

A-format instructions, 911

Absolute value function, 199

Abstract methods, 446


circuits, 1037–1039

color, 341343

data, 382

displays, 346

function-call, 590591

libraries, 230, 429

object-oriented programming, 329

printing as, 76

recursion, 289

vs. representation, 69

standard audio, 155

standard drawing, 144

standard I/O, 129, 139143

Access modifiers, 384

Accessing references, 339

Account information

dictionary lookup, 628629

indexing, 634


n-body simulation, 488

random web surfer, 185

Adaptive plots, 314318

AddInts program, 134


complex numbers, 402403

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 22

spatial vectors, 442443

Addresses, 94

Adjacency matrix, 692

Adjacent vertices, 671

Albers, Josef, 342

AlbersSquares program, 341342

Alex, 380

Algorithms, 493

performance. See Performance

searching. See Searches

sorting. See Sorts


arrays, 516

bugs from, 439, 441

references, 363

Allocating memory, 94, 367

Amortized analysis, 580581

Ampersands (&), 2627

And operation, 2627


BouncingBall, 152153

double buffering, 151

Antisymmetric property, 546

Application programming interfaces (APIs)

access modifiers, 384

Body, 480

built-in data types, 3032

Charge, 383

Color, 343

Comparable, 545

Complex, 403

Counter, 436437

data types, 388

designing, 233, 429431

Draw, 361

Graph, 675679

Histogram, 392

implementing, 231

In, 354

libraries, 29, 230232

modular programming, 432

Out, 355

PathFinder, 683

Picture, 347

Queue, 592

SET, 652

Sketch, 459

spatial vectors, 442443

ST, 625

StackOfStrings, 568

StdArray, 237

StdAudio, 159

StdDraw, 149, 154

StdIn, 132133

StdOut, 130

StdRandom, 233

StdStats, 244

StockAccount, 410

Stopwatch, 390

String, 332333

symbol tables, 625627

Turtle, 394

Universe, 483

Vector, 443

Arbitrary-size input streams, 137138

args argument, 7, 208


arrays as, 207210

command-line, 78, 11, 127

constructors, 333, 385

methods, 30

passing, 207210, 364365

printf(), 130132

static methods, 197

Ariane 5 rocket, 35

Arithmetic expression evaluation, 586589

Arithmetic operators, 22

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 95, 116, 466


aliasing, 516

as arguments, 207210

assigning, 117

associative, 630

binary searches, 538539

bitonic, 563

bounds checking, 95

comparing, 117

coupon collector problem, 101103

decks of cards, 97100

declaring, 91, 116

default initialization, 93

exchanging values, 96

FIFO queues, 596

hash tables, 636

I/O libraries, 237238

images, 346347

immutable types, 439440

iterable classes, 6031

memory, 91, 94, 515517

multidimensional, 111

overview, 9092

parallel, 411

plotting, 246248

precomputed values, 99100

references, 365

resizing, 578581, 635

as return values, 210

setting values, 9596

shuffling, 97

side effects, 208210

Sieve of Eratosthenes, 103105

stacks, 568570, 578581

summary, 115

transposition, 120

two-dimensional. See Two-dimensional arrays

Arrays.binarySearch(), 559

Arrays.sort(), 559

ArrayStackOfStrings program, 568570, 603

Arrival rate in M/M/1 queues, 597598

Assertions, 466467


arrays, 117

chained, 43

compound, 60

description, 17

references, 363

Associative arrays, 630

Associativity, 17

Asterisks (*)

comments, 9

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 2223


plotting sound waves, 249

standard, 155159

superposition, 211215

Autoboxing, 457, 585586

Automatic promotion, 33

Average-case performance, 648

Average magnitude, 164

Average path lengths, 693

Average power, 164

Average program, 137138


Backslashes (), 19

Bacon, Kevin, 684

Balanced binary trees, 661

Ball animation, 152153

Barnsley ferns, 240243

Base cases

binary search trees, 640

recursion, 264265, 281

Base classes, 452453

Basic scaffolding, 302304

Basic statistics, 244246

Beck exploit, 529

Beckett, Samuel, 273

Beckett program, 274275

Behavior of objects, 340

Benford’s law, 224

Bernoulli, Jacob, 398

Bernoulli program, 249250

Best-case performance

binary search trees, 647

insertion sort, 544

Big-O notation, 520521

Binary digits, 22

Binary number system

conversions, 6769

description, 38

Binary operators, 17

Binary program, 6769

Binary reflected Gray code, 274

Binary search trees (BSTs)

implementation, 645646

insert process, 644645

ordered operations, 651

overview, 640643

performance, 647648

search process, 643644

symbol tables, 624625

traversing, 649650

Binary searches

binary representation, 536

correctness proof, 535

exception filters, 540

inverting functions, 536538

overview, 533534

random web surfer, 176

running time, 535

sorted arrays, 538539

symbol tables, 635

weighing objects, 540541

Binary trees

balanced, 661

heap-ordered, 661

isomorphic, 661

BinarySearch program, 538539

Binomial coefficients, 125

Binomial distributions, 125, 249


genomics application, 336340

graphs, 672

Bipartite graphs, 682

Bisection searches, 537

Bitmapped images, 346

Bitonic arrays, 563


binary number system, 38

description, 22

memory size, 513

register, 1051

Bitwise operations,39

Black–Scholes formula, 222, 565

Blobs, 709


statements, 50

variable scope, 200


loops, 53

static methods, 196

Body program

memory, 514

n-body simulation, 479482

Bollobás–Chung graph model, 713

Book indexes, 632633

Booksite, 23

Boole, George, 986

boolean data type

conversion codes, 131132

description, 1415

input, 133

memory size, 513

overview, 2627

Boolean logic, 27

Boolean matrices, 302

BouncingBall program, 152153

Bounding boxes for drawings, 146

Bounds of arrays, 95

Box–Muller formula, 47

Boxing, 457, 585586

Breadth-first search, 683, 687692

break statements, 74

Bridges, Brownian, 278280

Brin, Sergey, 184

Brown, Robert, 400

Brownian bridges, 278280

Brownian motion, 400401

Brownian program, 278280

Brute-force algorithm, 535536

BST program, 645646

BSTs. See Binary search trees (BSTs)

Buffer overflow, 95

Buffering drawings, 151


aliasing, 363, 439, 441

overview, 6

testing for, 318

Built-in data types

boolean, 2627

characters and strings, 1921

comparisons, 2729

conversions, 3235

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 2224

library methods, 2932

overview, 1415

summary, 3536

terminology, 1518

Built-in interfaces, 451

byte data type, 24

Bytecode, 589

Bytes memory size, 513



and instruction time, 509

in dynamic programming, 284

Callbacks in event-based programming, 451

Calls, 193

chaining, 404

methods, 30, 197, 340

reverse Polish notation, 591

Canvas, 151

Card decks, arrays for, 97100

Carroll, Lewis, 710

Cartesian representation, 433

Casts, 3334

Cat program, 356

Centroids, 164

Chained assignments, 43

Chained comparisons, 43

Chaining method calls, 404

Characters and char data type

description, 15

memory size, 513

Unicode, 894–895

working with, 1921

Charge program, 383389, 515


description, 86

formula, 220

Chords, 211

Chromatic scale, 156

Ciphers, Kamasutra, 377

Circular linked lists, 622

Circular queues, 620

Circular shifts, 375

.class extension, 3, 8, 228

ClassDefFoundError, 160

Classes, 45

accessing, 227229

description, 226

implementing, 383389

inner, 609

modules as, 228

variables, 284

Client code

data types, 430

library methods, 230

Clouds, plasma, 280

Clustering coefficients

global, 713

local, 693694

CMYK color format, 4849, 371

Code and coding

description, 2

encapsulating, 438

incremental development, 319, 701

reuse, 226, 253, 701

static methods, 205206

Codebooks, 992

Codons, genes, 336

Coercion, 33

Coin flip, 5253

Collatz problem, 296297

Collatz sequence, 948


description, 566

iterable, 601605

objects, 582583

queues. See Queues

stacks. See Stacks

symbol tables. See Symbol Tables

Colons (:), 601602

Color and Color data type

blobs, 709

compatibility, 344

conversion, 4849

drawings, 150

grayscale, 344

luminance, 343

memory, 514

overview, 341343

Columns in 2D arrays, 106, 108

Comma-separated-value (.csv) files, 358, 360

Command-line arguments, 78, 11, 127

Commas (,)

arguments, 30

constructors, 333

lambda expressions, 450

methods, 30, 196

two-dimensional arrays, 108

Comments, 5, 9

Commercial data processing, 410413

Common sequences, longest, 285288

Comparable interface, 451, 545

Comparable keys

sorting, 546

symbol tables, 626627

CompareDocuments program, 462463

compareTo() method

description, 451

String, 332

user defined, 545546


arrays, 117

chained, 43

objects, 364, 545546

operators, 2729

performance, 508509

sketches, 462463

Compile-time errors, 6

Compilers, 3, 589


array values set at, 9596, 108

classes in, 229

description, 2

programs, 3

Complement operation

bitwise, 891

Boolean algebra, 990

Complete small-world graphs, 694

Complex program

chaining method calls, 404

encapsulation, 433434

instance variables, 403404

objects, 404

overview, 402403

program, 405

Complex numbers, 406409

Compound assignments, 60

Computer animations, 151

Computer speed in performance, 507508

Computing sketches, 459460


files, 356

strings, 1920

Concert A, 155

Concordances, 659

Conditionals and loops, 50

applications, 6473

break statement, 74

continue statement, 74

do-while loops, 75

examples, 61

for loops, 5961

if statement, 5053

infinite loops, 76

miscellaneous, 7475

in modular programming, 227228

nesting, 6264

performance analysis, 500, 510

static methods, 193195

summary, 77

switch statement, 7475

while loops, 5359

Connected components, 709

Connecting programs, 141

Constant order of growth, 503

Constants, 16


data types, 384385

String, 333

Containing symbol table keys, 624

continue statements, 74


APIs, 230231

design by contract, 465467

interface, 446447

Control flow

conditionals and loops. See Conditionals and loops

static method calls, 193195

Conversion codes, 131132

Conversion specifications, 130131


casts, 3334

color, 4849

data types, 339

decimal to binary, 877

explicit, 3435

implicit, 33

numbers, 21, 6769

overview, 32

strings, 21, 453

Conway, John, 326


drawing, 144146

images, 347

polar, 47

Corner cases, 236

Cosine similarity measure, 462

Cost of immutable types, 440

Coulomb’s law, 383

Counter program, 436437

Coupon collector problem, 101103

Coupon program, 206

CouponCollector program, 101103, 205

CPUs. See Central processing units (CPUs)

Craps game, 259

Cray, Seymour, 971

Crichton, Michael, 424

Cross products of vectors, 472

<Ctrl-C> keys, 76

<Ctrl-D> keys, 137

<Ctrl-Z> keys, 137

Cubic order of growth, 505508

Cumulative distribution function, 202203

Curly braces ({})

statements, 5, 7879

static methods, 196

two-dimensional arrays, 108


Brownian bridges, 278280

Dragon, 49, 424

Koch, 397

space-filling, 425

spirals, 398399

Cycles per second, 155


Data abstraction, 329, 382

Data compression, 814

Data-driven code, 141, 171, 184

Data mining example, 458459

Data structures, 493

arrays. See Arrays

binary search trees. See Binary search trees (BSTs)

linked lists, 571578

queues. See Queues

resource allocation, 606607

stacks. See Stacks

stock example, 411

summary, 608

symbol tables. See Symbol tables

Data-type design

APIs, 429431

data mining example, 458464

design by contract, 465467

encapsulation, 432438

immutability, 439446

subclassing, 452457

subtyping, 446451

overview, 428

Data types

access modifiers, 384

APIs, 383

built-in. See Built-in data types

classes, 383

Color, 341345

Complex, 402405

constructors, 384385

conversions, 3435, 339

creating, 382

definitions, 331335

DrunkenTurtle, 400401

elements summary, 383

generic, 583585

Histogram, 392393

image processing, 346352

immutable, 364, 439

input and output, 353362

insertion sorts, 545548

instance methods, 385386

instance variables, 384

Koch, 397

Mandelbrot, 406409

output, 355

overview, 330

reference, 362369

Spiral, 398399

StockAccount, 410413

Stopwatch, 390391

String. See Strings and String data type

summary, 368

Turtle, 394396

type safety, 18

variables within methods, 386388

Data visualization, 307309

Dead Sea Scrolls, 659


assertions, 466467

encapsulation for, 432

immutable types, 440

incremental, 317, 319

linked lists, 596

modular programming, 251254

test client main() for, 235

unit testing, 246

Decimal number system, 38

Decks of cards, 97100

Declaration statements, 1516


arrays, 91, 116

String variables, 333

DeDup program, 652653

Default values

arrays, 93, 106107

canvas size, 145

ink color, 150

instance variables, 415

Node objects, 572

pen radius, 146

Defensive copies, 441


functions, 192

interfaces, 446

static methods, 193, 196

Definite integration, 816

Degrees of separation

description, 670

shortest paths, 684686

Denial-of-service attacks, 512

Dependencies in subclasses, 453

Dependency graphs, 252

Deprecated methods, 469

Depth-first search

vs. breadth-first search, 690

percolation case study, 312

Deques, 618

Derived classes, 452

Descartes, René, 398


APIs, 233

by contract, 465467

data types. See Data-type design

Diameters of graphs, 711

Diamond operators (<>), 585


Sicherman, 259

simulation, 121

Dictionary lookup, 624, 628632

Digital image processing

digital images, 346347

fade effect, 351352

grayscale, 347349

overview, 346

scaling, 349350

Digital signal processing, 155, 158

Dijkstra, Edsger

Dutch-national-flag problem, 564

two-stack algorithm, 587

Dijkstra’s algorithm, 692

Diophantine, 816

Directed graphs, 711

Directed percolation, 317

Discrete distributions, 172

Distances of graph paths, 683, 687688

Divide-and-conquer approach

linearithmic order of growth, 504

mergesort, 550551, 554


floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 2223

polar representation, 433

DivisorPattern program, 6264

DNA computers, 795

DNS (domain name system), 629

do-while loops, 75

Documents, searching for, 464

Dollar signs ($) in REs, 731

Domain name system (DNS), 629

Domains, function, 192

Dot products

function implementation, 209

vectors, 92, 442443

Double buffering drawings, 151

double data type

conversion codes, 132

description, 1415

input, 133

memory size, 513

overview, 2426

Double.parseDouble() method

calls to, 3031

type conversion, 21, 34

Double quotes ("")

escape sequences, 19

text, 5, 10

Doublet game, 710

Doubling hypotheses, 496, 498499

DoublingTest program, 496, 498499

Downscaling in image processing, 349

Dragon curves, 49, 424

Dragon program, 163

Draw library, 361


recursive graphics, 276277

standard. See Standard drawing

DrunkenTurtle program, 400

DrunkenTurtles program, 401

Dumping virtual machines, 960–961

Dutch-national-flag problem, 564

Dynamic dictionaries, 628

Dynamic dispatch, 448

Dynamic programming

bottom-up, 285

longest common subsequence, 285288

overview, 284

summary, 289

top-down, 284


Eccentricity in vertices, 711


graphs, 671, 674

self-loops and parallel, 676


n-body simulation, 488

random web surfer, 185

Efficient algorithms, 532

Einstein, Albert, 400

Election voting machine errors, 436

Electric charge, 383389

Element distinctness problem, 554

Elements in arrays, 90

else clauses, 5152

Empirical analyses, 496497


code clarity, 438

error prevention, 436437

example, 433434

modular programming, 432

overview, 432

planning for future, 435

private access modifier, 433

End-of-file sequence, 137


Shannon, 378

text corpus, 667668

Equality of objects, 364, 454456

equals() method

Color, 343

vs. equals signs, 369370

Object, 453455

String, 332

Equals signs (=)

assignment statements, 17

assignment vs. boolean, 42, 78

comparisons, 2729, 364

compound assignments, 60

vs. equals(), 369370

Equilateral triangles, 144145

Erdös, Paul, 686

Erdös–Renyi model, 695, 712


aliasing, 363

debugging. See Debugging

encapsulation for, 436437

overview, 6

syntax, 1011

testing for, 318

Escape sequences, 19

Euclidean distance

sketch comparisons, 462463

vectors, 118

Euclid’s algorithm

description, 85

recursion, 267268

Euler, Leonhard, 89

Euler’s constant, 222

Euler’s sum-of-powers conjecture, 89

Euler’s totient function, 222

Evaluate program, 588589

Evaluating expressions, 17, 586589

Event-based programming, 451

Exception class, 465

Exception filters, 540

Exceptions, 465467

Exchanging values

arrays, 96

function implementation, 209

Exclamation points (!)

not operator, 2627

comparisons, 2729

Explicit casts, 3334

Exponential distributions, 597

Exponential order of growth, 505

overview, 272273, 506

running time, 507508


arithmetic evaluation, 586589

description, 17

lambda, 450

method calls, 30

Extensible libraries, 452

Extracting data, 358, 360


Factorials, 264265

Factoring, 7273

Factors program, 7273

Fade effect, 351352

Fade program, 351352

Fair coin flip, 5253

Falsifiable hypotheses, 495

Fecundity parameter, 89

Fermat’s Last Theorem, 89

Ferns, Barnsley, 240243

Fibonacci numbers

formulas, 82

recursion, 282283

FIFO queues. See First-in first-out (FIFO) queues


concatenating and filtering, 356

format, 237

in I/O, 126

n-body simulation, 483

redirection, 139141

splitting, 360

stock example, 411

symbol tables, 629

Filled shapes, 149


exception, 540

files, 356

image processing, 379

piping, 142143

standard drawing data, 146147

standard input, 140

final keyword

description, 384

immutable types, 440

instance variables, 404

Financial systems, graphs for, 673

Finite-state transducers, 762

Finite sums, 6465

First-in first-out (FIFO) queues

applications overview, 597

array implementation, 596

linked-list implementation, 593

M/M/1, 597600

overview, 566, 592593

Flexibility, 702

Flip program, 5253

float data type, 26, 513

Floating-point numbers

conversion codes, 131132

overview, 2426

precision, 40

storing, 40

Flow of control

conditionals and loops. See Conditionals and loops

static method calls, 193195

Flowcharts, 5152

for loops

continue statement, 74

examples, 61

nesting, 6264

working with, 5961

Foreach statements, 601602

Format, files, 237

Format strings, 130131

Formatted input, 135

Formatted printing, 130132

Forth language, 590

Fortran language, 717

Fourier series, 211

Fractal dimensions, 280

Fractals, 278280

Fractional Brownian motion, 278

Fragile base class problem, 453

Freeing memory, 367


counting, 555

sorting, 556

Zipf’s law, 556

FrequencyCount program, 555557

Fully parenthesized arithmetic expressions, 587

Function calls

abstraction, 590591

static methods, 197

traces, 195

trees, 269, 271

Function graphs, 148, 248

Functional interfaces, 450

Functional programming, 449


computing with, 449

defining, 192

inverting, 536538

iterated function systems, 239243

libraries. See Libraries

mathematical, 202204

modules. See Modules

overview, 191

recursive. See Recursion

static methods, 193201


Gambler program, 7071

Gambler’s ruin simulation, 6971

Game of Life, 326

Garbage collection, 367, 516

Gardner, Martin, 424

Gaussian distribution functions

API, 231

cumulative, 202203

probability density, 202203

Gaussian elimination, 830

Gaussian program, 203

Gaussian random numbers, 47

Generic types, 583585


application, 336340

indexing, 634

symbol tables, 629

Geometric mean, 162

Get operations

hash tables, 639

symbol tables, 624

Gilbert–Shannon–Reeds model, 125

Glass filters, 379

Global clustering coefficients, 713

Global variables, 284

Glossary of terms, 721726

Golden ratio, 83

Gore, Al, 436

Graph data type, 675679

Graph program, 677


recursive, 276277, 397

turtle, 394396


bipartite, 682

client example, 679682

connected components, 709

dependency, 252

description, 671

diameters, 711

directed, 711

examples, 695

function, 148, 248

generators, 700

Graph data type, 675679

grid, 708

lessons, 700702

matching, 713

overview, 670671

random web surfer, 170

small-world, 693699

systems examples, 671674

Gravity, 481

Gray codes, 273275


Color, 344

image processing, 347349

Grayscale program, 347349

Greater than signs (>)

comparisons, 2729

lambda expressions, 450

redirection, 139140

Greatest common divisor, 267268

grep tool, 142143

Grid graphs, 708


H-trees of order n, 276277

Hadamard matrices, 122

Hamilton, William, 424

Hamming distances, 295

Handles for pointers, 371

Hardy, G. H., 86

Harmonic mean, 162

Harmonic numbers

finite sums, 6465

function implementation, 199

Harmonic program, 193195

HarmonicNumber program, 6465

Harmonics and chords, 211

Hash codes and hashing operation

object equality, 454455

sketches, 460

strings, 515

symbol tables, 624

Hash functions, 636

Hash tables, 636639

Hash values, 636

Hashable keys, 626

hashCode() method

Object, 453, 455456

String, 332

HashMap class, 655

HashST program, 637638

Heap memory, 516

Heap-ordered binary trees, 661

Height in binary search trees, 640

HelloWorld program, 46

Hertz, 155

Hilbert, David, 425

Hilbert curves, 425

Histogram program, 392393

Histograms, 177

Hoare, C. A. R., 518

Hollywood numbers, 711

Horner’s method, 223

Htree program, 276277

Hurst exponent, 280

Hyperbolic functions, 256

Hyperlinks, 170

Hypotenuse of right triangles, 199


doubling, 496, 498499

falsifiable, 495

mathematical analysis, 498502

overview, 496


I/O. See Input; Output

Identifiers, 1516

Identities of objects, 338, 340

IEEE 754 standard, 40

if statements

nesting, 62

working with, 5053

IFS program, 241, 251

IllegalFormatConversionException, 131

Immutable types, 364, 439

advantages, 440

arrays and strings, 439440

cost, 440

example, 442445

final modifier, 440

references, 441

symbol table keys, 625, 655


API methods, 231

interfaces, 447

Implements clause, 447

Implicit type conversions, 33

In library, 354356

Incremental development, 319, 701

Index program, 632634

IndexGraph program, 680682


arrays, 90, 116

String, 332

symbol tables, 624, 632634

zero-based, 92

Induced subgraphs, 705


mathematical, 262, 266

recursion step, 266

Infinite loops, 76

Infinity value, 26, 40

Information content of strings, 378


multiple, 470

subclassing, 452457

subtyping, 446451


array, 93

inline, 18

instance variables, 415

two-dimensional array, 106107

Inline variable initialization, 18

Inner classes, 609

Inner loops

description, 62

performance, 500, 510

Inorder tree traversal, 649


array libraries, 237238

clocks, 1060

command-line arguments, 7

data types, 353

file concatenation, 356

gates, 1013

insertion sorts, 548549

overview, 126129

in performance, 510

random web surfer, 171

screen scraping, 357359

standard, 132138

stream data type, 354355

InputMismatchException, 135


BST nodes, 644645

linked list nodes, 573574

Insertion program, 546547

Insertion sorts

data types, 545548

input sensitivity, 548549

overview, 543544

performance, 544545

InsertionDoublingTest program, 548549

Instance methods

data types, 385386

invoking, 334

vs. static, 340

Instance variables

Complex program, 403404

data types, 384

initial values, 415

Instances of objects, 333

Integer.parseInt() method

calls to, 3031

type conversion, 21, 23, 34

Integers and int data type

conversion codes, 131132

description, 1415

input, 133134

overview, 2224

Integrals, approximating, 449

Integrated development environments (IDEs), 3

Integration, definite, 816

Interactions between modules, 319

Interactive user input, 135136

Interface construct, 446


APIs, 430

built-in, 451

defining, 446

functional, 450

implementing, 447

using, 447448

Internet DNS, 629630

Internet Protocol (IP), 435

Interpolation in fade effect, 351

Interpreters, 589

IntOps program, 23

Invariants in assertions, 467

Inverse permutations, 122

Inverting functions, 536538

Invoking instance methods, 334

IP (Internet Protocol), 435

IPv4, 435

IPv6, 435

ISBN (International Standard Book Number), 86

Isolated vertices in graphs, 703

Isomorphic binary trees, 661

Items in collections, 566

Iterable interface, 451, 602

Iterable collections, 601605

arrays, 603

linked lists, 604605

Queue, 604605

SET, 652

Stack, 603

Iterated function systems, 239243

Iterations in BSTs, 650

Iterator interface, 451, 602605


Java command, 3, 134

.java extension, 3, 6, 8, 197, 383

Java language

benefits, 9

overview, 18

Java platform, 2

Java virtual machines, 3, 429

Josephus problem, 619

Julia sets, 427


K-ring graphs, 694695

Kamasutra ciphers, 377

Kevin Bacon game, 684686

Key-sorted tree traversal, 649


BSTs, 640642, 650

immutable, 625

Kamasutra ciphers, 377

symbol tables, 624626, 655

Key–value pairs, 624626

Knuth, Donald

optimization, 518

running time, 496, 501

Koch program, 397


Ladders, word, 710

Lambda expressions, 450

Last-in first-out (LIFO), 566567

Lattices in random walks, 112115

LCS (longest common subsequence), 285288

Leaf nodes in BSTs, 640

Leaks, memory, 367, 581

LeapYear program, 2829

Left associativity, 17

Left subtrees, 640


arrays, 9192

graph paths, 674, 683

strings, 332

Less than signs (<)

comparisons, 2729

redirection, 140141

Let’s Make a Deal simulation, 88


APIs, 230232

array I/O, 237238

clients, 230

extensible, 452

methods, 2932

modifying, 255

in modular programming, 227228, 251254

modules, 191

overview, 226, 230

random numbers, 232236

statistics, 244250

stress testing, 236

unit testing, 235

LIFO (last-in first-out), 566567

Linear algebra for vectors, 442443

Linear interpolation, 351

Linear order of growth, 504505, 507508

Linearithmic order of growth, 504505, 507508

Linked lists

circular, 622

FIFO queues, 593, 596

hash tables, 636

iterable classes, 604605

overview, 571574

stacks, 574576

summary, 578

symbol tables, 635

traversal, 574, 577

Linked structures. See Binary search trees (BSTs)

LinkedStackOfStrings program, 574576

Links in BSTs, 640642

Lipton, R. J., 856

Lissajous, Jules A., 168

Lissajous patterns, 168

Lists, linked. See Linked lists


array elements, 116

booleans, 26

characters, 1819

description, 15

floating-point numbers, 24

integers, 22

strings, 19, 334

Little’s law, 598

LoadBalance program, 606607

Local clustering, 693694

Local variables

vs. instance variables, 384

static methods, 196

Logarithmic order of growth, 503

Logarithmic spirals, 398399

Logo language, 400

Loitering condition, 581

Long data type, 24, 513

Longest common subsequence (LCS), 285288

LongestCommonSubsequence program, 286288

Lookup program, 630632

Loops. See Conditionals and loops

Luminance, 343345

Luminance program, 344345


M/M/1 queues, 597600

MAC addresses, 877


complex numbers, 402403

spatial vectors, 442443

Magritte, René, 363

main() methods, 45

multiple, 229

transfer of control, 193194

Mandelbrot, Benoît, 297, 406

Mandelbrot program, 406409

Maps, Mercator projections, 48

Markov, Andrey, 176

Markov chains

impact, 184

mixing, 179184

overview, 176

power method, 180181

squaring, 179180

Markov model paradigm, 460

Markov program, 180182

Markovian queues, 597

Marsaglia’s method, 85, 259

Matching graphs, 713

Math library, 192

accessing, 228

methods, 3032, 193, 198

Mathematical analysis, 498502

Mathematical functions, 202204

Mathematical induction, 262, 266

Matlab language, 717


boolean, 302

Hadamard, 122

images, 346347

matrix multiplication, 109

sparse, 666

transition, 172173

two-dimensional arrays, 106, 109110

vector multiplication, 110, 180

Maximum keys in BSTs, 651

Maximum values in arrays, 209

Maxwell–Boltzmann distributions, 257

McCarthy’s 91 function, 298

Mechanical systems, graphs for, 673

Memoization, 284


arrays, 91, 94, 515517

ArrayStackOfStrings, 569570

available, 520

interfaces, 1054

leaks, 367, 581

linked lists, 571

memory bits, 1056

objects, 338, 514

performance, 513517

recursion, 282

references, 367

safe pointers, 366

strings, 515

two-dimensional arrays, 107

Memoryless queues, 597

Mercator projections, 48

Merge program, 550552


divide-and-conquer, 554

overview, 550552

performance, 553

Method references, 470


abstract, 446

call chaining, 404

deprecated, 469

instance, 334, 385386

instance vs. static, 340

library, 2932

main(), 45

overriding, 452

static. See Functions; Static methods

stub, 303

variables within, 386388

MIDI Tuning Standard, 161

Midpoint displacement method, 278, 280

Milgram, Stanley, 670

Minimum keys in BSTs, 651

Minus signs (-)

compound assignments, 60

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 22

lambda expressions, 450

MIX machine, 947

Mixed-type operators, 2729

Mixing Markov chains, 176, 179184

MM1Queue program, 598600

Modular programming, 191

classes in, 227229

code reuse, 226, 253

debugging, 253

encapsulation, 432

flow of control in, 227228

libraries in, 251254

maintenance, 253

program size, 252253


as classes, 228

CPU, 1076

interactions, 319

overview, 191

size, 319

summary, 254

Monochrome luminance, 343344

Monte Carlo simulation, 300, 307308

Moore’s law, 507508

Move-to-front strategy, 620

Movie–performer graph, 680

Multidimensional arrays, 111

Multiple arguments, 197

Multiple inheritance, 470

Multiple main() methods, 229

Multiple return statements, 198

Multiple I/O streams, 143


complex numbers, 402403

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 2223

matrices, 109110

polar representation, 433

Music, 155159

Mutable types, 364, 439


n-body simulation

Body data type, 479480

file format, 483

force, 480482

overview, 478479

summary, 488

Universe data type, 483487


arrays, 91

methods, 5, 30, 196

objects, 362

variables, 16

vertices, 675

NaN value, 26, 40

Natural recursion, 262

Negative numbers

array indexes, 116

representing, 38

Neighbor vertices, 671

Nested classes

iterators, 574

linked lists, 603605

Nesting conditionals and loops, 6264

new keyword

constructors, 385

Node objects, 609

String objects, 333

Newcomb, Simon, 224

Newline characters ( )

compiler considerations, 10

escape sequences, 19

Newton, Isaac

dice question, 88

motion simulation, 478479

square root method, 65

Newton’s law of gravitation, 481

Newton’s method, 6567

Newton’s second law of motion, 480481

90–10 rule, 170, 176


BSTs, 640642

linked lists, 571573

new keyword, 609

Nondominant inner loops, 510

Normal distribution functions

cumulative, 202203

probability density, 202203

Not operation, 2627

Null calls, 312

Null keys in symbol tables, 626

Null links in BSTs, 640

Null nodes in linked lists, 571572

null keyword, 415

Null values in symbol tables, 626

NullPointerException, 370

Number conversions, 21, 6769

Numerical integration, 449

Nyquist frequency, 161


Object class, 453455

Object-oriented programming

data types. See Data types

description, 254

overview, 329


arrays, 365

collections, 582583

comparing, 364, 545546

Complex, 404

equality, 454456

memory, 514

names, 362

orphaned, 366

references, 338339

String, 333334

type conversions, 339

uninitialized variables, 339

working with, 338339

Observations, 495496

Off-by-one errors, 92

Offscreen canvas, 151

One-dimensional arrays, 90

Onscreen canvas, 151

Opcodes, 911

Operands, 17

Operators and operations

boolean, 2627

comparisons, 2729, 364

compound assignments, 60

data types, 14, 331

description, 15

expressions, 17, 587

floating-point numbers, 24

integers, 22, 891

lambda, 450

overloading, 416

precedence, 17

reverse Polish notation, 590

stacks, 590

strings, 19, 21, 334, 453

Optimization, 518

Or operation, 2627

Order in BSTs, 640, 642643

Order-of-growth classifications

constant, 503

cubic, 505508

exponential, 505508

linear, 504505, 507508

linearithmic, 504505, 507508

logarithmic, 503

overview, 503

performance analysis, 500501

quadratic, 504505, 507508

Order statistics, 651

Ordered operations

binary search trees, 651

symbol tables, 624

Orphaned objects, 366

Orphaned stack items, 581

Out library, 355356

Outer loops, 62

Outline shapes, 149


array libraries, 237238

clocks, 1059–1060

data types, 353

file concatenation, 356

gates, 1013

print statements, 8

printf() method, 126129

standard, 127, 129132

standard audio, 155159

standard drawing. See Standard drawing

stream data types, 355

two-dimensional arrays, 107


arrays, 95

attacks, 963

integers, 23

negative numbers, 38

Overhead for objects, 514


operators, 416

static methods, 198

Overriding methods, 452


Padding object memory, 514

Page, Lawrence, 184

Page ranks, 176177

Palindromes, 374

Paper size, 294

Papert, Seymour, 400

Parallel arrays, 411

Parallel edges, 676

Parameter variables

lambda expressions, 450

static methods, 196197, 207

Parameterized data types, 582586

Parentheses ()

casts, 33

constructors, 333, 385

expressions, 17, 27

functions, 24, 197

lambda expressions, 450

methods, 30, 196

operator precedence, 17

stacks, 587, 590

static methods, 196

vectors, 442

Pascal’s triangle, 125

Passing arguments

references by value, 364365

static methods, 207210

PathFinder program, 683686, 690692


graphs, 674, 683692

shortest. See Shortest paths

simple, 710

Peaks in terrain analysis, 167

Pell’s equation, 869


color, 150

drawings, 146

Pepys, Samuel, 88

Pepys problem, 88

Percent signs (%)

conversion codes, 131132

remainder operation, 2223

Percolation case study

adaptive plots, 314318

lessons, 318320

overview, 300301

Percolation, 303304

PercolationPlot, 315317

PercolationProbability, 310311

PercolationVisualizer, 308309

probability estimates, 310311

recursive solution, 312314

scaffolding, 302304

testing, 305308

vertical percolation, 305306


binary search trees, 647648

binary searches, 535

caveats, 509511

comparing, 508509

guarantees, 512, 627

hypotheses, 496502

importance, 702

insertion sorts, 544545

memory use, 513517

mergesort, 553

multiple parameters, 511

order of growth, 503506

overview, 494495

perspective, 518

prediction, 507509

scientific method, 495502

shortest paths, 690

wrapper types, 369

Performer program, 697699

Periods (.), classes, 227


inverse, 122

sampling, 9799

Phase transitions, 317

Phone books, 628

Photographs, 346

Physical systems, graphs for, 672

Pi constant, 3132

Picture library, 346347

Piecewise approximation, 148


connecting programs, 141

filters, 142143

Pixels in image processing, 346

Plasma clouds, 280

PlayThatTune program, 157158

PlayThatTuneDeluxe program, 213215

PlotFilter program, 146147


array values, 246248

experimental results, 249250

function graphs, 148, 248

percolation case study, 314318

sound waves, 249

Plus signs (+)

compound assignments, 60

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 22

string concatenation, 1920


array elements, 94

handles, 371

object references, 338

safe, 366

Poisson processes, 597

Polar coordinates, 47

Polar representation, 433434

Polling, statistical, 167

Polymorphism, 448

Pop operation

reverse Polish notation, 590591

in stacks, 567568

Positional notation, 875

Postconditions in assertions, 467

Postfix notation, 590

Postorder tree traversal, 649

PostScript language, 400, 590

PotentialGene program, 336337

Pound signs (#), 769

Power method, 180181

Power source, 1003–1004

PowersOfTwo program, 5658

Precedence of operators, 17


floating-point numbers, 25, 40

printf(), 130131

standard output, 129130

Precomputed array values, 99100

Preconditions in assertions, 467

Prediction, performance, 507509

Preferred attachment process, 713

Prefix-free strings, 564

Premature optimization, 518

Preorder tree traversal, 649

Primality-testing function, 198199

Prime numbers

in factoring, 7273

Sieve of Eratosthenes, 103105

PrimeSieve program, 103105

Primitive data types, 14

memory size, 513

overflow checking, 39

performance, 369

wrappers, 457

Principle of superposition, 483

print() method, 31

arrays, 237238

impurity, 32

Out, 355

vs. println(), 8

standard output, 129130

Print statements, 5

printf() method, 129132, 355

Printing, formatted, 130132

println() method, 31

description, 5

impurity, 32

Out, 355

vs. print(), 8

standard output, 129130

string concatenation, 20

private keyword

access modifier, 384

encapsulation, 433

Probabilities, 308, 310311

Probability density function, 202203

Procedural programming style, 329

Program size, 252253

Programming languages

indexing, 634

stack-based, 590

symbol tables, 629

Programming overview, 1

HelloWorld example, 46

input and output, 78

process, 23

public keyword

access modifiers, 384

description, 228

static methods, 196

Pure functions, 201

Pure methods, 32

Push operation

reverse Polish notation, 590591

stacks, 567568

Put operations

hash tables, 639

symbol tables, 624


Quad play, 273

Quadratic order of growth, 504505, 507508

Quadratic program, 2526

Quadrature integration, 449

Quaternions, 424

Questions program, 533535

Queue program, 592596, 604605


circular, 620

deques, 618

FIFO. See First-in first-out (FIFO) queues

overview, 566

random, 596

summary, 608

Queuing theory, 597600

Quotes (“) in text, 5


Ragged arrays, 111

Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 86

Ramanujan’s taxi, 86

Random graphs, 695

Random numbers

fair coin flips, 5253

function implementation, 199

Gaussian, 47

impurity, 32

libraries, 232236

Math.random(), 3031

random sequences, 127128

Sierpinski triangles, 239240

simulations, 7273

Random queues, 596

Random shortcuts, 699

Random walks

Brownian bridges, 278

self-avoiding, 112115

two-dimensional, 86

undirected graphs, 712

Random web surfer case study

histograms, 177

input format, 171

lessons, 184185

Markov chains, 176, 179184

overview, 170171

page ranks, 176177

simulation, 174178

transition matrices, 172173

RandomInt program, 3334

RandomSeq program, 127128

RandomSurfer program, 175177

RangeFilter program, 140143


binary search trees, 651

functions, 192


binary search trees, 651

random web surfer, 176177

Raphson, Joseph, 65

Raster images, 346

Recomputation, 282283

Rectangle rule, 449

Recurrence relations, 272

Recursion, 191

base cases, 281

binary searches, 533

Brownian bridges, 278280

BSTs, 640641, 644, 649

considering, 320

convergence issues, 281282

dynamic programming, 284289

Euclid’s algorithm, 267268

exponential time, 272273

factorial example, 264265

function-call trees, 269, 271

graphics, 276277, 397

Gray codes, 273275

linked lists, 571

mathematical induction, 266

memory requirements, 282

mergesort, 550

overview, 262263

percolation case study, 312314

perspective, 289

pitfalls, 281283

recomputation issues, 282283

towers of Hanoi, 268272

Red–black trees, 648

Redirection, 139

piping, 142143

standard input, 140141

standard output, 139140


binary search trees, 640

mergesort, 554

recursion, 264265


accessing, 339

aliasing, 363

arrays, 365

equality, 454455

garbage collection, 367

immutable types, 364, 441

linked lists, 572

memory, 367

method, 470

object-oriented programming, 330

objects, 338339

orphaned objects, 366

passing, 207, 210, 364365

performance, 369

properties, 362363

safe pointers, 366

Reflexive property, 454

Relative entropy, 667668

Remainder operation, 2223


array items, 569

collection items, 566, 602603

linked list items, 573574

queue items, 592, 596

set keys, 652

stack items, 567569

symbol table keys, 624627

Repetitive code, simplifying, 100

Representation in APIs, 431

Reproducible experiments, 495

Reserved words, 16

Resizing arrays, 578581, 635

ResizingArrayStackOfStrings program, 578581

Resource allocation

graphs for, 673

overview, 606607

Resource-sharing systems, 606607

return statements, 194, 196, 198

Return values

arrays as, 210

methods, 30, 196, 200, 207210

reverse Polish notation, 591

Reuse, code, 226, 253, 701

Reverse Polish notation, 590

RGB color format, 4849, 341, 371

Riemann integral, 449

Riffle shuffles, 125

Right subtrees, 640

Right triangles, 199

Ring buffers, 620

Ring graphs, 694695, 699

Roots in binary search trees, 640

Rotation filters, 379

Roulette-wheel selection, 174

Round-robin policies, 606

Rows in 2D arrays, 106, 108

Ruler program, 1920

Run-time errors, 6

Running time. See Performance

Running virtual machines, 969

RuntimeException, 466


Safe pointers, 366

Sample program, 9899

Sample standard deviation, 246

Sample variance, 244


audio, 156157

function graphs, 148

scaling, 349350

without replacement, 9799

Saving audio files, 157

Scaffolding, 302304

Scale program, 349350


drawings, 146

image processing, 349350

spatial vectors, 442443

Scientific method, 494495

hypotheses, 496502

observations, 495496

Scientific notation, 131132

Scope of variables, 60, 200

Screen scraping, 357359


binary. See Binary searches

binary search trees. See Binary search trees (BSTs)

bisection, 537

breadth-first, 683, 687692

data mining example, 458464

depth-first, 312, 690

indexing, 634

overview, 532

for similar documents, 464

Secret messages, 992

Seeds for random numbers, 475

Select control lines, 1056

Self-avoiding walks, 112115, 710

Self-loops for edges, 676

SelfAvoidingWalk program, 112115

Semantics, 52

Semicolons (;)

for loops, 59

statements, 5

Sequential searches, 535536

Servers, 606

Service rate, 597598

SET library, 652653


gates, 1045

graphs, 676

Julia, 427

Mandelbrot, 406409

overview, 652653

of values, 14

Shadow variables, 419

Shannon entropy, 378

Shapes, outline and filled, 149

short data type, 24

Shortcuts in ring graphs, 699

Shortest paths

adjacency-matrix, 692

breadth-first searches, 690

degrees of separation, 684686

distances, 687688

graphs, 674, 683

implementation, 691

performance, 690

single-source clients, 684

trees, 688689

Shuffling arrays, 97

Sicherman dice, 259

Side effects

arrays, 208210

assertions, 467

importance, 217

methods, 32, 126, 201

Sierpinski triangles, 239240

Sieve of Eratosthenes, 103105


constructors, 385

methods, 30, 196

overloading, 198

Similarity measures, 462

Simple paths, 710


coupon collector, 174178

dice, 121

gambler’s ruin, 6971

Let’s Make a Deal, 8889

load balancing, 606607

M/M/1 queues, 598600

Monte Carlo, 300, 307308

n-body. See n-body simulation

random web surfer, 174178

Single-line comments, 5

Single quotes (’), 19

Singly linked lists, 571

Six degrees of separation, 670


arrays, 578581, 635

binary search trees, 651

modules, 319

paper, 294

problems, 495, 824

program, 252253

symbol tables, 624

Sketch program, 459462


comparing, 462463

computing, 459460

hashing, 460

overview, 458459

Slashes (/)

comments, 5

floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 2223

Small-world case study. See Graphs

Small-world phenomenon, 670, 693

SmallWorld program, 696

Smith–Waterman algorithm, 286

Social network graphs, 672


Arrays.sort(), 559

frequency counts, 555557

insertion, 543549

lessons, 558

mergesort, 550555

overview, 532

Sound. See Standard audio

Sound waves

plotting, 249

superposition of, 211215

Source vertices, 683

Space-filling curves, 425

Spaces, 10

Space–time tradeoff, 99100

Sparse matrices, 666

Sparse small-world graphs, 693

Sparse vectors, 666

Spatial vectors, 442445

Specification problem

APIs, 430

programs, 596


clocks, 1058

in performance, 507508

Spider traps, 176

Spira mirabilis, 398

Spiral program, 398399

Spirographs, 167

Split program, 358, 360

Spreadsheets, 108

Sqrt program, 6567

Square brackets ([])

one-dimensional arrays, 91

two-dimensional arrays, 106

Square roots

computing, 6567

double value, 25

Squares, Albers, 341342

Squaring Markov chains, 179180

ST library, 625627

Stack program, 583585

StackOfStrings program, 568

StackOverflowError, 282


arithmetic expression evaluation, 586589

arrays, 568570, 578581

function calls, 590591

linked lists, 574576

overview, 566

parameterized types, 582586

pushdown, 567568

stack-based languages, 590

summary, 608

Standard audio

concert A, 155

description, 126, 128129

music example, 157158

notes, 156

overview, 155

sampling, 156157

saving files, 157

summary, 159

Standard deviation, 246

Standard drawing

control commands, 145146

description, 126, 128129

double buffering, 151

filtering data to, 146147

function graphs, 148

outline and filled shapes, 149

overview, 144145

summary, 159

text and color, 150

Standard input

arbitrary size, 137138

description, 126, 128129

formatted, 135

interactive, 135136

multiple streams, 143

overview, 132133

redirecting, 140141

summary, 159

typing, 134

Standard output

description, 127

formatted, 130132

multiple streams, 143

overview, 129130

piping, 141143

redirecting, 139140

summary, 159

Standard statistics, 244250

Standards, API, 429

Start codons, 336


assignment, 17

blocks, 50

declaration, 1516

methods, 5

States, 340

Static methods, 191192

accessing, 227229

arguments, 197

for code organization, 205206

control flow, 193195

defining, 193, 196

function-call traces, 195

function calls, 197

implementation examples, 199

vs. instance, 340

libraries. See Libraries

overloading, 198

passing arguments, 207210

returning values, 207210

side effects, 201

summary, 215

superposition example, 211215

terminology, 195196

variable scope, 200

Static variables, 284

Statistical polling, 167

Statistics, 244250

StdArrayIO library, 237238

StdAudio library, 128129, 155

StdDraw library, 128129, 144145, 150, 154

StdIn library, 128129, 132133

StdOut library, 129131

StdRandom program, 232236

StdStats program, 244247

StockAccount program, 410413

StockQuote program, 358359

Stop codons, 336

Stopwatch program, 390391


input, 354355

output, 355

screen scraping, 357359

Stress testing, 236

Strings and String data type

API, 332333

circular shifts, 375

concatenation, 1920

conversion codes, 131132

conversions, 21, 453

description, 1415

genomics application, 336340

immutable types, 439440

input, 133

internal storage, 37

invoking instance methods, 334

memory, 515

objects, 333334

overview, 331

prefix-free, 564

as sequence of characters, 19

shortcuts, 334335

unions, 723

variables, 333

vertices, 675

working with, 1921

Strogatz, Stephen, 670, 693, 713

Stub methods, 303

Subclassing inheritance, 452457

Subgraphs, induced, 705


floating-point numbers, 2426

integers, 22

Subtrees, 640, 651

Subtyping inheritance, 446451

Sum-of-powers conjecture, 89

Sums, finite, 6465

Superclasses, 452


force vectors, 483

sound waves, 211215

Swirl filters, 379

switch statements, 7475

Symbol tables

APIs, 625627

BSTs. See Binary search trees

dictionary lookup, 628632

graphs, 676

hash tables, 636639

implementations, 635636

indexing, 632634

overview, 624625

perspective, 654

sets, 652653

Symmetric order in BSTs, 640

Symmetric property, 454

Syntax errors, 1011



hash, 636639

symbol. See Symbol tables


compiler considerations, 10

escape sequences, 19

Taylor series approximations, 204

Templates, 50

TenHellos program, 5455, 60

Terminal windows, 127

Terms, glossary for, 721726

Terrain analysis, 167


for bugs, 318

importance, 701

percolation case study, 305308

Text. See also Strings and String data type

drawings, 150

printing, 5, 10

Text editors, 3

this keyword, 445

3n+1 problem, 296297

ThreeSum program, 497502

Throwing exceptions, 465466

Tilde notation, 500


exponential, 272273

performance. See Performance

Stopwatch timers, 390391

TimePrimitives program, 519

Tools, building, 320

Top-level domains, 375

toString() method

Charge, 383, 387

Color, 343

Complex, 403, 405

Counter, 436437

description, 339

Graph, 678679

linked lists, 574, 577

Object, 453

Sketch, 459

Tape, 776

Vector, 443

Total orderings, 546

Totality problem, 811–812

Towers of Hanoi problem, 268272


function-call, 195

programs with random(), 103

variable values, 18, 5657

Transfer of control, 193195

Transition matrices, 172173

Transition program, 172173

Transitive property

comparisons, 546

equivalence, 454

Transposition of arrays, 120


binary search trees, 649650

linked lists, 574, 577

Tree nodes, 269

TreeMap library, 655


BSTs. See Binary search trees

function-call, 269, 271

H-trees, 276277

shortest paths, 688689


drawing, 144145

right, 199

Sierpinski, 239240

Trigonometric functions, 256

Truth tables, 2627

Turing, Alan, 410411

Turtle program, 394396

Twenty questions game, 135136, 533535

TwentyQuestions program, 135136

Two-dimensional arrays

description, 90

initialization, 106107

matrices, 109110

memory, 107, 516

output, 107

overview, 106

ragged, 111

self-avoiding walks, 112115

setting values, 108

spreadsheets, 108

Two’s complement, 38

Type arguments, 585, 611

Type conversions, 3435

Type parameters, 585

Type safety, 18

Types. See Data types


Unboxing, 457, 585586

Undirected graphs, 675

Unicode characters

description, 19

strings, 37

Uniform random numbers, 199

Uninitialized variables, 94, 339

Unit testing, 235

Universe program, 483487

Unreachable code error, 216

Unsolvable problems, 430

Upscaling in image processing, 349

UseArgument program, 78

User-defined libraries, 230



array, 9596

data types, 14, 331

passing arguments by, 207, 210, 364365

precomputed, 99100

symbol tables, 624626


assignment statements, 17

compound assignments, 60

constants, 16

description, 1516

initial values, 415

inline initialization, 18

instance, 384

within methods, 196, 386388

names, 16

scope, 60, 200

shadow, 419

static, 284

string, 333

tracing values, 18

uninitialized, 339

Vector images, 346

Vector program, 443445, 515


arrays, 92

cross products, 472

dot products, 92, 442443

matrix–vector multiplication, 110

n-body simulation, 479480

sparse, 666

spatial, 442445

vector–matrix multiplication, 110, 180

Vertical bars (|)

boolean type, 2627

piping, 141

Vertical percolation, 305306


bipartite graphs, 682

creating, 676

eccentricity, 711

graphs, 671, 674

isolated, 703

names, 675

PathFinder, 683

String, 675

Viterbi algorithm, 286

void keyword, 201, 216


Black–Scholes formula, 565

Brownian bridges, 278, 280

Von Neumann, John, 554

Voting machine errors, 436



random. See Random walks

self-avoiding, 112115, 710

Watson–Crick palindrome, 374

Watts, Duncan, 670, 693, 713

Watts–Strogatz graph model, 713

.wav format, 157

Wave filters, 379

Web graphs, 695

Web pages, 170

indexed searches, 634

preferential attachment, 713

Weighing objects, 540541

Weighted averages, 120

Weighted superposition, 212

while loops, 5359

examples, 61

nesting, 62

Whitelists, binary searches for, 540

Whitespace characters

compiler considerations, 10

input, 135

Wide interfaces

APIs, 430

examples, 610611

Wind chill, 47

Word ladders, 710

Words of memory, 513

Worst-case performance

big-O notation, 520521

binary search trees, 648

description, 512

insertion sort, 544

Wrapper types

autoboxing, 585586

references, 369, 457


Y2K problem, 435

Young tableaux, 530


Zero-based indexing, 92

Zero crossings, 164

ZIP codes, 435

Zipf’s law, 556

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