Accumulator Logic circuit which adds a series of numbers which are fed to it.
AES/EBU Interface Standardized interface for transmitting digital audio down cable between two devices (see Channel status).
Aliasing Beat frequencies produced when sampling rate (q.v.) is not high enough.
Auditory masking Reduced ability to hear one sound in the presence of another.
Azimuth recording Magnetic recording technique which reduces crosstalk between adjacent tracks.
Bit Abbreviation for Binary Digit.
Byte Group or word of bits (q.v.), generally eight.
Channel coding Method of expressing data as a waveform which can be recorded or transmitted.
Channel status Additional information sent with AES/EBU (q.v.) audio signal.
CLV Constant linear velocity. In disks, the rotational speed is controlled by the radius to keep the track speed constant.
Codeword Entity used in error correction which has constant testable characteristic.
Coefficient Pretentious word for a binary number used to control a multiplier.
Coercivity Measure of the erasure difficulty, hence replay energy of a magnetic recording.
Companding Abbreviation of compression and expanding; increases dynamic range of a system.
Concealment Means of rendering uncorrectable errors less audible; e.g. interpolation.
Critical band Band of frequencies in which the ear analyses sound.
Crossinterleaving Method of coding data in two dimensions to increase power of error correction.
Crosstalk Unwanted signal breaking through from adjacent wiring or track on recording.
Curie temperature Temperature at which magnetic materials demagnetize.
Cylinder In disks, set of tracks having same radius.
Decimation Reduction of sampling rate by omitting samples.
Dither Noise added to analog signal to linearize quantizer.
DSP Digital signal processor; computer processor optimized for audio use.
EDL Edit decision list; used to control editing process with timecode.
EFM Eight to fourteen modulation; channel code (q.v.) of Compact Disc.
Entropy The useful information in a signal.
Faraday effect Rotation of plane of polarization of light by magnetic field.
Ferrite Hard non-conductive magnetic material used for tape heads and transformers.
Flash convertor High-speed ADC technology used with oversampling.
Fourier transform Frequency domain or spectral representation of a signal.
Galois field Mathematical entity on which Reed–Solomon coding (q.v.) is based.
Gibb’s phenomenon Shortcoming of digital filters causing ripple in frequency response.
Hamming distance Number of bits different between two words.
Headroom Area between normal operating level and clipping.
Interleaving Reordering data on recording medium to reduce effect of defects.
Interpolation Replacing missing sample with the average of those either side.
Jitter Time instability, similar to flutter in analog.
Kerr effect see Faraday effect.
Limit cycle Unwanted oscillation mode entered by digital filter.
MTF Modulation transfer function; measure of the resolving ability of a lens.
Non-monotonicity Convertor defect which causes distortion.
Oversampling Using a sampling rate which is higher than necessary.
Phase linear Describes circuit which has constant delay at all frequencies.
Product code Combination of two one-dimensional error-correcting codes in an array.
Pseudo-random code Number sequence which is sufficiently random for practical purposes but which is repeatable.
Reconstruction Creating continuous analog signal from samples.
Reed–Solomon code Error-correcting code which is popular because it is as powerful as theory allows.
Requantizing Shortening sample wordlength.
Sampling rate Rate at which samples of audio waveform are taken (see Aliasing).
SDIF-2 Digital audio interface for consumer use.
Seek Moving the heads on a disk drive.
Subcode Additional non-audio data stored on recording media.
Wordlength Number of bits describing sample.