Sources of Routing Updates

In networks as complex as today's Internet, route stability is a big issue. With respect to route fluctuations, there is a close correspondence between the stability of the Internet access links and how the routing information was injected into the Internet via BGP. Information can be injected into BGP dynamically or statically. Dynamically injected routes come and go from the BGP routing table, depending on the status of the networks they identify. Statically injected routes are constantly maintained by the BGP routing tables, regardless of the status of the networks they identify. Thus, although a dynamic advertisement will cease if the network being advertised no longer exists, a static advertisement would not. Each method has its pros and cons, as you will see next.


See the section Sources of Routing Updates in Chapter 11.

Injecting Information Dynamically into BGP

Dynamically injected information can be further divided into purely dynamic, in which all the IGP routes are redistributed into BGP (via the redistribute BGP subcommand), and semidynamic, in which only certain IGP routes are to be injected into BGP (via the network BGP subcommand). This distinction reflects both the level of user intervention and the level of control in defining the routes to be advertised.

Information is injected dynamically into BGP by allowing all the IGP routes to be automatically redistributed into BGP. A variety of IGPs are used in autonomous systems these days, including Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and the Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) routing protocol. What dynamic redistribution offers is ease of configuration: All internal IGP routes will dynamically flow into BGP, regardless of what particular protocols are being used.

Another method of injecting information into BGP that isn't quite as dynamic is to manually specify a subset of IGP networks to be advertised by individually listing them for injection into BGP by using the network BGP subcommand. This method is less than completely dynamic, because a list of all the prefixes that need to be advertised must be maintained in the router. The router does not automatically inject all IGP routes into BGP. If the list of prefixes were large, maintaining it would be impractical.

BGP assumes that networks defined with the network command are existing networks and will try to verify that by checking in the IP routing table. If BGP does not find an exact match for these networks, they will not be advertised. Note that if an accompanying mask is not specified with the network command (for example, network mask and auto-summarization is enabled (the default), existence of any subset of the classful prefix specified by the network command (for example, network with the existing will result in advertisement of the classful prefix. (In this case, will be advertised.) This intelligent verification step increases the robustness of BGP so much that other, external networks will not be misled due to a router advertising a network not connected to or otherwise unknown by it.

Injecting routes into BGP via the network command offers more-controlled route advertisement. Injecting IGPs into BGP via redistribution might result in the side effect of leaking unwanted or faulty information into BGP, as you will see next.

Injection of Unwanted or Faulty Information

Redistributing the whole IGP into BGP could result in some unwanted information being leaked into BGP. Such information could be private addresses, or illegal (unregistered) internal addresses that are supposed to be used within the AS only. Other information could include routes that have a prefix length that does not comply with the provider's aggregation policies; a host route with a prefix length of /32 is an example. Careful filtering is required in order to guard against undesired consequences. Also, in more recent IOS releases, auto-summarization of routes (on classful boundaries) is enabled by default.


See the section Sources of Routing Updates in Chapter 11.

Faulty information can also be injected into BGP due to the mutual exchange of routes between BGP and the IGP. In the same way that an IGP can be redistributed into BGP, BGP routes can be injected into an AS via redistribution into the IGP. When redistribution occurs in both directions, it is called mutual redistribution. In mutual redistribution, information that was injected from the outside into the AS could be sent back to the Internet as having originated from the AS. Figure 6-5 illustrates the danger of mutual redistribution between protocols.

Figure 6-5. Mutual Redistribution Example

In Figure 6-5, AS100 is the source of NetA and is sending this information via BGP to AS200. The border router, RTC, injects that BGP information into the IGP. RTB learns about AS100's information through the IGP. RTB is configured to redistribute the IGP information into BGP. With respect to most IGPs, RTB has no means of differentiating AS100's prefixes from its own internal prefixes because that type of information is not conveyed in the IGP. Hence, NetA will end up being advertised via BGP back to the Internet as if it originated from AS200. This is very misleading to ASs connected to the Internet, because NetA now has two sources rather than one source (AS100).

Again, to remedy this situation, special filtering should be put on the border routers to specify what particular networks should be injected from the IGP into BGP. This would have stopped NetA from being redistributed back into BGP by RTB. For protocols that differentiate between internal and external routes such as OSPF, the administrator can configure the protocol to ensure that it will redistribute only internal routes into BGP. (In the Cisco implementation, external OSPF routes are automatically blocked from being redistributed into BGP; the administrator has the option of overriding this behavior.) For protocols (such as RIP or IGRP) that do not distinguish between internal and external routes, special route tagging should be performed to differentiate between external routes and internal routes.

Unstable Routes

Injecting the IGP routes into BGP dynamically or semidynamically is based on the dependency of the BGP routes on the IGP routes. Although you could argue that this is good because it reflects the actual status of networks, it can have drawbacks as well. Remember that with today's global network connectivity, route fluctuation within your AS will have a ripple effect through other networks attached to the Internet that communicate via BGP. The IGP route you advertise will translate into a BGP route. If that route goes down, a WITHDRAWN message will be sent via BGP, requesting peers to remove that route from their BGP routing tables. A route constantly going up and down in your AS has the effect of being constantly sent and withdrawn by other ASs. The example of one fluctuating route is very simplistic; imagine having hundreds of these routes fluctuating in hundreds of ASs. Internet stability will be affected very negatively.

Strict measures are being put into place to try to mitigate the effect of route fluctuation on the Internet. As you will see in Chapter 10, "Designing Stable Internets," a process called route dampening penalizes and ultimately discontinues advertisement of fluctuating routes, depending on their degree of instability. Route advertisements may be suppressed for minutes or even hours (until they stabilize).

Controlling route instability is not an easy matter because it usually depends on factors that are beyond your control. Such factors could be unstable access links or faulty hardware. One way to minimize route instability is through aggregation. When an aggregate route announcement represents more than one route, the fluctuation of any single route does not cause fluctuation in the aggregate itself. Aggregation could be done on the customer boundary or the provider boundary, depending on the level of information exchanged between the customer and the provider. If done on the customer boundary, this would alleviate the provider from seeing the fluctuations of individual customer routes. If aggregation is used on the provider boundary, the customer fluctuation would leak to the provider but would not be propagated to the Internet. BGP-4 aggregation is discussed near the end of this chapter, after the discussion of many of the techniques used in BGP tuning.

Another way of controlling route instability is to decouple route advertisement from the existence of the route itself. This is called static injection of routes into BGP, and it is described in the following section.

Injecting Information Statically into BGP

Today, injecting information statically into BGP has proven to be the most effective method of ensuring route stability. Of course, this method also has drawbacks.

To statically inject information into BGP, IGP routes (or aggregates) that need to be advertised to other peers are manually defined as static routes. This ensures that these routes will never disappear from the IP routing table and hence will always be advertised. Because administrators are often uncomfortable advertising routes to networks that might be down or unreachable, the appropriateness of injecting information statically depends on the particular situation.

For example, if the route is advertised to the Internet from a single point, advertising a route that is actually down is not a big issue. Hosts trying to access that destination will fail irrespective of whether the route is advertised.

On the other hand, if a route is advertised to the Internet from multiple points, advertising the route statically at all times might end up black-holing the traffic. If problems inside the AS prevent the border router from being able to reach the network it is advertising, traffic to that destination will be dropped even though it could have been reached from some other interconnection point.

The actual advertisement of the static route can be done with either of the methods described in the section "Injecting Information Dynamically into BGP." Advertisement can be done by redistributing all the static routes via the redistribute command or a subset of the static routes via the network command. The latter of the two methods provides for a more controlled route injection model because redistribution might cause some unwanted static routes to be conveyed via BGP, although filtering of redistributed routes can also accomplish this.

ORIGIN of Routes

BGP considers the networks advertised via the network command or via aggregation as being internal to the AS and will include the ORIGIN attribute in each route as being IGP(i). On the other hand, whenever a route is injected into BGP via redistribution (whether statically or dynamically), the ORIGIN of the route will be INCOMPLETE because the redistributed routes could have come from anywhere.

Finally, if the route was learned via EGP, that ORIGIN value will be assigned. Note also that aggregated routes will assume the worst ORIGIN value of all the component routes.

Figure 6-6 illustrates these issues. In Scenario 1, all networks have been listed under the BGP process via the network command. Note that BGP considers and as having a known origin of IGP. Network is the only network that is not known to the router (that does not exist in the IP routing table). As you can see, is not being advertised via BGP, even though it has been listed via the network command.

Figure 6-6. Behavior Comparison for the ORIGIN Attribute

In Scenario 2, networks,, and have been defined through static routes. Network has also been defined via the network command. Finally, network is learned dynamically by the router via an IGP. All these networks have been injected into BGP via redistribution. As a result, networks,, and have been advertised with an ORIGIN of INCOMPLETE because these networks have been injected into BGP via redistribution.

Although network has been injected into BGP via explicit redistribution of static routes, it is also defined natively to BGP via the network command, which is why it is sent out with an ORIGIN of IGP(i). If network had not been defined with a static network command, it would have been sent out with an ORIGIN of INCOMPLETE. It should be noted that network did not need to be redistributed because defining it statically and listing it via the network command would suffice to inject it into BGP.

Although the ORIGIN attribute is immaterial at this point, it is used by the BGP decision process to favor one route over another.

An Example of Static Versus Dynamic Routing: Mobile Networks

It is common in the military for units to be mobile; this creates a problem for assigning IP addresses. Usually these mobile units want to deploy their subnets and IP addresses wherever they go and operate as if they had never moved. If these networks are part of a global network and advertised via BGP, announcing them statically will not work well. The static commands would have to be removed from the border router of an AS in one location and installed in the border router of another AS in the new location every time the unit moves.

To avoid such complications, injecting these networks dynamically into BGP becomes mandatory. One solution is to inject the IGP into BGP in all locations. This way, whenever the IP addresses are moved from one location to another, the announcements will disappear from one location and reappear in the new one. In some cases, network administrators are not comfortable with this solution for reasons discussed earlier, such as mutual redistribution problems and the mandate for extensive filtering.

Another possibility is to define these networks in all the border routers of all the locations via the network command. Because BGP checks for the existence of these routes in the IP routing table before announcing them, BGP will announce only the routes in the location of the mobile unit. All other locations will automatically cease from announcing the routes because they are not part of the IGP of that particular AS.

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