© Todd Kelsey 2017
Todd KelseyIntroduction to Search Engine Optimizationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2851-7_5

5. Try SEO

Todd Kelsey1 
Wheaton, Illinois, USA

In order to get some practice with SEO principles, this chapter uses a few simple, live examples, starting with Blogger and moving on to Google Sites. If you haven’t already, read Chapter 2 first. You’ll learn more from this chapter if you create a blog at blogger.com and a super simple web site at http://sites.google.com .

For the content of your blog post, I recommend writing a simple blog post that contains 2-3 paragraphs and an image, on any topic you’ve learned about so far. You can then use that blog post as an example for these activities.

If you want, you can copy the information from my example blog at http://toddsmarketingblog.blogspot.com .

Simple SEO: Blog Post

As you learn more about SEO, you’ll start to think of things you can do when you work on a site for the first time, such as:
  • Determine if it is configured for search

  • Adjust the meta description for the site

  • Adjust the meta description for individual pages/posts

Additional things you can try include:
  • Integrate keywords into blog post title

  • Integrate keywords into blog post text

  • Integrate keyword(s) into alt text for images

These latter options include going beyond “natural” content writing and thinking about how you can “insert” keywords. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that approach, just don’t go too far. In many cases, you might not even need to change the title of a page or an article, because if it is named after the topic it covers, chances are it has a relevant keyword in the title already.


You’re welcome to access and copy the text from my blog posts ( http://toddsmarketingblog.blogspot.com/ ) for practice if you like.

Next we look at an example of how to enter the overall meta description into Blogger.

Blogger Overall Meta Description

Log into Blogger, scroll down in settings, and choose Search Preferences.
Over on the right (and anywhere else you see question marks in any Google product), click the question mark.
There’s often helpful information, and sometimes links to more:
Configuring the meta description in Blogger is usually a one-time thing. Click Edit.
Click Yes.
Then type a description. Notice the 150 character limit.
Something like this:

For grins, you might use this tool (and file it away) to determine how many characters you are typing in:


Then click Save Changes:
In theory, the description you chose will eventually appear in the Google search results.

Post-Level Description

What we just did was for the overall site, but what about individual posts or pages? That’s worth looking at too. In that case, we can go into Blogger and edit an individual post.

On the right, in Post Settings, click Search Description:
Enter something that describes the post and click Done:
At the top, don’t forget to click Update:

Site-Level SEO: Google Sites

Depending on what platform you use, adjusting HTML tags for SEO may be very easy, or it might require some technical assistance or research. In this chapter, we’re looking at very simple examples, and there are limitations to the platforms, but you can get the basic idea.

Google Sites is not that different from Blogger, but it’s designed more around creating a conventional web site with informational sections, as opposed to a diary or journal format (i.e., a blog.) The difference blurs, but it’s good to see how things might be different using a different system, and as you’ll see, you should always be prepared for the unexpected. (Hold on to your hats!)

We’re going to adjust the title tags on Google Sites (by setting page titles). If you haven’t yet create a Google site, please do so, at http://sites.google.com .


In this chapter we use the New Sites option. Depending on when you read this, you may have an option for Classic or New Sites, or only be able to choose the new approach.

You’ll end up with an interface that looks something like this:
Click on Untitled Site and replace it with something like “Pet Store”:
Click Publish:
This is where you choose the web address. You don’t need to do this every time. You’ll have to experiment until you find something that isn’t taken.
You can include numbers, use your name and so on, and when you find something available, a little checkmark will appear.
Next, click the Publish button and then the View link that appears at the bottom:
Your quickie-doo site should look something like this:
Next, on the right (back in the editor, maybe under the original browser tab), click on Pages:
You should see something like this, where you can add pages.
Try adding some new pages. Your chosen title should be reflected in the <title> HTML tag. If your planning process included SEO when you were creating a new page or new web site, you may have thought about what to name the pages, such as Dogs or Dogs for Sale. (People are more likely to type in “dogs for sale” than just “dogs” if they are looking to buy a dog).

Activity: Site Title Optimization

In this section, we’re going to try something, but it might not work. With some systems you might not be able to update the <title> HTML tag when you rename a page. Say you created a page called “Dogs” but you want to update it to “Dogs for Sale”. You might be able to rename the page without having to edit the HTML. It’s worth trying.

Scenario: Imagine you are providing a specific product or service and thinking about how the titles of the pages about the products or services can include keywords. For example, try t-shirts or a pet store.

Try making 1-3 pages based on your chosen product/service/keyword. For example, create a home page, a page about cats, and a page about dogs.

Now, when you try publishing it, view the site.
Select the desired page:
Then view the code. In Windows, right-click and on the Mac, Ctrl+click. Then choose View Source (or View Page Source):
Then press Ctrl+F to activate the “Find Text on Page” function. Scroll down until you see something like this:
Oh no! It’s HTML code!

Don’t be alarmed!

Take a closer look for something like this:

What you see is that the title of the page is reflected in the HTML code. Sometimes it makes sense to emphasize keywords in the page titles. Sometimes it makes sense to learn about the 200 other or so SEO ranking factors.

Oh no! 200 ranking factors!

The good news is that you don’t need to learn all of these factors. Remember how content is 90% of the battle? Don’t worry about these keywords so much. Instead, start looking at industry resources like www.searchenginenews.com and www.moz.com to keep an eye out for important changes to the way Google crawls for keywords.

Because sometimes things change.

Okay, back to the dogs.
I could use my web platform to change the title of a page:
And then publish and view the page:
I might even expect that when I view the source code:

The <title> HTML tag will be updated, right?

Well, let’s take a look and see.

For you, it might work. At the time of this writing, Google Sites, both New and Classic, do not appear to update the <title> tags when you change the page title. Doh! Google may update this feature by the time you read this, or they may have a great reason for not including that feature. (Although I can’t think of one).

The moral of the story is, you’ve been getting a free ride in this book, in terms of the simplicity of the platforms, but at some point you might need to dig a bit into technical things, and I recommend learning more about HTML. (See www.casamarketing.org , look for content and SEO, and then look for SEO and HTML).

Activity: Learn HTML the Easy Way

Here’s a little bonus—a secret way to learn some HTML.

If you go back into Blogger and open a post, you can do something like type in a word, like the word “bold,” for example.
If you published the post, Blogger would use HTML code to make your page look something like this:
If you are hardcore, you can use your Jedi powers to look at the HTML and find an occurrence of “bold” like this one, with no tags around it.
To view the HTML, you can edit your post and click on the HTML tab:
Okay, I don’t see any code here, but that’s because it’s just plain text.
Back into compose:
Now select the text and click B to make it bold:
Click on the HTML tab again:
What’s that? I see some little tags. It’s the <b> tag, which codes for bold. There’s also an ending tag, </b>, which tells the browser to stop applying bold to the word or phrase.

So what you can do, using this “secret” way to learn HTML, is go back and forth between Compose and HTML and try different things, like formatting the text, adding a link, making the text centered, larger, smaller, a different color. Try inserting images other kinds of things. Each time you make a small change, switch over to the HTML tab to see what’s going on. It’s probably more fun than reading the articles I suggested earlier. Go ahead and do this fun part first, and experience the power of the secret way to learn HTML.

For Further Review

It’s important in this industry to always keep researching and keep up with the times!


Okay, you deserve a break now. Congratulations on wading through some basic SEO optimization, as well as getting your feet wet with HTML. Don’t be intimidated—just start small and learn a little bit here and there. Before you know it, your confidence and skills will grow.

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