
In this chapter, we introduced you to programming with Go on the front-end using GopherJS. We introduced you to the DOM and showed how you can access and manipulate it using GopherJS. We walked you through several microexamples to get you acquainted with what coding with GopherJS looks like. We then proceeded to show you fully fleshed out examples.

We showed you how to display the alert dialog and display a custom message. We also showed you how to change the CSS style property of an element. We proceeded to show you how to call JavaScript's typeof operator from within the confines of Go using the jsbuiltin package. We showed you how to create a simple lowercase text transformer and demonstrated how to send an XHR Post using the xhr package. We also showed you how to render an inline Go template, and finally, we showed you how to build a local storage inspector.

In Chapter 4Isomorphic Templates, we will introduce isomorphic templates, which are templates that can be rendered either on the server side or the client side. 

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