
Chapter 1 introduced the fundamental characteristic of digital audio which is that the quality is independent of the storage or transmission medium and is determined instead by the accuracy of conversion between the analog and digital domains. This chapter will examine in detail the theory and practice of this critical aspect of digital audio.

4.1 Introduction to conversion

Any analog audio source can be characterized by a given useful bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio. If a well-engineered digital channel having a wider bandwidth and a greater signal-to-noise ratio is put in series with such a source, it is only necessary to set the levels correctly and the analog signal is then subject to no loss of information whatsoever.

The sound conveyed through a digital system travels as a stream of bits. Because the bits are discrete, it is easy to quantify the flow, just by counting the number per second. It is much harder to quantify the amount of information in an analog signal (from a microphone, for example) but if this were done using the same units, it would be possible to decide just what bit rate was necessary to convey that signal without loss of information. If a signal can be conveyed without loss of information, and without picking up any unwanted signals on the way, it will have been transmitted perfectly.

The connection between analog signals and information capacity was made by Shannon, in one of the most significant papers in the history of this technology,1 and those parts which are important for this subject are repeated here. The principles are straightforward, and offer an immediate insight into the relative performances and potentials of different modulation methods, including digitizing.

Figure 4.1 shows an analog signal with a certain amount of superimposed noise, as is the case for all real audio signals. Noise is defined as a random superimposed signal which is not correlated with the wanted signal. To avoid pitfalls in digital audio, this definition must be applied with what initially seems like pedantry. The noise is random, and so the actual voltage of the wanted signal is uncertain; it could be anywhere in the range of the noise amplitude. If the signal amplitude is, for the sake of argument, sixteen times the noise amplitude, it would only be possible to convey sixteen different signal levels unambiguously, because the levels have to be sufficiently different that noise will not make one look like another. It is possible to convey sixteen different levels in all combinations of four data bits, and so the connection between the analog and quantized domains is established.

Figure 4.1 To receive eight different levels in a signal unambiguously, the peak-to-peak noise must be less than the difference in level. Signal-to-noise ratio must be at least 8:1 or 18 dB to convey eight levels. This can also be conveyed by three bits (23 = 8). For 16 levels, SNR would have to be 24 dB, which would be conveyed by four bits.


The choice of sampling rate (the rate at which the signal voltage must be examined to convey the information in a changing signal) is important in any system; if it is too low, the signal will be degraded, and if it is too high, the number of samples to be recorded will rise unnecessarily, as will the cost of the system. Here it will be established just what sampling rate is necessary in a given situation, initially in theory, then taking into account practical restrictions. By multiplying the number of bits needed to express the signal voltage by the rate at which the process must be updated, the bit rate of the digital data stream resulting from a particular analog signal can be determined.

There are a number of ways in which an audio waveform can be digitally represented, but the most useful and therefore common is pulse code modulation or PCM which was introduced in Chapter 1. The input is a continuous-time, continuous-voltage waveform, and this is converted into a discrete-time, discretevoltage format by a combination of sampling and quantizing. These two processes are independent and can be performed in either order. Figure 4.2(a) shows an analog sampler preceding a quantizer, whereas (b) shows an asynchronous quantizer preceding a digital sampler. Ideally, both will give the same results; in practice each has different advantages and suffers from different deficiencies. Both approaches will be found in real equipment.

The independence of sampling and quantizing allows each to be discussed quite separately in some detail, prior to combining the processes for a full understanding of conversion.

Figure 4.2 Since sampling and quantizing are orthogonal, the order in which they are performed is not important. In (a) sampling is performed first and the samples are quantized. This is common in audio convertors. In (b) the analog input is quantized into an asynchronous binary code. Sampling takes place when this code is latched on sampling clock edges. This approach is universal in video convertors.


4.2 Sampling and aliasing

Sampling is no more than periodic measurement, and it will be shown here that there is no theoretical need for sampling to be audible. Practical equipment may of course be less than ideal, but, given good engineering practice, the ideal may be approached quite closely.

Audio sampling must be regular, because the process of timebase correction prior to conversion back to analog assumes a regular original process as was shown in Chapter 1. The sampling process originates with a pulse train which is shown in Figure 4.3(a) to be of constant amplitude and period. The audio waveform amplitude-modulates the pulse train in much the same way as the carrier is modulated in an AM radio transmitter. One must be careful to avoid over-modulating the pulse train as shown in (b) and this is achieved by applying a DC offset to the analog waveform so that silence corresponds to a level halfway up the pulses as at (c). Clipping due to any excessive input level will then be symmetrical.

Figure 4.3 The sampling process requires a constant-amplitude pulse train as shown in (a). This is amplitude modulated by the waveform to be sampled. If the input waveform has excessive amplitude or incorrect level, the pulse train clips as shown in (b). For an audio waveform, the greatest signal level is possible when an offset of half the pulse amplitude is used to centre the waveform as shown in (c).


In the same way that AM radio produces sidebands or images above and below the carrier, sampling also produces sidebands although the carrier is now a pulse train and has an infinite series of harmonics as shown in Figure 4.4(a). The sidebands repeat above and below each harmonic of the sampling rate as shown in (b).

The sampled signal can be returned to the continuous-time domain simply by passing it into a low-pass filter. This filter has a frequency response which prevents the images from passing, and only the baseband signal emerges, completely unchanged. If considered in the frequency domain, this filter can be called an anti-image filter; if considered in the time domain it can be called a reconstruction filter.

If an input is supplied having an excessive bandwidth for the sampling rate in use, the sidebands will overlap (Figure 4.4(c)) and the result is aliasing, where certain output frequencies are not the same as their input frequencies but instead become difference frequencies (d). It will be seen from Figure 4.4 that aliasing does not occur when the input frequency is equal to or less than half the sampling rate, and this derives the most fundamental rule of sampling, which is that the sampling rate must be at least twice the highest input frequency. Sampling theory is usually attributed to Shannon2 who applied it to information theory at around the same time as Kotelnikov in Russia. These applications were pre-dated by Whittaker. Despite that it is often referred to as Nyquist’s theorem.

Figure 4.4 (a) Spectrum of sampling pulses. (b) Spectrum of samples. (c) Aliasing due to sideband overlap. (d) Beat-frequency production (e) 4× oversampling.


Whilst aliasing has been described above in the frequency domain, it can be described equally well in the time domain. In Figure 4.5(a) the sampling rate is obviously adequate to describe the waveform, but at (b) it is inadequate and aliasing has occurred.

Aliasing is commonly seen on television and in the cinema, owing to the relatively low frame rates used. With a frame rate of 24 Hz, a film camera will alias on any object changing at more than 12 Hz. Such objects include the spokes of stagecoach wheels. When the spoke-passing frequency reaches 24 Hz the wheels appear to stop. Aliasing does, however, have useful applications, including the stroboscope, which makes rotating machinery appear stationary, the sampling oscilloscope, which can display periodic waveforms of much greater frequency than the sweep speed of the tube normally allows, and the spectrum analyser.

Figure 4.5 In (a) the sampling is adequate to reconstruct the original signal. In (b) the sampling rate is inadequate, and reconstruction produces the wrong waveform (dashed). Aliasing has taken place.


One often has no control over the spectrum of input signals and in practice it is necessary also to have a low-pass filter at the input to prevent aliasing. This anti-aliasing filter prevents frequencies of more than half the sampling rate from reaching the sampling stage.

Figure 4.6 If ideal ‘brick wall’ filters are assumed, the efficient spectrum of (a) results. An ideal low-pass filter has an impulse response shown in (b). The impulse passes through zero at intervals equal to the sampling period. When convolved with a pulse train at the sampling rate, as shown in (c), the voltage at each sample instant is due to that sample alone as the impulses from all other samples pass through zero there.


4.3 Reconstruction

If ideal low-pass anti-aliasing and anti-image filters are assumed, having a vertical cut-off slope at half the sampling rate, an ideal spectrum shown in Figure 4.6(a) is obtained. It was shown in Chapter 3 that the impulse response of a phase linear ideal low-pass filter is a sinx/x waveform in the time domain, and this is repeated in (b). Such a waveform passes through zero volts periodically. If the cut-off frequency of the filter is one-half of the sampling rate, the impulse passes through zero at the sites of all other samples. It can be seen from Figure 4.6(c) that at the output of such a filter, the voltage at the centre of a sample is due to that sample alone, since the value of all other samples is zero at that instant. In other words the continuous time output waveform must join up the tops of the input samples. In between the sample instants, the output of the filter is the sum of the contributions from many impulses, and the waveform smoothly joins the tops of the samples. It is a consequence of the band-limiting of the original antialiasing filter that the filtered analog waveform could only travel between the sample points in one way. As the reconstruction filter has the same frequency response, the reconstructed output waveform must follow the same path. It follows that sampling need not be audible. The reservations expressed by some journalists about ‘hearing the gaps between the samples’ clearly have no foundation whatsoever. A rigorous mathematical proof of reconstruction can be found in Betts.3

Figure 4.7 As filters with finite slope are needed in practical systems, the sampling rate is raised slightly beyond twice the highest frequency in the baseband.


The ideal filter with a vertical ‘brick-wall’ cut-off slope is difficult to implement. As the slope tends to vertical, the delay caused by the filter goes to infinity: the quality is marvellous but you don’t live to hear it. In practice, a filter with a finite slope has to be accepted as shown in Figure 4.7. The cut-off slope begins at the edge of the required band, and consequently the sampling rate has to be raised a little to drive aliasing products to an acceptably low level. There is no absolute factor by which the sampling rate must be raised; it depends upon the filters which are available and the level of aliasing products which are acceptable. The latter will depend upon the wordlength to which the signal will be quantized.

4.4 Filter design

The discussion so far has assumed that perfect anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters are used. Perfect filters are not available, of course, and because designers must use devices with finite slope and rejection, aliasing can still occur. It is not easy to specify anti-aliasing filters, particularly the amount of stopband rejection needed. The amount of aliasing resulting would depend on, among other things, the amount of out-of-band energy in the input signal.

It could be argued that the reconstruction filter is unnecessary, since all the images are outside the range of human hearing. However, the slightest nonlinearity in subsequent stages would result in gross intermodulation distortion. Most transistorized audio power amplifiers become grossly non-linear when fed with signals far beyond the audio band. It is this non-linearity which enables audio equipment to demodulate strong radio transmissions. The simple solution is to curtail the response of equipment somewhat beyond the audio band so that they become immune to passing taxis and refrigerator thermostats. This is seldom done in Hi-Fi amplifiers because of the mistaken belief that response far beyond the audio band is needed for high fidelity. The truth of the belief is academic as all known recorded or broadcast music sources, whether analog or digital, are band-limited. As a result there is nothing to which a power amplifier of excess bandwidth can respond except RF interference and inadequately suppressed images from digital sources.

Every signal which has been through the digital domain has passed through both an anti-aliasing filter and a reconstruction filter. These filters must be carefully designed in order to prevent artifacts, particularly those due to lack of phase linearity as they may be audible.4–6 The nature of the filters used has a great bearing on the subjective quality of the system. Entire books have been written about analog filters, so they will only be treated briefly here.

Figures 4.8 and 4.9 show the terminology used to describe the common elliptic low-pass filter. These filters are popular because they can be realized with fewer components than other filters of similar response. It is a characteristic of these elliptic filters that there are ripples in the passband and stopband. Lagadec and Stockham7 found that filters with passband ripple cause dispersion: the output signal is smeared in time and, on toneburst signals, pre-echoes can be detected. In much equipment the anti-aliasing filter and the reconstruction filter will have the same specification, so that the passband ripple is doubled with a corresponding increase in dispersion. Sometimes slightly different filters are used to reduce the effect.

Figure 4.8 The important features and terminology of low-pass filters used for anti-aliasing and reconstruction.


Figure 4.9 (a) Circuit of typical nine-pole elliptic passive filter with frequency response in (b) shown magnified in the region of cut-off in (c). Note phase response in (d) beginning to change at only 1 kHz, and group delay in (e), which require compensation for quality applications. Note that in the presence of out-of-band signals, aliasing might only be 60 dB down. A 13-pole filter manages in excess of 80 dB, but phase response is worse.


It is difficult to produce an analog filter with low distortion. Passive filters using inductors suffer non-linearity at high levels due to the B/H curve of the cores. It seems a shame to go to such great lengths to remove the non-linearity of magnetic tape from a recording using digital techniques only to pass the signal through magnetic inductors in the filters. Active filters can simulate inductors which are linear using opamp techniques, but they tend to suffer non-linearity at high frequencies where the falling open-loop gain reduces the effect of feedback. Active filters can also contribute noise, but this is not necessarily a bad thing in controlled amounts, since it can act as a dither source.

It is instructive to examine the phase response of such filters. Since a sharp cut-off is generally achieved by cascading many filter sections which cut at a similar frequency, the phase responses of these sections will accumulate. The phase may start to leave linearity at only a few kiloHertz, and near the cut-off frequency the phase may have completed several revolutions. As stated, these phase errors can be audible and phase equalization is necessary. An advantage of linear phase filters is that ringing is minimized, and there is less possibility of clipping on transients.

It is possible to construct a ripple-free phase-linear filter with the required stopband rejection,8,9 but it is expensive and the money may be better spent in avoiding the need for such a filter. Much effort can be saved in analog filter design by using oversampling. Strictly, oversampling means no more than that a higher sampling rate is used than is required by sampling theory. In the loose sense an ‘oversampling convertor’ generally implies that some combination of high sampling rate and various other techniques has been applied.

Oversampling is treated in depth in a later section of this chapter. The audible superiority and economy of oversampling convertors has led them to be almost universal. Accordingly the treatment of oversampling in this volume is more prominent than that of filter design.

4.5 Choice of sampling rate

Sampling theory is only the beginning of the process which must be followed to arrive at a suitable sampling rate. The finite slope of realizable filters will compel designers to raise the sampling rate. For consumer products, the lower the sampling rate, the better, since the cost of the medium is directly proportional to the sampling rate: thus sampling rates near to twice 20 kHz are to be expected. For professional products, there is a need to operate at variable speed for pitch correction. When the speed of a digital recorder is reduced, the offtape sampling rate falls, and Figure 4.10 shows that with a minimal sampling rate the first image frequency can become low enough to pass the reconstruction filter. If the sampling frequency is raised without changing the response of the filters, the speed can be reduced without this problem. It follows that variable-speed recorders, generally those with stationary heads, must use a higher sampling rate.

In the early days of digital audio research, the necessary bandwidth of about 1 megabit per second per audio channel was difficult to store. Disk drives had the bandwidth but not the capacity for long recording time, so attention turned to video recorders. In Chapter 8 it will be seen that these were adapted to store audio samples by creating a pseudo-video waveform which could convey binary as black and white levels. The sampling rate of such a system is constrained to relate simply to the field rate and field structure of the television standard used, so that an integer number of samples can be stored on each usable TV line in the field. Such a recording can be made on a monochrome recorder, and these recordings are made in two standards, 525 lines at 60 Hz and 625 lines at 50 Hz. Thus it is possible to find a frequency which is a common multiple of the two and also suitable for use as a sampling rate.

Figure 4.10 At normal speed, the reconstruction filter correctly prevents images entering the baseband, as at (a). When speed is reduced, the sampling rate falls, and a fixed filter will allow part of the lower sideband of the sampling frequency to pass. If the sampling rate of the machine is raised, but the filter characteristic remains the same, the problem can be avoided, as at (c).


The allowable sampling rates in a pseudo-video system can be deduced by multiplying the field rate by the number of active lines in a field (blanked lines cannot be used) and again by the number of samples in a line. By careful choice of parameters it is possible to use either 525/60 or 625/50 video with a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.

In 60 Hz video, there are 35 blanked lines, leaving 490 lines per frame, or 245 lines per field for samples. If three samples are stored per line, the sampling rate becomes


In 50 Hz video, there are 37 lines of blanking, leaving 588 active lines per frame, or 294 per field, so the same sampling rate is given by


The sampling rate of 44.1 kHz came to be that of the Compact Disc. Even though CD has no video circuitry, the equipment originally used to make CD masters was video based and determines the sampling rate.

For landlines to FM stereo broadcast transmitters having a 15 kHz audio bandwidth, the sampling rate of 32 kHz is more than adequate, and has been in use for some time in the United Kingdom and Japan. This frequency is also in use in the NICAM 728 stereo TV sound system and in DAB. It is also used for the Sony NT format mini-cassette. The professional sampling rate of 48 kHz was proposed as having a simple relationship to 32 kHz, being far enough above 40 kHz for variable-speed operation.

Although in a perfect world the adoption of a single sampling rate might have had virtues, for practical and economic reasons digital audio now has essentially three rates to support: 32 kHz for broadcast, 44.1 kHz for CD and its mastering equipment, and 48 kHz for ‘professional’ use.10 48 kHz is extensively used in television where it can be synchronized to both line standards relatively easily. The currently available DVTR formats offer only 48 kHz audio sampling. A number of formats can operate at more than one sampling rate. Both DAT and DASH formats are specified for all three rates, although not all available hardware implements every possibility. Most hard disk recorders will operate at a range of rates.

Recently there have been proposals calling for dramatically increased audio sampling rates. There is no scientific basis for this. Sub-optimal equipment may show an improvement in quality if the sampling rate is significantly raised, but properly engineered equipment should not need excess bandwidth.

4.6 Sample and hold

In practice many analog to digital convertors require a finite time to operate, and instantaneous samples must be extended by a device called a sample-and-hold or, more accurately, a track-hold circuit.

The simplest possible track-hold circuit is shown in Figure 4.11(a). When the switch is closed, the output will follow the input. When the switch is opened, the capacitor holds the signal voltage which existed at the instant of opening. This simple arrangement has a number of shortcomings, particularly the time constant of the on-resistance of the switch with the capacitor, which extends the settling time. The effect can be alleviated by putting the switch in a feedback loop as shown in Figure 4.11(b). The buffer amplifiers must meet a stringent specification, because they need bandwidth well in excess of audio frequencies to ensure that operation is always feedback controlled between holding periods. When the switch is opened, the slightest change in input voltage causes the input buffer to saturate, and it must be able to rapidly recover from this condition when the switch next closes. The feedback minimizes the effect of the on-resistance of the switch, but the off-resistance must be high to prevent the input signal affecting the held voltage. The leakage current of the integrator must be low to prevent droop which is the term given to an unwanted slow change in the held voltage.

Figure 4.11 (a) The simple track-hold circuit shown has poor frequency response as the resistance of the FET causes a rolloff in conjunction with the capacitor. In (b) the resistance of the FET is now inside a feedback loop and will be eliminated, provided the left-hand op-amp never runs out of gain or swing.


Figure 4.12 shows the various events during a track-hold sequence and catalogs the various potential sources of inaccuracy. A further phenomenon which is not shown in Figure 4.12 is that of dielectric relaxation. When a capacitor is discharged rapidly by connecting a low resistance path across its terminals, not all the charge is removed. After the discharge circuit is disconnected, the capacitor voltage may rise again slightly as charge which was trapped in the high-resistivity dielectric slowly leaks back to the electrodes. In track-hold circuits dielectric relaxation can cause the value of one sample to be affected by the previous one. Some dielectrics display less relaxation than others. Mica capacitors, traditionally regarded as being of high quality, actually display substantially worse relaxation characteristics than many other types. Polypropylene and teflon are significantly better.

Figure 4.12 Characteristics of the feedback track-hold circuit of Figure 4.11(b) showing major sources of error.


The track-hold circuit is extremely difficult to design because of the accuracy demanded by audio applications. In particular it is very difficult to meet the droop specification for much more than sixteen-bit applications. Greater accuracy has been reported by modelling the effect of dielectric relaxation and applying an inverse correction signal.11

When a performance limitation such as the track-hold stage is found, it is better to find an alternative approach. It will be seen later in this chapter that more advanced conversion techniques allow the track-hold circuit and its shortcomings to be eliminated.

4.7 Sampling clock jitter

The instants at which samples are taken in an ADC and the instants at which DACs make conversions must be evenly spaced, otherwise unwanted signals can be added to the audio. Figure 4.13 shows the effect of sampling clock jitter on a sloping waveform. Samples are taken at the wrong times. When these samples have passed through a system, the timebase correction stage prior to the DAC will remove the jitter, and the result is shown at (b). The magnitude of the unwanted signal is proportional to the slope of the audio waveform and so the amount of jitter which can be tolerated falls at 6 dB per octave. As the resolution of the system is increased by the use of longer sample wordlength, tolerance to jitter is further reduced. The nature of the unwanted signal depends on the spectrum of the jitter. If the jitter is random, the effect is noise-like and relatively benign unless the amplitude is excessive. Figure 4.14 shows the effect of differing amounts of random jitter with respect to the noise floor of various wordlengths. Note that even small amounts of jitter can degrade a twenty-bit convertor to the performance of a good sixteen-bit unit. There is thus no point in upgrading to higher-resolution convertors if the clock stability of the system is insufficient to allow their performance to be realized.

Clock jitter is not necessarily random. Figure 4.15 shows that one source of clock jitter is crosstalk or interference on the clock signal. A balanced clock line will be more immune to such crosstalk, but the consumer electrical digital audio interface is unbalanced and prone to external interference. The unwanted additional signal changes the time at which the sloping clock signal appears to cross the threshold voltage of the clock receiver. This is simply the same phenomenon as that of Figure 4.13 but in reverse. The threshold itself may be changed by ripple on the clock receiver power supply. There is no reason why these effects should be random; they may be periodic and potentially audible.12,13

The allowable jitter is measured in picoseconds, as shown in Figure 4.13 and clearly steps must be taken to eliminate it by design. Convertor clocks must be generated from clean power supplies which are well decoupled from the power used by the logic because a convertor clock must have a signal-to-noise ratio of the same order as that of the audio. Otherwise noise on the clock causes jitter which in turn causes noise in the audio.

Figure 4.13 The effect of sampling timing jitter on noise, and calculation of the required accuracy for a sixteen-bit system. (a) Ramp sampled with jitter has error proportional to slope. (b) When jitter is removed by later circuits, error appears as noise added to samples. For a sixteen-bit system there are 216Q, and the maximum slope at 20 kHz will be 20 000 π × 216Q per second. If jitter is to be neglected, the noise must be less than l/2Q, thus timing accuracy t’ multiplied by maximum slope = l/2Q or 20000 π × 216Qt’ = l/2Q.

Figure 4.13



Figure 4.14 Effects of sample clock jitter on signal-to-noise ratio at different frequencies, compared with theoretical noise floors of systems with different resolutions. (After W.T. Shelton, with permission)


Figure 4.15 Crosstalk in transmission can result in unwanted signals being added to the clock waveform. It can be seen here that a low-frequency interference signal affects the slicing of the clock and causes a periodic jitter.


If an external clock source is provided, it cannot be used directly, but must be fed through a well-designed, well-damped phase-locked loop which will filter out the jitter. The operation of a phase-locked loop was described in Chapter 3. The phase-locked loop must be built to a higher accuracy standard than in most applications. Noise reaching the frequency control element will cause the very jitter the device is meant to eliminate. Some designs use a crystal oscillator whose natural frequency can be shifted slightly by a varicap diode. The high Q of the crystal produces a cleaner clock. Unfortunately this high Q also means that the frequency swing which can be achieved is quite small. It is sufficient for locking to a single standard sampling rate reference, but not for locking to a range of sampling rates or for variable-speed operation. In this case a conventional varicap VCO is required.

Although it has been documented for many years, attention to control of clock jitter is not as great in actual hardware as it might be. It accounts for much of the slight audible differences between convertors reproducing the same data. A wellengineered convertor should substantially reject jitter on an external clock and should sound the same when reproducing the same data irrespective of the source of the data. A remote convertor which sounds different when reproducing, for example, the same Compact Disc via the digital outputs of a variety of CD players is simply not well engineered and should be rejected. Similarly if the effect of changing the type of digital cable feeding the convertor can be heard, the unit is deficient. Unfortunately many consumer external DACs fall into this category, as the steps outlined above have not been taken. Some consumer external DACs, however, have RAM timebase correction which has a large enough correction range that the convertor can run from a local fixed frequency crystal. The incoming clock does no more than control the memory write cycles. Any incoming jitter is rejected totally.

Many portable digital machines have compromised jitter performance because their small size and weight constraints make the provision of adequate screening, decoupling and phase-locked loop circuits difficult.

4.8 Aperture effect

The reconstruction process of Figure 4.6 only operates exactly as shown if the impulses are of negligible duration. In many DACs this is not the case, and many keep the analog output constant for a substantial part of the sample period or even until a different sample value is input. This produces a waveform which is more like a staircase than a pulse train. The case where the pulses have been extended in width to become equal to the sample period is known as a zero-order-hold system and has a 100 per cent aperture ratio. Note that the aperture effect is not apparent in a track-hold system; the holding period is only for the convenience of the quantizer which then outputs a value corresponding to the input voltage at the instant hold mode was entered.

Pulses of negligible width have a uniform spectrum, which is flat within the audio band, whereas pulses of 100 per cent aperture ratio have a sinx/x spectrum which is shown in Figure 4.16. The frequency response falls to a null at the sampling rate, and as a result is about 4 dB down at the edge of the audio band. If the pulse width is stable, the reduction of high frequencies is constant and predictable, and an appropriate equalization circuit can render the overall response flat once more. An alternative is to use resampling which is shown in Figure 4.17. Resampling passes the zero-order-hold waveform through a further synchronous sampling stage which consists of an analog switch which closes briefly in the centre of each sample period. The output of the switch will be pulses which are narrower than the original. If, for example, the aperture ratio is reduced to 50 per cent of the sample period, the first frequency response null is now at twice the sampling rate, and the loss at the edge of the audio band is reduced. As the figure shows, the frequency response becomes flatter as the aperture ratio falls. The process should not be carried too far, as with very small aperture ratios there is little energy in the pulses and noise can be a problem. A practical limit is around 12.5 per cent where the frequency response is virtually ideal. The term resampling will also be found in descriptions of sampling rate convertors, where it refers to the process of finding samples at new locations to describe the original waveform. The context usually makes it clear which meaning is intended.

Figure 4.16 Frequency response with 100 per cent aperture has nulls at multiples of sampling rate. Area of interest is up to half sampling rate.


4.9 Quantizing

Quantizing is the process of expressing some infinitely variable quantity by discrete or stepped values. Quantizing turns up in a remarkable number of everyday guises. Figure 4.18 shows that an inclined ramp enables infinitely variable height to be achieved, whereas a step-ladder allows only discrete heights to be had. A step-ladder quantizes height. When accountants round off sums of money to the nearest pound or dollar they are quantizing. Time passes continuously, but the display on a digital clock changes suddenly every minute because the clock is quantizing time.

In audio the values to be quantized are infinitely variable voltages from an analog source. Strict quantizing is a process which operates in the voltage domain only. For the purpose of studying the quantizing of a single sample, time is assumed to stand still. This is achieved in practice either by the use of a trackhold circuit or the adoption of a quantizer technology which operates before the sampling stage.

Figure 4.19(a) shows that the process of quantizing divides the voltage range up into quantizing intervals Q, also referred to as steps S. In applications such as telephony these may advantageously be of differing size, but for digital audio the quantizing intervals are made as identical as possible. If this is done, the binary numbers which result are truly proportional to the original analog voltage, and the digital equivalents of mixing and gain changing can be performed by adding and multiplying sample values. If the quantizing intervals are unequal this cannot be done. When all quantizing intervals are the same, the term uniform quantizing is used. The term linear quantizing will be found, but this is a contradiction in terms.

Figure 4.17 (a) Resampling circuit eliminates transients and reduces aperture ratio. (b) Response of various aperture ratios.


Figure 4.18 An analog parameter is continuous whereas a quantized parameter is restricted to certain values. Here the sloping side of a ramp can be used to obtain any height whereas a ladder only allows discrete heights.


Figure 4.19 Quantizing assigns discrete numbers to variable voltages. All voltages within the same quantizing interval are assigned the same number which causes a DAC to produce the voltage at the centre of the intervals shown by the dashed lines in (a). This is the characteristic of the mid-tread quantizer shown in (b). An alternative system is the mid-riser system shown in (c). Here 0 volts analog falls between two codes and there is no code for zero. Such quantizing cannot be used prior to signal processing because the number is no longer proportional to the voltage. Quantizing error cannot exceed ±1/2Q as shown in (d).


The term LSB (least significant bit) will also be found in place of quantizing interval in some treatments, but this is a poor term because quantizing works in the voltage domain. A bit is not a unit of voltage and can have only two values. In studying quantizing, voltages within a quantizing interval will be discussed, but there is no such thing as a fraction of a bit.

Whatever the exact voltage of the input signal, the quantizer will locate the quantizing interval in which it lies. In what may be considered a separate step, the quantizing interval is then allocated a code value which is typically some form of binary number. The information sent is the number of the quantizing interval in which the input voltage lies. Whereabouts that voltage lies within the interval is not conveyed, and this mechanism puts a limit on the accuracy of the quantizer. When the number of the quantizing interval is converted back to the analog domain, it will result in a voltage at the centre of the quantizing interval as this minimizes the magnitude of the error between input and output. The number range is limited by the wordlength of the binary numbers used. In a sixteen-bit system, 65 536 different quantizing intervals exist, although the ones at the extreme ends of the range have no outer boundary.

4.10 Quantizing error

It is possible to draw a transfer function for such an ideal quantizer followed by an ideal DAC, and this is also shown in Figure 4.19. A transfer function is simply a graph of the output with respect to the input. In audio, when the term linearity is used, this generally means the straightness of the transfer function. Linearity is a goal in audio, yet it will be seen that an ideal quantizer is anything but linear.

Figure 4.19(b) shows the transfer function is somewhat like a staircase, and zero volts analog, corresponding to all zeros digital or muting, is half-way up a quantizing interval, or on the centre of a tread. This is the so-called mid-tread quantizer which is universally used in audio. Figure 4.19(c) shows the alternative mid-riser transfer function which causes difficulty in audio because it does not have a code value at muting level and as a result the numerical code value is not proportional to the analog signal voltage.

Quantizing causes a voltage error in the audio sample which is given by the difference between the actual staircase transfer function and the ideal straight line. This is shown in Figure 4.19(d) to be a sawtooth-like function which is periodic in Q. The amplitude cannot exceed image peak-to-peak unless the input is so large that clipping occurs.

Quantizing error can also be studied in the time domain where it is better to avoid complicating matters with the aperture effect of the DAC. For this reason it is assumed here that output samples are of negligible duration. Then impulses from the DAC can be compared with the original analog waveform and the difference will be impulses representing the quantizing error waveform. This has been done in Figure 4.20. The horizontal lines in the drawing are the boundaries between the quantizing intervals, and the curve is the input waveform. The vertical bars are the quantized samples which reach to the centre of the quantizing interval. The quantizing error waveform shown at (b) can be thought of as an unwanted signal which the quantizing process adds to the perfect original. If a very small input signal remains within one quantizing interval, the quantizing error is the signal.

Figure 4.20 At (a) an arbitrary signal is represented to finite accuracy by PAM needles whose peaks are at the centre of the quantizing intervals. The errors caused can be thought of as an unwanted signal (b) added to the original. In (c) the amplitude of a quantizing error needle will be from image to image with equal probability. Note, however, that white noise in analog circuits generally has Gaussian amplitude distribution, shown in (d).


As the transfer function is non-linear, ideal quantizing can cause distortion. As a result practical digital audio devices deliberately use non-ideal quantizers to achieve linearity. The quantizing error of an ideal quantizer is a complex function, and it has been researched in great depth.14–16 It is not intended to go into such depth here. The characteristics of an ideal quantizer will be pursued only far enough to convince the reader that such a device cannot be used in quality audio applications.

As the magnitude of the quantizing error is limited, its effect can be minimized by making the signal larger. This will require more quantizing intervals and more bits to express them. The number of quantizing intervals multiplied by their size gives the quantizing range of the convertor. A signal outside the range will be clipped. Provided that clipping is avoided, the larger the signal, the less will be the effect of the quantizing error.

Where the input signal exercises the whole quantizing range and has a complex waveform (such as from orchestral music), successive samples will have widely varying numerical values and the quantizing error on a given sample will be independent of that on others. In this case the size of the quantizing error will be distributed with equal probability between the limits. Figure 4.20(c) shows the resultant uniform probability density. In this case the unwanted signal added by quantizing is an additive broadband noise uncorrelated with the signal, and it is appropriate in this case to call it quantizing noise. This is not quite the same as thermal noise which has a Gaussian probability shown in Figure 4.20(d). The difference is of no consequence as in the large signal case the noise is masked by the signal. Under these conditions, a meaningful signal-to-noise ratio can be calculated as follows.

In a system using n-bit words. there will be 2n quantizing intervals. The largest sinusoid which can fit without clipping will have this peak-to-peak amplitude. The peak amplitude will be half as great, i.e. 2n-1Q and the r.m.s. amplitude will be this value divided by √2.

The quantizing error has an amplitude of image peak which is the equivalent of image r.m.s. The signal-to-noise ratio for the large signal case is then given by:


By way of example, a sixteen-bit system will offer around 98.1 dB SNR.

Whilst the above result is true for a large complex input waveform, treatments which then assume that quantizing error is always noise give results which are at variance with reality. The expression above is only valid if the probability density of the quantizing error is uniform. Unfortunately at low levels, and particularly with pure or simple waveforms, this is simply not the case.

At low audio levels, quantizing error ceases to be random, and becomes a function of the input waveform and the quantizing structure as Figure 4.20 showed. Once an unwanted signal becomes a deterministic function of the wanted signal, it has to be classed as a distortion rather than a noise. Distortion can also be predicted from the non-linearity, or staircase nature, of the transfer function. With a large signal, there are so many steps involved that we must stand well back, and a staircase with 65 000 steps appears to be a slope. With a small signal there are few steps and they can no longer be ignored.

The non-linearity of the transfer function results in distortion, which produces harmonics. Unfortunately these harmonics are generated after the anti-aliasing filter, and so any which exceed half the sampling rate will alias. Figure 4.21 shows how this results in anharmonic distortion within the audio band. These anharmonics result in spurious tones known as birdsinging. When the sampling rate is a multiple of the input frequency the result is harmonic distortion. This is shown in Figure 4.22. Where more than one frequency is present in the input, intermodulation distortion occurs, which is known as granulation.

Figure 4.21 Quantizing produces distortion after the anti-aliasing filter, thus the distortion products will fold back to produce anharmonics in the audio band. Here the fundamental of 15 kHz produces second and third harmonic distortion at 30 and 45 kHz. This results in aliased products at 40 – 30 = 10 kHz and 40 – 45 = (−)5 kHz.


As the input signal is further reduced in level, it may remain within one quantizing interval. The output will be silent because the signal is now the quantizing error. In this condition, low-frequency signals such as air-conditioning rumble can shift the input in and out of a quantizing interval so that the quantizing distortion comes and goes, resulting in noise modulation.

Needless to say, any one of the above effects would preclude the use of an ideal quantizer for high-quality work. There is little point in studying the adverse effects further as they should be and can be eliminated completely in practical equipment by the use of dither. The importance of correctly dithering a quantizer cannot be emphasized enough, since failure to dither irrevocably distorts the converted signal: there can be no process which will subsequently remove that distortion.

The signal-to-noise ratio derived above has no relevance to practical audio applications as it will be modified by the dither and by any noise shaping used. At high signal levels, quantizing error is effectively noise. As the audio level falls, the quantizing error of an ideal quantizer becomes more strongly correlated with the signal and the result is distortion. If the quantizing error can be decorrelated from the input in some way, the system can remain linear but noisy. Dither performs the job of decorrelation by making the action of the quantizer unpredictable and gives the system a noise floor like an analog system.

Figure 4.22 Mathematically derived quantizing error waveform for sine wave sampled at a multiple of itself. The numerous autocorrelations between quantizing errors show that there are harmonics of the signal in the error, and that the error is not random, but deterministic.


The first documented use of dither was by Roberts17 in picture coding. In this system, pseudo-random noise (see Chapter 3) was added to the input signal prior to quantizing, but was subtracted after reconversion to analog. This is known as subtractive dither and has the advantages that the dither amplitude is non-critical and that the noise has full statistical independence from the signal. Unfortunately, it suffers from practical drawbacks, since the original noise waveform must accompany the samples or must be synchronously recreated at the DAC. This is virtually impossible in a system where the audio may have been edited or where its level has been changed by processing, as the noise needs to remain synchronous and be processed in the same way. Almost all practical digital audio systems use non-subtractive dither where the dither signal is added prior to quantization and no attempt is made to remove it at the DAC.18 The introduction of dither prior to a conventional quantizer inevitably causes a slight reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio attainable, but this reduction is a small price to pay for the elimination of non-linearities. The technique of noise shaping in conjunction with dither will be seen to overcome this restriction and produce performance in excess of the subtractive dither example above.

Figure 4.23 Dither can be applied to a quantizer in one of two ways. In (a) the dither is linearly added to the analog input signal, whereas in (b) it is added to the reference voltages of the quantizer.


The ideal (noiseless) quantizer of Figure 4.19 has fixed quantizing intervals and must always produce the same quantizing error from the same signal. In Figure 4.23 it can be seen that an ideal quantizer can be dithered by linearly adding a controlled level of noise either to the input signal or to the reference voltage which is used to derive the quantizing intervals. There are several ways of considering how dither works, all of which are equally valid.

The addition of dither means that successive samples effectively find the quantizing intervals in different places on the voltage scale. The quantizing error becomes a function of the dither, rather than a predictable function of the input signal. The quantizing error is not eliminated, but the subjectively unacceptable distortion is converted into a broadband noise which is more benign to the ear.

Some alternative ways of looking at dither are shown in Figure 4.24. Consider the situation where a low-level input signal is changing slowly within a quantizing interval. Without dither, the same numerical code is output for a number of sample periods, and the variations within the interval are lost. Dither has the effect of forcing the quantizer to switch between two or more states. The higher the voltage of the input signal within a given interval, the more probable it becomes that the output code will take on the next higher value. The lower the input voltage within the interval, the more probable it is that the output code will take the next lower value. The dither has resulted in a form of duty cycle modulation, and the resolution of the system has been extended indefinitely instead of being limited by the size of the steps.

Figure 4.24 Wideband dither of the appropriate level linearizes the transfer function to produce noise instead of distortion. This can be confirmed by spectral analysis. In the voltage domain, dither causes frequent switching between codes and preserves resolution in the duty cycle of the switching.


Dither can also be understood by considering what it does to the transfer function of the quantizer. This is normally a perfect staircase, but in the presence of dither it is smeared horizontally until with a certain amplitude the average transfer function becomes straight.

In an extension of the application of dither, Blesser19 has suggested digitally generated dither which is converted to the analog domain and added to the input signal prior to quantizing. That same digital dither is then subtracted from the digital quantizer output. The effect is that the transfer function of the quantizer is smeared diagonally (Figure 4.25). The significance of this diagonal smearing is that the amplitude of the dither is not critical. However much dither is employed, the noise amplitude will remain the same. If dither of several quantizing intervals is used, it has the effect of making all the quantizing intervals in an imperfect convertor appear to have the same size.

Figure 4.25 In this dither system, the dither added in the analog domain shifts the transfer function horizontally, but the same dither is subtracted in the digital domain, which shifts the transfer function vertically. The result is that the quantizer staircase is smeared diagonally as shown top left. There is thus no limit to dither amplitude, and excess dither can be used to improve differential linearity of the convertor.


The advanced ADC technology which is detailed later in this chapter allows as much as 24-bit resolution to be obtained, with perhaps more in the future. The situation then arises that an existing sixteen-bit device such as a digital recorder needs to be connected to the output of an ADC with greater wordlength. The words need to be shortened in some way.

Chapter 3 showed that when a sample value is attenuated, the extra low-order bits which come into existence below the radix point preserve the resolution of the signal and the dither in the least significant bit(s) which linearizes the system. The same word extension will occur in any process involving multiplication, such as digital filtering. It will subsequently be necessary to shorten the wordlength. Clearly the high-order bits cannot be discarded in two’s complement as this would cause clipping of positive half-cycles and a level shift on negative half-cycles due to the loss of the sign bit. Low-order bits must be removed instead. Even if the original conversion was correctly dithered, the random element in the low-order bits will now be some way below the end of the intended word. If the word is simply truncated by discarding the unwanted loworder bits or rounded to the nearest integer the linearizing effect of the original dither will be lost.

Shortening the wordlength of a sample reduces the number of quantizing intervals available without changing the signal amplitude. As Figure 4.26 shows, the quantizing intervals become larger and the original signal is requantized with the new interval structure. This will introduce requantizing distortion having the same characteristics as quantizing distortion in an ADC. It then is obvious that when shortening the wordlength of a twenty-bit convertor to sixteen bits, the four low-order bits must be removed in a way that displays the same overall quantizing structure as if the original convertor had been only of sixteen-bit wordlength. It will be seen from Figure 4.26 that truncation cannot be used because it does not meet the above requirement but results in signal-dependent offsets because it always rounds in the same direction. Proper numerical rounding is essential in audio applications. Rounding in two’s complement is a little more complex than in pure binary.

Requantizing by numerical rounding accurately simulates analog quantizing to the new interval size. Unfortunately the twenty-bit convertor will have a dither amplitude appropriate to quantizing intervals one sixteenth the size of a sixteenbit unit and the result will be highly non-linear.

In practice, the wordlength of samples must be shortened in such a way that the requantizing error is converted to noise rather than distortion. One technique which meets this requirement is to use digital dithering20 prior to rounding. This is directly equivalent to the analog dithering in an ADC. It will be shown later in this chapter that in more complex systems noise shaping can be used in requantizing just as well as it can in quantizing.

Digital dither is a pseudo-random sequence of numbers. If it is required to simulate the analog dither signal of Figures 4.23 and 4.24, then it is obvious that the noise must be bipolar so that it can have an average voltage of zero. Two’s complement coding must be used for the dither values as it is for the audio samples.

Figure 4.26 Shortening the wordlength of a sample reduces the number of codes which can describe the voltage of the waveform. This makes the quantizing steps bigger, hence the term requantizing. It can be seen that simple truncation or omission of the bits does not give analogous behaviour. Rounding is necessary to give the same result as if the larger steps had been used in the original conversion.


Figure 4.27 shows a simple digital dithering system (i.e. one without noise shaping) for shortening sample wordlength. The output of a two’s complement pseudo-random sequence generator (see Chapter 3) of appropriate wordlength is added to input samples prior to rounding. The most significant of the bits to be discarded is examined in order to determine whether the bits to be removed sum to more or less than half a quantizing interval. The dithered sample is either rounded down, i.e. the unwanted bits are simply discarded, or rounded up, i.e. the unwanted bits are discarded but one is added to the value of the new short word. The rounding process is no longer deterministic because of the added dither which provides a linearizing random component.

Figure 4.27 In a simple digital dithering system, two’s complement values from a random number generator are added to low-order bits of the input. The dithered values are then rounded up or down according to the value of the bits to be removed. The dither linearizes the requantizing.


If this process is compared with that of Figure 4.23 it will be seen that the principles of analog and digital dither are identical; the processes simply take place in different domains using two’s complement numbers which are rounded or voltages which are quantized as appropriate. In fact quantization of an analog dithered waveform is identical to the hypothetical case of rounding after bipolar digital dither where the number of bits to be removed is infinite, and remains identical for practical purposes when as few as eight bits are to be removed. Analog dither may actually be generated from bipolar digital dither (which is no more than random numbers with certain properties) using a DAC.

4.11 Basic digital-to-analog conversion

This direction of conversion will be discussed first, since ADCs often use embedded DACs in feedback loops.

The purpose of a digital-to-analog convertor is to take numerical values and reproduce the continuous waveform that they represent. Figure 4.28 shows the major elements of a conventional conversion subsystem, i.e. one in which oversampling is not employed. The jitter in the clock needs to be removed with a VCO or VCXO. Sample values are buffered in a latch and fed to the convertor element which operates on each cycle of the clean clock. The output is then a voltage proportional to the number for at least a part of the sample period. A resampling stage may be found next, in order to remove switching transients, reduce the aperture ratio or allow the use of a convertor which takes a substantial part of the sample period to operate. The resampled waveform is then presented to a reconstruction filter which rejects frequencies above the audio band. This section is primarily concerned with the implementation of the convertor element. There are two main ways of obtaining an analog signal from PCM data. One is to control binary-weighted currents and sum them; the other is to control the length of time a fixed current flows into an integrator. The two methods are contrasted in Figure 4.29. They appear simple, but are of no use for audio in these forms because of practical limitations. In Figure 4.29(c), the binary code is about to have a major overflow, and all the low-order currents are flowing. In Figure 4.29(d), the binary input has increased by one, and only the most significant current flows. This current must equal the sum of all the others plus one. The accuracy must be such that the step size is within the required limits. In this simple four-bit example, if the step size needs to be a rather casual 10 per cent accurate, the necessary accuracy is only one part in 160, but for a sixteen-bit system it would become one part in 655 360, or about 2 ppm. This degree of accuracy is almost impossible to achieve, let alone maintain in the presence of ageing and temperature change.

Figure 4.28 The components of a conventional convertor. A jitter-free clock drives the voltage conversion, whose output may be resampled prior to reconstruction.


Figure 4.29 Elementary conversion: (a) weighted current DAC; (b) timed integrator DAC; (c) current flow with 0111 input; (d) current flow with 1000 input; (e) integrator ramps up for 15 cycles of clock for input 1111.


Figure 4.30 Dynamic element matching. (a) Each resistor spends half its time in each current path. (b) Average current of both paths will be identical if duty cycle is accurately 50 per cent. (c) Typical monolithic implementation. Note clock frequency is arbitrary.


The integrator-type convertor in this four-bit example is shown in Figure 4.29(e); it requires a clock for the counter which allows it to count up to the maximum in less than one sample period. This will be more than sixteen times the sampling rate. However, in a sixteen-bit system, the clock rate would need to be 65 536 times the sampling rate, or about 3 GHz. Whilst there may be a market for a CD player which can defrost a chicken, clearly some refinements are necessary to allow either of these convertor types to be used in audio applications.

One method of producing currents of high relative accuracy is dynamic element matching.21,22 Figure 4.30 shows a current source feeding a pair of nominally equal resistors. The two will not be the same owing to manufacturing tolerances and drift, and thus the current is only approximately divided between them. A pair of change-over switches places each resistor in series with each output. The average current in each output will then be identical, provided that the duty cycle of the switches is exactly 50 per cent. This is readily achieved in a divide-by-two circuit. The accuracy criterion has been transferred from the resistors to the time domain in which accuracy is more readily achieved. Current averaging is performed by a pair of capacitors which do not need to be of any special quality. By cascading these divide-by-two stages, a binary-weighted series of currents can be obtained, as in Figure 4.31. In practice, a reduction in the number of stages can be obtained by using a more complex switching arrangement. This generates currents of ratio 1:1:2 by dividing the current into four paths and feeding two of them to one output, as shown in Figure 4.32. A major advantage of this approach is that no trimming is needed in manufacture, making it attractive for mass production. Freedom from drift is a further advantage.

Figure 4.31 Cascading the current dividers of Figure 4.30 produces a binary-weighted series of currents.


Figure 4.32 More complex dynamic element-matching system. Four drive signals (1, 2, 3, 4) of 25 per cent duty cycle close switches of corresponding number. Two signals (5, 6) have 50 per cent duty cycle, resulting in two current shares going to right-hand output. Division is thus into 1:1:2.


To prevent interaction between the stages in weighted-current convertors, the currents must be switched to ground or into the virtual earth by change-over switches. The on-resistance of these switches is a source of error, particularly the MSB, which passes most current. A solution in monolithic convertors is to fabricate switches whose area is proportional to the weighted current, so that the voltage drops of all the switches are the same. The error can then be removed with a suitable offset. The layout of such a device is dominated by the MSB switch since, by definition, it is as big as all the others put together.

The practical approach to the integrator convertor is shown in Figures 4.33 and 4.34 where two current sources whose ratio is 256:1 are used; the larger is timed by the high byte of the sample and the smaller is timed by the low byte. The necessary clock frequency is reduced by a factor of 256.

Any inaccuracy in the current ratio will cause one quantizing step in every 256 to be of the wrong size as shown in Figure 4.35, but current tracking is easier to achieve in a monolithic device. The integrator capacitor must have low dielectric leakage and relaxation, and the operational amplifier must have low bias current as this will have the same effect as leakage.

Figure 4.33 Simplified diagram of Sony CX-20017. The high-order and low-order current sources (lH and lL) and associated timing circuits can be seen. The necessary integrator is external.


Figure 4.34 In an integrator convertor, the output level is only stable when the ramp finishes. An analog switch is necessary to isolate the ramp from subsequent circuits. The switch can also be used to produce a PAM (pulse amplitude modulated) signal which has a flatter frequency response than a zero-order-hold (staircase) signal.


The output of the integrator will remain constant once the current sources are turned off, and the resampling switch will be closed during the voltage plateau to produce the pulse amplitude modulated output. Clearly this device cannot produce a zero-order-hold output without an additional sample-hold stage, so it is naturally complemented by resampling. Once the output pulse has been gated to the reconstruction filter, the capacitor is discharged with a further switch in preparation for the next conversion. The conversion count must take place in rather less than one sample period to permit the resampling and discharge phases. A clock frequency of about 20 MHz is adequate for a sixteen-bit 48 kHz unit, which permits the ramp to complete in 12.8 μs, leaving 8 μs for resampling and reset.

Figure 4.35 Imprecise tracking in a dual-slope convertor results in the transfer function shown here.


4.12 Basic analog-to-digital conversion

A conventional analog-to-digital subsystem is shown in Figure 4.36. Following the anti-aliasing filter there will be a sampling process. Many of the ADCs described here will need a finite time to operate, whereas an instantaneous sample must be taken from the input. The solution is to use a track-hold circuit, which was described in section 4.7. Following sampling the sample voltage is quantized. The number of the quantized level is then converted to a binary code, typically two’s complement. This section is concerned primarily with the implementation of the quantizing step.

Figure 4.36 A conventional analog-to-digital subsystem. Following the anti-aliasing filter there will be a sampling process, which may include a track-hold circuit. Following quantizing, the number of the quantized level is then converted to a binary code, typically two’s complement.


Figure 4.37 The flash convertor. In (a) each quantizing interval has its own comparator, resulting in waveforms of (b). A priority encoder is necessary to convert the comparator outputs to a binary code. Shown in (c) is a typical eight-bit flash convertor primarily intended for video applications. (Courtesy TRW)


The general principle of a quantizer is that different quantized voltages are compared with the unknown analog input until the closest quantized voltage is found. The code corresponding to this becomes the output. The comparisons can be made in turn with the minimal amount of hardware, or simultaneously.


The flash convertor is probably the simplest technique available for PCM and DPCM conversion. The principle is shown in Figure 4.37. The threshold voltage of every quantizing interval is provided by a resistor chain which is fed by a reference voltage. This reference voltage can be varied to determine the sensitivity of the input. There is one voltage comparator connected to every reference voltage, and the other input of all of these is connected to the analog input. A comparator can be considered to be a one-bit ADC. The input voltage determines how many of the comparators will have a true output. As one comparator is necessary for each quantizing interval, then, for example, in an eight-bit system there will be 255 binary comparator outputs, and it is necessary to use a priority encoder to convert these to a binary code. Note that the quantizing stage is asynchronous; comparators change state as and when the variations in the input waveform result in a reference voltage being crossed.

Sampling takes place when the comparator outputs are clocked into a subsequent latch. This is an example of quantizing before sampling as was illustrated in Figure 4.2. Although the device is simple in principle, it contains a lot of circuitry and can only be practicably implemented on a chip. A sixteen-bit device would need a ridiculous 65 535 comparators, and thus these convertors are not practicable for direct audio conversion, although they will be used to advantage in the DPCM and oversampling convertors described later in this chapter. The analog signal has to drive a lot of inputs which results in a significant parallel capacitance, and a low-impedance driver is essential to avoid restricting the slewing rate of the input. The extreme speed of a flash convertor is a distinct advantage in oversampling. Because computation of all bits is performed simultaneously, no track-hold circuit is required, and droop is eliminated. Figure 4.37(c) shows a flash convertor chip. Note the resistor ladder and the comparators followed by the priority encoder. The MSB can be selectively inverted so that the device can be used either in offset binary or two’s complement mode.

Reduction in component complexity can be achieved by quantizing serially. The most primitive method of generating different quantized voltages is to connect a counter to a DAC as in Figure 4.38. The resulting staircase voltage is compared with the input and used to stop the clock to the counter when the DAC output has just exceeded the input. This method is painfully slow, and is not used, as a much faster method exists which is only slightly more complex. Using successive approximation, each bit is tested in turn, starting with the MSB. If the input is greater than half-range, the MSB will be retained and used as a base to test the next bit, which will be retained if the input exceeds three-quarters range and so on. The number of decisions is equal to the number of bits in the word, in contrast to the number of quantizing intervals which was the case in the previous example. A drawback of the successive approximation convertor is that the least significant bits are computed last, when droop is at its worst. Figures 4.39 and 4.40 show that droop can cause a successive approximation convertor to make a significant error under certain circumstances.

Figure 4.38 Simple ramp ADC compares output of DAC with input. Count is stopped when DAC output just exceeds input. This method, although potentially accurate, is much too slow for digital audio.


Figure 4.39 Successive approximation tests each bit in turn, starting with the most significant. The DAC output is compared with the input. If the DAC output is below the input (✓) the bit is made 1; if the DAC output is above the input (✓) the bit is made zero.


Analog-to-digital conversion can also be performed using the dual-currentsource type DAC principle in a feedback system; the major difference is that the two current sources must work sequentially rather than concurrently. Figure 4.41 shows a sixteen-bit application in which the capacitor of the track-hold circuit is also used as the ramp integrator. The system operates as follows. When the trackhold FET switches off, the capacitor C will be holding the sample voltage. Two currents of ratio 128:1 are capable of discharging the capacitor. Owing to this ratio, the smaller current will be used to determine the seven least significant bits, and the larger current will determine the nine most significant bits. The currents are provided by current sources of ratio 127:1. When both run together, the current produced is 128 times that from the smaller source alone. This approach means that the current can be changed simply by turning off the larger source, rather than by attempting a change-over.

With both current sources enabled, the high-order counter counts up until the capacitor voltage has fallen below the reference of – 128Q supplied to comparator 1. At the next clock edge, the larger current source is turned off. Waiting for the next clock edge is important, because it ensures that the larger source can only run for entire clock periods, which will discharge the integrator by integer multiples of 128Q. The integrator voltage will overshoot the 128Q reference, and the remaining voltage on the integrator will be less than 128Q and will be measured by counting the number of clocks for which the smaller current source runs before the integrator voltage reaches zero. This process is termed residual expansion. The break in the slope of the integrator voltage gives rise to the alternative title of gear-change convertor. Following ramping to ground in the conversion process, the track-hold circuit must settle in time for the next conversion. In this sixteen-bit example, the high-order conversion needs a maximum count of 512, and the low order needs 128: a total of 640. Allowing 25 per cent of the sample period for the track-hold circuit to operate, a 48 kHz convertor would need to be clocked at some 40 MHz. This is rather faster than the clock needed for the DAC using the same technology.

Figure 4.40 Two drooping track-hold signals (solid and dashed lines) which differ by one quantizing interval Q are shown here to result in conversions which are 4Q apart. Thus droop can destroy the monotonicity of a convertor. Low-level signals (near the midrange of the number system) are especially vulnerable.


4.13 Alternative convertors

Although PCM audio is universal because of the ease with which it can be recorded and processed numerically, there are several alternative related methods of converting an analog waveform to a bitstream. The output of these convertor types is not Nyquist rate PCM, but this can be obtained from them by appropriate digital processing. In advanced conversion systems it is possible to adopt an alternative convertor technique specifically to take advantage of a particular characteristic. The output is then digitally converted to Nyquist rate PCM in order to obtain the advantages of both.

Figure 4.41 Dual-ramp ADC using track-hold capacitor as integrator.


Conventional PCM has already been introduced. In PCM, the amplitude of the signal only depends on the number range of the quantizer, and is independent of the frequency of the input. Similarly, the amplitude of the unwanted signals introduced by the quantizing process is also largely independent of input frequency.

Figure 4.42 introduces the alternative convertor structures. The top half of the diagram shows convertors which are differential. In differential coding the value of the output code represents the difference between the current sample voltage and that of the previous sample. The lower half of the diagram shows convertors which are PCM. In addition, the left side of the diagram shows single-bit convertors, whereas the right side shows multi-bit convertors.

Figure 4.42 The four main alternatives to simple PCM conversion are compared here. Delta modulation is a one-bit case of differential PCM, and conveys the slope of the signal. The digital output of both can be integrated to give PCM. Σ–Δ (sigma–delta) is a one-bit case of Σ-DPCM. The application of integrator before differentiator makes the output true PCM, but tilts the noise floor; hence these can be referred to as ‘noise-shaping’ convertors.


In differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), shown at top right, the difference between the previous absolute sample value and the current one is quantized into a multi-bit binary code. It is possible to produce a DPCM signal from a PCM signal simply by subtracting successive samples; this is digital differentiation. Similarly the reverse process is possible by using an accumulator or digital integrator (see Chapter 3) to compute sample values from the differences received. The problem with this approach is that it is very easy to lose the baseline of the signal if it commences at some arbitrary time. A digital highpass filter can be used to prevent unwanted offsets.

Differential convertors do not have an absolute amplitude limit. Instead there is a limit to the maximum rate at which the input signal voltage can change. They are said to be slew rate limited, and thus the permissible signal amplitude falls at 6 dB per octave. As the quantizing steps are still uniform, the quantizing error amplitude has the same limits as PCM. As input frequency rises, ultimately the signal amplitude available will fall down to it.

If DPCM is taken to the extreme case where only a binary output signal is available then the process is described as delta modulation (top-left in Figure 4.42). The meaning of the binary output signal is that the current analog input is above or below the accumulation of all previous bits. The characteristics of the system show the same trends as DPCM, except that there is severe limiting of the rate of change of the input signal. A DPCM decoder must accumulate all the difference bits to provide a PCM output for conversion to analog, but with a onebit signal the function of the accumulator can be performed by an analog integrator.

If an integrator is placed in the input to a delta modulator, the integrator’s amplitude response loss of 6 dB per octave parallels the convertor’s amplitude limit of 6 dB per octave; thus the system amplitude limit becomes independent of frequency. This integration is responsible for the term sigma–delta modulation, since in mathematics sigma is used to denote summation. The input integrator can be combined with the integrator already present in a delta-modulator by a slight rearrangement of the components (bottom-left in Figure 4.42). The transmitted signal is now the amplitude of the input, not the slope; thus the receiving integrator can be dispensed with, and all that is necessary to after the DAC is an LPF to smooth the bits. The removal of the integration stage at the decoder now means that the quantizing error amplitude rises at 6 dB per octave, ultimately meeting the level of the wanted signal.

The principle of using an input integrator can also be applied to a true DPCM system and the result should perhaps be called sigma DPCM (bottom-right in Figure 4.42). The dynamic range improvement over delta–sigma modulation is 6 dB for every extra bit in the code. Because the level of the quantizing error signal rises at 6 dB per octave in both delta–sigma modulation and sigma DPCM, these systems are sometimes referred to as ‘noise-shaping’ convertors, although the word ‘noise’ must be used with some caution. The output of a sigma DPCM system is again PCM, and a DAC will be needed to receive it, because it is a binary code.

As the differential group of systems suffer from a wanted signal that converges with the unwanted signal as frequency rises, they must all use very high sampling rates.23 It is possible to convert from sigma DPCM to conventional PCM by reducing the sampling rate digitally. When the sampling rate is reduced in this way, the reduction of bandwidth excludes a disproportionate amount of noise because the noise shaping concentrated it at frequencies beyond the audio band. The use of noise shaping and oversampling is the key to the high resolution obtained in advanced convertors.

4.14 Oversampling

Oversampling means using a sampling rate which is greater (generally substantially greater) than the Nyquist rate. Neither sampling theory nor quantizing theory require oversampling to be used to obtain a given signal quality, but Nyquist rate conversion places extremely high demands on component accuracy when a convertor is implemented. Oversampling allows a given signal quality to be reached without requiring very close tolerance, and therefore expensive, components. Although it can be used alone, the advantages of oversampling are better realized when it is used in conjunction with noise shaping. Thus in practice the two processes are generally used together and the terms are often seen used in the loose sense as if they were synonymous. For a detailed and quantitative analysis of oversampling having exhaustive references the serious reader is referred to Hauser.24

Figure 4.43 shows the main advantages of oversampling. At (a) it will be seen that the use of a sampling rate considerably above the Nyquist rate allows the anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters to be realized with a much more gentle cut-off slope. There is then less likelihood of phase linearity and ripple problems in the audio passband.

Figure 4.43(b) shows that information in an analog signal is two-dimensional and can be depicted as an area which is the product of bandwidth and the linearly expressed signal-to-noise ratio. The figure also shows that the same amount of information can be conveyed down a channel with a SNR of half as much (6 dB less) if the bandwidth used is doubled, with 12 dB less SNR if bandwidth is quadrupled, and so on, provided that the modulation scheme used is perfect.

The information in an analog signal can be conveyed using some analog modulation scheme in any combination of bandwidth and SNR which yields the appropriate channel capacity. If bandwidth is replaced by sampling rate and SNR is replaced by a function of wordlength, the same must be true for a digital signal as it is no more than a numerical analog. Thus raising the sampling rate potentially allows the wordlength of each sample to be reduced without information loss.

Oversampling permits the use of a convertor element of shorter wordlength, making it possible to use a flash convertor. The flash convertor is capable of working at very high frequency and so large oversampling factors are easily realized. The flash convertor needs no track-hold system as it works instantaneously. The drawbacks of track-hold set out in section 4.6 are thus eliminated. If the sigma-DPCM convertor structure of Figure 4.42 is realized with a flash convertor element, it can be used with a high oversampling factor. Figure 4.43(c) shows that this class of convertor has a rising noise floor. If the highly oversampled output is fed to a digital low-pass filter which has the same frequency response as an analog anti-aliasing filter used for Nyquist rate sampling, the result is a disproportionate reduction in noise because the majority of the noise was outside the audio band. A high-resolution convertor can be obtained using this technology without requiring unattainable component tolerances.

Figure 4.43 Oversampling has a number of advantages. In (a) it allows the slope of analog filters to be relaxed. In (b) it allows the resolution of convertors to be extended. In (c) a noise-shaped convertor allows a disproportionate improvement in resolution.


Information theory predicts that if an audio signal is spread over a much wider bandwidth by, for example, the use of an FM broadcast transmitter, the SNR of the demodulated signal can be higher than that of the channel it passes through, and this is also the case in digital systems. The concept is illustrated in Figure 4.44. At (a) four-bit samples are delivered at sampling rate F. As four bits have sixteen combinations, the information rate is 16F. At (b) the same information rate is obtained with three-bit samples by raising the sampling rate to 2F and at (c) two-bit samples having four combinations require to be delivered at a rate of 4F. Whilst the information rate has been maintained, it will be noticed that the bit-rate of (c) is twice that of (a). The reason for this is shown in Figure 4.45.

Figure 4.44 Information rate can be held constant when frequency doubles by removing one bit from each word. In all cases here it is 16F. Note bit rate of (c) is double that of (a). Data storage in oversampled form is inefficient.


Figure 4.45 The amount of information per bit increases disproportionately as wordlength increases. It is always more efficient to use the longest words possible at the lowest word rate. It will be evident that sixteen-bit PCM is 2048 times as efficient as delta modulation. Oversampled data are also inefficient for storage.


A single binary digit can only have two states; thus it can only convey two pieces of information, perhaps ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Two binary digits together can have four states, and can thus convey four pieces of information, perhaps ‘spring summer autumn or winter’, which is two pieces of information per bit. Three binary digits grouped together can have eight combinations, and convey eight pieces of information, perhaps ‘doh re mi fah so lah te or doh’, which is nearly three pieces of information per digit. Clearly the further this principle is taken, the greater the benefit. In a sixteen-bit system, each bit is worth 4K pieces of information. It is always more efficient, in information-capacity terms, to use the combinations of long binary words than to send single bits for every piece of information. The greatest efficiency is reached when the longest words are sent at the slowest rate which must be the Nyquist rate. This is one reason why PCM recording is more common than single-bit modulation schemes, despite the simplicity of implementation of the latter type of convertor. PCM simply makes more efficient use of the capacity of the binary channel.

As a result, oversampling is confined to convertor technology where it gives specific advantages in implementation. The storage or transmission system will usually employ PCM, where the sampling rate is a little more than twice the audio bandwidth. Figure 4.46 shows a digital audio tape recorder such as DAT using oversampling convertors. The ADC runs at n times the Nyquist rate, but once in the digital domain the rate needs to be reduced in a type of digital filter called a decimator. The output of this is conventional Nyquist rate PCM, according to the tape format, which is then recorded. On replay the sampling rate is raised once more in a further type of digital filter called an interpolator. The system now has the best of both worlds: using oversampling in the convertors overcomes the shortcomings of analog anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters and the wordlength of the convertor elements is reduced making them easier to construct; the recording is made with Nyquist rate PCM which minimizes tape consumption. Digital filters have the characteristic that their frequency response is proportional to the sampling rate. If a digital recorder is played at a reduced speed, the response of the digital filter will reduce automatically and prevent images passing the reconstruction process.

Oversampling is a method of overcoming practical implementation problems by replacing a single critical element or bottleneck by a number of elements whose overall performance is what counts. As Hauser24 properly observed, oversampling tends to overlap the operations which are quite distinct in a conventional convertor. In earlier sections of this chapter, the vital subjects of filtering, sampling, quantizing and dither have been treated almost independently. Figure 4.47(a) shows that it is possible to construct an ADC of predictable performance by taking a suitable anti-aliasing filter, a sampler, a dither source and a quantizer and assembling them like building bricks. The bricks are effectively in series and so the performance of each stage can only limit the overall performance. In contrast, Figure 4.47(b) shows that with oversampling the overlap of operations allows different processes to augment one another allowing a synergy which is absent in the conventional approach.

Figure 4.46 A recorder using oversampling in the convertors overcomes the shortcomings of analog anti-aliasing and reconstruction filters and the convertor elements are easier to construct; the recording is made with Nyquist rate PCM which minimizes tape consumption.


Figure 4.47 A conventional ADC performs each step in an identifiable location as in (a). With oversampling, many of the steps are distributed as shown in (b).


If the oversampling factor is n, the analog input must be bandwidth limited to n.Fs/2 by the analog anti-aliasing filter. This unit need only have flat frequency response and phase linearity within the audio band. Analog dither of an amplitude compatible with the quantizing interval size is added prior to sampling at n.Fs/2 and quantizing.

Next, the anti-aliasing function is completed in the digital domain by a lowpass filter which cuts off at Fs/2. Using an appropriate architecture this filter can be absolutely phase linear and implemented to arbitrary accuracy. Such filters are discussed in Chapter 3. The filter can be considered to be the demodulator of Figure 4.43 where the SNR improves as the bandwidth is reduced. The wordlength can be expected to increase. As Chapter 3 illustrated, the multiplications taking place within the filter extend the wordlength considerably more than the bandwidth reduction alone would indicate. The analog filter serves only to prevent aliasing into the audio band at the oversampling rate; the audio spectrum is determined with greater precision by the digital filter.

With the audio information spectrum now Nyquist limited, the sampling process is completed when the rate is reduced in the decimator. One sample in n is retained.

Figure 4.48 A conventional DAC in (a) is compared with the oversampling implementation in (b).


The excess wordlength extension due to the anti-aliasing filter arithmetic must then be removed. Digital dither is added, completing the dither process, and the quantizing process is completed by requantizing the dithered samples to the appropriate wordlength which will be greater than the wordlength of the first quantizer. Alternatively noise shaping may be employed.

Figure 4.48(a) shows the building-brick approach of a conventional DAC. The Nyquist rate samples are converted to analog voltages and then a steep-cut analog low-pass filter is needed to reject the sidebands of the sampled spectrum.

Figure 4.48(b) shows the oversampling approach. The sampling rate is raised in an interpolator which contains a low-pass filter which restricts the baseband spectrum to the audio bandwidth shown. A large frequency gap now exists between the baseband and the lower sideband. The multiplications in the interpolator extend the wordlength considerably and this must be reduced within the capacity of the DAC element by the addition of digital dither prior to requantizing. Again noise shaping may be used as an alternative.

4.15 Oversampling without noise shaping

If an oversampling convertor is considered which makes no attempt to shape the noise spectrum, it will be clear that if it contains a perfect quantizer, no amount of oversampling will increase the resolution of the system, since a perfect quantizer is blind to all changes of input within one quantizing interval, and looking more often is of no help. It was shown earlier that the use of dither would linearize a quantizer, so that input changes much smaller than the quantizing interval would be reflected in the output and this remains true for this class of convertor.

Figure 4.49 shows the example of a white-noise-dithered quantizer, oversampled by a factor of four. Since dither is correctly employed, it is valid to speak of the unwanted signal as noise. The noise power extends over the whole baseband up to the Nyquist limit. If the basebandwidth is reduced by the oversampling factor of four back to the bandwidth of the original analog input, the noise bandwidth will also be reduced by a factor of four, and the noise power will be one-quarter of that produced at the quantizer. One-quarter noise power implies one-half the noise voltage, so the SNR of this example has been increased by 6 dB, the equivalent of one extra bit in the quantizer. Information theory predicts that an oversampling factor of four would allow an extension by two bits. This method is suboptimal in that very large oversampling factors would be needed to obtain useful resolution extension, but it would still realize some advantages, particularly the elimination of the steep-cut analog filter.

Figure 4.49 In this simple oversampled convertor, 4x oversampling is used. When the convertor output is low-pass filtered, the noise power is reduced to one-quarter, which in voltage terms is 6 dB. This is a suboptimal method and is not used.


The division of the noise by a larger factor is the only route left open, since all the other parameters are fixed by the signal bandwidth required.

The reduction of noise power resulting from a reduction in bandwidth is only proportional if the noise is white, i.e. it has uniform power spectral density (PSD). If the noise from the quantizer is made spectrally non-uniform, the oversampling factor will no longer be the factor by which the noise power is reduced. The goal is to concentrate noise power at high frequencies, so that after low-pass filtering in the digital domain down to the audio input bandwidth, the noise power will be reduced by more than the oversampling factor.

4.16 Noise shaping

Noise shaping dates from the work of Cutler25 in the 1950s. It is a feedback technique applicable to quantizers and requantizers in which the quantizing process of the current sample is modified in some way by the quantizing error of the previous sample.

When used with requantizing, noise shaping is an entirely digital process which is used, for example, following word extension due to the arithmetic in digital mixers or filters in order to return to the required wordlength. It will be found in this form in oversampling DACs. When used with quantizing, part of the noise-shaping circuitry will be analog. As the feedback loop is placed around an ADC it must contain a DAC. When used in convertors, noise shaping is primarily an implementation technology. It allows processes which are conveniently available in integrated circuits to be put to use in audio conversion. Once integrated circuits can be employed, complexity ceases to be a drawback and low-cost mass production is possible.

It has been stressed throughout this chapter that a series of numerical values or samples is just another analog of an audio waveform. Chapter 3 showed that all analog processes such as mixing, attenuation or integration all have exact numerical parallels. It has been demonstrated that digitally dithered requantizing is no more than a digital simulation of analog quantizing. It should be no surprise that in this section noise shaping will be treated in the same way. Noise shaping can be performed by manipulating analog voltages or numbers representing them or both. If the reader is content to make a conceptual switch between the two, many obstacles to understanding fall, not just in this topic, but in digital audio in general.

The term noise shaping is idiomatic and in some respects unsatisfactory because not all devices which are called noise shapers produce true noise. The caution which was given when treating quantizing error as noise is also relevant in this context. Whilst ‘quantizing-error-spectrum shaping’ is a bit of a mouthful, it is useful to keep in mind that noise shaping means just that in order to avoid some pitfalls. Some noise-shaper architectures do not produce a signal decorrelated quantizing error and need to be dithered.

Figure 4.50(a) shows a requantizer using a simple form of noise shaping. The low-order bits which are lost in requantizing are the quantizing error. If the value of these bits is added to the next sample before it is requantized, the quantizing error will be reduced. The process is somewhat like the use of negative feedback in an operational amplifier except that it is not instantaneous, but encounters a one-sample delay. With a constant input, the mean or average quantizing error will be brought to zero over a number of samples, achieving one of the goals of additive dither. The more rapidly the input changes, the greater the effect of the delay and the less effective the error feedback will be. Figure 4.50(b) shows the equivalent circuit seen by the quantizing error, which is created at the requantizer and subtracted from itself one sample period later. As a result the quantizing error spectrum is not uniform, but has the shape of a raised sine wave shown at (c), hence the term noise shaping. The noise is very small at DC and rises with frequency, peaking at the Nyquist frequency at a level determined by the size of the quantizing step. If used with oversampling, the noise peak can be moved outside the audio band.

Figure 4.51 shows a simple example in which two low-order bits need to be removed from each sample. The accumulated error is controlled by using the bits which were neglected in the truncation, and adding them to the next sample. In this example, with a steady input, the roundoff mechanism will produce an output of 01110111 … If this is low-pass filtered, the three ones and one zero result in a level of three-quarters of a quantizing interval, which is precisely the level which would have been obtained by direct conversion of the full digital input. Thus the resolution is maintained even though two bits have been removed.

Figure 4.50 (a) A simple requantizer which feeds back the quantizing error to reduce the error of subsequent samples. The one-sample delay causes the quantizing error to see the equivalent circuit shown in (b) which results in a sinusoidal quantizing error spectrum shown in (c).


The noise-shaping technique was used in the first-generation Philips CD players which oversampled by a factor of four. Starting with sixteen-bit PCM from the disc, the 4× oversampling will in theory permit the use of an ideal fourteen-bit convertor, but only if the wordlength is reduced optimally. The oversampling DAC system used is shown in Figure 4.52.26 The interpolator arithmetic extends the wordlength to 28 bits, and this is reduced to 14 bits using the error feedback loop of Figure 4.50. The noise floor rises slightly towards the edge of the audio band, but remains below the noise level of a conventional sixteen-bit DAC which is shown for comparison.

Figure 4.51 By adding the error caused by truncation to the next value, the resolution of the lost bits is maintained in the duty cycle of the output. Here, truncation of 011 by 2 bits would give continuous zeros, but the system repeats 0111, 0111, which, after filtering, will produce a level of three-quarters of a bit.


Figure 4.52 The noise-shaping system of the first generation of Phillips CD players.


The fourteen-bit samples then drive a DAC using dynamic element matching. The aperture effect in the DAC is used as part of the reconstruction filter response, in conjunction with a third-order Bessel filter which has a response 3 dB down at 30 kHz. Equalization of the aperture effect within the audio passband is achieved by giving the digital filter which produces the oversampled data a rising response. The use of a digital interpolator as part of the reconstruction filter results in extremely good phase linearity.

Noise shaping can also be used without oversampling. In this case the noise cannot be pushed outside the audio band. Instead the noise floor is shaped or weighted to complement the unequal spectral sensitivity of the ear to noise.20,27,28 Unless we wish to violate Shannon’s theory, this psychoacoustically optimal noise shaping can only reduce the noise power at certain frequencies by increasing it at others. Thus the average log PSD over the audio band remains the same, although it may be raised slightly by noise induced by imperfect processing.

Figure 4.53 shows noise shaping applied to a digitally dithered requantizer. Such a device might be used when, for example, making a CD master from a twenty-bit recording format. The input to the dithered requantizer is subtracted from the output to give the error due to requantizing. This error is filtered (and inevitably delayed) before being subtracted from the system input. The filter is not designed to be the exact inverse of the perceptual weighting curve because this would cause extreme noise levels at the ends of the band. Instead the perceptual curve is levelled off29 such that it cannot fall more than e.g. 40 dB below the peak.

Figure 4.53 Perceptual filtering in a requantizer gives a subjectively improved SNR.


Psychoacoustically optimal noise shaping can offer nearly three bits of increased dynamic range when compared with optimal spectrally flat dither. Enhanced Compact Discs recorded using these techniques are now available.

4.17 Noise-shaping ADCs

The sigma DPCM convertor introduced in Figure 4.42 has a natural application here and is shown in more detail in Figure 4.54. The current digital sample from the quantizer is converted back to analog in the embedded DAC. The DAC output differs from the ADC input by the quantizing error. The DAC output is subtracted from the analog input to produce an error which is integrated to drive the quantizer in such a way that the error is reduced. With a constant input voltage the average error will be zero because the loop gain is infinite at DC. If the average error is zero, the mean or average of the DAC outputs must be equal to the analog input. The instantaneous output will deviate from the average in what is called an idling pattern. The presence of the integrator in the error feedback loop makes the loop gain fall with rising frequency. With the feedback falling at 6 dB per octave, the noise floor will rise at the same rate.

Figure 4.54 The sigma DPCM convertor of Figure 4.42 is shown here in more detail.


Figure 4.55 shows a simple oversampling system using a sigma-DPCM convertor and an oversampling factor of only four. The sampling spectrum shows that the noise is concentrated at frequencies outside the audio part of the oversampling baseband. Since the scale used here means that noise power is represented by the area under the graph, the area left under the graph after the filter shows the noise-power reduction. Using the relative areas of similar triangles shows that the reduction has been by a factor of sixteen. The corresponding noise-voltage reduction would be a factor of four, or 12 dB, which corresponds to an additional two bits in wordlength. These bits will be available in the wordlength extension which takes place in the decimating filter. Owing to the rise of 6 dB per octave in the PSD of the noise, the SNR will be 3 dB worse at the edge of the audio band.

Figure 4.55 In a sigma-DPCM or Σ–Δ convertor, noise amplitude increases by 6 dB/octave, noise power by 12 dB/octave. In this 4× oversampling convertor, the digital filter reduces bandwidth by four, but noise power is reduced by a factor of 16. Noise voltage falls by a factor of four or 12 dB.


One way in which the operation of the system can be understood is to consider that the coarse DAC in the loop defines fixed points in the audio transfer function. The time averaging which takes place in the decimator then allows the transfer function to be interpolated between the fixed points. True signalindependent noise of sufficient amplitude will allow this to be done to infinite resolution, but by making the noise primarily outside the audio band the resolution is maintained but the audio band signal-to-noise ratio can be extended. A first-order noise shaping ADC of the kind shown can produce signal-dependent quantizing error and requires analog dither. However, this can be outside the audio band and so need not reduce the SNR achieved.

A greater improvement in dynamic range can be obtained if the integrator is supplanted to realize a higher-order filter.30 The filter is in the feedback loop and so the noise will have the opposite response to the filter and will therefore rise more steeply to allow a greater SNR enhancement after decimation. Figure 4.56 shows the theoretical SNR enhancement possible for various loop filter orders and oversampling factors. A further advantage of high-order loop filters is that the quantizing noise can be decorrelated from the signal, making dither unnecessary. High-order loop filters were at one time thought to be impossible to stabilize, but this is no longer the case, although care is necessary. One technique which may be used is to include some feedforward paths as shown in Figure 4.57.

Figure 4.56 The enhancement of SNR possible with various filter orders and oversampling factors in noise-shaping convertors.


An ADC with high-order noise shaping was disclosed by Adams31 and a simplified diagram is shown in Figure 4.58. The comparator outputs of the 128 times oversampled four-bit flash ADC are directly fed to the DAC which consists of fifteen equal resistors fed by CMOS switches. As with all feedback loops, the transfer characteristic cannot be more accurate than the feedback, and in this case the feedback accuracy is determined by the precision of the DAC.32 Driving the DAC directly from the ADC comparators is more accurate because each input has equal weighting. The stringent MSB tolerance of the conventional binary weighted DAC is then avoided. The comparators also drive a 16 to 4 priority encoder to provide the four-bit PCM output to the decimator. The DAC output is subtracted from the analog input at the integrator. The integrator is followed by a pair of conventional analog operational amplifiers having frequency-dependent feedback and a passive network which gives the loop a fourth-order response overall. The noise floor is thus shaped to rise at 24 dB per octave beyond the audio band. The time constants of the loop filter are optimized to minimize the amplitude of the idling pattern as this is an indicator of the loop stability. The four-bit PCM output is low-pass filtered and decimated to the Nyquist frequency. The high oversampling factor and high-order noise shaping extend the dynamic range of the four-bit flash ADC to 108 dB at the output.

Figure 4.57 Stabilizing the loop filter in a noise-shaping convertor can be assisted by the incorporation of feedforward paths as shown here.


Figure 4.58 An example of a high-order noise-shaping ADC. See text for details.


4.18 A one-bit DAC

It might be thought that the waveform from a one-bit DAC is simply the same as the digital input waveform. In practice this is not the case. The input signal is a logic signal which need only be above or below a threshold for its binary value to be correctly received. It may have a variety of waveform distortions and a duty cycle offset. The area under the pulses can vary enormously. In the DAC output the amplitude needs to be extremely accurate. A one-bit DAC uses only the binary information from the input, but reclocks to produce accurate timing and uses a reference voltage to produce accurate levels. The area of pulses produced is then constant. One-bit DACs will be found in noise-shaping ADCs as well as in the more obvious application of producing analog audio.

Figure 4.59(a) shows a one-bit DAC which is implemented with MOS fieldeffect switches and a pair of capacitors. Quanta of charge are driven into or out of a virtual earth amplifier configured as an integrator by the switched capacitor action. Figure 4.59(b) shows the associated waveforms. Each data bit period is divided into two equal portions; that for which the clock is high, and that for which it is low. During the first half of the bit period, pulse P+ is generated if the data bit is a 1, or pulse P− is generated if the data bit is a 0. The reference input is a clean voltage corresponding to the gain required.

C1 is discharged during the second half of every cycle by the switches driven from the complemented clock. If the next bit is a 1, during the next high period of the clock the capacitor will be connected between the reference and the virtual earth. Current will flow into the virtual earth until the capacitor is charged. If the next bit is not a 1, the current through C1 will flow to ground.

Figure 4.59 In (a) the operation of a one-bit DAC relies on switched capacitors. The switching waveforms are shown in (b).


C2 is charged to reference voltage during the second half of every cycle by the switches driven from the complemented clock. On the next high period of the clock, the reference end of C2 will be grounded, and so the op-amp end wil assume a negative reference voltage. If the next bit is a 0, this negative reference will be switched into the virtual earth, if not the capacitor will be discharged.

Thus on every cycle of the clock, a quantum of charge is either pumped into the integrator by C1 or pumped out by C2. The analog output therefore precisely reflects the ratio of ones to zeros.

4.19 One-bit noise-shaping ADCs

In order to overcome the DAC accuracy constraint of the sigma DPCM convertor, the sigma–delta convertor can be used as it has only one-bit internal resolution. A one-bit DAC cannot be non-linear by definition as it defines only two points on a transfer function. It can, however, suffer from other deficiencies such as DC offset and gain error although these are less offensive in audio. The one-bit ADC is a comparator.

As the sigma–delta convertor is only a one-bit device, clearly it must use a high oversampling factor and high-order noise shaping in order to have sufficiently good SNR for audio.33 In practice the oversampling factor is limited not so much by the convertor technology as by the difficulty of computation in the decimator. A sigma–delta convertor has the advantage that the filter input ‘words’ are one bit long and this simplifies the filter design as multiplications can be replaced by selection of constants.

Conventional analysis of loops falls down heavily in the one-bit case. In particular the gain of a comparator is difficult to quantify, and the loop is highly non-linear so that considering the quantizing error as additive white noise in order to use a linear loop model gives rather optimistic results. In the absence of an accurate mathematical model, progress has been made empirically, with listening tests and by using simulation.

Single-bit sigma–delta convertors are prone to long idling patterns because the low resolution in the voltage domain requires more bits in the time domain to be integrated to cancel the error. Clearly the longer the period of an idling pattern, the more likely it is to enter the audio band as an objectionable whistle or ‘birdie’. They also exhibit threshold effects or deadbands where the output fails to react to an input change at certain levels. The problem is reduced by the order of the filter and the wordlength of the embedded DAC. Second- and third-order feedback loops are still prone to audible idling patterns and threshold effect.34 The traditional approach to linearizing sigma–delta convertors is to use dither. Unlike conventional quantizers, the dither used was of a frequency outside the audio band and of considerable level. Square-wave dither has been used and it is advantageous to choose a frequency which is a multiple of the final output sampling rate as then the harmonics will coincide with the troughs in the stopband ripple of the decimator. Unfortunately the level of dither needed to linearize the convertor is high enough to cause premature clipping of high-level signals, reducing the dynamic range. This problem is overcome by using in-band white noise dither at low level.35

An advantage of the one-bit approach is that in the one-bit DAC, precision components are replaced by precise timing in switched capacitor networks. The same approach can be used to implement the loop filter in an ADC. Figure 4.60 shows a third-order sigma–delta modulator incorporating a DAC based on the principle of Figure 4.59. The loop filter is also implemented with switched capacitors.

Figure 4.60 A third-order sigma–delta modulator using a switched capacitor loop filter.



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