


Projects: Technical Problems with Human Dimensions

The Importance of People Skills

The Program and Project Life Cycles

Forming Stage

Storming Stage

Norming Stage

Performing Stage

Adjourning Stage

The Project-Based Organization

The Importance of Project and Program Stakeholders

Program and Project Complexity

Continual Downsizing, Outsourcing, and Offshoring

Leading in a Matrix Structure

Virtual Teams and a Distributed Workplace

Continual Organizational Change and People Skills

People Skills and Risk Management

People Skills and Business Development

People Skills and Knowledge Management

1 Leadership

The Importance of Leadership in Program and Project Management

Identifying Stakeholders

Clarifying Organizational Structure

Leveraging Resources

Leveraging Motivation

The Four Key Leadership Functions of Program and Project Managers

The Program or Project Manager as Leader

The Program or Project Manager as Manager

The Program or Project Manager as Facilitator

The Program or Project Manager as Mentor


Discussion Questions

2 Team-Building Strategies

What Is Team Building?

The Growth of Virtual Teams

Benefits of Virtual Teams

Challenges Associated with Virtual Teams

Managing Virtual Teams

Characteristics of the Virtual Environment

Personal Flexibility

Interactive Communications

Greater Use of Collaborative Tools and Techniques

A High-Trust Culture with Defined Team Values

Collaborative Leadership

Greater Adaptability

Dynamic Team Membership

Less Time to Learn to Work Together Effectively

Multicultural Teams

Less Visibility in the Organization

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies

Unknown Conflict

Team-Building Approaches

Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding Priorities and Establishing the Vision

Setting the Stage for Success

Implementing Collaborative Leadership

Using a Team-Based Reward and Recognition System

Involving the Team in Decision-Making

Using Stress-Management Techniques

Conducting a “People Issues” Audit


Discussion Questions

3 The Art of Motivation

Trends Affecting Motivation

Reductions in Force

Increasing Complexity

Cross-Cultura l Influences

Strategies for Motivating Team Members

Motivating Using Personal Styles

Motivating Using Career Stages

Motivating Using Career Values

Motivating Using Situational Considerations

McClelland‧s Achievement, Affiliation, and Power Theory

Achievement Orientation

Affiliation Orientation

Power Orientation

Systemic Approaches to Motivating the Team

Creating an Empowered Team

Applying Force Field Analysis

Motivational Mistakes

Motivational Checklist for the Program or Project Manager


Discussion Questions

4 Interpersonal Communication Tools

The Importance of Communications in Portfolio, program and Project Management

Communications on Virtual Teams

Developing Concrete Communication Skills

Sending “I” Messages

Listening Actively

Asking Open-Ended Questions

Tracking the Message

Reframing a Point

Identifying and Appreciating Individual Differences in Communications

The MBTI Approach

Communication Tips: Using the MBTI Ideas to Deliver Your Message

Paying Attention to the Tone and Texture of Communications

Being Present during the Discussion

Listening to the Music behind the Words

Considering the Alliance and the Context

Keeping the Communication Reciprocal

Being Aware of the Content and the Process

Recognizing Communication Stoppers






Discussion Questions

5 Building and Managing Relationships with Stakeholders

Identifying Stakeholders

Communicating with Stakeholders

Communicating with External Stakeholders

Communicating with Key Program Stakeholders

Communicating with Key Portfolio Stakeholders

Building Stakeholder Relationships

Uniting the Team

Explaining Decisions


Discussion Questions

6 Decision-Making

The Importance of Team Cohesiveness in Decision-Making

The Decision-Making Process

The Decision-Making Process on Virtual Teams

Creating and Implementing a Decision-Making Process

The Power Bases

Reward Power

Coercive Power

Legitimate Power

Referent Power

Expert Power

Making a Decision

Escalating the Decision

Communicating and Documenting the Decision

Making Decisions and Accepting Change

Decision-Making Checklist

Discussion Questions

7 Managing Stress

Inherent Sources of Stress in Project Management

Being a Project Leader

Managing in a Matrix Organization

Solving Singular Problems

Ramping the Project Up and Down

Working on a Virtual Team

Inherent Sources of Stress in Program Management

Managing Several Projects Plus Ongoing Work

Working with Numerous Internal and External Stakeholders

Being a Program Leader

Transitioning Program Benefits

Inherent Sources of Stress in Portfolio Management

Guiding the Selection Process

Optimizing the Portfolio

Monitoring and Measuring the Value of Portfolio Management

Working with Multiple Funding Streams

Assessing the Environment for Changes to the Portfolio

Stress Caused by Dysfunctional Organizations

Stress Caused by the Manager‧s Personal Traits and Habits

Perfectionism and Time Urgency


Runaway Personal Myths and Beliefs

Excessive Multitasking

Stress-Management Tips for the Portfolio, Program, or Project Manager


Discussion Questions

8 Resolving Conflict and Managing Agreement

Types of Conflict

Individual Sources of Conflict

Conflict on Program and Project Teams

Conflict in Portfolio Management

Conflict throughout the Project Life Cycle

Initiating Phase

Planning Phase

Executing Phase

Closing Phase

The Thomas-Kilmann Model of Conflict Resolution

Smoothing or Accommodating

Forcing or Competing

Withdrawing or Avoiding


Problem-Solving or Confronting


Building a Culture of Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution Checklist

Managing Agreement


Discussion Questions

9 Critical Incidents: Coping with Traumatic Events

Impact on the Victim

Helping the Victim

Impact on the Project Team

Impact on the Program Team

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

Beginning the Debriefing Meeting

Letting Team Members Tell Their Stories

Concluding the Debriefing Meeting

The Recovery Plan

Taking Steps toward Project Recovery

Assessing Team Effectiveness and Performance

The Project Recovery Manager

Leadership Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Customer Relations Skills

Communication Skills

Project Failure and Project Closure

Tips for the Project Manager


Discussion Questions

10 Future Issues, Career Management, and Thoughts on Interpersonal Issues

Future Issues and Challenges in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management

Improving Your Performance as a Portfolio, Program, or Project Manager

Creating a Personal Improvement Plan

Striving for Excellence

Improving Team Members’ Performance

Becoming a Guide

Creating a Team Culture of Success

Career Management for Project Professionals

Rule 1: Actively Consider What You Want to Do

Rule 2: Network, Network, Network!

Rule 3: The Higher You Go, the More Important Chemistry Becomes

Rule 4: Keep Your Résumé Current and Active

Rule 5: Put Your Personal References in Order

Rule 6: Create Your Two-Minute Introduction

Consider an Entrepreneurial Career

Interpersonal Issues in the Digital Age

Refining Your People Skills

Finding Meaning in Life

Coming to Grips with Isolation

Managing Beginnings and Endings

Parting Thoughts

References and Recommended Resources


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