodeList object 558, 559

NodeList object methods 559

nodeName property of a DOM node 557

nodeName property of a Node 558

nodeType property of a DOM node 557

nodeType property of a Node 558

nodeValue property of a DOM node 557

nodeValue property of a Node 558

nonbreaking space (&nbsp;) 557

non-validating XML parser 514

none value (border-style property) 125

none value (font-style property) 122

nonfatal logic error 223

normal value (font-weight property) 110

not a number (NaN) 198

not a number (NaN) 228

Notepad text editor 38

:nth-child CSS3 selector 382

null 195, 200

number input type 84

Number object 198, 260, 376

toFixed method 260

Number.MAX_VALUE 377

Number.MIN_VALUE 377

Number.NaN 377



numbered list 263

numeric character reference 51

Nutrition Information XML Document exercise 570

Nutrition Information XML Schema exercise 570

Nutrition Information XSL Style Sheet exercise 570


O’Reilly Media 18

object 29, 188, 309, 361

Object (JavaScript) 486

create properties 486

object (or instance) 31

Object data source 648

object hierarchy 396

object-oriented programming (OOP) 26, 28

Object Relational Designer window 647

object wrappers 376

Objective-C 26

Objective-C programming language 28

oblique value (font-style property) 122

obtaining user input through forms 685

occurrence indicator 525

octal 309

Odersky, Martin 29

off-by-one error 254

offline access 378

offset 155

OK button 191

ol element 52, 70

ON clause 628

One-Armed Bandit exercise 509

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) 4

one-to-many relationship 623

onload attribute of an HTML5 element 425

onload property of an HTML5 element 425

onmouseover event 432

onReadyStateChange property of the XMLHttpRequest object 582

opacity 162

Open Handset Alliance 27

open method of the XMLHttpRequest object 556, 583

open source 25, 27, 612, 632, 665

open source software 19, 21

open technology 512

OpenGIS Consortium 538

Opera browser 151

operand 196

operating system 25, 27

OperationContract attribute 793, 795

operator precedence 201

operator precedence chart 673


! (logical NOT or logical negation) operator 268

!== 206

&& (logical AND) operator 268

=== 206

|| (logical OR) operator 268

conditional AND, && 641

function-call operator 281

new 327

operators of equal priority 201

option element (form) 65

order attribute 546

ORDER BY SQL clause 623, 626, 627

order in which actions are executed 215

orderby clause of a LINQ query 636

ascending modifier 636

descending modifier 636

ordered list 52

ordering of records 623

orientation media feature 130

OS X 27

outset value (border-style property) 125

oval symbol 216

overflow 171

overflow boundaries 123

overflow property 123

overline value (text-decoration) 113


p element 40

packet 11

packet switching 11

padding 123

padding-bottom property 127

padding for individual sides of an element 127

padding-left property 127

padding property (block-level elements) 127

padding-right property 127

padding-top property 127

Page class 724, 735, 740, 863, 875, 880

Session property 740, 880

Page Hit Counter exercise 757, 897

Page_Init event handler 723, 724, 862, 864

Page_Init event handler (ASP.NET) 863

Page_Load event handler 734, 874

Page, Larry 19

PageSize property of a GridView ASP.NET control 776

paragraph element 40

parent 396

parent element 111, 517

parent node 547

parent/child relationships between data 516

parentheses 269

parentheses in JavaScript 201

parentNode property of a DOM node 406, 558

parentNode property of a Node 558

parse 375, 376

parsed character data 525

parseFloat function 228, 280, 285, 309

parseInt function 198, 228, 285, 309

radix 199

parser 514

partial class 724, 863

Partial modifier 863

partial modifier 724

partial page update 574, 779

pass-by-reference 339

pass-by-value 339

passing arrays 342

Passing arrays and individual array elements to functions 342

password input 64

paths in canvas 448

pattern matching 625

pattern of 1s and 0s 24

pc (picas—1 pc = 12 pt) 114

#PCDATA keyword (DTD) 525

PDML (Product Data Markup Language) 534, 534

PerCall setting of InstanceContextMode property 811

percent (%) SQL wildcard character 625

percent sign (%) remainder operator 200

percentage 114

formatting 295

Perl-compatible regular expressions 678

PerSession setting of InstanceContextMode property 811

persistent cookie 691

personalization 736, 875

Phone Book Web Service exercise 845

Phone Book Web Service Modification exercise 845

photo sharing 12

Photoshop Express 45

PHP 28, 29, 573

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) 665

.php extension 666

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) 665

PI 362

PI (processing instruction) 540

picture element (pixel) 114

Pig Latin 390

pixel 46

place holder in an initializer list 330

placeholder attribute 83

placeholder text 83

play method of an audio element 303

plus sign (+) occurrence indicator 525

PM 376

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) 45

Portability Tips overview xxvi

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 45

position number 325

position property 116

post request (HTTP) 801

post request type 685

post request type 60

$_POST superglobal 682, 685

postback event of an ASP.NET page 735, 875

postdecrement operator 239

postincrement operator 239, 241

pow method of Math object 260, 272, 279, 362

power 362

pre element 192

precedence 201, 227, 241

precedence and associativity of operators 207, 241, 271

precedence chart 201

Precedence of arithmetic operators 201

predecrement operator 239, 239

predicate 624, 636

prefix 151

-moz- 151

-ms- 151

-o- 151

-webkit- 151

preg_match function 678, 680

preg_replace function 681

preincrement operator 239, 241

preload attribute of the audio element 301

preloading images 432

prepackaged function 279

presentation 534

presentation logic 17, 610, 712, 851

Presentation MathML 534

press a key 441

pressing keys 423

prevent implicit conversions 206

previousSibling property of a Node 558

primary key 619, 623

prime 321

prime integer 358

principal 258

print function 667

print media type 127, 128, 130

printing dates in various formats 391

printing one line with separate statements 190

priority 201

privacy protection 736, 876

probability 286

procedure 215

processing instruction (PI) 540

processing instruction target 540

processing instruction value 540

processing phase 230

processor 514

Product Data Markup Language (PDML) 534

program 186

program control 215

program development tools 231

programmer-defined function 279

maximum 283

square 281

projection 642

prolog (XML) 516

promotion 736, 875

prompt 195

prompt box used on a welcome screen 193

prompt dialog 192, 195, 196, 198, 285, 289

prompt method of window object 195

prompt to a user 195

properties of the Math object 362

properties separated by a semicolon 107

Properties window 719, 858

protocol 59

protocolMapping element in web.config 803

proxy class for a web service 798

pseudo-class 113

pseudocode 215, 231

pseudocode for examination-results problem 236

pseudocode If statement 218

pseudocode If...Else statement 220

pt (points) 110, 114

pt measurement for text size 133

publishing a web service 793

putImageData method of canvas 467

Python programming language 29


quadratic curve in canvas 454

quadraticCurveTo method of canvas 454

qualified name 629

quantifier 680

query 618, 619, 635

query expression (LINQ) 635

query string 15, 609, 801

querying a database and displaying the results 688

question mark (?) occurrence indicator 525

quirks mode 39

quotation mark (') 187


radial gradient 151

radial-gradient property 151

radians 450, 501

radio input type 64

RadioButtonList ASP.NET web control 729, 868

radix 309, 377

radix of function parseInt 199

Random image generation using arrays 338

random image generator 287

Random Interimage Transition exercise 508

random method of the Math object 286, 286, 295

Randomly Erasing an Image exercise 507

range input type 85

range variable of a LINQ query 635

“raw” Ajax 572

RDBMS (relational database management system) 16, 610, 632

Reaction Time/Reaction Precision Tester exercise 510

readability 39

readyState property of the XMLHttpRequest object 582

readystatechange property of the XMLHttpRequest object 582

recognizing clients 736, 876

record 24

rectangle symbol 216, 224

recursion 309

Recursion Exercises

Generating Mazes Randomly 509

Maze Traversal Using Recursive Backtracking 508

Mazes of Any Size 509

recursion step 310

recursive base case 310

recursive call 310

recursive descent 546

recursive function 309

redundant parentheses 202

refinement 229, 235

reflection 155

registering an event handler 290, 424

registration (ASP.NET) 752, 892

regular expression 678, 678

regular expressions in PHP 678

RegularExpressionValidator ASP.NET validation control 733, 873

reinventing the wheel 31

relational database 618

relational database management system (RDBMS) 16, 610, 632, 711, 850

relational database table 618

relational operator 202, 203, 268, 269, 273, 677

strings 363

relationship between documents 115

relative addressing (XPath) 542

relative-length measurement 114, 123, 135

relative path 46

relative positioning 118, 719, 858

relative positioning of elements 119

relative value (position property) 118

release a key 441

reload an entire web page 573

remainder 201

remainder after division 201

remainder operator (%) 200

remote web servers 611

removeAttribute method of an Element 559

removeChild method of a DOM node 407, 419

removeChild method of a Node 559

removeEventListener method of a DOM node 425

removeItem method of the localStorage object 385

removeItem method of the sessionStorage object 385

render a webpage 38

repeat value (background-repeat property) 121

repeat-x value (background-repeat property) 121

repeat-y value (background-repeat property) 121

repeating infinitely 228

repetition statement 230

repetition structure 216, 223, 224, 265, 266

replace method of the String object 364

replaceChild method of a DOM node 407

replaceChild method of a Node 559

Representational State Transfer (REST) 790, 792

request method 15, 609, 801

#REQUIRED keyword (DTD) 525

required attribute 84

RequiredFieldValidator ASP.NET validation control 732, 733, 872, 873

Research Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML) 538

reserved words 217

reset event 436, 441

reset function 676

reset input 61

resize event 441

resolution 446

resources 38

responding to user interaction 423

ResponseFormat property of the WebGet attribute 805, 835

responseText property of the XMLHttpRequest object 582

responseXML property of the XMLHttpRequest object 582

RESTful web services 792

restore method of canvas 496, 498

restriction on built-in XML Schema data type 532, 533

result 624

Result property of DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs 805

Result property of LinqDataSourceSelect EventArgs class 773

result tree (XSLT) 539

return 280

return by reference 339

return statement 282, 283

return value of an event handler 438

reusability 285

reusable software components 29

reuse 30

RGB 145

RGB to grayscale 467

RGBA 145

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) 19, 572, 572

ridge value (border-style property) 125

right margin 118, 121

right value (text-align property) 123

Ritchie, Dennis 28

RIXML (Research Information Exchange Markup Language) 538

RIXML website ( 538

robot 5

rolling a six-sided die 286

rollover effect 429, 432

rollover images 429

root element (XML) 513, 516, 519

root node 397, 547

rotate an image 163

rotate method of canvas 470, 471

rotate transformation function 163

Rotating Images exercise 510

round 362

round lineJoin of canvas 448, 450

rounded corners 144

row 347, 619, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 629, 630

row objects 644

rows attribute (textarea) 61

rows to be retrieved 623

rowspan attribute (tr) 57

Ruby on Rails 29

Ruby programming language 29

rule in CSS 162

Rule of Entity Integrity 622

Rule of Referential Integrity 621


Salesforce 12

same origin policy (SOP) 578

sans-serif fonts 110

saturation 146

save data on the iPhone 379

save method of canvas 496, 498

saving changes back to a database in LINQ to SQL 652

savings account 258

Scala programming language 29

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 534

scalars (scalar quantities) 340

scale method of canvas 469

scale transformation function 164

scaling factor 286, 296

scaling the range of random numbers 286

schema 514, 526

schema element 529

schema invalid document 528

schema repository 524

schema valid XML document 528

schema-valid XML document describing a list of books 528

scope 306

scope rules 306

scoping 306

Scoping example 306

screen coordinate system 429

screen media type 127

screen resolution 114

screenX property of an event object 429

screenY property of an event object 429

<script> tag 187

script 40, 186

link to a document 327

script development tools 231

script font 110

script interpreter 189

scripting host 17, 611

scripting language 28, 186, 187

script-level variables 306

ScriptManager control 781

scroll up or down the screen 120

scroll value (background-position property) 122

scroll value (overflow property) 123

Scrolling Image Marquee exercise 508

Scrolling Marquee Sign exercise 508

scrolling the browser window 121

search engine 40, 67

search engine optimization (SEO) 67, 67

search field 85

search input type 85

second refinement 229, 230, 236

secondary storage 3

section element 96

sectioning elements

article element 96

aside element 96

details element 96, 101

figcaption element 96

figure element 96

footer element 98

header element 96

meter element 97

nav element 96

section element 96

summary element 96, 103

wbr element 98

select attribute (XPath) 546

select attribute of xsl:for-each element 542

select clause of a LINQ query 636

select element 65

select event 441

SELECT SQL keyword 624, 625, 626, 627

selected attribute 65

SelectedIndexChanged event handler

ComboBox class 654

selecting data from a table 619

Selecting event of LinqDataSource ASP.NET data control 773

selection criteria 624

selection structure 216

selectNodes method of MSXML 563

selector 109, 111, 162, 165, 170

self validation 81

self-documenting 194

Semantic Web 19

semicolon (;) 107, 110, 188, 190, 194

semicolon on line by itself 206

semicolon resulting logic error 205

send a message to an object 31

send method of the XMLHttpRequest object 556, 583

sentinel value 228, 230, 234

sentinel-controlled repetition 230, 231, 233

sentinel-controlled repetition to calculate a class average 232

separation of structure from content 106

separator 341

sequence structure 216, 229

sequential execution 215

Serializable attribute 807

serialization 807

serif fonts 110

server 3

server response 16, 609, 801

server-side form handler 15, 609, 801

server-side script 17, 611

$_SERVER supergloball 682

server-side form handler 15, 609, 801

server-side JavaScript 7

CommonJS 7

Jaxer 7

Node.js 7

server-side proxy 578

service description for a web service 797

Service references

adding a service reference to a project in Visual C# 2010 Express 799

Service.svc 793

ServiceBehavior attribute 810

ServiceContract attribute 793, 795

session 736, 876

session cookie 691

session item 743, 883

Session property of Page class 740, 880

session tracking 736, 737, 876, 877

in web services 809

SessionID property of HttpSessionState class 742, 882

SessionMode property of ServiceContract attribute 810

sessionStorage object

clear method 384

getItem method 382

key method 382

length property 382

removeItem method 385

setItem method 382, 385

sessionStorage property of the window object 379, 379, 381, 382

SET SQL clause 631

setAttribute method of a DOM element 291, 404

setAttribute method of an Element 559

setAttribute method of the document object 587

setAttributeNode method of an Element 559

setcookie function 691

setDate 372

setFullYear 372, 375

setHours 372

setInterval method of the window object 417, 424

setItem method of the localStorage object 382, 385

setItem method of the sessionStorage object 382, 385

setMilliSeconds 372

setMinutes 372

setMonth 372

setRequestHeader method of the XMLHttpRequest object 583

setSeconds 372

setTime 372

settype function 667, 669

setUTCDate 372

setUTCFullYear 372

setUTCHours 372

setUTCMilliseconds 372

setUTCMinutes 372

setUTCMonth 372

setUTCSeconds 372

shadowBlur attribute 452, 453

shadowBlur attribute of canvas 452

shadowColor attribute of canvas 452, 454

shadowOffsetX attribute 452, 454

shadowOffsetX attribute of canvas 452

shadowOffsetY attribute 454

shadowOffsetY attribute of canvas 452

Shakespeare 391

Shift key 429

shift the range of numbers 286

shifted and scaled random integers 286

shifting value 296

shiftKey property of an event object 429

short-circuit evaluation 270

shorthand assignments of borders 127

Shuffleboard exercise 509

sibling node 547

siblings 396, 517

side effect 339

Sieve of Eratosthenes 358

signal value 228

simple condition 268

simple content in XML Schema 532

simple drawing program 426

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 790, 792

simple PHP program 666

simple type 532

simpleContent XML Schema element 533

simpleType XML Schema element 533

simulation and game playing 286

sin method 362

single quote (') 188, 194, 196, 520, 625, 667

Single setting of InstanceContextMode property 811

single-entry/single-exit control statement 218

single-entry/single-exit structure 219

single-selection if statement 217, 218

Site.css 770

size attribute (input) 61

skew 164

skinning 114

Skype 12

slice method of the String object 364

slider control 85

small circle symbol 216, 224

small relative font size 110

smaller value 362

smart tag menu 653, 728, 868

smartphone 27

SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) 538

SMIL website ( 538

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 790, 791, 792

envelope 792

message 791

social commerce 12, 22

social networking 12, 18, 19

software development 19

Software Engineering Observations overview xxvi

software reusability 285

software reuse 31

solid value (border-style property) 125

Some common escape sequences 192

Some useful global arrays. 682

sort method of an Arrayobject 343, 343

Sorting an array with sort 344

sorting data 343

sorting in XSL 546

Sorting XSLT Modification exercise 570

source element 301, 305

source string 364

source tree (XSLT) 539

SourceForge 26

span as a generic grouping element 120

span element 120

special character 49, 51, 363, 680

Special Section: Advanced String-Manipulation Exercises 391

special symbol 24

specificity 112, 130

speech device 54

speechmedia type 127

speech synthesizer 47

spell checker 393

spinner control 82, 84

split 369

split 369

split method of the String object 364

splitting a statement in the middle of an identifier 194

SQL 618, 619, 623, 624, 630

DELETE statement 623, 631

FROM clause 623


INNER JOIN clause 623, 628

INSERT statement 623, 629

LIKE clause 626

ON clause 628

ORDER BY clause 623, 626, 627

SELECT query 624, 625, 626, 627

SET clause 631

UPDATE statement 623

VALUES clause 630

WHERE clause 624

.sql 634

SQL keyword 623

SQL script 634

SQL Server Express 646

sqrt 362

SQRT1_2 362

SQRT2 362

square brackets [] 325

square root 361

square-root symbol (MathML) 536

src attribute 46, 48

src attribute of an img element 291

src attribute of the script element 327

src property of an Image object 433

stacked control structures 231

standards mode 39

start page for a web application 723, 726, 732, 738, 747, 863, 865, 871, 879, 887

start tag 40, 513, 520

starting angle 450

starting index 370

StartsWith method of class string 643

stateless protocol 736, 876

statement 188

statement terminator 188

status property of the XMLHttpRequest object 582

statusText property of the XMLHttpRequest 582

step attribute 84

StepStone 26

straight-line form 201

strcmp function 677

strict does not equal (!==) operator 206

strict equals (===) operator 206

string 187

string assigned to a variable in a declaration 363

string class

StartsWith method 643

ToUpper method 643

string comparison 343

string concatenation 196, 227

string constants 363

string data type 667

string literal 187, 363

string manipulation 279

String method split 390

String object 363, 363, 365

charAt method 363, 365

charCodeAt method 364, 365, 366

fromCharCode method 364, 365, 366

indexOf method 364, 366, 367, 390

lastIndexOf method 364, 366, 368, 390

replace method 364

slice method 364

split method 364

substr method 364

substring method 364

toLowerCase method 364

toUpperCase method 364

String object methods 363

string representation 229

string representation of the number 377

string XML Schema data type 531

string’s length 366

string-concatenation operator (+) 364

stroke method of canvas 450

strokeRect method of canvas 447

strokeStyle attribute of canvas 447

strokeStyle method of canvas 450

strong element 43

Stroustrup, Bjarne 28

structure of a document 6, 106

structured programming 215, 216

Structured Query Language (SQL) 618, 619, 623

style attribute 106, 252

style class 110, 111

style sheet 115, 517

stylesheet start tag 541

sub element 51

sub initializer list 348

submit 441

submit event 436, 441

submit input 61

SubmitChanges method of a LINQ to SQL DataContext 644, 652

subpath in canvas 448

subscript 51

substr method of the String object 364

substring 369

substring method of the String object 364

substrings of a string 363

subtraction 201

subtraction operator (-) 200

sum function (XSL) 546

summary attribute of a table element 54

summary element 96, 103

Summation with for 257

sup element 51

superglobal array 682

superscript 51

SVC file 793

svcutil.exe 797

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 498, 534

switch multiple-selection statement 263, 264, 272, 263

symbolic representation (MathML) 536

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 538

synchronous request 573, 777

syntax error 189, 241

SYSTEM keyword in XML 519

System.Linq namespace 635

System.Runtime.Serialization. Json 807

System.Web.UI namespace 724, 863

System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace 724, 864


tab 192

Tab key 433

tab stop 192

TabContainer Ajax Control Toolkit control 781

table 618

table body 56

table column heading 260

table data 56

table data cells 56

table element 54, 259

border attribute 54

caption element 54

summary attribute 54

table foot 56

table head 56

table head element 56

table HTML5 element 38

table of event object properties 429

table row 56

tablet computer 27

TabPanel class 782

tagging 19

tagName property of an Element 559

tahoma font 110

tan method 362

tangent 362

target property (FF) of an event object 429, 433

Target property of a HyperLink control 729, 868

target property of an event object 429

targetNamespace XML Schema attribute 530

tbody (table body) element 56

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 11


TcX 632

td element 56

technical publications 31

tel input type 86

telephone number as a string 390

terminate a loop 227, 230

termination phase 230

terminator 188

ternary operator 220

TeX software package 534

text analysis 391

Text and Comment methods 560

text area 41, 61

text-decoration property 113

text editor 38

text field 61

text file 547

Text Flasher exercise 507

text input 61

text node-set function 546

Text object 558, 560

text shadow 143

text stroke 153

text-align property 123

textAlignattribute of canvas 475

textarea element 61

textBaseline attribute of canvas 475

TextBox ASP.NET web control 727, 867

TextEdit text editor 38

text-indent property 122

text-only browser 47

text-shadow property 143

text-stroke property 153

tfoot (table foot) element 56

th (table header column) element 56, 260

thead element 56

thick border width 125

thin border width 125

this keyword 598

three-tier web application 16, 610

tier in a multitier application 16, 610, 711, 850

tile an image only horizontally 121

tile an image vertically and horizontally 121

tile the image only vertically 121

tiling no-repeat 121

tiling of the background image 121

time 203

time element 96, 103

time function 691

time input type 86

time manipulation 279

Timeout property of HttpSessionState class 742, 882

timer 423

times new roman font 110

title bar 40

title bar of a dialog 191

title element 40

title of a document 40

Title property of a Web Form 719, 858

titles table of books database 620, 621

toFixed method of Number object 260

tokenization 369

tokenize a string 369

tokenizing 363

tokens 369, 390

tokens in reverse order 390

toLocaleString 372, 373

toLowerCase 365, 365, 366

toLowerCase method of the String object 364

Toolbox 719, 858

ToolkitScriptManager control 781

top 229, 235

top margin 118, 121

top tier 17, 610, 712, 851

top-down, stepwise refinement 229, 234, 235

Tortoise and the Hare 358

toString 372, 377

total 227

ToUpper method of class string 643

toUpperCase 365, 365, 366

toUpperCase method of the String object 364

toUTCString 372, 373

tr (table row) element 56

tracking customers 735, 875

traditional model (events) 425

traditional web application 573

transfer of control 216

transform method of canvas 472

transform property 162, 163, 164

transformation functions 163

rotate 163

scale 164

transformation matrix in canvas 468, 470

transformations in canvas 468

transformations in CSS3 162

transition property 162, 165

transitions in CSS3 162

transition-timing-function 165, 184

translate method of canvas 468, 470

translation 27

translator program 27

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 11

transparency 162

traverse an array 348

traversing an XML document using the XML DOM 548

tree structure 518

tree structure for the document article.xml of Fig. 14.2 548

trigger of UpdatePanel ASP.NET Ajax Extensions control 782

trigonometric cosine 362

true 202

true 218

truncate 228

trust 19

truth table 269

truth table for the && logical AND operator 269

truth table for the || (logical OR) operator 270

truth table for the logical negation operator 271

try block 581

try keyword 581

Turtle Graphics 357

tutorials for WebMatrix 614

24-hour clock format 376

Twitter 3, 12, 19, 22, 29

search 379

search operators 379

tweet 22

two-dimensional array

representation of a maze 509

347, 348

type 109

type attribute 60, 187

type attribute in a processing instruction 540

type casting 669

type conversion 668

type of a variable 199

type property of an event object 429

type XML Schema attribute 530

type-ahead 588


ul (unordered list) element 51

unary operator 239, 270, 273

decrement (--) 239

increment (++) 239

unbounded value 531, 531

undefined 200

underline value (text-decoration) 113

underscore (_) SQL wildcard character 625, 626

Unicode 363, 365

Unicode character set 24

Unicode value 365, 366

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 13, 522, 606, 710, 849

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 12, 13, 522, 606, 710, 849

Uniform Resource Name (URN) 522

unique session ID of an ASP.NET client 742, 882


unload event 441

unnecessary parentheses 202

unordered list 51

unordered list element (ul) 51

UPDATE SQL statement 623, 631

UpdatePanel ASP.NET Ajax Extensions control 782

UpdatePanel trigger 782

up-down control 82

upper-left corner of a GUI component 445

uppercase letters 189, 194

Uri 805

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 13, 522, 606, 710, 849

UriTemplate property of WebGet attribute 802

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 12, 13, 522, 606, 606, 710, 849

url input type 87

url(fileLocation) 120

URN (Uniform Resource Name) 522

user 111

user account (MySQL) 633

user agent 111

user-defined types in web services 827

user input 58

user interaction 423

user interface 17, 35, 610, 712, 851

user style sheet 132

User style sheet applied with em measurement 136

User style sheet applied with pt measurement 135

User style sheet in Internet Explorer 7 134

user styles 133, 134, 135

user-defined types 532

user-generated content 19

using equality and relational operators 203

Using inline styles 107

using PHP’s arithmetic operators 670

Using the break statement in a for statement 266

Using the continue statement in a for statement 268

Using the do...while repetition statement 265

using the string-comparison operators 677

Using the switch multiple-selection statement 261

using XPath to locate nodes in an XML document 560, 562

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) 371, 373, 376


valid XML document 514, 524

Validate property of Page class 735, 875

validating XML parser 514

validation 81

validation control 729, 869

validation service 41

validation tools 198

error messages 198

warning messages 198

ValidationExpression property of a RegularExpressionValidator control 733, 873

validator 729, 869 41 41

ValidatorCalloutExtender control 783

value attribute 61, 84

value of a variable 199

value of an array element 326

value of an attribute 40

value property 345

value property of an Attr object 560

value property of an input element 345

valueOf 372

VALUES SQL clause 630, 630

van Rossum, Guido 29

var keyword 193, 282, 635

variable 193

variable name 193

variable variables 700

variables defined in body of a function 303

various markup languages derived from XML 538

vendor prefix 148, 151, 151

-moz- 151

-ms- 151

-o- 151

tools 151

-webkit- 151

verdana 110

version attribute (XSL) 541

version in xml declaration 515

vertical and horizontal positioning 121

vertical coordinate 446

vi text editor 38

video element 279, 304, 305

controls attribute 305

video sharing 12

video/mp4 MIME type 305

video/webm MIME type 305

virtual box 118

virtual directory 14, 607, 710, 849

Visible property of an ASP.NET web control 732, 872

Visual Basic programming language 28

Visual C# programming language 28, 28

Visual C++ programming language 28

visual inheritance 761

Visual Web Developer

WCF Web Service project 794

Visual Web Developer 2010 Express 709, 848

vocabulary (XML) 513

VoiceXML 513, 538 538

void element 47, 57

VoIP (Voice over IP 22


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 8, 18, 18, 512

W3C home page ( 18

W3C Recommendation 18

wbr element 98


DataContract attribute 806

DataMember attribute 806

OperationContract attribute 793

ResponseFormat property of the WebGet attribute 805

Serializable attribute 807

ServiceContract attribute 793

UriTemplate property of WebGet attribute 802

WebGet attribute 801

WCF REST service to create random equations based on a specified operation and difficulty level 830

WCF service class 793

WCF service endpoint 791, 840

WCF web service interface that returns a welcome message through SOAP protocol and XML format 794

WCF Web Service project in Visual Web Developer 794

WCF Web Service project type 793

WCF web service that returns a welcome message through the SOAP protocol and XML format 794

Web 1.0 18

Web 2.0 12, 18, 18, 19

web application

Ajax 574

traditional 573

Web application development 709, 848

web control 709, 848

Web Form 709, 716, 737, 743, 848, 855, 877, 883

Init event 723, 862

Load event 734

web page 6

web server 13, 38, 58, 606, 607, 691, 710, 710, 849

web service 20, 21, 790

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) 797

web service host 791

Web Site Administration Tool 765

web storage 378

Web.config file 793

Web.config ASP.NET configuration file 723, 863

web-based application 7, 19

WebClient 804

DownloadStringAsync method 805

DownloadStringCompleted event 805

WebGet attribute 801

webHttp Web.config property 803

webHttpBinding Web.config binding setting 803

WebKit broswers 151

-webkit-box-reflect property 155

WebMatrix 614

install 614

tutorials 614

WebMessageFormat.Json setting of ResponseFormat property 805, 835

WebMessageFormat.Xml setting of ResponseFormat property 805

WebTime Modification exercise 757, 897

webtop 577

week control 87

week input type 87

well-formed XML document 514

where clause of a LINQ query 636

WHERE SQL clause 623, 624, 626, 627, 631, 632

while repetition statement 217, 224, 230, 231, 238

while statement 681

white-space character 369, 376, 218, 376

white-space characters in strings 187

width attribute 46

width media feature 130

width property 123

width-to-height ratio 47

Wikipedia 12, 19, 29

window object 191, 198, 413

clearInterval method 413, 418

confirm method 437

localStorage property 378, 381, 382

sessionStorage property 379, 379, 381, 382

setInterval method 417, 424

window object’s prompt method 195

window.prompt method 261

Windows 25

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 790

Windows operating system 25

Windows Phone 7 25

wire format 792

Wireless Markup Language (WML) 534

WML (Wireless Markup Language) 534

word equivalent of a check amount 393

World Community Grid 4

“World Wide Wait” 573

World Wide Web (WWW) 12

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 8, 18, 18, 512

Wozniak, Steve 26

write method of the document object 189

writeln method 188, 189

writing a cookie to the client 693

WSDL (Web Service Description Language) 797, 799 (ECMAScript standard) 186 525 524 538 538 538 18 530 538 537 527 527 524 665


x-axis 446

x-coordinate 446

x-large relative font size 110

x-small relative font size 110

Xalan XSLT processor 540

XAMPP 633, 665, 687, 695

XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) 513, 534

Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) 26

XHR (abbreviation for XMLHttpRequest) 572

XML 572

attribute 520

attribute value 520

child element 517

container element 517

declaration 515, 518

element 513

empty element 520

end tag 513

markup 515

node 518

parent element 517

prolog 516

root 518

root element 513

start tag 513

vocabulary 513

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) 18, 512, 797

XML document containing book information 543

XML Document Object Model 547

XML document that describes various sports 539, 563

XML document using the laptop element defined in computer.xsd 533

XML DOM 548, 552

XML element name requirements 516

.xml file extension 513

XML instance document 532, 533

xml namespace prefix 521

XML namespaces demonstration 521

XML parser 514

XML Path Language (XPath) 538, 560

XML processor 514

XML Resource Center ( 558

XML Schema 523, 527, 531

complex types 531

simple types 531

XML Schema document defining simple and complex types 532

XML Schema document for book.xml 528

XML Schema URI ( 529, 529

XML used to mark up an article 515

XML vocabularies

Chemical Markup Language (CML) 538

Extensible User Interface Language (XUL) 538

Geography Markup Language (GML) 538

Research Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML) 538

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 538

VoiceXML 538

XML Working Group of the W3C 512


open method 556

send method 556

XMLHttpRequest object 556, 572, 577, 578, 581, 600, 602

abort method 583

GET method 583

getAllResponseHeaders method 583

getResponseHeader method 583

onReadyStateChange property 582

open method 583

properties and methods 582

readyState property 582

readystatechange property 582

responseText property 582

responseXML property 582

send method 583

setRequestHeader method 583

status property 582

statusText property 582

xmlns attribute in XML 522

XNamespace class 835

XPath 539

XPath (XML Path Language) 538, 560

XPath expression 560

XPathResult object 563

.xsd filename extension 528

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) 515, 523, 538

XSL document that transforms sorting.xml into XHTML 543

.xsl filename extension 540

XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) 538

XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) 538

XSL style sheet 539, 546

XSL template 542

xsl template element 542

XSL Transformations (XSLT) 538

XSL variable 546

xsl:for-each element 542

xsl:output element 541

xsl:value-of element 542

XSLT (XSL Transformations) 538

XSLT processor 540

XSLT that creates elements and attributes in an XHTML document 540

XSS 578

XSS (cross-site scripting) 578

XUL (Extensible User Interface Language) 534, 538

xx-large relative font size 110

xx-small relative font size 110


y-axis 446

y-coordinate 446

Yahoo! 3

YouTube 12, 19, 23

Yukihiro 29


z-index property 118

Zend Engine 665

Zend Technologies ( 665

zeroth element of an array 325

Zynga 6

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