Testing the server-side functionality

As we learned in Chapter 1Isomorphic Web Applications with Go, the isomorphic web application architecture utilizes the classic web application architecture, meaning that the web page response will be rendered on the server-side. This means that the web client need not be JavaScript-enabled in order to consume the content received from the server response. This fact is especially important for machine users, such as search engine bots, who need to crawl through the various links found on the website and index them. Often times, search engine spiders are not JavaScript-enabled. This means that we have to ensure that server-side routing is functioning properly, and that the web page response is rendered properly also.

In addition to this, we put in good effort in Chapter 7, The Isomorphic Web Form, to create an accessible, isomorphic web form that can be accessed by users who have greater accessibility needs. We need to ensure that the contact form's validation functionality is working, and that we can successfully send a valid contact form submission.

Therefore, on the server-side, the baseline set of functionality that we'll test for, includes the following items:

  1. Verifying the server-side routing and template rendering
  2. Verifying the contact form's validation functionality
  3. Verifying a successful contact form submission
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