24.8 BCH Codes

BCH codes are a class of cyclic codes. They were discovered around 1959 by R. C. Bose and D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri and independently by A. Hocquenghem. One reason they are important is that there exist good decoding algorithms that correct multiple errors (see, for example, [Gallager] or [Wicker]). BCH codes are used in satellites. The special BCH codes called Reed-Solomon codes (see Section 24.9) have numerous applications.

Before describing BCH codes, we need a fact about finite fields. Let FF be a finite field with qq elements. From Section 3.11, we know that q=pmq=pm is a power of a prime number pp. Let nn be a positive integer not divisible by pp. Then it can be proved that there exists a finite field FF containing FF such that FF contains a primitive nnth root of unity αα. This means that αn=1αn=1, but αk1αk1 for 1k<n1k<n.

For example, if F=Z2F=Z2, the integers mod 2, and n=3n=3, we may take F=GF(4)F=GF(4). The element ωω in the description of GF(4)GF(4) in Section 3.11 is a primitive third root of unity. More generally, a primitive nnth root of unity exists in a finite field FF with qq elements if and only if n|q1n|q1.

The reason we need the auxiliary field FF is that several of the calculations we perform need to be carried out in this larger field. In the following, when we use an nnth root of unity αα, we’ll implicitly assume that we’re calculating in some field FF that contains αα. The results of the calculations, however, will give results about codes over the smaller field FF.

The following result, often called the BCH bound, gives an estimate for the minimum weight of a cyclic code.

Theorem 24.8

Let CC be a cyclic [n, k, d][n, k, d] code over a finite field FF, where FF has q=pmq=pm elements. Assume p|n.p|n. Let g(X)g(X) be the generating polynomial for CC. Let αα be a primitive nnth root of unity and suppose that for some integers and δδ,


Then dδ+2dδ+2.

Proof. Suppose (c0, c1, , cn1)C(c0, c1, , cn1)C has weight ww with 1w<δ+21w<δ+2. We want to obtain a contradiction. Let m(X)=c0+c1X++cn1Xn1m(X)=c0+c1X++cn1Xn1. We know that m(X)m(X) is a multiple of g(X)g(X), so


Let ci1, ci2, , ciwci1, ci2, , ciw be the nonzero coefficients of m(X)m(X), so


The fact that m(αj)=0m(αj)=0 for lj+w1lj+w1 (note that w1δw1δ) can be rewritten as


We claim that the determinant of the matrix is nonzero. We need the following evaluation of the Vandermonde determinant. The proof can be found in most books on linear algebra.



(The product is over all pairs of integers (i, j)(i, j) with 1i<jn1i<jn.) In particular, if x1, , xnx1, , xn are pairwise distinct, the determinant is nonzero.

In our matrix, we can factor αi1αi1 from the first column, αi2αi2 from the second column, etc., to obtain


Since αi1, , αiwαi1, , αiw are pairwise distinct, the determinant is nonzero. Why are these numbers distinct? Suppose αij=αikαij=αik. We may assume ijikijik. We have 0ijik<n0ijik<n. Therefore, 0ikij<n0ikij<n. Note that αikij=1αikij=1. Since αα is a primitive nnth root of unity, αi1αi1 for 1i<n1i<n. Therefore, ikij=0ikij=0, so ij=ikij=ik. This means that the numbers αi1, , αiwαi1, , αiw are pairwise distinct, as claimed.

Since the determinant is nonzero, the matrix is nonsingular. This implies that (ci1, , ciw)=0(ci1, , ciw)=0, contradicting the fact that these were the nonzero cici’s. Therefore, all nonzero codewords have weight at least δ+2δ+2. This completes the proof of the theorem.


Let F=Z2F=Z2= the integers mod 2, and let n=3n=3. Let g(X)=X2+X+1g(X)=X2+X+1. Then

C={(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)}, 
C={(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)}, 

which is a binary repetition code. Let ωω be a primitive third root of unity, as in the description of GF(4)GF(4) in Section 3.11. Then g(ω)=g(ω2)=0g(ω)=g(ω2)=0. In the theorem, we can therefore take =1=1 and δ=1δ=1. We find that the minimal weight of CC is at least 3. In this case, the bound is sharp, since the minimal weight of CC is exactly 3.


Let FF be any finite field and let nn be any positive integer. Let g(X)=X1g(X)=X1. Then g(1)=0g(1)=0, so we may take =0=0 and δ=0δ=0. We conclude that the minimum weight of the code generated by g(X)g(X) is at least 2 (actually, the theorem assumes that p|n, p|n,  but this assumption is not needed for this special case where =δ=0=δ=0). We have seen this code before. If (c0, , cn1)(c0, , cn1) is a vector, and m(X)=c0++cn1Xn1m(X)=c0++cn1Xn1 is the associated polynomial, then m(X)m(X) is a multiple of X1X1 exactly when m(1)=0m(1)=0. This means that c0++cn1=0c0++cn1=0. So a vector is a codeword if and only if the sum of its entries is 0. When F=Z2F=Z2, this is the parity check code, and for other finite fields it is a generalization of the parity check code. The fact that its minimal weight is 2 is easy to see directly: If a codeword has a nonzero entry, then it must contain another nonzero entry to cancel it and make the sum of the entries be 0. Therefore, each nonzero codeword has at least two nonzero entries, and hence has weight at least 2. The vector (1, 1, 0, )(1, 1, 0, ) is a codeword and has weight 2, so the minimal weight is exactly 2.


Let’s return to the example of a binary cyclic code of length 7 from Section 24.7. We have F=Z2F=Z2, and g(X)=1+X2+X3+X4g(X)=1+X2+X3+X4. We can factor g(X)=(X1)(X3+X+1)g(X)=(X1)(X3+X+1). Let αα be a root of X3+X+1X3+X+1. Then αα is a primitive seventh root of unity (see Exercise 18), and we are working in GF(8)GF(8). Since Z2GF(8)Z2GF(8), we have 2=1+1=02=1+1=0 and 1=11=1. Therefore, α3=α+1α3=α+1. Squaring yields α6=α2+2α+1=α2+1α6=α2+2α+1=α2+1. Therefore, (α2)3+(α2)+1=0(α2)3+(α2)+1=0. This means that g(α2)=0g(α2)=0, so


In the theorem, we can take =0=0 and δ=2δ=2. Therefore, the minimal weight in the code is at least 4 (in fact, it is exactly 4).

To define the BCH codes, we need some more notation. We are going to construct codes of length nn over a finite field FF. Factor Xn1Xn1 into irreducible factors over FF:


where each fi(X)fi(X) is a polynomial with coefficients in FF, and each fi(X)fi(X) cannot be factored into lower-degree polynomials with coefficients in FF. We may assume that the highest nonzero coefficient of each fi(X)fi(X) is 1. Let αα be a primitive nnth root of unity. Then α0, α1, α2, , αn1α0, α1, α2, , αn1 are roots of Xn1Xn1. This means that


Therefore, each fi(X)fi(X) is a product of some of these factors (Xαj)(Xαj), and each αjαj is a root of exactly one of the polynomials fi(X)fi(X). For each jj, let qj(X)qj(X) be the polynomial fi(X)fi(X) such that fi(αj)=0fi(αj)=0. This gives us polynomials q0(X), q1(X), qn1(X)q0(X), q1(X), qn1(X). Of course, usually these polynomials are not all distinct, since a polynomial fi(X)fi(X) that has two different powers αj, αkαj, αk as roots will serve as both qj(X)qj(X) and qk(X)qk(X) (see the examples given later in this section).

A BCH code of designed distance dd is a code with generating polynomial

g(X)=least common multiple of qk+1(X), qk+2(X), , qk+d1(X)
g(X)=least common multiple of qk+1(X), qk+2(X), , qk+d1(X)

for some integer kk.


A BCH code of designed distance dd has minimum weight greater than or equal to dd.

Proof. Since qj(X)qj(X) divides g(X)g(X) for k+1jk+d1k+1jk+d1, and qj(αj)=0qj(αj)=0, we have


The BCH bound (with =k+1=k+1 and δ=d2δ=d2) implies that the code has minimum weight at least d=δ+2d=δ+2.


Let F=Z2F=Z2, and let n=7n=7. Then


Let αα be a root of X3+X+1X3+X+1. Then αα is a primitive 7th root of unity, as in the previous example. Moreover, in that example, we showed that α2α2 is also a root of X3+X+1X3+X+1. In fact, we actually showed that the square of a root of X3+X+1X3+X+1 is also a root, so we have that α4=(α2)2α4=(α2)2 is also a root of X3+X+1X3+X+1. (We could square this again, but α8=αα8=α, so we are back to where we started.) Therefore, α, α2, α4α, α2, α4 are the roots of X3+X+1X3+X+1, so


The remaining powers of αα must be roots of X3+X2+1X3+X2+1, so



q0(X)=X1, q1(X)=q2(X)=q4(X)=X3+X+1, q3(X)=q5(X)=q6(X)=X3+X2+1.
q0(X)=X1, q1(X)=q2(X)=q4(X)=X3+X+1, q3(X)=q5(X)=q6(X)=X3+X2+1.

If we take k=1k=1 and d=3d=3, then

g(X)=lcm(q0(X), q1(X))=(X1)(X3+X+1)=X4+X3+X2+1.
g(X)=lcm(q0(X), q1(X))=(X1)(X3+X+1)=X4+X3+X2+1.

We obtain the cyclic [7, 3, 4][7, 3, 4] code discussed in Section 24.7. The theorem says that the minimum weight is at least 3. In this case, we can do a little better. If we take k=1k=1 and d=4d=4, then we have a generating polynomial g1(X)g1(X) with

g1(X)=lcm(q0(X), q1(X), q2(X))=g(X).
g1(X)=lcm(q0(X), q1(X), q2(X))=g(X).

This is because q2(X)=q1(X)q2(X)=q1(X), so the least common multiple doesn’t change when q2(X)q2(X) is included. The theorem now tells us that the minimum weight of the code is at least 4. As we have seen before, the minimum weight is exactly 4.

Example (continued)

Let’s continue with the previous example, but take k=0k=0 and d=7d=7. Then

g(X)=lcm(q1(X), , q6(X))=(X3+X+1)(X3+X2+1)=X6+X5+X4+X3+X2+X+1.
g(X)=lcm(q1(X), , q6(X))=(X3+X+1)(X3+X2+1)=X6+X5+X4+X3+X2+X+1.

We obtain the repetition code with only two codewords:

{(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)}.
{(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)}.

The theorem says that the minimum distance is at least 7. In fact it is exactly 7.


Let F=Z5={0, 1, 2, 3, 4}F=Z5={0, 1, 2, 3, 4} = the integers mod 5. Let n=4n=4. Then


(this is an equality, or congruence if you prefer, in Z5Z5). Let α=2α=2. We have 24=124=1, but 2j12j1 for 1j<41j<4. Therefore, 2 is a primitive 4th root of unity in Z5Z5. We have 20=1,  22=4,  23=320=1,  22=4,  23=3 (these are just congruences mod 5). Therefore,

q0(X)=X1, q1(X)=X2, q2(X)=X4, q3(X)=X3.
q0(X)=X1, q1(X)=X2, q2(X)=X4, q3(X)=X3.

In the theorem, let k=0, d=3k=0, d=3. Then

g(X)=lcm(q1(X), q2(X))=(X2)(X4)=X26X+8=X2+4X+3.
g(X)=lcm(q1(X), q2(X))=(X2)(X4)=X26X+8=X2+4X+3.

We obtain a cyclic [4, 2][4, 2] code over Z5Z5 with generating matrix


The theorem says that the minimum weight is at least 3. Since the first row of the matrix is a codeword of weight 3, the minimum weight is exactly 3. This code is an example of a Reed-Solomon code, which will be discussed in the next section.

24.8.1 Decoding BCH Codes

One of the reason BCH codes are useful is that there are good decoding algorithms. One of the best known is due to Berlekamp and Massey (see [Gallager] or [Wicker]). In the following, we won’t give the algorithm, but, in order to give the spirit of some of the ideas that are involved, we show a way to correct one error in a BCH code with designed distance d3d3.

Let CC be a BCH code of designed distance d3d3. Then CC is a cyclic code, say of length nn, with generating polynomial g(X)g(X). There is a primitive nnth root of unity αα such that


for some integer kk.



If c=(c0, , cn1)c=(c0, , cn1) is a codeword, then the polynomial m(X)=c0+c1X++cn1Xn1m(X)=c0+c1X++cn1Xn1 is a multiple of g(X)g(X), so


This may be rewritten in terms of HH:

cHT=(c0,  c1,  ,  cn1)(11αk+1αk+2α2(k+1)α2(k+2)α(n1)(k+1)α(n1)(k+2))=0.
cHT=(c0,  c1,  ,  cn1)1αk+1α2(k+1)α(n1)(k+1)1αk+2α2(k+2)α(n1)(k+2)=0.

HH is not necessarily a parity check matrix for CC, since there might be noncodewords that are also in the null space of HH. However, as we shall see, HH can correct an error.

Suppose the vector r=c+er=c+e is received, where cc is a codeword and e=(e0, , en1)e=(e0, , en1) is an error vector. We assume that at most one entry of ee is nonzero.

Here is the algorithm for correcting one error.

  1. Write rHT=(s1, s2)rHT=(s1, s2).

  2. If s1=0s1=0, there is no error (or there is more than one error), so we’re done.

  3. If s10s10, compute s2/s1s2/s1. This will be a power αj1αj1 of αα. The error is in the jjth position. If we are working over the finite field Z2Z2, we are done, since then ej=1ej=1. But for other finite fields, there are several choices for the value of ejej.

  4. Compute ej=s1/α(j1)(k+1)ej=s1/α(j1)(k+1). This is the jjth entry of the error vector ee. The other entries of ee are 0.

  5. Subtract the error vector ee from the received vector rr to obtain the correct codeword cc.


Let’s look at the BCH code over Z2Z2 of length 7 and designed distance 7 considered previously. It is the binary repetition code of length 7 and has two codewords: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1). The algorithm corrects one error. Suppose the received vector is r=(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)r=(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1). As before, let αα be a root of X3+X+1X3+X+1. Then αα is a primitive 7th root of unity.

Before proceeding, we need to deduce a few facts about computing with powers of αα. We have α3=α+1α3=α+1. Multiplying this relation by powers of αα yields

α4=α2+α, α5=α3+α2=α2+α+1, α6=α3+α2+α=(α+1)+α2+α=α2+1.
α4=α2+α, α5=α3+α2=α2+α+1, α6=α3+α2+α=(α+1)+α2+α=α2+1.

Also, the fact that αj=αj(mod 7)αj=αj(mod 7) is useful.

We now can compute

rHT=(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)(11αα2α2α4α6α12)=(1+α+α2+α3+α5+α6, 1+α2+α4+α6+α10+α12)=(α+α2, α).
rHT=(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)1αα2α61α2α4α12=(1+α+α2+α3+α5+α6, 1+α2+α4+α6+α10+α12)=(α+α2, α).

The sum in the first entry, for example, can be evaluated as follows:


Therefore, s1=α+α2s1=α+α2 and s2=αs2=α. We need to calculate s2/s1s2/s1. Since s1=α+α2=α4s1=α+α2=α4, we have


Therefore, j1=4, so the error is in position j=5. The fifth entry of the error vector is s1/α4=1, so the error vector is (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0). The corrected message is

re=(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1).

Here is why the algorithm works. Since cHT=0, we have

rHT=cHT=eHT=eHT=(s1, s2).

If e=(0, 0, , ej, 0, ) with ej0, then the definition of H gives

s1=ejα(j1)(k+1), s2=ejα(j1)(k+2).

Therefore, s2/s1=αj1. Also, s1/α(j1)(k+1)=ej, as claimed.

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