B. Quick-Start: Android Emulator

The most useful tool provided with the Android SDK is the emulator. Developers use the emulator to quickly develop Android applications for a variety of hardware. This Quick-Start is not a complete documentation of the emulator commands, but is instead designed to get you up and running with common tasks. Please see the emulator documentation provided with the Android SDK for a complete list of features and commands.

The Android emulator is integrated with Android Studio, or accessible with command-line instructions. The emulator is also available within the tools/ subdirectory of the Android SDK and you can launch it as a separate process. The best way to launch the emulator is by using the Android Virtual Device Manager. We focus this appendix on using the emulator and Android Virtual Device Manager packaged with Android Studio.

Simulating Reality: The Emulator’s Purpose

The Android emulator (see Figure B.1) simulates a real device environment where your applications run. As a developer, you can configure the emulator to closely resemble the devices on which you plan to deploy your applications.


Figure B.1 An Android emulator showing physical keys without the system navigation bar.

Here are some tips for using the emulator effectively:

Image You can use keyboard commands to easily interact with the emulator.

Image Mouse clicking within the emulator window works, as do scrolling and dragging. The keyboard arrow buttons also work. Don’t forget the side buttons, such as the volume control—these work, too.

Image If your computer has an Internet connection, so does your emulator. The browser works. You can toggle networking using the F8 key.

Image Different Android platform versions show slightly different underlying user experiences (the basics of the Android operating system) on the emulator. For example, older platform targets have a basic Home screen and use an application drawer to store installed applications, whereas the newer platform versions such as Android Marshmallow and newer use sleeker controls. The emulator uses the basic user interface, which is frequently overridden, or skinned, by manufacturers and carriers. In other words, the operating system features of the emulator might not match what real users see.

Image The Settings application can be useful for managing system settings. You can use the Settings application to configure the user settings available within the emulator, including networking, screen options, and locale options.

Image The Dev Tools application can be useful for setting development options. These include many useful tools, from a terminal emulator to a list of installed packages. Additionally, tools for accounts and sync testing are available. JUnit tests can be launched directly from here.

Image To switch between portrait and landscape modes of the emulator, use the 7 and 9 keys on the numeric keypad (or the Ctrl+F11 and Ctrl+F12 keys).

Image You can use the F6 key to emulate a trackball with your trackball-equipped mouse. This takes over exclusive control of your mouse, so you must use F6 to get control back again.

Image For an emulator with physical keys, the Menu button is a context menu for the given screen. Keep in mind that newer devices do not always have the physical keys such as Home, Menu, Back, and Search. Emulator configurations without physical keys will usually display the system navigation bar, which includes navigation controls for Home, Back, and Recents, and pressing and holding the Home control will bring up a Search control.

Image Invoke the application lifecycle: To easily stop an application, just press Home (on the emulator) and you’ll get onPause() and onStop() Activity lifecycle events. To resume, launch the application again. To pause the application, press the Power button (on the emulator). Only the onPause() method will be called. You’ll need to press the Power button a second time to activate the display to be able to unlock the emulator to see the onResume() method call.

Image Notifications such as incoming SMS messages appear in the status bar, along with indicators for simulated battery life, signal strength and speed, and so on.

Image Warning

One of the most important things to remember when working with the emulator is that it is a powerful tool, but it is no substitute for testing on the true target device. The emulator often provides a much more consistent user experience than a physical device, which moves around in the physical world, through tunnels and cell signal dead zones, with many other applications running and sucking down battery and resources. Always budget time and resources to thoroughly exercise your applications on target physical devices and in common situations as part of your testing process.

Working with Android Virtual Devices

The Android emulator is a not a real device, but a generic Android system simulator for testing purposes. Developers can simulate different types of Android devices by creating AVD configurations.

Image Tip

It can be helpful to think of an AVD as providing the emulator’s personality. Without an AVD, an emulator is an empty shell, not unlike a CPU with no attached peripherals.

Using AVD configurations, Android emulators can simulate

Image Different device types such as phone, tablet, Android Wear, or Android TV

Image Different target platform versions

Image Different input methods

Image Different orientations such as portrait, landscape, or both

Image Different network types, speeds, and strengths

Image Different device skins

Image Different emulated performance options

Image Different underlying hardware configurations

Image Different RAM, VM heap, and internal storage configurations

Image Different external storage configurations

Each emulator configuration is unique, as described within its AVD profile, and stores its data persistently, including installed applications, modified settings, and the contents of its emulated SD card. A number of emulator instances with different AVD configurations are shown in Figure B.2.


Figure B.2 AVD configurations described in different emulator settings.

Using the Android Virtual Device Manager

To run an application in the Android emulator, you must configure an Android Virtual Device (AVD). To create and manage AVDs, you can use the Android Virtual Device Manager from within Android Studio, or use the android command-line tool provided with the Android SDK in the tools/ subdirectory. Each AVD configuration contains important information describing a specific type of Android device, including the following:

Image The friendly, descriptive name for the configuration

Image The target Android platform version

Image The screen size, density, and resolution

Image Hardware configuration details and features, including how much RAM is available, which input methods exist, and optional hardware details such as camera support

Image Simulated external storage (virtual SD cards)

Creating an AVD

Follow these steps to create an AVD configuration within Android Studio:

1. Launch the Android Virtual Device Manager from within Android Studio by clicking the little green Android device icon (Image) on the toolbar. You can also launch it by selecting Tools, Android, and then AVD Manager from the Android Studio menu.

2. If there are no configured AVDs on your system, you will be presented with a screen to create virtual devices (see Figure B.3). If there are already configured AVDs on your system, they are displayed as a list inside the Android Virtual Device Manager (see Figure B.4).


Figure B.3 No configured AVD’s on the system.


Figure B.4 An already configured AVD on the system.

3. Click the Create a virtual device button (see Figure B.3) or the Create Virtual Device button (see Figure B.4) to create a new AVD.

4. Choose a Device definition for the AVD (see Figure B.5). In this case, we can choose the Nexus 5, 4.95", 1080 × 1920, xxhdpi device from the device options of the Phone category and then click Next.


Figure B.5 Selecting a hardware device definition, Nexus 5 phone, for the AVD.

5. Select a system image (see Figure B.6). This represents the version of the Android platform running on the emulator. The platform is represented by the API level. For example, to support Android 5.1.1 API Level 22, select one of the Lollipop release names with the ABI you would like to target, such as x86 or x86_64. However, this is also where you decide whether or not to include the optional Google APIs. If your application relies on the Maps application and other Google Android services, you should choose the target with the Google APIs. For a complete list of API levels and which Android platforms they represent, see http://d.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels. Once you have selected your system image, click Next.


Figure B.6 Selecting a system image for the AVD, showing both downloaded and available for download system images.

6. Choose a name for the AVD (see Figure B.7). If you are trying to simulate a specific device, you might want to name it as such. For example, a name such as Nexus 5 API 22 might refer to an AVD that simulates the Nexus 5 running the Android 5.1.1 platform. Click the Show Advanced Settings button.


Figure B.7 A sample AVD configuration with basic settings configured before creation.

7. The advanced settings (see Figure B.8) are where you can configure or modify other hardware characteristics that you would like enabled or disabled. If your application will be using a front and/or back camera, you may choose to emulate these cameras or, provided your host computer has camera hardware, you may attach them to your AVD. You may also configure network settings and latency to simulate the speed of the devices’ network transfer rate. You may also configure memory and storage options, such as RAM, VM heap, internal storage space, and SD card capacity. Each SD card image takes up space on your hard drive and takes a long time to generate; don’t make your card capacities too large, or they will hog your hard drive space. The minimum is 10MB. Choose a reasonable size, such as 1024MB or less. Just make sure you have adequate disk space on your development computer and choose an appropriate size for your testing needs. If you’re dealing with large files within your application, you may need to allocate much more capacity than the default. If you want to disallow using your host computer’s hardware keyboard, or remove the skin and hardware controls when running the emulator, you may deselect the default options.


Figure B.8 A sample AVD configuration with advanced settings configured before creation.

8. Continue to configure or modify any other hardware characteristics that you would like enabled or disabled. We have found it easier to keep these options enabled. There are also Emulated Performance options you should consider enabling: Store a snapshot for faster startup or Use Host GPU. The snapshot setting eliminates the wait time for launching an AVD by persisting the AVD’s state between executions, and the GPU setting leverages the host’s graphics processor for rendering OpenGL ES within the AVD. Note that you are only able to choose one or the other, not both at the same time. Use Host GPU is the default option selected.

9. Once you have configured your AVD, click the Finish button and wait for the operation to complete. Because the Android Virtual Device Manager formats the memory allocated for SD card images, creating an AVD configuration sometimes takes a few moments.

Creating AVDs with Custom Hardware Settings

As mentioned earlier, you can choose specific hardware configuration settings within your AVD configurations. You need to know what the default settings are to determine whether you need to override them. Some of the hardware options available are shown in Table B.1.


Table B.1 Important Hardware Profile Options

Image Tip

You can save time, money, and a lot of grief by spending a bit of time up front configuring AVDs that closely match the hardware on which your application will run. Share the specific settings with your fellow developers and testers. We often create device-specific AVDs and name them after the device.

Launching the Emulator with a Specific AVD

After you have configured the AVD you want to use, you are ready to launch the emulator. Although there are a number of ways to do this, here are four methods you will likely use on a regular basis:

Image From within Android Studio, you can configure the application’s Run/Debug configurations to use a specific AVD.

Image From within Android Studio, you can configure the application’s Run/Debug configurations to enable the developer to choose an AVD manually upon launch from a chooser dialog.

Image From within Android Studio, you can launch an emulator directly from within the Android Virtual Device Manager.

Image The emulator is available within the tools/ directory of the Android SDK and can be launched as a separate process from the command-line (generally necessary only if you are not using Android Studio).

Maintaining Emulator Performance

The Android emulator is slow if you do not choose any special configuration options when setting up your virtual devices or if you do not follow well-known tricks. That said, here are a few tips that will help ensure the best and speediest emulator experience possible:

Image Enable the Store a snapshot for faster startup feature in your AVD. Then, before you start using your AVD, launch it once, let it boot up, and shut it down to set a baseline snapshot. This is especially important with the newest platform versions such as Jelly Bean. Subsequent launches will be faster and more stable. You can even turn off saving a new snapshot to speed up exiting and turn on Use Host GPU, and it will continue to use the old snapshot while the responsiveness of the emulator instance will be faster because the GPU is now helping to improve the performance of the emulator instance.

Image Launch your emulator instances before you need them, such as when you first launch Android Studio, so that when you’re ready to debug, they’re already running.

Image Keep the emulator running in the background between debugging sessions in order to quickly install, reinstall, and debug your applications. This saves valuable minutes of waiting for the emulator to boot up. Instead, simply launch the Debug configuration from Android Studio and the debugger reattaches.

Image Keep in mind that application performance is much slower when the debugger is attached. This applies to both running in the emulator and on a device.

Image If you’ve been using an emulator for testing many apps, or just need a very clean environment, consider re-creating the AVD from scratch. This will give you a new environment clean of any past changes or modifications. This can help speed up the emulator, too, if you have lots of apps installed.

Image Tip

If your development machine has an Intel processor that supports hardware Virtualization Technology (VT), you can take advantage of a special Android emulator system image that Intel provides to further speed up your development environment. When installing Android Studio, make sure to install the Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (Intel HAXM) and then download any Intel x86 or x86_64 Atom system images you might need using the Android SDK Manager. The emulator will be accelerated using your development machine’s CPU hardware. To learn more about configuring virtual machine acceleration, see the following URL: http://d.android.com/tools/devices/emulator.html#acceleration.

Launching an Emulator to Run an Application

The most common way to launch the emulator involves launching a specific emulator instance with a specific AVD configuration, either through the Android Virtual Device Manager or by choosing a specific emulator in the Run/Debug Configurations options for your project in Android Studio and installing or reinstalling the latest incarnation of your application.

The default Run/Debug Configurations available when you first created your application might look something like Figure B.9, which includes a single module named app.


Figure B.9 A run/debug configuration in Android Studio.

Image Tip

Remember that you can create multiple Run/Debug Configurations for different application modules, each with different options, using different startup options and even different AVDs.

To edit an existing run/debug configuration, or to create a new run/debug configuration for a specific project within Android Studio, take the following steps:

1. Choose Run, Edit Configurations or click the default project configuration, usually named app unless you provided a different name at project creation, and choose Edit Configurations (see Figure B.10).


Figure B.10 Accessing the run/debug configuration settings from the Edit Configurations drop-down of the default app module in Android Studio.

2. On the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, select the configuration you would like to edit (see Figure B.11, left), or to create a new configuration, click the Add New Configuration symbol (Image) or press Alt+Insert and select Android Application (see Figure B.11, right).


Figure B.11 Listing the existing run/debug configurations (left) and adding a new Android Application run/debug configuration (right).

3. Name your run/debug configuration.

4. Select the appropriate Module if your project has more than one.

5. In the Target Device settings, choose an appropriate option. Either select the Show chooser dialog option, which will allow you to choose from a list of running devices, hardware or Emulator, or allow you to launch an emulator; or select the USB device option, which will launch your application on connected USB devices; or select the Emulator option and then choose a specific AVD by selecting one from the Prefer Android Virtual Device drop-down to use with the emulator (only those matching your application’s target SDK are available from the drop-down).

6. Configure any emulator startup options on the Emulator tab (Figure B.12). You can enter any options not specifically configured for the emulator on the tab as normal command-line options in the Additional command line options field. The Android emulator has a number of configuration options above and beyond those set in the AVD profile. Make sure the box for Additional command line options is checked and enter the options you need in the text box to the right. You may also set these options when the emulator is launched from the command-line. Some emulator startup settings include numerous disk image, debug, media, network, system, UI, and help settings. For a complete list of emulator startup options, consult the Android emulator documentation: http://d.android.com/tools/help/emulator.html#startup-options.


Figure B.12 Configuring emulator command-line options from the Emulator tab of the Run/Debug Configurations settings of Android Studio.

7. The Logcat tab (see Figure B.13) of the Run/Debug Configurations settings allows you to select or deselect particular options for controlling the behavior of Logcat while you run/debug your application. At the time of this writing, there are only three options available for selecting, as seen in Figure B.13. As you become more comfortable with these default settings, feel free to experiment with their different options to see what works best for you.


Figure B.13 Configuring options on the Logcat tab of the Run/Debug Configurations settings of Android Studio.

You can create multiple run/debug configurations as outlined above. If you set a specific AVD for use in the Target Device settings, that AVD is used with the emulator whenever you debug your application in Android Studio. However, if you select the Show chooser dialog option, you are prompted to select from a list of USB devices or running emulators in the device chooser when you first try to debug the application, as shown in Figure B.14. After you have launched the application for installation, Android Studio pairs the device with your project for the duration of your debugging session.


Figure B.14 The device chooser with an emulator and a USB device running.

Launching an Emulator from the Android Virtual Device Manager

Sometimes you just want to launch an emulator on the fly—for example, to have a second emulator running to interact with your first emulator to simulate calls, text messages, and such. In this case, you can simply launch it from the Android Virtual Device Manager. To do this, take the following steps:

1. Launch the Android Virtual Device Manager from within Android Studio (Image) on the toolbar. You can also launch it by selecting Tools, AVD Manager from the Android Studio menu.

2. Select an existing AVD configuration from the list or create a new AVD that matches your requirements.

3. Hit the Launch button (Image). The emulator now launches with the AVD you requested.

Image Warning

You cannot run multiple instances of the same AVD configuration simultaneously. If you think about it, this makes sense because the AVD configuration keeps the state and persistent data. If you need more than one of the same configurations running simultaneously, create different AVDs with the same configuration.

Configuring the GPS Location of the Emulator

To develop and test applications that use Google Maps support with location-based services, you need to create an AVD with a target that includes the Google APIs. After you have created the appropriate AVD and launched the emulator, you need to configure its location. The emulator does not have location sensors, so the first thing you need to do is seed your emulator with GPS coordinates.

To configure your emulator with pretend coordinates, launch your emulator (if it is not already running) with an AVD supporting the Google APIs and follow the steps described below.

In the emulator:

1. Press the Home button to return to the Home screen if you are not already there.

2. Find and launch the Maps application.

3. If this is the first time you’ve launched the Maps application, click through the various startup dialogs.

4. Choose the My Location floating action button (see Figure B.15) and enable location on the device if it is not already enabled.


Figure B.15 The Maps application’s My Location floating action button.

In Android Studio:

1. Click the Android Device Monitor icon on the toolbar of Android Studio and wait for Device Monitor to launch.

2. In Device Monitor, make sure your device is selected in the Devices pane.

3. You should see an Emulator Control pane on the upper-right side, so make this the active pane. Scroll down to the Location Controls.

4. Manually enter the longitude and latitude of your location. Note that they are in reverse order. For example, Yosemite National Park has the coordinates Longitude: 119.532836 and Latitude: 37.992920.

5. Click Send.

Back in the emulator, notice that the map now shows the location you seeded. Your screen should display your location as Yosemite National Park, as shown in Figure B.16. This location persists across emulator launches.


Figure B.16 Setting the location of the emulator to Yosemite National Park.

You can also use GPX 1.1 coordinate files to send a series of GPS locations through Device Monitor to the emulator, if you prefer. GPX 1.0 files are not supported by Device Monitor.

Image Tip

Wondering where we got the coordinates for Yosemite? To find a specific set of coordinates for use, you can go to http://maps.google.com. Navigate to the location for which you want the coordinates. Next, right-click the location and choose “What’s here?” The latitude and longitude will be placed near the search field.

Calling between Two Emulator Instances

You can have two emulator instances call each other using the Dialer application provided on the emulator. The emulator’s “phone number” is its port number, which can be found in the title bar of the emulator window. To simulate a phone call between two emulators, you must perform the following steps:

1. Launch two different AVDs so two emulators are running simultaneously. (Using the Android AVD and SDK Manager is easiest.)

2. Note the port number of the emulator you want to receive the call.

3. In the emulator that makes the call, launch the Dialer application.

4. Type the port number you noted as the number to call. Press Enter (or Send).

5. You see (and hear) an incoming call on the receiving emulator instance. Figure B.17 shows an emulator with port 5554 (left) using the Dialer application to call the emulator on port 5556 (right).


Figure B.17 Simulating a phone call between two emulators.

6. Answer the incoming call by pressing Answer.

7. Pretend to chat for a bit. Figure B.18 shows a call in progress.


Figure B.18 Two emulators with a phone call in progress.

8. You can end either emulator call at any time by pressing the End key.

Messaging between Two Emulator Instances

You can send SMS messages between two emulators, exactly as previously described for simulating calls, by using the emulator port numbers as SMS addresses. To simulate a text message between two emulators, you must perform the following steps:

1. Launch two instances of the emulator.

2. Note the port number of the emulator you want to receive the text message.

3. In the emulator that sends the text, launch the Messaging application.

4. Type the port number you noted as the “To” field for the text message. Enter a text message, as shown in Figure B.19 (left). Press the Send button.


Figure B.19 Emulator at port 5554 (left) crafting a text message to send to another emulator at port 5556 (center and right).

5. You see (and hear) an incoming text message on the receiving emulator instance. Figure B.19 (center) shows an emulator with port 5556 receiving a text message from the emulator on port 5554 (left).

6. View the text message by pulling down the status bar or launching the Messaging app.

7. Pretend to chat for a bit. Figure B.19 (right) shows a text message conversation in progress.

Interacting with the Emulator through the Console

In addition to using Device Monitor to interact with the emulator, you can also connect directly to the Emulator console using a Telnet connection and then issuing commands. For example, to connect to the Emulator console of the emulator using port 5554, you would do the following:

telnet localhost 5554

You can use the Emulator console to issue commands to the emulator. To end the session, just type quit or exit. You can shut down this instance of the emulator using the kill command.

Image Warning

You may need to enable Telnet on your system in order to proceed through the following sections if this has not already been done.

Using the Console to Simulate Incoming Calls

You can simulate incoming calls to the emulator from specified numbers. The console command for issuing an incoming call is shown here:

gsm call <number>

For example, to simulate an incoming call from the number 521-5556, you would issue the following console command:

gsm call 5215556

The result of this command in the emulator is shown in Figure B.20. The name “Anne Droid” shows up because we have an entry in the Contacts database that ties the phone number 521-5556 to a contact named Anne Droid.


Figure B.20 Incoming call from 521-5556 (configured as a contact named Anne Droid), prompted via the Emulator console.

Using the Console to Simulate SMS Messages

You can simulate SMS messages to the emulator from specified numbers as well, just as you can from Device Monitor. The command for issuing an incoming SMS is shown here:

sms send <number> <message>

For example, to simulate an incoming SMS from the number 521-5556, you would issue the following command:

sms send 5215556 What's up!

In the emulator, you get a notification on the far left of the status bar informing you of a new SMS message. You can pull down the status bar to see the new message or launch the Messaging application. The result of the preceding command in the emulator is shown in Figure B.21.


Figure B.21 An incoming SMS in the status bar from 521-5556 (configured as a contact named Anne Droid) is prompted via the Emulator console. The left image shows the SMS arrival with the SMS icon smiley face in the status bar, and the right image shows the incoming message as a notification.

Using the Console to Send GPS Coordinates

You can use the Emulator console to issue GPS commands to the emulator. The command for a simple GPS fix is shown here:

geo fix <longitude> <latitude> [<altitude>]

For instance, to set the fix for the emulator to the top of Mount Everest, launch the Maps application in the emulator by selecting All Apps, Maps, My Location. Then, within the Emulator console, issue the following command to set the device’s coordinates appropriately:

geo fix 86.929837 27.99003 8850

Using the Console to Monitor Network Status

You can monitor the network status of the emulator and change the network speed and latency on the fly. The command for displaying network status is shown here:

network status

Typical results from this request look something like this:

Current network status:
 download speed:        0 bits/s (0.0 KB/s)
 upload speed:          0 bits/s (0.0 KB/s)
 minimum latency: 0 ms
 maximum latency: 0 ms

Using the Console to Manipulate Power Settings

You can manage “fake” power settings on the emulator using the power commands. You can turn the battery capacity to 99% charged as follows:

power capacity 99

You can turn the AC charging state to off (or on) as follows:

power ac off

You can turn the battery status to the options unknown, charging, discharging, not-charging, or full as follows:

power status full

You can turn the battery present state to true (or false) as follows:

power present true

You can turn the battery health state to the options unknown, good, overheat, dead, overvoltage, or failure as follows:

power health good

You can show the current power settings by issuing the following command:

power display

Typical results from this request look something like this:

AC: offline
status: Full
health: Good
present: true
capacity: 99

Using Other Console Commands

There are also commands for simulating hardware events, port redirection, and checking, starting, and stopping the virtual machine. For example, quality assurance personnel will want to check out the event subcommands, which can be used to simulate key events for automation purposes. It’s likely this is the same interface used by the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey, which presses random keys and tries to crash your application.

Personalizing the Emulator

Here are a few more tips for using the emulator, just for fun:

Image On the Home screen, press and hold the screen to change the wallpaper.

Image If you press and hold an icon (usually an application icon) from within the All Apps launcher, you can place a shortcut to it on your Home screen for easy access. Newer platform versions also enable other options, such as uninstalling the application or getting more information, which is very handy.

Image If you press and hold an icon on your Home screen, you can move it around or dump it into the trash to get it off the screen.

Image Press and fling the device’s Home screen to the left and right for more space. Depending on which version of Android you’re running, you find a number of other pages, with App Widgets such as Google Search and lots of empty space where you can place other Home screen items.

Image A way to add widgets to your Home screen is to launch the All Apps screen, then navigate to Widgets. There are many different widgets available, and selecting one is how you can add those widgets to your Home screen, as shown in Figure B.22.


Figure B.22 Customizing the emulator Home screen by adding the Home screen tips App Widget.

In other words, the emulator can be personalized in many of the same ways as a regular device. Making these types of changes can be useful for comprehensive application testing.

Understanding Emulator Limitations

The emulator is powerful, but it has several important limitations:

Image It is not a device, so it does not reflect actual behavior, only simulated behavior. Simulated behavior is generally more consistent (less random) than what users experience in real life on real devices.

Image It simulates phone calls and messaging, but you cannot place or receive true calls or SMS messages. There is no support for MMS.

Image It has a limited ability to determine device state (network state, battery charge).

Image It has a limited ability to simulate peripherals (headphones, sensor data).

Image There is limited API support (for example, no SIP or third-party hardware API support). When developing certain categories of applications, such as augmented reality applications, 3D games, and applications that rely on sensor data, you’re better off using the real hardware.

Image Performance is limited (modern devices often perform much better than the emulator at many tasks, such as video and animation).

Image There is limited support for manufacturer- or operator-specific device characteristics, themes, or user experiences. Some manufacturers have provided emulator add-ons to more closely mimic the behavior of specific devices.

Image On Android 4.0 and later, the emulator can use attached Web cameras to emulate device hardware cameras. On previous versions of the tools, the camera would respond but took fake pictures.

Image There is no USB, Bluetooth, or NFC support.


In this appendix, you learned about one of the most useful tools incorporated with the Android SDK, the Android emulator. The Android emulator is available as part of Android Studio and is also available from the command-line. The emulator is an effective development tool for simulating real devices. When your application requires testing on many different device configurations, rather than purchasing every device you would like to support, the Android Virtual Device Manager allows for varying emulator configurations, making testing cost-effective. Even though the emulator has limitations and is not meant to be a replacement for testing on real hardware, you have learned much of what the emulator has to offer and have discovered firsthand just how close to reality the emulator performs.

Quiz Questions

1. What is the keyboard shortcut to toggle networking of an emulator?

2. What is the keyboard shortcut for toggling between portrait and landscape modes?

3. What is the keyboard shortcut for emulating a trackball with your mouse?

4. Which Activity lifecycle events does pressing the Home key invoke?

5. What is the hardware configuration property for supporting GPU emulation within your AVD configurations?

6. What is the command for connecting to an emulator from the console?

7. What is the command for a simple GPS fix?


1. Using the Android documentation, devise a list of the Android emulator category command-line parameters.

2. Using the Android documentation, name the command-line option for enabling GPU emulation.

3. Using the Android documentation, design a command for creating an AVD from the command-line.

References and More Information

Android Tools: “Managing Virtual Devices”:


Android Tools: “Managing AVDs with AVD Manager”:


Android Tools: “Managing AVDs from the Command Line”:


Android Tools: “Android Emulator”:


Android Tools: “Using the Emulator”:


Android Tools: “android”:


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